The Lone Wolf with Kiler Davenport

The United States of Dystopia, Collusion and Corruption

In my many years of research, I have come to find out that the United States is run by 100 powerful families with unlimited resources, connections, and access to financial systems. They have an unlimited thirst for power, domination and control. They are a syndicated group. They are the mob, the cabal, the New World Order, and will be the ones to completely destroy any hope that Americans ever had for truth, justice, liberty, and freedom. We have done too little too late, and now we will suffer the consequences of our inaction. I do not truly believe that even if we had started to abolish this mob rule 100 years ago. It would not have worked. They were too powerful then and even more powerful now. Tonight, I will be taking a deep dive down this rabbit hole of destruction, corruption, intrusion, censorship, and the ultimate demise of the American dream. We go live at 6 pm Pacific / 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern. The call in number is 503-505-6871.

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1h 26m
Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
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Live the Chumba Life at P-T-W room. No purchase necessary. Void work prohibited by law. See terms and conditions. 18 plus. Oh, it looks like we're live. Hello, everyone. Lone Wolf here on the new channel. A little bit, not nervous, but just kind of skitzy here. I haven't been on this channel in a while and especially the way Marion has set it up is very interesting. I must say, very complex. It's taken a long time to set this up. And it's amazing how many platforms and groups that we're sharing to both pre-production and during production and post-production. About 25 platforms this is going to be going out to. And we're not going to have our normal crew here tonight as early. Marion is going to get on the phone with them right now after she gives me a docked pepper on some ice maybe and possibly not. A lot to talk about tonight, folks. I don't even really know where to start being on this new network. As I said, it's kind of shocking. I want you all to know I feel much better now that I have my doctor, my new doctor, my new RN practitioner and her wonderful staff working with me here in the new state that we're in. And I'm feeling much better since I'm not going through withdrawals from my psychotropic that helps me stay calm and not have panic attacks and PTSD decreases the post-traumatic stress disordered tremendously the pharmaceutical that I'm on. I'm not going to mention the name here, but feeling much better. It's amazing difference in what I was feeling going through withdrawals moving from state to state to state to state to state and having to cut down on my pharmaceuticals because of that. You can't just stop in a new state and request a psychotropic drug. It doesn't work that way, my friends. As a matter of fact, I've often wondered how people travel the world who are on psychotropics. Are they not on psychotropics at all? And if so, wow, that's interesting. What would you do if you were a famous mountain climber, maybe you would go to your doctor and they would have some connection with some pharmacist and they would give you 300 pills or something, I don't know, 500 pills if you're going to Guatemala or South America or Antarctic or whatever. It really is curious. I think I'm going to do a little research into that and find out what goes down with that. Maybe they've got some kind of aerial pharmacy that's going around dropping things off to special ops agents and black ops agents and deep state agents and CIA operatives and others who are in a post-traumatic state and have panic attacks and panic disorders. But anyway, waiting for Chris here tonight. I'm wondering where my doctor pepper is and I can't seem to get it. And when I'm doing a show, I really need to get what I need, when I need it, and even if it's just a doctor pepper without the ice. But anyway, we are here, y'all can't hear the special effects on this thing yet, although Mary's working on that. You can't hear the music on this thing. Mary's working on that. It's just kind of crazy to have a platform this large and the guests and the people on the phone when they can't hear the music when I play it. I'm the only one that can hear it, which is kind of weird. I really don't understand that, but we are going to work out this situation. I was going to talk tonight and still am really about, I've been doing a lot of research. I've been digging and digging and digging and digging and digging. I think I've gone so far down the rabbit hole. I've lost myself. I don't know how to get out. On these massive multinational mega wealthy powerful corporations, you know, you think of these corporations sometimes as being individual corporations and having their autonomy and their own corporate structure and their privacy and their patents and so forth. And as I've dug down deep into all of this, I have found out that these mega mega mega corporations, ultra, ultra powerful, ultra connected, ultra wealthy corporations actually own each other. Now I know that sounds kind of weird, but if you will go down the rabbit hole for a little while, you will find out how all of this works. And I'm actually going to read some of my notes tonight as to prove what companies, corporations are connected to what corporations and also connected to the mob, the syndicate, the cartels, and many other nefarious agents and organizations and groups and agencies, including this what they call private public partnership, is nothing but a ram job against the American hardworking public. Because public private partnerships, wow, when they're talking about this, they're talking about intelligence agencies gathering all of your data from your private, the private sector, the private sector is selling your data to the public sector. And the public sector is in turn taking that information and sharing it to other nefarious actors. And you in turn have no idea what information is being shared or how far or how wide that it's being shared and to whom and how much and how you know all of these things are amazing when I find out like BlackRock, they've got their foot in the pie, they've got their foot in just about every organization in the world literally, them and a few others I might be able to mention when I find my notes here in a minute. But I am waiting for Chris to come on. Where's Chris? Can you call him and tell him to call the Skype number or something in a minute? Mary, talking to Mary, my sweet producer and soulmate of 26 wonderful years. Wow, it's amazing to be on this new platform knowing that we're going out on all of these other platforms, assignment casting on these platforms. But you know, these corporations are all working, not just, boy, they're working together, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you they're one. They're just one massive squid in the ocean with a million tentacles. It looks like somebody's coming in here. I'm going to answer this and see what happens. There we go, got that going. Looks like Tim might be on now. Tim, is that you? Who is that? Hey, spanky. You made it. You made it. You made it. Well, if you made it, that means a lot of other people are hopefully going to make it. That's amazing, man. We're on our new super, super, super, super duper channel tonight. Yeah, we're, we're, uh, jumped