The Evolving Wellness Podcast with Sarah Kleiner Wellness

Navigating Winter: Pitfalls of Vitamin D supplementation and alternative strategies

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Podcast with Jim Stephenson Jr about vitamin D -

In this conversation, Sarah Kleiner and Kris discuss the topic of vitamin D supplementation during the winter months. They address the potential risks and benefits of supplementing with vitamin D and explore alternative strategies for maintaining optimal vitamin D levels. They also touch on the importance of melatonin production and the role of red light therapy in supporting overall health. The conversation highlights the need for informed consent and emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of vitamin D supplementation.

This podcast is not medical advice or meant to be a substitute for working 1:1 with a qualified health practitioner. This is for informational purposes only.

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Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Summer is winding down here in the northern hemisphere and a lot of people are starting to ask me what can we do about vitamin D? Should we supplement vitamin D during the winter? What's the best way to look out for this especially if we're brand new to this quantum and circadian lens and way of looking at health and sunlight and we haven't necessarily been building a lot of vitamin D stores through the summer. So today I'm sharing with you a conversation I did with my really good friend Chris who is the owner of EMR Tech. We're gonna talk about this and some strategies that people can take as we go into the winter. I also want to let you know Chris is doing a flash sale today only for 24 hours you can use code SARA 30 30 to get 30% off at the EMR Tech Store. I'll put a link down in the show notes for you and we are gonna do a contest to give away a free red light therapy panel that's gonna be announced via email you've got to be on my email list to be entered into the contest so if you're on my email list you're in the contest so if you want to get on the list go down to the show notes and subscribe check out the sale we're gonna talk about this and just a quick little disclaimer none of this is medical advice or meant to be taken as a substitute for working one-on-one with the practitioner this is just for educational and informational purposes only so please do just take it as that and last little thing I did start my end-of-summer left-and-reset challenge today and you can still join our first call is this Wednesday August the 14th and 9 30 Eastern time am so if you are really needing a little boost and to prepare your body to go into the colder months into the winter really to get healthy you can still join that challenge I'll keep it open until Tuesday night if you've been on the fence and you just want some extra help this is a really really great way to get that all right let's go ahead and jump into this this is a live Instagram that I did with Chris on Monday August the 12th 2024 we're talking all about vitamin D and some strategies going into the fall I hope you enjoy it hello everybody hope you're having a gorgeous wonderful Monday it is nice and hot here in Georgia I'm gonna wait for my good friend Chris to request to join we're gonna talk about vitamin D this is a question that I get often you know now that especially since we're heading towards the end of the summer here in the northern hemisphere a lot of people are like okay I just learned about your information I just learned about the importance of sunlight hello everybody coming on I'll wait for my friend Chris to ask to join but a lot of people are asking like what can I do now in the winter time maybe clue it into the idea that vitamin D supplementation might be problematic how can I optimize this during the winter to maintain good health so we're gonna talk about that and then of course none of this is medical advice oh thank you everyone coming on all the nice comments but you know nothing that Chris and I are talking about is medical advice or meant to be taken as a substitute for working one-on-one with somebody just for educational and informational purposes only and you know vitamin D rich foods are very very helpful in the winter we can talk about that a little bit too I'm still waiting for Chris to request to join but ultimately that is not going to seriously alter your vitamin D levels by eating foods ultimately you have to synthesize that through the skin so still waiting on Chris to request to join I don't even see him on but hopefully he'll be here soon I hope everyone's having a gorgeous day and then also if you're looking to optimize your health this fall I have a left and end-of-summer challenge that's starting today I'm still gonna let people join through Tuesday night because our very first call is Wednesday morning so there's information on how to join that in my stories you can still join that if you need extra help and support here's Chris everybody joining so good to see everyone here on this Monday afternoon here in Georgia someone wants to know hydrogen tablets I like the axiom h2 tablets and I think my code there is Sarah 10 where is Chris I just added oh there we are hey we're just getting my cat my my friend just she's helping me and she just moved the cat so how's it going Sarah how are you good you can hear me good and hear you great perfect here yeah so I'm just kind of giving background with everyone