Inside Access with Jason LaCanfora and Ken Weinman

Will Corbin Burnes pitch in the All Star Game?

In the third hour of "Inside Access", Ken and Tim discuss whether or not the believe Corbin Burnes will start and pitch in the All Star Game. They're also joined by Roch Kubatko to talk Orioles.

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back. When your kid casually tells you, they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say, "I'm sorry." And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional term supply. I'm Anna Garcia with True Crime News, the podcast. Every crime tells a story. Every story demands justice. True Crime News, the podcast covers breaking crimes, investigating high profile and under-the-radar cases. Every week, we dive beyond the headlines, exploring the effects of violent crimes on victims and search for justice. We hope you join us as your weekly source for True Crime News. Listen to and follow True Crime News, the podcast on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Still gonna have that conversation with my wife. I'm obviously just just found out here a little bit ago. So she's already told me to go. I'll see what the final decision is in the next day or so. But yeah, just if I do go, definitely honored to be a part of it. And it's a fun week. Kind of one of those. You never know what's going to be your last. So I understand my wife's sentiments on me having to go to the game. So we'll see what happens. But yeah, definitely just an honor to be selected again. Corbin Burns right after he found out he was going to be in the All-Star Games. His wife told him to go. Well, he is not pitching tonight, which he could have and then pitched again on Sunday. That would have made him ineligible for the All-Star game. Instead, he's pitching tomorrow and Brandon Hyde met with the media about five minutes ago. This is according to Matt Wierick, who joined the show yesterday. Says Brandon, I said the city start Corbin. Corbin Burns on Wednesday and said it today was about keeping him healthy and on regular rest, but also added. Hopefully he's going to start the All-Star game. And that's great. And it's cool. Like, I remember as a kid when Steve Stone started the All-Star game and I think he struck out the side in the first inning. And he won the Cy Young in 1980. But like, I'd rather have Corbin Burns my ace starting tonight and then Sunday against the Yankees instead of starting tomorrow and then in the All-Star game. But that's just me. I would. But I'm assuming this was Corbin Burns wanting this. Yes. Oh, I don't doubt that. And I think you have to respect that. And I thought, you know, that was an interesting part of the quote that we came in with Corbin Burns saying, you never know when your last All-Star game is going to be. And look, Burns is 29 years old. He's about to get a mega contract somewhere this off season. We don't expect this to be his last All-Star game, but you never know. You never know in sports. And sports and in life. And I don't believe he's ever started in All-Star game. And he's got a chance to next Tuesday. So I don't fault Corbin Burns for wanting that if that's what he wants. By the way, he's not the only team that's doing this. Imanaga was originally scheduled to start tonight for the Cubs. He's now starting tomorrow in part so that he's eligible to pitch in the All-Star game. Yeah. I mean, it just shows that we were talking about the Orioles that were snubs for the All-Star game and how, you know, for us and fans, it's kind of just, you know, I don't want to say funny talk. But for these players, I mean, it means a heck of a lot, especially some of those guys that would have made it for the first time, like the Jordan Westbrook, Zohern, Santander, all of those guys. Sure. It has to mean a ton. And heck, if you're someone like Corbin Burns, it kind of starts to build your resume where this is someone that has a Cy Young already is already in running for another Cy Young this year where you're kind of building your candidacy. I don't want to go full Jason here and Jason is off this week. But you can. But like it does give me a little bit of pause. Like the competitive juices, I'd rather my ace go tonight and then pitch Sunday against my rival, the Yankees, who I'm fighting for the division instead of pitch tomorrow and then being the All-Star game, a game that doesn't count. I get that. That's, that's just me. I'd rather my ace and being competitive as I am. And I know it's cool and I know it's fun and the All-Star game's a big deal and whatever. But I'd like my ace to pitch twice in this last week. And then he gets next week off and comes back, maybe pitches on Friday. I don't know. But now it's, if he does pitch in the All-Star game, what's he going to winnings tops tops like now it's it's like an inning inning inning inning. That's what we do. Like I am, I'd much rather have my guy pitch in the games that means something to my team than represent my team in a fake game. I totally get that sentiment, but I guess I I don't know. I'm not going to get super fired up if that's what Corbin burns. Yeah, I'm not going to a five screen, but like 205 screen, but I like it does it because I know this was his decision. Like the Orioles didn't go to him and say, look, you know what, we'd love to have you pitch twice this week in the final homestand. But you know what, let's you pitch in the All-Star game, Corbin. We let that means more. No, I don't think that's the way that this went down. Corbin burns has been everything that Michaelias and every Orioles fans could have hoped for. And you know, Brandon Hyde, his logic makes a little sense as well. If you're trying to give him a little bit of a breather as well, pitching less innings by only getting this one start this week, I get that kind of rationale as well, where we already know that this Orioles starting rotation has been hampered with injuries. The last thing this team could afford to have happened is, is burns to go down with something and he he's hit the post every single time go six every single time he goes out there, at least at least. So I'm not going to get too up in arms about. Let me ask you this, he should be starting the first game after the break. Absolutely. Without question. Yes. Like a hundred percent. This is, this is not even up for debate. Right. I like, I don't care if he throws 20 pitches Friday, July 19th without question. He should be