Med Spa CEO

The Simple Shift That Will Transform Your Business (and Profitability)

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Back when I was just a first-time Mom, I had read books that would help me ace my motherhood. One of the books taught me a philosophy that’s not only for mothers but generally helped me to build the mindset if I want my business to grow for a long time. I am sharing how this should be applied to transform the profitability and impact of your business. Get ready to build a foundation that can ATTRACT your ideal high-value patient base. Start with the end in mind, and watch your business soar.



00:00 The philosophy that you should apply to grow your business.

06:45 What kind of growth do you have to have in your business?

10:00 How to grow a new customer base while also servicing existing patients.

18:00 Strategies to introduce new premium solutions to your existing patients.

20:30 What is the standard operation you should do for your existing clients?

23:45 Why does teamwork make the business work?

27:45 Tips to effectively market premium solutions on social media.



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Heather: @heatherterveen


What kind of growth do you want to have in order to build a practice around really profitable high-value patients? Because at the end of the day, no matter how long you've been in business, we can start as you mean to go. We have to start with actually thinking about the high-value patients and clients first. Welcome to the MedSpa CEO podcast, where I teach you how to grow and scale your MedSpa or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for. Without overwhelm, stress, or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business, plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to Find Out How. Hi, hello, my friend. Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Today's topic, we are talking about simple growth paths to actually attract high-value patients to your practice. And I'm switching up the format a bit, and we're going to make this episode a bit Q&A style of some of the top questions that I get asked that I think are really thoughtful questions that will help many of you listening to this episode. And I want to share a story that I think will kind of impact all the questions we're going to go through in this episode about really using growth strategies and tactics for marketing and selling and what have you that are built with your highest value patients in mind. Because I say profitable patients, filling your profitable patient bucket, right? So back when I was a new mom, many, many years ago, I have a 15, 13, and almost 11 year old, all girls, but back when I was a new mom, I read almost every book on sleep imaginable. Some healthy sleep habits, happy child, the happiest toddler on the block, baby wise, the baby whisperer. And this is just a small sampling of the books that I read on sleep. And I really loved many of them and would pull out different parts of them that I thought were great and kind of left what wasn't a good fit for me. And the baby whisperer was one of those books where there was actually quite a bit that I just found hard to follow because a lot of her advice was very anecdotal conversation for another day. And I don't love books that are just tons of anecdotal I like frameworks and focus and clarity a little bit better. And there was some of that in the book, but it was a little bit less that way. So as far as it being the most impactful book when it came to helping me get really great sleep habits for my kids, I would probably rank it lower on the totem bowl of my favorite books, if you will. You're not asking, but healthy sleep habits, happy child, because it had so much research and the reference section was really big in the back, which always, you know, tugs on my little pragmatic and research backed heartstrings. I like to know that there's some like evidence behind there's some science behind what I'm doing when possible. So that was one of my favorites, if you will, I, I loved having a schedule, I loved having consistency in a routine, it's probably not surprising to you based on if you've listened to this podcast for any length of time that that's kind of how I treat my home life is how I treat my business and what I do with clients as well. But one of the topics in the baby was for specifically one of her philosophies was this idea as start as you mean to go. Okay, so for those of you not familiar with the baby whisperer, she was, I believe, a British long time nanny, if you will, so she'd raised a lot of babies and I might honestly be remembering this incorrectly because it's been a while. It's been, you know, well over decades since I actually read the book, but that one philosophy has stayed with me all of these years. And the idea behind it was start as you mean to go when possible. Now, obviously, there are nuanced things that you're going to do with a baby at certain stages of their age. Like what you have to do and provide for a three month old is going to be very different than a three year old, but there are many things that moms and dads accidentally do that create really bad habits that their three year old still have that really they shouldn't have had past three months. And so the idea was in many cases, like where can you start as you mean to go. Where can you right now wherever you're at, actually start now with where you want to go in the future. Okay. And so I love this idea. First of all, I love the idea that she had a philosophy, right, all experts, all people of authority have processes and frameworks. And then they also have philosophies, and that those are basically the beliefs that help you help your clients achieve the results that they're looking for. So in this case with the baby whisper, she's helping her clients achieve peace and sleep with their newborn babies. Okay. And so, one of her philosophies that helps our beliefs that she wants her clients to become indoctrinated with is this idea of start as you