obviously nothing that you when I talk about here's medical advice just informational purposes only but a lot of people are kind of moving into fall winter here in the northern hemisphere and they may have been clued in to vitamin D supplementation not necessarily being health-promoting we talk a little bit about that but they're looking for ways to support their bodies through the colder months and we've got some interesting things to talk about here today so what's your opinion on vitamin D supplementation maybe we can start there and I can give mine sure I mean I've read some articles that there's there's some issues with like calcification like specifically arterial calcification so especially in mice it was pretty extravagant so that's a little concerning you know theoretically you're supposed to synthesize like 90% of your vitamin D out of cholesterol in your skin so through ultraviolet B light so I think actually it's you bypass bypass like a lot of processes when you just get it's not just vitamin D you know there's a lot of things that UBB does for your body like regulate your immune system to actually prevent arterial sclerosis who knows if it's connected with the vitamin D it probably is but you know I think I think this study the new consensus on the vitamin D issue was as far as I know that it was the issues were due to vitamin D dysregulation like dysregulated vitamin D activity in the body and if you're if you're supposed to get 90% of your vitamin D from from UV light hitting your skin then if you take it all or like orally I think that would you know create some dysregulated activity because I mean it's it's pretty easy to to think yeah sorry my son is banging on the piano right above me toddler life but yeah the thing about vitamin D that I think a lot of people don't understand is that the vitamin D supplementation is a fairly new thing and we're only looking at one one little portion right there are dozens of vitamin D metabolites that we're not measuring we're only measuring vitamin D3 metabolite in the blood we're not looking at what it's doing in the cells we're not looking at the storage in the liver and I just don't believe that people that can someone hear comments and how to tribes live in the winter well we've got cold which allows the body to make infrared we have more magnetism up north we have more darkness so the vitamin D receptor and the melatonin receptor melatonin actually binds to the vitamin D receptor and so if your endogenous melatonin production is optimized and we can even talk about how red light therapy can support it really optimizing your endogenous melatonin production but we're meant to make more melatonin in the winter because melatonin binds to that vitamin D receptor and so I think the conversation around vitamin D is just very it's very misunderstood and I've seen a lot of people have great results with it initially because it's a steroid hormone and they feel good initially it's like going to your doctor getting a prescription for prednisone or a steroid and they feel good initially and then they have negative side effects I've had people have major thyroid issues because it can accumulate calcium and thyroid accumulate calcium and other gland and so at Jim Stevenson junior if somebody wants to really study this deeper and I'm going to rip this talk down and put it up on youtube I'll put the chat I did with Jim a couple of years ago in the show notes but if you're just watching on instagram you can go on my youtube channel and watch that talk with Jim Stevenson junior again none of this is medical advice it's just for informational purposes only but I think informed consent is really important and we have to be really careful about thinking we can just supplement with a hormone especially one that we are you know know just a little bit about and think that we can get all these health benefits from it when we were designed by nature to synthesize vitamin D and multiple multiple metabolites of vitamin D not just the one that we're measuring it wants to UVB light and so yeah it's a it's a it's a nuanced conversation and I think people need to be more informed about this and Jim Stevenson junior his wife died from vitamin D supplementation and he has over the last decade or so that he's been doing this works had worked with like tons and tons of people who've had the same issue and so again informed consent make your own decision decide if you want to agree or disagree with me in no hard feelings but I just want people to understand the conversation about vitamin D that a lot of people have even in the alternative health space is missing a whole lot of context yeah yeah Jim Stevenson junior is his name and he's a PhD researcher yeah I've known him for a long time he has a facebook group I think it's called like seco steroid or something but I mean I've known him since the beginning of my company we used to talk a lot actually so yeah he's definitely an amazing resource and you know we the thing is you know we just don't know what what's supplementing vitamin D is it's such a big crucial factor in our bodies like so vitamin D and inflammation are inversely correlated right so like when when you get like COVID you're gonna your vitamin D is gonna get crushed because your inflammation is gonna go up and you know so it's super important because like inflammation is basically one of the leading factors of developing all disease so you got to have good vitamin D and if you know if you don't