Chewing the Cud

Lava Lamp Poetry - Chewing The Cud - S05E04

This is Chewing The Cud! Bringing you a roundup of showbiz news, things gathered from the internet and a special feature every week. With a LGBTQI+ focus and a bit of innuendo thrown in. All this and more! #chewingthecud

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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Did you know a 2018 study showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of virtual. When I was four months pregnant, I couldn't find a prenatal I could trust, so I created my own. Ours is matraceable third-party tested for heavy metals and recently earned the Purity Award from the Clean Label Project. But don't just take my word for it, get 25% off at Dominic Berry and Mike Belunro. And that will be my grinder username till the end of time. Hello everybody, how lovely to be here, welcome, welcome, welcome to Chew in the card. Let's have you back. All right, it's always good to be here, Mike. David Bowie. It is well done unofficial, it's one of these t-shirts that my mum's got for me online, like a little independent artist. Yeah, yeah. So the one's my mum gets online that it's like one arm is bigger than the other. Ziggy Stardust era where there was all those like proper, beautiful outfits. Because gender fluidity is a new thing, apparently. Exactly, exactly, yeah, yeah. How are you doing, Mike? I'm good today, yeah. I'm not real. I'm a bit hungover. Are you? Or a show? It's hard to be hungover after a show, but today I have got a story who's been banned from a sporting activity after his bathroom antics and it's not Oscar Pistorius. And then I'll bring you something really scientific and, well, barely scientific in that science there's. How exciting. And yeah, we definitely have some poetry from me, Dom's top poetry. You can see our social media all along the screen now, if you check that out, we are at the CUD TV. And there's names of people who have dropped us online, go along the bottom of the screen, we go over to Dominic and the showbiz news. OK, so do you know in which country your revision will be taking place? This year. England? Sweden. Sweden this year. But do you know who will be representing us? Abba. Abba. So Oli Alexander of years and years is who we are going to have representing us. And yeah, big old dance music is what, 80s dance music is what is being promised from Oli and Isaac. It's like an 80s banger. So I'm someone who isn't always up to date with the current pop sounds, but Oli Alexander, you know, years and years, it's a sin cover version was really, really awesome. And Oli, yeah, Oli is a, you know, someone who I would say, my subjective view, represents us queers pretty well. A political person, doesn't hold back from opinions and looks magnificent. There we are. Gender fluidity all the way. That's gay chicken, that's not gender fluidity. Do you know where we placed in last year's Eurovision? We didn't win. We didn't win. So we lost. We were where we were. We were second from last, last year. Second. Back to where we should be. The fact that we came second the year before, that wasn't. People were shocked at that. Well, you and I have talked before about fast songs versus slow songs, and I am always in the camp of fast songs and bangers, so in 1980s style banger, that's what I'm hoping for this year. It's not going to make us win though, is it? Oh, I think this is reverse psychology, I think, it makes me believe even more. This is our year, this time. Team Ollie. I think it will be a good, can we change that picture? It just looks like he's trying to do something. Is it out yet? It's like, is he bottoming for the first time? There we go. No one's graced in the first. I think we'll build our hopes up and we'll just not do very well, as happens every single time. Voice of positivity. We said, we said internationally claimed recording group Blue, and we did appallingly. We even sent an Uber hump a dink one year, right, on the promise that it's someone's grandad, don't give us a pity about it, no one voted. It's, yeah. Now, I'll change this year, I'll change, we're going to do super well, feel it in my bones, definitely. It'll be a good show to watch, I'll enjoy watching it, but now. Moving on. So Queer Eye, do you watch Queer Eye? I have two of them in my head. Glorious. Well, there are five folks on the Queer Eye show, but one is leaving. One is heading off, Bobbie Burke is quitting the show, and what has caused a little bit of hubbub is social media, hubbub in social media, of all things, of all places for there to be hubbub. So on Instagram, one of them, which one is it, Tan, Tan has unfollowed Bobbie. And these loads has been read into this now, but it's like, you know, what's going on behind the scenes, and I kind of think, I remember, I