mean to go. And, you know, she uses an example of when the kid is like five years old and still sleeping in bed with the parents. She's like, sometimes it's easier to just start as you mean to go. And what she meant by that is that if you don't want your five year old sleeping in your bed. Then you probably need to really think through whether or not you're going to have your baby sleeping in your bed. And of course, now we know there's a lot of evidence that it's not safe for your baby to sleep in your bed anyways. But was an example of start as you mean to go. Okay, so I want you to be thinking about that as we kind of work through these questions. And we think about what kind of growth do you want to have in order to build a practice around really profitable high value patients, because at the end of the day, no matter how long you've been in business, we can start as you mean to go. To start with actually thinking about the high value patients and clients first, and make sure with intention that we are building our offers marketing and selling with those in mind. Right, we talked about this on a recent episode, a couple episodes ago as well, too, but it's going to impact everything that we're doing when we're thinking about and when we're creatively engineering anything that we're creating inside of your practices or and so I love the idea of start as you mean to go. Many times we think, Oh, eventually, like moms and dads, they're like eventually this kid is not going to sleep in the bed with me. Right, at some point, like this is just for a little while right now because we're exhausted and we're sleep deprived and we're not thinking straight we're just going to have, you know, Sally or Jimmy in bed with us, which I don't think there is any Sally and Jimmy's these days, maybe some Jimmy's haven't seen a baby Sally in a long time. We're going to temporarily have them in bed with us, and then it actually makes it harder to change and shift and pivot. Sally or Jimmy into their bed because they've built the habit of actually getting comfortable sleeping in your bed. In the same way, many of you don't start as you mean to go when you're creating the beginning foundations of your practices and clinics as well. And many of you, I mean, I, you know, worked with some of you are like 15, 20 years in, and you want to have a higher percentage of your patient base, be profitable, be the high value, be the quality folks that are really all in with you. And that are fun to work with that have the budget to be able to really get great outstanding results because they can do more than, you know, the smallest cheapest thing, if you will, too. So, let's go through some of these questions, and I want you to ask yourself, where have you not started as you meant to go, and where could you right now looking at where you want to go, make sure that you are with intention starting right now with the bigger vision and picture that you actually want to take your business to, because it doesn't happen by accident. It doesn't happen by accident. Okay. All right, so this question I got and I thought it was such a great question. What do you do when you want to grow your new customer base your new patient or client base, while also servicing your existing patients and clients. And I think the person who was asking this question was really thinking that those two things are completely separate, if you will, that the activities that you would do to actually serve your existing patients and clients are very separate from the activities that you would do to grow your new patient and client base as well. And what I want to offer to you is that that isn't true. Okay, that you can actually make the activities that you're doing to serve your existing patient base be the heart of what becomes the marketing to attract your new customer base as well. So what do I mean by that. So, one is the more outstanding results you are able to collect from your existing patient and client base and use those results like literally use the before and afters the stories, the videos, maybe, that you can create on it and then use that in your front end marketing, the more you will attract folks that are looking for those results. And so it's all very interconnected. Right, we put together a comprehensive premium solution, then you actually deliver it to a patient or client, you capture the results, and then that becomes the content, the marketing, the before and afters, the story telling. If you will, in your front end marketing. So in many cases, what you're doing it, your internal marketing should be synonymous with the marketing that is going out on your front end marketing as well, whether that's social media or, you know, email covers both both stones, meaning you have internal marketing happening with email because many of your, all of your patients really should be on your email list for the most part. And then if you have a strong email list building strategy, you will have people on your email list that are maybe checking you out but haven't actually booked an appointment yet either. And so where can you make client and patient delivery with your existing patients and clients and have a really strong standard operating procedure for making sure that you're using that to actually help attract the new customers as well. So they're very interconnected as well, because the more we can authentically display the results are able to achieve the experience that your existing patients and clients are actually having the more you will, obviously, and I mean, I almost hate to say this. This term because it's so played out right now the build no like and trust factor but there's still an element of truth to that. And the reason why I don't like the whole build no like and trust which of course we're building no like and trust is sometimes it's used in a way where people feel like they can't make a big bold offer to a newer patient because they have to build no like and trust first okay, you don't. Okay, meaning that you already built enough