The Job Search Solution

How to Use LinkedIn in Networking Part I

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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Don Philabaum Interview with Don Philabaum: Don discusses making contacts through LinkedIn for students to help get interviews.
Welcome. This podcast is sponsored by the America is only 60 hour program of everything you could possibly imagine about how to find a job. The has successfully helped more than 100,000 people find a job as fast as possible. The Welcome back. And as we do every Monday evening, we'd like to welcome Don Fiddlebaum, he is the co-founder of Talent Marks. He's an organization that helps scholars grads prepare for their career and their job search, preferably before they graduate, so that they have a job before they do graduate. It provides an e-learning platform as well as other products featuring all kinds of courses designed by the nation's top career authors and experts, helps college grads prepare for their job search or landing a job before they graduate. He comes to us every Monday evening with all kinds of ideas about the job search and what's going on with students these days and two million students that graduate every spring and about that same number in the fall. Is that right, Don? Yeah, about 20% of that in the fall. And so he comes to us with us and we've been talking about networking and how to do it and there was never a better time to do it than now and never more tools than we have now. And Don's going over those tools with us. It's amazing the number of students that graduate that don't know the tools that are out there, including how to use LinkedIn. We talked about that last week, but Don, good evening. How are you? Hey, Tony. Great. Good to be with you. Always good. So what do you have for us this evening, sir? You know, last week we were talking about how to use your network, how to use your friends, your relatives, those you work with, those who are in your congregation or your church to help you get a job. And I just wanted to share one thing that I had forgotten about sharing last week in that discussion. And that is how to use LinkedIn effectively through your network. And this is a guy who works with students at Wake Forest College to help put them into positions. And what he did, and let me just read this, something that he posted, told everybody that he was looking for a new job. He was leaving his position within the higher ed. And so he said for anyone who referred me to a new role that I accept, I will donate $500 in your honor to the charity of your choice. And also I will randomly select five people from all who repost the message to their connections and donate $100 to the charity of their choice. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. So what did that net him? Do you know? Yeah, really good question. So 60 people reposted and he had it generated that post generated 10,000 impressions. And so he's following up. It's early to tell, but he did get quite a bit of attention from that. And of course, it's a great feel good about someone. Most people don't want the money, but you're going to give it to the charity of my choice. I love it. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, we found that that is the case around here. We do the same thing with referrals that people refer candidates to us. We find that referring, that giving money to their favorite charity is more of a feel good than getting money to them. People respond a lot more to that than they do most anything else. So that's just an amazing idea. So that's really good. And he just started his search, right? He did, yes. And so I think he started it with a bang, right? Everybody's talking about him. And he followed through and sent some money out to people's charities. And that's going to continue to get people wanting, "Hey, let me help you." That kind of attitude. Did he tell you where he got that idea? I don't know. I assumed it came from his own brilliant creative mind, but it could be something that's floating out there. You may know better than all. I've done that myself to our efforts here at Babbage and Associates, but I've never seen a candidate do that. It's a brilliant idea and absolutely brilliant idea. So what else do you have? How did he state it? Did he just say, "Just put on the post if you refer somebody to me. What do you say?" Yeah, first it was kind of a summary, right? I've been in this position in higher education over 20 years, and I'm looking to make a move in my career. Many of you have helped me throughout my career. So it was touching. It was personal. It was a summary of his career. And that was kind of the punchline, right? I see. Very good. So he donated once already one time, right? Is that right? Yes, and when he then lands that job a second time. That's great. That's great. So that's almost as good as paying with someone who is going to be out there working for you, right? Yeah, that's really true. So how did he tell me again how he worded it? For anyone who refers me to a new role that I accept, I will donate $500, and you're honored to the charity of your choice. Also, I will randomly select five people from all who repost this message to their connections and donate $100 to the charity of their choice. Good. So he put a little emphasis on the fact that, hey, right now, please repost. And through all that, everybody, just that one post got 10,000 impressions. She's 10,000. That's amazing. That 10,000, that's amazing. And from those, he's going to pick 10 people to do a charity with her. Right. And I think about 60 had reposted. So as he mentioned, I had random up. I'll pick on the 60 that reposted. That's great. All right. Very good. What a great idea. Time to take a break. Stay tuned. Don't go away. This is Tony Bescher along with Don Philemon, I'm here on the JobSearch Solution. This podcast was sponsored by the JobSearch It's the world's most successful online job search program. My expert in the trenches advice has been used by more than 100,000 people to successfully find a new job. So go to the and start today toward a better job.