remember, we took about David Bowie before, you know, proper, proper Queer Eye stuff from the, from the 70s, and then a lot went on that you just, you didn't get all the, all the gossipy stuff back then. And you know, I, I think too much is read into whether somebody follows or unfollows someone on social media, I think, yeah, I think, you know, it's fair enough, isn't it, that people work together, and then, you know, maybe they don't get on, that's all right, isn't it? That's all right. That's okay. That's okay. I wish them both the best in their careers. What do you recommend? I think the wrong one left. Do you? No. Not a massive tan front, I mean, it does good work, and it's just some really good documentaries and stuff, and some of the things he's done about, like, growing up gay in Asian, really informative and really powerful stuff. But I just don't find him enjoyable to watch. Mm. Mm. No, being on, controversial as the tower, as I said, the wrong Phoenix died, but... Moving on. So, being the grumpy old person I am, I'm often somebody to, like, slag off the, the social media's what, and I, I don't do the TikTok, I don't do, I don't do that, but I do know Dylan Mulvaney. Okay. I mean, Mulvaney, I, I have thought she's a real, in my subjective view, a real, real force for good. I think there's a lot of, a lot of joy in Dylan and a lot of, you know, honesty and, you know, I would use word, but bravery, and the big news with Dylan is that her passport has the letter F on it, that the... Brilliant. ...recognised as her gender in a passport, in a legal document, and she's, she's American as well, isn't she? Yeah, exactly. It's not been an American passport, that's, that's a big step forward for America. I mean, especially considering all of the things that they've not done quite, very well recently. And there we go. There's the F. Fantastic. Do you follow the TikToks, Mike? I do. We are on TikTok. No. Yeah. Show us how much I've done. Show on which I'm featuring. Wow. Okay. At-the-code TV. Wow. On TikTok. How lovely. Yeah. And I personally am on TikTok as well. I do like to, I do them scroll on TikTok a lot. I can quite easily go an hour, an hour and a half just going through TikTok. I enjoy it. It's been... Well, that's lovely. Take off your judgemental head, Barry. Take off the judgemental head. I think that if one is engaging with anything, be it like a show about pottery or baking or anything, in my head there's no hierarchy of sort of intellectual, well, are you engaging with it or not? Are you engaging it? So if you're on TikTok for an hour and a half and you think, yes, that's an hour and a half. Well done. That's great. Dislike is when people are like not engaging with it and grumpy and like, you know, have wasted that time. You know, people make choice their moan about their own choices. Waste their... Waste the... I don't think anything I do is a waste of time. Good. I don't know. Well, there was that one guy. Oh. But yeah. It was that I think that when I'm just watching TikTok and I'm just going through just absorbing the content. That's not wasting time. That's giving my time, my brain time. Absolutely. And that's new relax. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. One thing to do. I've spoken in the past about how nerdy I am over video games and I don't think the video games are anything other than joyful ways I spend my time, but I'm not someone who like plays video games. Oh, I'm doing nothing lean here. I wish I was doing something. You know, commit to something. You know, I write poetry, I like going out, run in, I like seeing my friends and I think that people often moan about things that they could change and solution with. And social media is one of them. And I think that people, it's linking to our previous story about the Queer Eye thing. I think engage with things joyfully. That's all I ask, Mike. That's all I ask of our planet. Engage joyfully. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so. Apparently so. Yeah. Fair do's. Thanks for all that, Dominic. It's always good to know that, you know, Eurovision's coming nowhere near. I think you're okay, have a look. You are welcome. Right, stick around because next we have got Mike with the Buzz. Hello, hello. You are watching Chew in the Cud with me, Dominic, and this one over here is Mike, and we are going to go deep into the somewhat poorly lit web as it is Mike with the Buzz. How do you feel about fish? Well, I do not eat fish. I like them. Do you like them? What do you mean existing? I applaud their being, yes. Why do you really applaud their being? Do you want to go to the city and go well done with fish? Right. So, in my poetry, I have an entire poetry show, actually, one of my ones for younger audiences about just how magnificent fish are swimming around, sort