Med Spa CEO

10 Website and Branding Mistakes (+ Expert Solutions) with Smith and Crawford Company

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Are you ready to supercharge your website and branding? I couldn’t be more excited to introduce Sarah and Julia from Smith & Crawford Company! They share tips and tricks to build a standout brand and avoid costly mistakes, so you have a premium brand that draws in high-value clients and patients. They’ve done wonders for my brand and website, and they’re ready to do the same for you. Tune in to learn how to take your med spa website to the next level with well-designed, cohesive branding, and effective digital marketing strategies that SELL. Don’t miss out!



00:00 How Sarah and Julia upleveled my brand and website.

04:00 Why does website ownership matter?

10:30 Tips to maintain authenticity and cohesive branding.

17:30 The language you need to attract potential clients

19:15 What is the client experience when using your website?

26:15 Top tip to protect yourself from potential lawsuits.

31:15 How to have an effective lead generation strategy that grows your email list.

33:00 Common SEO mistakes to avoid.

45:00 What you should do for broken links and technical issues on your website.


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Smith & Crawford : @smithandcrawfordco

Heather: @heatherterveen



Welcome, my friends, to another episode of the podcast. I have a very special treat for all of you. I have Sarah and Julia from Smith and Crawford Company to talk about website and branding for premium medspop brands. And recently, Smith and Crawford helped me completely up level my own branding and my website. And so I invited them to come on to kind of walk through the process of really the intentional roadmap, if you will, to creating a website real estate, if you will, and brand that really speaks to being a premium medspop brand. And then not only that, but really walking through 10 core mistakes that they see many medical aesthetic practices making and then how to make sure that you are not making them as well. Welcome to the medspop CEO podcast, where I teach you how to grow and scale your medspop or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for without overwhelm, stress, or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business, plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to find out how. So first before we dive in, Sarah and Julia, first of all, welcome. We're so pumped to have you today. Take a moment and introduce yourself tell them who you are and what you do. So my name is Sarah and I've been working with Smith and Crawford for about two years now as their branding website extraordinaire. I guess you could say doing all the things and it's just been really a blast because it was actually something that we didn't even have as a service before. And we were like, well, this is something that we know a lot of medspop and clinics would definitely feel like this is the area that they could use a little improvement on. And maybe not even think that they need it, but they do. And so it's been a blast is to kind of get to know each and every business and they're all so different. And they all have all these different vibes. So it's just been really great to kind of, you know, dip my toe in that as well. So I absolutely love that you're such a talented designer. You're welcome. I am Julia. I have also worked for Smith and Crawford for almost two years. I came in a little bit after Sarah, but I have been in the marketing and branding space for 12 years now and the web design and development space for seven years now. So a lot of experience. I am definitely learning new things. You know, I didn't work with primarily medspots before Smith and social. So I've learned so much in the past two years working in the medical aesthetic space. Yeah. And I think that's awesome. It gives you kind of a unique point of view as well, because I'm not a medical aesthetic practice, but I work with medical aesthetic practices. And you guys were able to really effectively up level my brand and my website as well. And so definitely go check out the new website at so that you guys can see the beautiful results of their work. All right. So, you know, I get asked all the time, actually, about folks's website and their branding. And we, you know, partner with medspots to really help them elevate their brand as well. So I would love for you guys to kind of walk us through the different sort of mistakes that you see many medspots brands making. And then maybe how our listeners can intentionally make a game plan for not making those mistakes so that they can really create a premium brand that really attracts like high value patients and clients to their practices. Yes, absolutely. So I am just going to say like the way that we design the downloadable that we'll talk about throughout this thing is not necessarily in rank of like the importance of these things, but more so with the process and mind of like where you start and where you end. So don't think, Oh, the number one thing I say, that's the most important thing. No, all these things are so important. But I will start off by saying one of the mistakes that a lot of people make is not doing their due diligence when they're figuring out who is going to design and develop their website. And there are a couple of different things that fit into this. But I'll start with saying and using like a renting versus owning analogy. We've had a lot of clients come to us working with companies who they decided they didn't want to work with anymore. And then they no longer had access to their website. So they were essentially renting their website from them even though they paid all the money and they put in all the time and efforts on the website they had to as if their lease was up, leave and abandon everything and start clean again. And that could be because you know the company didn't want to give them their login information or they didn't want to give them the license numbers for the software that the website was using. So even if they were giving them their login information the website wouldn't be functional without that license information. So just making sure that you when you're doing your discovery poll or your interview you're talking to them and you're saying am I going to have access to the website will I own the website even if we don't work together in the future is so important. Like that is your digital asset you need to own it you need to have access to it no matter what. So with Smith