Med Spa CEO

The Framework to Become a Magnet for Premium Patients

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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I recently had a client who was able to sell a $20,000 weight loss and body-sculpting package after following this ONE shift. In this episode, I share how you can attract more premium patients and convert the existing patient base into premium clients. DM me on Instagram to get the presale of the LIVE PROGRAM, "Signature Programs That Sell," that will help you create unique premium offerings. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your programs and outgrow your ideal high-value patient base.


  • The difference between skilled providers vs true experts.

  • The framework to become a true expert in your business.

  • Strategies to convert your existing clients to premium offerings.

  • Ways to attract premium clients like a lighthouse.

  • The LIVE PROGRAM that will help you create your signature program that sells.


Want to create signature programs that sell? DM me "WELLNESS" on Instagram @heatherterveen to gain access!


Book a Strategy Call with us HERE



Heather: @heatherterveen



where can you put together signature packages, signature programs that are incredibly unique to you? Because that's when we start shifting you from just being a skilled provider to being a true expert. And when you position yourself as a true expert, patients literally throw their credit cards at you. Welcome to the MedSpa CEO podcast, where I teach you how to grow and scale your med spot or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for without overwhelm, stress, or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business, plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to find out how. So I recently had a client who was able to sell a 20,000 dollar weight loss and body sculpting package. Okay, this happened. And then shortly after that, I had another client who was able to convert one of her weight loss. And I can't remember if it was semi-glutator, tersepartite clients from just weight loss shots to her signature weight loss program. Okay, so today we're talking about how can we actually attract more premium buyers, patients to our practices. And then similarly, how can we convert the existing patient base that we have into more premium things into more comprehensive things that are going to deliver even more result. So one of the things you've all been told about being able to sell premium and being able to attract premium buyers and shoppers to your practices is this like it's brand you have to have a really strong brand, you have to have a really luxurious experience in all of those things. And yes, those things help. I would say though, at the heart of a service-based brand, okay, which is different than a consumer product brand, like an apple or a Louis Vuitton, okay, is that we have to in order to attract premium buyers, we have to be true experts. Because in aesthetics and in wellness, the premium buyers are attracted and looking for true experts, okay. And I'm not talking about just skilled providers, there's a difference between skilled provider being a skilled provider and being a true expert. And I'm actually going to share with you today what the difference is so that you can make sure to become actually a true expert and an authority at what it is that you do so that you can be a magnet for premium patients and clients to be attracted to your practice, okay. So I'm going to give you a couple of frameworks for thinking about this. So the sweet spot, especially for a service-based business is being in a market, first of all, where there's a lot of potential, okay. So on one side of the spectrum, I have market value. And if you're in the aesthetics industry as boomers and gen X and millennials are all getting older, I mean, the market potential no matter where you're located in the US and Canada is big, okay. So you're likely fine there. But the other sweet spot in order to be a true expert and also to be a practice that is going to thrive is your uniqueness, okay. Now many of you, all of you actually have really great market value and market potential no matter where you are. What many of you don't have is you're lower on the scale when it comes to uniqueness, okay. And so in order to differentiate y'all and help you guys attract more premium patients to your practices, we need to increase the uniqueness of your offering, of your marketing, of your point of view, okay. Because that becomes the sweet spot for being able to attract patients and clients that are actually wanting to spend big with you, okay. So that's number one. Number two is there's a difference between many of you would say that you are skilled providers or you have a team of skilled providers, right. Or at least hopefully say that, okay. Which means that they have you have awesome technical skills for whatever it is that you do. But we need to shift you from just being a skilled provider to being a true expert. And the difference between just being skilled providers and being true experts are a few key things, okay. So number one, you have to have like unique methods to what you do, okay. Skilled providers have really good technical skills. Like they've learned they've, you know, gone to aesthetics trainings where they're learning from other providers and what have you. But having just awesome technical skills is different than having unique methodologies and unique offers, okay. So you want to have unique methods, protocols to what it is that you do. Second, you actually want to have a unique offering, okay. This is like, you know, when I would no matter what you're looking for, I mean, just put yourself in your potential patient or client's shoes. Like when you're going out and looking for a new hairstylist, a chiropractor, a new doctor of some sort, like you're likely not just looking for a skilled provider, you're looking for a true expert, okay. Because when we believe somebody is a true expert, a true authority on what it is that they do, we are willing to pay more for it because we see the value in what they're doing, okay. Because