Fightful Wrestling Podcast with Sean Ross Sapp

Oba Femi VS Otis; Hendry Targets Ethan Page, New Tag Champs | WWE NXT 8/13/2024 Show Review & Result

1h 59m
Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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Alex (@AlexSourGraps) and Kate (@MissKatefabe) review tonight's episode of NXT, including:

-NXT Tag Team Championship: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Ridge Holland)

-NXT Heritage Cup Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey

-NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi (c) vs. Otis

-Lexis King vs. Eddy Thorpe

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Like, even friggin AEW is putting out a friggin flag with MJF's face on it for the start. Like, everything, like, I know I say it a lot, but tonight it's true. Everything sucks. Well, not everything. It is my three-year anniversary here at Fightful, which is great. I know that's the point. It's supposed to be a night of celebration. I don't think he ruins everything yet again. The worse the episode, sometimes the more fun we have. So, guys, we can't do it a long time, let me be abundantly clear. Okay, this is your NXT post show for August 13th. We have a lot of fun on the show. We can't do it with this episode without you guys, so we're gonna need you to send in your super chats. Send in your hot projects at Leave a thumbs up on this video. Help people find us in the algorithm so much. I will also ask you to subscribe to before Alex turns into the guy from Star Trek who has the for ice. But, I feel like that com so much more contract is coming up gossip about the Lucha brothers went up earlier today. We love a little gossip, a little tea. More contract news on the way. More about the Warner deal. A little victory lap on the old stadium show that people said wasn't gonna happen. That'll probably be happening next year. So much more to come. This episode was bad. It wasn't even bad and I'm like this will be fun to make fun of it way. It was just bad. It wasn't wack-a-doo bad. It was just like what are we doing? Just so depressing. Just so depressing. It's just the antithesis of what I want in wrestling television. You know what I mean? We can really mess up because every card should be booked how we want. I mean that's all I can do is from the basis of my be objective. I'm sorry. I am a person who has thoughts in my own head and the thing that I want is it happening? They talk to you. They understand which is important but like also objectively there are things in wrestling that make sense. What's so perplexing to me about this is that Shawn Michaels was in storylines at angles that made sense. You wouldn't know it from tonight's show that he was ever in stuff that made sense as a wrestler because he took zero of that knowledge with him into the book and see what it feels like today. This was not good. This was not good. There's very very few things on the show. If you ask Alex there's zero for me there's very few that like this is coming off of great American bash man like what are we doing? This is rough. I have my anniversary of all days. Oh you're at it first. He didn't send me a watch. He didn't post me good matches. It was supposed to be like good. It was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be things to make fun of and things we could do voices about and instead we got Tony D losing because of rampant interference in a pure rules match basically where we're during I guess I can make fun of this because during the match I think Booker T said the word heritage eight hundred and three times because that's all he knows about the heritage cup business there's about a heritage. Are you a regimen botany because you're just turning eight? I mean I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to talk about this joke. I don't want to talk about not just this episode but this show. I don't want to talk about this show anymore. It gives me nothing that I like. It gives me nothing that I want. It is an abusive relationship. Like I have every Tuesday this show abuses me and I just have to sit and take it because Sean Ross that pays me money. I am not this show's whore. I do not have to take this abuse for the money. Hold on. I don't have to do it. Yes you are but also the good news is we do the show for two hours and we talk about wrestling for like 40 minutes of those two hours. That is true. We're good with that. But I feel like for puns it's got to be anniversary puns right or celebration. I don't like on this night. I don't know like natural anniversary. I mean okay fine the anniversary and a anniversary. I'm doing the show anniversary puns in the chat. I am a broken vacuum tonight. I will not suck it up. Fix it vacuum. Propped for everything. Suck it up Polowski. We got a show to talk about. Okay fine. They started off the night with Wesley walking backstage. He's got heel braids. He's got braids that make him a heel now. And they're like why did you do it? He's like well blah blah blah. I guess I'll talk about it later. And then Ethan Page is great. Ethan Page is great. I just don't love the stuff that they're doing with this. Well this is one of the better things I feel like. We've been asking what they're going to do with Joe Hendry since he's come in here. Yes. We've been asking why he's been like we're going to go after Gallis. Which he's barely not doing. He only had interest in one member of Gallis. And so him going after Ethan Page is a good thing. This was like the good thing on the show. So we get to talk about that. This this was the good thing on the show. By the end of the night it was no longer good to me. But this is the good thing on the show. So I him coming out and cutting the promo about how nobody can beat me. Blah blah blah. I love his David Koresh classes. Oh look for him. He brings the passion. He's very very good. I think he's also got his own little Mike. What's the thing? It's a specific there's a name for it. The thing that goes around the mic to let you know what station you're on. It's a flag. Is it a mic flag? Yes. A mic flag. Is that his own? He's got his own mic flag. You know what said that though? No he didn't. He turned there. He turned upside down. He's got his own. Like he had to go and get that specially made. So I enjoyed him you know talking like I also like Wesley cut all the dead way. So he's like okay now that he's a heel. I agree with him but he can't take my thing. Pete Dunne you have no trick Williams. Like when are you gonna even if you get past Pete Dunne you got no chance of coming in me. There's nobody and then it's Joe Henry. And this is this is this is fine. This is what this this is the thing they need to do with Joe Henry who's going to be on the show. This is the thing they need to do with him. For sure. And him and he's in page will be very good. You know and it's fine. It's just not what I want out. Not not not my ideal and therefore it sucks. Like it's just not my ideal thing and therefore it sucks. And I wish that I was not again an eight year old about this but it's not my ideal thing and therefore it sucks. So it's fine. It's fine. I can't hate on it. The promo battle between him and the Henry in page was fine. And then Ethan page leaves. And then in comes Wesley to kick Joe Henry in the face. Yes. I don't know. Are we to presume this is going to be a triple threat? What? Henry Wesley and and page. No, it's Henry Wesley and Pete Dunne next week for the right to face Ethan page at no mercy. That's what they announced. So it's a triple threat. Number one can. Yeah, it's a triple what triple threat number one contenders match, which I expect Joe Henry to win because I don't think you'd do another for fatal four way. No, you can't. So soon. So Joe Henry wins. Like here's the deal. Wesley later in the night and I'm going to hop all around tonight because I just want to be done talking about the show for the rest of my life. Wesley later challenges Zach Wentz to a match. Yes. And so Zach Wentz will answer the challenge by costing Wesley next week. You know who's going to cost Pete Dunne the trick Williams. So Jen, Joe Henry's winning that triple threat next week. And you know, there you go. That's that's how that works. It's pretty if I were to say, how are they going to book it? Wesley's about to win the match. Zach Wentz shows up. They brawl to the back, right? Pete Dunne's about to beat Joe Henry. In comes trick Williams running trick knee. And then Joe Henry does a choke slam and pins him. That's that's how I think they're going to book it. Would I be surprised at all if that's exactly how they booked it? No. Do I think it's a hundred percent chance? 