and Crawford something that we do from the very beginning of the process is we have you make sure that you are making your login credentials whether it's with your hosting your domain your platform you're making all those you will always have access to them if at some point in the future you decide to leave us you can take your website and do whatever you want with it. So that is super super important. And then the next thing I would say would be making sure. So important I guess I'm going to pop in here because I have had somebody. This is actually how Andrea and Talisa and I initially really connected is because we met and we both had multiple clients that were actually their websites were taken hostage by their previous companies. I had a client who I had referred to an SEO person and the SEO person was like we can't get into their website to even do an SEO audit because they don't have access to their website anymore. And Andrea and Talisa were finding that they had you know very it's very I just want to say it's a common practice unfortunately that many folks it's it's actually I've heard marketers say this to me or marketers or agency owners whatever you want to call them like it makes them sticky right like it makes them sticky meaning you the client right it makes it hard to leave say that it makes it hard to leave when you're when you're renting when your website is on rented land and I love that analogy so I think it's great so carry on. Oh my gosh that is so frustrating I absolutely hate it when people come to us with that it just like kills me for them. So we will never do that to you. And then moving forward making sure that the people that you're talking to are actually the people doing the work or that they have like the hands on desk that are going to do the work for you and that they're not charging you $20,000 and then outsourcing the work who to someone who's going to do that work for like $1,000 and then that $19,000 profit is just going to them. Like you want to make sure that they're the ones doing it or they have trusted people on the ground that are going to be doing it. So that's another super important aspect. And then I would say lastly making sure that they are designing on a platform that is going to serve you and your business going forward. So this kind of comes down to whether you plan on self-managing your website or if you're going to outsource your management because if you are going to self-manage you want something that's going to be an easier editing platform. If you just want to get in there and you want to update your specials for the month or at a banner or something like that you want to be able to do it yourself, then you're probably going to want to go with a platform like show it or wick. But if you're looking for something that is a little more heavy duty and you know I want my designers to do it for me going forward then you could go with something more like WordPress. So making sure that they are presenting platforms to you and that they're also offering the platforms if you already had one in mind that you want to work with. I love that. In case anybody's wondering I went with show it because I liked how it was a platform that actually integrated with WordPress. And so I was getting some of the robust features of WordPress with all also the user-friendly platform of show it as well. So then we could go in and make minor tweaks to things or to update something like in the show notes of one of our episodes without having to hire a whole tech team to do it. Yes absolutely. Building your website I think a lot of the things that we wanted to do and like this new version of yourself that you wanted to present. I think a lot of the creative assets that we integrated and a lot of the unique things that we did was so much easier to do on show it and I just really loved being able to integrate those things into your website because I don't think a lot of platforms would have been able to do what we were kind of aiming for. You still have the flexibility of doing something really robust even though because that used to be the argument back in the day like you know back when I thought I was going to meet in like 2008 and 2010 when I thought I was going to be a blogger. You can go try to find a defunct blog of mine but like that was the argument for WordPress was that it was so much more robust and we didn't have show it yet we didn't have show it square space some of these other platforms that are kind of give you the use of the ability to be very customized without having to have a you know coding background in order to be able to change everything. Yeah that kind of leads us into the next thing because we're talking about branding. Yeah okay so our next thing is not implementing cohesive branding. So for cohesive branding I like to think of it as just really peeling back the layers and really getting to know who you are as a person around you kind of can't integrate everything that you want to integrate and make sure that everything is laid out the way that you want it and I think that's really important as well just because people really value authenticity especially in now with social media kind of believing what authenticity means so people are kind of like moths who have claimed to that whenever they do see someone that is real authentic and like super relatable and so building that trust and having that authentic factor is a really great thing to have in order to really like have people buy because I think I saw somewhere that it was like 90% of people in this current market that's the main factor for people to trust and buy is just being authentic being yourself and so that was like the first thing that I wanted to kind of talk about just with cohesive branding and it's not just visuals it's also your messaging behind who you are as a person but also another mistake that people have is just when it comes to your branding people think it's just a logo and that's just obviously we know that's not the case just like you as a person you're more than just your name your face but yeah you have personality you have interest you have hobbies so I want to make sure that people know that whenever they're going about branding and making sure that they're being cohesive that they're getting all the things that they need so the colors your font suite the visuals the aesthetic it's all those things as well the biggest thing that I really love to talk about as well is that I think purposes that are kind of starting in our newbies per se or even people that have been around