Med Spa CEO

3 Shifts to Achieve Weekly Premium Sales on Repeat

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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This is one of the most popular topics I get asked about - how to achieve consistent premium sales on a weekly basis. I share some real eye-opening insights for how to audit your current business and shift your focus to clients who will spend big on real results. It’s time to design everything from your social media strategy to your custom menu of offerings to speak directly to your ideal customer!



  • How to market intentionally to ideal patients that invest in premium services.

  • The process to audit your current offerings to create your signature menu.

  • 3 shifts to make in your business to get premium results.

  • The social media strategy to put in place


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Heather: @heatherterveen



There's not a market that doesn't have folks that really want to invest in an expert for their aesthetic solutions that really knows what they're doing and that has a very thoughtful and curated and just intentional experience. Every single market has a group of people that wants that. You just have not done an effective job of making sure you're building your entire ecosystem with those folks in mind. Welcome to the Med Spa CEO podcast, where I teach you how to grow and scale your med spa or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for. Without overwhelm, stress, or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business, plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to find out how. Why hello my friend welcome to another episode of the podcast and this episode, we are going to unpack one of the most popular topics that I get asked about on this podcast. And it's going to be all about how can you actually achieve weekly premium sales in your practices and then unpacking three shifts, and really three main problems that I see many of you have that is preventing you from getting weekly premium sales as well. So, so what's interesting is I've, I've told this story before but before I did what I do now. And I was working with aesthetic practices plastic surgeons med spa with their social media and then their Instagram and Facebook ads. What would happen is I would be doing these strategy calls with a practice. I would be planning out their content so their social media content whether that was for Instagram or Facebook or what have you. And what was so challenging about that is that at the time I was not helping them redo their menus at all. Okay. We were just taking whatever they had and making the most in positioning them and there's lots of things you can still do. Creatively from a social media perspective. Okay. But the reason why I dive so deep into really creating an offer suite for you all is because if we intentionally create a premium menu, a signature menu, a unique to you menu. It makes the marketing and the selling and in this case it would have made the social media strategy and the social media planning and the social media creation and the Facebook and Instagram marketing so much simpler. And that's because the best marketing is built on an offer that is very irresistible and unique. And when you have a really generic offering. It makes the heavy lifting in your marketing that much more strenuous. Okay. So the first problem I see many of you have no one's new to this is that I really believe you have to create a unique menu of signature premium solutions that are completely unique to you. Okay. And the problem most of you have is is that many of your menus and your offerings are built around generic all a cart services, treatments, and what have you. So what ends up happening is that it makes back end engineering, any of your other marketing that much tougher. Okay. So, I really want you to think about your offering. How is your offering and by offering, I mean, your literal offers, right, whatever tech laser and light devices you have, whatever products, whatever services that you carry that makes up part of your offering. Now, you could make an argument that your offering is also your expertise and all of those things as well, which is totally true. In fact, when you have a generic menu of all of our things that all of your competitors in your local market have, you don't actually communicate your expertise in the same way as if you did. Because real experts have unique points of view on things, real experts have certain ways of doing things that they've gotten really, really clear on. Okay. What I found is with many of the practices and clinics that I've worked with over the years is that they have this on the back end. It just has not been put together in an elegant way, and then communicated effectively. They're kind of like winging it, the expertise, meaning like they might have customized treatment plans that are pretty consistent, right? They keep recommending the same thing. It's usually the things that you have a lot of confidence that you can get really great results in. So it's actually pulling out those things and making sure you have intentionally put together the structure of your offering that really is built around. Now, shift number one and shift number two really actually go together. So shift number one is making sure that you don't have a menu that is built around a low ticket generic offering. Okay. Shift number two is making sure that you are thinking of your best, most fantastic high value patients and clients. Many of you inadvertently are not thinking of your best high value patients and clients. You might be thinking of the patients and clients that are actually not the best. And the reason why you do that is because you are worried about the reaction or the response that sometimes your worst, oftentimes our worst customers are the ones who are kind of high maintenance. Not a word, but you know, hang with me, that high maintenance, this actually can be very triggering. And what I mean by that is that your patients and clients that complain the most, or that are nickel and diming you the most, or that are price shopping you the most are sometimes the ones that are so front of mind for you and your team members. And so you end up engineering, who you're thinking about when you're putting together your offers to eat when you're putting together your marketing unintentionally around the worst customers and clients, and this permeates everything. Right, it permeates the kind of content you create, it limits you on the scope of the comprehensive solutions that we can put together because in the back of your mind you're like, you know, our patients aren't going to go for this because you're thinking about those, you know, the worst patients that are the most annoying and triggering to you. We really want to back and engineer our entire experiences with the types of folks that we want to attract. And I always use this analogy, some of you may have heard it before but if I'm going deep see fishing, and I want to catch a Marlin, I'm not going to go and use worm as my beat. Right. So if I'm going deep see fishing and I want to catch a Marlin, I actually have to use, you