The Job Search Solution

Prospects of Students Finding a Job in a Different Part of the Country Part II

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08 Jul 2024
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Don Philabaum Interview with Don Philabaum: Don and Tony continue discussing the prospects of students graduating and moving to a different part of the country to find a job.
Welcome. This podcast is sponsored by the America is only 60 hour program of everything you could possibly imagine about how to find a job. The has successfully helped more than 100,000 people find a job as fast as possible. The Back with Don Silverbaum here on the jobsearchsolution from a topic about moving and where the jobs are. Before we get back to that, Don, tell people how they can find you when they need you. Hey Tony, about 2 million students have graduated from college and they are now in looking for a job and most of them in terms of research probably didn't go to the career center. In fact, research showed 62% I believe it was of graduating seniors either never went to the career center or only went once or twice. So they are now in the work course trying to figure out how to look for a job and it's probably not surprising that the only way they know how to look for a job is to go to a job board and post their resumes a hundred times and sit back and wait for somebody to respond to them which you and I know is a minimal response rate. It's really an industry of who you know and how often you call somebody else up and how aggressive you are looking for a job as your job search solution book recommends but anybody that's out there we've got some things that can help college grads and actually have an online on-demand conference that any graduate can attend for free. It's called the so check that out. 72 top career authors including Tony Bishara and about 30 hours of career advice. Yes, that's a heck of a program we were recommending it to students all the time that have graduated. It is really a good program so definitely something that Don knew how to design and really helps a student. I'm amazed at a number of people that don't take advantage of stuff like that especially the price of that which is nothing. Just crazy. Getting back to the topic, those too many of the students put you on the spot here. Do you have any idea how many of them leave their home of where they were more than raised and go to other places and move out of state? Yeah, you did put me on the spot there. I don't have an exact number but let me just share Cleveland Ohio where I am from. Cleveland is a city and state that is actively looking to try to keep graduates in their area. They are programs in place that work with organizations to develop internships so that their relationships could develop before that student graduates. That tells me that that's a problem. There's a brain drain and that was something that when I lived in that area there were many discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and the groups that it was a member of where we've got to stop that brain drain even our state. And so that does happen to the degree. I don't know. Has it happened in Milwaukee? Probably. I mean anybody that's born and reared in Cleveland Ohio is the allure of California as a young kid. They're going to want to go experience that. So that poll is still there. Yeah, I would think it is and especially if there are fewer jobs in Ohio or Minnesota or Wisconsin or wherever that you'd think, well, if I'm going to begin, I might as well begin there and where there are more jobs. But a lot of people don't. They have family in those areas. They have familiarity to go back to. And we didn't when we grew up and graduated, did you? So I did immediately left Ohio to Kansas City and Kansas City. But I came back. And so you're leaving one's home town. There's and family. Some people will never do that. And I think that's a hard breakthrough. But it's still a problem, I think, for rust belt skates, Pennsylvania, Ohio, particularly parts of New Jersey and New York that they're always going to lose to other states that are doing better. Yeah, I would think so. And we're a lot more used to the mobility of it and travel is a lot easier than it ever was. And the technology is greater than it ever was. And so you can do that kind of thing. And people don't have people have a tendency to just pack up and go. Because they almost have to. The jobs are just better in the states like Texas and Florida and the Sunbelt states. They just are our economies growing like heck. And they're just a lot more jobs here than there are. It's really funny. When I first moved to Texas in 1973, he used to have a bumper sticker that said, "We're guarding the wrong river." And referring to those of you who don't know, referring to the Red River. And now we're, of course, we're in a big hassle of guarding the right river, I guess. And there were a group of funny story. There were a group of employers that were afraid that if they hired snowbirds, they'd call them. People that moved here from Ohio and Iowa and all of that, they would be here for a few years and then they moved back home. And they didn't like the idea of maybe hiring somebody from there that would move back home. And then there were a group of employers that thought anybody that would move here from Ohio or Iowa and the guts to do it really had a lot of guts and a lot of courage to move down here. So, by goodness, that's the kind of person that we wanted to hire. And in many ways, they were both right because when the times got easier, many of those people did move back home. And when times were tough, a lot of them moved down here. So, it was really kind of a mixed bag of attitudes towards it. So probably the same is probably true now. At any rate, Don, you always make us think and we really appreciate it. Thank you all for listening, Chrissy, honey. I love you. Let's all pray for real peace, pray for the hand-born, forgive and ask for forgiveness, stay humble, take a moment today to be grateful, pray for those that are needing work, pray for our society. Join us again for the Job Search Solution. This podcast was sponsored by the JobSearch It's the world's most successful online Job Search program. My expert in the trenches advice has been used by more than 100,000 people to successfully find a new job. So go to and start today toward a better job.