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Columbia Township - Trustee Meeting - August 13, 2024

Columbia Township - Trustee Meeting - August 13, 2024

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13 Aug 2024
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Columbia Township - Trustee Meeting - August 13, 2024

>> Okay. Welcome, everybody. Let's call the meeting order. >> Mr. Lamar. >> President. >> Mr. Kabiki. >> Present. >> Mr. Brogan. >> Here, we stand for the appointment. >> I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation on the ground. >> In the visual, with liberty and justice for all. Okay, I'll make a motion of approval in the signing of the minutes, the regular meeting minutes of July 9, 2024, to our second. >> I'll second. >> Roll call. >> Mr. Lamar. >> Yes. >> Mr. Kabiki. >> Yes. >> Mr. Barghal. >> Make a motion to approve the special meeting minutes of July 17, 2024, to our second. >> I'll second. >> Roll call. >> Mr. Lamar. >> Yes. >> Mr. Kabiki. >> Yes. >> Mr. Barghal. >> Yes. >> I'll make a motion to approve the special meeting minutes. >> Second. >> Roll call. >> Mr. Lamar. >> Yes. >> Mr. Kabiki. >> Yes. >> Mr. Barghal, yes. >> And before we go and open for, I do want to acknowledge that we lost one of our partners that we team up with, did those in the marketing force on our Murray Avenue with the originally an associates, John Thompson passed away a week ago. I think he had lost a battle assisted fibrosis and kind of fell fast, so I at least wanted to acknowledge somebody we've all worked with. And known John for a long time in the real estate business in general, but it's the marketing with Molly Hoffman of Molly Hoffman. You met Molly, certainly Molly's known as two is two. But he sadly passed away here recently, so I just wanted to acknowledge him. And my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. So at least wanted to acknowledge before we got started, because those guys stepped forward to go really help us out. John was the leader of that team and now we have Molly to continue to work with. But John was a good soul, so he's going to be missed. So, at least wanted to acknowledge that before we get started, it's hard to deal with a lot of losses this year. So with that, we move on to open for. >> I have Jack Folks. >> Hi, Jack Folks, 779ers, if you drive. >> There you go. >> And I'm going to be trying to show a couple of questions with respect to what I've asked different things about. One of the years of the '68, '96, Murray Evans property. Is there a contract to sell or rent a facility in place at this point? Again, if not, is there an option or some other proposal since there is coming up? The decision, the airport resolution to spend money from the general fund to finance what is described as reimbursable expenditures of some form. For that property, in the past, I think about three months ago, you had said there was a wine or some other entity that was either going to buy or rent or do whatever with the property. And so, in part, the question becomes, is there, what's the status of what's going on, and why do you want to do spend money, which might be better spent by somebody who's actually going to move into the property or purchase the property and then do it? Because what's being said is the resolution for a public purpose and it strikes me whatever entity is there is really a private purpose. Okay, the '68, '96 Murray Evans property, we've had several prospects, we have one closely we're working with and we're optimistic, it's not a done deal, but no matter what, our real estate team tells us that we need to make a pretty good investment in infrastructure in order to put it into a use as a tenant for something that would be a positive use for Madison Place and to kind of incubate the rest of that area. Right now, there's plans for us to also take in the Marymont veterinary clinic, because they're planning on improving their streetscape and improving their ability to make it a state-of-the-art facility, which will make it a completely improved streetscape. '68, '96 Murray Avenue, we intend to do the same thing with and the idea is that we're going to need to take money from the medical marijuana money, I guess it'll go into the general fund and I'm not really good at all the mechanics of it, but somehow it's going to be paid through indirectly from that lent to the CIC. Eventually, the reimbursements for that and even the firehouse will come from the loose teeth and other means as well, but yes, the intent is to go in and turn that building into, it puts an infrastructure into that building, improve the streetscape, improve the field, and the current user we have would be very similar, be a cafe deli, but would also serve takeout, as I understand, again, business plans evolve, but it'd be similar to like red meat in Madeira. And Madeira did a similar concept where they leased the facility at a discount to red meat, but it's a good amenity to the community, but again, it takes a little bit of some help from the community in order to take that building and put it into play. So that's the intent and the intent to get also get paid back would be that the rent structure we've created with the tenant that intends to move there, assuming that moves forward would be that they would pass back through a rent and also a participation rent in the form of what their revenues are. So, again, you've got the repayment of the money that we would put into would come from the tip from loose teeth and also come from the rent structure we put them into. And that's the status of that building, but it's not definitively done yet, but whoever