out of the little sandbox with the elementary school kids and jumped into the big, big sandbox with the Muhammad Ali's of the world and the Bruce Lee's of the world. So we're, we really did jump, man. We really did jump. Let me tell you, we're on the big channel tonight, baby. I told you we were going to do it, didn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's amazing. I'm sitting here looking at my board and it's just literally amazing what I'm seeing. Marion's pouring me some Dr. Pepper here. Thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate it very much. I don't need some more Dr. Pepper in there to make it full. Let who? Yeah, Spanky. Marion wants to hear you talk for a minute to see how your audio is coming through. Why don't you tell us a little bit about your day and what's been going on with your, uh, your day or anything else you want to tell us. [inaudible] What's wrong? Well, she's having a little, I'm glad you're talking, so she's having a little trouble getting you in on the channel. So wait a minute, let's see what's going on here. This is such a complex channel, such a complex configuration here. We may have a little trouble tonight, but that's okay. It's the first show that we're doing. Say something, Spanky. Let me see if you come up on the, okay, that he didn't come up on the digital. Open channel one there or whatever down below and see if that works because if nobody can hear Spanky, it's not going to be a very good show. And if nobody can hear Chris, it's really not going to be a very good show. She's telling me to leave her alone. She's hard at work here. I was just, uh, I was just talking before you came on about this deep dive research project I've been working on and I have been talking about, uh, Marian, I'm not even on there. What's going on? There I am. Let's get Spanky on there. I was talking about all of these mega corporations, all of these wealthy, ultra wealthy, well connected, powerful corporations with all of these unlimited resources. Most people would think that they are independent and they are sovereign and they're private and they hold their own patents and secrets and, you know, they're individualized in their, in their corporate, uh, entity. I'm finding out just the opposite. I'm finding out that contrary to popular belief, all of these mega corporations are connected together. They own each other. They literally own each other. You see? And people are like, how in the hell could that be possible? And I'm going, I don't know, but it's true. Uh, it's really, really, really I don't even yet know how it completely works because it's so complicated. But I was interested to find out that all of these mega corporations are in bed together and some way shape former factions, some more than others. And it was just astounding to find that out. What do you think, spanky? What's your opinion on that, uh, uh, massive piece of news? Yeah. Uh. Yeah. I mean, let's think about it for a minute, spanky. Let's think about it for a minute. You own, let's say you own a 50 billion dollar corporation. You've got 50 billion in assets and I've got 65 billion, 70 billion in assets and we're incompatible, yet different, uh, spheres of business. But yet, uh, it's very interesting. Find out what's going on, STPT. Go ahead, take your time. Thank you. Doesn't mind. We don't mind. If it's the first, first night show, it doesn't matter. Make some mistake. Go find out what's wrong. So the whole thing is, say you and I run into each other to bar, you know, at the Hilton or something and we're spending the week there for some vacation or some business deal and we, we get together and we start talking about, you know, what we do and what we've been doing and what our corporation's doing. And, um, what would be, how would that come up? It's like, oh, spanky. Uh, why don't we just, uh, hop in bed together? Why don't we just incorporate together? Why don't we just secretly, uh, connect together and start working together, even in our most top secret, uh, areas and it will benefit both of us will be more powerful. We'll be larger. The more of us there are, the more powerful we are and then the SEC and the IRS and anybody else that tries to come against us like maybe a federal judge or anyone or the FBI will have more power from a legal standpoint too. What do you think, spanky? You think that's how it works? And that way, that, that, that, that excludes them from certain liabilities or concerning medical insurance and psychological mental health insurance and other types of liabilities that they might incur if you were a direct employee, right? See, that's been going for a long, long, long time, just in different ways. Remember, that's when it started subcontracting people. Remember that? They were subcontracting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'll have the, uh, more of a, yeah, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Turn me off. You're marrying, turn me off. Am I, am I here? Can you hear me, spanky? Spanky, can you hear me? Spanky can't hear me. He lost me. He lost me. Can't hear me. What'd you do to me? What's my, my show is going on crazy here. Spanky in my back now? Can you hear me now? Yeah. And now I got you. Okay. Good. Good. Marion's working on it slowly. She's gonna ask GPT what's wrong here. I'm gonna have to redo the whole show, but you and I can have a discussion anyway, because at least I'm getting out. So whatever you say, I'll, I'll segue, uh, and narrate for you until she figures this thing out. Uh, we'll do what you did this afternoon, babe. Try to find out and you wrote it down, didn't you? On the piece of piece of paper? Yeah, look at your paper. Okay. Here it is. Maybe. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay. Well, the reason I started breaking up, I went outside to smoke a cigarette, and then the other reason why I went completely off is she tried her new configuration and cut me off. And then she had to turn me back on again. But tonight, what, go ahead? Yeah. And we're on like, we're on like 22 platforms. My gosh, out there, you know, um, what I wanted to talk about, uh, besides, uh, what we've been talking about with these corporations, all hopping in bed together, getting all, uh, lovey, devy together is, uh, this is going to blow your mind, spanky. This is literally, turn the light on, please. This is literally going to blow your mind, spanky. Literally blow your mind. Um, you know, the other night when I mentioned you were on, I think, when I mentioned the little square box looking flat thing that they state farm wanted me to put on my windshield. You remember that? Well, guess what I found out after digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging. Guess what I found out? Oh, my friend, my friend, my friend, much, much, much, much, much, much, much more than that. Let me tell you, let me tell you something. This thing can report to the insurance company. We know that this thing can track your every move as you just said, right? This thing can listen to your conversations in the car. Okay. This thing can report to your life insurance company. I'm on the air. Don't fuck with me. Thanks. Pretend I'm not here. Thank you. Uh, this thing can report to your life insurance company. They have access to your while crazy drunken driving. They have access to grandmalls running off the road and running over the yellow line driving. And they also report to the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, and