New Life Christian Ministries Podcasts

Are You In? Life In Him

We have everything we need for life in Jesus, who is the word of God!

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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We have everything we need for life in Jesus, who is the word of God!

You get to show the alliance, just don't ever want to stand up here and give thanks to show the alliance church, and we'll give them a hand for their classical family. My son asked me that when we're looking back at our church and I told him the truth. I don't know. I have no idea, a secret, but we trust God and we need your help on Wednesday nights. I know you're tired with everybody that comes to Wednesday work night, usually had to work in somewhere the other day before. So we can pray that as we say, hey, we need your help, but you guys will come help us build back God's house, the way that it ought to be. Let's bow our heads as we go into the Word of God this morning. Father, I thank you for the opportunity to stand before these, your great people, and give them the word that you have placed upon my heart. I pray God that I would not get in the way of this word, that you would allow an anointing to come upon me that is connected directly to you, that you would give me the words to speak to these, your sheep, that this word might be nutrients to them, that faith may come by the hearing of this word. I pray God that they would not be hearers of this word only, but doers. And God, as you know at the end of this message, there's going to be a call. I'm going to ask them, are you in? I'm going to ask them to do something if they receive these words. So may everyone be attentive today because there's going to be a question at the end to say, do you believe these words that you've heard today? If you believe them and I want you to do this thing, so God may not once syllable fall to the ground. May every ear be open to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church this morning. I pray this in Jesus' name. Church, can you say amen? We've met in a series entitled, "All Are You In?" That's a question three words, "All Are You In?" Because if you're not in, you can be out and we want to be in the will of God, we want to be in the presence of God. When we die, we want to be in heaven, we want to be born again, so everything that God has for us, we want to be in. And so today's message is entitled, "All Are You In?" Life in Him. Everyone that is born will someday die unless the God calls us home and then we see the cloud and come back on the cloud and we're changing an instant. But we've got to reconcile something that we are all born into sin and no one gets to see the kingdom of God without being born again. I'm not talking about how well do you go to church, how well do you read the Bible, how well do you give to the poor. I'm not talking about that this morning. I'm talking about religious activity. I'm talking about, "Are you in a relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you know without a shadow of a doubt that if you die today that you would go to heaven? Are you in?" Because during the days of Noah, he built that boat for over 200 years and then God shut the door. And when he shut the door, it began to rain. And then it began to beat on that door. It thought Noah was crazy as he was building this boat because it never rained before. But I'm telling you that Jesus came once 2,000 years ago and is going to come back again. Jesus is going to come back again. And we have to be in and to be in need to be in fellowship with Jesus Christ in a relationship with him. Not just professing him but actually believing on him and away his commandments. Are you in? Are you saved? Coming in this building doesn't mean you get to go to heaven. You must be in fellowship in a relationship with Jesus Christ who is the word of God. So we have everything we need for life in Jesus who is the word of God. If that's the truth, can you say amen? We have everything we need in life in Jesus who is the word of God. So I'm here to tell you this morning that God is not far away. No matter how far away you've seen to be from God, God is never far away from us. And many times we think that our sin repels him but it actually compelled him to come closer to us. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting lives. So to the center this morning I want you to know that God is not far from you. To the same who is striving to be more like Christ and we find ourselves falling down over and over again. I want you to know that God is not far from you either. It's a blessing to have air in your lungs this morning because it lets me know that the grace of God is still active and we still have the opportunity to get in fellowship with Christ. We can still get in. The door of the ark is still open. The time of grace is still here but that age is coming to a close. The last days began 2000 years ago and we don't know when Jesus coming back there's something but there's something that we need to be more attentive of even in the fact that Jesus is coming back. We're leaving. So we may die before Jesus comes back. So knowing that fact we've got to ask ourselves a question and we would read after me. Am I in? Am I in? Am I in? Man, more than knowing that you have car insurance, more than knowing that you have winners insurance or homeowners insurance. You need to look at your soul's policy, the salvation policy on your soul. Am I in? And the only way that we get into by putting our faith in Jesus Christ and I want you to know this morning that God is not far. We're going to Matthew chapter 1 verse 23 that says this look the virgin will conceive a child. She will give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel. What would they call him? Emmanuel which means God is with us. Can you say this with me? Emmanuel. Man, there's so much power in his name. So the next time you have a problem I just want you to say Emmanuel. The next time your