93. So 93 percent chance they booked exactly how I said it because they only book things certain ways. So we're getting Joe Henry versus Ethan Page at the the the big pay per view, the plan that leads us right into the CW era. That's great. Ethan Page, I think beats Joe Henry. And I don't think I don't know how long this TNA thing is sticking around. But like, it'd be interesting if we could figure out a way to like go into the CW era with Ethan Page's champion and like three or four really top contenders. And I feel like they're doing this early. So again, not perfect. And therefore it sucks. So, thank you for letting me know that that was the contentorship because we're gonna talk. Right. Definitely decided we were going for a walk right as this was starting. So we just heard. So I had the volume down, but I will say it is nice to have some fresh names in that top contentorship picture. Like it's nice that Wesley is he was such a North American title purr for so long that it's nice that we've moved up and on with him. What are we? What are we doing with trick Williams though? Like it really feels like he's very vulnerable right now. And I don't know how you get him back on track. There's certainly a million heels on this program to do that against and not that many faces. Well, I mean, here's here's how I wouldn't get trick Williams back on track. Just having to do a weird nonsensical vignette like trick Williams solves problems. Trick Williams has you figures you everything out. Just not a problem that trick Williams can't solve. I mean, when is when did that become your gimmick? When do you when it was since when are you a problem solver? It took you six goddamn months to figure out Carmelo Hayes attacked you. What are you talking about? You're a problem solver. Great detective. World's greatest detective trick Williams. What are you talking about, man? Do you think maybe he was doing a couple of puzzles backstage? They were like, he knows how to solve these problems. Maybe that's possible. The thing is it feels like the next place trick should go is into a feud with Oba Femi. And I think that's a bad idea. And here's why. I don't think trick should be losing what's next for him. No, he's going to be Pete Dunne and trick Williams have another match at No Mercy. Trick Williams wins this one. Maybe that means that now Pete Dunne can go up and do his thing with with Seamus. Since Seamus got written off of TV with a broken hand via Shalaly in the hand of Pete Dunne last night. Maybe Pete Dunne losing to trick Williams because Seamus? I don't know. Maybe we'll see. But he has to go up and actually do the Seamus thing at that point. And we can just move trick back into the top title picture. And we can do the rivalry that I pitched months ago of the CW starting with the real rivalry. Trick Ethan Page on the same level. Now you've done a piss ass job of doing that kind of booking them on the same level from the get go with trick kicking out of his finisher, beating him clean, and then knocking out Ethan Page so the Ethan Page could take his title. But maybe on the CW, you actually start them off on an even footing and we move on from there. Maybe I think that would be the best thing to do. You have a super over baby face former champion against against a heel who does really great character in ring and promo work. This is a great way to start off to young guys to bring the CW era along with a top rivalry. Do that if you are smart, but we have seen a lot tonight that they are not. So we will just happen. Here's my problem with that. I don't know how you close and it's not my job. So it's theirs. How are we closing the creative gap of the fact that like how is beating Pete done getting you back on a title track? You know what I mean? He should have wanted the title back immediately after he lost it and he had no interest in doing that. And he was in a four way where he didn't have a feud with any of the guys in that four way. So what? I'd trigger Williams. Just does not feel like a top of the card guided me right now. It is probably because of his weak ass rain. It was probably because he had one defense against Ethan Page and a house show defense. But like CW new era of the new era fine. Like you want to say that's a fresh slate, whatever. But there's like a serious, serious issue of them not being able to book top baby faces at all, much less entitled pictures and kind of like how it took them forever with LA night to capitalize on the fact that he was so over. It's like they rest on their loyals instead of putting a magnifying glass on that, which is not not good. But anyway, I'm glad that Ethan Page is not getting rolled up outside of matches anymore because that was stupid. That was really dumb. That was that was a horrible way to be very, very fun. We'll get a song out of it. It'll be good. Yes. Yeah. Um, uh, later in the, uh, night, well, I'll just tip to this now. Wesley comes out to cut his promo about how, um, he always had to basically babysit Zach Wentz. Um, I was the one who got your ass up so you could make it to the airport on time for flights to places. I made sure everything was plotted out for you. I was the one driving to and from every place. Um, uh, and so like he, he, he mentions Trey as well, but it's mostly Zach Wentz thing. Um, and you and your dumb ass decisions got me abandoned here when I was when everybody thought, Oh, who's he gonna find another tag team partner? Cause I was just a tag guy. That's all I could ever be because I was seen as attached to you. And there was no, no, so I had to, to work my way up to even be seen as anything. And I've allowed myself to fall into the comfortability of being with my brothers again and being just a tag guy. But Zach Wentz let me down yet again. I was like, this would be great if Zach took the pin, but like you took the pin. So like I always hate when the guys like the tag team guy, you let me down like, because he didn't break up the pinfall where you were being pinned. I mean, I guess, but I always prefer it. The guy's gonna say you let me down that he has a leg to stand on and Wesley in this particular case doesn't. But anyway, so he says that you guys can go ahead and you can be wrestlers TNA. And I thought it was gonna do I'm going to be a superstar. He didn't say it. He didn't say it, but he was this damn close. He says, I'm gonna be an XT, an XT champion. And he is interrupted by Pete Dunne. And they decide they're gonna brawl because who's who's gonna be champion here? Pete Dunne is interviewed earlier, like, or beat trick fair and square that he upbeat him be too bad. He caught possibly face to me. Don't worry about it. So they're gonna brawl, but in comes Joe Hendry. And then they all brawl. And then that is when after that, it is announced that next week, there will be a triple threat match for the number one contendership to Ethan Paige at no mercy. And I feel like it is a the most foregone of all foregone conclusions that Joe Hendry wins that match. So he should though ends. I like that we are getting upward mobility from Wesley. That's good. That's I think a very, very good thing. You also aren't going to do that because you're not going to have heel on heel and kind of not that Ethan Paige and him are similar heels, but it's not like one's a goofy heel or whatever. Right. Right. So that's part of it. But I really liked the reasoning from Wes because they they needed one. They needed something. They needed something. Yeah. Yeah. And I thought that was good because I've had that friend. I probably been that friend to somebody. And my only thing was like, he was really successful without Zach went. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Incredible title reign. So this like you held me back thing. Yeah. Was it so true? But like, it was it was really, really well done. And he's he's a great promo. I'm glad they're letting them him explore the side of things because I do feel like that hasn't been a report or anything that we'd be abundantly clear. But it does feel like they're trying to test both sides of the water before they call people up to the main roster. And he was yeah, he was a face and a really good one for a long time. Yeah. I mean, it's we'll we'll we'll see they they they usually have a playbook one single one for small athletic guy who's a heel now. Because then they won't let him do any of their fun stuff that pops the crowd. So like he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna pick up some kind of very painful submission maneuver and start winning moves with that. You know what I mean? Like matches with that. Like he's not allowed to do like you can't do flippy do's if you're if you're a bad guy. Only only good guys do flippy do's. So you know what I mean? So yeah, it's true. It's true. We'll see. I feel like he would be so fun in a tag team. I know you had booked a while back like a abroad with Ricochet would have been really, really cool. 2022 was when I first booked that. So yes, a while back. But yeah, yeah. Jack with the Ricochet. Yes. But yeah, like him being an attack team with a different group, I think could be very, very fun. Very, very fun. Yeah, he does at some point challenge. Jack wins to a match. I feel like they probably have that at no mercy. They'll have the trick was repeated no mercy. I have to ask TNA fans if they're already in the chat, feel free to chime bit on this. But like Jordan Grace at her program and went back to TNA. Joe Henry feels like he's sticking around. Like does it feel for TNA fans? I'm wondering and this isn't good or bad, but does it feel like he's just gone already a little bit or is he feeling important enough in TNA? It doesn't feel like they've lost more than they've gained. I don't I don't know. And it might be a foregone conclusion. He's leaving anyway. So they might be saying, let's get some exposure off of it, which got blessed with this case. But I just don't know because I don't follow the TNA product very closely. I mean, I I don't either, but I I don't see him staying long term unless he is like his contract is up in the fall. And then it's going to like bleed him right into NXT. Didn't they start something between him and Josh Alexander? Like I feel like if so, like if he if he if he has the match versus Ethan Page, like Josh Alexander showing up to screw with Joe Henry. So Ethan Page, Josh Alexander's old tag team partner beats Joe Henry. So then he will go back to TNA and then they'll do the Josh Alexander program. Maybe that's the last long program he works in TNA. And then he comes back to NXT. Maybe that's it. But I they they made us a point to have Josh Alexander take out Joe Henry in that big match. Yes, that is like that was the thing that they tried. They made sure of doing that. It was not just like, hey, I'm gonna turn heel. It was like, I'm gonna attack this guy. So I feel like they