anyone else, CID, MI5, MI6, Interpol, and anyone else or agency or organization or entity in the world that wants to know all about what you're doing and who you're doing it to and who you're doing it with. Now, we get to the chip in the car. We get to the sim in the car. Now, they put the sims in so many different places I'm finding out. I've been doing this research. They put the sim in a different place in every car model. Some are hidden back in the glove compartment secretly. Some are hidden under the ashtray back inside the dash. Some are hidden up near the air conditioner vents. Some are hidden in the front on the firewall. Some are hidden underneath the front seat. Now, they don't tell you when you buy a car that all of the person's data that owned that car before you can be accessed by you or another hacker or another agency or entity or individual or organization or nefarious player in the deep state. Think about this, Frankie. Think about this. This blow your mind. This blow your mind. Now, they sell the car to you and now your history starts on top of the old history and the history that was maybe before that if it was a three-time seller. Now, they've got a complete history of all of you people and they know everything there is to know plus guess what they're doing now. I'm going to blow your mind with this one. Here's a new blow your mind one. Everybody should be listening tonight and Marion should. Marion should have had this fixed. Very upset. I'm very upset, but I'll be okay. I'll be okay. They're reporting to FedEx and FedEx is reporting to them and FedEx is 360-degree cameras are reporting what's going on to your vehicle if you're within a certain amount of feet to the FedEx truck that's driving down the same street you're driving down. You're capturing all that FedEx is capturing and FedEx is capturing all that you have captured and also the police officers are being alerted three to five to ten miles away that a drunk driver's on the way a drunk driver's coming down the road somebody's crossed over the yellow line three times FedEx has a picture of it and if FedEx doesn't have a picture of it the guy behind you that's been driving behind you for the last 20 miles has a picture of it and his car is reporting to your car and those two cars are reporting to the FBI and the FBI is reporting to the local police and the local police is reporting to the insurance company. Spanky this is gotten too far out of hand wouldn't you say? [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Right, right, right, right, right. >> [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Right, right, right, been. >> [BLANK_AUDIO] >> I've seen that all over the United States in my last 10,000 miles of travel over the last month and half. I've been over 10,000 miles, yeah. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> One sec. Maryam wants to call you back in and try this. She's gonna call you right back in, okay? Go ahead Mary, hang up. Go. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> We'll get it babe, don't worry. We have to hire a tech. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> I'll let you know when Spanky's on. Okay, Spanky's on Mary. >> And talk. >> Talk, Spanky, keep talking Spanky. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Right. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Mm-hm. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Right. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Right, right. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] >> That goes in the windshield. Yeah. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Let me tell you this. Let me tell you this. I haven't blown your mind yet. I wanna try to blow your mind, okay? Let me tell you this. Have you ever gone to AutoZone and they plugged a little back, they wanna come out and just check your car, plug the little black box in and see what's going on. With your car, right? Well, guess what, Spanky. Guess what happens when they, let me just go ahead and tell you what happens. I don't like to guess. When they plug that little black box in, they've just plugged you into the global surveillance state in complete. And I mean, every fucking bit of your phone information is extracted, every bit of your car, sim information is extracted, and now they run to your home computer, your laptop, your iPod, your smart, what your smart glasses is all extracted from that one fucking moment at AutoZone. Spanky, what the fuck is going on? That should blow your mind just a little bit, Spanky. [BLANK_AUDIO] Now, you know, we interviewed 12 different dealers and only one knew how to respond to us about this particular patent that was filed by Ford and others. I have other patents here also, I may mention here in a minute. The dealers don't necessarily, the people on the floor that sell these cars, they don't necessarily know anything about this high-tech shit, okay? They're not to be blamed, okay? They don't know anything. These commission salespeople, they don't know shit, okay? Now, here's the other deal I got for you. I got a bunch of goodies tonight, Spanky. I came with a bunch of goodies tonight. So you go to the phone company, you go to Verizon and you walk in and you say, "I want to buy a new phone." And they say, "Oh, yeah, no problem, man. Here's one for $269. Here's one for $350." And you say, "Oh, I like that one for $350. That's really pretty. I like the style. I like the color and everything." But $350, that's a little heavy, man, for me right now with my budget. And they go, "Well, wait a minute." Now, if you'll take this and plug it into the car, we'll give you a 40% discount if you'll do such and such and plug this into your car. Now, what they've just done is they have sucked all of your data from all of your other phones and the history of phones and all of the other computers and the history of computers. Spanky, we are living in the goddamn police state, surveillance state, Skynet, spy state, spyware, hacking, extortion, social credit score. This is going to be where your social credit score comes from. Duh. I figured it out, Spanky. This is where your social credit score is going to come from. Where else would it come from? Tell me. Where else could it come from? Nowhere. It could not come from anywhere else. These people aren't mind readers. It's coming from all of these electronic devices that you play with every single day. I talked to one of the engineers and he said they do not do it. They will not do it. And if you read your contract, they can tell you they're going to do it, but they don't do it, and they'll tell you they did do it. And also the SIM card will stop your engine. It will miss with your radio. It will turn your radio off. It will turn the key lock pad off to your key fod. So it's all connected together where it's a default operation electronic device that controls not just the surveillance, but also the machinery in the car itself. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. You cannot turn it off, period. So what do you think about the tattle tails? Now everybody's becoming a tattle tail. So every car is going to tattle on every other car. Every truck is going to tattle on every other truck. Every motorcycle is going to tattle on every other car, truck and motorcycle. What do you think about that? How weird is that when you're just a fucking snitch now? You're a snitch. You can't help it. Everybody's a snitch. Everybody's snitching. Everybody's machinery is autonomous now. It's autonomous and you're snitching and you don't even want to be a snitch. But now you've been conscripted against your will by the deep state to be a surveillance mechanism for the deep state. Well, yes, of course, the insurance companies and the deep state and the cabal and the mafia and the mob. By the way, getting back to the mob, let me talk about something here. I did such deep research. I went down some dangerous, dangerous, dangerous holes. I shouldn't have been in some of these places because I'm on the deep web, you know, I'm on the dark web. I found out that we're dealing with the mafia here in the United States. We're dealing with one of the largest syndicates in the world. We're literally, literally, every major corporation is the mob. You're dealing with the mafioso, the cosinostra. Now, a lot of people are going to call me crazy. A lot of people are going to say, "Kylo, you've lost your fucking mind." But I'm telling you, they operate the same as the cosinostra. So we're construction companies. I've known this for years and years and years and years and years and years and years. The unions are run a lot of times by the mafioso. The shipping yards are run by the mafioso. The ports of call are run by the mafioso. You know, it just amazes me that we come on here and we talk about these things and people just don't believe us. I think the majority of people just are in awe. They just are like, "What the fuck?" They're like, "Oh my God. What are they talking about?" You know, this is crazy. This is insane kind of stuff. But it is insane kind of stuff. I mean, to the average person, this sounds delusional. This sounds insane, doesn't it? To the average dummy dumb out there, right? It's something right out of a science fiction movie, isn't it? I mean, and you know the clothes? Did you hear about? I don't know if you were with us when I did a report on the clothes that you buy at the store track you. They track the sweater. They'll track a sweater. They'll track a pair of pants for 20 years. They're with a tracker in it. It just sounds fucking crazy, but it's true. It's true. You buy a nice coat and they can track it to Somalia or Haiti in 10 years when you get rid of it. They can find it in a buried 20 feet down in a junk pile in Somalia. People think that's insane. People don't believe that. They're like, "Why in the hell would anybody want to track your fucking clothes?" Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know all the reasons why they want to track your fucking clothes. But I do know they're doing it. And I do know that doctors and hospitals are being paid off, and to give you these odd shades, I'll speak Pigleton, these odd shades. The OVK-1 shots and the N-1H-1 and H-2 shots. And I know that they're pushing them at the pharmacy where we are. They're pushing them. They'll come up and ask you right now. Do you want your shots? Do you want your shots? Have you had your flu shots? Have you had your HPV shot? Have you had your N-1H-1 shot? Can we help you? Can we help you with your shots? And I told the lady to leave me the fuck alone. Get off. Get away from me. Get away. Get away. And I asked her. I said, "Do me a favor. Bring me an insert on the ingredients in all of these shots, please. Bring me a COVID-1. Bring me an N-1H-1. Give me all of the inserts on it, please. I want to know everything about it." Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We have nothing. I'm sorry. We have nothing. But they're good. They're good. They're good. [laughs] Yeah, they're good. All right. They're good for somebody's pocketbook. You know, the pharmaceutical companies made a trillion dollars on this fucking scam, man. Kobe scam. You know that, right? They made a trillion fucking dollars and they're getting ready to make another trillion fucking dollars. [inaudible] [inaudible] 84 shots in a lifetime of a child. 84 shots. 84 fucking shots. Spanky, that's just too. You just can't make this shit up. You can't make this shit up. I mean, just completely rediculous what is happening, what we're allowing to happen to ourselves and to our family members and to our children and to our grandmas and grandpas and cousins and aunts and nephews and nieces and, you know, neighbors and coworkers. It's just amazing. And as one of my friends said the other night, you tell people this and they start talking about you in the neighborhood as being insane. There's the crazy guy who lives down there in the middle of the block. That's the crazy guy that's always talking shit about all this crazy delusional shit. He's delusional. He's grandiose. He's crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Now your label is the crazy guy on the block, you know? [inaudible] [inaudible] He had HIV and it turned into AIDS. So HIV turned into AIDS. But yeah, you don't hear of any of the politicians of any of the leaders of these countries or any of the big wigs, these multinational corporations getting any of these diseases at all. Can you name one? Can you name one? None. None. So yeah, it's just weird. It's just really, really, really fucking weird kind of stuff going on. Go ahead. [inaudible] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, insulin, I remember insulin was $400 and it came down to $40 something because somebody raised enough hill to the right people and somebody stepped on the right people's toes and screamed and yelled and hollered enough. It went to the top and some politician decided to go ahead and drop the price of insulin. So that was one of them. You know, tonight I was looking around at my notes and the car thing blew my mind, the sticker thing blew my mind, the surveillance thing blew my mind, the fact that they're all connecting with each other blew my mind. And that really didn't blow my mind. I knew this was happening, but it kind of freaked me out at the extent that it's happening and our privacy is being breached and we all act like we don't care. I mean, you don't act like you really care and I don't act like I really care and we should care. I mean, we should be up in arms. You know, we should be. Yeah. But what can we do about it? That's the fact is just keep getting these shows out, I guess, and keep sharing. I'm sharing all this stuff, you know. And I think it is that we need to start saying that that's possible because we don't have to be able to get out of the way. [inaudible] Well, yeah. Well, yeah, of course, of course. They only want two levels of the economy. They want the wealthy ultra wealthy and the ultra poor dirt poor. They've eliminated practically all of the middle class now. And if they haven't eliminated them, they bankrupted them. They've made them homeless and taken away their home. And if they haven't done that, they've driven them fucking crazy to alcohol and drugs to try to forget their problems. Yeah, it's a terrible, terrible thing. Now, Marion is blaming all this audio shit on the deep state saying they're after me trying to drive me crazy here. [inaudible] No, they never have never will never have never will. [inaudible] Well, all of the, all of the major commentators are holding Trump up is the number one right now. He's number one, number one. He's 100%. 100% got it. 100% got it. 100%. All of the influencers, all of the political geopolitical analysts that I've talked to. And then I've listened to say that Trump has it 100%. 