The Job Search Solution

The Differnce Between a Retained and Contingency Search Consultants Part II

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06 Aug 2024
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Dave Perry Interview with Dave Perry: Dave and Tony continue discussing the difference between a retained search consultant and a contingency search consultant.
Welcome. This podcast is sponsored by the America is only 60 hour program of everything you could possibly imagine about how to find a job. The has successfully helped more than 100,000 people find a job as fast as possible. The We are back with David Perry here on the jobsearchsolution. Before we get back to the topic we work on, I'll start with. David, tell people how they can find you when they need you. All the easiest thing to do is go to Google and type in and put in parentheses, the rogue recruiter. Google will do the rest. It'll find me and it'll pop up a bunch of different ones. It might be to work It might be to mine of It might be at Perry Martel. But all the properties I own, all the books I write, I always mention that I was nicknamed the rogue recruiter by the Wall Street Journal. But the easiest way, folks. Tell us about the new product you've got and how to use it. The new product Tony is talking about is the free job work. This free job works now. Served out more than 18 million jobs. There's 1.2 million companies that have used it. It's called work The reason job hunters should go there is because you can register for free, recruiters use it for free, employer use it for free, but job hunters go on there and it's almost like a dating app. It's going to ask you a lot of questions. Just answer them all. Spend the time to go into the detail. Here's what happens. You're more than your last job title. Far more than your skills. The work insight was built to allow you to give people enough information to show them why you. But they don't expose your name, your phone number, your email address to the people that are going to find you. A recruiter can go on and they're looking for a blue eyed blonde hair left-handed programmer with red shoes. They can type that in. They can't. But anyway, it will come your profile if that's who you are. It tells them all about you, but it doesn't tell you who they are. It doesn't tell them who you are. They have to reach out to you now and say, "Hey, Blondie, I've got this job. I'm looking to talk to you about it." You can ask questions back and forth without them ever knowing who you are. I mean, they didn't have information. You can say, "Yeah, I'd like to talk about it." Then you qualify as the employer. You qualify the job. They still don't know who you are. You can actually have a decent conversation. What it does is it's built a peer network. Both sides of the equation are equal to a recruiter and a candidate. That's what work is all about. It's free. The coolest thing, as far as I'm concerned, is the tool put in by great people inside that will give you a free psychometric assessment that will tell you what your strengths are and where you should orientate your efforts for your career. Why did you create it? A short story is, in 1971, I was living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States Air Force Academy. It was discovered that I had a freak, abnormality in my heart. The only Canadians on this Air Force base, probably the only native people on this base as well, my dad was maybe. Anyway, through some good fortune, they ended up operating on my heart. I think good fortune. This operation has never, ever been done successfully in North America. They flew Richard Nixon's cardiologist in Washington, D.C. to do this operation in Denver, Colorado, in 1971. Obviously, I lived. I had been in debt literally my entire life to the good graces of Americans. I never met, who did not care who I was. I just stepped up and saved my life. That's the whole reason for work insight and my new job. I'm paying back at debt that needs to be paid back. The only way I can, and that is by helping people find jobs that they're going to like this, and they're going to love it. That's my only real talent is figuring that out. Have you embarrassed me enough, Tony? No, I knew that story. I've heard it a couple of times. I just wanted our listeners to hear it again because it is a story of gratitude, which is always, we make a point of spending 10 seconds of gratitude on this program in the first portion of every day, spending time being grateful because you can't be unhappy when you're grateful. Every time I hear that story, it brings a tear to my eye, not only because it's a nice story, but because you are so grateful and you remember it, and you did something to be grateful, and that is always a, and I'm grateful for that. Gratitude, you know, like a lot of things falls downhill when you get somebody grateful, who's grateful, who's grateful. It's a contagious type of thing, and it's just a really good story. And we were going to start out talking about different types of techniques of finding a story. No, no, finding a job. That's what our topic was this evening. We've got about a minute and a half left, so why don't you pick one, David, and we'll talk about it. This is the most powerful, most controversial tactic I've ever spoken about from the stage. Many people, and here's what it is, many people have a top 10 list, like the FBI top 10 list of companies that they want to work with, and I tell people what you really need to do is pick the company that's on the top of your list, and phone the CEO, and if you don't want the CEO, the head of HR, head of HR is always easier, and you say hi, my name's David Perry, Susie, and I'm wondering who you use as a contingency agency to hire people into your company, and Susie will say, well, why do you want to know that? Well, I'd love to work with your company, but you're not hiring. I've looked on the job board, there's nothing there, but I know whoever you use, I guarantee that if they have you as a client, they have other companies just like you, that I would love to work for too. I'll tell you why he's laughing in a minute. I said, so what do you think? Here's what's going through the HR manager's mind. Oh my God, I can't believe this, so we'll start asking you questions about yourself, play a real cool, baby, play a real cool. You're not trying to trick them. It didn't call up to ask for an interview, but good Lord, you're going to have an interview by the time you finish that conversation, and you're going to know who they use if they use anybody. So here's what you do. If they invite you in for an interview, you say thank you very much, but seriously, I'm really interested in who you use, and then you ask them against who do you use. Now, you've done this for a specific reason, folks. You've done this because the HR manager now goes, "Oh, this is a good one, and I can save a fee. I am a hero." David, it couldn't be more brilliant. We're going to have to pick up that next week and elaborate on that more. It is one of the best that you've ever come up with. Thank you all for listening, Chris Haney. I love you. Let's hope. Pray for world peace. Pray for the end-born. Forgive an ass. Forgiveness. Stay humble. Take a moment today to be grateful. Pray for those in your need, and work. Pray for our society. Join us again for the JobSearch Solution. This podcast was sponsored by the jobsearch It's the world's most successful online job search program. My expert in the trenches advice has been used by more than 100,000 people to successfully find a new job. So go to the jobsearch and start today toward a better job.