The Awakened & Aligned Podcast with Shannon Kaiser

Episode 3: Feel Your Feelings

Broadcast on:
11 Jun 2012
Audio Format:

Shannon Kaiser helps listeners remove blocks to their awarness of patterns that are keeping them stuck. If you feel stuck in life or feel like you want to run by escaping to addictions, this episode is for you. Shannon will guide listeners to true happiness with foiol-proof tips. 

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, it's Shannon with And I am so excited to be here for our next official podcast. There is a lot going on. It is summer. June is here. I hope you guys are loving this summer and spending lots of time outside, because that is what summer is all about. And getting outside is a great way to feel more happy. And that's exactly what this podcast does for people. I share inspirational tips, and I share different things to help you feel more happy in the now. And this week's message is all about what we do when we try to escape the things that are making us upset. We often want to run when things get hard, and we feel like life is just giving us a whole bunch of crap. And sometimes we turn to things that aren't very good for us. And I went through this. I went through a big depression, because I was ignoring my inner voice. And so that's what I'm talking to you guys today about, because the message today has come through loud and clear all week for me. And even this morning, when I was in yoga class, and I've been practicing a lot of meditation lately, and it is coming through so loud, my inner voice is telling me to feel your feelings, Shannon, feel your feelings. So I'm asking you guys, and sharing with you, where in your life are you avoiding feeling the feelings? Because what will happen, usually, when we avoid feeling the feelings, is we turn to things like drugs, like alcohol, be sex, or food, any type of addiction, on any level, is really a way for us to escape ourselves. And the reason why we want to do that is usually because we're so afraid and so fearful of the feelings, whether they're fear, sadness, depression, anxiety, stress, whatever the feeling is, it is so heavy and cumbersome that we tend to check out on a kind of surface level. So ask yourself, if things are really tough, what do you do to really give yourself permission to feel those feelings? But what do you do when things are tough? Do you dive in? Diving in and going straight to the heart of it is what feeling your feelings is about. And over the past few weeks, I've been really working on this because I've been really trying to focus on my romantic relationships. This is a huge focus for me. I did a workshop a couple months ago, and one of the areas that I really wanted to work on was my romantic relationship. It was very stressful, and it was very heavy, and there was a lot of drama wrapped up in it. And as I handed over the relationship to the universe, and I surrendered, and I let go of my expectations of us being together, and my expectations of this being a relationship that's supposed to work, I surrendered. And so the very first tip for you, if you're feeling stuck and you're feeling like your life is out of control and you want to run, how do you not run? Well, the first thing is to surrender. Surrender yourself to the situation. And by doing this, you're able to be present in the now. And what came to me is that this relationship is not supposed to work right now. I got a lot of stuff that I need to work on before I can call in the one. And this relationship has a time that it's time to bow up. So we broke up, I moved out, and there's been a lot of changes. And over this past few weeks, I've been having a real reflection of all of my past relationships and really understanding what my patterns are. And so the second thing for you to do is to look at your patterns. What are the patterns that you keep repeating in your life? And maybe it is going to that drug, or that friends with benefits, or maybe it's escaping by working out for five hours a day. Maybe it's at the bottom of that ice cream tub. That's certainly one of my weaknesses is food. I absolutely love ice cream. And I eat a lot of it. And so I started to recognize, over the past few weeks, when I was really getting in touch with all these feelings, that the ice cream was right there next to me. And I got to tell you, that cookie dough and whatever the flavor I chose of the week, it's not going to help me get to the source. Listen to your inner voice. Your inner voice will show you what you need to know. And through this process, what I found out is that my past relationship that I just recently ended was a very, very huge lesson for me. It was a great relationship in the sense that I had attracted the most perfect person for me to show me my shadow sides. I felt so angry all the time in that relationship. And God bless him. He's an amazing man. But this anger is really a righteous anger that I have so slowly hid down inside. I hid myself while I was in this relationship because I was afraid of rocking the boat. So early on, if this man wanted to do something and I didn't really want to do it, I just kind of went with the flow. But each time that happened over the course of our relationship, it got so large that my inner voice was screaming at me because what was really happening is I felt angry all the time because this man loved me so much and I felt his love. But when I, myself, wasn't even feeling my feelings or allowing my feelings to really come to the surface, I wasn't being true to me. So he was in an essence a reflection of what I needed to learn and what I needed to truly know about myself. So that is really what it's about. If you feel like you need to run in a situation in your life, no matter where it is in your relationship, in your career, in your family, you have to ask yourself, why do you want to run? And if you don't know, you get quiet and then you look at the mirrors around you. Every single person in your life is reflecting back to you, how you feel, how you act, and how you see the world. So this man was telling me how much love he had for me, but I could never accept it because one, at the time, I didn't love myself enough. And number two, it was a reflection of who I wanted to be, but I wasn't able to be that yet. And so that is why I wanted to run from the relationship and eat a lot of ice cream. And so now that I'm not in that relationship, I'm really understanding what are the qualities of my patterns. So I'm asking you guys, if you truly want happiness, and if you truly want to break free from any abusive relationship with yourself or with another person or any detrimental habit, you must, must, must, must, feel your feelings. I hope that you guys do this, and for the next week, I'm going to hardcore feel my feelings, literally on my list of things to do this week. It does not say, don't buy ice cream or work out every day or whatever they normally are, because the reason I put those on there is because what I really want to do is get to the source of why do I even want ice cream every day. Well, the truth is, I need to feel my feelings. So this week, let's feel our feelings. I hope you guys do this with me because we will have a fabulous time. It will be so great to feel our feelings together. So remember guys, just to recap, you want to make sure you surrender to the situation, and you look at the patterns of your life, and get really honest with why you're having those patterns, and ask yourself, why do you want to run? And what comes up when you get quiet is the source. And when you get to the source, and when you feel that source, that is when miracles can truly happen. When you feel your feelings, you no longer have an attachment to the feeling of wanting to run. You understand it, and it lessens its hold on you. Yes, so here we are, we're going to go play with the world, and we're going to feel our feelings this week. Have a great time, guys. Visit for more inspirational advice. [MUSIC PLAYING] (clicking)