The Job Search Solution

Job Search Tactics Part IV

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30 Jul 2024
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Dave Perry Interview with Dave Perry: Dave and Tony continue discussing more strategies for a job seeker.
Welcome. This podcast is sponsored by the America is only 60 hour program of everything you could possibly imagine about how to find a job. The has successfully helped more than 100,000 people find a job as fast as possible. The Welcome back. We're here with David Perry, again, fascinating, absolutely fascinating discussion. David, before we get back to the subject at hand, tell people how they can find you when they need you, your products, your services, and especially your most recent revelation. Well, you know, I think that they should do what your candidate just did, and that is go out and buy a copy of Gorilla Marketing for job hunters. It's probably going to answer most of their questions, including how to deal with people like us, right? That's what I would do. Go out and get a copy of Gorilla Marketing for job hunters 3.0, or call your local library and ask them if they have a copy. Most have two or three copies, and it's been out long enough now that most people -- most libraries will let you take it out of the library. When the book first came out, you know, nationwide, they wouldn't let people take it out of the library yet to sit there and read it, because there was just that much demand. Anyway, that's what I would do, and you'll find all my contact details in there. Good. Tell them about your new site and how they can use it. Okay. So, I've got a new site out, folks. It's called It is a job board to beat all job boards. It's free, both for candidates. That's people looking for work, and recruiters and employers. So, anybody can post a job. Anybody can look for jobs. If you're really smart, and I know you are, if you listen to the show, you'll go to and you'll spend 15, 20 minutes, maybe longer, registering who you are. The reason you want to do this is because there's two ways you end up being employed. You find a job or a job you find to. On WorkInsight, you're just as likely to have someone find you. Here's the interesting part. When you put all these great details about your background and skills, it's all held in confidence. You're anonymous. Your skills aren't, but you individually. Nobody knows who you are until they've contacted you and said, "Hey, I saw your profile on WorkInsight. I got this job." And then you start asking questions, and they'll start answering questions, and you can decide whether or not it's the kind of job you want to look into. Most job boards don't allow you to do that. You're completely exposed, and that's why you get so many calls from insurance companies. Anyway,, take advantage of it. And as Tony knows, I built the site as payback to my American friends primarily, who literally saved my life in 1971 with groundbreaking heart surgery in Denver, Colorado, which I would not have had if I had been living in Canada at the time. It didn't exist as the first time I ever had ever done, and it was Richard Nixon's cardiologist who did it. So this is a small payback that I can do for having my life saved by complete strangers, by a country that I respect greatly. Well, it's a wonderful site. Do you have much information? No, not at all, and never, never too much information. And it's sincere, and that's what makes it so emotionally gratifying, and it's a wonderful site. So what do you say to the candidates? "I don't know who to call. I don't know who to write. I don't know who I know. There's a website I got to send it to, and it says, "I got to do this." So what do I do? Well, you know, stop whining, you know. I can't do that. I got it. I can't say that. What you can do is you know what the job's title is. You're linked in and find out who the manager, the director, the vice president of whatever is you're applying to is. And maybe they're the hiring manager. Maybe they're not. But I guarantee you, if you send them a letter, and it's for a manager, and you send it to a director, or a director to send it to a VP, you know what? They're going to read it and go, "Oh." And they're going to run down the hall and say, "Hey, Tony, I just cut this in the mail, and I know you're looking for XYZ. You should read this. This guy is, you know, this or gals. These people have got something on the ball." So, go to LinkedIn. Look it up. It ain't hard. It really is. Worst case scenario, you do what Tony and I do. You know, you surreptitiously pick up the phone, you call into the switchboard, and you talk to, you know, Abigail and say, "Abigail, you know, could you tell me who the manager, hire manager?" VP of Engineer is, and they'll say, "Well, I'm sorry I can't give you that information." You go, "Abigail, I've already sent my application in online as instructed, but I'd really like to send a hard copy to whomever because you know what it's like? The machine gets it. It doesn't necessarily understand it. I make it kicked out. I may not. So, I'd really like to know. And they may or may not tell you, in which piece you go to LinkedIn and look it up. But, you know, it's a phone call. Nobody's ever died picking up the phone, asking a question. Worst case. And you're just, and Tony's going to tell you, says, "I'm going to beat you to the punch, Tony." If they won't tell you, call back and ask for accounts payable. That's right. That's absolutely right. Tell people why to call accounts payable. You call accounts payable because they need a friend. Because anybody that calls accounts payable is calling to yell at them because the payment's late. They didn't get their account. So, when you call, you just say, "Oh, hi. Oh, accounts payable. Jeez, I'm sorry. I guess I got misdirected." But you know what? I've been bounced around this email system for the last 15 minutes. It's crazy. You sound like a really nice person. Can you tell me who mentioned the name of the person you're looking for? I would really appreciate no one who they are. Maybe you can send me through to their extension. And the mere fact that you haven't screened at them is what happens with accounts payable. They're going to answer your questions. It's pretty simple. They're so glad to get a nice voice on the other end of the line and somebody that they can be pleasant to that is pleasant back at them without being terse or mean or anything. They'll put you through to whoever you ask. They'll tell you, they'll give you anybody's name that you have to do. That's so funny. I learned that from you. I've been using it. It was in guerrilla marketing, I think. I read it but how many years ago did you write the book? The first book? Yeah. He used it. I put a note on my desk to use it. And my goodness, it's been good ever since. At least once a week, I use it. And it is magical. And when I do, I can't help but laugh. They give me the name and I start laughing. David, you make us think and you make us laugh and you make everything. You make this job really pleasant. Thank you all for listening, Christian. I love you. Let's all pray for the world. Please pray for the unborn. Forgive an ask. Forgiveness. Stay humble. Take a moment today to be grateful. Pray for those that are needing work. Pray for our society. Join us again for the Job Search Solution. This podcast was sponsored by the JobSearch It's the world's most successful online job search program. My expert in the trenches advice has been used by more than 100,000 people to successfully find a new job. So go to and start today toward a better job.