Froggy the Gator

The Zoo Adventure!

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Froggy and his friends go to check out the new bat exhibit at the Gator Grove Zoo...but guess who has a series of obstacles waiting for them???

Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back everybody to another episode of your favorite kids podcast froggy the gator And we're going to jump straight into the birthdays today because we have a few so happy birthday to Griffin Who is turning five on August 15th? Congratulations, sir. I hope this birthday is the best one yet and a happy birthday to Nolan who was turning nine on August 15th I know that's going to be a great one for you. Happy birthday Griffin. Happy birthday Nolan another happy birthday to Sunday Who is turning four tomorrow on August 14th four is a great year So I know you're gonna love being for Sunday and Sunday also has a quick joke for us today that goes like this What do you call a chicken that is good at math a Math my chicken Like mathematician, but it's chicken happy birthday to you Sunday and happy birthday to Leonidas Hudson Who will be five on August 16th Leonidas happy birthday to you, sir? I hope you have the best day yet, and he also has a joke ladies and gentlemen boys and girls his joke goes like this What do you call a dad that walks like a baby a dad that walks like a baby? You call him a crawl dad Like you crawls I think is what we're going for in that joke, but also like a crawl dad the crustacean So well done Leonidas and happy birthday to you and happy birthday to Elena who will be four on August 20th So shout out to you Elena and shout out to your sister Evelyn as well We didn't forget about you Evelyn who is six both big fans of the show So happy birthday Elena and big sister Evelyn has a joke for us today and her joke goes like this What is an ants the bug an ants favorite continent? What is an ants favorite continent? Which is like the large landmass how we divide the land on earth? What is an ants favorite continent? Antartica Evelyn nice work there great joke from you and happy birthday to Elena your sister who will be four on August 20th and a bonus joke From five-year-old Jamison who along with his sister Julia who is three or longtime fans of the show Jamison's joke goes like this. Why did the cow cross the road to make a phone call? Why did the cow cross the road to make a phone call because he had spotty service Presumably because this particular cow had spots. I am guessing so very nice one from you Jamison Thank you, sir, and today's story idea is inspired by our listeners Rowan And Hollis in Virginia just one stayed up for me I'm in North Carolina and Rowan and Hollis are eight and six years old respectively and their episode starts right now It was a bright and sunny day in Gator Grove and froggy the Gator along with mr.. Hummus tomato hedgehog worm bird and baby the Gator We're at the Gator Grove zoo and they were buzzing with excitement because the zoo had just opened a brand-new exhibit called the bat cave All right gang froggy exclaimed waving his arms around because he was so excited to be there today's the day We finally get to see the new bat cave exhibit I heard the bats are huge and they can fly around super fast. What do you think baby the Gator? Go go baby the Gator said as he just flapped his arms like wings as they made their way through the zoo Admiring the animals in each habitat they finally arrived at the bat cave The entrance was dark and mysterious with vines hanging down in the sound of fluttering wings echoing from within But just as they were about to step inside they heard a suspicious noise Hey, do you hear that tomato hedgehog whispered pricking up his ears and from the shadows? They saw emerge a short figure dressed in all black who was none other than Gershwin the notorious animal thief who had been causing trouble at zoos all across the country ah Froggy and friends I've see you've found me Gershwin sneered twirling his mustache, but it's too late I'm taking this bat cave exhibit for myself, and I've set up a few obstacles to make sure that you can't stop me Gershwin pressed a button on a remote control and suddenly the ground began to rumble a giant ostrich egg Rolled down a nearby hill heading straight for the ground and straight for the friends We can't let that egg break froggy shouted taking charge mr. Hummus tomato hedgehog worm bird Let's work together and stop it from breaking and the friends spring into action Mr.. Hummus ran ahead using his strength to push against the egg Well tomato hedgehog quickly gathered some nearby vines to create a cushion while warm bird flew above using his buck wings Of course guiding the egg to safety the baby the Gator cheered them on clapping his hands and just kind of babbling to himself And with a final heave the friends stop the egg just inches from the ground Whoo that was a close one mr.. Hummus said wiping sweat from above his eyes But I have a feeling that Gershwin isn't done yet and sure enough Gershwin's laughter suddenly echoed through the cave Impressive, but let's see how you handle this one. He taunted pressing another button This time they heard a loud trumpet sound coming from the elephant habitat the friends rushed over to find an elephant struggling It's trunk tangled in a fence unable to move We've got to help the elephant froggy exclaimed come on everybody we need to untangle that trunk So they all hurried over each taking a different section of the tangled trunk Froggy and tomato hedgehog worked on the knots while mr. Hummus used his strength to pull the trunk free and warm bird again Hovered nearby offering general encouragement After some careful teamwork they finally freed the elephant's trunk and the elephant trumpeted in appreciation Giving them a gentle nudge as a sign of his gratitude Oh, man, that was a tough one tomato hedgehog said, but I still don't think Gershwin is done causing trouble And they didn't have to wait to find out that tomato hedgehog was right Just as they were catching their breath Gershwin activated yet another obstacle This time the shark exhibits feeding system malfunctioned and the sharks were swimming around hungrily with their food nowhere to be found Let's see how brave you are now Gershwin cackled good luck getting that shark food back where it belongs Don't worry guys. We can do this froggy encouraged his friends. We just need to figure out where the food went So the friends quickly spread out searching high and low for the missing shark food Baby the Gator always eager to help waddled over to a nearby bush and began shaking the bush around Food food baby the Gator shouted pointing excitedly at a hidden crate behind the bush Great job baby the Gator worm bird cheered swooping down to open the crate and inside They found the shark food and they quickly brought it back to the exhibit tossing the food into the water just as the sharks began to circle That's another obstacle down froggy said triumphantly now. Let's find Gershwin and stop him for good So they followed the sound of Gershwin's laughter all the way back to the Batcave and there they found him trying to unlock the exhibits main gate Not so fast Gershwin froggy called out standing tall with his friends by his side You're not taking the Batcave exhibit today. Oh Really Gershwin said turning to face them and just how do you plan to stop me? But froggy and his friends did have a plan while Gershwin was distracted Baby the Gator crawled over to the control panel and pressed the button that locked the exhibit gates With the gates securely locked Gershwin had no way to escape. He was trapped and the friends had won the day It's over Gershwin froggy said firmly. We've stopped all of your obstacles and we've saved the zoo Now it's time for you to leave the defeated Gershwin slunk away muttering under his breath and Baby the Gator cheered flapping his arms like a bat probably to indicate that the bats were safe The zoo staff who had been watching from a distance came over to congratulate the friends on their bravery Thank you froggy and thanks to all of you the zookeeper said with a smile you saved our zoo today We couldn't have done it without you. Oh It's all in a day's work froggy smiled giving his friends a thumbs up now Who's ready to finally see those bats? [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING]