New Life Christian Ministries Podcasts

Are You In? Experiencing the New!

The foundation of experiencing the new life is in relationship with God.

Broadcast on:
28 Jul 2024
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The foundation of experiencing the new life is in relationship with God.

And with us as we worship out our God together with the communion we got told me to get me in down here and pray for him to receive the baptism of Holy Spirit so when we are in this building perfect we are in the Spirit of God and we're doing the things that he is leading us to do and those things take time so we're very grateful that he would be patient with God as he glues but not as time for his word and we stand to honor the beginning of that new time so Father we thank you that you have brought me and my family home safely from vacation thank you for that time away that time of rest and now God can give it a word a new series to your people and the name of the new series is called are you in experiencing the new we've learned about what the new is but now we want to know for blood then are we experiencing the new so Father thank you for this word I ask for an anointing to be upon me as the preacher the pastor the teacher this morning and anointing upon the listeners they're your children they are spiritually hungry some of them spiritually famished but they need to hear this word at least to move them to where you want them to be that's what food is supposed to be for food is supposed to be for energy sometimes we use it for pleasure but it's supposed to be for energy so the word of God is powerful and alive why because it is for energy to move us from where we are to where he desires we be so make this word of God that we hear this morning may it be energy to move us from here where we are to there where you desire us to be Lord we love you we honor your presence we can do in this without you Holy Spirit I'm asking for your help for your anointing your presence to be here God and I pray that as your people come God that they begin to even take notes yes I've waited so easy for them that they can go to that happens see my notes God but let it begin to take down their own notes those things that you speak to them during the message God so they can chew on and they can receive the power Father God from it as they live out their life on this week so if we love you we honor you we praise you in Jesus name church you say amen God bless you you may be seated this time we are in the new series again I said it's cold for you in experiencing the new the first thing God said to me when I woke up this morning buzz the foundation is relationship I hope God speaks to you did you do you know that he does that that you don't have to come to church to hear a word from the Lord that God himself actually speaks to you and you should have an expectation that he speaks to you and you hear his voice my sheep know my voice in a stranger they will not follow so the first thing he said to me is the foundation is relationship and I knew what he was talking about as we go into this new series we should have an expectation to see the new so the Bible is not just history the Bible is not just his story the Bible is my story as well and it's our story can you say this is the Bible is my story as well so man so I'm able to see the children of Israel cross on dry land that's my story too because I have some storms in my life sometimes where the there's it's impossibilities in this way or the mountains in this way is his pharaoh and his army and this way is through a scene we don't have enough boats we don't have time to build boats so I need to experience a miracle just like the children of Israel experience at the Red Sea so their story is my story because their God is my God and God is the same yesterday today and forevermore so when you read the Bible you should see your story all throughout the Bible because that's your God so the same God that opened blind eyes the same God that raised the dead he's able to do those things for us now but church if I can be real with you I'm going to have a heart to heart with you here and all men I want to experience it like I've had some people two times in my life I had I used to work with the guy I had to share his office and I have a pastor friend in London now both of them told me that their mothers make the best lasagna my mom makes the best lasagna said this old co-worker and I've got a pastor friend in town says my mom makes the best lasagna but guess what I haven't tasted either of them now there's one thing to hear about something being good and it's a whole other thing to experience the goodness of that thing now week after week after week we pursue the word of God you should be going after the word of God yourself and the things of God but listen if we should come to a point where I don't want to just hear about it I want to experience the power of God in my life I want to experience me because I want to experience breakthroughs otherwise we're just some bored crusting religious people sitting around listening to Bible stories all the time but never experiencing any of it can you repeat after me that's not up we're going to experience the goodness of God we're going to experience what God has for us otherwise we don't is that simple and I've got to have a heart to heart with him to really do something and it's from my heart and I want to share this with you up this morning let me keep this thing from turning on me here we go a heart to heart second Corinthians 5 17 is where we begin Father I pray now in Jesus name that a great transition begins to happen in us Lord show us God your glory as we just sang show us God your power we don't want to just hear about it we don't want to just talk about it we don't want to just wear t-shirts that say it we don't want to just sing songs about it we want to experience it experience your glory and power and we know it comes out of cost and we learned about that in the last series about being in with the new not with the old but now well we come to a point of transition a fork in the road where we either keep hearing about it being hears only but not doers or what comes from the points that okay we've heard about the new and now we desire to walk in and step into it and experience it may that be this moment in Jesus name amen. 7 Corinthians 5 17 says this therefore if any man be around Christ is that what your Bible says therefore if any man be by Christ is that what it says therefore if any man knows about Christ is that what your Bible says therefore if any man be what in the name of this new series is called are you in because that's the only way to experience the new there are there are church people all around the world who are not in Christ let's just be real we put on our Sunday best we come here we sing our songs we see it all in the news pastors fall like man how can this be possible because just because we come to a building doesn't mean we're in Christ just because you don't cuss anymore doesn't mean that you're not that you're in Christ just because you don't know there's a bar anymore doesn't mean that you're in Christ when you're in Christ there should be something that changes something that happens the Bible says therefore if many men any men be in Christ he is a new creature all things are passed away because all things are become new so here's my heart to heart with you I've grown fresh credit with my walk at times with Christ when I don't see the fruit or the power the Bible says for a suppulsive experience it's not that something is wrong with God or the new life he has for us in Christ I'm just not always in fully committed fully faithful fully in love we know all about the new life God has for us but are we in when you're in there should be evidence and transformation I'm going to say that again when you're in there should be evidence and transformation are we in love in identity in faith in purpose and how will we know that we are in the new so church how do we know we're actually in Christ like I love all of you and I know you love me but let's get down to business just because we are in church right now doesn't mean it will be in heaven later then all the way that we're going to get in heaven is if we're in Christ now and if we're in Christ there should be evidence church can you say evidence Father I forgive those people that would not give me evidence of their mother's lasagna I forgive them in Jesus name I will harbor that okay but you've got to begin to crave church begin to crave the experience of Christ not just the knowledge of Christ but the power and the experience of Christ so how will we know that we're in the new it tells us right here therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature creature and here's what happens old things are passed away now don't raise your hand but sometimes how many of you sometimes get frustrated by the old things about you that are still hanging around don't raise your hand you don't have to shake your hand but let's let's keep it real there's some old things about us that sometimes the girls are tired I was like why do I still do this why do I still say this why do I still feel this way why are there still old things about me because unless we are in Christ the old things don't pass away we got to break this down to elementary right if you're still struggling with things of old it means that there's some portions of you that are not in Christ because the Bible says any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away because all things are become new that's what I want for you that's what I want for me all things to become new my health becomes new my credit becomes new my joy becomes new everything about me everything around my life becomes new how is that because my life is in Christ if you're still surrounded by the old if there's still old things around you then you've got to say okay this part of me must not be in Christ as it ought to be let me continue with my heart to heart to you so we're surrounded by all these new promises of God and of what life should look like but our marriages and our lives don't always look like a wonderful picture of what God presents them to be why especially marriages if our marriage is far but what the Bible says they should be wild our marriages should be new marriages should be amazing marriages should be the most amazing relationship this side of heaven why because it is a representation of Jesus and his church so if they don't look what that our marriages are as amazing as they could be then what's the problem then the question we have to ask ourselves is are we both in in what in obedience to do with the Bible says husbands and wives are to do so if we continue to see old things in our marriage old fights old conversation old topics if even in their life the old things that we've got to say something's wrong here church you say don't look at anybody we can say something's wrong here if we're not experiencing the new then something must be wrong and we know that sometimes things get off when things are wrong and if it's not new then it must not be in Christ so are we both in in what in obedience to do what the Bible says and the kicker is this if we're not in obedience what are we in sin sin is doing what God says not to do all that which is outside of obedience to his command so what in are we in in obedience or in sin man that's what it really breaks it down to when you look at your life and if you can say this is old this is jacked up this is messed up this is not God's best for me so this must not be in Christ if my finances are in shambles all the time that's not God's best for me so what does this mean that I must be in disobedience to the word of God because I'm not saying the result of the blessings that I should out but it's true because I've got the Christian truth and I've also got to live the truth so whatever doesn't look good in our lives we've got to begin to say is there sin there come on is there sin there am I in sin when it comes to my health oh you make me say that if I'm not helping am I in sin when it comes to my health am I am I am gluttony right am I not taking care of my example am I in sin if I'm not saying the goodness of God and all things become new in Christ we've got to have the faith to believe that maybe that's where it starts so let me finish this thing what in are we in are we in obedience or in sin that will be the determining factor of whether we experience the new or keep experiencing the old on the outside of Christ if we are honest without ourselves and see more old than new we look and still see the effects of sin in our lives what are we to do can you please stand to your feet for a moment hope how was holy spirit how was holy spirit how was holy spirit how was holy spirit how was holy spirit because there's some things we love God and we know we love God what it could be here but there's just some things that are they're all the way right in us sometimes and we've got a woman to say God if it's not right and I'm not saying the blessing then am I in sin in this area of my life is their sin here and lord be gracious enough to us now in this moment to reveal it now I don't want to wait all the way till I die and stand before God he said ah you lived in sin you were a worker of the big body I never knew you so it's the grace of God by the power of the holy spirit right now for us to deal with any sin in our lives and sometimes we need a revelation of the holy spirit to even call it sin because by now we don't call it sin we call it something else it's been accepted um I talk like that to people because that's just the way my my our family we just talked about that we're running we need people stop making excuses for the sin that is present in our lives well I only drink a little bit I only smoke a little bit I only cuss a little it's just a little when we've got to that point we've made an excuse for it and we've welcomed it welcomed it into our lives and that is why we don't experience the new the reason the old is still hanging on is because we refuse to bring our entire life into Christ and let it go when Jesus was was ministering uh what he called his disciples it says that they dropped their nets and they followed him unfortunately for some of us we're still dragging our nets and following him there's things that we still hold on to from the old and it's behind our back so our brothers and sisters in Christ can't see it it's behind our back because we think that God can't see it but he sees it all and he's wondering when we're going to let it go and pick up our crosses and follow him and our problem is we're still in love with the old we're still in love with the world so what are we to do now now that we've come to this reckoning of there might be some sin and the Bible says this if you feel like who's this preacher to tell me that our half sin in my life the Bible says is that it ever say that we are without sin and we are liars so how about we deal with it and now just ignore it how about we deal with this sin so we can come into the righteousness of God and have everything he has for us in Christ so what are we to do we need to be in love with God more we're going to read this together we're going to first John chapter 2 verses 1 through 6 I want you to read this and always pray that as we read this that revelation comes to our spirits and our souls and our minds God and that the word of God that we read would be living in a lot of powerful in this moment and that Lord you would separate us from everything that falls short from loving you with all of our hearts in Jesus name amen let's read this I'm my dear children I am writing this to you so that you will not sin but if anyone does sin we have an advocate who please our case before the Father calls and praise God for that right now but if anyone does sin we have an advocate who please our case before the Father continue he is Jesus Christ the one who is truly righteous he himself is the sacrifice that attains our sins and not only our sins but the sins of all the world and we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments if someone claims I know God but doesn't obey God's commandments that person is a liar that person is a what a liar and is not living in the truth but those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love him that is how we know we are living in him those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did pause and reflect say wow so it's not about being more righteous than my neighbor or more righteous than anyone else I only know and show I love for God when I obey his commandments and the ultimate result of being in new life is being in love with God and this last if I can get that back up there this last verse verse six that says those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did can you say this with me I have Jesus potential you may be seated at this time so when we live in God lives in us there's an expectation that we would not be like Adam not like Damien not like Gabe not like Stacy or Angela or Belinda or Byron right but we would be like Jesus church did you say Jesus oh my goodness I'm trying to tell you that's what it's all about he's the model he's the finish line he's the savior he's the one we desire to be like I don't want to be a cleaned up version of Damien I want to be like Jesus if that's the potential if that's the goal that's what we can be then that's exactly what we do so the first thing again that God said to me today was the foundation for this new we desire to experience is relationship so church you must be in relationship with God not relationship with new life so it doesn't matter what you do for us we love you I appreciate your ministry here you're giving you're coming but this doesn't make you I mean it supports you being like Christ but it is not the relationship that would that you have with God right it's an outlet it feeds into you as well it's an inlet but you must have a personal relationship with God and this is what I mean not only must you know God here's the scary part or the concerning part you must be known by God do you hear that like God himself must know you and the way that he knows you is that there is an intimate relationship that you have with him so the evidence of our complete love for him is our obedience to his word by show of hands how many Bible readers do we have in the building as I look around I see all the hands are up right now all right all the hands are going to praise God and the reason you need to be a viable reader is because you don't live by food alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and the way that you know God is that you're an obedience to his word how can we obey his word if we don't read his word so that must go way up Netflix must come down Bible reading must go up social media must come down Bible reading must go up if you're to be like Christ can you say like Christ you're not trying to be a holier version of your jacked up messed up life you have before Christ you're trying to be like Christ can you say like Christ so as you go for your everyday life you have to stop and make is am I doing right am I doing right now but Jesus will be doing in this moment because that's what he's looking for that's what we're known by him so when we live