know, large fish, and other like mackerel and other things to attract a Marlin to my boat and to my hook. So if I'm going to farm, I'm going to attract smaller game fish, because that is the beat that I used, and in the same way I want you to think about your offer suite, you're marketing in the same way. We have to make sure that we are creating strategically and offer suite for you, that is built around attracting your Marlins to your practices. That may be done when we really are intentional with who we're thinking about. And this is one of those exercises that doesn't get done just once. Now oftentimes this is an exercise that a branding agency will take you through one time, or you'll sign up for some sort of social media course and they're like ideal customer avatar and so you're like yeah yeah yeah. And I'll say that this is much, much more of an ongoing iteration as well because when you're in your first year, you might come up with a certain type of patient or client you want to attract, and it might be very different than if you're in your 10th year. And you've iterated who that person is, it's a thing you want to think about as and that's why I always say your menu is a living breathing thing that is going to iterate over time as you create more demand for your practice. But to start off you really want to think about those books that you may not have a ton of right now, you may have built your practice on the back of low ticket sales, low ticket offers, low ticket discounts and generic offerings. Or it may just be that you haven't even done, you know, the front end discount sales ads, if you will, but you've just sort of unintentionally, you and your team haven't really had a consistent game plan or consistent structure to ensure that you are making really comprehensive offerings to those folks. Okay, so you have to remind yourself over and over again, who are we serving, who are our best patients or clients because we are not made for everybody. We really aren't my program and my coaching isn't for everybody. And I'm not thinking about everybody I don't work with all small businesses I don't work with all types of medical aesthetic practices. Right, I have a very clear person I am trying to work with, and it makes creating content, creating my offerings, serving in a high level, that much easier. And the same should be said for you. We talked about it before if you want to fill your profitable patient bucket up, we have to ensure that you know who your profitable patients are. And this is part psychographic to, meaning the type of personalities you like to work with, the type of patient that you know is going to be because really truly the beauty of having an aesthetic clinic or med spot as opposed to being an office that like let's say just does faceless is that you don't need a constant flow of new customers now if you're growing your team rapidly if you're growing your locations rapidly then yes. And if you're at the beginning stages then yes you probably need to have some sort of maybe paid traffic strategy as well. But you want to make sure that you are actually engineering your entire experience you're offering your marketing with the person that you want to attract. Because I think sometimes we feel like oh like the people who are here because I hear you guys tell me this all the time, this is our market. It doesn't have premium folks like this is a like where I am in the Midwest, where I am XYZ I mean you all have told me it over and over and over again. And it's, I've worked with too many I've worked with, you know, well over 500 med spots and aesthetic clinics at this point, and in all different markets in the US and Canada, especially, and some internationally as well. There's not a market that doesn't have folks that really want to invest in an expert for their aesthetic solutions that really knows what they're doing and that has a very like thoughtful and curated and just intentional experience. Every single market has a group of people that wants that you just have not done an effective job of making sure you're building your entire ecosystem with those folks in mind. And the best news I have for you is this is totally fixable. Okay, this is totally fixable. And so what I want you to think about is I want you to really audit. Who your container by container I mean your practice or clinic has really been designed to best serve. Who is your container really been best designed to serve. I would go to your menu. I were to experience an initial consultation with one of your team members. Who is that experience for. Is that experience built for someone like me. So I am a 46 year old woman, who spends about, you know, over five figures a year annually, at least on my aesthetic services. I am looking for an expert who has a clear roadmap, who is going to give me the best recommendations for the best possible outcomes I could possibly achieve. And frankly, I'm looking for somebody who has clear frameworks, who has, you know, no matter who I see it in the practice, there is a clear game plan for what gets recommended to whom and when, because you've been so thoughtful and intentional with your entire ecosystem. What I'll tell you as I share that with you is that is rare that is actually hard to find. And so that's the best news I have for you. But many of you aren't thinking of Heather. Many of you are thinking, well, my market doesn't have a lot of Heathers. And I will tell you that every single market has a lot of Heathers. You just have not created your offering, your marketing, your sales systems with that person in mind. You've inadvertently created it for the folks that don't want that for the folks who maybe are going to price shop you a bunch. For the folks who like want to spend the least amount possible on whatever it is, whether it's talks or any other sort of service or treatment that you have. There are those people too. And you have to decide who do we want to attract? Who do we want to serve? Who do we want to become the go to place for? It doesn't just happen to you. You create with intention who you want to magnetically attract to your practice or clinic. You actually decide ahead of time on what they really need to achieve outstanding results. And this clarity, this structure that you create actually helps build the foundation for you and your team members to give a very elegant and consistent experience across all of your providers. Now, I will tell you, when you're on, when we're helping practices and clinics and we're onboarding their team members to our philosophy as well, is that it's really a whole process. And there are some times where there's team members who are like, you know, I don't buy into this like, I think selling is slimy. And it takes a little bit, but once they've watched some of our trainings, and they see that our entire approach is built with the idea. Our entire approach is built with the idea that sales selling is we create a results driven heart centered approach to creating the most outstanding results for your patients. And quite frankly, any team member who doesn't want to get on board with that, I really have to question where they're coming from. And 99 times out of 100 once we've