should do much. Yeah, I'm gonna turn heel. Yeah, you, I guess. You know what I mean? It wasn't that. It wasn't like any, me, my name. I'll catch you. More heels should do that. Just Hey, I'm turning Neil now. Yeah. It'd be great. Just an outfit. Yeah. Before we get into the first thing that made me frothing mad. Let's do some some nice things people have said. Just Ricardo says Kate Happy K diversity all hail the sour queen. Well, thank you so much. I appreciate that. Meet Norma says happy third sour grocery Kate. Thank you so much. And he says hi, Alex and chat. Hello, meet Norma's. Well, we'll let you know when the actual sour grocery is to because today today's the smack of her story. The smack of her story. So I was talking about this the other day. It's like very wild that I got hired to do the smackdown post show with Sean who ran away. And now I'm most nights of the week. I'm mostly with you, which is such a joy. And hey, September 4th, I'm going to be doing the AEW dynamite show with you. So dynamite sit-ins are so fun because I either get 20 minutes notice or I get like four weeks so it is. Like it's either something less than it that Sean had to fail or he's like, I'm going to be out traveling for this. So but it is. I'll just say this now, like this was something I never planned on doing as a ever from a paid perspective. I started my usual AEW dynamite spot, the mark order during the pandemic because everybody was bored during the pandemic and AEW was new and exciting and fun and I getting into wrestling a little later had never been a fan of a promotion from its infancy from its start. And then it's evolved into this just incredible part of my life and I'm so thankful for it. And I love getting to be here with you guys and way more importantly, the people that I do this with and the people that the people I work with and for and the people that tune into the show are like such an important part of my life. And it means so much to me that Sean has good taste in hiring because it's just it's not it's it's wrestling. It's not worth it to do this with people who suck. Nevermind ones who are just good. There's a lot of really great human beings here that work extremely hard here the editorial side. I always say it starts at the top like there's never been a time that Jimmy Van's been too busy for me. Sean was the first person to send me flowers when Buster died. Well, CM Punk was having a meltdown at a press conference like there's always an emphasis on being human beings here first. So very, very much appreciated some very, very wild times, especially on this show. We always seem to get we've gotten some some very, very fun things. You got some tragic things. It was us with Jay Brisco. It was us when the non deal with Saudi Arabia was announced. It's been wild. So thankful for for the entire ride and appreciate everybody that that tunes in because you guys are as big of a part of it as anything. So thank you. Yes, it's it we were talking about this. I think last night that it feels like it's been three months or 10 years. Yeah, like it's it's crazy how long somehow both somehow both depending on what day it is. I can say this with without any artifice whatsoever, I wouldn't still be doing the show if I wasn't doing it with you. I just wouldn't I just this doing this doing the show is incredibly fun for me. Watching the shit I have to talk about is not fun. You know what I mean? And having to talk about it like it like the I brought you in because they were starting NXT 2.0 and I was like, I'm not going to be able to just sit and talk. I'm not going to be able to talk about that. I'm not going to be able to talk about this with nobody. Let me see if if she seems like she'd be fun. Let's try it. We did one episode and I was like, Hey guys, I'm here to tell you about eBay Auto. eBay Motors is the leading online platform for automotive dealers to get their inventory in front of over 7 million ready to buy shoppers who are buying cars and trucks on eBay Motors every three minutes every single day. They make it easy to find parts for cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles and more. They even offer a massive selection of new and pre-owned classics. Whether it's fixing, updating or maintaining your existing vehicle or finding new and used vehicles, eBay Motors is easy to navigate by vehicle type category of items, sales events or the brand type of car motorcycle pickup or SUV that you have. You can shop parts on the eBay Motors app and with their eBay guaranteed fit, it is guaranteed to fit your ride every time. Head over to and find what's right for your ride. That's Shopify is a global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business and sell more with less effort. Thanks to the Shopify Magic, your AI powered all-star. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at all lowercase. Go to now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. You're hired. You're coming back every week. I was going to say rare, but not really rare occasions when you get COVID and you're gone. I have to do the show by myself again. It's like, I really miss Kate. I mean, the chat's great and it's fun to interact with the chat, but it's not the same. It's been three years of doing the Tuesday shows. It has not fully, as I said, a couple of months, a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks. It is a really great three years of my life has been doing this on Tuesdays. I look forward to not, again, not watching the drag we talk about, but after the drag, when we get to just hang out and do bits and just pop ourselves, and hopefully the chat gets popped as well. That's it. That's the whole game of the game. Also, it is one of the very greatest things in my life when people in the chat send us messages or even say things in the chat about how we've helped them through the deaths in the family or losing their job or whatever. That is the greatest thing. We're so grateful we could have helped anybody, but also we're so grateful for you to have come in and found this and made this show does not exist in its form without the people who are here every week because otherwise we're literally just doing bits to pop ourselves. We're doing anyway, but it's a way more fun when we pop you guys too, so just saying. Truly, so much of my life has changed some good and some bad, so it is so wonderful for me too, so wonderful for me too, so thank you guys. And like a true white girl, I'll celebrate all week. Yeah, good. You deserve it. The Punky Vice says, "Show hasn't started yet, must have sent this a while ago," but we already know Kate is looking absolutely bravishing and fantastic for her anniversary. Fantastic. Yeah, yeah. Paul Elizabeth, your dad, says, "Weeding's SGS and our feeler super chatter JW Pringle. Everything sucks. That's it. That's the whole message. You can't improve on perfection after all." Thank you so much. Paul Elizabeth. Rob Zilla says, "Happy third anniversary Kate. You deserved better than another HBK sucks at booking special." Yes, true. That is what I got tonight. Alpha Bill says, "Happy K-diversity, big hugs. Alex, you are loved." Well, thank you very much, Alpha Bill. Tim McFaul says, "Happy three years, Kate. You add so much to Fightful and the SGS, women's voices and wrestling are vital, and it doesn't hurt that you're good at it too." Also, we need you to help Alex not jump out of his window. Yes. Well, yes, but that is probably my primary responsibility, especially on nights like tonight. But thank you very much. It's a big testament to Sean that we have almost a 50/50 split of male to female hosts, and the funny thing is I, who's always advocating for women in the space and wrestling, and the one that messed it up because I brought Cardoza in, so. I'm the one that created the imbalance by one person. Lieutenant Colonel Foto, thank you for your service, says, "Kate, happy anniversary. I am always absolutely influenced. Alex, I'm sorry. I haven't watched any wrestling since last Wednesday. Sands of Blinding shows is kind of fun. Love to the SGS." Yes, it is. Sands of Blinding shows is kind of fun. It's very fun. Bad Apple Jam Treebeard says, "This, on the night of our Kate's anniversary, you bring us this crap show." Yes, it is true, unfortunately. A rough one tonight, for sure. Yeah. Tom of Ally says, "Hey, turn that frown upside down. We heart y'all." Okay, well, the thing that made my frown unupside downable is, listen, this is a tough one for me because I recognized that the two things I hated the most on the show tonight are the correct things to do. No, that's always a tough one. Like, it's the right move to have no quarter catch crew retain, regain the heritage cup because Renson Claire, who they didn't want to include, like directly cause them to win, cause Charlie Dempsey to win. Charlie Dempsey did not want her in the group. He had to be forced to put her in the group by the same man whom he beat tonight to regain the heritage cup. That is the correct path for the story to go. I hate it because I love Tony D and I am tired of watching that man lose to clown-ass joke factions in various ways on this show. Now, I understand he himself is also in a clown-ass joke faction, but his clown-ass joke faction is millions of times better than the clown-ass joke factions that he finds himself losing to. Now, it's fine. He's going to move on. I'm not sure that I like where he's moving on to personally because it's going to create a Sophie's choice moment for me like no one has ever seen. But I can recognize that it is correct for them to do the thing where Renson Claire cheats to help Charlie Dempsey win the heritage cup. That is the correct thing to do. And also, at the same time, I fucking hate it. So like, is this both of those things