The Awakened & Aligned Podcast with Shannon Kaiser

Fall in Love With Your Life

Broadcast on:
26 Feb 2012
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Tips to help you Fall in Love with every aspect of your life. 

- Hello from Toastmasters and honored guests. I'm happy to be here today. Thank you, Lonnie. So it's the month of February. February is all about love. It's all about being in love. But it's the end of February. So we're getting ready to go into March. And a lot of times those gooey, fun feelings, they kind of leave us. Obviously we're still in our romantic relationships and caring about love. But what happens with the other love in our life? What about the love for our life? As Lonnie said, I am so passionate and exuberant about my own life that it's important that I share with you guys the tips that I've used to get to be where I am today. How many of you guys fully, deeply, passionately love every single aspect of your life? Amazing. Because what most of us do is we put things into compartments. My finances are here, my health is here, my relationships, my career. And we put them into buckets. And when we separate them, we're like, if my career isn't where it should be, then I'm not fully happy. When I get more money, I will be more happy. When my health is better, I'll be full of life. But guess what? It's all connected. Every single aspect of our life, it's like a wheel. And if one of them is out of balance, then the whole entire thing is off. A few years ago, you all know that I was really depressed. I was living in Chicago, I was in a career that didn't allow me to be who I really am. I was so depressed. I didn't know I was depressed until I went to the doctor and she wrote me out a prescription. And she said, Shannon, here you go. Take this to the doctor, or take this to the pharmacy. Here's your beds. And I was walking down the street in Chicago as this whole rushed over me. Because finally, I realized that I might not feel that anxiety, the feelings that were bigger than me, I won't need them anymore. Because here's my golden ticket. But then I looked down and I saw the scribble writing. And I said, this isn't me. My happiness is not in drugs. And I ripped it up and I threw it down. And the tips that I'm gonna share with you guys today are the tips that I've used to really fall deeply, madly, passionately in love with every aspect of my life. The first is to get rid of the when ice. My dear friend, Gabriel Bernstein, she's the best-selling author. She calls him the when I haves. But it's not about having. It's the when I, when I win the lottery, I'll be happy. When I lose weight, I will be so happy. My life will be perfect. When I find my soulmate, whatever it is, we put our happiness in something outside of us. And we wait for it to come. We're extending it. It's not coming in. Guess what? When we get it, we're still unhappy. So to chuck those when eyes is the very first step that all of you guys can apply. I'd like to challenge each of you to a 30-day love challenge. To fall in love with your life for 30 days, try these on. Start with getting rid of the when ice. Instead of when I win the lottery, catch yourself, say, "I have enough money right now." When I lose weight, I'll be happy. Say, "I am beautiful just the way I am." When I get that job at work, when I land that deal, when that client pays, change it to, "I am a successful business owner right now." We can do this and apply it. The second is to become a kind junkie. This is a chapter in my book that's about being kind and embracing the kind life. It's not just about being kind for other people, opening doors for strangers. Yeah, that's all great. But how are we treating ourselves? How are you guys treating yourselves? When you wake up in the morning, what do you say? Are you nice to yourself? When you put on your clothes, how do you feel? Be kind to yourself. And it extends throughout your whole entire day in every single thing you do. Because if we're there for everyone else, and I did this, I lived the majority of my life like this. And this year, I really am practicing all of these really hard. I wanted to get up here and show you that they work. And I've been kind of and treating myself kind of lost 10 pounds by just being there for Shannon and saying, "What does this look like today? "I'm gonna work out. I'm gonna choose good foods. "I'm gonna be nice to other people. "I told you I don't have road rage anymore. "My whole life is opened up by being kind." So I challenge all of you guys to really embrace the kind life. The third aspect is to be of service. I talked about this a little bit last week, but I have to tell you, I have fully embraced it. Because being of service a lot of times when I talk to people, they're like, "Oh, whoa. "I don't have time. I don't have money. "I'm not gonna go volunteer at a shelter. "What are you talking about? "I got a life here. I got a family." And I said, "Exactly. "You can be of service right now to those people. "You can listen to your significant other "and just listen, let them have an ear. "You don't have to solve their problems for them. "Just be there. "You can open a door for a stranger. "You can buy a coffee for a complete stranger. "Or you can just empty the dishwasher. "If it's not your turn, imagine that. "There's so many ways of being of service "and I've been doing this. "My mother heard her leg last week "and I've been getting her water "and carrying her groceries and opening the doors for her "because that's what being of service is. "I've been driving her places without even worrying about it, "without even thinking, "What's in it for me?" When we take on these mindsets, these super little shifts of really embracing the kind life of really being of service and getting rid of the when eyes, we can truly fall in love with every aspect of our life. I'm doing another workshop tomorrow. It's called "Call In Love With Your Life" and this is only the tip of the iceberg. It's gonna be even more in depth and more exciting than last times. And it's tomorrow. It's at the Sage Center in Beaverton. And I'd like to invite all of you guys to come. It's four o'clock to six o'clock. This is, I'll give you more information if you're interested at the end of the meeting. Thank you, guys. Thanks, Master. (audience applauds) Thank you.