In Praise of the Non-Shotgun Firearm

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Sometimes, when a 12-gauge response might be or is required, the best choice can be the ubiquitous non-shotgun firearm, like the Mossberg Shockwave or the Remington TAC-14. Michael’s choice is the Rock Island VRF-14…semiauto, magazine fed and fitted with a 1000 lumen/green laser from Streamlight.

MichaelBane.TV - On the Radio episode # 233. Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Host: Michael Bane Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.

More information and reference links:

What is Totalitarianism?/Robert Longley, ThoughtCo Blog

Britain is Now a Totalitarian State/C.A, Skeet, PJ Media

Denver Police Chief, Mayor, react to South American Gang Presence in City/Erika Gonzales, Fox 31

The Great Home-Defense Debate: Shotgun vs. AR-15 vs. Pistol/Kevin Michalowski, USCCA

Rock Island Armory VRF-14

Streamlight TLR RM 2 Laser-G

The Music of Hey Judy

The Music of Max Hixon

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - I'm now from the secret hidden bunker in the Rocky Mountains. It's time for MBTV on the radio and your host Michael Bain. ♪ Here we go, here we go ♪ ♪ Once we're not too slow ♪ ♪ At least that we go back ♪ ♪ We're going here right now ♪ ♪ Get your hands up, lay down on the radio ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Put your hands up in life, face down on the ground. You know, once again for a Wednesday morning back in Elia, I like to bring you some words to live by for the rest of the week. Get your hands up, put your face on the ground. That is titled "The Song Is Hands Up" and it's by a trio called Hey Judy. One of the trio is Judy, Judy and Aaron Webb and their friend, Errol, out of Tulsa, Oklahoma and kind of doing old time. They call their music "Rangy Rock." Okay, and I'll buy that. I'm Michael Bain. This is MBTV on the radio. Our award winning podcast now in its 20th year, 20 whole years, and brought to you this week by Hunter's HD Gold, the shooting glasses that I use and I think they're superb and MTM case guard, our favorite big plastic box manufacturer. And in the last week, I've spent a bunch of time taking things out of MTM boxes. You know, I had to prepack for fear of evacuation on the Alexander Mountain fire. A lot of that went into the MTM case guard boxes that I have here. And so I've been unloading them, which is really more fun than loading them. I can absolutely positively assure you. Anyhow, anyhow, a couple of things to tell. I wanted just to mention up front, you know, when we could start talking, is what's happening in the UK breaks my heart. You know, what's happening in the UK is the UK is comfortably subsiding into totalitarianism. And that's a staggering, staggering shame. You know, sort of one of the original great free homes of people and now it's like, hey, you know, if you say something bad on social media, we'll come to your country and hunt you down and take you back to the end. Okay. Yeah. I had have seen a couple of people saying that's cool because you can now in America, get tarred feathers at Home Depot or Lowe's. So you'll be ready for the friendly English Bobby. But as my friend James Tarnotes, it won't be the British Bobby Bobby that comes for you. They will speak to the FBI. They'll speak to the CIA. They'll speak to those state organs. And they will be the ones who show up at your door. Should they want to go forward with this ridiculous stunt? But the key thing is, is UK and Ireland are becoming totalitarianism period. They're becoming that way because of the unhinged migration that has been going on there in Europe for years. Of course, that's a policy of the European government, even with the UK breaking off. It's still the policy, how many, in Ireland, the migration policies are psychotic. It's like, we really want, you know, we really want to replace you people. I think I forget his name. The first Muslim minister in the UK is from Scotland. And one of the things he initially said was there are too many white people in Scotland. No shit. How could that be? But I love England. I mean, I love the UK and my sweetie and I've been to England, Ireland and Scotland, I love it. And London has always been one of my favorite cities. It's always been a place where you can say, okay, man, it'd be great to go spend a few days in London, which you've done. You know, you stay at your favorite hotel and you eat at your favorite restaurants and you walk through this incredibly historic place. And all of that is coming to an end, a drastic end. And it's just unfortunate. And I don't see a way around it. You know, the Brits Irish gave up their guns a long time ago. You know, Scotland, one of the great blade cultures on earth, rivaling