can be true? There's one crucial piece that you're leaving out of this, which is that Tony Jean never ate spaghetti out of the heritage cup, which is a literal tragedy. So that is probably the biggest issue in all of this. My issue is it's just the exact same story that's going on with Chase Ewan or John. It's the exact same thing except with a girl. That part is what I don't like is the laziness of the creative to just copy and paste. Oh, the university thing? Let's just do that with the no-quarter catch crew, but Renson Claire's very funny. So I don't like that at all. There was talk of the family moving up as an act. I don't know if this is symptomatic of that. Like if his, if his Swan song is losing to Opafevi, that ain't bad. But what's next after that if he isn't going up? That's actually, I'm going to message Corey right now and see if he's heard anything about that. But you're right in that it is the correct decision for the story. I don't feel like Tony D maybe necessarily needs the heritage cup. And it does feel like this is something that if you're going to have the no-quarter catch crew try and continue, like this style matches what makes sense for them, but it makes sense because it's basically pure rules and they're supposed to care about the integrity of wrestling to get there via a bunch of overbooking isn't the greatest thing in the world. But I'm willing to see where they go next with it. I just wish the heritage cup was something that have less interference and more breathing room because I think it's a very cool thing to have on your show. Like genuinely, I like having a specialty with stipulations. You guys know I'm a pure rules nerd. So I just wish that the story was built into the stipulations of the match and that so much of it wasn't because with no amtar it was the same thing like overbooking city, right? So just give it some breathing room. This story called for it, but we'll see what happens next. I just, I always hate interference finishes, distraction finishes, but I really hate interference finishes when it's in a pure rules type situation where like they specifically state if you interfere, if there's an interference, a DQ, that's the end of the match and you lose. So, number one, again, we got the no amtar memorial after the bell. I'm going to hit you in the face move from Charlie Dempsey, which is like they're they're getting further and further after the bell. It's like ding one one thousand two one thousand hit him in the face. And I just don't feel like the and the refs right there, like the referee's gonna have to use his discretion. Well, no, just that's obviously a disqualification is after the bell ding ding. I don't how much discretion if it happened a minute after the bell, like at that point, what he's don't be able to like, it's a judgment call, honestly, like we're not calling balls and strikes here. Like it's easy. He's that's it, you know, like at whatever, it's a dumb thing, but Renson Claire blatantly pushing Tony D off the top rope. Just it just sucks. It's again, the correct thing to do for the story that they're doing. I just, I don't know, I always hate that kind of crap. So that's that's how it happened. That's how Charlie Dempsey got the final victory. The final thing was because Renson Claire pushed Tony D off the top rope. Well, yeah, we we just ran this play. Like when I say we did this with chase you, I mean, like a couple weeks ago, like, like it's it's not like, oh, we did this with chase you a year ago, it's we we ran this exact same play six weeks ago, baby, or whatever. So, so to me, it just you just got to freshen it up. You got to freshen it up. It's not great. But I agree with you. It's the right call. I'm glad they're doing something with Renson Claire. I do like that we're getting more of a talent rotation, like Wesley in the title picture. Renson Claire coming in doing something with more intentionality that like this part is good. Right. How the chips are being laid out. Not as good. Right. Right. Going back to the Wesley promo, Matt Apple jam saying that if Joe Henry wins the title shot, he'll be feuding with both former members of the North, which is kind of kind of the kind of the point, right? That Ethan Page will put over Josh Alexander and all of his promos to Joe to Joe Henry and vice versa tag team. And also tree beard says so it's Wesley doing an anti TNA pro WWE gimmick now, basically, like you guys are fine in the small pond, but I'm a big fish and I'm going to become the NXT champion that kind of deal, right? Yeah, but I feel like it was that's a little bit of an oversimplification of that because he said I had to become an NXT star after you screwed it up. Kind of thing. So I really liked that piece of it, for sure. Yeah. Okay, so they are they've announced a women's gauntlet eliminator match. Yes, they did. They didn't really specify like they name things dumb stuff. Is this a gauntlet match? Because women's gauntlet eliminators like is it a liminator match because you're eliminated? I don't know. Like is it a thing where like they just keep showing up and then eventually they pin one? Is it basically, have they just slit the casino gauntlet into NXT and are calling it something different now? Or is it like if you get in, you have to be eliminated and that the last woman standing is the winner? Is it basically an elimination chamber match without the chambers? That's what I'm assuming. I'm sure they'll tell us several times between now and next week or four times in the same episode. Or never and then it'll start the match. You know what I mean? To their credit when what was what was the one that we were like, this is so weird. Iron survivor match. They told us those rules several times. Yeah. You just were like, what is this? And then it ended up being really cool. So they'll probably tell us the rules several times. They might. I don't know. But I would be surprised if there's not some names in there. That would be on their way in, which is really cool. And there might be some more CNN names, which is also very cool. Yeah. So no, the women's gauntlet they announced was in it. They they're out going to be six women in it. So there's not they're not they announced it. This is probably also while you were walking Daphne. They said, oh, what a great idea that Stevie had. Here is the tumbler. So we will roll the things and they announced first they say it's Renson Claire, Solruka and Big Anch. I'm not going to use her other name because that's not who she is. Her name is Big Anch forever the three of them. And then we come back later. And then we announced that it's Jada Parker, Kendall Gray and Carmen Petrovich. So those are the six that are competing to face Roxanne at No Mercy. So we're getting that thing. And Corey on Twitter seems to think that there'll be an extra person like Stephanie Vakar or Julia will just show up like Brock in Money in the Bank. I just walk down like, oh, I guess they're in the match now, which like, yeah, I want to see Julia and Steph in NXT versus Zara at Roxy too. But could you do it where it's not a blatant violation of the rules that you particularly set out? I'm hoping it's not, I'm hoping it's just Corey, you know, spouting off and not Corey being like, well, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, hint, and send. I hope it's not that. It could also be like, Julia knocks Kendall Gray out and takes I mean, sure, sure. Yeah, it could do that. But so that's so that your women's gauntlet is next week. And then after they announce who it is, the finals, we also see Roxanne come in and talk, didn't say mean things to Ava. Such mean things. She's so mean. And she's not nice. She's almost like a mean girl, but not really. Anyway, so. He does say like, I proved myself in a match like this, or a similar match. When I owned the breakout tournament, this is a great way for women to prove that they're on my level. Yeah, which is good ish. Right. Also, they did announce that it was, though people who were eligible are people who haven't had a shot at Roxie's title. That's fair. But it wasn't who haven't had a shot at any title, because Solruka's in it, and she had a shot at Kalani's title. Which is fair, but it has caused some confusion among some people. So, yeah, for the world title. Now, I think there's in the field, I only see two options. It's Jada Parker, which is likely because she's had, you know, interactions with Roxanne or Solruka, which either those would be very good matches. But I'm hoping it's Solruka simply for this reason. I do not want the Roxanne Perez reign to be simply a vessel for unnecessary baby face turns. Like, Lola Weiss didn't need a turn face. I don't know why we did that. She was a much better heel than she is as a face. I don't, they still, she's the best friend of literally everybody in the locker room when she had nothing, but awful things to say about all of them three and a half weeks ago. So, I don't understand how that works. And now we're doing this thing with with Jada Parker, who's so good. It's like this, this trash talking heel who hits hard. He's meant to be a, you know, he's, she's meant to at least between her leaning heel. And I, I, I hope that that's where she is coming out of the match with Jate with, with Roxanne and not like, well, here in this promo with you Roxanne, I'm going to cry about something nobody knew about. And therefore, we're going to build sympathy for me. And that's what we're going to do from now on. I don't need Jada Parker being baby face because apparently, when you, when you turn somebody from heel to baby face, they just become the best friend to everybody in the locker room. And I can't see Jada Parker being that. I don't want to see it. She's so good at being the opposite of that. So I