no like and trust whether coming into your practice for a consultation or for a treatment or service. And they're raising their hand and saying to you that they trust your expertise enough to be in there you built enough no like and trust to make a really bold recommendation. And you don't need to build more rapport down the road if you will, but putting that aside in your social media content you definitely want to build no like and trust. And you definitely want your experience your results what a patient or client can come to expect to be conveyed in your front end marketing. Okay, and so where can you right now really think about how you are serving and servicing your existing patients and clients. And where can you be taking that and using it to attract new patients and clients. I am telling you right now there is a gold mine of stuff that you could be using right now. That is going to kill two birds with one stone, meaning it will service your clients and patients in an excellent exceptional way, while also communicating that to attract new patients and clients that are going to be high value. Some patients and clients because it's going to be in alignment with who you want to attract based on who you are already achieving great results with to now keep in mind. You can be incredibly intentional with this process, meaning you can filter out and pick and choose who do you want to attract more of. Comprehensive signature packages, what you know, elevated mini offers, what offers do you want to sell more of, then strategically threading back your content to those offers. And that involves servicing your existing patients and clients right and then choosing what you want to showcase based on what you want to attract more of. Okay, so again, that start with the end in mind. Start with the end of mind. It's not just so like, if I don't want to attract just more people who are looking for the cheapest talks in town or the cheapest IPL in town or what have you. If I want to attract the folks that are really looking for authorities and experts and really outstanding results people are looking to go into the best place in town for what it is that they're trying to achieve and do and what have you. They're going to be attracted to certain types of offers and content, and you get to decide it might be right now that you have a lot of folks that are really just not on comprehensive game plans. But you have a few. And so you can strategically back end engineer your content with those in mind. So, for me, I have a very, very holistic approach when it comes to marketing. And what I mean by that is that it's all interconnected client delivery and patient delivery is 1000% connected to your front end marketing and should be connected to attracting new customers to your business. And so where can you double down on the delivery things that are happening in your practices and make sure that you are conveying that in your front end marketing to. So great question. I love the question and I really want to shift your perspective on how can you make sure that your internal marketing, right, which internal marketing includes your consultation process. It includes how you are walking patients and clients through getting into a longer term game plans and really helping them achieve their goals and what have you as well. Where can that also be synonymous with your external marketing, okay, because many times those things are overlapping together well. Okay, this was a great question. If you're shifting from maybe different practices than what you've heard on this podcast, how to introduce existing patients to your new and improved premium solutions. Okay, this is a great question. Okay, so first of all, like we've talked about before like your existing patients and clients in many cases should be the warmest to your new premium solutions. Okay. And so what I recommend is one, you just have to decide who is your practice for, and then act accordingly. Now this doesn't mean we force anybody into our premium solutions, quite the contrary. Anybody who's really dove into my sales processes and philosophies and MSA knows it's not about yucky persuasion tactics. It's truly not about being pushy, but once you kind of draw a line in the sand that we are creating our entire offering, our entire processes with a certain type or certain types of high value profitable patients in mind. You just make the decision that everything is living to serve them, and that you currently have some patients or clients who just are not going to love the new things because they liked it the old way. And that's totally fine. You don't even have to fire them. It's just like you're going to do the new procedure, and that means presenting the new premium solutions that you have. Okay. That takes some courageous leadership. Okay. So if you hadn't listened to one of the recent episodes where I was really a couple episodes back. I don't remember the name of it to be honest off the top of my head, but we were talking about being a courageous CEO. And I would go back and listen to that episode and quite honestly I would snag our be bold program. Okay, our be bold program. It should be available. Right now I'll link it up into the show notes you can DM us on Instagram as well if you're interested in it because this is all about courageous leadership. And deciding that you really are the type of leader who makes pivots that are going to be in the best interest of your business, and that you go with confidence and certainty may not feel confident, which is why I say it takes courageous leadership, not confident leadership. And decide that this is the new way we're doing things. Okay. And it's not harsh it's neutral right this is just like, we want to make sure we're having the best impact we're creating everything with making sure that we are giving our patients and clients. The opportunity to achieve the most outstanding results possible, and you deliver it with that kind of energy and you have your team members delivered that kind of energy, a