the block a little bit kind of rely on templated logos and templated websites and while that's great and that works for a short term kind of thing sure people need to know that those things really need to be intentional and they need to have a strategy behind it and design for you designed for your audience so that they gravitate towards you it's not just some you know blanket thing that you kind of pulling out it's like making sure that it's custom to you and speaks to your audience that way you can showcase your work in the best light make sure that you're telling your unique story and make sure that your clients know what it's like to work with you that way you can charge high ticket and be premium yes absolutely yeah that'll be unique and then just of course we all know that just cohesiveness means on all the platforms that you're on your website social media whether you're on TikTok just being consistent in that asset and then as well as photography I think that's a really big thing that people just completely miss I know Heather we did a little bit of help for you but with your photography as well there's so many platforms out there that are free and accessible and the problem with that is that they are so accessible everyone can get access to them everyone has their hands on them and so it kind of just seems like you're either copying or mimicking and you really wanted to stand out on your own and Heather your photography was beautiful and what's amazing and like it really showcased this new version of yourself and no one else is going to have photos like that so those are like really the three things that I think when it comes to visuals are the big things that you really want to do so your brand kit making sure that's all covered your photography and then just visually staying cohesive throughout everything that you do yeah I think that photography is huge yeah so big photography is so big and then also the branding kit is so big I think people forget when they start working with different providers after they've done a branding up level to like that the whole point of the branding kit is like not the whole point but part of the point is that if I hire somebody to do something else I can give them the branding kit to get a baseline it so that I'm not just getting something that's totally disconnected from the rest of my brand I'm able to kind of be the captain of the aesthetic and the visuals and the feel and the messaging that I want to be consistent anywhere else I'm going to mark it so if I'm going to hire a Facebook and Instagram ads team which I've just recently switched Facebook Instagram ad teams I was able to give them my brand kit and my photos and just today I got a bunch of visuals that they had created from that and it looks incredible and it looks like it is connected to the rest of my website because the directions you know it gives a lighthouse for the rest of my visual like all the marketing of the content that we have to create these days now it helps give you consistency yeah how amazing is that just having like one file that you can send out that like is all the messages about your brand it's the best yeah totally for sure and then of course just being consistent um and like strategic behind your copy I think that's a really good gateway for us as well as just kind of making sure that um your copy is consistent as well through your messaging um because branding of course like I said is also visuals but it's also the way that you present yourself through words I think that's also another fun way that you can different yourself from the competition as well um this is where you really have your personality shine through and I know some people are very serious and then I know Heather we had a lot of fun with your copy as well because I know that you have a lot of personality that you wanted to showcase but also you wanted to be professional as well um so there's a good balance that you can do with that I know Julie and I really like to have some cute fun things that we like to do whether it's like in the header or like the way that we do our call to actions or then I know we do like some fun facts and some quizzes so that's like some fun things that you can integrate for whether you want something to be interactive as well I really love having anything that people can interact with just staying on your website a little bit longer gain that traffic for them to get to know you before they step inside your clinic or your med spa just to have that first impression there as well and then I think the one thing that I think we see a big big thing is the way that you present your services or what you're selling I know that we're all very professional and we all kind of have the way that we have our vernacular and we talk in the way that we as experts are but there's a lot of people that come in and they have no clue what anything of this is so you really want to kind of dial it back to whenever you were coming into this and when you were a newbie and the words that you know stuck with you and talk that way to people and then that way they're not overwhelming language conversational not educational like yeah over the because it's right over their head yeah right yeah so saying kind of like anti-wrinkle treatments instead of the human like right people would search for and be able to find and be like oh that's what I need right anyone who's confused is going to be like well I gotta go out here I'm not gonna buy this because I have no clue what they're talking about yeah love it no I think the messaging is such a hard thing you have to have a lot of awareness that people are skimmers too yeah so if you go to my website you can see that there is a lot of formatting and paragraph breaks and the more conversational and you know fifth grader your writing is the easier it is for and it doesn't mean that your patients and clients aren't smart in fact it's just the cognitive overload that most people are in when they come to your website is very high and so we want to help them out and also give them the feel of like oh like back to what you were saying about being authentic like most likely when you're talking to somebody face-to-face you are going to try now sometimes we have issues with this too talking too technically but usually face-to-face we are more conversational because we can use of somebody in front of us that when their eyes are glossing over when we've gotten too technical as well I always say like talk it out like if you talk it out and it doesn't sound like something you or somebody