husband or wife says well I don't know how we're going to pay this bill or I don't know how we're going to do just like a man do whatever. What does that mean? God is with us. He's near. He's close. We wouldn't even be breathing if it wasn't for God. He is the life source of everything you see. God is near. Acts 17 verses 27 through 20 days like this. His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist as some of your own boys have said we are his offspring. Church he is not very far from us. His name is Emmanuel and without him there is no life. There is no movement. There's no progression in life and there is no purpose in life. Jesus Christ is our life. He's not just a religious figure. He's not just a rabbi. He is our life. Yes he is the Son of God but he is still our life. We don't get to live without him. Even those who are sinners today they still only are breathing because Jesus is life and the moment he requires that spirit back that is inside of him their life is over in that moment and if they die without knowing him then they go to darkness. We don't be weeping and gnashing of teeth and they go to this place and they'll be reserved into the judgment and then when God comes and he judges us those that know him and have a relationship with him will go and live with him forever in heaven but those who projected him will go to hell where there will be fire and in this fire and no death there and this is the truth. I know that this is not a popular truth anymore that you don't really hear this kind of speech anymore because the world doesn't talk about this because the world doesn't want you to know this because this world has his God his name is Satan and he is a deceiver so he makes people believe that hey do what you want and show it back take your time you've got all the time in the world to get right with God but he is a liar so the question this morning is are you in right now not tomorrow not I don't know I need to get my life together but right now we need to be in now because we don't know where the end is and this is serious business I believe I ran has it's it's it's it's it's I set on the destruction of of Israel and we see Armageddon is just warming up the end of the work we can see with our own eyes but the end is more near than it's ever been so the question that God that is all God's heart is are you in because he's soon to come or we're soon to go let's look at being in him and to be in him is to be in the word because we have life in him so in him who is Jesus Christ he's also called the word let's go to John chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 says in the beginning the word which is another name for Jesus the word already existed he existed in the giving with God God created everything through him and nothing was created except through him the word gave life to everything that was created and his life brought light to everyone so when the Bible says that God God any beginning God created the world this is how he did it through Jesus Christ so when in the beginning when this says God said let there be light and there was light that was the activity of Jesus Christ creating everything because only Jesus gave life to everything we see Jesus is a pretty big deal Jesus is the king of kings he's the lord of lords he is the author and finishing our faith every knee will bow to him and under the earth and in the earth Jesus is the prince of peace he's everything he created everything and we all have life through him because in the beginning church till you say the beginning in the beginning the word which is Jesus Christ already existed the word was with God and the word was God he existed in the beginning with God God created everything through him so that's how big of a deal Jesus is that God the Father created everything through him so many times we missed that we just think God said that would be like and there was light but in the New Testament we learned a little bit more to see that God created everything through Jesus Christ and it says that the word gave light to everything that was created and his life brought light to everyone so except for Jesus Christ we do not have even the basic life so all of you that are breathing right now you've got the basic life but there's no guarantee that you have the eternal life until you're born again so everybody's alive because Jesus gave them life the thief comes to steal to kill or destroy but Jesus came to the life give us life and life more abundantly so we thank you for life lord but we're also looking for that life more abundantly that endless life that eternal life that only Jesus Christ can give us so we need to be in so Jesus the word gave Mike to everything that was created and you are alive today because you were given life can you take a deep breath with me because I can't breathe one, two, three, go all right so the reason that you were able to take a breath right there is because Jesus gave you life and he's sustaining your life right now can you say this with me lord lord thank you for life lord thank you for waking me up this morning see we take life for granted sometime but there's cemetery schools people that are not alive there are people planning funerals today because they've lost a loved one but you right now you're breathing in this room because Jesus saw fit that you would have life today but life isn't the biggest deal because this life these lungs this part will stop breathing and I will enter into death one day but if we have our faith in Jesus Christ and if we've been born again we will have eternal life and listen one day I will have to preach this to you because one day we'll lock eyes and we'll be in heaven and we'll be able to look at each other if it's not in the city you know they were right like we made it like Jesus Christ is the Son of God he's the one and which we receive eternal life through let's go over to John chapter 8 verses 1 through 11 in him which is Jesus the word which is Jesus we live so unless