you're probably going to be inflamed yeah yeah I mean when we in the in the winter we're meant to synthesize vitamin D in the summer and store it in subcellularly and in our liver as well and and so that's that's really how it was done since the beginning of time we were outdoors we didn't spend 90% of our time indoors away from infrared red UV we were exposed to these frequencies of light daily it's only been in the last you know a couple hundred years that were just these indoor beings and only in the last number of years that we've completely cut all infrared out of the equation as well which can actually I've seen some research to show that red and near infrared can actually help you maintain your vitamin D stores which is really interesting but we're we're meant to kind of use up our storage that's in the liver and subcellularly in the winter due to infection due to stress due to sickness it's there to help us and we want to optimize our melatonin production as well to support this process because melatonin does bind to that vitamin D receptor that's some really interesting research as well but for people who are like okay is there like I get it like but I didn't really optimize my sun exposure in the summer I'm really just starting this circadian stuff like what can I do right like and no using Jim Stevenson Jr. has a lot of information as to why using vitamin K2 and magnesium is not going to blunt the negative effects potentially of supplementing with hormone D so just dive into his work but let's talk about some some things that the people that you've got some solutions that you applied for people yeah I mean so the melatonin thing I mean that's where that's where I always encourage everyone to start you know melatonin I'm actually not I'm not up to date with that information with the vitamin D stuff that's super interesting but melatonin regulates what's called the distance between your your the protein proteins in your electron transport chain and you know the more condensed that chain is the faster electrons tunnel the more ATP you make and you know essentially a mentor of mine who's kind of like a maven of this industry his name's Jack Cruz he said I think it's like basically verbatim that life is how fast you move electrons down your chain so the blue blocking glasses I mean you're going to want to wear them during the day and you know protect your melatonin at night with with a red lens so that's kind of the first way and then obviously look at your sleep hygiene with like all you want to turn the red light red light on at night that can actually increase melatonin and balance out if you're watching any screen so that's you know we have we have little light bulbs to do that you can you can do that with our glasses it's kind of like the more economical approach I would say and it's definitely a good starting spot I actually think it's probably more important than like you know red light therapy or or anything else but we we do have new lights that basically I designed and released a couple months ago or maybe a month ago so it's basically our standard panel but we've integrated Philips FDA cleared narrow band and broad UVB narrow band UVB and broadband UVA and I mean there's there's a lot of studies on skin issues it can it can help we don't make any medical claims like that um but essentially narrow band UVB and we use Philips FDA approved bulbs because that's like got the highest safety profile right like there's there's other companies that are doing some different wavelengths of light like there's like for example like two non-d4 nanometers increases vitamin D the most effectively in the skin according to one study but it's got no safety data on it like there's a reason why we use the Phillips approved bulbs in our lamps because there's so much phototherapy data on it and you know we have to we have to be safe first so that's why we use it but in one study I think in 83 percent of vitamin D deficient individuals exposure to a certain amount of narrow band UVB doubled their vitamin D status so that's that's pretty significant in like a matter of days so it's definitely a really good option the UVA is located down the middle of our lamps it will give you a little tan but essentially what it's doing is oxidizing the melanin like you're turning brown because your melanin is absorbing free radicals and and I can kind of segue into like some people are probably like oh tanning beds are bad well I had vidilago growing up like the same disease Michael Jackson had I had it all over my body but I got it when I was three at Thomas 14 it had spread like all over my body I had full-blown four-door tanning beds in my bedroom and like full-blown tanning beds different wavelengths like isolate broadband UVA isolated narrow band UBB and I would have to punch in a password and I literally tan myself every day but I wasn't trying to get tan it was different in the in the phototherapy literature is called minimal erythemal dose and the erythema is actually the reddening of the skin so when you get burnt and it's UVB that triggers the reddening or erythema the blood pools in your skin to harvest the light into your blood um it happens overnight it gets into your blood and it gets stored in your melanin and that's why you wake up less red uh because it literally your blood goes from your skin it's called dermal pulling back into your vasculature and actually I mean theoretically it would reduce blood pressure you know in the major vasculature