pitching. Absolutely. In Texas. A hundred percent. Three game set. He's pitching game one. What's going to be interesting, though, is what do they do with Grayson? Are they going to kind of finagle how that starting rotation lines up? Give him a little extra rest. Give him a little extra rest because of course, Grayson's still young. He's going to be obviously exceeding his career high in innings. Are you going to try to kind of steal some there? Grayson's the one where I could see maybe he gets pushed back a bit in the second half. By the way, some breaking news that may affect an Oreo. Alex Speyer, who covers the Red Sox at Nesson, says that Rafael Devers will not participate in all star activities in order to rest his shoulder. He's a third baseman that would open up a spot for Jordan Westbrook. Well, that would be something going from three all-stars to possibly five. You're talking about Westbrook and then maybe Santander replacing Kyle Tucker and maybe Kimball replaces a guy that that is not on turn for the also becomes ineligible for the all-star game. I just kind of fault Craig Kimman. I fault Craig Kimball for not being typed with Rob Manfred. Yeah, he should have been on the commissioner's list. Yeah, how did that happen? He should have been hanging out with Manfred during the off season. Coming up next, Orioles, it is three weeks till the trade deadline. They probably were working the phones. We've talked to multiple people who say that this thing's probably not going to start cooking till the draft and that's July 14th through the 16th. That's what teams are prioritizing right now. But what are Michael Elias's deadline priorities? We'll tell you next year on the fan. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives well better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say I'm sorry. And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last, minimum $10 per order additional term supply. I'm Anna Garcia with True Crime News, the podcast. Every crime tells a story. Every story demands justice. True Crime News, the podcast covers breaking crimes, investigating high profile and under the radar cases. Every week, we dive beyond the headlines, exploring the effects of violent crimes on victims and search for justice. We hope you join us as your weekly source for True Crime News. Listen to and follow True Crime News, the podcast on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. Well, that's something that we're evaluating in terms of how we're going to approach this trade market. And you look at our own areas for upgrade. It's not a big secret that that would be on the pitching side of the equation. But it's driven so much by who's selling and which players are available and what are they asking for that we've got to learn more about the market. And it just hasn't taken shape yet. It's too soon and there are too many teams in the hunt for that third wild card. I wish I could dictate that unilaterally. We're certainly going to be in communication with all the other teams. As I was saying, it is kind of early in this new wild card spot. I mean, you look at the standings, there's teams in the National League below 500. That, of course, is Michael Elias. He sat in with the Norfolk Tides broadcast a little over a week ago and talking about the trade deadline. And he knows everybody knows what the Orioles need. It's pitching. It's bullpen. It's starting rotation. Obviously, things aren't taking shape yet. In part is Bob Nightingale told us yesterday from the USA today that teams are right now concentrating on the draft to July 14 through the 16th. He says, after the first two days, you'll see teams start to shift focus to the deadline. That takes us basically two weeks from the deadline. So the priorities though, haven't changed bone like would you like to get a right in and hit it back? Maybe even though Austin Hayes has started to hit. So maybe you're right. Hitting outfielder isn't as needed, but pitching. Yeah, I'm focusing on pitching. If they were to bring in a right handed bat out fielder, that's kind of like a cherry on top for me. You need at a minimum, a starting pitcher that can start game three of a playoff series game three of the ALDS and the guy that talked to Bob Nightingale about it yesterday, and I'm kind of getting more and more intrigued is Nathan Evolt. I just think of all the, he's off to another really good year this season in Texas. 3 1 0 ERA metrics are really solid on baseball. Savant, he pitched in the world series, started two games last year, has a lot of playoff experience, has plenty of experience in the ALs. I mean, just a couple of years ago, he spent what a handful of seasons in Boston. Yes. And he has a vesting option. Yeah, for 300 innings over the two years in Texas, two years in Texas, it would be for $20 million in 2025. It's a player option. So he could turn it down. Yes. If he hits that 300 inning threshold, where right now he's at 87 innings pitched in 15 starts last year. Remember, he banged up missing time, 144 innings. So probably on pace to hit that number. Yes. But Evaldi would be that guy for me. Someone else. Of course, we talk a lot about Eric Fettie, another right hander where you have control through next year, definite club certainty that is seven and a half million dollars, very affordable for a pitcher like that. And another name who at least is a lefty is you say Kikuchi who is just a true rental. And I don't mind Kikuchi with the caveat that that's not the only starter they go get. But I do like Kikuchi. I like the fact he's a lefty. I like the idea of him starting games here at Cannon Yards in the playoffs. I am starting to be intrigued by the one stop shop, White Sox, Fettie and crochet and putting crochet in the bullpen for the rest of this year. And then he's a starter next year. And then that sort of solves your starter problem with Fettie and your bullpen issue with crochet, because you also assume that Suarez goes into the bullpen. He's another arm for the back end of that bull and twofold can because then crochet next year is going to be starting rotation. So you kind of had two starters for 2025, one for this year plus one to the bullpen. Now, I love that idea, but that's going to be cost. Oh, it's costly. And I don't know what the white remember the White Sox famously were insisting upon Jackson holiday in a deal for cease. That did not get done. They turned that down. What are they