just don't want that to be the Roxie thing. You have a baby face mid card title holder. So let the heels cook with her that have faces face Roxanne. Respectably. Yes. Um, like Jada versus Pilates, something I want to see really bad. Yeah. But I'm hoping it's all Ruka too. I feel like the way she's been showing out and how much fire she's caught is very possible, if not likely, that it's all Ruka. Ryan Shaquini says, um, Kendall Gray gets two eliminations and soul wins. I could see that. I could see that like Kendall gets to showcase what she can do a little bit. Bad Apple Jam says, uh, I want the one to win the gauntlet to be the one that doesn't use booty themed offense. So I guess that's the soul or maybe Carmen, and if it's Carmen, we're going to have a lot of Xing Xing action. That is her new catchphrase apparently when she, when her number was drawn from the, from the little spinner, she was like, all right, gonna get some of that Xing Xing action. I was like, that's a four out of 10. I don't, I mean, it's just not, it's not the best catchphrase. I get what you're doing, but I don't know, man. The Xing Xing thing, like you got, you got the Xing, you know, she can take whatever she wants. She's got a sword. I'm not messing with someone. I mean, as far as I've been sold, if you're sword wielding, that's an 11 out of 10 catchphrase. She doesn't. Because if I come across her, she's got a sword. Guess what? I don't have a sword, Alex. Okay. Also coming out of this, we get Brinley Reese, who is no longer Theo Hales' older sister. She's just blonde number six. Like she had all of this personality when she was doing stuff with Edo Sinofe and Malik Blade. They dropped that angle entirely. I'm not saying I loved the whole, I broke a mirror, now we're cursed forever, angle. But I thought the three of them together were fun to watch. And they just dropped them entirely from each other. We got to see them later. Like they're apparently going to go take Brooks Jensen under their wing or some crap. But like, I liked them together. But you, when you split them, you didn't need to make Brinley Reese just like, like an NPC with no characteristics. Like she was fun. I don't notice. Like she's just like, hi, I'm very happy for you that you won the lottery. Let us go walk in this direction. It's not who Brinley Reese used to be. You know? I'm sorry. What's so funny? I know. Robot-friendly Reese. I mean, here's the thing. I would like for her to have a personality. It was way too close to Thea Hale. They had to pick one or the other. I understand. Far more established. But they, they should not have pivoted to nothing. Or just reintroduce her as Thea Hale's older sister. Her older sorority sister who she's a, she's a junior at Chase U and Thea Hale's just freshman. You don't want Chase U to have more people than it. No, I don't. I don't. But I do want them to make them sisters. They should just be sisters on the show. But Idris and Malik, man, it was like, not to harp on it. But they had that mesh versus the blurry voice. And it felt like, okay, we unlocked something. And then they were like, here is the gimmicky is gimmick. Instead of you guys just having to be characters, getting to be characters. Right. So it feels like we've been with the two of them dancing around stuff for a while. And now of like, they're these guys. He's a sweater vest wearing nerd. And he like, I think they need to dig into them as people and pull it out of them instead of just trying to assign, it feels like they're trying to assign them a template and see what works where I feel like they need that's, that's not the approach with them. Because it hasn't really worked. And it's not that they're doing a bad job with what they've been given, honestly, right. They've improved a lot, especially in the ring. But like, I don't, it's always something kind of goofy with them. And I think maybe they're actually just kind of cool. Maybe there's something cool in there that they can tap into that would be fun. I think Brinley Reese, she is one. So we'll probably find out that she was a D3F school. But she was, she was an athlete. That's the whole thing that they they did this thing. Anyway, they, they, they do a thing with, um, uh, with lash legend and, and Fallon is in the makeup chair. Fallon did not appear on the show in any capacity other than sitting on the makeup chair. Like, what are you giving her makeup? What did she said? The makeup chair was terrible. Anyway, they're like, they're fighting over who's used to be an athlete. Oh, just because that wasn't a D1 baseball player. Excuse you. That's basketball player. And I don't know why you've been talking. Wasn't she a D1 soccer player? I was like, yeah, well, whatever. It's not even about that. Everyone should be following in her footsteps. Blah, blah, blah, blah. To get back to the, to the Brinley Reese thing, she and Carmen are walking over Izzy Dame is very, like, if anyone deserved to be in that gauntlet match, it's me. It was a random drawing. It wasn't like they selected somebody over you, Izzy. That doesn't like we say. And then Brinley's like, she's just bitching again. It's like, that's not my Brinley. My Brinley would never use language like that. The B word? No. In this economy? No. Um, but, uh, they, they decided we're going to have Izzy versus, um, versus Brinley, which is, um, which is what you would expect it to be. Um, and it's Logan, Matt Logan says there's Logan NXT. We have a lot of blonde women. Like, that's basically their, their, if you like blonde women, we're free. Blonde women are us. That is the next, like that's if you opened up a store in the PC, it would be called blonde women are us. There's nothing wrong with that, Alex. God, wait, so you're 24. You're too old to be far too old. Um, so Izzy, Izzy beat Brinley Reese later in the show. It was a match that happened. I keep waiting for Carmen Petrovich to, to, like, to use her sword. I thought she might have used it on Izzy Dame, but she apparently does not know how to use her sword and bad apple jam tree beard says. And if you need help wielding your sword, blue chew code, Fightful might be for you. Would you take the magic out of it? I don't want to do the segue. When you, when someone else comes up with it, it's like I don't even want to do it, but I'll say you want what if someone took the magic out of your sword? Yeah. If you're feeling a little deflated because something's like your joke, right? Yes. Blue chew, main event performance, main event confidence, and a main event deal. Go to blue and use the code Fightful. And you will get blue chew with their first shipment for free shipment. Yeah. Yeah, I said shipment. No waiting in line of the pharmacy. No awkward doctors visits. You take their online exam and then if approved, it ships straight to your door. That's right. Same act of ingredients as Viagra and Cialis, but in a chewable form and much more affordable. How can you pass up on this? How can you pass up on that confidence? How can you pass up on that performance? How can you pass up on making your sex life better? That's what blue chew is here to do. You don't have a problem to use blue chew, just get that additional performance. Blue and the code Fightful. You're, you're muted again. You're muted again. Sorry. Now you're back with all the money that you're saving on blue chew because I know you guys were shelling out for it. Okay. Yeah, that's right. You should head over to Fightful and subscribe in OMG. There are so many reasons why you got Corey Brennan with your NXT scoops. Sean had some when in relation to the the TNA crossover stuff. So you're covered there from both sides. You can hang out in the discord with some normines. We have our Fightful Select discord, which is a great place to be. Sean, during the the last pay-per-view ban during SummerSlam was just like this person's in gorilla, this person's a gorilla, like didn't even have time to write the stories. He was like, I'm just dropping them in the discord. So hop in there for some scoop skis as well. The Ask SRS channel, extremely valuable. On Fightful Select, the Q&A report and the backstage report are now one report. They got smooshed. So you get double the value in one show there, but you also get me and Alex continuing to be extremely silly. And we're going to continue to be extremely sour at the Bash and Brilliant post show. So if you want alternatives to what is on the main for post shows, you got me and Alex behind the paywall. So hang out with us there, so much value on Fightful It's also how we get paid. So head over there and subscribe so we continue to get paid. How about that? In other women's news, no, not this one, this one, not so much. What? I know. Kalani and Lola vice are best friends now. They're just the best of friends. And they're like, hey, what happened with Tatum? Oh yeah, she gave me room for my money, but looks like she's not quite over it. I know. That's okay. I'll go talk to her Chica. And so she goes over and talks to Tatum and I missed it. Tatum said something that creeped out Lola and they had a, decided to have a match about it, I guess. I don't know. Yeah, they, yeah, they, but so Lola and Tatum had a match about it with Kalani at ringside on commentary, scintillating, just so much offered. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out, call or just out by Granger for the ones who get it done. An analysis. Lola vice beat Tatum Paxtley and then like helped her up and hugged her. So she literally is the best friend of everybody. I guess so. Was he one with the, with the back fist? And then right after that happened, Wendy Chu appeared with like crazy new pink face paint all over her face. There was like a lot of like fuchsia. Like she was painted fuchsia. I don't know why, but she was. And then she choked out Kalani and held the title above her head and Lola and Tatum both in the ring, hugging each other. Super scared of Wendy Chu did not do it. Lola vice you beat Shayna Baszler half to death. Why are you scared? Wasn't like creepy. I am now at the point where Wendy Chu owes us a what's going on. Yeah. When you're, when your face is fuchsia now, we're owed. Why is your face both creepy and fuchsia? Yeah. But she's, she's so incredible man. Like she, she really every cell in her body commits to whatever she's doing. And yeah, I'm, I'm looking forward to it. I want her to win is the problem. Yeah. Yeah. I want Wendy Chu to win, but I also want Wendy Chu to tell us what the hell's going on. Yeah. No, I, I think this is the feud where we find that out because she hasn't been in a feud. She's just been paling around with Tatum. We also need to end WWE as a whole. begging you not to define every woman by friendships. Like Waira has only been someone's friend since she's moved to the main roster. What I like would say Shayna Zoe and Sonia, was it felt like Sonia was making a business decision by uniting them under the same umbrella as her? Like that kind of stuff I think is better instead of just like, Hey, you seem cool. Why not fight other people together? Like doesn't really like. Yeah. So Lola being everybody's best friend doesn't, doesn't work for me brother. I like this from cyclo. What have Wendy's just been sleepwalking this entire time? What a creepy asleep walker, but I'll take it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Um, Henry T Casey. Henry the Casey. Happy third and a slam, happy third slam of nursery cake. Oh, thank you. I'm a fan of yours. You replied to something negative. I posted on Twitter and tacitly challenged me to be better. Thank you for improving this community. That's so sweet. Like recall doing that. I think I might actually know that you've said it. That happened with somebody else where I just said, do it, you coward to them. And then they did it. But I, I always appreciate our interactions. I actually had a chance to meet Henry the Casey. We went to Stokely's comedy show a couple years ago now. A great person and a great voice to follow in this community as well. So follow Henry the Casey. He's wonderful, but thank you in interactions in this world and the best parts. Yes. Um, so the second thing that happened that was really terrible tonight was Lexus King one. He beat Eddie Thorpe and thus, thus proving Booker T. Wright about how this man is a stall. This man has the entourage and I was like, he's, he's got turtle. I don't think you meant the show so much. I understand. But he did say he's got the entourage. It's true. Which to which to me sounds like what what Linda would say if you presented her with like a box set. A hundred percent. Oh, you got me the entourage. I have never actually seen this because my HBO subscription lapsed back in 1987. But, but anyway, but thank you all definitely put this in the old DVD player. But thank you. You got me the entourage. Thank you. Your third anniversary. He had to come out. She had to say. Um, but yeah, no, he, he won because he was just beating up on his broken hand, which I forgot that he did when he hit him with the receptor on the hand on the steps weeks ago. Yeah. So when they say he's got a broken hand, I was like, they've played film. Oh, right. I just, my brain forces out all recollection of anything Lexus King does immediately after it happens. So, um, so yeah, I, I, I forgotten about that. But I, tonight, I have still remembered that he beat Eddie Thorpe, which means this thing continues forever. They said, now it's personal. It's not, it's not personal. It's about EDM versus hair metal. That's not personal. That is, that is literally, there's nothing smaller you could be fighting over. Well, I felt like they did tell us in a vignette that he was DJing with like, the love of his ancestors that like his music roots were, and that of his ancestors. But Lexus King is stuck in 1984 for her. Like, I don't know. I don't know why it's so personal for him. He just wants him to turn down the beeps and turn up the guitar riffs. But he can listen to all the poison he wants. Like, I don't think any Thorpe stopping him from doing that. The match was way shorter than I thought it was going to be. Nothing I wanted to watch Lexus King for a long time. But it is, it's, they're telling the story. Eventually, God willing, Eddie Thorpe will, will beat Brian Pilman Jr. conclusively and move on to something. I feel like Eddie Thorpe is, if you, if you told me that, that they were going to build him for a title shot versus Ethan Page, like, like, Ethan Page holds the title for the rest of, let's say 2024. And at some point in there, Eddie Thorpe, was a guy who got a title shot, wasn't going to win, but got a title shot. I would believe it. However, I can't believe it now, because he can't quite get past Lexus King. Have you considered it might be because of the secrets in his ears? Lexus King versus Obefemi, seems like a logical next step. Like that'll, that'll probably be an upcoming feud at some point. I don't know, the King of the Slidy Throne, just, I, he's kind of maddening to review honestly, because I can't fully say he's doing anything wrong. But there's something that definitely isn't like clicking about when I watch him wrestle, if that makes sense. Like, like he's not executing moves wrong, he's not even not telling a story. Like, I can't identify what's missing for this guy. And that is, that makes it very annoying as someone who analyzes matches. Because I'm like, it just, I, I as someone established on the show, I don't believe in it. Like, I believe in hard work. I believe people are naturally inclined for things. But it does make me think there's some sort of it factor when someone can be doing everything technically correctly. And me still just be like, nah, I'm not, I'm not invested. So, yes. I don't know. But Eddie Thor, very high ceiling. I, I feel like this match didn't do enough of him being able to kick a bunch of ass, which is how I like my eddy. Luis says, if it was hair metal versus grunge, then it would make sense for it to be personal, because they're mortal enemies. I was going to say, if Eddie Thor wins this, he should change his character name to grunge, because he'll be like he put hair metal in the ground, which is precisely what the grunge movement did. Yeah. We mentioned briefly before, Trik Williams did a promo vignette that didn't make a lot of sense, where he basically said he was Sherlock Holmes, I think. Um, and, and then Peter Dune got interviewed about it and says, of moved on. And so, and so he has, but Trik Williams, again, I cannot remember such a meteoric rise of a dude being that, um, or get like super organically over the crowd in that place, loves him so much. When he showed up on an episode of SmackDown randomly to save Carmelo Hayes from being beaten up by something, the crowd there was doing his damn chant. Um, and I still can't believe this is what they've got for him after a title reign. It doesn't make any sense. After barely a title reign. I mean, yeah, after barely a title, I feel like they are trying to fix something that is not broken with them. I think there's things that they need to maybe improve on with Trik to put the final pieces together, but the things that they're trying to change are not the things that need to change. I feel like they're robbing us of what's special about Trik, rather than focusing on the things that could probably improve a little bit. Um, there was an interview with the blurry boys, leave the memories alone. We won't talk about it too much. Um, we will say, um, that they were about to ask Tony D about, you know, how he feels about losing the Heritage Cup title, but, um, Obo just brushed by him. So we're definitely getting that. But Ryan Shikini says, um, uh, no quarter catch crew will be the biggest NXT faction when Taveon returns in all his glory. Uh, when we sing, yes, spectacular match against Kino yesterday, I must watch. Taveon Heights, man, there's a guy that I saw in the breakout tournament, and I said, who is that? Why is that guy not all over the television? And then after the breakout tournament, he was less on the television and for months. And I don't understand why that was the case. I'm glad that they're doing more with him. Um, uh, we will see where, where all that goes, but he's great. I love Taveon Heights. Uh, he is having a, from my understanding, I haven't been watching it, but I saw some highlights from yesterday and well, uh, an excellent end one showing from my understanding. If you're not familiar with the N one is pro wrestling Noah's version of the G one. You're not familiar with the G one. That is your Japan's tournament. That's has everything up and the important thing that you should know is that, uh, Zach Sabre Junior is in the semi-finals. And if you don't know who Zach Sabre Junior is, you've never watched the show before. So, and you should shame him. Um, uh, apparently he had also really good match against, uh, uh, alpha, alpha wolf, uh, who is apparently an absolute stud from Jalisco. That's what it was telling me. Um, I just Kate. Look, I, I take, I'm, Oba shouldn't take any moves from anybody. That's, that's my thing. I, I, I just, I don't, I don't think Oba should take any offense from anyone. Um, he is so damn good and so believable as a, as a, uh, like, uh, just a absolute force of, force of murder. And, and I don't, I don't enjoy seeing himself for Otis. Most of the match was him selling for Otis. And yes, I know Otis is a very big guy. And yes, I understand that Otis actually can wrestle, but when for months and months, he was just a screw up under Chad