of enjoying the water. Yeah, I do like fish, actually. Okay. So, yeah. Good. Tell me something lovely about fish that isn't about eating them. Okay. Well, this is about a fish called the Doomsday Fish. Oh, okay. So, it's found off to the coast of Thailand. Misleading name? Is it cuter? No. Doomsday. Doomsday Fish. How big is the Doomsday Fish? It's massive. So, it's a huge. Oh, my word. And it's not a happy fish. So, yes, it's 11 metres, and it came out the Adnan Sea on earlier this month. Now, according to a folklore, when this fish arrives, and it's caught, it's a sign of a bad omen. Happy New Year! It is for the faces of bad shits about to go back when you get to the Doomsday Fish, because it's covered in spikes and it's not a very pretty fish. Wow. It's somehow hairy, a hairy fish. When you're a creative writer and you send your ideas off, especially the children's shows, which, for me, often feature magic and monsters, sometimes editors will be like, "Oh, that's a bit far-fetched." It's like, "Have you googled deep sea creatures?" Because if you do, there is nothing in the ocean that my imagination has even come close to creating. I mean, the things, you know... They've got the see-through things in the bottom of the sea. Oh! Yeah. No. No. No. Seeing brains. Oh, no. No. They did the thing where they filmed some of these, like, prawns, and you could see their blood going round as they were eating and things you could... No. See, I actually... The Doomsday Fish doesn't look as horrific as I was anticipating when... It's not a pretty fish. It speaks very highly of you, Mike. So, it should do. I'm a bit decorgist. But it's impending natural disaster because the thought is that when the bottom feeders... So, they only come to the surface. It was a choice of words. Yeah. I made it on purpose. So, they only really come up to the surface when waves are getting beat, like snarmies and stuff. Right. Oh, so it's not just superstition. There is some... There is some science behind it. They've discovered the science behind it. But it started off as a superstition going, "This big fish is here." Oh, no. Could just leave the fish in the ocean, couldn't we? We could just, like, not... Not fish them in that person. Then how would we know that doomsday is going to take them out of the water? I think in the current political climate, if you just say to yourself, "Is doomsday coming?" Yeah. You're probably correct. Yeah. I do sometimes feel like I would be a great peacekeeper because I would just end the war. I don't think because everyone would just blow each other up. Guess what they just said about you? Moving on. Do you believe in UFOs? I do believe in UFOs very much. Okay. Not a big believe in UFOs myself, but I do believe there's... It's like life outside. Well, that's what I meant by my eyes. I don't know if they've... Yeah. I don't think... Why would they want to come here? It'd be like going to skeg-ness. You'd go there because your parents made you because it was cheap. You know, it's like... You want to go and see a world slowly explode itself? Yeah. But yeah, aliens probably. UFOs not so much, okay? Yeah. Unless you're living in leads. Ooh. What has happened in leads? A lady has photographed what she believes is a UFO following her. Following her? Following her. Exactly. Yes. It also resembles Doctor Who's TARDIS, surprisingly. Mm-hmm. I don't know why I found this story on the internet. I don't know. The algorithm algorithm? No, it's on a Hovian. But yeah, this is Katie. Okay. From leads. She saw it shining above her house in leads. Right, so she took a picture of it. Yeah. She's... It's not a star. She doesn't know what it is. It is what the doomsday fish was predicting. That is what it is. The UFO looks like the TARDIS. I think she may have been drunk while watching Doctor Who on Christmas Day and saw it. Wow. But yeah. She just looked particularly scared or freaked out in that picture. Fair analysis, yeah. Yeah. We don't have a picture of it. I've not seen the new Doctor Who. There's the new... A few... A few watch. Yes. Yeah. What's your review? What's your take on it? It's very difficult for me to not love a Doctor Who. I think I've not loved one episode. That's because it had James... Ah. He ruins everything he touches. So yeah, it's... But yeah, the new one loved it. Who's your favourite Doctor of all time? I'd have to say Matt Smith. Ah! A modern choice. Mm-hmm. Well, my Doctor, so my first Doctor was... What's his face? Tom Baker? No. Later than that. Sylvester McCoy. Oh, really? With Ace. Yeah. Okay, Professor. Ugh. Me. Has Bonnie Langford been back in there? She has, yeah, yeah. What's she like? She's good. Is she? Yeah. She was the Sylvester McCoy era, weren't she? No. Testing you now, aren't I? I don't know the answer to this. She was pray that it