Japan, a great blade culture. As all of you know, you know, my ancestors are highlanders. Clan Bane, Clan Mac Bane, subsets of Clan Mac Bane. I was privileged in honor of the Cologne Moore battlefield. I was privileged and honored to stand where my ancestors stood in the line of battle and then walk across those muddy moors to the point where they died facing the British army. So yeah, I have a visceral connection to Scotland. And I do just, like I said, love London really unconditionally. But I see it slipping away. I see it's like, is this the place you want to go? Is it where you might say something on social media and you're in your hotel and some jackbooted thug shows up to say, hey, you can't say bad things about anything. The problem with totalitarian governments is they keep going until they get to the obvious end, which you know, we all know that is. I forget there's four outstanding levels of movement toward totalitarianism that you can kind of look up on the internet. A totalitarian system of government under which people allowed virtually no authority with the state holding absolute control. Government controls all aspects of public and private lives ruled by autocrats or dictators. Totalitarian regimes typically violate basic human rights and deny common freedoms in maintaining total control over their citizens and that's fair. And propaganda is critical in this. I mean, social media has given governments the tool to rule us all. And I don't have any idea what to do with that, but it breaks my heart about England. I mean, I've been seeing so much there that true Westminster Abbey and Kipling's site in Westminster Abbey, there's a poet's corner there. Gosh, and firearm stuff, the great British reference collection of firearms, the pattern room in Leeds, plus the great names. I mean, I privileged to go out to stand in, you know, the Holland, Holland long room, where along the wall, there's books of everybody who ever bought a Holland and Holland gun in comments and everything, which is basically the history of Western civilization on that wall. Wesley Richards, gosh, Rigby, you know. And then going to Scotland, I'll Sky, going to Ireland, by Honeysh Castle, the New Grange site. Amazing things. And all these things I really love and all of them are pretty much doing a Ruckerhauer tears in the rain move, because I don't wanna go, I've been to totalitarian countries, okay? Where you tiptoe around so you don't end up disappeared in some desert or jungle. And it just breaks my heart to see that in England. And unlimited migration is a disease, and it's a fatal disease. You know, in Europe, of course, you're seeing the last pages of "Camp of the Saints" playing out, the book "Camp of the Saints", which I read a long time ago, and I thought, God, this is so depressing, but it'll never happen. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, and it's the same sort of problem here we're gonna talk about just a little bit later. There's a great quote that gets tossed around a lot, because it's so compelling, and it's from Ernest Hemingway, and the son also rises. I guess his first really big home run book in 1926. And two characters are talking, and one asks the other, how did you go bankrupt, Bill asked? Two ways, Mike said, gradually, and then suddenly, that's how cultures fall. You saw that in the USSR, right? Is that you're thinking like, it's a USSR, I'm reminded that my sweetie was mountain climbing on Elbrus, Mount Elbrus, and what was in Soviet Georgia when the USSR fell, and when they came off the mountain, they said, ha, the USSR fell, and they're like, no, I didn't, come on. It's like outside the United States, the largest power on Earth, and it will not anymore. Two ways, gradually, and then suddenly. And I think you can clearly see that in the UK, you can see that in Britain, it's like, when it falls, it falls viciously fast, and then it's the snowball rolling downhill, right? Every, like, every role of the snowball, as it's rolling downhill, it's picking up more snow. You know, it might start out a fist-sized chunk of snow, but by the time it gets to the bottom, it is a scary, big, building, destroying mass. And you see that with totalitarianism. You see that with the censorship. I mean, to me, this is the whole concept of misinformation. Think about that. This information, you know what that is? That's information the other side doesn't agree with. Because who gets to call the balls and strikes, you know? Also hate speech, you guys do know, right? There's no such thing as hate speech, right? There isn't any such thing. What those are are handles that a government that seeks to become authoritarian, that seeks to become totalitarian, they're handles they put on words that allow them to be