on your team would say then it's time to kind of maybe adjust what that content is like so funny and that's the perfect lead-in to the next step so the next mistake you might be making is not using call to action I say that's the perfect lead-in because I was thinking about how if you don't put a button somewhere then someone isn't going to go looking around on your website to try to find said button they're going to get bored they're kind of lazy if they have a million other things going on and they're going to leave before they book the appointment or buy the skincare product or whatever it is so let's talk about how we can use call to action to make those bookings and make those sales and not lose people along the way so there's a couple of different places that we're going to use call to actions we're going to use them in copy like Sarah was just talking about so what I want to bring up when we're talking about using call to actions and copy is making sure that you're fun and you're creative and it's not just like book your appointment now it's like right here form your skin now or you know get that like baby baby butt softkin maybe that's not your style so say something like that but say something fun and creative and then underneath you can have the boring button that says book now so we're going to use call to actions in our copy we're going to use them in our button and we usually recommend using like two to three buttons per page we don't want to get too crazy but we want to give people opportunities to do things so I would say one of those buttons should be geared towards booking or an intake form or something that is going to move them through the sales process and then the other button should be moving them through the website so if they are on the home page removing them to be about us page if they're on the about us page removing them through to the services page just to kind of help the flow for the website beyond that another way that we absolutely love to use call to actions is on like a quick links page so if you don't know what i'm talking about most people have like a link tree they use the link tree software and they just make a list of all their important links that's what they put on their instagram what we love to do is build a custom quick links page on your website so not only do we have this really pretty awesome layout of all your call to actions for your clients but we also are driving traffic to your website traffic that otherwise would have gone to link tree we're building up your search engine optimization and maybe while they're looking at your quick links they see something else on your menu and they start scrolling through your website so those are some awesome ways to use call to actions and to wrap it all up i'll just say again that make it as easy as possible as you can for people because we're distracting like the microwave is beeping and our dogs are barking and our kids are doing whatever and if it's the difference between just clicking a button or searching everywhere on your website to find it that's the difference between making the booking and making the sale or losing it so use your call to actions everywhere but use them wisely and that leads into the next one the next mistake you might be making is not making your website user friendly yeah so i think this was a really big one that i think a lot of people are probably hopefully aware of because they're on their phones all the time and they know that everything that they probably access or see is on their phone so whenever you're building your website of course you want your desktop to look gorgeous as well but because 80% of people are typically on their mobile device that's where you really want to highlight and make sure everything is visually stunning and you're getting the same message that you're getting across on desktop on your mobile so i just wanted to highlight some really really big things that i like to do and i'm sure Julia likes to do as well just overall for the flow of your website so introducing your practice this could be also really good for SEO which i know that we're going to talk about later but you really just want to highlight the main things you're like main goal your mission statement what you're really after for people to understand like what your business is for and how you can help them and you also the next thing we like to do is kind of like tease or excite them about your offerings do the really really big things that you're trying to sell here and then that way you are not only trying to get them like Julia was talking about with the call to actions and you can do that as well but you're kind of just highlighting those like staple things and then overall with copy with everything else you want to really want to gain their trust as well um just making sure that you're being relatable that you're just being transparent about the transformational aspects of everything as well um and then as what Julia was talking about just booking your appointment making that clear cut whether that's in your menu um we like to have it as many places as we like to have it um i know what i like to do like little drop downs menus or like at the bottom and the footer um just make that apparent and don't try to hide it um because people kind of get lost otherwise yeah absolutely making sure that like your contact information is right there either in the header in the footer anything that people need to get immediate access to they're not like floundering around the site looking for it right there super user friendly yeah because the main goals like of course you want them to be on there as long as possible with traffic but i think you want them to get on there see who you are what services you're offering how that benefits them and then book yeah exactly boom boom boom yeah totally great simply said a goal of your website yeah um right and i think just reverting back to what i said about coffee is just making sure that you're not being too big on the words of explaining what these services are for like injectables you don't want to be like being too big with the words like you want to be straightforward like this helps with your wrinkles or anti-aging skincare it helps with your acne right like not too technical yeah because like i know like those are the things that a lot of people they went to school and all these things and that those are the words that stick out to them but for a lot of people that are new they're not going to understand that and they don't understand the industry jargon right