lot of your patients who are maybe on the small ticket bandwagon are going to jump on the new bandwagon. Okay, now strategically, how do we do this. Now I firmly believe that every practice and clinic, you should make it a standard operating procedure that every existing patient or client who is a consistent customer to your business should get an annual consultation. Okay. And you can introduce this to your existing patients and clients and say, similarly to how you have a wall check or a physical with your primary care doctor, we've decided that in order to serve our patients, the most excellently, and make sure that we have our finger on the pulse of how to make sure that we are serving you in the best way possible. You know, and you can name it something, right, an annual consultation, an annual glow consultation, annual, whatever you want to call it a roadmap a blueprint, confident aging blueprint, whatever you want to call it. Okay, but you let them know that every single year, you're going to do a checkup on them, a well check. Okay, similarly to that and they most people will have a primary care doctor and will understand an annual physical or well check. So that is a, you know, an analogy that they're going to speak to them. And then you actually put that on the calendar. Every year your existing loyal patient base gets served with an annual consultation process. And during that annual consultation process is a great time to let them know if there's a premium solution that is a fit for them. A new comprehensive signature package you have or an elevated mini offer, right. So that is strategically how I wouldn't sure your existing patient base actually always becomes aware of new menu items, because like I always say your menu is a living breathing thing. You will end up bringing in new products as technology advances and that you will bring likely new laser and light devices, energy devices, if you will, as well, new other products too. And so it's a great way to make sure you have an SOP that systematically is created in your business so that you know that every single existing patient and client is being served in the utmost way. Okay, so that is kind of twofold. One is more like, okay, you're drawing the line in the sand that you are going to be this type of a practice who serves this type of a patient base. Okay, so that's kind of energetically how you're going to show up to it. And then secondly, having the structure of a stand and SOP of that everybody gets an annual consult. All right, this one is going to dovetail off of the other one as well and is critical for those of you with team and staff, what to do when team members aren't on board with selling premium packages and solutions. And so this is something we deal with because we actually coach your team members to, you know, this is why we have separate calls, separate coaching calls for team members. And we have a whole process where we really shift their beliefs around this because many of your team members may be coming out of health care. And when they think about selling again I'm using air quotes her, they think of like, I don't want to be salesy. I didn't get into this to be a salesperson and what have you have heard, I've heard it all y'all. And so, it's kind of twofold. So one is making them understand that this isn't about slimy salesmanship. This is about we want to be the type of practice that is going to deliver the most outstanding results. The most consistent reliable results right so that's why, you know, having, you know, protocols that are decided ahead of time in the comprehensive signature packages and your programs, if you have a wellness or weight loss program or what have you. It helps you actually give better patient client care than if it's just on the fly and that you're just like putting a band aid on the problems that your patients are coming to you with. Right. So really conveying that to them as well. This is something we work intimately with your team members on and 99 times out of 100, a good team member, a good staff member that has the right culture and values that are you're going to want for the long term in your practice is totally going to get on board with this. Okay. So this is twofold. So that is part of it. And then the second part of it is that it takes courageous leadership to not make decisions based on individual personalities, but to make decisions on the health of the business. What is going to help your practice thrive. What is going to help you become, you know, outstanding for whatever it is you specialize in, it's likely not going to be just letting patients and clients come and get, you know, a small amount of talks once a quarter. You're not going to become known as the place that totally transforms somebody's skin and appearance right that's just not what you're going to become known for. And so your team members should want to help them achieve outstanding results. Okay. But what I found is, is that the more you can stand tall in your decisions that you're going to make that are going to be for the best of the practice. The more energetically, your team and staff should get on board as well. Okay. And I found that in many times when, when our clients decide to really step into that courageous leadership role. Most of their team and staff follow suit. There are some times where you discover. And normally our clients know, like this person, this particular provider is really already a problem. And they're very selfish, if you will, and they're thinking about it as well too. But most of the time it's just to shift in their beliefs around it and I get it like who wants to be used car salesman. Nobody. That's not what we're talking about here. And so we have a very specific process that we walk them through to really shift their beliefs on that. But at the end of the day, it's really not about selling more up sales down sales or cross sales. It's really about letting them know and helping your patients and clients make decisions in their best interest to achieve