they actually have a unique way of doing things. They have a unique point of view. So when you're auditing yourself and you're thinking about attracting more and attack attracting and retaining, right. Like if I hire an expert in some category for myself, I'm extremely loyal because I know that they know what they're talking about and I can't actually get the same experience somewhere else because what they're providing is truly unique, okay. So how can you make your offer's unique? I think that's step one because your offers, especially in an aesthetic or wellness practice, are many unique methods. So at the top of this training, I said I had a client who was selling weight loss shots and she recently converted an existing patient. So I get this question all the time. Hey, Heather, that's great. I'm going to launch new signature packages and signature programs that are unique to me, which is fine with the new patients and clients that come to my practice. But what do I do with existing patients? And the answer is when you put together unique value-based packages and programs that actually improve the outcomes that you can get and you explain that in an eloquent way, a thoughtful way, you will have your best premium patients and clients actually convert to those offers. And that's what happened with her. She had a, and I think that the patient was on semi-glutide and we had helped her put together a signature weight loss program. And admittedly, she was a little nervous to start presenting this to her existing semi-glutide enters up a tide patients because it was something new. And this program was going to be an upgrade, if you will. It was going to be more expensive. It was going to be a longer commitment. And so this patient, after she explained, hey, we put this program together because of X, Y, and Z, and at the heart of it is so that she can get even better results for her. The patient was like, at first she was like, oh, but wait, like this is more expensive, right? And she explained to her, but yes, you're going to get this, this, and this are the benefits of it. And the patient was like, I'm all in, right? And this is true with your Tox patients. This is true for maybe your patients who are just coming in for the solo IPL or the solo microneedling, right? Where can you put together signature packages, signature programs that are incredibly unique to you? Okay? Because that's when we start shifting you from just being a skilled provider to being a true expert. And when you position yourself as a true expert, and we literally make you an expert by making sure you have unique offers, you have unique processes and methodologies, you have a unique point of view in your space for what it is that you do, then you will naturally start to magnetically attract the patients in your market that are looking to work with two experts. Because I am telling you, you will be like a lighthouse for the premium shoppers in your market that are looking for aesthetic providers that are beyond just the delivery, the skilled provider who's just delivering the Tox, the skilled provider who's just delivering the weight loss shot, the skilled provider who just knows how to do the heirlase treatment, right? And the true experts that have unique methods, that have unique offers, okay? You know, and I recommend it's in the form of signature packages that are like outcome focused, result oriented packages that really convey the result that your patient can hope to get. And it's the same thing with signature programs. And the only difference I would say is with signature programs is that we probably wrap in even more of a unique point of view when it comes to whether it's weight loss, acne or wellness in some way, HRT too. So becoming a true expert, becoming an authority is how you are able to put together really premium solutions and have your patients literally throw their credit cards at you because the best patients in your market are looking for experts that are going to give them a solid game plan. They're looking for experts that would draw their line in the sand on what they believe and have philosophies, if you will, as well too. So the secret to becoming a place that is able to attract premium buyers starts with making sure you have a unique offering, making sure you have unique methods and beliefs and a unique point of view. And then once we have that unique offering, okay, whether that's certain unique packages, certain unique programs, signature packages and programs, then when we look at your marketing, so for example, your social media, your email marketing, if you're running ads, if you're doing any sort of PR, we then want to back-end engineer your front-end marketing to those unique offers, okay? So this is when you can make your front-end marketing so much more captivating because you, first of all, you're picking their curiosity because you're talking not about the details of your offer. And what I mean by that is you're not just talking about talks, IPL, semi-glued tide, whatever the generic thing is, you're talking about these unique combination modality things that deliver a bigger punch that you have put together strategically so that they can solve a certain problem they're looking to solve or achieve a desired outcome that they're looking to achieve, okay? And so this happens also by doubling down on what you think delivers the most epic results for folks, okay? We have a process that I call patient 365s that we take our clients through and when I'm looking at and auditing somebody's existing menu, okay, whether it's just aesthetics or it's aesthetics and wellness and what have you, the first question I ask myself, the first two questions I will ask is what do you have a ton of competence currently that you're getting results with, okay? So what are the things that you probably already naturally are selling more of because you're so competent in the outcomes that you can get with it? And then number two, in each category, so whether that's anti-aging, weight loss or body sculpting, acne, in whatever categories of specialties that you have inside of your practice, if you were to pull out one to two patients that