goes in there most likely will need some sort of investment from the township that will be reimbursed as the tenant succeeds. And Jack, our goal is that we don't want to lose control and just sell that building to a private investor of private entity have them not succeed and have it go in and become a used that people aren't excited about. It's on the bike trail. It's a significant property. And if we're going to improve the whole community Madison place, we want to put into use that we think's exciting to Madison place and compliments. Can't they would marry months done over in the square that we get to enjoy the benefit of who we want to go do the same thing over Madison place and start to complement those uses. And I think between the fire house to marry my veterinarian clinic is temporarily going to locate the firehouse when it's done and the 68 96 Murray Avenue building, assuming the deal gets finalized and done. It's going to be just it's going to be a game changer. It's going to make it really exciting and totally change all the things we've been doing. And Lawrence planned all these events and certainly the trustees, everybody that supported them. When you have the beautiful new street architecture, you know, it's going to be impressive. So that's that's the status. No hidden agenda here. It's just when things aren't definitively done. It's hard to make public announcements. And even to this moment as I just tell you this, I'm optimistic we're going to get it done, but it's not done. The other question I have is that we usually like all the questions will probably go ahead. Is tied to similar issue on the reference in the CIC financial assistance, which I'm not critical on. It's just there's a reference to deferring expenses and it says from non tax funds. Non tax funds generally mean marijuana money, marijuana money goes to the general fund. As I understand, real estate taxes go to the general fund. It's all money's funding once they hit an account. You can't tell this dollar from that dollar once you hit a particular account. And what's sent is this from non tax funds once it hits the general account. I'm just trying to understand. I mean, I would have liked this to say what I think it means is that it's from general account or a general fund for a thousand. Which I have no problem with, but that's not what it says. It seems to be kind of soft pedaling. And I'm not saying that that's not a problem. That's not the point. I think you have to be a little more transparent with respect to financial matters. And that's the last thing that I have. I think the question. But no means are we trying not to be transparent. I understand. And I think it would be just that what I'm translating it to and so unfortunately Melissa isn't here today. But that it would be that it's non tax which would mean that it's probably coming from the general. What they would call it the marijuana thing is called a general community impact fee. It's not a tax, but it's called a fee. So I think it would be my understanding and that's that it would come from that. And again, the revenues we get from that were fully intended to be used to go improve the community and do things like this. And we're also eyeing up looking at properties over a booster pipe that are underperforming and saying how can we go continue to improve those? Because every one of those properties have dynamics that are tricky, tough owners. Some have some environmental issues. I think are clear on some of them. And we want to be poised and ready. And what I'm proud of in the decisions that this board has made previously is that we have the ability to go in, take action, and take secure those properties and put them in a position that a good tenant that we think is good for the community can then absorb in a user friendly format. Because otherwise, you know, we're looking at the site next to the tire discounted by way of example. And right now for that site to get put into play with the environmental issues that the community would participate in, you would be able to buy that site for two and a half years without further action. So the point I'm making is the fact that we're able to go lean in and participate and put those properties in the play in a user friendly format is exactly when we did the JED-Z and when we did the medical marijuana. This is exactly what I wanted to do. And that's why with Melissa's development background, part of our development background is I see a very supportive board that gets it and is on board. It's exciting to go see what we're able to do. And I'm excited about some of these opportunities. And again, I think the transformation in Madison Place is exciting. We're also items and properties over Mooster Pike. And the fact that we have the resources to do it, kudos to Mike Lemmon, Susan Hughes, Chris Criticos, all these guys, the current board, passport. It's amazing what we're able to do. And now we're looking at we got the opportunity to do something anywhere that's exciting. So that said that you've got one quick follow-up and then we're going to wrap this up. The property that I'm trying to discount is in fact, that's not true. It's not? I haven't even told myself. No. They have it under contract but they've hit a wall. Because it's okay. Okay. And by the way, to be clear, I thought they owned too. But it's clear to me they do not own it. They right now don't like the path to closure. And the path to closure is going and getting a grant from the state that they'd have to include the township. They're not sure they want to go through it and the cost to do it. And then, by the way, to get the grant and then to