censored, allow them to be taken out of the mainstream. They're tools for authoritarians, which is kind of the beginning stages of totalitarianism. So when you hear a stolen valor dude, like Tim Walz, the more you read about it, the more repulsive he actually is. All those trips to China taking you students, getting little fellows indoctrinated, how's that really nice? You know, the Chinese love stuff like that. The Chinese love useful idiots. Communism needs and uses useful idiots. And Tim Walz hand raised right up there. But you hear him saying, you know, I'm all for free speech, but we just can't have this misinformation and hate speech, we can't have those things. There's no such thing as misinformation and there's no such thing as hate speech. When you get data, what's that old line that we used to hear all the time back in the early computer days? When I was hanging out with like David Packard and stuff like that, you know, hanging out with kind of the future, even like MIT media lab, you know, which I says all woke now anyway. But there was always this joke line that was data is data but information is power. Data is data, but information is power. So when we talk about misinformation, one side understands that this information is powerful. It's powerful. Tim Walz stolen valor lied about his service. Kamala Harris lies about virtually everything. She managed to put a whole lot of marijuana smokers in jail. Wow, what a good thing. But if you label that misinformation, then you say, okay, it's okay to ban it. And you've seen that repeatedly in Europe and in the UK, especially in the UK. UK wants very badly to become what Hitler and the Reich was. At some core level, their government despises what they've done. The government despises those basic freedoms set out in the Magna Carta. I made a special trip, the British Museum, just to stand in that room and look at the Magna Carta. And just, you know, it was a powerful moment for me. Yeah, say, okay, this is one of the beginnings, of course, other beginnings in Scotland. They want to away from that. I mean, it's a strange thing to me for a civilization to hate itself. And that's what you see with progressive politics literally around the globe. They hate Western civilization. They hate what they themselves are part of and what their ancestors gave their lives to create. And what they want to replace it with is something very, very, very ugly. Something that Stalin would recognize, something that Lenin would recognize, something that Hitler would recognize, something that Chairman Mao would recognize. And part of the way they do that is defining parts of free speech as things you yourself cannot do, cannot say. Ready to revolutionize the world of sports shooting? Introducing the RIA 5.0 sporting pistol, made right here on American soil at RIA USA. The 5.0 features a patented RVS recoil system that maximizes barrel mass and linear movement to give you a super soft recoil. Combined with a smooth trigger pull with no stacking, you'll be more accurate on target, faster. The RIA 5.0, all new, all American. See more at - MKM believes that a great day at the range or out hunting starts with having the right equipment. In 1968, family owned MTM case guard dedicates itself to filling those needs. From shooting tables to ammo storage, MTM has you covered, and boy do they indeed. Okay, probably get off the little political kick there. I mean, the saddest thing to me once again is I love the UK, I love London, and it's unlikely I'll be there again, right? So I'm sad for that. But I think the hardest thing for me is that ultimately, so many roads lead to totalitarianism. So many roads go in that direction. And yeah, I think it goes probably without saying that look around you and tell me what you see around you. Look at this upcoming election and tell me what choices you're gonna have to make. I will say this, okay? And I've taken some crap lately. And I know you're shocked, Michael took crap. How could that be? But I don't know where they were able to vote ourselves out of clown world or not. You know, it's kind of an ongoing meme, some in various places. You can't vote your way out of clown world. I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know this. If I didn't vote, let's say November comes and I decide as some of the complete and utter morons who were giving me crap, that they're going to stay home because no candidate is perfect. I do know that if I did that, then I would be complicit in whatever came next. And if whatever came next is the storm, then I help bring that storm on. So that's kind of the way I look at it. It's like, will we be able to vote ourselves out of clown world? I don't know. I don't know. I really hope so. If it's not, then that's the way it is. I