and then they might come into your med spot and think that they might need something and then completely not need that and so by making sure that you're flexible with your verbiage allows you to be the expert and be like actually this is what you need because this is the problems that you have yes yeah having it where it's more like here are the problems and here are how we solve them so they're searching for the problems and then you're giving the solution right i love that yeah i love it too because at the end of the day they don't care what the things are no they care that you can help them solve their problem or that you can help them achieve a desired outcome such a good filter to look at your website through is to make sure that it's doing its job and the heavy lifting of that right so another thing that we have seen a lot of lately and i'll say another mistake you might be making is not being legally compliant on your website this is a fun one this is not a fun one the words you do not want to hear you're being sued okay so how can you avoid hearing those words and there are a lot of scams going on right now i feel like in every industry in every industry every industry going on right now people claiming that they have the right to images or the right to font or that your website isn't ADA compliant and saying hey pay up this amount or we're going to sue you and the way that you can protect yourself is making sure that you have all the right licenses for these things and that your website is ADA compliant so let's first talk about image and font licensees obviously if you do like a branded shoe like we would love for you to do what we were talking about how that helps your brand be cohesive and how it helps people feel that you are authentic and want to book with you to do the branded shoe if you can if you're not going to do the branded shoe and you are pulling from other resources make sure that if you are going to use free images they come from somewhere that has free commercial use so that you're using somewhere like unsplaced or a pexel that you are able to use those images for free if you don't have anything you like on there then you can do a paid resource you can do like an adobe stock or a shutter stock and just make sure that you're getting the commercial licenses for those images kind of the same thing with your font you want to make sure that you have the license for them but make sure that if you already have like the desktop license for your font yes the desktop license for your font you can't also use that for your website so there are different licenses for different things so you'll need to get the website license in order to use it on your website another thing is making sure that your website is use their family for the Americans with Disabilities Act so this is something that's kind of I would say like rear to head more recently with like scans involving this but just making sure that everything on your website is easily readable easily viewable and then we have like some other things that we can implement if you don't want to I don't want to say not a beautiful design on your site because you kind of beautiful design on your site but some of the things are like making sure that the contrast on your website is enough so that the background contrast is different from the fonts that are sitting on top of it that the fonts are easily readable that you don't have any like crazy cursive fonts things of that nature so if you want to have all those awesome design elements but you also want to be ADA compliant you can use things that are like widgets or plugins where you can toggle on and off an ADA compliant view so you can have your beautiful website and then someone who comes along and needs to have the ADA accessibility they can toggle that on and everything will be high contrast a super readable font they can change the font size as needed so you can have the beauty and the functionality in that department I know a lot of people are like I don't want to make my website ADA compliant because then it won't be beautiful we can do both yes and keep in mind if you're really really concerned too you can always ask your attorney as well to make sure too because we are not attorneys and so always ask your legal provider my disclaimer but it's helpful it's actually helpful to know what it even means and the fact that there could be people reaching out to you to you know accusing you of not being ADA compliant that aren't really official from anywhere just trying to get money from you too is I think what you were trying to say too it's like the scam level in these different categories has really you know increased in the last few years right so if you know that you're doing it the right way when you get those messages you won't panic at the same level you know what I mean yes so then going forward um definitely this next step you want to get your lawyer involved because we are talking about privacy policy and terms and condition pages so these are especially important if you are taking payment information on your website if you are having intake forms or you're taking people's emails and adding them to subscriber lists just making sure that you have a privacy policy terms and conditions saying hey this is the information we take and this is what we use it for if you don't want us to use it this is how you contact us to get your information removed and I think beyond just protecting yourself legally it shows your potential clients like hey we care about you we care about your privacy it's another thing that ups the trust level yeah it looks like you have your ducks in a row yes absolutely yeah yeah that's a great segue because I know you mentioned intake forms and so I think a big factor in order to get your lead gen going and to build up your email list which is a really big factor into making your business grow is capturing all those people getting onto your website and I know most people probably might just think that oh let me just make a pop up and you know have people sign up for my email list which is great um but we like to try to have some sort of incentive and we like to incorporate some fun things doing that so for our website personally we have like a quiz in order for people to understand where they're at in their business their monthly profits how that aligns with what services they're kind of needing and like where they're at that way that they go into contacting us knowing what they kind of need so we're kind of flexing our expertise as well as making sure that we're guiding