from that you can literally pull up to 60% of your red blood cell mass in your skin before your organ system fails so it's actually really not even a burn you know it's actually a natural human process of harvesting light into your blood um but essentially what what I was what I was taught to do was um you want to get the minimal erythemal response so it's like your skin for white people you're you're gonna want to turn like very slightly pink obviously you're gonna isn't gonna happen with darker skin people but that's how you kind of find your dose and you don't want to go these are not tanning bits you know they're these are wellness products and and you know more is not better with this kind of stuff because you'll you'll acquire more mutations and and so there's like a there's like a give take for everything you know personally I'd rather have you know a little bit it's not going to wrinkle your skin it really it really does not not this kind of stuff tanning bits will but but still like I would rather have clear arteries and a couple wrinkles you know but but yeah I mean doing it at this dose where you're just trying to get minimal erythemal response is not going to cause anything in fact it's going to make you look a lot more attractive actually because it's going to give you a glow it's actually going to you know put a little color in your skin and everyone looks looks better with the tanning that's kind of why but it's just not like a like a release synthetic tan yeah and I a lot of people are kind of asking and I had asked you initially what's the difference between using something like a sparity lamp the device because that's that's what I did when I was pregnant I kind of was like look I had just talked to Jim and just went through that research and I was like I'm pregnant and I know the importance of maintaining vitamin D for my son so he can have healthy bones and you know build a skeleton building blocks of life super important but I didn't you add a synthetic D to my body because I had read and understood this work of Jim and so what I did was a sparity lamp and I maximized my circadian rhythm because like we mentioned the beginning if you don't optimize your endogenous melatonin production you could put yourself at risk for a lot of inflammation cancer all kinds of health issues and so you really got to maximize your own body's endogenous melatonin production first and optimize your light dark cycle circadian rhythms I think that's a baseline for anybody trying to do this and this again is not medical advice but what I did during pregnancy was of course very optimized circadian rhythms and I did an area lamp with the inferno behind me and I would kind of rotate the lamps and my vitamin D stayed the D3 again it's only one form of many many vitamin D metabolites thousand in the liver that were not even measuring but my level stated is 60 using that and I felt really good I felt energy I didn't deal with seasonal depression it was really helpful for me personally and I'm in the 33rd latitude where we have UVB year round so there's a there's a lot of nuance here but just to go back to that question when I know people are asking what's the difference between what I did with the sparity lamp and the inferno because you don't want to I think you should never really do UVA UVB without red and urine for it because the sun is that way what's the difference between the new product that you have and just doing that method? Well I mean so we we use narrow band UVB so the skin is crazy so essentially what we recommend is that you start with the red light and then that'll build up your solar callus it actually thickens your skin and it allows it to handle ultraviolet light and then and then you'll introduce a narrow band UVB so ultraviolet B is that's the vitamin D wavelength or part of the spectrum and and essentially oh god sorry I just lost my trailer I was red in your infrared and yeah so narrow band UVB stimulates melanogenesis so melanogenesis is the formation of melanin so you built up your solar solar callus with the red in your infrared light then you introduce narrow band UVB you stimulate pigment pigment particles and essentially it also relocates them and forms a super nuclear cap over the apex of the nuclear DNA in the keratinocyte and then when UVA hits essentially it creates like a lot of free radicals or reactive oxygen species and melanin that's super nuclear cap like it it acts as like a shield and directly like shields your DNA but it absorbs all the free radicals and that's why I actually turned brown because it's oxidizing the melanin like if you cut map one half it turns brown oxygen is like turning it brown same thing happens with your melanin so we say start with the red light build up your solar callus induce some melanogenesis and relocation of that melanin and then introduce UVA there's really no point to introduce UVA when you have no melanin being produced anyways because you're not going to get a very good tan anyway so but that's actually what's important to note you have to that's why tanning beds are back because they isolate UVA the only oxidized the melanin turning brown they don't initiate what's called the natural human photoprotective response which is engaged by primarily by in ultraviolet primarily by UBB but you know and so there's just a little bit about the safety of these things like I had to hire regulatory agents and a lot of a lot of time and money actually went into developing this product