know a lot of you have said it. A couple of people have said to me when we get into the crap area, they're like, yeah, Michael, but you don't understand, we got guns. And they, you know, interesting commentary from open source defense recently. And one of the things it said is that, you know, the carrying of firearms protects us personally, but it's not something that has worked well within the overall societal context of making like societal change. You know, are they afraid of our guns? No, not really, no. But the important thing of having a gun culture is in fact having a gun culture because something I've talked about here for, I don't know, 30 years, 40 years, you heard me talk about it a lot, is that when you carry a gun every day, you've accepted that it's your responsibility, your own safety, your family safety, the people with you, the people in your care, are your responsibility. And that builds a different mindset than if you're say in, I don't know, Manchester, in England, Manchester, and you're told that you can't buy a kitchen knife because, you know, people could get hurt. Or you're in Edinburgh, an amazing place. You know, I mean, you know, where Robert the Bruce scaled the walls of Edinburgh Castle. But you can't really get a kitchen knife unless you're of age and show ID. It's a different mindset. And that mindset is really, really, really important. Self-reliance is an important mindset going into whatever storms we are going to face. And, you know, God knows what they are. You know, we've talked about this a lot, and we're gonna talk about it a little bit later in the show here, on changing landscapes for home defense, changing landscapes for self-defense. These are the most dangerous times we've lived in. This is most dangerous times for this country. Maybe since the Civil War. So it's, it's, it's tough to think about it. Yeah, I hate to see it happening in Europe. I hate to see it happening. And, you know, in places I like, I love. But you've seen it also in Canada, which, you know, in fact, I never really got a great meal except in Vancouver. No diss against Canada. I'm sorry, Kevin Creighton, I know you're a nook. Also in Australia, it's so easy to take those steps. And then if you take them, you take a little baby step, well, you know, two weeks to stop the spread. Close your business, do this, do that. Wear that mask, do this, do that. You gotta get a vaccination or else. Once you do that, and you say, well, you know, they did it, and nobody put a bullet through my head. So maybe, you know, everything is copacetic. We add the next thing, you know? Let's all have like integrated thermostats because, you know, Joe Bob, you just have your house too cold and Sally, your house is too hot. So we're gonna control everything centrally, by the way. We need you to move to a 15 minute city, right? So you got this little electric car, some doofus toy car, made by some doofus Chinese company, and it'll let you get like around for 15 minutes. But you can't go out of your community because, you know what? We control you, we control you, and you will damn well do what we say, and you see that in England. We control you, we own you. We will kick down your door because you said that allowing a Muslim invasion of England appears to be a bad idea. We will take you to jail. You defend yourself in your home? You're no different than the person attacking you because we control you. And it's not a damn thing you can do about it. So to think on there, enough, okay enough, enough. Whoosh, whoosh, I will miss the fish and chips. I have to tell you that. Absolutely, we'll miss the fish and chips. I also miss the classic English ale. But, and I'm just hanging around with all these fantastic gun and knife places that you have to like have an idea you get into, you know? But anyway, I want to talk about some other stuff here. You know, we talk a lot about the changing landscape of self-defense, like out on the street, and how that changes how your own, you know, how your own self-awareness, you know, how you have to be a situationally aware, you know, how you have to research your area, you have to know what's going on in the community. But I was thinking the other night, and it's never a good thing for me to think, usually. But I was thinking that I've been reading some stuff out of Denver, some news out of Denver. Of course, Denver's always been a gang town. And what's changed is, you know, it's a progressive mayor, and it had progressive administration for years. Basically, they're complete morons. The only thing that's changed is the different gangs. There's been a lot of violence in Denver recently from the Venezuelan gangs, the newcomers. Previously, I believe I can be wrong. Denver was a Zeta cartel gang town