asking for for crochet? A guy that he's not like he's pitching like an ace, but everybody knows the innings issue with crochet. Like he can't keep this up the whole year. We know it. They know it. So I don't know if they can stand on their demands for crochet like they did for cease for sure for sure. And and I would be for it. If you can pull it off and you look, you're going to have to give up one of your top four prospects at a minimum one of your top four prospects. And then if Sam Messiah was the let's play the let's play hypothetical rabbit hole here. Sure. If they make a deal where they get those two guys and the head and the the they trade one of the tier one guys and it's Sam Messiah. That means you keep Mayo, you keep holiday, you keep cursed at if they trade Sam, what have Ryan Mount Harris was in that like very like but like the tier one prospect. He's the one guy that goes. How are you feeling about that? Like maybe it's Dylan Beavers. Maybe it's a couple of guys. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's pretty you might end up being five players for sure. Like but the the one tier one guy is Bessio. Can you live with that? I mean, I can live with it when it's those two guys coming back in return, but it goes back to the conversation we were having last week and the fact that I'm very interested to see how much this organization values a Sam Bassio knowing that Adley is deaching this much already. And you expect him to continue to DH even more as years go on where do you place emphasis in having that other stub catcher? But that's a first world problem. Absolutely. If Adley Rochman if Adley Rochman is supposed to be Adley Rochman, you find another backup catcher. A hundred percent. And if that trade of Sam Bessio, then you get those two and those two will help you win a World Series this year and Bessio goes on to become a perennial all-pro all-star excuse me. I don't give a damn because you get the World Series, you know, that that's the biggest thing where if you get the ring from parting ways with if you have to part ways with one of those top four guys and one of those top four guys is a perennial all-star elsewhere. But you get that championship. I could care less because you got something that hasn't been done by this organization since 1980. Yes. And I hadn't even been Burmets for yet. Oh, yeah, it's been it's been a long time ago. I know my parents met that. Yeah, I don't think they probably did. They probably did not. Yeah, in 1983, my dad was one of his first marriage. So yeah, yeah. So like, yeah, and he's been married to his second wife longer than he was to his first. So just put that in your pipe and smoke it. But like, I am coming to terms with the fact that you got to give to get there there at the point right now where it's a trade that's going to sting a little, but hopefully it's going to help you get to where you want to go. And there are no guarantees, especially in this playoff system with all these rounds that we saw last year, three teams, 100 games, none of them want to playoff series. No guarantees, but in that hypothetical scenario, Ken, you get another bite at the apple with both of those guys next year, which would be really, really huge as well. And you're already, if you're Michael Iis, you're checking off something on your to-do list this offseason because you're going to need to add to this starting rotation in a big, big way as things are currently constructed for 2025. Now, I think they Michael Iis has worked to do. There's three weeks here that he's got to make legit improvements. This isn't Fuji in the general part two. This is, this is not on the margins. And it's going to probably sting a little. And you also have to think about clubhouse dynamics. And remember, what was it? The Mariners traded, was it seawalled a year ago, and it blew up the clubhouse? Like, you got to keep that stuff in mind. But you also got to think, you talk about backup catcher. Like, at some point, I envision a world, if they don't trade him, Kobe Mayo is the first base Jax and Holliday, it's at second, and Westburg's a third with Gunnar at short. Like that's an Adley behind the plate. That's your future infield, isn't it? So, like, you got to, I know they got to keep one eye on now and one eye on the future. So that's where I'm looking not like, well, backup catcher. Yeah, I mean, because obviously, Bassio, he's not even going to be on the roster opening day next year. But at some point, you would expect it to debut next year. You're also so good at drafting, just draft, like, if you're so good, there is a draft every year, and you don't get to pick his eye every year, but you did get Gunnar Henderson, like you got Jordan Westbrook, like, there are guys, Kobe Mayo was a fourth round. Yes. Yeah, they've they've found guys outside of just their top draft selection each year. Coming up next, we'll talk Orioles. Yeah, with our buddy, rock the barco. He just sat in with the skipper, Brandon High spoke to the media. We'll ask him about the trade deadline and how how's he feeling as it closes and Corbin Burns, what he have started him tonight. Well, last rock next year on the fan, Orioles and Cubs start a three game series tonight. Six 30 game one Baltimore baseball tonight at five 30, Bob Haney and Jim Hunter. And let's head down to a a rainy oil park at Camden Yards. Now, where Rockabaco covers the owes for mass and joins us now. And Rock, thank you as always for joining us. I want to preface with, I'm not angry about this, but and you can tell me I'm crazy. And that's maybe a different conversation. But if I'm the Orioles, I want Corbin Burns to start tonight and Sunday, not Wednesday in the All-Star game. Am I crazy? Oh, it would be Tuesday in the All-Star game. So yes, you are crazy. But I digress. And again, you're crazy, no matter what my answer is, I thought we yes, yes, we have. Yes. I mean, I could totally see the logic in that. I thought they might go that route because it is the Yankees. But we asked Brandon Hyde about it. He said they discussed it and they just decided they wanted to keep him on his regular turn and give him that little bit extra rest. And you know, you want him strong for the second half, yada, yada, yada. So you can look at both ways. This would have been his turn tonight. Yes. Normal rest. Now you get pushed today. So and you get pushed again. If you pitch Tuesday, he doesn't have an opportunity to start. And that's