was Ace that was the Sylvester. Right. Right. Oh, she irritated me. But hey! And if you get irritated by fictional characters on TV, join us at the put TV on social media. And that brings us nicely to our story of the week. Now, have you ever been accused of cheating? Go on. He said not answering the question. Yeah. So yes. (LAUGHTER) Integrity is everything Michael. Yeah. Michael James. Michael James. (LAUGHTER) Now, this is about a man in China who has had his, basically his title of chess champion stripped and banned from participating for an entire year after being accused of cheating. The way they found out he was cheating was because he accidentally had himself in a bathtub. He did what in a bathtub? Chat himself in a bathtub. It was in a bath. Right. And let's add a fart that was more than a fart. He had chess pieces up his bottom. No, no poo. It was poo. So he put it in a bathtub. Right. Anyway, that's unusual. Why has that happened? And it turned out throughout the entire competition he'd had remote control anal beads in. (LAUGHTER) Right. And people were communicated to him with the pulses and vibrations so he knew which pieces to move. Oh, my goodness, me. My goodness, me. So he'd had them in for so long and on such frequency settings and stuff that he'd basically get himself a prolapse. (LAUGHTER) No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wow. So he did basically, it's not traditional chess. It's Chinese chess. I see. It's massive difference, Dean. Pulses would be very easy with a normal chess. Yes, yes, no. But he had a remote control anal beads put in, and someone was helping him from a distance. That is stranger than fiction, isn't it? Yeah. That things can happen. Choices have been made. Yeah. Yeah, it's 43. Wow. Surely your facial expression would give it away, though. Well, it depends on how immune to anal bead vibration you are, how used to it you are. Exactly. So, you know, if he's got to the championship to win, it's going to have been going on for a while. I don't think a life where one has grown immune to the vibration of anal beads. I don't think that's a life worth nothing. (LAUGHTER) It's not a life I would want, Mike. It's like anybody would want. (LAUGHTER) Maybe they didn't have an eye set. Maybe they had it on the starter setting. Maybe. Just enough to tell them pulses and vibrations and things. Or maybe have the whole... (LAUGHTER) The whole, like, full force on them. It just doesn't reflect anymore. Wow. Prolapse in the bathtub, so I mean, it's... Oh, my goodness. So... He's lost in every sense of the word. He's lost in every single... No, he could cheer himself up with the beads. It's like consolation, because presumably they don't ask for them back to, like, the board of chess cheating, you know, over his own. They don't love them out, and go, "It's time to hand her back in now. "Just run them under the sink." Put them through the dishwasher. (LAUGHTER) The question is, was he... Like, if he used them again, would he just get sad that he got caught? Would it bring back like memories? (LAUGHTER) Yeah, loser in every sense of the word. How tragic. How tragic. Yeah, but the gallery has said that they're going to start using those. And it was like communicating with us as well. (LAUGHTER) And from that pulsation, that's often the buzz this week. (LAUGHTER) Thank you, Mike. Well, I shall never contemplate vibrating anal beads in quite the same way now. So please stick around, because coming up, we have something far more high, but we have some poetry from me in Dom's top poetry. (MUSIC PLAYING) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) Welcome back. And yes, you are watching chewing the cut. Now we're going to have something a little different to our game of the week, as Dominic is going to read some of his poetry in Dom's top poetry. (LAUGHTER) (MUSIC PLAYING) (MUSIC PLAYING) (MUSIC PLAYING) (MUSIC PLAYING) (MUSIC PLAYING) So, are you settled and ready to go, Dom? Oh, I'm always ready to go with the poetry. I've got another three for us this week. And my first one, we are coming to the end of January, or as some people call it, "Vigannuery." So I have for us a science poem. I've only got one science poem, and this is it. My science poem, and it goes like this. (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (MUSIC PLAYING) Protein, protein, protein. Protein. Protein is a biochemical compound whose name Bazilius found. Von Voigt claimed flesh makes flesh. Then, sanger sequence insulin parrots prized hemoglobin and the Swedish were impressed. More studies on its benefits directed mutagenesis as Feissmann had foreseen. Now, to give these claims, such credence does not distract from this grievance. Where do vegans get protein? What exactly do you eat? Can't be healthy. No meat, such Shakespearean