Jesus gives us his word there is no life so his word gave us life and his word sustains our life remember Satan told Jesus to turn the stones into bread and Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by what every word that proceeds from the mouth of God so that is why we grow spiritually weak when you stay out of the Bible you get spiritually weak and that old life comes back depression comes in anger anxiety the old you start to stir up again because you've been you've not been sustaining yourself on life since Jesus gave us life Jesus also sustains our life and Jesus is the word so when you ingest the word you ingest Jesus and you get more life into you our problem is we fall for the system of this world they're giving away lust but God is giving away life because all that is in this world is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life we've got to be careful not to eat that and instead eat life so Jesus is the life given by his word John chapter 8 verses 1 through 11 and say this Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives but early the next morning he was back again at the temple a crowd soon gathered and he sat down and talked now as he was speaking the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery they put her in front of the crowd teacher they said to Jesus this woman was caught in the act of adultery the law of Moses says to stone her what do you say church he says with me what do you say what do you say oh my goodness see we've got to start asking God questions you said just receive any information of the world and then it can take us down to death right so you can go to the doctor get a doctor report say the doctor says I only have a month to live but you turn to God and say God but what do you say right the bank says they're going to foreclose on my home if I don't get four payments in in the next month my job says I can't work enough overtime to pay that bill but God what do you say yes you got to bring God into your life you got to ask him to speak a word into your life so that your life can be sustained otherwise you will just worry yourself to death otherwise you will just be a dead sea where nothing new comes in so if you when you find yourself depressed and when you find yourself anxious you've got to reach for something higher than you you've got to say Lord what do you say because your own thoughts and your own mind are the things that drive you now into worry it is a depression so you've got to stop the press sometimes you know what I'm sick of having these thoughts I'm tired of people saying this about my life and that about my life I'm going to the maker of my life I'm going to the one who gave me life and I'm going to say God but what do you say yes no because whatever he says no one can change it no whatever he says there's nothing that can stop him from fulfilling his wit so the the law of Moses says to stone her what do you say they shouldn't have asked him that question she was just left him alone they wanted this woman to die because that's what the law said to do the very law they were they were accusing her of breaking and they were also law breakers themselves because we're all law breakers we're all sinners in need of grace we all fall short verse six they were trying to track him with a sign or something they could use against him but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger they kept demanding an answer so he stood up again and said all right but let the one who was never sinned throw the first stone then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust when the accusers heard this they slipped away one by one beginning with the oldest and so one only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd of the woman then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman where are your accusers didn't even want to then continue no Lord she said and Jesus said neither did I go and sin no more so they said she's caught in a dog drink in the most of the law the law of Moses says we stone her the killer right now what did you say and here's what Jesus said it's the same thing he says to us neither do I go and sin no more so she lived because he spoke a new word over her go and sin no more so whatever you're going through this morning if you're depressed if you're down trying if you don't sleep up from now all you have to do is say God what do you say speak to me Lord speak to me in this situation that's another reason to pick up our vitals as well because he speaks in this word and we can see what he has to say and he told her to go and sin no more she was saved by his word first John chapter two verses one through two say this my dear children remember Emmanuel right God is with us so God was with her but his name isn't Emmanuel so that means that his name is the same yesterday today and forever so God was Emmanuel back there with her caught in her adultery and God is Emmanuel for us today when we sin and we mess up because we do my dear children I am writing this to you so that you will not sin but if anyone does sin we have an advocate who pleads our case before the father he is Jesus Christ the only one who was truly righteous he himself is the sacrifice that it owns for our sins and not only our sins but the sins of all the world so we are alive even when we sin only by the mercy of God because he demands righteousness so if God if God wanted to the very next time we sin God is like you know what that's it I'm done with them they know my requirement they know my law this is it you're gone your life I require you right now and we would leave this world if if God wanted to because he requires righteousness but we live by the word right so Jesus Christ is the word of God and you do you know what the word of God is doing right now at the throne of God he is pleading for us he is advocating for us because he is not our righteousness so when we sin we're able to say father please forgive me of my sins I repent I messed up and I