a nice honor. And he's only pitched in one of the four games that he's actually been selected to. And we're not 100% sure he's going to 10. We think so. We said his wife gave him the go ahead, but she just gave birth to twin. So she has the final say, and I think we all understand that, but I expect him to go. But yes, certainly having him face the Yankees would have made a lot of sense. Of course, the Yankees are free falling right now. Yes, send out anybody. I mean, bring up Chase McDermott, let him pitch against the Yankees. Seth Johnson, what's the difference? These guys can't play. But yeah, that was that was something that they just got to decide just to keep him at the end of the other quote, Brandon said normal rest, but he obviously met normal turn. Yeah. Well, Rocca, assuming Corbin Burns does go to the All-Star game, I guess, how do you handicap his chances of starting that game? And Oreo hasn't started in All-Star game since 1980. That's a young winner, Steve Stone. Yeah, sir. And then after was over, the devil said, okay, it's time after that season. I mean, if you believe in that sort of thing, Steve Stone is the poster child. All right, let's blow out your arm and come to me. But first be a broadcaster, Chicago. But yeah, I mean, Brandon, I said he's the best star in American League. I think there'd be a very good chance. First of all, the number certainly, and also, you know, it helps without the reputation. This is fourth straight selection. He's a style winner. This makes, he just would be an appealing guy to run out there. And I don't know who the primary competition would be. Crochet, like, I don't know who we're looking at, but certainly, I think he's got a decent chance. And certainly, he's got a pitch even if he isn't starting. I would think he'd be one of the first guys to get in the game. But I'm sure that would be quite an honor. It has been a long time. I think Jim Palmer started four, I believe. And I remember one game as a kid where he didn't do well. And I felt like that was the end of the world that the whole everybody was seeing him have a poor outing and really meant nothing. When you're a kid, it's a big deal. When you're a guy's getting lit up. And Jim would probably say it wasn't lit up, but I just seem to remember he gave up some runs. But yeah, I think he's got a pretty decent chance to start. And it would be cool to see that. We're talking to Roccabaco. It's inside access here on the fan. Rocca, when do you, and I know this is probably a question for your upcoming mailbag. So I apologize in advance for those who read it. But when do you think we'll see Kobe, Kobe Mayo in Baltimore? I don't get any real baseball questions in that mailbag. This is nice. lasagna is not a casserole. I talked about a sandwich. Boxer briefs. Okay. Thanks for getting back to baseball. We're going to see Kobe Mayo. I just don't know how that spot is created. And there will have to be a spot. No doubt that he's ready. And Michael I certainly has in interviews, including on Norfolk's radio broadcast, made it sound like, you know, very close, seems to be ready. You know, it's when and not if, but you do have to create a spot. And you know, defensively there's, you know, still work in progress. Certainly it's third base after looking pretty good spring training. He ran into some problems. But again, you've got to figure out what do you do here? It's Mateo Rizzeria. So unless I'm missing somebody, there's no injury. And he's not an outfielder. So it's going to have to be an infielder. It's not Ryan Malkows, unless you're going to trade Ryan Malkows and give him every day at bats. And that's a weird thing to do when you're when one of the best teams of baseball in Toronto in a world series, that'd be a bold move to trade Malkows. But I feel like you'd have to come down to Rias or Mateo. Maybe they're competing right now and they both bring their own things. I mean, Mateo plays middle infield. Great speed. Rias played everywhere, which is and is a goal go up third baseman. So neither one of those things are Mayo, but you look at Mayo's numbers and what he's doing at the plate, you got to make a spot for him, right handed bat, big time power. But how do you do it? And that's something that, you know, we'll just have to evolve here over time. We're certainly going to see him. I just don't know exactly what it's something that Brandon Hyde's been able to do with Heston curse dad. This go around rock. First time he got called up played sparingly where now he's getting some more consistent run. He's in left field tonight. What would have you thought a Heston curse dad in this week and a half? Yeah, certainly looks a lot different than he did the first time. And I think this is the player we should expect. And you know, he's look pretty good against lefties too. Well, I think he's had a couple knots against them or at least one, I can remember. But you know, I don't know if they're going to be willing to play him just every day because they do want Austin Hayes and that lineup against left handers and Hayes is swinging the bad better over it's going to be most of the time against right handers. Clearly not every time. I think there was a recent game on this road trip or he wasn't in the lineup against the right. You know, I was a little confused about that, but they also want to play calzer. And sometimes there's going to be there pretty much every day. And as we've talked about right now, herm plays every time there's the right hander on the ground. So, you know, it's tough to find consistent at bats and Mullins for the defense alone in center field. But he's going to get a longer look now and he's really taking advantage of it. And you know, people say, you know, when the late kick and what he does with his hands, it's it's unique, but it works for him. And I talked to a scout for another organization, a national league scout that said in our ballpark, he would hit 40 home runs, but he has to play every day. He's not a guy that you can put in the lineup once or twice a week. He just got to keep running him out there. So I think he's and he said that pretty much with, you know, the regular at bats are benefiting him. It's hard for him because he's used to playing every day. He comes up here, you sit for three, four, five days in a row and then take your swings as an adjustment. So I think the regular at bats are benefiting him. Now, of course, it's the old Buck Showalter