Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

worship Call 1130 What's Love got to do with it? - 2024/08/13 (2)

Peter comes to know what kind of death that he will have to one day face. but he is curious about the young John. will Jesus' favorite have to bare the cross?

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
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to drill today. Today I used to drill a little bit too. Well, not a drill, a driver or whatever. Is there a one? Is there no sound? Oh yeah? Yeah. That's where we're at. That's what thumbs up is for. And that one that comes up through our bodies is picking his nose. A little far way to do that. All right. Here it is. A few more sessions to click on and we'll go from there. Oh, let's see. There we go. All right. Now we heard, we just heard a little smidgen, but I don't know. We can't really announce yet, you know, but some rumors has it that we have addition to the family and the family's growing. But I'll wait until I hear definite from from the family on that. Tonight. Welcome more. We had quite today. And Tim, we had a day. Didn't we? Tim, fantastic, great message you had. Yeah. Stop not doing it. All right. But yeah, we made it home. Here we are. Fran and Mark continue to pray for Fran Mark. Remember Jimmy and your friends, I didn't follow up on Jimmy to see if he got his tooth fits or in that bone back in his jaw, jaw. Mike Short with cancer. Jason Lampart tomorrow at tomorrow. I don't know what time, but I like what Michael said. Michael said that he wants to know the time that the time he asked about what time or distance dad's funeral was today. And he said that in that during that time, when that time's coming, because remember the big prayer we had was for those that somebody might hear the gospel message and that they will respond to it. And so he likes to know the time so that at that during that time, when that time comes that he's praying. And so I like that. And I'll get to have it doing that myself. But Jason Lampart, he told me that wouldn't say he'll let me know what times his neck operation. The funeral went today and I think it went real well. And all right. So with that, let's take the next few moments. It's on a prayer given each one the opportunity of setting everything else aside and focusing upon the Lord Jesus Christ on whose word we're about to study. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it ensures that you are filled with the Holy Spirit. And you know what to do. And if you have any incompressants, now it's the time to name them quietly and proud of the God's Father. He's faithful and just to give us their sins of kindness from all and righteousness. Pray for the speaker. It's been a long drive and I've been a long day. It's been a good day, but it's been a long day. So pray for the moto for the speaker and their sermon for y'all. Let's pray. Father in heaven, thank you for this day. Thank you for all you may bless. And I do pray once again, Heavenly Father, for those that attended today, especially for those that might not be believers yet, but I pray Heavenly Father, that the Holy Spirit will speak to their hearts that they will think clearly and that they will bring to mind the things that we're taught today. Thank you for the messages. We pray Heavenly Father, for the message not that you open up our hearts to the study of your word in Christ's name we pray. Amen. The unshakable kingdom. That's where we're at. And we are closing out Hebrews chapter 12. Looks like we are on the track to finish up Hebrews in time to begin revelation coming up in September. Again, I encourage you to be reading through revelation and making notes, but questions down. And I'll be thinking about adding a zoom in the morning so that it might want, and it might be mostly for Mike, but Tim, if you want to join that way. Got any questions or anything as we're going through revelation or anything you want to add or something. Maybe we'll have a few minutes afterwards to have a conversation, but we'll see that that's all tentative. We'll see how things go. See to it verse 25, see to it that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape who turn away from him who warns from heaven. And his voice shook the earth then talking about what happened then. Remember this at the mountains in Exodus when those where the the Israelites stood before the mountain and that mountain shook and the lightning from the clouds from the smoke on that on the mountain and the lightning and everything it terrified them. But with all that said that was a local area and these were just a specific people, specific people in a localized area. This wasn't the whole world. The rest of the world was going about its business, but but the Lord was dealing with just his people. It was just a group and comparatively to the whole world this was a small group of people thousands and thousands of people know that, but nonetheless a small group compared to the world, localized place. We're just talking about a mountain. We're talking about the local area shaking. Somebody over on the other side of the world was not privy to this. Maybe people hundreds of miles away were privy to this. Maybe those in the Egypt was not privy to this, but these people were and they saw the mountain, they saw the smoke, they saw the lightning and even Moses was terrified by this. It as great and as terrible as that day was to these people and the vision that they were seeing and it was an actual historical account, it wasn't just a vision. Something greater is coming along and it sets up a type and a sense of it because something greater is coming. Something greater and this is what the author is saying. The world is going to shake. The the very foundations of this world is going to shake and when we when we left, okay, let's just finish this and his voice