won't do it again it's Tuesday I won't do it again what happens on Wednesday do it again do we still live yes why because we live by his word Jesus Christ is our advocate and he's at the father side pleading for us so I just have mercy on them I am their advocate I am the one that died for their sins just have mercy on them even while we are still sinning God is pleading Jesus rather is pleading on our behalf with words so this is how we could say in him which is in the word we live or we have life okay in him we live and we have life in him who is also the word of God we have life so how do we have life in the word of God because in the beginning was the word and the word was God and the word was with God and everything that God made he made through the word so we have life through the word we've been born again because we believe the gospel word this is how important the word is and then after we have asked God for forgiveness of our sins even when we do sin God Jesus Christ the word of God is on the right hand of the father and he's pleading for us I think that deserves a thank you Lord can we tell the Lord thank you at this time Lord I thank you for being merciful towards me even when I am to sin against you even when I mess up over and over again you are pleading and advocating to the father on my behalf so in him who is the word we have life but also in him who is the word we move remember in him we live we move and we have our being so how do we move while we're in him so this movement represents progress advancement obtaining blessings and favor it's all by the word of God it's impossible to live a blessed life opposite a big obedient to the word of God if we live our lives in disobedience to God's word we will not be blessed and it might appear to be a blessing because David was even infused by it David was like why do the wicked why are they always so blessed but God let another it's just like the grass and the field they're here today and they're gone tomorrow so David learned that it was very important to walk in his ways because that is how we move listen to that Psalms 119 verses 43 through 45 so this is for all of us who feel stuck if you feel stuck in your in the way that your marriage is going to feel stuck in your finances you feel stuck in your emotions just you just feel stuck like why am i stuck here why is there no movement no progress stuck in your job what's happening here why am i not moving why am i not advancing because the word of God says it's in him that we live and we move so listen to what David tells us in Psalm 119 43 do not snatch your word of truth from me for your regulations are my only hope i will keep on obeying your instructions forever and ever what are the next three words i will say it again what are the next three words everyone next three words i will walk i will walk listen it's in his word it's in him that we live and move so if you want movement in your life you get into the word of God you obey it and then like David said i will walk i will walk how in freedom for i have devoted myself to your commandments so when you feel when we this is good when we feel stuck what we got to look at is this am i obeying his commandments all around me because if i obey his commandments i will walk how in freedom nothing can bind me up because because that the accuser has no little right to stop clear do anything to me because i am obeying his words and i have devoted myself to his commandments so when you know and obey the truth you stay free church you say free free if you want freedom in your life in your marriage in your finances in your home in your health obey his man's man because what you do is you hit your rod whenever you see his word obey it and your life hitches a rod to his word he said okay where is his word gone i'll tell you his word never returns void where to him he looks over his word in the earth to see that he might perform it man this is the secret of life this is the secret of every blessing that you could ever obtain is by getting in the scripture and saying what did god say about this thing i'm going to obey it because his word can't go back undone to him so whatever the problems are in your life get in scripture and say okay i've got problems in my marriage i've got problems in my health i've got problems in my finances i've got problems with anxiety get in scripture fun bible verses about that situation and obey them and i promise you god's word will not come back void and you will move because of your obedience to him Psalms 119 105 says this your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path i know for sure that some of us are going through some things and we can't see our own way out but David is letting us know here that god's word is a guide to our feet and also a light for our path so it is the way out of the unknown so god put all the wisdom in the bible the book that we spend the least amount of time in isn't it why that we will worry for three days but not read the bible for three minutes isn't that why that the answers are in the word of god but we would rather worry and search google it and drink alcohol and faith and try to forget about our problems than getting in the very word of god by which we move god is his word so if we live by him and we move by him then we must attach ourselves to his word and by faith we will walk and move we walk by faith not by words so if you're stuck close your eyes my father used to say this before he died he said you can see more with your eyes closed because it shuts out the world it shuts out the worry and puts your soul's focus squared and on the lower john six versus 16 through 21 that evening jesus disciples went down to the shore to wait for him but as darkness fell and jesus still had come back they got into the boat and headed across the lake toward kapurna soon man these words just jump off the page to me that evening jesus went down to the disciples went down to wait for him so they're waiting on the low but darkness