Gable. I understand he's got a new t-shirt that says we should free him even though he's been freed for literally months at this point. Uh, I, I, I don't, I don't, the thing that really almost broke me is I had to watch Oba take the fat worm, the caterpillar. I had to, I had to watch Oba take the caterpillar and, and he had to kick out of it like, like it was this close and oh, we've never seen Oba have to kick out so late from, from, from the caterpillar. And I, I think there is a place I do think there is a place for comedy, heels and baby faces and wrestling, but that place is as far away from Oba family as possible. That's, that is my dissertation. And I, I, I, I yield back the rest of my time. I from the floor will pick up some of your time there. Shout out to the chat from Scott George that said, uh, evil is eliminated from the G one festival match ever. Oh, thank God. Thank God. But he's a woman. It was such a good match. It was 19 seconds. God bless. He's actually returner. Um, I agree with you about the caterpillar spot. I disagree with you about a lot of other stuff. I had so much fun watching this match. I thought it was really fun. And I from the watching, watching the show versus keeping the bigger picture in mind thing too is something that I, I try to balance because my job is to analyze the show. But it's also to keep in mind that the context of we're in developmental, like, Oh, if I mean knowing how to sell is important. Yeah. Oh, but then it is knowing how to sell for guys of the size is awesome. Is it though? Should he ever sell? Should he ever have to sell? Should he, should he, will I spray? Should Roman Reigns try to spear him, but then just goes like, I mean, is there anyone who should be able to get in offense that works on oboe? I submit no, I submit that no, no one should anything anyone does. If someone were to hit him with an actual wrecking ball, the wrecking ball should shatter. That is, that is how, how in the tank I am for oboe family and I make no apologies for it. You have such a crush. I do. I do. If you and he were in a tree, you would be spooching so much. S S I N G. First, love. Second, there'd be marriage. Then comes like badass, but very angry, baby, baby carriage would be an interesting child. But regardless, um, I, I, he's, he would, I thought he did a great job selling here. I don't feel like we've been at it. That's a, he's, he's really good at it. I like seeing Otis be able to actually wrestle as well. That was, there was a lot of that in here, which was good. I will say, and this is me being a little bit more on the use side than the rational wrestling fans side. This is, this is the over loyalist camp. This is me coming out here. Okay. I've seen him in peril too many times, and I think it's only been two times. I think it was just in the triple threat. And this was there one other match where he was selling his ass off too? It might have just been those two, but that's one too many. He got, he got far too close to losing to, to Wesley and then one, and they're one on one. I love Wesley, but like, come on. So like, there's just a thing that, I understand he can't squash everybody, but there's just, there's, oh, you know what? Of all the people, a guy the size of Otis should be able to inflict the most damage on him. I just, I look at Otis and I just see comedy fat guy because that's who he's been booked as forever. And I don't care how strong the comedy fat guy is. The comedy fat guy is stuff should bounce off of, of Oba. That's just, like, if you were booking him as the guy that he was, like, a year and a half ago, where he was like a powerhouse in Alpha Academy, where he shaved off the beard and was like wrecking people. That guy, sure. But the guy was like, oh, yeah. That guy shouldn't get anything in on him. I'm so sorry. Um, I quite enjoyed it. But I understand what you're saying. Uh, and I will say, I think, and I'm actually, this is, this is what Oba Fermi does. He takes me so far out of my wheelhouse. Okay. Because he's just a different guy. I'm actually not normally in the camp of the ward love push of squash a million dudes. Oba Fermi should be squashing nerds from level up but on weeks where he has nothing to do so that these matches mean a little bit more. Yes. Like, if, if he squashed six nerds from level up, I mean that lovingly. Yes. My level up guys. Yes. And then he had that match with Wesley. I would have liked that a little bit more. Yeah. Like, like, basically, um, uh, here's, here's, here's, I don't know, man. Now it's, it seems weird saying coming out of my mouth this phrase. But if this was Oba's catchphrase, this was a thing that he said to Ava walking into her office. Oba needs to eat. Like, I'm starving. Give me more. Like, just him. I, you, you cannot put enough men for me to crush in my, in my path. I must crush all. Give me everything. Put, put everything in front of me. And, and so like, he demands at the beginning of the second hour every week, put some, put these men in front of me. I will squash all of them. And while you are getting around to figuring out who my next challenger will be, I am not taking any weeks off. I, Oba needs to eat. Do it. Hear me out. Oh, the chap beat me to it. Ryback comes in. He says, feed me more. And then, and then Oba, Oba, Oba unhinges his jaw and swallows Ryback whole. And he says, do you have anything else for dessert? Now, come on. And then Ryback cries about the most podcast. From inside Oba's belly. From inside Oba's belly. And then Mansoor and Mason tell a story about it. And they get, so, so, Oba eventually is, is up against the wall, up against the turnbuckle and Otis is giving him the 10 punches and he picks him up and walks four or five steps out into the ring and then power bombs him. And Otis bounces three feet up into the air and then he pins him. So he won, but he was taking, he took most of the, he took 65% of the offense in the match. And it just feels like that, that happens too often to me. And it too often means once. You know what I mean? Like it just, yeah, I don't know, man. I got if they don't keep, if they don't stop hammering this home the one time that they do this. Yeah. So, okay, there's obviously, okay, here we go. Azim Suleiman says, Oba Femi is amazing. I was at Raw last night and got to see him live. I was also right behind him when he came up to set up the match with Otis. God, he's, he is one of those guys who I would, who I would want. If they give, if he had the right opponent, he's one of those guys that I would, I would really love to see live. I mean, yes, it preferably in a tree, preferably in a tree. So, so that the, the rhyme. I know it's, it's real love when you want to go see someone live because you don't go to live show. I don't, I don't, I don't, it was the fun. Oba are the list. Meet Norma says, Oba should come out like Lance Archer used to be by eating a jobber out of the tunnel before he squat. Oba meaty, you should have all the belts. Yes, you are right. Meet Norma's, including this belt. Bad Apple jam said this. I refuse to accept this review show has started until Alex does the Oba shuffle. Is that this thing where he just like this? I think so. Oba shuffle. I love that. That's the Oba shuffle. Consider it shuffle. Bad Apple jam tree beard says PCO tweeting about the Oba and Otis match. Give me Oba versus PCO and a big Haas fight. Yeah, if we're going to bring a guy over from TNA, that's a good guy who can lose. You know what I mean? Yeah, give me a young fresh arm out of the bullpen for Oba. I don't want to see moves, I don't want to see PCO. I get what people are going for with those. Don't get me wrong. But like, yeah, give me Josh Alexander, give me Chris Bay, give me a young rising star. Like it's Oba. So that Oba can crush him? I don't like, like, like, PA's PCO is great because he'll come in, he'll throw literally everything he can against Oba, and Oba will get up off the mat and put Frankenstein through the mat. That's, that's what I don't want. I don't want to see him have to sell for Chris Bay. Are you? No, I'm sorry. I don't. I don't. I don't. I, I have vetoed it. Vito. Vito. Didn't he just not marry Steph DeLander? Like, I don't feel like the next step for him to be able to vote. Jake something. There's the move. Okay, Jake, Jake something. Jake something. Jake something's great. So, oh, Hammerstone. Hammerstone versus Oba would be tremendous. Yes, let's get, let's get that done tomorrow. If, if, if possible. But I said he was like if Hulk Hogan was good. Yeah. Meet Norma says, when are we getting Oba, Tony D? It'll be meaty. M.D. Psycho says Oba has to sell against Tony D. Alex. Yes, I know. I know. And, and that is the one case where I will be like, I, I will allow it. However, I don't know who to root for. Okay. Watch along for that. Cause I want to see them. Like, if, if, if Tony D somehow beats him, then, then he has to do the Italian American championship. It has to happen. It's the thing I've been pitching since November of 2021. Like, I need to have it happen. It's a thing that must happen if he beats Oba. But also, Oba should never lose a title. He should vacate every title as he moves up. Like, like, I am no longer the North American champion because I am now the Intercontinental Champion. I am no longer the Intercontinental Champion because I am now the World Champion. I will be the World Champion until the day I retire. That is what Oba Femi should do. And I will hear no arguments contrary. Oba Femi for the Women's Tag Team Championships. I mean, yes. It might get them feeling important. Yeah, it might. The Oba Femi shuffle is better than Jackie Fargo's strut. I won't hear otherwise. I not sure if I understand that. The Fargo's strut is the thing Jeff Jarrett does. Oh, oh, yes, of course. It's a