shook the earth then, but now he has promised saying yet once more, I will shake not only the earth, but also the heavens, so something and this this can also go back to the day of Noah. We're back to the day of Noah when there was the the great the great deluge, the flight. There was I I don't know, but I'm gonna I'm gonna bet I won't know. Maybe I won't know in this lifetime, but I bet you they were feeling earthquakes prior to that flood. I bet you they were feeling disturbances. I bet you they were asking their question and asking questions about what's going on before that day when the earth finally broke loose. You see that remember when we're talking about the flood and the earth most of the water that flooded the earth wasn't from up above. It was from the low from the cross the earth and the earth just like it expanded and broke and and flooded the earth. There was a great what I'm saying is there was a great geological disturbance that the whole world felt of course the whole world felt because the whole earth was flooded by and again we have another type there of something that is going to come and that's something going to come is the great and terrible day of the Lord. There's the day when the Lord returns and there's going to be a great this and there's the earth is going to turn upside down inside out. It's going to and those that are privy to it won't be just a a isolated place. This is going to be a worldwide happenstance. Now where are we going to be at that point dirty and remember the great the term the great terrible day comes from Joel chapter two. Let's go back to Joel chapter two. And while I'm going to get you. I'll get it. Okay. Joel chapter two blow a trumpet in Zion and sound in the alarm on my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the Lord is coming. Surely it is near. The day of darkness include the day of clouds and thick darkness as the dawn is spread over the mountains. So there is a great and mighty people. There has never been anything like it nor will there be anything again after it to the to the years of many generations for that many generations because after that what's going to happen after that. What's going to happen after the great and terrible day of the Lord. Exactly the millennial reign of the kingdom and we're not going to see this anymore. There's redone the fire consumes before them and behind them a flame burns. He's talking about that burning gas. The land is like a garden of Eden before them but a desolate wilderness behind them. See all this is the typology and numbers when the Israelites were coming were they were going to come into the land. Before them they they saw the great wonderful land. They said remember Moses said after recon that recon was Joshua and Caleb and some from one from every tribe to go into hunt out the land and they testified that it was a great land and behind them was the wilderness. So before I have us is the promise behind us is the the wilderness which we we pass through and nothing at all escapes them. Their appearance is like appearance of horses and like war horses so they run with noise as the chariots they eat on top of mountains like cracking of a flame of fire consuming the stubble like a mighty people arranged for battle before then the people are in anguish. So all of this as Joe is describing is the great and terrible day of the Lord. The great and terrible day of the Lord is again when the Lord comes back the tribulation didn't rent this up here and the the tribulation period is broken down. I'm going to hold off that that's going to be teaching coming up to almost still my thunder for revelation but it's what the Lord coming is a consummation of of history it's the breaking of the tent of the sixth seal and revelation. All right coming back to our passage here. So once again verse 26 and his voice shook the earth then then but now he has promised saying yet once more I will shake not only there but also the heaven. 27 this expression yet once more denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken as he created things so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Okay help me out when you think about thing anything comes to mind with this he says anything cannot be shaken first of all he's coming it's first of all this is a purging the purging of evil. One of my favorite passages and regards to evil is Psalm 37 let's go to Psalm 37 with him and while I got her I'll get I'll let you have this one. Psalm 37 do not fret because of evil doers be not envious toward wrong doers for they will wither quickly like the grass and fade like the green herb trust in the Lord and do good dwelling land and cultivate faithfulness delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust also in him and he will do it he will bring forth your righteousness as light and your judgment has the noon day rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him do not frayed because of him who prospers in his way because the man who carries out wicked schemes sees from anger and forsake wrath do not frayed it leads only to evil doing for evil doers will be cut off of those who wait for the Lord they will inherit the land yet a little while in the wicked man will be no more and you will look carefully for his place and he will not be there but the humble will inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant prosperity the wicked plot against the righteous and ashes at him with his teeth the Lord laughs at him for he sees his day is coming right there he sees his day coming the Lord you see the understand this the Lord is not reactionary the the Lord is it and and the Lord is not responding and it's not that the Lord's getting fed up there is a timing and we can look at it in a number of different ways he he's he's letting a wicked build up an indictment number one he's letting the wicked build