them in the right direction sure um so you can do it that way which is super fun um and that kind of just like I said just builds your contact list and your email list to make sure that you're getting more people's eyes on your business your monthly services or specials promos that are going on especially during the holidays I know summer is around and I know a lot of people like to you know advertise those things and then when the fall comes so having those updated going on every month or just even like just the different things that you're providing whether it's a freebie educational information is really great to have yeah no super important super super like your online email is is huge same so yeah email list they're so important all right so what about I know I I might be jumping out of order here but I'm dying to chat about it because I get I get asked about it a lot too but making sure you're making sure your website is SEO optimized I know there's a lot of mistakes um some of them very simple to fix to that many practices are making when it comes to making sure that they can rank for the things they want to rank for yes so there's two different mistakes you might be making in this category I'll start with just overall implementing search engine optimization so what is search engine optimization for someone who might not know it's how we reverse engineer your website to get it to rank higher on google so when people are searching for specific keyword things that you offer you're showing up higher and they're able to find you and there are a lot of different things that go into SEO so we kind of use the analogy that it's like your credit score your website's credit score on the internet so there are all these different factors going into it and then here is where you rank the thing that I would say if there's just like one thing that you're going to do the most important thing I would say would be your meta titles and your meta descriptions and these are the things that pop up when you search someone it's the little title with a little description underneath of that's your meta title your meta description and every single page on your website should have its own meta title and meta description and they should each have different keywords that you're trying to achieve with each page so you don't want to have the same one for every page of your website so if your home page is anti-aging and medical aesthetics then your about a page should not have the same one you want to have as many chances as possible to rank for different keywords that people might be searching for so there is your meta title and your meta description and then the next thing I would say would be keywords which kind of plays on that because of course you want to use those keywords in your meta titles and meta descriptions but you also want to use those keywords in your copy everywhere throughout your website you also want to use them in other back end parts of your website so say I upload an image onto your website and it's a photo of a woman getting taught on the back end of that image there's something called alt text where I can go in and I can type in women receiving Botox in Houston Texas or wherever you might be located those are keywords that people might be searching for to find you so you can put your keywords in the back end of your website through photos as well so those are some ways to incorporate keywords and then backlinks is also a huge one so if you are getting featured in like a news article and they're linking back to your website that's a backlink if you have a referral partner someone that you work with and they're linking back to your website that's a backlink and you want to build up as many backlinks as you possibly can so if you don't have a lot of backlinks and you're wanting some more backlinks what you can do is actually go to some of the different press websites and you can sign up and say hey I'm an expert in medical aesthetics so anytime you have an article about that you can contact me and they'll actually email you and say hey I have this article do you want to be featured in it and that's a way that you can easily just like get yourself on the schedule to get some more backlinks set up that's an awesome way to do it so those are like some of the things that come into play with building up your SEO I know you were saying there are a lot of like issues or resolving errors with SEO so we can also talk about that because I wanted to talk about what I think is a huge issue it's not even knowing that your website isn't on Google so that could be a huge SEO error in detail no that's right no one can find you you have a beautiful website but no one can find you who cares so that is also something that we have run into where someone is just not showing up on Google results and how would you even know that unless you Google yourself right so a lot of platforms they don't necessarily walk you through the process of hey submit yourself to Google search console so maybe you don't even know that you aren't on Google yet so if you are like I have no idea and I can't see myself in search result what you can do is go to Google and type in sites S I T E colon and then your website URL so tight colon and then any pages that are indexed will show up if absolutely nothing shows up you're not on Google so you would need to go to Google search console and link your website there and then you'll be able to see all the pages that have been indexed that haven't been indexed if there's nothing there you can request that they recrawl and index your sites you are showing up will you repeat the site dot whatever it is again one more time and use Smith and Crawford as the example yes so the example would be sites S I T E colon www dot your URL so Smith and Crawford dot com and then you'll be able to see if nothing comes up then you're not on Google if you have a different bunch of different pages pop up then those pages are indexed on Google so if you're worried about it for sure go to Google search console make sure your site is linked from there you can see any of the errors that are on your website so there's like a pages tab if you click on the pages tab then you can see any errors with the associated with the individual pages and they'll literally give you a walkthrough on how to resolve those errors so you follow their little instructions and then after you've done that you're going to resubmit that page which means that you're in a line for Google's little bot to read everything on your website again and then rearrange