thing when a guy was struggling. You said, you know, if you played me every day, I'd hit better. And Buck said, well, if you hit better, I'll play you every day. So which is it? But in this case, he's really great. Orioles and Cubs start a three game series tonight. Six 30 game one Baltimore baseball tonight at five 30, Bob Haney and Jim Hunter. And let's head down to a a rainy oil park at Camden New Yards. Now we're rockabocko covers the O's for mass and joins us now. And Rock, thank you as always for joining us. I want to preface with, I'm not angry about this, but and you can tell me I'm crazy. And that's maybe a different conversation. But if I'm the Orioles, I want Corbin Burns to start tonight and Sunday, not Wednesday in the all-star game. Am I crazy? Oh, it would be Tuesday in the all-star game. So yes, you are crazy. But I digress. And again, you're crazy no matter what my answer is. I thought we yes, yes, we have. Yes. I mean, I could totally see the logic in that. I thought they might go that route because it is the Yankees. But we asked Brandon Hyde about it. He said they discussed it and they just decided they wanted to keep him on his regular turn and give him that little bit, a little bit of extra rest. And you know, you want him strong for the second half, yada yada yada. So you can look at it both ways. This would have been his turn tonight. Yes. Normal rest. Now you get pushed today. So, and you get pushed again. If you pitch Tuesday, he doesn't have an opportunity to start. And that's a nice honor. And he's only pitched in one of the four games that he's actually been selected to. And we're not 100 percent sure he's going to 10. We think so. We said his wife gave him the go ahead, but she just gave birth to twin. So she has the final say, and I think we all understand that. But I expect him to go. But yes, certainly having him face the Yankees would have made a lot of sense. Of course, the Yankees are freefalling right now. Yes. I'm not anybody. I mean, bring up Chase McDermott, let up pitch against the Yankees. Seth Johnson, what's the difference these guys can't play. But yeah, that was that was something that they discussed and decided to keep him at the end of the other quote, Brandon said normal rest, but he obviously met normal turn. Yeah. Well, Rocca, assuming Corbin Burns does go to the All-Star game, I guess. How do you handicap his chances of starting that game? And Oreo hasn't started in All-Star game since 1980. That's young winner, Steve Stone. And then after it was over, the devil said, OK, it's time after that season. I mean, if you believe in that sort of thing, Steve Stone is the poster child. All right, let's blow out your arm and come to me. But first be a broadcaster in Chicago. But yeah, I mean, Brad and I said he's the best star in American League. I think there'd be a very good chance. First of all, the number certainly. And also, you know, it helps without the reputation. It's this fourth straight selection. He's a saw young winner. He just would be an appealing guy to run out there. And I don't know who the primary competition would be. Crochet, like I don't know who we're looking at. But certainly, I think he's got a decent chance and certainly is going to pitch even if he isn't starting. I would think he'd be one of the first guys to get in the game. But I'm sure that would be quite an honor. It has been a long time. I think Jim Palmer started four, I believe. And I remember one game as a kid where he didn't do well. And I felt like that was the end of the world that the whole everybody was seeing him have a poor outing and really meant nothing. When you're a kid, it's a big deal. When you're guys getting lit up. And Jim would probably tell me it wasn't lit up. But I just seem to remember he gave up some runs. But yeah, I think he's got a pretty decent chance to start. And it would be cool to see that. Talking to Roccabaco, it's inside access here on the fan rock. I when do you and I know this is probably a question for your upcoming mailbag. So I apologize in advance for those who will read it. But when do you think we'll see Kobe Kobe Mayo in Baltimore? I don't get any real baseball questions in that mailbag. This is nice. lasagna is not a casserole. I talked about a sandwich. Boxer briefs. Okay. Thanks for getting back to baseball. We're going to see Kobe Mayo. I just don't know how that spot is created and there will have to be a spot. No doubt that if he's ready and and Michael I certainly has in interviews, including on Norfolk's radio broadcast made it sound like you know very close seems to be ready. You know it's it's when and not if but you do have to create a spot and you know defensively there's you know still work in progress. Certainly it's third base after looking pretty good spring training. He ran into some problems. But again, you've got to figure out what do you do here? It's it's it's Mateo Rizzeria. So unless I'm missing somebody, there's no if there's no injury. And he's not an outfielder. So it's going to have to be an infielder. It's not Ryan Malcoussel unless you're going to trade Ryan Malcoussel and give him every day at bats. And that's a weird thing to do when you're when you're one of the best teams of baseball and trying to win a world series. That'd be a bold move to trade Malcoussel. But I feel like you'd have to come down to Rizzer Mateo. Maybe they're competing right now and they both bring their own things. I mean Mateo plays middle infield. Great speed. Rizz played everywhere, which and is a goal goal third baseman. So neither one of those things are Mayo. But you look at Mayo's numbers and what are you doing at the plate? Yeah, you got to make a spot for him right handed back big time power. But how do you do it? And that's something that you know, we'll just have to evolve here over time. We're certainly going to see him. I just don't know exactly when. It's something that Brandon Hyde's been able to do with Heston Cursed at this go around Rock. First time he got called up played sparingly where now he's getting some more consistent run. He's in left field tonight. What would have you thought of Heston Cursed at in this week and a half? Yeah, certainly looks a lot different than he did the first time. And I think this is the the player we should expect. And you know, he's pretty good against lefties too. I think he's had a couple knots against them or at least one I can remember. But you know, I