but I could have made it a lot cheaper if I did LEDs but like a lot cheaper I'm talking to barely would have impact the price but there's some like regulatory reporting requirements FDA and stuff like that because I actually found a unit once and this was a red light we tested because we thought something was weird it wasn't one of mine and it had UBC diode in it okay yeah so I mean that you know that's that kills all viral DNA essentially like UBSK and skin cancer real quick so I think that's why they do that and and you know there's there's there's some products out there with LEDs and like I said they're not using like wavelengths with safety profiles on them and you can't just like pick out like a wavelength in the UV spectrum and think that oh it's like taking vitamin D like like orally and expecting there's not going to be any issues like you can't do that so we use the the one that's have has the best safety problem is one way it's like the one that has really the only safety profile and that's why they're well that's actually why it's so expensive like one of those bulbs down the side costs 93 US dollars so also in front of it according to my my regulatory agent essentially what health Canada and the FDA are worried about is the bulbs breaking and so we have like three millimeter tempered glass in front of it and and if those bulbs do break then they can leak mercury and and so the cages on them are not really like I mean it will protect you from cutting theoretically to a certain extent but it's not going to protect you from that so I was just thinking like if I had a baby and like I don't want to expose some mercury so it's a safe product I put a lot of work into it and specifically on the safety end and I think our guide is really good for people who want to start using ultraviolet light yeah and you want to be very slowly with it and that's the thing I like about this machine is you can I mean you could just do red and serum for red and then you could set a timer to do just like a micro dose of the UV and that's exactly what we want to do we want to micro dose this this is not look yeah exactly perfect yeah it's yeah you want to micro dose it and then also mind like circadian rhythms diet like it's a full it's a full lifestyle thing but I think it can really help people that struggle with you know the seasonal effective disorder they don't feel as well in the winter and you know I think it can give you a little bit of a boost so so from like I literally used narrow band UVB and UVA my whole life then I started making red and urine for a diet because I I made the first one for my hair and I used to put it on the top of my bed and don't do that but I say that every time do not do that because it fell over on my pillow but I can I can tell you for sure that like people are talking about like red light being a performance enhancing drug even that it should be banned like scientists are saying that I swear ultraviolet is so much perform more performance enhancing so but the interesting thing about about combining red and urine for red light with with ultraviolet light is then you reduce inflammation via two pathways okay because you're like red and urine for red light reduces inflammation by modulation what's called soluble protein mediators in the blood so like cytokines fractal kinds chemo kinds essentially it switches those chemical messengers to a more anti-inflammatory message and vitamin D so narrow band UVB in 83% of deficient individuals in a certain study and this is a pretty uniform to be honest with you it doubled their vitamin D status and vitamin D is inversely correlated with inflammation so if vitamin E goes up inflammation goes down and and so you're attacking it from both both angles and then there's another component that I'm only starting to learn about about like alpha melanocytes simulating hormone I got to do some more research before I talk about that but that's probably the third pathway in which these types of modalities can reduce inflammation and I think Sarah might know I love talking about alpha MSH that's like one of my favorites there you go that's one of my favorite things to talk about I mean just an in leptin in appetite regulation it's huge I'm just getting some getting some UV on your skin via pomcy it's just like so powerful for appetite regulation energy production and so yeah and people in the winter especially if you live in like Seattle or one of these like far northern environments that where you're just not going to get a lot of UV in the winter it'd be something that's helpful and again you micro dose it to the point where it does it you're not hurting yourself because you can I that's I learned about the hard way with the sparity lamp it's like a delayed burn and that's not yeah I still better thinking about how I like burn myself so much with that thing a couple years you know we talked about that and that's why I have such limited exposure times you don't I don't want people using these devices inappropriately like you're this is like a micro dosing thing this you know I mean I don't know if this is an appropriate reference but if you do too much mushrooms you know it's not good you know but if you use it potentially I mean there's research saying that if you use it like in a very responsible way it can actually like help depression so like you know and literally like micro dosing is is actually like a good word because the actual dosing guide word is called minimal erotemal response so there you go exactly so anybody watching Chris is doing a little 24-hour flash sale using code SERA 3030 at EMR attacking at 30% off of any of the panels we're going to do a giveaway also but you got to be on my newsletter list we're going to give away a red light therapy panel and I'll announce the winner to that on Thursday but yeah I think that you know during winter I get a lot of people that it seems like anytime I talk about the benefits of sunlight the people crawl out of the woodwork that live in like Norway and Sweden and Canada and Seattle and like all these places where there's just not a lot of availability of UV and like I said in those environments there is advantage to darkness because melatonin binds to that vitamin D receptor so you want to really maximize your melatonin production through cold through darkness your body can make infrared your mitochondria make infrared in response to cold so there are advantages and more magnetism to those northern environments you're not screwed I don't want anyone to think like I can't heal because I live up north but if you do want to implement some UV into your life and do it in this microdose kind of a way I think this is a good option and you know safety profile I think is a little bit higher than this sparity lamp because a lot of people are going to ask about that that they use their own bulbs like I could have done that too it would have been a lot cheaper but I like to be honest with you our lamps are comparable to theirs except you're going to get red and red light as well you're going to get like we use electronic ballast I was at Jack Cruz Jack Cruz's house and in El Salvador and I showed him the prototype and he was like well if you're going to do that you got to use electronic ballast and and so yeah you know helping me out once again I actually have to go down there he has Chantel has my Harley Davidson down there so I'm going to want to go ride down there yeah but I think they make their own bulbs I could be I'm not 100% on that but when I looked I was like well they're not Phillips but you know age so I was always like scared if I knocked it off the bed or something that I could break and that would not be pretty because yeah we have we have actually I actually got my engineer banging on the tempered glass with hammers okay because we did like I think it was like two millimeter and then it came here and it was broke so we had to go thicker and there's there's been a lot of little intricacies but actually the electronic ballast reduced the flicker in the tubes so that's why we did that and then and then all of our UV lamps have our upgraded I'm just going to say what we do because I don't really care we use mean well power drivers and essentially that has completely taken out the magnetic field in all of our units we have the most powerful units except for one other company with a very small device I believe I haven't actually measured the device but the mean well power drivers are very expensive they're in our pro models the difference between a normal driver is like maybe it's like five or ten dollars and these are like 60 or 70 so we just absorb that cost we don't even we don't even charge it to the customer but but yeah it's yeah there's they're really good products so you like them essentially that cuts down on the non-native EMF exposure yeah that's correct I mean both of those modifications too but I mean the the meanwhile power drivers have completely taken away the magnetic field it's gone I don't think there's any company that's actually done that especially for the power of our devices no magnetic field is gone yeah but I read like therapy panels and people kind of out the researchers are really 10,000 studies on red light therapy now so there's a lot of talk about it a lot of hype but a lot of times they're not using a device that's as powerful as your devices and they're kind of trying to say oh little these benefits of red light therapy I'm like yeah your device isn't powerful enough to be making these claims that's great but yeah you know you know also like with our units if you sit in like they're designed to be used at like 12 inches so if you sit in meditations pose you'll actually be able to cover your entire body with our smallest land which is like $2,000 it'll probably be I think it's a 13 or 1400 on sale right now so yeah and someone asked if we talked about supplementing melatonin we did not really talk about that in the on this chat you can you really want to maximize your endogenous melatonin production um through darkness and through infrared during the day you make subcellular melatonin in response to infrared which you can also make via a panel one of these red light therapy panels can can be supportive in that as well there's also literature about red light and you know at night increasing melatonin and human athletes yeah so that's a good you know we a lot of times we'll turn on just the infrared and keep it on the floor like see what I'm doing to get around because my house is like a dark cave at night I don't like to turn on any overhead lights that took me and I smoked my head I'm just back from uh from Central America and I'm actually living in like a basement and so that's really not a good idea no I literally knocked myself out the other day basically I was like all in the ground yeah I always tell the story of like falling down the stairs when I was like nine months pregnant because I was trying to wear my red blue blockers