with a lot of Hispanic influence, Latin Kings. I was told that once by a gang cop in Denver. I don't know if that's true or he was just like playing me on. But, you know, we've seen a lot of violence from the Venezuelan gangs, the newcomers, our newcomers. Isn't that cute? Just like in that James Kahn movie with aliens, you know? The newcomers! Huh, well, they're not newcomers. It doesn't meet the new thugs, same as the old thugs, right? And even near, I live near Fort Collins. It's not a big secret. I live in Northern Colorado. And there were a couple of violent instances and the news reports, 'cause news reports are really crap, right? You know, you've got vegetables riding the stuff or, you know, 21-year-olds, like, and it said, there are a couple of violent attacks that seem to be gang-related. Hmm, well, what the hell does that mean? I mean, did a gang guy shoot up the neighborhood? Or was it two gang members duking it out? Was it initiation ceremony? You know, you gotta do better than gang-related. And also, you need to tell me which gangs? I don't really kind of like to know what's operating in an area where I live. Huh, but they won't tell you that, you know? And I think you all know the reasons why, right? Without going into that. But anyway, I was thinking about that and thinking about just kind of, in general, the rise of violence that we see across the country and have seen for some years. And to me, I've been trying as much as possible to apply that to, like, those of us carrying a gun legally on the street every day. But also, it has major application in terms of home defense. And it got me thinking about what those applications are. And part of it is, when you talk about gang-driven violence, it is likely that you're talking about multiple assailants because it's an organized thing. You know, when you talk about a home invasion crew, very likely now because of the fact that we live in a country full of unvetted, unvetted illegal immigrants. Somebody said, well, shouldn't they be migrants or their illegal, listen, I don't care. They're assholes who cross the border illegally. Let's cut through the migrant immigrant. Assholes cross the border illegally and were led into the United States by a corrupt political hunter that presently runs the country. So when you've got those kind of drivers pushing, a home invasion crew is likely to have links to the gangs. Why? Well, number one, gangs have a limited sense of humor about people operating in their territory that they don't own, right? So you say, I'm an independent home invasion specialist. Right up until the point you meet somebody from, you know, just out of a Mexican jail, who chops your head off with a machete and feeds your kid to sharks, if there are sharks in Colorado. But, so in general, gangs don't like independent operators on their territory because it's always a danger of blowback to gangs. Secondly, who controls fencing the goods? Right? If you're gonna steal from people, it's important to be able to have direct access to fences, to someone who is going to take these goods from you, especially if they're high in goods, you know, coin collection, Rolex watches, firearms, fill in the blank, high in stuff, which if you're gonna risk your life in a home invasion, it strikes me that you want more than the KitchenAid Blender, right? Just off the top. Now, who controls the fences? Who controls, once again, if you, we have to get away from thinking of gangs as something in West Side Story, right? Or even the Warriors pick another gang movie, you know? I mean, but here come the Jets like a bad out of hell. People get in their way, people don't feel so well. Forget that. Essentially, essentially, the gangs that we're talking about are multinational criminal syndicates. And they are not run by idiots. That's where we get all confused. We think gangs and you're like, oh, something, you know, some adolescents in bad parts of town go through. No, no, no. It's international business syndicates who do illegal things and do them very well. Do them very well. Part of the reason they do them very well is because they are ruthless at a level that we have not seen in the United States on a consistent basis forever. For a long time, you know, the level of violence in some of the areas where these gangs are coming from and, you know, whether it's from South America, from Central America, oh, from the East, Chinese gangs and the like. I mean, there's the reason that they got to the top of the criminal food chain is because they ate everything, blowed them. And so when you're talking about home invasion, home robbery, burglary, at some point, you've got to, if you're involved in those crimes, the smartest thing for you to stay alive and to keep your family alive is to