The Job Search Solution

What Graduates Should Be Doing to Get a Job Part II

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24 Jun 2024
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Don Philabaum Interview with Don Philabaum: Don and Tony continue discussing what graduates should be doing to get a job.
Welcome. This podcast is sponsored by the America's only 60-hour program of everything you could possibly imagine about how to find a job. The has successfully helped more than 100,000 people find a job as fast as possible. The We are back with Don Philabon here on the jobsearchsolution. Before we get back to the subject and about what to do now, Don tell people how they can find you when they need you and find your products and services. Yes, so even though we're talking a little bit about why students are having trouble finding a job, we could give any of the students who have graduated. Some 2 million that graduate each year an opportunity to step by step learn what they need to do by going to where they will have an opportunity to go here from 72 of the world's top career authors and experts who will provide them tips on career exploration, the jobsearch process, soft skills and things like even post-graduation things like refinancing their student loans. That's at Check it out and spread that around. It's an excellent program we're recommending all the time to students. It gives you step by step finding a job after school like finding a job when you're beyond school, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years. It's a step by step process. You just got to know. I've come to the conclusion even after 50 years in this business that people 50% of the time just don't know what to do and the gradcareerfestival job search solution just gives you step by step of what to do. Don mentioned one thing. First thing to get a whole of previous grads of your college that hardly ever do that. Alumni. Alumni love to help out students that have graduated from their school. They feel like that they're giving back to their college or university by helping you out and all you got to do is call them up and write them and they'll be more than happy to meet with you. Even if they don't have a job opening, they'll be glad to meet with you and talk to you about what's available and what's and that you could spend bigger your city obviously weeks doing that and grads love to help if you're from a small school or may not be as many grads but if you're from, well, you graduated from Kent State, right? Yes. That's gigantic and you could keep going for a month running down grads from Kent State at wherever city you're in. I just look it up on LinkedIn. I mean, not hard to do, right? Just take up the phone. Yeah, it's very easy to do. In fact, I had been doing some research in the name, image and likeness industry and because we wanted to be able to help student athletes get more career and professional development support because 98% of them don't get drafted and then they're having to look for a job. One of the things I'm finding is that as I look to connect with other people who are adults and any job seeker can use this is that it will show, hey, you have three alums who work at this company and it's like, wow, just hand me the golden ticket. I can just connect with that alum and say, hey, we both graduated from Kent State. Think about your organization. What department do you think someone with my skill sets would fit in? And it just had a courtesy. They'll call you back, talk to you, have you in and maybe they won't have a job but at least they'll have courtesy to talk to you. That's one of the first things you should do. The job search solution as well as Don's program teach you step by step programs of what to do. It's not hard to do and even if you're not a particular extrovert, step by step, you just follow the program, follow the system. It's not hard to do. It's not hard to do. What else, Don, do you have in mind? Well, that whole thinking of the job search as a job that you suggest I think is very important to any job seeker in that you don't let other things get in the way like, oh, maybe I'll go motherland or maybe I'll go to work out where, oh, I can't think of anything else to do. One has to write down on a piece of paper on a daily basis. What am I going to do from seven to eight, eight to nine, nine to ten? And literally look at it as a to do list of things to do. You don't have to work eight hours a day looking for a job. I don't, you know, what do you do? Yeah, you do. Unless you want, unless you want a real good job real fast. Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. Yeah, you got to approach it like a job and it's better be more than eight hours a day. It's a, it's a rough world out there. It's a rough job market out there and you better be working at it every way and every bit, every minute that you can. I love it. And, and then the whole, the way to look at it is it's a numbers game, right? Yeah, like sales. Every no leads you to the yes. Yeah, that's the way you go and we preach it all the time. You're going to get 14 or 15 no's. Prefer to your 15 rejections for every acceptance you get of anything. And if you just guide your mind to that and go in that direction, you'll, you can't lose. You just, it's just a matter of, it's a matter of timing and a matter of, of just numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers. And that's all it is. And if you approach it that way and that's, that comes as a, that comes as a big surprise to people. And that's, that's the real shame of it. That nobody, nobody ever teaches anybody this kind of thing. They have to, they have to learn it the hard way and they have to learn at the, at the end of their beginning, whereas if they earn it at the, learn it at the beginning of their beginning, their freshman year, their sophomore year, or they even get some kind of realization that they're going to be faced with that at the time of graduation. And it'll be, it'll be a whole lot easier. And they, they're, they're ready for it, but they just don't, people just don't seem to think about it. And, and surprisingly enough, the schools don't too. Don, you always make a think and we really appreciate it. Thank you all for listening, Chrissie, honey. I love you. So pray for world peace, pray for the unborn, forgive and ask for forgiveness. Stay humble. Take a moment today to be grateful. Pray for those who are doing your work, pray for our society. Join us again for the Job Search Solution. This podcast was sponsored by the jobsearch It's the world's most successful online job search program. My expert in the trenches advice has been used by more than a hundred thousand people to successfully find a new job. So go to the jobsearch and start today toward a better job.