100%. Him and him and JD Vance. So we'll see what happens with that. It's interesting. I can't wait to see Trump debate. Camilla air head is head is air head. I think that's next month or this month. I'm not sure I'll find out. I can't wait to see that debate. He's going to chew her up and spit her out on the floor like little BB's. She's such a fucking air head. No, Marian, I'm blaming you. It's not the deep state. It's you. You just didn't study your shit. [inaudible] That's going to be Trump. It's going to be Trump. [inaudible] Now, I don't think, I don't know. I don't want Trump to get, I don't want Trump to get brought into that bullshit. I'm going to have to disagree. No. Yeah. [inaudible] [inaudible] It's going to be a verbal, verbal MMA fight. Yeah. Multiple martial arts in the, in the political arena there kicking each other's ass against the wall there. Yeah. Kung Fu junkies. Well, I'm not happy tonight with this show situation. Marian is going to have to get this fixed. If she has to go to college or school or something, take a special course. I got to get this fixed. I can't stand to just sit here and just talk and nobody here. You only hear me. I'm looking at channel one here myself, having me play with this shit. Let me look whatever. My God, look at all this shit. Cable output, BB audio, virtual cable, windows, direct sound, voice meter, ox output, BB audio, voice meter, ox output, wind, direct sound, headset, microphone, G, G, G, G, 5, 5, 5, 3, by the gaming headset. God, Lord, man, nah, fucking 35 or 40 different configurations here. Marian is going to have to figure out which the fuck is the right one and I'm not going to fuck with it. I can't say it's a first show. It's one of those things you can get. You've got to work the first job. I mean, it's fixed with stuff. Yeah. (inaudible) Go try. (inaudible) Read this, Mary. I'm going to try, Mary. I just pulled up something for Mary to read. Go read it again, Einstein. See if you've got it configured correctly. I just pulled up how to connect the studio to Skype right here, right in front of her a whole fucking time. She says she's done it all, but I don't think she's done it all at all at all at all. Yeah, I can kick your butt too, right here in public. Yeah, I'm ready. Okay, she's going to show me what it's supposed to be looking like. Let me see here what it's supposed to be looking like. And I'll see if Spanky can still hear me. Spanky, can you hear me? No, Spanky can hear me. He lost me. Go back. He lost me. Go back. Yeah, I know he lost you. We'll get the fuck back where I was. Okay, so now I'm back, but you're not back. Yeah, we're trying to get you in here. We're trying to get you in here. That would be a miracle. Mary could just hit the right button. That would be a miracle if she could get you in here and do a little experimentation. Yeah, Mary and I are going to have to experiment as me being the host and her being the guest or whatever and have maybe one more person. She had it perfect before the show started and now it's just kind of zipped and now she's trying to blame it on the deep state and all this other psychotic bullshit. It's not the deep state. How? How? Well, yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know. I mean, it's not the deep state this time. It's just her configurations. There's too many configurations here. It's very difficult to hook up. It's not easy. [ Inaudible ] Oh, my Lord. [ Inaudible ] That's what I would have already done that. Yeah. [ Inaudible ] Okay. [ Inaudible ] Right. Yeah. Sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Read that, Mary. I'm listening to you, spiky. I'm listening. [ Inaudible ] Yeah, I was just, I'm watching her do all this audio, video settings stuff and it's just weird. I'm so mad, man. When it doesn't work out right, I'm so upset. I mean. I never get upset, man. Well, the experience, the new platform, you're going to have bugs. Oh, I know. I know it's going to be bugs. Let's talk now. Now, talk now, spanky. Yeah, and the thing is, he's coming out. He just needs to be opened up. See? Spanky, we got it. Okay. Oh, boy. Okay. Now, we got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We'll settle down. Settle down, Mary. My God. Settle down. Shit. Okay. She's all excited as shit. Okay. I did a radio lens. Right now, I killed it, happened where it got supposed to pop square and it's on the line here. Yeah. You're just filling up there in the air lens because I'm down here at the teeny bottom right now. Shit. Well, I got you, man. When I saw that output coming out there, there's spanky went on output. There's your output coming out on the digital. Just banging it out, man. Boy, that looks good. Oh, there you go. Yeah. You're pumping. You're pumping up to about eight point four. Yeah. Yeah, and I even turned my volume up. Well, what pisses me off if she pisses me off if she probably doesn't know what she did. Oh, well, don't blame it on the deep state, Mary. Don't give me, give me, give me, give me, or I'll throw you out in the backyard like that cat. He's fixing to throw out in the backyard. Well, hell spanky. You're around the world now, baby. So hell, let's just talk a few more minutes here. She says she finally figured it out. So that's so good, man. That's so good. You know, how nerve-wracking that is for me to be talking and nobody can hear you. They can just hear me. It's like a nerve-wracking as shit. Well, hello, everyone. Spanky and I are on. Here we are on the new channel. Oh, my lord. Yes. Here we are. Mary is excited. She's in there like a damn drug screaming and yelling. Oh, mercy. Poor woman. She's so excited here. Well, I guess it's something to be excited about. This was so hard. I mean, there's 50 different fucking ways you can plug this thing in, man. You know, and it's just, it's just crazy, crazy. I'll show it. I'll send you a screenshot of this. This is starting to break up again. That's because I'm outside. Let me open the door. Sit right here by the signal. Won't be broke. I was hoping Chris would come in now. Chris? Yeah, I'll just get pretty asked about him. Well, he's not loyal. He's not loyal to us. He's loyal to these other money people. He's not loyal to this station. He's not loyal to us. He's loyal to these other folks and him and I are going to have to have a hard talk. I mean, I've let him go and let him go and let him go and let him go, kind of like you with Michael. You know, I've let him go and let him go and let him go and let him go and let him go. And you know I've let him go. You know how many times he's been late. You know how many times he's left early. I have a call. I'll see y'all later. You know how many times he hadn't showed up at all. And he's always, you know, he never he never promotes this on his other shows. He does five shows a week or six besides this one. Never has mentioned our fucking name to anybody anywhere spaky. You're on the board of directors. You have a right to say something about that. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do. I share your own drama book a lot. No, I mean about him. Him not sharing where all of the places and all of the people he talks to and all of the shows he's on, he's never mentioned our fucking name. That's not fair. Yeah, that's true. That's true there. I have to agree with you on that. It's just not fair spanky. He's ashamed of my outgoing personality and he's afraid that I'm going to piss somebody off like I did his board chairman who he turned over to the disaster team because I made a comment about him being baptized. This guy. He was bragging to everybody online. I got baptized. I got baptized. Oh, I'm baptized. I'm free the Lord. I'm centered. I'm free, sin free. The Lord has done cover it up all my sins. I'm baptized. And I made a big old fucking comment like fuck do you fuck that? Who gives a fuck? You know, I mean baptism was never a thing in the Hebrew text. It was never a thing in the ancient scrolls. It was never anything in the Babylonian, the Greek, the Aramaic. Never. Never was it mentioned anywhere. You know, and this guy makes a big fucking deal. Now he's special. Now he's better than us. He's better. He's smarter. He's better. And he got baptized, you know. And I said something smart to him. And now he don't like me no more. And that's Chris's executive director for his disaster team. Uh-huh. Yeah, my uncle and my cousin got into it this morning. And stuff because my cousin needs a preacher and my uncle is like, I'm gonna take that, take that B.S. and y'all put somewhere with it. And I don't believe in God and just that and everything. All y'all this is legal defense. Just a lot of people have missed that and everything. That's right. My cousin clicked. He hung the phone up on him. But then he called me about an hour later. And he was like, what is wrong with him? I've been getting old and see now. I've said no matter what you say to him, it's wrong. Yeah. Well, religion is bullshit all the way around. And if you want to listen to Billy, if you want to listen to Billy Carson, Billy Carson, fuck Billy Graham. Billy Carson, Billy Carson, tune in and listen to Billy Carson. I'll send you some of Billy Carson stuff. I'll put it in your message box. He's world-renowned experts on ancient civilizations, ancient civilizations, world-renowned experts. And he'll be the first one to tell you that all this bullshit and the Bible's bullshit. Total bullshit, bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit. And all of it, bullshit, all of it. So I'm trying to get rid of religion. And I'm not going to be very popular doing that. You know, it takes a hell of a guy to go out there and try to abolish religion. I'm not going to win a lot of friends and influence a lot of people, I'll tell you. But you know, it's just the way it's what I got to do. I have to do it, man, like kitchens, you know. I have to. It's my calling. It's my calling is to abolish this bullshit religion. We need to get rid of it. I mean, it's fucking everybody's head up. I mean, me speaking for me, you know, you can, you know, I don't put nobody else down for what they believe in and what they don't believe in. Like I say, when it comes down to it, I said, you came in. The only thing I know is you came in this for by yourself. When you leave, you're going to be by yourself. And whatever lies beyond, I don't know. Right, right, right. That's what I was saying. That's what I was saying. Yeah, that's why I don't hate nobody for what they believe in. I don't, I don't, I don't hate anybody. Never have, never will. You know that. I don't hate anybody. But I'm not going to listen to stupid. I'm not going to listen to stupid. And I'm not going to agree to something that's not real and has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, not to be real. Okay. And God is never mentioned as a singular unit in any book of any ancient text. It's always plural. God's, God's never is he mentioned as plural. Never, never, singular. I mean, singular. You know, magazine, yesterday I had a run in with the LGBTQ people. Yeah, what about it? And they said, oh, we have to have these pamphlets and this stuff. I would like to give you one. And I looked at them and I said, look, I said, look, nothing against you. You could be whatever you want to be. Just don't pass it on to me. Mm-hmm. And, and, and the one guy, he got smart with me. I said, I don't give a damn what you are or who you are. That's you. I know, well, you know what you believe in. I know what I believe in. I'm not going to try to push minds on to you. I don't want you trying to push yours on to me. I said, so, I said, so, take it at that. He said, well, you, you know, what is it, a homo, a homo, a homo, a homo, a homo, a phobic. A homo, a phobic. I said, no, I ain't nothing. I said, I'm a black man. My name is Frank Johnson. I'm a black man. Yeah. That's who I am. And, and then I was called, oh, you're a Trump supporter. I said, that's, I said, look in the effort. Let's don't go this route. You know, I've been nice and polite. Now I ain't getting ignorant. Yeah. I said, you put, put labels on me. Mm-hmm. And walked away from, I said, y'all have a good day. I said, I'm out here. Yeah. Y'all ain't even worth it. Well, to me, religious people are not worth it. I mean, they, look, if somebody comes up to you and is feeding you a mouthful of fairytales and fantasies and bullshit, how long are you supposed to listen to it? And what are you supposed to do with that? You know what I do? When they do, they come up and say, you need Jesus. You need this. You need that. And I look at them and I just say, I know I'm better than you, just because I'm not doing what you're doing. That don't mean that, that, that I'm against them or anything. I do minds. You do yours your way. I do minds my way. That's okay. Right. Well, you know, Jesus, there's no J in Hebrew, right? There's no J. And, and Hale was invented in 1864. Hale was added to the, to the Bible, right? 1864. People don't read those spanky. They don't read. They don't read. They don't read. They don't really study. They don't research, you know. They just listen to whatever was handed down to them. It's easy to swallow, you know, and easy to remember, you know what I mean? They don't want to get into the hard stuff, you know, the tough stuff, right? So, and I do, you know. I'm neck deep in this stuff. And I don't deal with stupid. And well, that's always what I've been my motto on this show, I guess, since the beginning is I don't deal with stupid. And so most people are stupid. In one way or another, they're stupid. So, you know, you talk to somebody for an hour, you're going to hear a whole bunch of stupid stuff coming out of their mouth sooner or later, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, and then I asked him the question. I said, "Do you know anything about Enoch?" And they say, "Yeah, he was the only one that God took up and never experienced death." I said, "Have you ever read the books, Enoch?" And he was like, "No, no." I said, "Read the books, Enoch." So, we talked about bass chips and talk about where it was designed. We were designed by an alien race and they looked at me like, "Oh, no, you took…" I said, "It's in the book, Enoch." That's why that book wasn't ever put in the Bible. The sponsors were being watched. Exactly. I said, "You all know that." Read the book of Maccabee. Read the book of the Dogone tribe. Read the Dogone tribe. Read the Mayan text. Read the Aztec text. Read hieroglyphics. Look back to Egyptology. Go all the way back to the Sumerian text. Read the Babylonian text. Read the Greek text. Read Aristotle. Plato. Nietzsche. Billy Carson. My God. Listen to Billy Carson for an hour and a half and there's no way you'll believe in religion again, like you ever did before. You'll change your whole attitude about religion. If you listen to ten of his videos, there's no way you could ever be a Christian again. There's no way you could ever be a Christian again after listening to Billy