bend a knee to the controlling entities in your area. So you may do the stealing, but they know offense or they know where you saw this in like the flash mobs, which are still going on, the smashing grabs, the multiple smashing grabs, a group floods into, say, a jewelry store, you know, smashes the cases, takes everything they have, jump out, run out, drive away. Well, they are attached to specific cartels, to specific large criminal gangs. And they take that stuff that they've stolen. It's not like, hey, honey, I got you a diamond bracelet with this ledge hammer. It's those goods stolen go into the pipeline that the cartel has provided. And so then they go away. I mean, you know, again, a multinational corporation can move things around and they do. And they do, that's why, you know, the jewelry taken last Tuesday in Chicago isn't showing up at a cheese ball Chicago pawn shop two days later. It's gone, same way with car theft, which is, you know, organized activity. One of the organized activity performed by various and sundry criminal enterprises, where, you know, the car goes off the street and then it's gone. You see, they're in pieces or it's been pre-sold somewhere and shipped to there. It's business. It may be an illegal and moral horrifying business, but it's business and the people right now do it well. - Introducing the all new Taurus G3C with key new features and enhanced customization potential for shooters and everyday carry practitioners of all ages and abilities. To learn more, talk to your local dealer today. - Okie dokie. So what you might ask is all of everything you've been talking about here have to do with the price of T in China. And what basically I've been thinking about in terms of home defense, I think it's fair to say that most of us here have some sort of long gun in addition to a handgun involved as a self-defense tool. And, you know, there's two schools of thought on that and one is AR-15. Two is shotgun, usually 12 gauge. And that's a little bit like the, oh gosh, the 45 versus nine millimeter revolver versus semi-auto. I mean, there are just passionate, passionate people on either side of that debate. And as most of you know, I tend to fall down on the side of a shotgun because, you know, I've had a lot of experience and spent a lot of time, a lot of time with an 870 with a pump. But I can, you know, either way. I mean, you say you've got to defend your home with an AR-15 or an AR-10. Or in my case, maybe a galile, who knows? Yeah, I'm cool with that. Yeah, I'm good with that. Yeah, I'm set for it, everything. Generally though, when things go bump in the night, and we've talked about this over the years, when things go bump in the night, I have a tendency to go a 12 gauge route to find that out. And in some cases, bumps on the door, these things happen where I live because I live in rural nowhere. We have animals that live here around us. You know, we have mule deer, we have lions, mountain lions, coyotes, bobcats, the occasional bear, the occasional bear. Remember last year I saw a bear snatch a pumpkin off our patio. I thought, that's really the ugliest guy in the world. It's 90 degrees. Why is he wearing a heavy coat? I'm like, oh no, wait, let me straighten this out. That's a bear. But so we have things around here that occasionally go bump in the night. We have regular thunderstorms, things fly off. But if I have to go like, you know, a bump on the door, then I have, I typically respond to that bump, that bump in the night with a 12 gauge of some sort. Oftentimes, if it's the front door, I've had people, you know, not here, but in my old place where I live, people knock on the door and they're like, hey, knock, knock is anybody home. And I always have this pre-camera. You always had a little peephole and everything. But I don't open the door. I don't open the door for anybody. But I would go to the door and say, yes, can I help you? And I typically would have say, my AOW, my super shorty 12 gauge pointed at center of the door. And fill with buckshot, double up buckshot. So it would go through the door, pretty much like a Kleenex, right? But so I typically respond that way. And since we moved up here, you know, my response vehicle has been some sort of non-shotgun, shotgun, a firearm. And either the 870 base or the Mossberg 500 base, basically because, you know, if I hear something that goes bumping, I wanna, I wanna look at cameras, you know, that outside cameras, I wanna look through, you know, a vision hole or something like that. I want something in my hand that has a compelling argument. So let's extrapolate a little bit for all those things that we've been talking about here. And that's okay. The heightened level of violence, the increase in gang activity. You know, an increase in gang activity, once again, it means more likely for multiple people involved. Again, you know, the gangs don't do well with freelancers and their territory. You know, everybody ultimately has to pay the debt to the godfather. And you saw the movies, you know how that works, right? It's the big dog will eat. And so I was thinking, okay, quick response, compelling argument. What might I be able to up that with? And I came back to, you saw this on Triggered, what, a year and a half cut two years ago? The rock island armory non-shot gun shotgun, which is VRF for VR, the VR series, F for firearm, 14 for a 14 inch barrel. Now, if you remember, I shot, when I was shooting three gun, yeah, I started out shooting with Remington Versamax, which was Remington's knockoff of Benelli M4. And great shotgun ran all the time, got along too, and he spent your time loading the tube and stuff like that. However, when I changed over to the VR80, the rock island VR80, semi-auto with magazines, I jumped up because we remember we used to joke about three gun, you could say you could get rid of everything else in three gun, except one, does the guy have his rifle sighted in? Number two, can he or she load a shotgun? And throw out all that other crap because everybody's gonna hit up in the same place. But with the VR80 loading from the magazine, all of a sudden I jumped up 'cause I can shoot. I like that, plus I used nine round magazines with extenders, originally two or three extenders from Taylor Freelance. And I kept my regular shot that I used in it in the long magazines and in the five round magazines, which I also put a two or three round extension on. I had specialty ammo, that might be slugs, there might be a stage where I had slugs, or it might be buckshot, there's stage where I might need the buckshot. So I could physically feel what was on my belt, on the shotgun belt and know that I had nine shots here and seven, eight shots there. So, and of course the VRF, the non-shotgun shotgun, the VRF takes those same magazines. And those magazines of mine are debugged, shot 'em for years, a couple of years in three guns, they are debugged magazines. They work, they work, which is really important here. So from my standpoint, the more I thought about it, the more I thought, "Well, what else needs to be done?" And what came back to me is one of the great things about shooting as much and as varied and competition as I've shot, is I learned a lot of stuff. First, Crimson Trace three guns. So you're shooting a three gun match all night in Oregon, I wasn't freaking miserable. But I wanted to see the sights. I looked at the sights, I was careful with the sights, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. And I got all my hits, but what I didn't get was speed. Second year, I was shooting a midnight three gun. I sat down with Ian Harrison before the match and he goes, "Michael, listen, man, forget this sight crap. "Trust the laser. "What you need to try to do, what I want you to try to do, "is shoot the whole match running off the laser. "What does that mean?" It means my focus is on the target. I focused on the target. And then when there's a convenient red dot, green dot on the target, I shoot. And typically we had lights and lasers on everything. But I went through that. What really struck me was there was one stage with like 10 or 12 pistol targets. They're all in a line from like, I don't know, eight yards out to 10 or 12 yards. And all I did was I focused on that bank of targets and then move the dot from target to target. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. When I finished one of the range officers said, "Dude, you know, you didn't have to shoot all A's." Wasn't even hard. So combining that with the VRF, VRF is primarily a hip fired shotgun. Some of the smaller non shotgun shotguns, yes, you can sight them, you get a sight up. But the VRF, six and a half pounds, maybe a little better, it's kind of a hip shotgun. You'll focus like that. So when you add, when you add, and this is a good addition, when you add as a streamlined TLR-RM2, laser, green laser, rail mounted lighting system for long guns, 1,000 lumens. On the left side is mounted 1,000 lumens stream light with a green laser in it. My focus is on the target. If people are breaking into my home, where do you think my focus is going to be? On the target. Would it be handy if you had shined a super bright light in that person or person's faces, where it makes it hard to see me and then there's a magic green dot that appears on the target. Yeah, I think I've got nine, 10 rounds of buckshot in a magazine, a magazine in the gun. So that means I have a minimum of like 90 pellets, nine pellet buckshot, double lot, nine pellets, sent down range. Now you're