go clean it up would virtually take six months to get a grant. You're going to have to go clean it up six months to get a no further action letter. Like, what user on the planet is going to go through all those gymnastics? It's going to take the township to say, "All right, guys, let's get creative. Let's get dynamic. Let's put our thinking caps on and let's use some of the resources we have to go figure a solution here. Because if any user comes into the market that wants to be there, they have to go over the river and through the woods to close. And it would never be successful. Combined with there's a lot of other complicated issues. And by the way, also, I want to give kudos to Harry Holbert and I don't come up later in this meeting because we've got a lot of things we're cleaning up. And I'm very proud that we, again, have the resource to invest in a bringing Harry Holbert on board to really take on some of the properties that are detrimental to the property values here. And we are coming and continuing to try to raise the tide and raise the brand of Columbia Township. Thank you, Harry, and thank you to all the people that were able to bring the resources in so we can have luxuries like Harry. And Lauren, I know you'll have a lot more to say about that in a minute. So that said, we have any other open forum? I don't want to tell you anything. Okay. That is it. Thanks, Jenny. Now we go on to the fiscal officer's report, but the always reliable Ms. Hicken. Thank you. July begins the second half of the budget year or began, sorry, the general fund and balance was 4,370,336, which is an increase of 14% from June. Restricted fund balance was 7,589,047, which is down 5% from June. These funds totaled equal 11,959,383, which is up 1% from June. Revenues for July were 946,584, expenses were 807,407. Year to date revenues are 6,829,467, year to date expenses, 4,96033. Our JEDZ business income tax revenue for the first quarter was $270,289.64. And the second quarter is $368,455.62. The first half of our Hamilton County property tax revenues settlement, which occurred in April, our second half will occur in September. Our residential levy revenues do not cover the cost of the township's public services. Our business revenues cover more than 80% of the cost of public services in Columbia Township. Thanks to our success in attracting and supporting businesses, we continue to provide our community with exceptional services at a lower cost. Thank you. Any questions about Ms. Hicken's report? Okay, that's a new warning. Any questions about Mr. Fraser's report to the Road Superintendent? Okay, and I'm assuming Lauren Allison, who stepped in and sitting in for the presentation. I think I have an ad in the report. (Laughter) Somebody called us for a full podcast, so she's very capable of the necessary stepping into a role. You did not. You did a wonderful podcast this morning. No, an administrative report, I apologize. Okay, that and any questions about the economic development report. In that and with the police report, we are going to honor and acknowledge Lieutenant Robin. We're going to correct because it says Lieutenant Robin Reed. Welcome. We've seen you before, but welcome because you are the new liaison, correct? I am the new liaison. I am the new District 4 Commander, Lieutenant Paul Neighbor, since his best wishes and says he will miss all of you. He is now the District Commander of our District 3. He will be covering Sim's Township and Sycamore Township, but he did say that he will miss you guys. I joke with them and said I was going to come here and say Paul sends his love, and then everybody said he was Paul. (Laughter) We always say like a good neighbor. That's what we said. Honestly, he said he will really miss all of you, and he's enjoyed serving Columbia Township. And is so there if I need anything in the future, you can send all correspondence to me. I'll make sure all of you have my cell phone and email. So yeah, very excited about that. As far as police matters, the only thing that I had is that I had to receive a few complaints about Buckingham Place having speeders. So I have saturated Buckingham Place with patrol units, and they weren't able to get anyone to stop them with speeding, but at least the people that are complaining know that they can take this seriously, and we have some police presence out there. Do those complaints come directly? Do you or do they come through our office? You know, Paul had forwarded them to me, so I'm not sure if someone sent them to him, or if the residents had his email address, but I got them from him. And since he was gone, he just asked me to look into it, so I contacted the resident, and I assured the resident that we would definitely have somebody out there. So I've had somebody out there at least once a day during the listed times that the speeding has been observed, and we haven't caught this person yet, but keep in mind that the people that see us out there that we're speeding, chances are they're going to slow down. But any time you have a complaint like that, please forward to me, and we will get on it right away, speeding on streets, such as that, where we're kind of narrow. It's very dangerous, especially when you have a lot of children on bikes, and skateboards, and scooters, and that type of thing. So I really enjoy getting those emails and taking care of them. So for Watermont, if you have them. And if anybody has a problem like that, I would certainly reach out to Lauren or Melissa, and start there, and then we can certainly prioritize and pass them on to you. So thank you, and we got total faith in you. Big shoes to fill, but we're