fell man see you got to read the bible with the holy spirit don't read the bible by yourself they're just words then read the bible with the holy spirit and the words will leap off the page into your heart and they'll see things that you wouldn't have seen before and what i'm seeing here is that as they were waiting for the lower darkness fell and jesus still hadn't come back so some of us are going through some situations right now and are alive and we're waiting for the lower but while we wait the darkness comes they got into the boat and headed across the lake toward kapurna soon so first all these things are happening waiting for the lower the while we're waiting the darkness came and he still had to come back and then what happens next soon a gail swept down upon them a storm and the sea grew very rough they had broke three or four miles when suddenly can you say suddenly so let me ask you this time i just gave you the answer because you just said so when you're facing problems in your life and you're waiting on the lord and the darkness over takes you and a storm comes when does jesus come suddenly you got the right answer you can say it loud but does jesus come suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly means i didn't see it happening until the morning was come and it was just suddenly you serve the god of suddenly you serve Emmanuel god with us so that that's we know that god sees us before we see him and he never takes his eyes all of us but when it appears when he does appear to us it will be in a moment of a suddenly suddenly they saw jesus walking on the water towards the boat so jesus used the problem to get to them jesus walked across the problem to get nearer to them and that's exactly what he'll do for us as we're waiting for him he walks across the problem walking on the water towards the boat they were terrified but he called out to them don't be afraid i am here then they were eager to let him in the boat and immediately they arrived at their destination if you're not if you go too fast and you do this without the holy spirit you'll miss the miracle right there you'll miss a miracle right there so they were still out in the middle of the sea and the storm was was raging against them they saw Jesus Jesus said don't be afraid i am here they were eager to get him on the boat and as soon as he stepped on the boat boom they were at their destination it didn't say that the wind carried them swiftly towards the shore no they transit time they moved just that fast because he is the god of the suddenly it says they were eager to let him in the boat and immediately not quickly immediately they arrived at their destination i've got good news for every single one of you this morning if you are going through a problem and you're waiting on the lord to answer and darkness has overcome you and then a storm hit on top of that i want you to understand that the way that our god works is that and this is good the way that our god works is that he comes suddenly right so that that's what you have to be looking for god i don't know when you're going to come but i know that you are and then it will be a suddenly and then when he comes we're to say god i thank you and i know you minister to me to not be afraid and when god speaks they we move by his word he said do not be afraid i am here so when he speaks those words and we invite him into the moment we are accelerated to where we needed to be so we all say all the time god why are you moving so slow because he's the god of all time they got there when they were supposed to get there because as they welcomed him into their boat into their lives by faith they were accelerated to their destination so that this teaches us this that eagerness is an accelerant be eager to let jesus in otherwise all we have is anxiety and that minister to us and depression but the disciples were eager to let him in and because they were eager it accelerated him to the destination it says don't be afraid so we must say we are not afraid he says i am here and we say we are eager to receive you can you say this with me lord i'm eager to receive you in my situation in jesus name amen that eagerness will act as an accelerant in our lives i'm going to skip down to john chapter five verses one through nine i'm just going to give you the highlight of this this passage a man was sick for thirty eight years and jesus asked him a question the words spoke to him and he said would you like to get well would you like to be made whole in verse seven he said i can't sir for i have no one to put me in the pool in the book when the water bubbles up jesus told him stand up pick up your mat and walk instantly the man was healed he wrote up the sleeping mat and began walking away so this is the lesson here to be in god and to be in movement requires us to be in frame and to know his word because without knowing his word without him speaking the words of us and without us believing that word we say stuck he was there for 38 years hoping that his miracle would come from this way when his mother suddenly appeared in front of him and spoke to him and he was able to walk from that moment forward finally it is in him the word which we have our being or our existence second currently in five seven teams says this therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new we're inviting the praise team to come back at this time as we wrap this up in here who is the word we have our being or our existence i opened up with that i told that in the beginning the word created everything god created the world through the word and the word is jesus christ and we only exist because of jesus christ and listen to john chapter five verses 24 through 26 it says this i told you the truth those who listen to my message and believe in god who sent me have eternal life they will never make a dent for their sins i'll say that again i tell you the truth those who listen to my message and believe in god who sent me have eternal life they