up the indictment that he gives them the opportunity to repent God is a God of grace he says in second Peter second Peter three that he wishes no one to perish and God is extending his grace and we may bring our hands and we may be upset at what the evil is doing in our time and certainly we are and certainly we should be angry about it and we're saying why is the Lord not coming down and and and bringing his judgment well believe me there is a time when the door of the art is going to be closed you know what I'm talking about when the door of the ark will be closed that Moses or Noah must have went through a lot of a lot of strength a lot of mocking a lot of ridicule of him building in a in this monstrosity his ark on dry land and he's talking about a coming flood a deluge that's going to destroy mankind and man has the opportunity anyone has the opportunity to say I'm trust okay what do we do the door is open but when that door was shut it was shut by God and the opportunity for repentance was closed and evil will there is a coming out of day when evil will have its its last say and then it'll be time for God to speak God speaks they're just not listening but it will be time of great wrath against the wicked and where are they going to hide at that point it's going to be prior to the great and terrible day of the Lord the church will be removed you and I who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we will be removed from this earth and then they once again the 144,000 will be sealed and then that will be truly the the wrath of God the very wrath that Jesus by the way experienced when he was on across to the judgment against sin and it's going to and this is going to be a purging of the wicked from this earth at that point right now we live in the the parentheses of time what are you doing with the time that God has given you and I'm asking that even to you as Christians and this time for the time is a great commodity along with the other great provisions that God has given us grace for us gives first of all grace gives the person and a great and while the door of the art is open I mean when I say the God is withholding his judgment and giving us time because even in this wickedness even in this wicked world you got friends who are unbelievers you know all your friends are saved yeah all your friends are saved well okay I've got friends I've got friends and family who are not saved I've got those that you know they they are coworkers they just they might be good people but I'm holding out hope that they will be safe I'm holding out the hope in this period of time before that door of the ark is shut that they might come and respond to the to the grace of God another thing with grace is for us that great commodity of time because every day is the day of service to the Lord is to store up our treasures in heaven sharing up our walk in the Lord because we are all going to be judged before the judgment seat of Christ to give an answer from what we've done in the body but once whether we die or that our our self topic is a great terrible damn Lord once that happens that door of the ark is closed that opportunity for us to repent is done but the friends or family at that point will be lost and they will have to those living in that generation and I think we are living in that generation I won't be dogmatic about it but I think we will we won't see as believers we won't see the great and terrible day Lord we will be snatched out of here but nonetheless those who we love friends again friends family co-workers they will have to face the judgment seat or they will face the the terrible wrath wrath of God this expression first 27 this expression yet once more than notes the removing of those things which can be shaken as a created thing so that those things that cannot be shaken may remain and what I mean by remain it is that which is going it is that which is going to be preserved to go into the kingdom the kingdom of God with inheritance as as Matthew said we are to seek first a kingdom in his righteousness that's where and where where we saw earlier at that point behind us will be all the persecution will be all the challenges all the tribulation at that point will be looking forward into a the kingdom age that is to come I think also our attitude even right now comes let's turn to Matthew 7 Matthew 7 and pick up with 24 they're great 24 therefore everyone who hears these words a month and acts of them on them may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain fell and the force came and the wind blew and slammed against that house but yet it did not fall for it had been founded on that rock everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the same the rain fell and the force came and the wind blew and slammed against the house and it fell and great was its fault when Jesus had finished these words the crowds were amazed at his teaching or he was teaching them as one having authority and not as their scribes okay speaking of two foundations here these foundations are going to be shaken at those that built their foundations on a rock and what do you think the rock is when we're looking at the foundation what kind what what this is a a fingertip speech while a gunner what does this bring to mind when you're building your house on rock faith faith okay yeah tell me a little bit more expound a little bit more on it the stronger the faith the more stable you are with our relationship the more knowledgeable you can be um how do you go build that faith the word the word for one now is it just reading it no it's obeying it you know reading it obeying it okay that's another step what else you got to do with it and i will go deeper on that i'll pick it up for me you got anything that yes you read you're studying it you're reading it you're eating it it's in these words that you've become and