looking forward to it. Thank you. Okay, that, we move on to Mr. Lamar talking about the Little Miami Joint Fire and Rescue Report, as well as the Deer Park Silver Team Report. We always want to acknowledge we got Chief Sifke out in the audience, so thank you for coming. Yes, I just want to thank the Chief, I had a picnic a couple weeks ago, and it's nice to see the whole team out in normal, not just saving lives, I guess, but eating and being normal. So it's good to hang out with them, and I appreciate the invite. Everything's going smoothly with the Little Miami Joint Fire District. For Deer Park Silver Team, there's a neighbor day, October 12th. Yeah, same days. Yeah, October 12th would be a busy day. Put that on your calendar, I would say, if you're a resident of Columbia Township, put October 12th on your calendar, because for Little, for Deer Park Silver Team, that's a neighbor day. This will be at least our third or fourth straight year. Paul Neighbor? Paul Neighbor, yeah. It's not Paul Neighbor Day. But, it'll be food, you can shoot the fire hose and plant a truck and do all kinds of fun stuff there. But everything's going pretty smoothly in all the fire. Right? Shouldn't we get Lieutenant Reed Day? That's right. We'll get that going. Okay, any questions about the fire reports? Okay, then we move on to Trustees reports. Let's start. You, Mr. Lamar? I have two quick things. One is we have Tour de Crown, August 24th. Our second year of that to support the Little Mommy Scenic Trail, which will eventually be extended to connect to the Maury path in Lawson Way. And so, we'll be there, at least. I think I'll be there. Yeah, and Jerry, Frank and Hoff, our arborist is riding. Yeah. Because we get two tickets for free, because we are sponsors of the Tour de Crown, so Jerry and his wife are going to be riding. So, unfortunately, David, you can't do this year. We'll save it for next year. You're all hard. It's a fun event. Thanks to our partners at 50 West, which we thank them all the time, but they're great all the time. And then the other thing you want to mention is, I think most people know we're repaving Grove, which is a small little street in Columbia Township, but we're partnering with Marymont on it, half of the street is theirs. And one of the public, I think, Chris Erdel, for that. He does a lot of the kind of design on his end for free, and so it's nice of him to do that. And people that live, or drive on Grove, I have to really appreciate it, so that's all I have. Appreciate that. Just a rope here. Any new thing? The only thing I just want to mention is, we had talked previously about the much more park issue with being closed down and what might we do. And we've looked into various things, including working with some local entities on potential grant money, and that sort of thing too. To improve the situation, not only with the park itself, but the water flow, which has created some issues downstream. And so we're working on that. It was a very, very short window that just opened up to us. We found out late in the game we would have about a month this year to put together a proposal for how those issues could be remedied. I don't know if we have enough time for this year to apply for grant money to improve that situation, but we have all the players on board to do that in the future. So we're going to look at that closely to see if we can meet that timeline and do something with that park. So I know this, that if we were to improve the water situation, what is currently the park would need to be taken away, at least temporarily, while the improvements are being made, because it involves stabilizing the stream bank. So in order to do that, we need to widen the stream, and widening the stream takes you into where the play sets are and garbage cans and the picnic tables and everything. So those things would need to be removed regardless. So we might want to look at in the near future, removing those things that are actually still kind of encouraging people to go in there, even though we have a chain and caution taken, that sort of thing. It still kind of visually says park. And so we might want to look at having the park items removed just to work with closer dust and people to you enough to write. That's all I know. Okay, just a couple of acknowledgments here is a trustee reports one 50 West, our Columbia Township brand is proudly moving into their new facility over in Deerfield Township. It's a beautiful thing. I did go to their little event and saw some of our colleagues from Deerfield Township welcome them in. So it was nice to see them. I know some of the people over there and again they continue to go do better over there. It helps us because they brew their beer down here in Columbia Township and Bobby's very proud of all the things we've done and flies are flag high. Also, I acknowledge we did a podcast this morning. Lauren and I did with the newer Sunshine. Kara Carter's Sunshine Carmel Company, like we call it like in the D'Willie Walken, the Chocolate Factory Arm, our Columbia Township brand of the new candy. It's fantastic. It's down there at the Tasting's Cottage right there next to the Heritage restaurant. I highly recommend people go down there and give her a shot and kind of try to support that local business. And we also did a podcast we'll put up on the website that you can have people listen to. And then other than that, because I was not at the event, the grand, the big grand tribute band event. So I'll let you guys weigh in on that because my son was playing now in the Pay Corps Stadium. So that's why I was very open up for the little commas of Jordan Davis. So I was not at that last event, but I heard it was a fantastic event. Great weather, great time, and I know that's a big marquee event. So I let the little Brian kind of talk about that a bit and just, you know, thank the team and everything. And I wish to add, it was a great event as always. Great turnout. I saw a ton of residents there and business owners. The weather always helps. Great weather. The end was great. Food was great. 