don't know if they're going to be willing to play him just every day because they do want Austin Hayes not line up against left handers and Hayes is swinging the bad better over. It's going to be most of the time against right handers. Clearly not every time. I think there was a recent game on this road trip or he wasn't in the lineup against the right. You know, I was a little confused about that, but they also want to play Kalzer. And Fontan there is going to be there pretty much every day. And as we've talked about right now, Herman played every time there's a right hander on the map. So, you know, it's tough to find consistent at bats and Mullins for defense alone in center field. But he's going to get a longer look now and he's really taking advantage of it. And you know, people say, you know, when the late kick and what he does with his hands, it's unique, but it works for him. And I talked to a scout for another organization, a national league scout that said in our ballpark, he would hit 40 home runs, but he has to play every day. He's not a guy that you can put the lineup once or twice a week. He just got to keep running him out there. So I think he's and he said that pretty much with, you know, the regular at bats are benefiting him. It's hard for him because he's used to playing every day. He comes up here, you sit for three, four, five days in a row, and then take your swings. That's an adjustment. So I think the regular at bats are benefiting him. Now, of course, it's the old soft show water thing. When a guy was struggling, you said, you know, if you played me every day, I'd hit better. And Buck said, well, if you hit better, I play every day. So which is it? But in this case, he's really thriving now. It seems like and this is a good excuse to play him every day. Rock Dean Kramer on the mound tonight. Where'd that split come from that he threw in his last start? That was filthy. Yeah, it was. We never know what's good with some of these guys when they break out a pitch where we're making a big deal about Kimberly and spring training, throwing the change up and then he never threw it again or something. We made a fuss because he threw like one in the spring training game. But yeah, all of a sudden, Kramer is breaking out, you know, expanding his arsenal. And he's not a guy that's going to talk a lot about it, but it's something else for him. And I was surprised. He came back with five scoreless after that layoff. It wasn't like he had great numbers on his rear. And always try and take down the grain of salt. He felt good. That's the most important thing. And it's a lot harder to set up minor league hitters. They're hacking at everything. It's not like you're facing a major league lineup. And you can work certain guys. It is different. And I'm sure it's a little harder to get your adrenaline going when you're pitching and Norfolk as opposed to being on a major league mound against a major league club. But I was impressed by what he brought. And he's even more important captain obvious here to this rotation now without means and braddish and wells. If you if you can get Dean Kramer really throwing like he's capable of as your number three guy behind Burns and Rodriguez. And then depending on what they do with the deadline, you feel a lot better if you're looking ahead to playoffs in a short series. But you know, Kramer's, you know, but there's a bit of consistency. You know, you kind of get your hopes up if you're the Orioles about, you know, it's clicked and he can be a dominant type starter. And then he runs into some problems. And then obviously that the triceps injury that came out of nowhere. But at least it wasn't Elbow. You know, they didn't have to call Keith Meister. Finally, I mean, he's done. You guys don't speed dial right now. So, but you're having an effective Dean Kramer is going to really be a big boost. Those pitchers injuries also press Cape Povitch into action. And he got lit up over the weekend rock. Is that just an off game for you? Or are there concerns moving forward? Yeah. I mean, there's always going to be concerns just not that you know, you need to send them down. He's overmatched, whatever. But just when you're a contending team and your phone is hidden here for, you know, with a six major league starts and you need a lot more pressure on them now because you can't afford to just experiment and let a guy get his feet wet when all these games matter so much. So, there is that. But I, it was just, we've seen him before he's looked a lot better. He just, he said he wasn't attacking early. There's just kind of snowballed from there. And he couldn't get it out the second inning. I would hold off the panic until we see like another start and see if he gets knocked out early again. If he does, then you can start thinking about what are the alternatives. I don't think there's an obvious alternative in AAA, for example. Well, this starter is banging down the door. Bring him up. I mean, Chase McDermott's got the high strikeout totals. But, you know, the walks are still concerned. His last outing, I think he went one third of an inning and they took him out because of his pitch count. So, is he ready? I mean, then he's got even less experience in Kate Povitch. So, you really hope that he can work through this. But let's see what he does in the next outing. But he, he took a beating there. He really, you know, once, once it started a snowball and this is something a young kid learns when it starts getting away from you like that, how do you slam the brakes on it, stop the bleeding, whatever cliche. He just was not able to do that. That's something he can learn over time. But how much time do you have again when these games matter so much? Rock, before I let you go, I'd be remiss if I didn't ask you. I will probably ask you this every time you join us before the 30th. It's just how aggressive do you expect the Orioles to be as we eat near the deadline? At least one starter, at least one reliever, if not more relievers. I mean, that's what I would expect. And I always stress that, you know, the effort is there. Obviously, I can talk to scouts, but yes, the Orioles have talked to us and, you know, they are trying to get a feel for which of the prospects are available and which aren't the tricky part again, as we've talked about, is this life written? Who are the sellers and who are the buyers? And maybe it's becoming a little more clear for a few