our lives in God we will be experiencing living life as Jesus did we will be Jesus beings so church that's the standard the standard is Jesus too many times we think the standard is just being better than Adam I don't do what I used to do but that's not the standard the standard now is Jesus cross and he's so serious about that standard that you know what he did he gave you his spirit to live on the inside of you so that you could be like Jesus my prayer for you today is that your soul power would not be greater than the spiritual power of God living inside of you I'll say that again my prayer for us today is that our soul power right the things are soul desires the things of this world but not be stronger than the spirit of God living on the inside of us and the evidence is the things that we crave the things that we do with these bodies right I know this is our preaching but it should all be our preaching if it's true amen let's continue in love with the world first john chapter two verses 15 through 17 I'm probably not going to get through this whole message but that's okay we'll go to where God leads us to in love with the world man we've got to be careful we've got to be careful about being in love with the world it says do not love the world or the things in the world period ooh can we do a heart check right there do not love the world or the things in the world some of us would fight somebody over the phone some of us would fight somebody over a cup of coffee do not look you could like them you could enjoy them but the Bible says do not love the world or the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is what not what not in him for all that is in this world man the closer I get to God the more I see this it just feels like dying sometimes the more you let God take stuff from you and the more you become like Christ it just feels like dying like man I really wanted to do that though no you can't do that anymore you're like me now okay for all that is in this world first you say all all that means every single thing that's out there in this world all that is in this world is this the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father with it but it is of the world and the world is passing away and the lust of it but he who does the will of God abides forever father I pray now in the name of Jesus Christ that if the things of this world the love of this world still has an effect on any of us first of all we were picked up and we asked that you could break our addiction from the loving this world and the things that are in this world we've been doomed we've been fooled we've been tricked into making that wicked partic of some of these things in the world love these things in the world and still love you forgive us God in Jesus name amen but why do I have to to to preach like this like why do we have to stick why do I have to stick so closely to scripture when I preach to his sheep and I'll tell you what the Bible says that when it comes to finally eternal life only a few do only a few find life so this preaching has to be tied it has to be right because I'll be responsible for I'll have your blood on my ends if I just if I just if I'm just one of those greasy grace pastors like oh don't worry about sense it's okay God's forgive he loves you don't know what you want enjoy life man that will be dangerous to have a pastor that fed your emotions that be dangerous to have a pastor that that that fed our addiction to the things of this world and guess what I could be sitting on a puke just like you because this messes isn't from me it's to me from the Holy Spirit and we all have to eat this word cheers can we say amen amen Elder Melissa said something to me yesterday when I told her about the message she said master do you ever go looking to drive your old car that burned up on the side of the road and if you heard that story about it ain't what it got off crapless because I got tired of it for God so they won't think and I was driving it down the road and it called on fire and while I was driving it burned to a crisp and she said do you ever go looking for that car to drive it again I said no and it totally made sense to me about this scripture that says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are what church it has to weigh so can I ask you this why do we sometimes go looking for the old things because they they were supposed to have passed away so important to remember that so as we experience the newness of God and falling back in love with him again and learning that we cannot be partakers in the things of this world anymore here's another example if you were given a brand new freezer full of brand new meat and then a few days later you're walking through your house or you're walking through your garage and you smell the worst smell you've ever smelled before you say something is wrong so we got a brand new freezer and we've got brand new meat but we've got a terrible smell old smell so what would they happen what happened somebody did not do what to the freezer plug it in so so that's my job in church I love you I give you the word of God but I'm here to tell you unless we plug it in there's no power and there's no experiencing these new things that God has for us so we must evaluate the condition of our lives man come on don't be mad at me after this I love you because it's about me too but but listen we have to evaluate the condition of our lives lives and if something stinks it's not plugged in it's not plugged in the Christ do you know how you know you haven't really forgiven someone because when do you think about them or have to do something nice for them it stinks still it's hard to do it right that's not plugged in is it so that's what we're asking for like God the things in my life that stink they're not plugged into you can we pray this prayer together Lord the things in my life that stink are plugged in to you so we need help we need the help of a holy spirit to determine those things and nothing sticks more than our flesh our old simple natures and lives I heard that so clearly today from the Holy Spirit after I read Second Corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are passed away the whole all things have become new and I heard the Holy Spirit say he lied he lied so if someone said that they are in Christ but old things have not passed away and become new they lied because the Bible works and God does not lie people lie but God doesn't