Carson for ten hours. Okay, ten hours. Mm-hmm. He tells you like it is. He tells you like it is. Not like you want it to be. You're not like you think it is, but he tells you like it is. And people just don't want to hear that. They don't want to hear that at all. And people are stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn. You know, sitting their ways, you know. And they've got that mind set in concrete. They don't want to change their... Exactly. They don't want to change their thinking. You know what I mean? Go ahead. Like my uncle called them. Like my uncle called them. They'd legal pimps. They'd legal pimps take care of buying money and go get these big houses and everything. And all that stuff. The people's too sitting there giving them the money. They ain't even got a pot to piss in. You know, I wanted to have a show on that one night. And I wanted to go in depth on what these people are really thinking. These deacons and these preachers and these teachers and these evangelists. And, you know, some of these people really do believe what they're saying, you know. And others, I think a lot of them. A lot of them. I don't know what percentage. But I think a lot of them feel like this is bullshit. But I'm making money and I got a good position. And they're paying for my house and my land and my insurance. And giving me a salary. And I'm a big shot here at the church. And so I'm just going to go ahead and keep preaching the bullshit. Don't you agree? What I'm doing now. I'm walking to the back door because I'm going to go just cat out. Because you get a little out of control and everything. So if this start breaking up to take me a second. So that's about. Yeah, well. Stupid idiot. I wish ladies and gentlemen could hear my effects on this thing. I don't think they can, Mary. Can they? Music? Can they hear music? I'm going to ask Spanky if he can hear the music. That's good. He can't because he's not on Skype. Okay. He's not on Skype. He has to be on Skype to Skype and then I can share with him the audio. Okay. I see. So anybody that's on Skype can hear the music and stuff. But if they're calling in on a regular line, like Spanky's doing, they can't hear the music. Okay. Well, that's what pisses me off here. That's what's really pissing me off. But at least we made it work, she said. At least we got Spanky on. So that's one thing. That's the first step in the right direction. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I say, you know, all of them other things, I'm kind of not big on them. Like I told them on drama book. If it wasn't for my family members, I wouldn't even have had that anymore. Well, you know, I'm not on Facebook much anymore. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm never there talking very much at all. Never, ever, ever, ever. I'll share a few things to Facebook that I'm looking at off of YouTube. But, or rumble, or before it's news, which is where everybody ought to be. Everybody ought to be over before it's news and rumble and rumble, of course. Yeah, I keep hearing about that. Oh, hell yeah, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble. Yeah, we're getting a platform, by the way. It's going to take this audio and move it over to YouTube and YouTube down loaded to rumble. So we're going to be moving to YouTube and rumble with this show too. So that's going to give us another two platforms. This is a big platform, Spanky. I have to really kind of take a back seat and take a look at this thing. Again, to realize how big this is. It's a massive platform around here tonight, man. It's just fucking big, man. And I guess we'll piss a whole bunch more people off of them. We've pissed off on blocked dog radio. Well, you know what I tell them. Join the other 10 that they don't like us. Join the club. Grandma used to say you get glad in the same pants you got mad in. Cool. Yeah. Well, we're safe. We're home, Spanky. We're finally home. We're finally home. We actually sitting out on a porch now and looking around at this quiet little neighborhood. We've got about 50 fucking cats running around here. Ben, you talk about cats, dude. Oh, my God. This woman over back here in the back has got about 50 fucking cats and they keep having babies. Oh, my Lord. I'm glad they don't come over to our trailer. I got 19. I got 19. Oh, my God. I don't like cats. I can't handle that man, I can't handle that. It's going to be down to five and about two more days. Good. Good for you. Good on you. But you got this big major surgery coming up and like a toddler. We don't keep five of them. That's it. Everybody else goes. Yeah. That's good. That's it. We don't have people's coming here to take care of you. Let me ask Marion a question. Spanky is chopping up, Mary. Is it him or me or us or you or what? What is it? He's chopping up a little bit. No, I'm back in the bedroom. Oh, okay. I got to get a new headset tomorrow. It's my headset. It's not part of this. I'm getting a new headset tomorrow. I wish you would. I wish you would get on a laptop, Spanky, and calling on Skype. That's what I wish you would do. Actually, I'm wondering if I could do it on a tablet. Yeah, your tablet. Can you do it on a tablet, Mary? If you had a good headset, she said Bluetooth headsets. What you need, she said, to really do the show right. Get a Bluetooth headset, okay? Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's how I'm talking to you now. Okay. My phone's on the other side of the room. And calling on Skype from your iPad next time tomorrow night. She'll send you the instructions straight off of GPT, okay? All right. Okay, she's doing it right now. All right. She's doing it right now. All right. I have to charge it up because... Yeah. We'll charge it up. Charge it up, charge it up, charge it up all the way. Let's all charge up. Everybody here charge up and stay charged up and stay ready to go. Stay ready, ready, ready, ready. Teddy. And at least the show tonight wasn't about gloom and doom and the war and the Ukraine and Russia and Iran and all that stuff, you know? I'm getting so damn tired of them kicking that can down the road. I don't know what to do, man. You know, just... I'm waiting for it to pop off, man. Everybody's wanting it to pop off. Just come on, come on, come on. You know? Quit fucking around, right? Yeah. I mean, come on, man. You know? Do something. Do something, you know? Like when I used to get in a fight, you know? I used to get in a fight, you know? And I'm a pretty tough guy, you know? And I'd be looking at some cat wanting to fight me, you know? And he'd be looking at me, you know? And I'm like, come on, come on, dude. Make your fucking move, man. What are you waiting for? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Quick dancing. Yeah. Make your move, motherfucker. Hit me. See how mad I get. It just makes me matter when you hit me. Go ahead and hit me in the face. Here, go, go, go, go, go. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm just getting tired of looking at the images, all the innocent people go there. People do that because of a couple of knuckleheads, you know? Yeah. That's really starting to get to me. You know? Well... That's the only thing. If you were over there and I ran and stuff, you know? Oh, yeah. Israel. Yeah. Well... You know, Israel, what really fucked up when they hit Yemen, though? They really fucked up when they hit Yemen. Mm-hmm. And, you know, any minute now, they could pop off. Any minute they could pop off. Yeah. I was talking, you know, three of my people and intelligence division, and they said any minute it could pop off. You know, used to, me and you talking six months ago, it was like, "Oh, well, next year, next year, next year." No, it's now. I mean, it's now. We're sitting on the... We stepped on the landmines, what we did. We're stepping on the landmines. That's what we're doing. We're stepping on the landmines. Yeah. What happens when you let off your foot off the landmines? Boom. It blows. And that's what we're on now. We're stepping... We're stepping right on the landmines. Yep. And whoever pulls their foot off first, "Oh, my Lord, have mercy. What's gonna happen?" You know, Putin is definitely not afraid. And China, I don't see how we could ever go to war with China, but I maybe did wrong. I just can't sink into my head. We've been doing business with China for so many years. We've been letting them rip us off on trade for so many years and tariffs for so many years. And Trump comes in and makes them pay, which was a good thing. And Trump says that if he gets back in, he's going to make NATO. I told you the other night he's gonna make NATO stand up and grow some balls and take care of their own business. And he's not gonna be babysitting all these NATO countries, which I don't think we should be babysitting these NATO countries, do you? Right. Let them fight for themselves. Let them do their own thing. You tell you the truth, if it pops off, if it pops off, I'm wondering what NATO countries are really going to be the strongest force in this fight. Have you ever thought about that? Yeah. That's a good question. All over Europe, you know. These European colonizers, all these European colonizers have ever done is destroy and depopulate and genocide. Look at Africa. Look what they did to North Africa, you know. I mean, it was just a slaughterhouse, man. It was just a slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse. And nobody's ever gonna pay for that, man, you know. Europe will never pay for all of the destruction they've done since the early colonial times. Yeah. Exactly. I'm sorry. You hear that noise? Yeah. What is it? I'm beating the popsicle. Oh, okay. It popsicle. Cool. You've got massive grammar for it. Aren't you glad we're not on the road at some fucking truck stop in Pota fucking Egypt spanky? Yeah. Yeah. Tell me about it. Yeah. I'm 100% agree with you. It's so nice to be home, dude. I'm just miles. I'm about five hours away from my home town. Yes. I'm like me. Five hours. I'll be at home. My hometown. Yeah. Me too. And my daughter's there waiting for me. I'm going to go see her. We're going to spend the night in a motel together and just talk. Everybody's going to think I'm perverted spending the night in a motel with my daughter. Aren't people stupid? Yeah. Yeah. When I found out to see my daughter and stuff to stay and get them guys to be out there and we'll walk in and walk in and say, yeah, I can imagine what they're saying. She got this old man coming over here. I don't give a shit what they're saying about me and you. You and I. My daughter's sexy, sexy, sexy, but you know, they will be saying that about her me boy because she's sexy as shit. I'll be saying, y'all going to a motel? Ooh. Yeah. Well, it was single bed. Well, it doesn't make a shit to me. She's my daughter. You dumbass. I don't give a shit. What people think about me. I really don't give a shit about her. You need to stay in bed. Yeah. Me too. Nah. I need a damn thing wrong with it. But I enjoyed tonight and I'm so happy we got you owned at the last hour, man. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Chris didn't come on again tonight. Marion's about ready to toss him to the dumpster, Dixie dumpster. I'm only using Chris's connections. He's got a guy. Now let me tell you this before we go. He got a guy on the phone with Mary today and Chris was asking us, "Can y'all promote our 10 shows a week?" You know, we want y'all to promote our 10 shows a week on the new spreaker over there with you and Spanky, you know, and Tim, you know. And Marion's like, "Well, fuck." She's looking at me going, "Fuck him." He's never promoted us once. And now he's asking us to promote him. Mm-hmm. And so... Where is it? I don't know. But he was going to pay... What? No, I was matching something else. I'm sorry. He was going to pay $50. He was going to pay $500 for block talk radio and do 10 shows a week. And Marion said, "That is so stupid. Why would you want to do that? Have five different fucking telephone numbers on block talk radio. Five different RSS feeds, five different encodes, and she said, "That's stupid." So she said... She wrote him a contract and said, "For $2,500, we'll build you a station like ours." And you'll only have a one-time fee of $2,500. So we're sending them a contract tonight. But I'm still mad at Chris because they've never mentioned our name on any of their shows. And they've done over 150 shows. But... Yeah, I've shared on drama books. Yeah. So I'm sure I'm getting some messages saying, "No, I want to show tonight." What I do is I just share that on there tomorrow. Yeah, Mary wants to keep Chris around because he keeps talking about this billion dollars. He's got access to. And we'll see. We'll see. We'll see. I'll send him all the shareable links to mine. My, she's going to send you all the shareable links tomorrow for the show, okay? All right, that'll work. And she put all the information in your message box a while ago on how to get on Skype from your iPad and what to do, okay? Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go, and I'm going to go watch the damn James Bond movie or something. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what kind of movie you get. Can you recommend any movies to me? I got Star Trek Nemesis sitting up here. I'm getting ready to watch. Is that good? You think? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Star Trek Nemesis. Yes, it is. Okay. I think this would be about the one million times that I watched it. Okay. Because at the end, at the end, I cried. I ain't going to tell you a lot other than Bambi. This is the second movie that made me cry again. Okay. I'll tell you a movie you got to see. Write it down after you get off the show. You love cats. You got cats, right? I want you to, I want you to watch Thomasina. Yes, yes, yes. You have to watch Thomasina. Marion's going, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Have him write it down now." She'll send it to you. She'll send it to you. I don't know if it's on Netflix, but it may be on YouTube. But she'll send it to you right now. She's looking it up. She's going to send it to you. So ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go. Thank goodness for Mary. Thank goodness for Spanky. And thank goodness for Tim Dawson, who's been with me on air for 20 years now, plus. And Chris is in the dog house, and Spanky and I are going to have to have a private board meeting about what to do with this man. Oh, by the way, it's called the Three Lives of Thomasina. She said, "Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay, I've seen that." Oh, you did? Yeah, that's a movie. You'll cry. I cried with that movie. The Three Lives of Thomasina. He's seen it. Oh, my alarm's going off. My alarm's going off. My head's getting ready. I'll cut off. I'll see you, buddy. We'll see y'all. Love y'all. See you tomorrow night. 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