teams. But that extra wild card, man, if you're just hovering around 500 or you aren't that far out of first place or the wild card, whatever, then there's a hesitancy to go ahead and sell. So teams, the Orioles are still trying to identify the sellers and these teams are still trying to figure out who they can get for Michael Elias. But they are making the effort. I don't know if I don't mind saying it's going to be a one or two starter necessarily, but I certainly think there's going to be a veteran coming, then they can plug in somewhere. Rockabocko covers the ocean mass and rock. Always great, man. Thanks so much for your time. And I'll text you later, and that's if the game's going to start on time. Hey, it already stopped raining. The sun came out, but yes, please do anyway. I love me some weather questions. Yes, you do. Hey, rock. Thanks, buddy. Hey, coming up next, we switch to the Ravens bone and Lamar Jackson is the criticism unfair on Lamar Jackson, LaShawn McCoy has some thoughts. And so do we next year on the fan. They don't talk about him like they talk about Lamar Jackson. Lamar Jackson, he lost this year to a patch of my home. Who else is being patch of my homes? Dropped bare on the playoffs one time and even had a game. They should have lost that first half was getting smoked. Remember the game? First half, he was getting smoked, right? The patch of my whole second half started getting crazed at the ball, right? Joe broke out of the sack couple of plays, almost saying that for the way that we great Lamar Jackson is crazy because he's doing the best he can. He could be better than the playoffs. I would give him that he could be better than playoffs, but a guy like Josh Allen, who I love, I think Josh is better than Lamar, just being honest, right? But I don't think we, we don't great Josh is saying we great Lamar Jackson. Do it. So Sean McCoy on FS one talking about unfair criticism for Lamar Jackson. I do agree with the fact that I don't think Josh Allen is, is criticized the way Lamar Jackson is. And Lamar Jackson's one, two MVPs. And the last time I checked Josh Allen hasn't won any and like, and neither one has been to a Super Bowl. Neither one has been able to beat the Chiefs. Like, it is weird. I do feel like though that there's a lot of Peyton Manning to Lamar Jackson's resume and early Peyton Manning. And until he wins a Super Bowl, the criticism is going to be there. We've, we saw Peyton Manning have the one seed on more than one occasion and go one and done, yeah, more than one occasion. I believe Peyton Manning has been one and done the most amount of times in the history of the NFL playoffs. But yeah, there's, there's some similarities there where, I mean, both these guys with Heisman Trophy and, and a lot of success in the regular season, the MVPs. But yeah, up until this point, I mean, it took Peyton Manning 2006 is one, when he won his first Super Bowl and he was drafted in what 98? So it took him quite a few years. But with Lamar Jackson, I, I just think there's so much vitriol that goes his way because so many, well, someone's got to use good words with Jason not, and he brings up at least two or three words a show that I'm like, what does that mean? Yeah. Can I, can I use the writer here? But I think that is because so many people didn't expect him to succeed at the NFL level, certainly not to this level that he has through the first six years of his career. I mean, there were just so many narratives about him. I mean, his play style, he's, he's going to get heard every year. He can't throw the, you know, force him to throw the ball 30 times in a game and then see what happens. Oh, well, when you're up to possessions, there's no shot. Lamar Jackson led offense can come from behind him when he can't win a game in the playoffs. He can't be Patrick Moms. He can't do this. He can't do that. And he has dispelled a lot of those claims, but the postseason one lives and it will continue to live until he gets over the hump and wins a Super Bowl. And he has come up small very often in the postseason. And that type of criticism I think is fair, but gosh, people want to just dunk on the bar. I feel like he has accomplished everything in the regular season that you'd want out of your quarterback. Yes. Two MVPs, two one seeds, two other years where before he gets hurt, they're in line for the one seed. It's, it's, he's won two playoff games and he hasn't played great for four quarters in a playoff game. And until then, yes, there will be now now after, and I'm going to say, after he wins a Super Bowl, like I think it's more when than if, but if you say if/when, there will still be the lunatic friends that will criticize Lamar Jackson, but like Lamar Jackson has been like you think about all the quarterbacks that come in and are supposed to be franchise guys and have not come close to the success that Lamar Jackson has come. Ken, look at his draft class in 2018. The two guys that went what last out of that bunch were the best quarterbacks in, in that draft and Baker Mayfield gone one. Yeah, Josh Rosen, you had Sam Darnell. I mean, those guys did nothing in their NFL. I mean, Bakers, of course he had a very solid year last year, but not great. Yeah. Yeah. But he's not with the Browns anymore. Clearly. I mean, who, who drafted him? Those two guys helped transform both franchises. The bills were a joke for how many years? Yeah. They made the playoffs once with Tyrod, but I mean, that was the first time they made the playoffs once with Doug 29. Yeah, since 99, they were irrelevant. And John Harbaugh would have lost his job if Lamar Jackson did not turn around that 2018 season. But it's not all in Lamar for the postseason. Look, we talk about the play cars with Greg Roman, Todd Monkin, John Harbaugh has to wear some of this playoff utility because it's been since 2013. They won that one playoff game in 2014 and two with Lamar Jackson, three playoff wins since their last Super Bowl, but we got a poll. Correct. We do. I a one on five, seven of fans. How you can vote on this poll? Every poll. Lamar Jackson always seems to be a polarizing player locally and nationally does Lamar need to win a ring to quiet the outside noise or should the MVP speak for themselves? 