The Job Search Solution

Using LinkedIn for Your Stealth Job Search Part I

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Wayne Breitbarth Interview with Wayne Breitbarth: Wayne discusses some stealthy ways of using LinkedIn to look for a job when you want to keep your job search confidential. For more see Wayne's Article Step-by-Step Guide to Using LinkedIn for Your Stealth Job Search.
Welcome. This podcast is sponsored by the America is only 60 hour program of everything you could possibly imagine about how to find a job. The has successfully helped more than 100,000 people find a job as fast as possible. The Welcome back and as we do a couple of times every month we'd like to welcome Wayne Breitbart. He is the CEO of Power Formula LLC. He's been an experienced successful businessman and in about 2008 he got wrapped up and distracted by life-changing, altered life-changing experience with LinkedIn and he's SaaS a come one of the country's foremost authorities on LinkedIn. He travels around the country giving seminars on LinkedIn tutorials. He's written a book, The Power of Formula for LinkedIn Success in his fourth edition and we're so grateful that he comes in able to come to us a couple of times everyone is talking about issues on LinkedIn because it's changing all the time especially those issues that face people looking for a job and to see me he's been talking to us about the step-by-step guide to using LinkedIn for your stealth jobsearch. So first of all, Wayne, welcome. Secondly, define your stealth jobsearch and what the difference between that and the non-stealth jobsearch and how to use LinkedIn for that. Yeah, thanks. Good to be back, Tony. Always a pleasure. So when I refer to a stealth job I'm talking about when a person wants to make themselves much more mindable and available to people like yourself and even to HR people that are doing circuit specifically on LinkedIn. So for a person that goes, "Well, I got a job that I'm okay with but it's not great and I wouldn't mind hearing from some other people about other jobs and I'm probably not going to apply because I worry about that process exposing me within our industry and things like that." So they want to get calls from recruiters but they just don't want to be overly proactive because of how that would appear to occur to a player because they're not ready to quit and move on. So that's my definition of a stealth job seeker and before LinkedIn, that was difficult to do other than if you had a good relationship with some recruiters and I personally, two of my five jobs that I've had in my life, they were brought to me by recruiters and I'm very thankful that I did continue relationships with those guys for the years and years and so that's the way, and that's still good. That's a great opportunity to keep good relationships with people like you that always hear of things. But since LinkedIn has come around, we now have the ability to do certain things without really anybody, you know, let's call it our employers or outside world catching that worry raising our hand and saying, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind a phone call or two." And that's pretty cool because it allows you to show up on searches better and you'll crack your content in your profile so that it's much more interesting and impactful for a recruiter. A good example of that is like instead of just putting down these are one of the things I did, my job duties and my profile, which that's good to have on it, you really blow past that and put lots of accomplishments and how you changed the department and maybe the trajectory of some of the sales effort to be. So the point is you're writing that's just one example of what you would do is you would just look at your experience section and especially your current job, that's the one that people are going to look at closer and LinkedIn gives more actually more weighting to the search engine. So it's really a matter of sitting down and going, "I'm going to write this thing as if I know I want to be contacted by people who might have opportunities for me." That is really important and that's subtle but to a recruiter that says, "Hey, pay attention to me because I'm looking for a new gig," to your boss that may not say that at all and it's not something that you have to. I must say it happened this week, be a little careful last swish of open to work because you think that open to work is only exposed to recruiters, well, it can be exposed to your company's recruiters. We had a candidate that got fired because his swish open to work was exposed to his company recruiters. If you're looking for work full-time, that's fine, great, wonderful but if you're not, do not use that. I don't care what Lincoln tells you because any recruiter or anybody that has LinkedIn recruiter addition is going to get exposed to that and they're going to be able to see that you're looking for a job and you're going to get discovered. Most people don't realize that job preference setting, and that's what Tony's referring to, and that's a great tip. I'm glad you brought it up because you want to know where that cost a guy is job. Yes, I believe that Lincoln gives you a little disclaimer because we can't promise this. You can read the disclaimer closely, you know? Yeah, it was-- Don't do it. I agree with you. Yeah, we just couldn't believe that the-- and the guy was pretty experienced, a professional too. I mean, he wasn't some kid that had a first job. It was somebody that was really-- and we couldn't believe that he was-- he said, "Well, well, it was only to-- well, his company had LinkedIn recruiter and could be exposed to it at any time and was, and so-- and they were looking to cut people back anyhow because they're having rough times, a lot of companies are, and so that's a real good-- and we had another candidate, a younger, more naive candidate, ask us this week, "Can a company fire you for looking for a job?" Uh-huh. Come on. What do you mean, "Yeah," so, you know, "Oh boy, it's time to take a short break. Stay tuned. This is Sony to share along with Wayne Brightpart here on the job search solution. Go away." This podcast was sponsored by It's the world's most successful online job search program. My expert in The Trench's advice has been used by more than 100,000 people to successfully find a new job, so go to and start today toward a better job.