and with it you're building up a an understanding a doctoral understanding in it yeah this is what he uh Matthew's talked about and and um Matthew's talking about anyone to hears these words and hearing is much more than just academics like you just said obedience to it you be you fall in love with you um it begins to nurture you because the word of God is a nurturing of your spiritual life and the more you learn it the more you you take the word in and it it brings you to a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ it develops a personal love for the Lord and with that personal love there is that foundation that foundation of faith that operating system and and very good well yes it is the word of God that we're going to build that that is the foundation that we're on so first of all our rock those who are on that rock those who have the opportunity of are the believers that are inculcated with the word of God they're creating a a stable mentality peace and tranquility of the soul and they're strengthened in their faith like their that spiritual operating system that's your foundation that's your rock and you begin to live by it and so you're safe first of all you're safe from the wrath of God you're also say you temporarily even though we're going through trials and and tribulations you're going to be safe from the um that that great terrible deck let's look at revelation revelation three there is a um let's see it's one of these I do not think it's at patience you got the seven churches right let's see um he was the airline here you said revelation three yeah it might be revelation three uh that is we're looking for that you will not be hurt or you be preserved uh probably terrible day on the city that's three verse twenty two three verse twenty two we that for me let him hear what the spirit says the church is that's the he who had the ear okay we have okay that's not what i'm looking for okay um come back to two it is a um promise we preserve from this time um okay it's one of the churches so we'll move on coming back to Hebrew chapter 12 let's go down 28 therefore since we receive verse 28 since we receive the kingdom which cannot be shaken right now we are kingdom citizens already already but not yet can i get you another bible over there yeah my pages are starting to come out of the Hebrew um sorry uh so the kingdom which cannot be shaken um let us show gratitude by which we may offer to god an acceptable service with reverence and awe okay our lives should be looking forward to this kingdom we once again living as kingdom um kingdom citizens understanding that our citizenship is in kingdom and um this kingdom would come and we stand upon that mighty foundation those that are not on that foundation is like that going back to rebel going back to Matthew that they did not um that they can be compared to those that built their um that built the house on a sand that those things that will not stand that structure will not stand and we don't live in a and you think that the world um and all that's evil and they and we mustn't be afraid of it because remember that the lord is in heaven laughing the sy the systems that if they seem like the life to us you and when you start saying these things and and the way a few people are going to to suppress and oppress the people of the world through technology and and they think that these people are the brilliance and they they they're evil they bask in their the their their intellect their evil intellect and they love it and they think wow we've got it and all and these people with the money and them people with the technology and the people where the the media on their side and all that and you sit there and you're looking at this goliath and you say how can I ever survive such the evil just remember that the lord is in heaven's laughing he laughs at this as song chapter two he sits in heaven and laughs let's go to song to it's it's one of my favorites so too so great it's another one of these these sounds i go to when when my story happened in nature i keep passing yeah go ahead read it i'm probably there but go ahead and read it why are the nations in an uproar and the people's dividing of main thing the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the lord and against his anointed saying let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their quarters from us he who sits in heavens in the heavens laughs the lord scoffs at them then he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury saying but as for me i have installed my king upon Zion my holy mountain i will surely tell of the decree of the lord he said to me you are my son today i have forgotten you ask of me and i will surely get the nations as your inheritance and the variants of the earth as your possession you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall shatter them my karith and where now therefore oh kings show discernment take warning go judges of the earth worship the lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling do homage to the son that he not become angry and you perish in the way for his wrath may soon be kindled how blessed are all who take refuge in him and we take refuge in him and i love i love this pastor because at we are in christ we are in the lord is transcendent which means which you look at this microphone and you got this little ball on the microphone transcendent means that god is outside of that of that little ball of that scripture there's a scripture i believe in Isaiah says that all the oceans metaphor talk about the greatness of god all the oceans can just fit in the little cup of his hand that's all the oceans this is our great god one of the reasons why we learn the attributes of god and study the bible is to know about our god and and to abide in him and to recognize that my god is bigger than all the thing all the