lie so there's things that still stink about us it means that they have not been brought into Christ they have not been brought into the loop so brother Ian well I was speaking with him before service and he said if I'm the worst Ian is he still here he had to go to work all right now let me talk about all right so Ian said you know what I don't smoke cigarettes or drugs anymore since I've given my life to Christ I was like whoo praise God but he said but I still struggle with A B C D E F I said you know what brother all that is saying is hey I plugged addiction into Christ but there's some things I'm still battling with that I've got to reach and stretch and pray and press and get these drag these things over to end Christ too so that my battle with lust and my battle with anger and my battle with cursing or whatever it is can the old things can pass away and you want to become what if we've been Christians for 25 years 35 years and there's still old things that have not passed away yet the Bible isn't lying we're lying so what we need to do is say God I want to plug this all the way into you so that I can see them become new finances are a big problem to people and in this world right now if your finances are a mess you got to say God this doesn't look like the blessed life Lord wherever I'm in sin concerning my finances help me to get plugged into to you and the way that you plug yourself into you into him is to remember this that he and his word are the same thing so if you live by biblical principles you've plugged your finances into him and then you can see the results now I am super rich yeah me this guy and I'll tell you why because my father is rich see you think let me finish you think you've got to see it in your natural bank account for you to be rich no you don't he's the one that supplies all that we need in accordance with his riches and glory I'm that nothing I am super rich because my finances are plugged into the kingdom of God we walk by what faith not by what science our problem is our problem is we want to see it it's my money I want to have we want to see it but the faith walk does not the faith walk requires that you don't see it but you believe it okay we've got to get to there all right so we cannot be in love with this world we know that nothing stinks more than our flesh the old simple nature we are liars if we say that we are in Christ but still we are not like him and we must learn that only what we do in spirit and in obedience to his truth please this God that makes us true worshipers and not liars again only what we do in spirit and in obedience to his truth please this God now if Jesus was to come back and we were the only ones who saw him and he went with us everywhere we went I guarantee people would notice a change about us because we would understand that oh I know I laughed at that joke last week but right now why are you talking to me like that that's not funny I don't appreciate those kinds of words I'm a holy man don't speak like that around me everything would begin to change around us because we would understand that Jesus is with us and he's watching but guess what he still is with us and he still is watching so we must understand that if we are in Christ we have become a new creation second Corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation Kimberly you can come now I feel like I was hmm I've got so much more to say but time is is so short you've been here so long already so I'm going to try to wrap this up at least this though if any man be in Christ he is a new creation so what does this mean is is the evidence of in and for this makes sense I want you to say it would be is is the evidence of in so therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation so when we are in Christ the evidence is found in what we become afterwards so in order to experience the new condition of my life being is in the state of the old things passing away and becoming new we must be in Christ is is the evidence of in our expectation must be the demonstration and just as our nature testifies around us to the things of God our new nature will testify that we are truly in Christ first John chapter four verses separately way it says dear friends let us continue to love on another for love comes from God anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God but anyone who does not love does not know God for God is love so that lets me know that the only reason that it was truly have real love is that we must be in God and God must be in us why because God is love so if you truly have a God they love the love from the father it means that he must be in you and his evidence there right in first John chapter four verses seven through eight so our new nature and i want you looking for this this week our new nature will testify that we are in God and that God is in us and one of the most beautiful examples is found on first Peter chapter one verse two where it says this this letter is from Peter and apostle Jesus Christ God the father knew you and chose you long ago and his spirit has made you holy listen to that his spirit is called name the holy spirit and it says that his spirit has made you holy so when we have the holy spirit inside of us we understand that the God has done a holy work in us because he lives inside of us and it says as a result because you are holy this is the result you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ may God give you more and more grace and peace so if God himself is in you then he can make a command about you and we find that in Leviticus 19 and 2 can you stand because i want to read this over you it says this and we're in a different time so i'm speaking to a different people but it still brings truth it says speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel and say to them you shall be holy for I the Lord your God and holy will you lift your hands all over the building today and if you know Jesus Christ as your personal savior i'm going to say this over this congregation the Lord God that you serve is holy and he's saying to you be holy now when he says be holy something must happen so just as God spoke to the creation and said let there be light and there was light and he saw the light and it was good and this moment God can say over you since you've been born again be holy and the being of holiness comes through the deposit of the holy spirit that he puts inside of you so we're not holy outside of