are your most and hopefully you have some, because I've worked with clients before who are really busy and booked, but they are not busy and booked with the type of patients that they want to attract. And so coming up with one or two ideal at least patients in that particular category and then asking yourself what would you recommend to them over a 365-day period, okay? If you weren't limiting the scope of your recommendations based on any preconceived notions that you have about them, okay? And then from there, how can we break that down and create signature packages and programs, brand those packages and programs to you so they're incredibly unique to you because they are the your unique mini methods that you're putting together for these certain things that you've got, okay? And then once we have those unique offers that are designed to be able to deliver even more incredible outcomes for your folks, it also puts together like on the sheet that I showed before, like how do we increase your uniqueness? This is how we increase your uniqueness so you're not competing on price so that when your patients are on a certain game plan, it can't just be replicated by all the other competitors in your market as well and they feel so held because you have a game plan that has been uniquely decided upon ahead of time that is going to help them achieve their goals or solve whatever problems they're looking to solve. So if you really want to become the type of practice that has, you know, quality over quantity sometimes when it comes to patients as well that are all in on your recommendations that are just, you know, following you on social media as well too. So this is how we get our existing patients really interested in following us because we start to shift our content to this unique point of view, unique offers, unique methods. We start talking about this on the front end and it naturally starts to magnetically attract the folks that are interested. You become like a lighthouse for the patients that are interested in working with true experts because you have naturally started to design your offering, your roadmap, and how you actually work with patients because you are building your authority, right? You are actually literally differentiating yourself by building a different mouse trap for lack of a better description. So we're asked yourself, where are we being just skilled providers and then how can we become true experts? This is where you need to start. And what's interesting is after I start working with my clients, I often discover that they actually already have this inside of them, meaning like they have the expertise. If you will, they just haven't done a good job of curating it in a way to maximize the appeal for premium patients and honestly having the cajones to the cajones to actually say, hey, we are putting together these solutions together to deliver outstanding results. We're naming them, they're premium, and they are with that best patient that I told you about in mind. And the next thing you have to do is you have to put the blinders on to the patients that are patrons of your practice that aren't going to be into this, okay? But the patients that are like, they are not price shopping, they're looking for true experts, you are going to attract so much more of them. And even within your practice currently, you likely have folks that are just looking for you to step up and be more of that true expert as well. So this is critical to differentiation, competition proofing yourself. And also just having that confidence that what you're doing is different. Because when we have a confidence that we actually have a different offering, that we are true experts, and that we're the authority at what we do, we can be a lot more bullish on charging more, because we aren't competing with everybody else, okay? Because our offers aren't the same as everybody else. So they can't, they literally cannot compare apples to apples either as well too. And it focuses on your best patients, as opposed to creating offers with your, where you're competing, you're thinking, Oh, I got to be affordable. I'm got to discount because we have so many patients that we know are kind of price shopping us and that sort of thing. You have to actually put your blinders onto those folks. Now, it doesn't mean you don't still serve them if they're in there, but you don't want to create your offers, your marketing, and your promotions with those folks in mind. Because when you start putting together unique offerings, you will start to attract the patients that are looking for true expertise, okay? Just like anybody who's willing to see the value in investing in true experts, okay? So this coming week, I have a live program that is being delivered. It's actually being delivered in MSA, and we kick off next Thursday. And so for some of you who might be listening to this on the podcast, depending on when you listen to it, you'll have to DM me over on Instagram to find out if this is still available. But it's called signature programs that sell, okay? This is for you, if you have weight loss, HRT, functional medicine, acne, and you're interested in actually learning the process for putting together unique signature programs. This is going to be on presale up until when it's being delivered. If you're interested in learning more about that, you can DM me wellness. It won't be available until starting Monday, but once it's available on Monday, I will share with you the link. So you can DM me wellness. You can also drop it in the comments wellness. Just you can't do it while we're live, because when we're live, it doesn't actually save the comments. So that's what I have for you today. I will see you guys next week. Hey, if you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spa owner who is looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so, then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spa advantage. It's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month. To learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us, you can head over to to apply to get on a call with us to learn more. That's to learn more. [Music]