50 West was great. So thanks to all, you know, Chandra who does all these events and Lauren and Rob and Dustin who were there. Melissa was there all night and so it takes so many people to pull this off. 50 West is just amazing. So, you know, I would encourage all residents to try to attend these because I mean you typically get free food and free drinks. And so take advantage of it. We're trying to promote our neighborhood businesses who provide a lot of taxes to the community and bring in taxes from elsewhere in other communities. And as part of that, the benefits should be within our community. It's a nice walkable event to try to bring the community together and I think that they all keep getting better and better. So thanks to Lauren, Melissa, Chandra, obviously the trustees, our fiscal officer for writing the checks. And everybody involved, Dustin, his team, Rob, Jamie, Jim, everybody, it takes a team effort and I'm really proud of what we're able to do. And again, you see a lot of the people from Merrimon and again, Merrimon is a remarkable community that pay respect of how much Columbia Township, the brand of Columbia Township is improved. Because it's something to enjoy for the entire community. We can enjoy some of the things they do and they now can enjoy some of the things that we do. So it's more reciprocal and more respected and that's great. So all good stuff. Okay. We move on to communications. Any questions about the communications? Okay. Now we move on to resolutions. We're going to challenge the wonderful, gifted and talented. We call her the Wonder Woman of the Township. She's now acting administrator. I was joking with Caroline that this felt a little personal with the 12 resolutions on the left for me. But we love her. Okay. Exactly. Well, yes, you'll learn that about me when I play administrator. I'm quite at the point. Okay. So the very first one, it's a financial supplemental appropriation to supplement Columbia Township 2024 annual appropriation and supplement resolutions 2403, 2407, 2412, 2415, 2422 and 2426 of 2004. May I have a motion and a second to pass the resolution? Make a motion we approve. Okay. Okay. All right. So these next two are going to be property maintenance code related would like to give a really big shout out to Harry Holbert because he's been working very hard. It's been very nice to have somebody to take the complaints, work with the residents, try to find a solution. He's just been phenomenal. So the very first resolution are going to be nuisance violations. And I have copies of all of these for you guys if you want to just start maybe passing those around. So this is resolution 2431. This is providing for and authorizing the abatement control or removal of vegetation, garbage, refuse, and other debris declaring a nuisance for the non-compliant properties and dispensing with the second reading and declaring an emergency. I make emotionally approved. I second. I'll second. Yes. Yes. Yes. I make a motion we dispense with the second reading to our second second. Mr. Lamar? Yes. Yes. Mr. Baker? Yes. Mr. Baker? Yes. Mr. Baker? Yes. Mr. Baker? Yes. Okay. I did just want to point out the addresses and homeowners. So we're just going to run through those real quick. 6909 Bramble Avenue is Audrey Lloyd. 6912 Bramble Avenue is Corey McManan. 5680 Fredericksburg Court is John Robert Davis Jr. 6644 Murray Avenue, Miranda Sprog. 6902 Murray Avenue is Dennis and Cynthia Hamilton. 5325 Ridge. It belongs to a company called Exchange Wright in California. 6653 Stewart Road at Carolyn Betts. 6804 Stewart Road, Joan Bicket. And 7398, Looster Pike, which belongs to Olga Bortnik. So I just wanted to read. Those are the nuisance properties in the township that Harry has found for us. Okay. Since you already approved it. We'll just keep going. All right. So next is going to be Resolution 2432, which is providing and authorizing the removal of a junk motor vehicle, declaring nuisance for non-compliant vehicle located at 6929 Buckingham Place, dispensing with the second reading and declaring an emergency. We'll make a motionally approved. There is second. Second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. All right. So these are the last two emergency resolutions. We both have to do with the fire house. The first one is going to be more of a structural change with the fire house. So it's authorizing the administrator to enter into a contract with the structural systems repair process. That's our G for structural concrete apparatus, bay floor repairs for the Madison Place Firehouse redevelopment project dispensing with the second reading and declaring an emergency. We'll make a motionally approved. We'll make a motionally approved. Second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. Mr. Burke? Yes. I make a motion. We declare an emergency. Second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar? Yes. Yes. Were you able to address any of this or any commentary for this one? If you guys have anything that you need to- Itch for the scaling of the floors, but it's not. Yeah, somebody already texted me. They saw this ahead of time and my understanding is that this is an old building and they requested that we have $75,000 