that's done we're done with this stupid circadian stuff because it was like so worried that I hurt the baby yeah absolutely really fine he's almost too and he's like climbing off the frickin furniture and jumping down everything he's fine but yeah I learned like yeah sometimes you do got to be safe like you want to protect your circadian rhythms but don't be a dumbass yeah yeah being too much becomes yeah you got to do the things that are easy and that might like makes most bang for your buck just get it done and improve your life yeah absolutely and someone wants to know what does it mean that the magnetic field is gone and if you could just like reiterate that a little bit more yeah I mean there's so all electronic devices unless they're like battery powered will have an electric and magnetic field some will have a radio frequency field um there's two different fields and we've eliminated one of them um which is good um you know yeah yeah so flicker and non-native EMF can be a big issue with uh some of the red light therapy panel companies doesn't look like have you what do you think of this one what do you think of this one like I don't know because I would like to sit there and test it with a meter and I would also like to see if it flickers with it you know you can use a spectrometer you could literally just film it on slow-mo uh with your phone and see if it flickers you're going to negate some of those benefits of red light therapy if you've got a panel with a lot of non-native EMF or a high slicker rate so that's why I'm like don't recommend people just go on Amazon and like buy whatever because you could run into issues and negate some of those benefits and dysregulate your nervous system as well biceps flickering and have you know non-native EMF is going to pull your cellular water down 15 to 20 according to the work of Dr. Gerald Pollock so just something you're aware of yeah awesome well as I mentioned there is a 30 percent off flash sale 30 percent off with code SARA 30 30 at EMR attack you can there's a link in my bio and you can go to Chris's page as well and um yeah anything else Chris and we're going to do a giveaway yeah I think that's all you know if anyone has any burning questions I'm happy to help me and Sarah will probably continue I mean we do them once in a while and I'm going to rip this down and throw it up on YouTube this afternoon so if you want to watch this without being on Instagram I go subscribe to my YouTube channel it's in my bio and I'm going to throw it out there for easier listening you know and and there is a there you know my company is good with our money back guarantee like I you know it's a the time frame will probably stick to it if you're a couple of days after it's not a big deal but like you know I think that you're gonna like the product it's awesome it's like having like a mini tanning bed in your own house that's just more like elegant looking and actually works just as well it's like it's pretty sweet yeah it's and I've got it upstairs in my bathroom and I'm excited I've I'm still utilizing the sun that's what I was doing before we yeah all it's my secret tanning spot in my yard yeah exactly got a little little secret nook that I use but um definitely going to be using that because it's you know I live in Atlanta cold you know it's not too cold but it does get very dark and rainy for many months and so I am I'm going to be using that machine this winter and I'm excited about it so well we're probably going to have to give you that new UV fire hawk that I've got yeah things crazy oh someone wants to know really quickly is there a difference between the pro series versus the regular yeah so we use the meanwhile power drivers in the pro series um and that's the cuts down on the non-ABMS emf flicker is gone uh magnetic fields are gone um the irradiance is slightly higher um the expected longevity is better but keep in mind like uh our products were considered like top of the line before we even did the 21 and that's like my my baby like that's the thing I use even more than the fire hawk to be honest with you I love my fire hawk okay I get in my cold plunge and hop in from the fire hawk for like two minutes that's all I need but my thing is my inferno from 2021 that's not the pro series like I I love that thing so yeah the pro series is awesome and the technology you've come out with this is fantastic but for anybody who's like you know I think the price point you know I was gonna I was gonna just change them but uh my director was like people like this price point and like you know at a certain it's like I can't sell like they're those drivers are expensive I didn't mark it up anymore I just marked it up to cover the thing because I was cool with with you know the the um what what I was doing before but I wanted to release the product because people deserve to have the best stuff and and um yeah I mean I personally I would go with the pro model I don't make any more my I think it probably makes something less on some of them but but it's a better product and just to clarify the new device that you have that's got uh UV so buy that and they don't need to purchase a red light therapy panel red red and near infrared are already built in you got everything and you can choose to never turn on the UV you could just use a red and near infrared and not use the UV at all it's just there if you want to microdose those two uh wavelengths exactly exactly awesome all right yeah talk to you soon bye