your site with yes with that new information so yeah sorry that was a lot of tech jargon so let me know I appreciate that but uh no super helpful they at least be aware of like how well the different pages on your site are or are not being indexed yeah yeah there's another feature in there for pages where there are search I hate the first queries is that how you say it or is it for ease because I mean I think it's tomato tomato okay so there's a little tab with search queries and you can literally see where you're ranking for each of these search queries your average position in ranking and then you can kind of from there work on building up your search and search engine optimization for those different things so if one of those things is your keywords and you're not ranking as well as you want to then you can take that information and I think this is in the guide too there is a free resource or you can make sure to add it to the guide I think this is a good time I know we have a couple more points we're going to get through too but why don't you share where they can go you guys have put together basically a guide for all of the mistakes and tips you've talked about today so where can they go to get that and you can make sure to put some of these details in there for them yeah so it's going to be at yeah so the number 10 and not to the end yeah well I will also link it up in the show notes too but it's nice for them to have it and thank you for doing that super generous of you guys to put together a guide for everybody as well which also is a lead magnet right so it's a great example of actually growing your you know being a product of your product growing your email list by giving something of value in advance for your ideal person SEO is so fascinating to me so if you guys have an SEO company who's supposed to be helping you it's a great way like a checks and balances to be able to go and actually see like okay you know I just hired this company this is where we're at now you can go and see what you're being ranked for and then in a few months you know SEO is a longer place you got to give them more time and and it's it's not like a two week four week ranking scenario it takes time so yeah so the the free resource I found it that I was looking for is called answer the public oh i love the answer the public yeah okay if you go to that website and you can type in the keyword that you want to rank for plus your location and they'll give you a bunch of ideas which you can use in chat tbt to produce a blog post which you can then add to your website so that you can rank higher for those keywords that you want to rank higher for so that's just like a little fun tidbit if you're looking to optimize your search engine optimization and that's a great way to do it at a blog post on those keywords yeah i love answer the public it's a great way to find out what questions your ideal customer is actually asking as well too if you're having a hard time coming up with ideas it's a great place to go and in addition to it but this was pre chat gbt as well so we like used to use it before chat gbt so you have chat gbt too but um it's just i think the format of it is really fun how they you know display the results and what have you two so it's a fun one to go check out as well yeah absolutely and the last thing that we have uh the last mistake is keeping your website updated i know a lot of people probably are like oh my website's done i built it it's done actually actually it's a living breathing thing and you have to keep adding to it updating it making sure that you're just keep adding and being saying relevant for one making sure that you're adding new services because of course the goal is that you're growing and so when you grow that means there are more team members you are adding new services and just kind of branching off so just make sure that you have a game plan for that like i kind of mentioned earlier for your intake forms like whether you're doing like monthly specials going on holidays are coming up and so you might want to do like 10 days or 31 days of christmas and stuff like that so those are like kind of ideas like promos events if you're throwing events quarterly or once every other month you know you want to kind of make sure that your audience not only on social media but your audience knows that on your website as well i'm not that is good for seo i think too right like the fact that you have update like it makes you active in google's eyes as well too yeah and then they're re-crawling you're more off this yes and then also i think a lot of people think that things don't break and unfortunately they do oh they do yes they do um so just making sure that you know it hasn't been like two three months since you've been on your website and then you realize like your instagram feed if you have it at the bottom it hasn't been on there or there's links to really important things that you want people to have access to they can't access them because they're broken or they need to be updated so just making sure that you're on top of that is a really good game plan to have i love that oh my gosh y'all that was so good so so good so as a reminder tell everybody where they can find the guide that is directly related to this episode so any of the things we talked about they can have handy to kind of be a checklist for them and then obviously tell them where they can go to learn more about your services and to follow you and check out everything that you guys have to offer so the link to our checklist that we have made for this podcast is not t-e-n and then just learning more about smith and cropord and our services that you can just head to our website and the first thing that you'll see actually is all of our services and again like i said it's kind of based off of how you are as a business and what you're bringing in monthly that way that we're navigating you to the right things that you need i love it and we'll link all this stuff up in the show notes as well their instagram their website and the link to grab the guide about the episode as well well thank you ladies so much this was so fun yes and i learned yeah i learned so much hey if you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spot owner who is looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spot advantage it's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month to learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us you can head over to to apply to get on a call with us to learn more that's to learn more you [BLANK_AUDIO]