the problems they're trying to solve and to help them achieve the most outstanding results possible as well too. The final question is one that I've already kind of talked about but I'm going to just specially highlight it is how to market premium solutions on social media. Okay, I love this question. And for those of you in MSA, I have some great trainings on this. I have a really good social video training on this email marketing training on this. And then in August, we're doing a very special. I'm calling it powerhouse funnels. I'm going to teach you my power content strategy. And it's going to be epic. But I've already sort of alluded to what you need to do. And I love ending on this question too is like it's very much start as you mean to go. It's like, first of all, let's make sure we have some awesome premium comprehensive solutions that you've created. And then let's back end engineer content that is going to actually connect to those offers as well. And what's fabulous about this is that that type of content that authority type of content like like I said before and I can't remember if it was this episode recording a bunch of episodes at the same time. I forget what I say in what episode, but true experts, true authorities have their own unique processes and philosophies and methodologies, ways of thinking about things. Okay, this is why I'm so bullish on helping you guys create frameworks create philosophies, literally your menu your signature menu is a bunch of many frameworks. And so, in order to market premium solutions and attract high value profitable patients, we need to make sure, first of all, that you actually have a unique way of doing things that you actually are an experts in such a way that you actually have your own unique protocols for everything that you do, and you've actually conveyed that in the positioning of your unique offers. And then I want you to go out onto social media, whether that's social video. Stories or reels, or carousels of before and afters, what have you, I want you to go out and make sure that you have content every single week that connect back to your premium solutions. It is really easy to actually make sure that you are getting folks from social media to your practice. And I'm not even going to get into funnels today. And in fact, I'll have another episode on funnels. But I definitely recommend having a powerhouse funnel. I also have called this a base marketing funnel as well too. We're going to dive even deeper into one of some, some of my new stuff when it comes to creating really compelling and authority funnels for you all that are really going to actually help literally give a roadmap to your patients and clients to come into your premium solutions as well. But simply put, if you start actually sharing content that is talking about and showing your expertise through your premium solutions in the form of, you know, content on social media that connects back, you're going to find you're going to have a lot more patients and clients who are coming in asking for those solutions. That's why I recommend naming your packages and what have you as well because it's way easier than trying to recommend like some combination protocol that you did on somebody, right? Like, this is the ultimate glow up. Oh, you know, tell me about the ultimate glow up. Like if I saw outstanding results on your social media for it. Like, you bet your butt, I'm going to be asking my provider about it when I come in in a way that makes it really simple as well. So that's what I recommend for social media, but to wrap things up on this episode. Really truly with where we started, which is a start as you mean to go. Okay. So the way that you can attract high value profitable patients is to start as you mean to go. If you talked about this on a recent episode and I've talked about it many times, you really have to decide, draw your line in the sand and say that this is who we are for. Like, where are we not actually showing up for her. Where are we showing up for the other types of patients and clients that we don't want to attract. Because when you're attracting those types of folks, like that's going to repel me, right? Like, I'm not going to want to go to a place that's like that. That doesn't have true experts and authority and expertise that doesn't have a really elegant game plan for me as well, or it's like hit or miss depending on who I see in your practice. All right, my friend, where will you go out and in your business, start as you mean to go. That is honestly the secret to creating an ecosystem that will truly attract your profitable high value patients to your practice. The best news I have for you is that you can be like an architect and a designer for who it is that you want to attract. And then you just give them the roadmap to get there, right? You just intentionally make sure that all the different parts of your business's digital landscape is really living to serve her in the front end marketing. And then internally, where are you able to really update your SOPs, update what you're doing to really be built for her or him. In many cases, it's a her. Sometimes it's more than one. But where can you really update what you're doing with them in mind. My friend, that's what I have for you this week. Will you do me a favor? Will you share this episode with a friend that you think would get value from this episode. It's one of the best forms of payment you can give me is to actually share this with a friend. Leave a quick rating and review if you found value as well. I hope you loved it and I will see you next week. If you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spa owner who is looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so, then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spa advantage. It's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month. To learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us, you can head over to to get on a call with us to learn more. That's to learn more. [music] (upbeat music) You