systems of this world because all of the systems of this world will fail them during that day and they will be crushed um our and verse 29 for our god is a consuming fire turn to deuteronomy 4 yeah we'll start with deuteronomy 4 24 deuteronomy 4 24 anybody first one gets a go for it for the lord your god is a consuming fire a jealous god when you become the father of children and children's children and have remained long in the land and act corruptly and make an idol in the form of anything and do that which is evil in the sight of the lord your god so as to provoke him to anger i call heaven in order to witness against you today that you will surely perish quickly from the land where you are going over the jordan to possess it you shall not live long on it so we'll be utterly destroyed okay so what is consuming fire there great what would consuming fire be no it'd be god's judgment that's god's judgment listen both do not think that the lord will condone sin that will perpetuate and allow the perpetuation sin it is evil and evil religious talk about the yin yang that that evil good and evil coexist eternally and will always code this no it's not evil had a beginning and evil will have its end and as we all have to say when grace when the grace of god runs out well well when when god halts his grace judgment will come right back into it another important point that we brought up sunday that grace and mercy are not attributes of god and we talked about that the attributes of god is like love mercy our love um on missions on the presence and mutability the the eternality uh sovereignty these are the attributes of god but they do not include grace and mercy grace is that god extends to uh his it extends blessings to those who do not deserve us but like that that which that's which one receives that he does not deserve that's grace mercy is that god withholds that what you do deserve you deserve you deserve the wrath of god the unbeliever just the the evil within this world deserves the the um the fire and brimstone right now but god withholds that that's called mercy but god will not god will not um perpetuate he cannot allow the perpetuation of sin to the point where he condones it there's got to be a time when grace and mercy is going to be withdrawn and at that day there will be retribution on all sin he is a consuming fire we read psalm 37 and where evil will be thought of no more uh deuteronomy and let's go deuteronomy 9 3 please deuteronomy 9 3 ready you've got that one no therefore today that it is the Lord your god who is crossing over before you as a consuming fire he will destroy them and he will subdue them before you so that you may drive them out and destroy them quickly just as the Lord has spoken to you okay um so when i think of consumer fire when i think of the the uh the consumer fire torch i think of i go back to torch any oven going back to genesis chapter 15 and we talked about in genesis 15 where the lord is making a covenant with abraham and um abraham falls asleep darkness falls over the earth um he he makes this he makes the um covenant with abraham let's look at that verse 15 15 as for you this is while abraham is sleeping he's seeing this region you shall go to your father's at peace you let's back up a little bit let's go 12 15 12 genesis 15 12 he says now when the sun's going down a deeply fell upon abraham and behold terror and great darkness fell upon him gosh said to abraham no for certain that your sinners will be strangers in a land that is not theirs where they will be enslaved and oppressed for 400 years but i will judge the nation whom they will serve and afterwards they will come out with many possessions as for you you shall go to your father's at peace you will be buried in good old age then an a fourth generation that will return here and um yeah then on a fourth generation they will return here for the nikritia the amorate is not yet complete it came about when the sun had said that it was very dark and behold there appeared a smoking oven remember a smoke on the mountain israel in a flaming torch that consuming fire which passed between the pillars idea 33 14 says sinners in zion are terrified trembling has seized godless who among us can live with the consuming fire who among us can live with continual burning seconds that's lower it's one seven and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the lord jesus will be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire today is the day that all must come to the land meeking model see when when jesus first came he came as that gentle lamb that first time that jesus came was that quiet quiet and that little quiet town where when jesus was born where was jesus born at Bethlehem Bethlehem was there a lot of fanfare no no who knew about it the prophets well i mean other than the shepherd that night the shepherds at night at shepherds at night and there were you can say that the magi knew about it candles candles no bad um mary and jose no bad but relatively everything remained the same remember when the magi came to Jerusalem asking where is the sun where is the sun as the messiah who was born and nobody nobody really knew about it no that was like after they traveled for a while so it was quite a yeah it was quite it was um so my point is when he came as a lamb he came without notice but when he comes back that was his first advent advent means of coming that was first advent when he comes the second time he doesn't come as a lamb he comes as a lion and that lion comes and he devours people say well what about the loving god you just miss the loving god you just miss loving jesus back there when when he was a lamb that you could approach when wickedness could repent the wicked people could repent and turn to that lamb and be saved but now here is that lion the lion of Judah and he comes and he will be noticed