introspection between the facts to delve lament. B12 or not, B12. Surely that must be the question. It's simple to eat sensible. The soybean, laxcholesterol, is easily fortified, and cooked, can taste exceptional, tongue-tinglingly sensual, and yes, it does provide protein as does. Peanut butter, black beans, flax seeds, pecans, almonds, lentils, and cashews. And yet, here is my beef. People talk of my belief. And people question what I choose. When I don't choose for pigs to feel. Don't believe their pain is real. That's fact, not myth, not needed. So can we in evolution swap these myths for resolution, see the cruelty superseded. The fact of protein's chemistry are documents through history. They're laid out plain and clear. So I hopefully wait for an honest, heart-felt date when protein's myths will finally disappear. Thank you for listening. Are you trying to tell me you're a vegan? Well, in true vegan fashion, I don't like to mention it. I don't speak of it very often, you know. Keep it to myself, you know. Well, that was the phrase, how do you know if you're threatened? I'll tell you, my god will they tell you. Yeah? Yeah. It's all true. All those things that do provide delicious protein. Absolutely. I have been quite often known to nibble on a handful of nuts. Right. That's our first three poems. My second one is a little one of my older poems, which I've not said for a little bit. So I thought, let's get it out for the show. Now, it used to be back in the day that people kept their music on iPods. Now, I'm still a person who treasures my iPods, but most people don't. For most people there, long since forgotten. And that idea forms the center of this poem called "I will not treat a friend like an iPod." Because an iPod is a thing that's made to break, to use and to listen to work anymore and throw it away. Knowing money will get a better one. The latest one, ready for temporary adoration. Well, I will not be told that a friend with depression should be thrown away. A happy person is not a better person. You can sing me all your tracks. Not just the cheesy pop. You think will make me smile. Give me your difficult second album. The one with all the distorted guitar feedback and seven-minute jazz piano solos. For what many will dismiss as an obscure clunky B-side can give deeper meaning that lasts, and is too precious to delete from any library. An iPod is a thing that's made to break, but Leonard Cohen sang, "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." Well, you're my Leonard Cohen. And my Justin Bieber. For we are weird. Kate Bush waking the witch. We are live bootleg. Marvin Gaye's final concert, 1983. You see, I believe that we can always be chemical brothers, and this is a sister's, sister's sledge. We are family. I believe we can always be an iPod is just a thing which is made to break, but all of us are built to sing. Thank you for listening. Lots of musical references there. Are they all on your playlists? Absolutely. No. Actually, no. Justin Bieber is not. I put that in for a flatter in Spanish. You're in a theatrical setting. That's OK. I was just concerned. Yeah. Anything. I'm one of those people. If you say like, "Oh, remember this five years ago." I'm like, "Yeah, five years ago, 1995." Like, any pop culture references from post-99. They all happened in one year, right? One hundred percent, yes, 'cause I am still 21. My final poem is about something that I would absolutely love to do, and it goes like this. I wish I could go back in time until ten year old me that it is OK to be a big, girly boy. Now, I want to tell him you will find joy in effeminacy and masculinity. Reject the fragility of male identity. You will find as much affinity in the daring drag of David Bowie and the silver lipstick of Tricky, as you currently do admiring the macho muscle of He-Man and all those other boys' toys, which are OK to enjoy, but you have so much more about you than just a plastic action figure or cartoon. One day you will find room to grow and know the fecundity of true gender fluidity. And I know ten year old me would say, "What do all those long words mean?" And I would reply, "They mean. I have seen those playground lads who leave you lonely, feeling strange, but I have also seen the future. It gets better. Things will change." Thanks so much for listening. Oh, so ten year old you, so that was 1995. 