shifted their viewpoint on it. They see selling, I'm using air quotes here for those of you not watching the video, they see selling in a completely different way, because at the end of the day, selling is a making offers to help your patients and clients. Do what's going to be in their best interest to solve the problems they want to solve and achieve the goals that they want to achieve. It is our job to tell them the truth on what that is, and I recommend making your entire offer suite with that in mind. But we want to make sure that you are thinking of the highest value patient, the patient that really wants outstanding results that really wants to make a long term commitment with you. And then, like I said, I really want you to think after you get off this episode. I really want you to audit your business. I want you to look at your social content. I want you to look at your offering, your console process. Right. Any of the assets that you have for marketing that really position you as an expert and if you don't have any why. If we were to look and audit the 123 of your marketing so that's the front end when the customer is inside of your business and then the follow up and the connection and the ongoing support you provide to your patients and clients. What would we find who was that created for. If I were to look at your menu, who would come to mind that that menu was created for. And is there a disconnect between who you want to attract and who you've actually built your entire offering marketing and sales system around. Because shifting this takes intentionally thinking of who you want to magnetically attract. And then who you want to magnetically keep as well. The other shift that I think is interesting to think about is that the marketing that you create so the offerings that you create for your existing patients. And these are the folks that have already spent money with you. That offering is the same offering that should be in a decent amount of your friend and marketing as well. Like could I go to your social media. Or if I'm on your email list. Will I be exposed to your premium more comprehensive unique to you proprietary to you solutions. Because the more we create the internal marketing. So the internal marketing is the marketing that you do once somebody has become a customer. And that marketing is just as important if not more important means very important as the front end marketing that you're doing to attract new customers. And they can be oftentimes they can mirror each other. And then the easiest you've heard me say it and you've heard other marketers say it too. Is that, you know, someone who's already spent money with you is five times more likely to spend money with you again. Here's the thing. The offers that you have for your existing patients and clients should be the same offers that you are talking about in your front end marketing on social media, whether that's Instagram, Facebook in your emails. Because the type of person if a heather is following you or if a heather comes across your Instagram profile. I'm not going to be attracted to the folks that are just running talk specials that are just doing like, you know, viral like joking reels that are funny. I'm going to look and say okay like are these folks real experts at what they do. And if they are they're going to have a unique way of doing things. I'm going to learn from them on how I can actually solve the problem I'm going to solve or achieve the outcome that I'm going to achieve. Right, your menu should convey that on its own as well. Okay, as we wrap up this episode. I want you to open up a journal or take a piece of paper and I want you to do an audit of your current ecosystem. You're offering so your menu items, your social media, your promotions, your email. Who have you created your container for. Does everybody get an annual consultation process. That actually walks them through an annual game plan. That isn't just a laundry list of a customized treatment plan. Who is your sales system created in mind. Do an audit write it down. Who have you created your ecosystem your container your practice your clinic around. Because the more intentional we are with creating our offers our marketing our sales systems. How we do things. What our frameworks are our methods our philosophies. The more intentional we are with those things. The more consistent we can be with actually putting out that message right like messaging. In your marketing is everything right from an aesthetic perspective from what you say from what your offers actually are. And the more intentional you are with your messaging to actually pull in the Heathers or whoever you're trying to attract more of. It's not only going to help you attract more Heathers, but it's going to keep Heather loyal. It's funny I'm speaking in the third person, but it's going to keep a Heather like me loyal. Because you're going to have really intentional game plan for me and it's going to build certainty and trust that I know that everybody in your practice essentially understand how you help people get the outcomes that they want to get. So do an audit ask yourself who who is our current ecosystem built for. And then ask yourself if it's not who you want it to be. The best news I have for you is that it's totally fixable. We just have to shift who we are thinking about when we're creating our offers, our menu suite, our marketing, and our sales process. That's it. We just got to think intentionally, and then make sure we have a game plan in place to serve that person. All right, my friend. Before I head out. If you liked this episode, will you share it. I would love to get this message out to more women led med spa and aesthetic practice owners, who are really looking to focus on quality over quantity in building boutique results, driving practices that just create outstanding results. For your patients and clients that are really looking to be taken care of in an experience that is just exceptional. Share this episode. And of course, if you are auditing your business, or you want our help with doing an audit of where your current practice or clinic is at, you can actually book a call with us. You can go to Heather to being calm forward slash apply to learn more about booking a call with us and have Ashley on our team actually do a blueprint audit of your business live to see where there are opportunities for you to really shift to being a practice that is not only a premium plan, but one that attracts high value patients and clients that are all in on your recommendations and in turn will help you get weekly premium sales every single week in your practice. That's what I have for you this week. I will see you next week. Hey, if you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spa owner, who's looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so. Then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spa advantage. It's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month. To learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us, you can head over to forward slash apply to apply to get on a call with us to learn more. That's forward slash apply to learn more. [MUSIC] (upbeat music)