will never be condemned for their sins but they have already passed from death into life and i assure you that time is coming indeed it's here now when the day will hear my voice the voice of the son of god and those who listen will live the father has life in himself and he has granted that same life giving power to his son which you stand this morning please what a blessing for you to be here to hear the truth to hear this message and for just a moment i'm going to ask that you would respond here momentarily by faith so even if you are in even if you believe in yourself to be born again i'm going to still ask you to respond here in just a moment i want to tell you how to get in how do we get into the way how do we know for some of that we are in and that when we die we will have eternal life in Jesus Christ what is the way Romans 10 verses 5 through 11 say this for Moses writes that the laws way of making a person right with god requires obedience to all its command so you've heard many people out there saying i think i'm going to heaven i'm a pretty good person like i don't steal i don't kill me i'm not perfect but i'll do all that stuff over there so their faith is in the law their faith is to say well i'm a bank i'm not killing i'm not stealing i'm not taking the Lord's name in vain but that was the way that god gave to Moses that how people could get right with him but verse 6 says this but faith's way of getting right with god says don't say in your heart who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down to earth and don't say who will go down to the place of the dead to bring Christ back to life again in fact it says the message is very close at hand it is on your lips and in your heart and that message is the very message about faith that we preach listen to this this is the way in if you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with god and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved as the scriptures tell us anyone who trusts in him will never be disgrace let's bow our heads for a moment Father i'm giving them this message of how to get in this was just a review for many of us we've heard these scriptures but just because we've heard them doesn't mean they've moved us it doesn't mean that we are aware we ought to be in you your worst is that the way is very close it is the message that we preach for faith the way is very close it is even on our lips that all we must do is this confess with our mouth or openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead and you will be saved so i'm going to ask those that are in this room i've preached the gospel to you that man will explore and descend god so love the world that he sent us down from across for us and after three days in the grave god raised his son Jesus Christ from the dead with all power and all glory and all by making the way that all the believe on him would be saved so my question to you today is this are you in and if you're not in get in because the way in has just been delivered to you openly declare that Jesus is Lord so i'm going to ask you in a moment that if you believe on Jesus Christ to be the Lord i'm going to ask you to say this i'm openly declared that Jesus is Lord go ahead all right if you only declare that Jesus Lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved so my next question is if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and you openly declared that Jesus is Lord you got to do this quickly i want you to come down front just quickly quickly if you've done those two things if you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead if those two things if those two things qualify you i want you to come down i don't care how long you've been saved i don't care about anything of that i just want to know if you're in right now just get into the eyes you don't have to be up front but at least get into the eyes and leave your seat and remember what this is for it's simple church do you say simple it's very simple it's very simple to be saying it's just this it's just I confess longer with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that god raised him from the dead and that's it you can be saved it doesn't say that your last sin must have been committed at least 20 hours ago it doesn't say your last sin must have been forgiven at least you can't you can't have sin within the past month that's not what it says the way is very simple right man because Jesus did the hard part like he was the one that lived a sinless life and died on the cross for our sins so that all we would have to do by faith is just believe man he must love you guys to make it that easy he didn't say you have to you have to fulfill the whole all Moses you didn't have to say that you have to go on this day never mess up again he says if you want to be saved all I need you to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus Lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead if you will be in church can you say amen Jesus burn in Jesus burn in and since we're in we're asking for this your words say that it isn't you that we live we move and we have our being so Lord that's our prayer because we're about to leave her at a moment that's our prayer since we're in maybe we have life in you but we have our movement in you and maybe we have our existence in you because to begin this is to say that I've given up my old life to begin is to say I'm born again and I don't want me anymore God owns me and if God owns me then he owns my problems and he owns my hangups and he owns my trials and he owns my sicknesses and he owns my dancing all those things I just give over to him so Lord you know the needs of each and every one of us God and we desperately need your Holy Spirit so once you pour out your spirit on us God as we take this last song together this last song of worship about the altar God I'm asking you to do something pour out your spirit on your church Lord because we want to begin would pray that in Jesus