1990. I think I can remember my age because the last digit of my age is the same as the last digit of the year. However, that's depending on me remembering what year we're in. I cannot do either, I cannot do either. It's quite a popular poetic technique where people write what they would love to say to their younger selves. In fact, if viewers would like to have a go at writing a poem themselves, I really recommend that as a place to start. Advice if you could send it back through time and guide your junior self on their journey. What would you most like to say? That's a nice little tip. So if someone wanted to start writing poetry, where would they do that? I'll do that again because I stodled it. I'm asking a boy out for the first date. Going back in time is a great way of starting that journey. So where would you recommend people start that journey? Is there a place you can go? I guess it depends where you live. For me, I move to great. Manchester, where there is a wealth of events in person you can go to. And where possible, I think bringing communities together is the best way. I grew up really rurally where that wasn't an option. But what we have now, which we did not have when I was younger, is online groups. And there are so many supportive nurturing groups online for people that want to get into poetry, share, creations they've made. I think that poetry is at its best when it's with other people, not a lonesome process just being on your own. I think to share it with others and to experience the poetry of others is a wonderful thing to do whether that's online or in person. Thank you very much for that, Dom. Well, stick around because coming up next we have me doing that science, that is. Welcome back to chewing the card. And now we learn something we didn't need to know. It is Mike in that science, that is. [MUSIC PLAYING] That science, that is. How do you feel about lava lamps? I feel magnificently about lava lamps. I think they are beautiful and we're going to make a lava lamp. Well, sort of, because the problem with lava lamps is they, over time, they become cloudy because it's wax that they put in the bottom, which is coloured, and then the rest is water. And wax will slowly emulsify into water. So that's why, after a while, they go a bit cloudy and a bit weird. Now, what we are going to do is a lava lamp that requires no electricity. It is a chemical reaction lava lamp. And it will settle itself back so you can technically last forever. [MUSIC PLAYING] The first thing we need to do is prepare our vessel. Excellent. You should have a vessel. Right. OK. I've got some stuff on my table. So it's the empty one. The empty one is your vessel. Oh, this is brilliant. This is what will become your lava lamp. OK. Now, because there's no electric involved, the lava lamp will require you to be in a lit room. But that will be our body of the lava lamp. Right. What we need to do is create the thing that's going to go up and down and go bubbly bubbly bubbly bubbly bubbly. OK. Now, you have been given some food coloring. Yes. Yes. So what you should do with your food coloring is squirt it into your vessel. [LAUGHTER] I believe you have red. I do have one that has red written on it. I am a colorblind person, so I wouldn't know it was red if it didn't have red written upon it. OK, so into the one that's currently empty. Yes. However, you do need to cut the tip off. I've just realized. Oh, OK. So, please pause. Oh, and shift. [LAUGHTER] Ready? Yeah. So you have a tip on that you have to squeeze off. [MUSIC PLAYING] The second. Well, I've currently got camera five on, so I'll just throw a look at which one. So that one you want. Right. OK. I want you to empty your color into your vessel, but just get it into the bottom. OK. I'm going to make a mess here. I know it. [LAUGHTER] Right. OK. So the whole thing, yeah? The whole thing into the bottom, but right on the sides. Try to not get it on yet. Yes. You just want it at the bottom. Beautiful. That lovely. That is fine noise. What? It's a fluid fart. [LAUGHTER] Let's just grab. [MUSIC PLAYING] I got a little bit on the side, is it? That's OK. We will be adding water in a moment. OK. Right. Yep. Job done. OK. So pop your lid back on because there will still be some remnants of color in there. Lid on. OK. OK. And now into that you want to put some tiny amount of water. I just put the lid on. Oh, no, no. If we put the lid on. OK. I want to put some water in there. Right. How much? So you want it to go. So the metal bit is just above the metal. Just above the metal. Just above the metal. OK. OK. I don't give that a swirl around. OK. Because you want the food going to dissolve in the water. Oh, this is really exciting. There you go. It is. It is. OK. What were you saying before? You're saying before it doesn't matter if it's scrolling on TikTok. It don't matter if it's, you know, making a lot of alarms. If you're engaged with it fully, then it's a beautiful thing. And this is. Yeah. This is. I'm on board for this. I'm on board. Cool. Now I'm just going to move my water out of the way. I know you also have some oil. Oil. This is vegetable oil. All righty. OK. And I want you to open these things with difficulties. There's a thing with a thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just can't find it. There it is. All the way around. All right. OK. And now your oil. You want to kind of dribble it into because you don't want to mix it up too much. Start with. Right. So you're going to dribble your oil into your vessel. And how much? Almost full. Almost full. Crime. Most full. Yeah. Because oil is basically light to the water. So it floats. Oh, this is science. OK. And so what we're going to have to do, we're going to have to chemically propel. This is how much works out of this. The fluid at the bottom through the oil. And then it will fall back down again hopefully. Wow. Well. This is about how much oil I use when I'm making myself a curry. I hope you'd better go on to oil and this stuff though. Probably not. I've done it almost to the top. Is that too much? Oh no, that's fine. Yeah. That's fine. OK. I'm going to pop my oil away as well. Yeah. Here we have oil on top. Yeah. Colourful liquid on the bottom. OK. We need to excite the fluid at the bottom. So we'll get it to rise to the top. Yes. OK. And then what will happen is when it becomes less excited, it will group back down again. Right. [LAUGHS] Story of my life. Yes. So we'll excite it on a little group. OK. Now, to do that, you have an effervescent tablet. OK. OK. That some people use when they have a mouth hangover. You wouldn't know about such things, would you, Mike? No. OK. What we want to do is you want to pop the tablet into the oil. I'm opening this up. Yeah. But we need to add, put the lid on very quickly. Oh, OK. OK. OK. So you want to pop the tablet in, lid on, pretty much straight away. Make sure it ties on tight. Oh, gosh. This is where human error can come in. This is where I can mess up. So, peel in and tighten it up. Right. OK. Two. One. Whee! Screws it up. What happens is, I'm going to put mine in, and I'll be a little bit of a delayed reaction, because as it goes in, it covers itself in oil. OK. Yeah. But then as oil floats, it will naturally take itself off. Now, if you have a look, you've started to do. Oh, my word. Yeah. The bubbles arise in. And I've started to rise as well. But all these little cloth and blobs of water arise into the surface. And then what will happen is, you'll start to fall down as well. Yeah. Right. And they start off quite small. And then they get bigger as you go along. Oh, my. This is lovely. And the thing is, after it's all reacted and the tablet is finished, yeah, it will then, it will continue to fall and it will reset right out. Because all the water don't mix. And then you can just pop another tablet. OK. If you wanted to speed up the reaction, yeah. OK. You take the lid off. OK. Because what happens is this is causing pressure in the vessel. OK. It's producing carbon dioxide. So that's producing pressure. And reactions are slower under pressure. That is beautiful. That is so good. I'm just going to put my little bit. There you go. And it speeds up. Oh, man. All right. All right. Here we go. It's opening up. Let's do it. Ooh. Super nice. Yeah. That's it. It'll keep doing that for a little while and then it'll just all fall down again. That's absolutely how to make a lava lamp without electricity. Oh, my goodness. It's beautiful, Mike. You undersold this. This is really pretty. What a lovely thing. What a lovely thing. Not only is it lovely, it's that science that is. That science that is. Well, my life. Oh, sorry. [LAUGHTER] I'm staging you. Go on. [MUSIC PLAYING] That science that is. So we'll just talk about this. So, yeah. So you're impressed with that, are you? This is really beautiful. It's the kind of thing I can imagine if you did have like, you know, niece or nephew or whatever, like, to entertain them with something other than scrolling through TikTok which is worthy and he's lovely and he's great. But anyone could do that. You know, like, not everyone has the skill, the knowledge, the prerequisite knowledge, but once you've learned-- I'm trying to make graphs. Yeah. Just give it a-- if you take the lid off a little bit, it'll be all right. Oh, I like what a little-- Hey, rock and roll. Oh, no. Oh, no, disaster. Oh, man. Yeah. Maybe don't do this with nephews and nieces. It looks like-- no, I'm Lady Macbeth. I was going somewhere else with that, but it also involved the lady. But that's almost the end of the show. [LAUGHTER] Remember to join us on our social media. We are @TheCudTV. Hey, all right. Well, thank you for watching. We will see you next time. Take care. And bye. Bye. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] Nice. That is odd. It's that proper. Yeah. I think we need to watch the other paper because it's-- I think it will stay. [LAUGHTER] I'm an artist. It's fine. It's good. It's good. Yeah. Right. I'll go. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (dramatic music)