God we are only holy inside of God and while he is in us and like he said this morning the foundation is relationship your holiness is based on your relationship with the holy spirit not what you've stopped doing that was wrong but what God did for us that was right by sending his son to die on the cross for our sins and then Jesus sending the holy spirit back to her to lead us and to guide us into all truth can you say this i am holy because he is holy come on apart there i am holy because he is hallelujah holy again i am holy because he is holy listen again listen if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature old things have passed away behold all things how many things old things have become new but church listen to me it's not in religion it's not in your parish relationship with the Lord it's not in what you can do for yourself it is in Christ alone that we become a new creation and the holiness that you receive is he is holiness there's only one holy one he is the Lord and he saw fit to die for sinful creation and make us holy and put his holy spirit inside of us how do we know this would to be true because the word of God says that those who are joined to Christ share one spirit with him holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit we can't be holy without you you are our holiness and our faith in Jesus Christ is our righteousness we can't do this alone forgive us for our sins father we rebuke every religious spirit that has a whole group on us now in the name of Jesus Christ because religious spirits say if you do it this way you'll be holy but that's another gospel there's only one way to the Father she said i am the way i am the truth i am the life no one comes to the Father except by me we are saved not by works but by grace alone are we saved so holy spirit we welcome you we've got to leave this place we've got to leave this moment but God promises that he would never leave us for singing so i want you to pray over the next few moments i want you to pray it's a holy spirit i can't do this without you i can't be holy unless you make me holy i can't be holy unless you make me holy holy holy spirit we welcome you in this place begin to talk to God each of you talk to Allah make me holy like you are holy if you said be holy for i am holy then i need you to make me holy like you are holy come on ask him ask him it's not too much to ask because he's already given it to you make me holy as you are holy make me holy as you are holy fill me with your holy spirit and let there be evidence of change for if we are in Christ it means we are a new creation we're no longer like Adam the old creation we get to walk like Jesus walked on the earth you get to walk when you leave this sanctuary you get to leave here and you get to walk just like Jesus walked while he was on this earth because as he was in this earth so are you you can lay your hands on the sick and they will recover you can speak to say say get out of here if he will listen everything you saw Jesus doing the word that is your operating manual for if any man be in Christ he is a new creature father i've given them a portion of this word and i'm satisfied if you're satisfied i've given them a portion of this word god may we run with this the question that we ask ourselves in this new series is are you in if any man be in Christ he is our in creates it is if you're still in sin your is will be old but if you are in Christ your is will be new and the newness is living life just like Jesus lived so god may our flesh fall over us in this moment may our sin fall over us in this moment and may we step in to you wherever you are if you desire this i don't want you to come to the platform but i do want you to back up to the back of your legs hit the pew and if you want to step in we want to do something like some bop like today we want to take an actual step forward so if you want to step in would you just take a small step forward right where you are and say god i want to come in to the new all of me don't just save me from my sin so i don't go to hell save me now so that the kingdom of god can measure to enter my life right where i am right justness now peace now joy in the Holy Ghost man and when we pray these things on Jesus name amen but ask for the prayer taking to come forward at this time if you have any prayer needs we love to pray with you if you don't know Jesus Christ as your savior and want to give your life to god or back to god we invite you to come forward again we thank you for your patience with us this morning and the focus of this week second second Corinthians 5 17 i believe is where our main scripture verse was found yes if any man be in Christ he is a new creature so kind of slow down before he go off on somebody slow down before you hop on Netflix and watch all that duty and cussing and listen all that garbage out there slow down and say wait a minute if i'm in there's a new is everything around me is new once i'm in now especially us blind people i've got contacts in so now everything i see is clear but you take those glasses off and you take those contacts i'm like whoo i can't see anymore so when the contacts are in when the glasses are on things look new things are different so listen please i'm begging me sure i love you so much as you leave today and live your life away from each other look at your is look at your is like man like why does my life still look like this why am i treating people like this why am i talking like this why am i still reaching for these kinds of things if my is is off my end is off if i'm not in Christ then i'm not saying the old things pass away and the new things come so i invite you to come down if you need a prayer again we need your help Wednesday this is not our church we are in your inner church that does not ours ours is at 202 west kidney and Wednesday night we'll feed you something peanut butter and jelly people something we'll give you something we'll feed you but we need your help when this day died at 6 30 even if you say you know what i just don't have strength come cheer us on come come pray for those who are working okay if you heard me say amen all right if you need prayer you're welcome to come if not god bless you you are in Christ go be a new creation and do the work that Christ has for you to do out there somebody needs your light and somebody needs your love for god bless you the altar is open now for prayer those who are gone through any