in contingencies for things like this, right? This is an old building. You don't know what you're going to find. That's more of our set for this next- Okay. Resolution, but you are correct. Yes. With the change orders. And I would say that we are well under that $75,000. So this is not like expenses we didn't think were going to occur. Correct. Correct. It is an older building and we can't. You can never tell what it is until you're actually in there. Okay. So this is for Resolution 2434. Authorizing change orders to the Perkins and Carmack Construction contract for the Madison Place Firehouse Redevelopment Project, dispensing, which is second reading and declaring an emergency. Make a motion. We approve the heiress second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar? Yes. Mr. Capacan? Yes. Mr. Barakan? Yes. Mr. Barakan? Yes. Mr. Barakan? Yes. I make a motion. We declare an emergency to heiress second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar? Yes. Mr. Capacan? Yes. Okay. Thank you. So next, these are all just going to be first readings. So I'm just going to read the title of the resolution. There's no building or anything like that. Resolution 2435, which is appointing members to the exterior property maintenance code board of appeals for staggered terms. So with Parry doing all this hard work, we also now have a board if they want to appeal the violation that has been given to them. And we have five, three are members, two are alternates. We have Michael Oakley, Brian Andre, and Matt Meachy are all members. And then Mark Shopshpoffman and Kevin Finn are the two alternates. Great. Thank you. All right. The next one is for the Cambridge lot. We won $110,000 in grant funds. So that's great for the redevelopment. Authorizing an agreement for engineering design of 6805 Cambridge Avenue special public use parking plan authorizing administrator to enter into an agreement with TEC engineering and distancing with the second reading. Okay. Yeah. All right. So next up. These are going into the next two are for the Plainville redevelopment 2437 authorizing financial assistance to the community improvement corporation of greater Cincinnati under Ohio development projects from non tax funds. All right. And this is 38. Authorizing an advance of funds from the general fund 1000 to Plainville to finance certain reimbursable expenditures related to the redevelopment of real property for public purposes at 6896. Any questions or anything? Okay. 39. This is on Buckingham and it is a resolution authorizing grant of easement to Oprah L. Brooks trucks trustee 6937 Buckingham app for the driveway on Columbia Township real property authorizing township administrator to execute and deliver necessary documents for such easements and distancing with the second reading. Okay. 40. This goes back to Madison place. This family needed some extra space and we needed some extra space. So we've worked well together. Resolution 2440 resolution authorizing grant of easement to accepting grant of easements from Holly and Jacob Kermanic at 6897 Cambridge Avenue authorizing township administrator to execute and deliver necessary documents for such easements and distancing with the second reading. All right. And the last one. David's favorite authorizing the township to a township administrator to accept proposal from urban green urban strong LLC for Columbia Township community green feature wall for the place firehouse redevelopment project and dispensing with the second reading. Which we're very excited for the fire or for the green wall firehouse. And this last one is just a second reading from our previous meeting in July. So this is the second reading for amending the exterior property maintenance code. We have got two readings of this so we'll read it again at next month meeting and you guys will vote and sign on that. Cool. All right. And I'm just just for the sake of the quorum. Don't get me wrong. I want to make sure we do this right. Are we certain we don't need it with the resolutions on the capacities? Or should we just do it as a formality? No. Just the emergency ones are the ones that need to be passed and signed for sure today. Okay. I'm good with that. Everybody else has not loved that special meeting which is fine. I just want to tell me that I'm not one of those how to do all these rules. I know what I want. I just don't know how to get there. All right. Then I guess that's it. Then we go on and make a motion to approve the payments of bills back for insulation and financial reports to our second. Second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar. Yes. Mr. Cambeque. Yes. Okay. Make a motion to decide the minutes and then resolutions to our second. Second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar. Mr. Cambeque. Yes. And one more thing with what we go. I meant to mention the trustee of George Harry Hall. We're kudos to him, cleaning things up. And Steve, I know you led the charge even in your neighborhood. One of the things is that Hill behind Walgreens and behind Big B Coffee, that Hill has been cleaned, cleared with your efforts at working with Harry and kudos to Harry and kudos to you for saying let's do this and have the tools to do it. And now the fence has been painted. Yeah. At least most of it has. Yeah. So I've been done in 30 years. So who's do you for thinking of it? The resource officer at Harry II, and Lord, I'm sure you had a answer. What do you wear to yell at you? All right. And last but not least, I can make a motion to wear a journ or a second. Second. Roll call. Mr. Lamar. Mr. Cambeque. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. Thank you.