Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Your Faith Will Get Results

Your Faith Will Get Results - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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Your Faith Will Get Results - Morning Prayer

[MUSIC] >> Get ready to experience the extraordinary in Plano. >> The Lamb of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is headed in your direction. You are getting ready to get a miracle. Shown yes. >> Pastor Sean and Amy Pinner are hosting three nights of miracles in Plano Tenses. You found devil of sickness, come out, come out, come out. >> This young lady had fibromyalgia past her, Sean. >> But what happened tonight? >> I got healed. >> Now there's no more pain. Don't run across the platform for me, Sid. Come on somebody, come on somebody, come on somebody, come on somebody. >> The dates, August 13 through 15, doors will open at 6 p.m. Nightly, the event will start at 7 p.m. Nightly, venue, the Plano Event Center, 200E Spring Creek Parkway, Plano Tenses, 75074. Join hundreds in this life-changing encounter to experience the extraordinary and witness God's power. Click on the link below and register free today. ♪ ♪ ♪ I bless your name ♪ ♪ Sing it holy one, holy one ♪ ♪ I worship you ♪ ♪ Guess what ♪ ♪ Is you a god or by yourself ♪ ♪ Thank you, holy spirit ♪ ♪ You are god or by yourself ♪ ♪ Only one I worship you ♪ ♪ Mighty God ♪ ♪ I bless your name ♪ ♪ And holy one ♪ ♪ I worship you ♪ ♪ For you are god or by yourself ♪ ♪ Thank you, holy spirit ♪ ♪ Come on ♪ ♪ And you are god or by yourself ♪ ♪ You are god, you are god ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are god or by yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ You are god or by yourself ♪ Father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we go into the Word of God, may in past day we pray that you would bless your people, minister to them, strengthen them, teach them, encourage their faith, bring clan structures to them, allow words to come that will help them, to get the victory, and get their breakthrough and receive their miracles in the name of Jesus, somebody say amen. All right, on this morning I'm talking about your faith will get results. Your faith will get results. In Matthew chapter eight verses five through 10, the Bible says, and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him and saying, "Lord, my servant lieeth at home, sick of the palsy." Greavously tormented. So this man who was in a very high position, he knew Jesus was the healer. He knew he was the deliverer. He knew he was the savior. He believed in the ministry of Jesus. He had heard about the wonderful miracles that Jesus had done. He heard how Jesus healed the nobleman's son. He heard about the miracle of blind body mass, receiving sight back into his eyes. He heard how Jesus raised chirus daughter from the dead. Glory be to God. He heard about the woman with their show of blood, who pressed through the crowd and touched the hem of Jesus' comments and was made whole. He heard how the whole multitude in Luke six reached out and pressed and they put a demand on the anointing on Christ's life and power went out of Jesus and healed them all. They sought to touch him, the Bible says, and they went power out of him and healed every single person. He came to Jesus and he said, "My servant is at home and he is sick. "He is paralyzed, he can't walk, "and he's grievously tormented." And Jesus said unto him, "I will come and heal him." Well, I ought to walk to his shouting and giving God the glory. Amen? I thought it would have been just good enough for me. I would have been like, what? Jesus coming to my house. I mean, I ought to send my kids ahead and make sure everything's out. Make sure everything's picked up in order. Get Sarah the big, a nice cake, Lord of mercy. Get the rest of them to get in there and cook some food and put out a spread. I mean, I ought to throw it down. I ought to wear it all out. Come on, somebody. Jesus said, "I will come and heal him." Such confident words. "I will come and heal him." Six words, loaded. But then the centurion threw a curveball at Jesus, 'cause Jesus knew there wasn't a person, there wasn't a person who believed in his ministry that would turn down Jesus coming to your house. Verse eight, this centurion answered and said, "Lord, I am not worthy that thou should has come under my roof. But speak the word only and my servant shall be healed." Just speak the word, what? Lord of mercy, this man believed God. He said, "You don't have to come because you and your word I want." In fact, you are the word. And all you got to do is speak the word. It's speaking your word is equal to you coming in person to my house and healing my servant. Wow, this blew Jesus away. He said, "For I am a man under authority." Having sold his under me and I say to this man, go and he goes and to another come and he comes. And to my servant, do this and he does it. Wow, when Jesus heard it, when Jesus heard it, he marveled and said to them that followed, "Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith. No, not in Israel. Your faith will get results." And Jesus said unto the centurion, "Go thy way." And as thou has believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the self-same hour. That's what I'm talking about. Your faith will get results. We're about to host three nights of miracles, August 13, 14, and 15. You that haven't registered, registered. This is, we don't charge fad mission. Our registration is free, parking is free. We are spreading the table for the people of God. If you've got sickness in your body, bring the demon possess. If you just need a spiritual breakthrough, you've been in the fight of your life spiritually and you just seems like nothing can, nothing's changing in your life. Something happens when God's people come together of like precious faith, believe in God for miracles. Jesus said, "Wherever two or three of you come together, in my name, there I am, I in the midst." He loves you. He cares about you. The meeting will start 7 o'clock nightly. The doors will open at 6 p.m. Visit us at and register right now for this upcoming event. Your life will never be the same, for it's not by power. It's not by might, but it's by my spirit, says the Lord. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ being past Amy, we bless your people. God, make a way for those who are believing God to be at this meeting, and they just need a, they just need the financial state to be able to make the trip and make the journey. God, make a way for them, provide for them. Open the windows of heaven, pour them out of blessing that they will not have room enough to receive. We'd know, you made us a promise. You're gonna move mightily, and you will not disappoint us or let us down. Thank you for hearing us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. Jesus said, "Your sins," I forgiven. So you have sins to need them to forgive you of. He wants to forgive you of all of your sins. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He loves you so much. Pray with me, say, "Lord Jesus, forgive me of all of my sins. "Wash me in your blood." I believe you are the Son of God. I believe you died on Calvary Cross for me. They murdered you in cold blood. Barry Junaboro too, but on the third day, God raised you from the dead. You are now seated at God's right hand. And soon and very soon you are coming again from this day. I turn my back on the world, the flesh and the devil to serve the true and living God and his son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, amen. If you prayed that prayer and meant it with all of your hearts, let me and my beautiful wife, Pastor Amy, be the first to say to you, "Welcome into the family of God, "your sins which were many are now forgiven." Type below this video right now. I've just surrendered my life to Jesus, amen, to support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel. Visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account. That address is You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the Shawn Pinda Ministries app. Amen, you can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry cell account, the ministry cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign, Shawn Pinda Ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpindaministries. You can also text to give all you have to do, text the letters, SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money all this out to Shawn. Pinda Ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas, seven, five, zero, seven, zero. Join Pastor Shawn Pinner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano events center, Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 50, at 7 p.m. nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today, visit to register. This is your time for a miracle, see you there. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor, Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you, our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you, see you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]