and he will devour and a consuming fire that he is going to that everything is not everything that doesn't meet his righteousness will be utterly destroyed today the lamb which was slain is the way to peace with god time is a great commodity that is running out and when the last second is struck the lamb is taking off the stage it's like the lamb that leaves the stage and then a lion comes on that stage for those who fail to valor need to the lamb they will not escape the devouring lion who is the king of kings the lord of lords now is the time to make our decision you don't know if you have tomorrow um death we we just had a funeral earlier death is always a object lesson physical death is a manifestation of a spiritual reality that that though that we are born in this world separate from god and that has to be corrected and that corrected is what do you think of the lamb of god and if we do not subject ourselves in valor need to the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world that one who died on the crossfire sins we certainly will be confronted with the devouring lion lion and the um and that consuming fire that will take us into the and we will follow that lamb those of us who are believers in lord jesus christ on that rock will take us right into the millennial age so the we will and then sonnet we got the next two next fourth or is it two class or we have got three class or four classes but we'll finish up with chapter 13 and chapter 13 is the epilogue and the benediction it goes with the changeless christ the god pleasing sacrifice and the benediction so we pray that we will um get through that all right we've got some questions to go through the number one what was the power great i'll give you this one what is the power that god used to bring the world into existence the word the word the word of god you remember the passage on that um let's go to hebrews chapter 11 and coming down three by faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of god so that what is seen is not made out of things which were visible yes by the by the word and if the word is that powerful how important is it that we should be students of god's word very important all right while you're going according to the teaching uh of arby thing that uh in the plan of god we've mentioned this several times if god exists if god makes sense if god reveals himself if god has a plan and he has made you an object of god's plan what do you want god anything well okay look at the loyalty obedience by hearing her faith i'll be above no well we have all of the above but specifically we all got to hear it we all got to hear it this as as the propositions if i can convince you that there is a god and persuade you that there is a god and you come to understand that there's a god you may not understand them but uh and then you know that god makes perfect sense that god we have an irrational god and that um and that god has a plan and you are the object of god's plan then it comes to be understood that i need to hear when god has to say i need to be let in on this plan so um you all got to hear and that means it's time to get into a little build box so it's time to get into your body it's time to start seeking for you to find all right back what can cause it believe or not to listen to god god or not hear god's speaking to us harden of their hearts or cardinality okay okay harden your heart carnal tell me a little bit about carnality um this is when you've been uh living in sin yeah and you you've uh you've been away from his word you turned your eyes away from him and you you've rejected him in other words you turned towards um the world cosmic and you're more of the world than what you are spiritual yeah you're um and remember that carnality doesn't necessarily have to mean that you're sending your socks off yeah yeah you could be just um you actually could be kind of like uh i don't know if i'm going to say names but um some famous person comes up and is like oh i believe in positive thinking because if you get to spoken here uh all about no more events appeal so i was another person but you're positive thinking and you know you're always thinking good things and but you're not even thinking of god nor jesus christ there's no in the words there's no applying the word but it's all focused on just maybe positive thinking maybe even being thankful but not accrediting to your god creator in the lord jesus christ and um oh and and you could even be a believer in doing this a lot of unbelievers do this so you're actually acting as unbelievable right yeah i think i'm believer and um it comes with distraction when you sit aside your spirit and exactly with carnality if you sit aside your spirit is a priority and Matthew chapter seven seek and you will find not and it will be open to you ask and it will be given to you it is our lives should be geared at pursuing the things of god um yes you'll have up you have interest out there going up we're getting ready to go hunt coming up on uh hunting season this september that's a new thing that's you know and that's exciting and um you got a new job and um you're starting school there's things that occupy our minds but don't let those things supersede or supersede your thoughts on god we should be we're not should be not compartmentalizing god and as long as you compartmentalize god doesn't mean you're not a believer but means god i've got other things to do i'll come back we need to learn to abide and to walk with the war and a consistent persistent basis because if we seek him it says it says uh in james it tells us to um to to um to seek god to seek god and um and we have other passage that says that um that while god can be found to seek him out that he may be found okay the um and i was saying james james draw near to god and he will draw near to you and but when you don't when