saying, which buckshot doesn't matter? This is a close in immediate action tool. My 870, my M2, my SDS M2, both of them have Hornady, double lot buckshot in them. They're patterned with it, in fact, with the SDS M2. At gun sight, one of the challenges was hostage targets at like 18, 20 yards, so something like that. So you had to know the pattern so you could put pellets on the bad guy and not put pellets in the head of the hostage target. Had no problem with that at all. So that's important there, but when I'm saying I'm inside of 15 yards and what I want to do is once again, God's own hail storm, down range, I'm using a non-super self-defense buckshot. It patterns about half again as large as the Hornady does out of my 870 and my M2. But on the other hand, I want maybe that little bit larger pattern. I'm not adverse to that little bit larger pattern because I'm working in close. And what I want to do is hit as hard as I can as much as I can. It's thought, isn't it? I think I may go back to, I said, I love my 870 and it's been with me a long time, long time. But since I'm looking at the VRF as an immediate action tool, I think I may go back to my VR80. I need to take it out. I need to make sure it patterns with the buckshot. I need to adjust the sight. Typically in three gun, I had a ran a red dot site on it that was adjusted for slugs at 50 yards. So I might go back and either go back to iron site. I know, I'm not sure that the red dot buys me a lot on a shotgun, but if I go back to that red dot, I definitely need to bring it down a wee bit. And the pattern, the red dot, so that the red dot on the site, looking through the red dot site, it is a center pattern for Hornady buckshot at 15 yards. And that's me hitting the microphone, whack, whack, whack. But in all cases, I want a quick response. And I really feel like the VRF is gonna give me that quick response really quickly. Again, the thing I found with the Rock Island shotguns, some people have had trouble with them, I've had a bunch and never had any trouble with them at all. In fact, I really wish I'd kept my VR82, which was a 20 gauge. And it was just a cupcake to shoot, lighter than the VR80 and a 20 gauge buckshot. I mean, it's still gonna leave a mark, okay? But anyway, that's my thinking right now, is I want options and the options involve speed. Speed and emergency action drills. Can you do that with any shotgun? Yeah, yeah. But I do like the fact that if I go back to my VR80, have my VR80 in the house and I've got multiple loaded magazines, which again, they're my three gun magazines, they're debugged. Then I know what's there and I have enough shotgun rounds to engage at great length. I don't think that I'm going to need to do that without paranoia, but it's a thought. And part of it is, when I'm looking around, I start out with a blank slate. Like, what do I want to accomplish? What tools are available to me right now? I know some people hate hearing you say tools, but what tools are available to me right now that would work well? And then I thought of standing out there on my range with that VRF, just like blasting away at targets at like five, 10, 15 yards. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. They're like, wow, how about that? How about that? Anyway, I'm kind of down to it, right? We're, in fact, a little over. But I am Michael Bay. This is MBTV on the radio. Anything we talk about here, you can find the links on where you can find all our background stuff triggered a lot of stuff I've written over the years on the Michael Bain blog. This week on Triggered, I mentioned that earlier, we're going to look at some parts guns, some that worked well and some that didn't. And, gosh, thanks to MTM case guard, my good friends at MTM case guard and Brian Conley at Hunter's HD Gold. So I want you to remember dangerous times, dangerous, dangerous times. They're not getting less dangerous, more dangerous if that's possible. So that means you got to be 100%, means you got to be armed, and it needs, you need to be safe out there. We're gonna go out with little Max Hickson, sort of a nice rock-a-billier thing. We'll see you next week. ♪ Come and change for the better ♪ ♪ It's not like you'd even care ♪ ♪ You go and fall but him, he's gonna lead you blue ♪ ♪ The echoes of the past will come right back to you ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ You think you're always in the right ♪ ♪ Oh, you could never do no wrong ♪ ♪ One day up you'll be heard in vain ♪ ♪ Run into what you thought was strong ♪ ♪ You go and fall but him, he's gonna lead you blue ♪ ♪ The echoes of the past will come right back to you ♪ ♪ Secrets don't keep so easy ♪ ♪ Lies hurt so tough ♪ ♪ I'm glad that you all ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]