300 votes in, 66.4% has to win it all. 33.6% too much criticism for LJ. Yeah. Well, until he does in the postseason, what he's done in the regular season, I think it's going to be there. I think the criticism is definitely valid. Hey, we'll come back, hit the hot corner, give to the lineup also. Brandon Hyde spoke to the media about Corbin Burns and also just saw said something about Jordan Westbrook, Raphael Devers is not going to participate in the all-star game. So that opens up a spot. Could it be for Westbrook? We shall see. We'll talk about it next year on the fan. They don't talk about like they're talking about Lamar Jackson. Lamar Jackson, he lost this year to a patch of my home. Who else is being patch of my home? Joe Brown the playoffs one time and even had a game. They should have lost that. First half was getting smoked. I remember the game. First half was getting smoked, right? The patch of my home the second half started getting crazy at the ball, right? Joe Brown was sat broke out of the sack couple of plays. All I'm saying is that for the way that we great Lamar Jackson is crazy because he's doing the best he can. He can be better than the playoffs. I would give him that he can be better than playoffs. But a guy like Josh Allen, who I love, I think Josh is better than Lamar, just being honest, right? But I don't think we, we don't great. Josh said we'll be great Lamar Jackson. Do it. It's a little Sean McCoy on FS one talking about unfair criticism for Lamar Jackson. I do agree with the fact that I don't think Josh Allen is, is criticized the way Lamar Jackson is. And Lamar Jackson's one, two MVPs. And the last time I checked Josh Allen hasn't won any and like, and neither one has been to a Super Bowl. Neither one has been able to beat the Chiefs. Like, it is weird. I do feel like though that there's a lot of Peyton Manning to Lamar Jackson's resume and early Peyton Manning. And until he wins a Super Bowl, the criticism is going to be there. We've, we saw Peyton Manning have the one seed on more than one occasion and go one and done, yeah, more than one occasion. I believe Peyton Manning has been one and done the most amount of times in the history of the NFL playoffs. But yeah, there's some similarities there where, I mean, both these guys with Heisman Trophy and a lot of success in the regular season, the MVPs. But yeah, up until this point, I mean, it took Peyton Manning 2006 is one, when he won his first Super Bowl and he was drafted in what 98. So it took him quite a few years. But with Lamar Jackson, I, I, I just think there's so much vitriol that goes his way because so many, well, someone's got to use good words with Jason not here. I mean, he brings up at least two or three words a show that I'm like, what does that mean? Yeah, can I, can I use the writer here? But I think that is because so many people didn't expect him to succeed at the NFL level, certainly not to this level that he has through the first six years of his career. I mean, there were just so many narratives about him. I mean, his play style, he's, he's going to get heard every year. He can't throw the, you know, force him to throw the ball 30 times in a game and then see what happens. Oh, well, when you're up to possessions, there's no shot. Lamar Jackson led offense can come from behind him when he can't win a game in the playoffs. He can't be Patrick Moms. He can't do this. He can't do that. And he has dispelled a lot of those claims, but the postseason one lives and it will continue to live until he gets over the hump and wins a Super Bowl. And he has come up small very often in the postseason. And that type of criticism I think is fair, but gosh, people want to just dunk on the bar. I feel like he has accomplished everything in the regular season that you'd want out of your quarterback. Yes. Two MVPs, two one seeds, two other years where before he gets hurt, they're in line for the one seed. It's, it's, he's won two playoff games and he hasn't played great for four quarters in a playoff game. And until then, yes, there will be now now after, and I'm going to say, after he wins a Super Bowl, like I think it's more when than if, but if you say if slash when, there will still be the lunatic friends that will criticize Lamar Jackson, but like Lamar Jackson has been like you think about all the quarterbacks that come in and are supposed to be franchise guys and have not come close to the success that Lamar Jackson has come. Ken, look at his draft class in 2018. The two guys that went what last out of that bunch were the best quarterbacks in, in that draft and Baker Mayfield gone one. Yeah, Josh Rosen, you had Sam Darnell. I mean, those guys did nothing in their NFL. I mean, Baker's of course he had a very solid year last year, but not great. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, he's not with the Browns anymore. Clearly. I mean, who, who drafted him? Those two guys helped transform both franchises. The bills were a joke for how many years they made the playoffs once with Tyrod. But I mean, that was the first time they made the playoffs once with Doug 29. Yeah, since 99, they were irrelevant. And John Harbaugh would have lost his job if Lamar Jackson did not turn around that 2018 season, but it's not all Lamar for the postseason. Look, we talked about the play callers with Greg Roman, Todd Monkin, John Harbaugh has to wear some of this playoff utility because it's been since 2013. They won that one playoff game in 2014 and two with Lamar Jackson, three playoff wins since their last Super Bowl. But we got a poll. Correct. We do. I a one of five, seven of fans. How you can vote on this poll. Every poll Lamar Jackson always seems to be a polarizing player locally and nationally. Does Lamar need to win a ring to quiet the outside noise or should the MVP speak for themselves? 300 votes in 66.4% has to win it all. 33.6% too much criticism for LJ. Yeah. Well, until he does in the postseason, what he's done in the regular season, I think it's going to be there. Yeah. I think the criticism is definitely valid. Hey, we'll come back, hit the hot corner, give to the lineup. Also, Brandon Hyde spoke to the media about Corbin Burns and also just just saw said something about Jordan Westbrook. Raphael Divers is not going to participate in the all-star game. So that opens up a spot. Could it be for Westbrook? We shall see. We'll talk about it next year on the fan. Trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again, with North Sides and Bullion as you're not so secret ingredient, you can skip the drive-through and do dinner at home. 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