you're black uh when you're not seeking when you're not asking when you're not knocking and you and your spiritual life becomes on the rocks because you're busy with so many other things then you're going to stop hearing so you're going it's you're going to become spiritually hard at hearing can we do can we use that spiritually hard at hearing spiritually death okay god is still god still there it's just out here not listening coming back to you grady willful ignorance that means that you're just willfully ignorant of god's word is just like what being an unbeliever being morally wrong rejecting god's word or rejecting god's love okay that's right exactly right i heard that if you're art willfully and you may be a good person you may be morally maybe everything else and you may say yes you love god but if you're not in the god's word if you're not learning god's word if you're not growing in god's word and and you're not you're not seeking the Lord in his word you are it's ten about the rejection of god's word it's like parents who um who uh kids who ignore their parents you just not listen to them and um doesn't mean that mom told you to do something but you just didn't hear you tuned her out it's still ten about to rejecting what she had to say you can't just close your ears and say oh i just didn't know you chose not to hear and therefore it should you rejected her authority you rejected what she had to say so once again the willful ignorance of god's word is ten about to the rejection of god's word which is sin all right um why gunner how can you suppress the holy spirit in your life how can you suppress the holy spirit in your life how can you suppress it how do you suppress it you got the holy spirit that indwells you you got the holy spirit and he's there to teach you he's there empower you and he's and comfort you he is there to help you how can you just suppress what the holy spirit is there to do for you that's one rejection of his work and what else i mean no no type of connection with the lord no prayer you push that aside okay and generally you got something down um well you you're there's no repentance no repentance which means what that you're you're you're you're not facing you're not eyes a lot upon him if you're not repent so you can't there is no connection to the spirit so you're and if you want to go if you want to go simple it's sin sin yeah sin missing the mark the sin harmony will will mean that you are suppressing the holy spirit when you walk in court to the flesh you are you cannot live by the flesh and live by the spirit at the same time you're living by the flesh you're suppressing the holy spirit all right next what are two power systems to live um two power systems that you need to orient to for the christian way of life what are two power systems what are the two top priorities in your life to live the christian way of life the word of god and gods of love the word of god in the holy spirit baptism and regeneration with the word of god and god's armor well you gotta have the holy spirit that you can't get in and you can't have the word of god okay that was two two power systems word of god you better have which one comes first now there are two sides of grace i think don't eat any well he he kind of i guess he had to you leave one out and you're out of the door you're not working he had to work together all right great what what is not god's attributes what is not god's attributes let's all of them that's an attribute okay why what what are two things that are not god's attributes grace and mercy grace and mercy are not god's attributes they are divine pariahives these are what god chooses to do as in access he says i want grace on whom i have grace and mercy on whom i have immersed me okay well i got it the term day of the lord refers to what the terrible day of the lord them to return the rapture that's not the rapture but it come takes place the release the release of his wrath yes that's a good way put it the release of his wrath upon the wicked and that is that precedes the establishment of his kingdom on his earth okay um Becca how does shaking of the mountain in excess 20 compared to the great and terrible day of the lord back in actually you have the shaking of the mountain here you have the shaking of the world what house house two comparing they're they're both they're both tied well one is a tied of what is to come right so you have you have um a revelation of the um which is greater the one that was or one to come the one to come exactly um who did they okay on um on that when it's shaking of the mountain who did it involved and what did it involve do you want now when the shaking of the mountain and Mount Sinai when God was on that mountain who did it involve it involved the Israelites oh oh on the day of the lord who doesn't involve the wicked the whole earth all right last question for anybody god is a consuming fire which refers to what god's power god's judgment god's love god's righteousness god's judgment he is a consuming fire all right while he's gone that's pretty for us and we will close it out dude lord i'm thank you for granting us this gift of another day lord another day on this earth he get closer to you lord and not only that but to to fellowship over your word lord to not just as one person get closer to you but as a group get closer to you lord and pray that you allow us to get something out of this service today cross name operate amen amen amen all right love you all thanks for being here um enjoyed it and you are remember saturday's you know phone check with joey i'll get back with joey on that on that for saturday c you can just meet up with him all right but um all right you are jesus oh there is no great earthy you're my lord you're my lord you're my right just and i love you oh (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music)