hundred million times better than that. Who could even, who could who could argue that point? I mean, what? No, the Oba Femi shuffles. You know who? The Jeff Jarrett pervs out there. Yeah, those pervs. We think it's a good idea for a hangman page to have a pit stop with Jeff Jarrett and friggin all in. Tom Campbell, I'm looking at you. Tom Campbell, you did this. You did this, Tom Campbell. Hey, man, hey versus Jeff Jarrett, is your fault, Tom Campbell. You want to shoot on Tom Campbell on my third year anniversary here at Fightful? Let's shoot, okay? First, Tom Campbell comes at me on Twitter a whole bunch and threatens to fight me at Wembley Way. Then he gets me locked out of Twitter and then he's a Jeff Jarrett perv. And then when I get locked into Twitter again, second most peaceful week of my life, you know what he does? I'm not kidding. He tags me in several. I'm upwards of a dozen. Silly Goose video in memes on Instagram. Like, I don't know I'm a silly goose. You think I don't know I'm a silly goose, Tom Campbell. Listen, you've been a silly goose for at minimum three years. For as long as I've known you, you've been a silly goose. It's kind of obvious. I don't know what he's doing out here. And it'll be like, Oh, okay, silly goose. Yeah, we know. Also, this guy is blue, Tom. Go support him. He's doing a run for mental health, whatever. Tom, my my mental health is hurting because I got to watch hangman versus Jeff Jarrett at Wembley. Because my mental health is suffering because because Tom, Tom Campbell, go on your little marathon for that. Yeah, mental my mental health. Maybe knock it off with your fantasy booking. Tom, I don't even think Campbell soup was named after you and your family. Fight me about it. I'm Wembley Way. Louisa Sauer grabs coffee run stream for oboe versus Tony D on fight below booked bucket. That was a Brooks Jensen interview. It wasn't actually an interview. He was just talking in front of Sean Spears and some other guys. Like, were they recording him? I didn't see a camera. Where the guys were there. He was just talking. I mean, really? Wasn't he? Like, I mean, they're not wrong. Yeah, I mean, I guess, but he was like, one man took me under his wing and cared for me with nobody else would. And that man is Sean Spears. Was that okay, Sean? That was that was perfect. Thank you. I don't know what that is that, you know, so it feels like, and I don't know anything, so don't be weird. Right. It feels like whatever they were planning for Ridge Holland and Sean Spears, they're like, nope, we're gonna do that with Brooks Jensen now. Because remember Sean Spears was like, line it up to manage Ridge, it felt like. Right. Right. When you have Brooks Jensen, you have Josh Briggs. It feels like that relationship, the history is too rich that I can't buy that Sean Spears took you under his wing when it's been like a couple weeks. And I don't feel like loose cannons should have friends. I think they're too loose of cannons to be making friends. Right. So that's just my thoughts. Yeah. Just as the super chats are in the order of the segments that we talk about. Yeah, we if I miss if I no longer talking about that segment, I'll catch it on the way back after the main event. That's the way we do it here. Do loop around. If you want to send in something else tears, because I don't want to have to have waste $5 on that. No, but thank you. So Ridge, over effusively thanked Chase you so much, wearing his brand new now they're wearing basketball jerseys, because basketball season is several months ago. So they, and also do cuts like, I never say this, but I was wrong. I was wrong about you. I know now that I should have believed in you from the start. And and and Mausi Rouseborn is like, yeah, I mean, he has always been on your side. And honestly, I should have took in her word for it. You're a great guy, Ridge, Ridge, just the best dude in the world who will never ever turn on us. And they were laying it on so thick, that I thought for sure, Ridge Holland was going to turn on Chase you, because when they lay it on that thick, they're obviously trying to like, love you into a false sense of security. You know what I mean? Kind of a thing. So in. I hate Chase UK. I've hated him since the very beginning. I don't care who you add to the act. It's always going to be a terrible act. It's it doesn't make any sense. I can't stand it. It's my least favorite thing in all of wrestling. It is beyond beyond Darby Allen, beyond Swiss Jericho, beyond this ridiculous corporate version of Cody Rhodes, beyond the bracelet that CM Punk was was the most important thing in the world to him. And now he says it was never about the bracelet. Show your wrists right now. Thank you. I have hated everything about Chase you since the beginning. Their ridiculous gambling scandal that was solved by a sexy coed's calendar, featuring women in it who did not attend Chase you. I hate Chase you. I hate Chase you. I hate Chase you. They're the Jamps. Go ahead. You talk. Well, here's the thing that's frustrating is Duke Hudson is the best. I love him so much. And Thia Hale's really good, but they let her be Thia Hale. So my frustration and my litmus test with stables, whether I like them from my taste perspective or not, my objective wrestling thing is, is the sum greater than the whole of the parts are as vice versa true. And I feel like Chase you as a unit has done more to hold back wrestlers than it has to propel them forward. Because Duke Hudson like he had that great match against Obafevi, but until we manifested that you and I, like he was at a title contention. Thia Hale has never seriously felt like she's had a shot to win something. And then their last tag title reign was nine days, I think. So it always felt like it was going to be a means to an end. So this one, which feels like it's set up for one of two things, either a Ridge Holland heel turn after they hold the titles and they're going to get pre-burded or Duke Hudson and Milesy Rilesborn, I think we call him. If Duke and him turn heel and that's how all of Chase you falls apart, that is of more interest to me than this. But I do truly in my heart of hearts with all my might believe that Duke Hudson is meant to be a singles star in professional wrestling, because he's fantastic. So this being the step to get there is puzzling the blurry boys dropping here, like all of those defenses against like like after last just last week, they had an all fucking timer with MSK and one. And this week, they face the joke faction of all joke factions in Chase you and lose. And somebody the week after a two part special, like, yeah, man, it's a it's rough, it's a rough one because it's unfair to them, but it does feel like maybe it's moving in a direction that will break up Chase you, which would be your ideal thing, and to me a healthier decision for some of the people that are in it. But I don't know, like this was like a glad that the thing didn't happen that was so obvious. But now what's next is, is worrisome to me. And I, I don't feel like it's very fair that Nathan Fraser at Axiom lost the week after a two part special, just on TV. And they finally were on the same page and then they lost. Yes, that's the other piece of that. I mean, the logic is in reverse. Yeah. And the same day that Tony D loses his hair to just a couple, like how many ways do you have to break a heart? Like this is the this is my least favorite episode of NXT ever. Simply because of the things that happened. A, Tony D lost B, Lexus King one C, Chase you one D. Obah had to sell for Otis, like honestly. So Matt Logan says, finally, all those chase you fans in the audience got to get in the rig and they had all they had all that confetti all queued up for him. Wasn't that handy that they had all that confetti all queued up for them? Well, they should have that for every title possibility. Somehow, some way this is for ridges first title in WWE and his second ever title right in his career per cage match, says Luis. And Luis also has a prediction. Here's what's going to happen, Ridge, Duke, Riley and Theo will graduate. Chase, you next week. Not announced, but what I am expecting says Luis. Quite possible. Cyclo asked if we should, well, if we would sign a petition, I believe, to bulldoze Chase, you'll be on repair. Yes, that's what should have happened when you a year and a half ago done that. Yeah, from the very beginning, the first time I saw him have, I have a teacher class in a room that had three walls were curtains. I would have bulldozed it. The first time when we were needed to bulldoze her for no, no, that's true. No, that's that's true. The first the first time when remember when when Thea Hale moved into the dorms with Bodie Hayward, they had to share a room and the dorm she moved into had one of those little electronic card readers. So it was obviously a motel somewhere on the outskirts of Orlando. That was their dorm. Like nothing about Chase, you has ever made sense? No, they got close with the scandal and then they blew it. No, they didn't. They did that never made sense. Who was he? I was he borrowing money from the mob? Well, I thought it was going to be because he got into such debt, but I mean, but but but then they were just like, Nope, calendar. And then and then he was like, then he tried to get some money from scripts, not not our scripts, but the actual scripts from when he was was scripts were still there out the mud. And he was like, if you if if you roll the the dice in our back alley craps game, you can tell it's in a quote unquote bad neighborhood, because there's all this graffiti on the walls where you roll the dice, then you're going to get the money, but you only get the money if you get us a title shot versus versus Tony D in stacks. And oh, man, God, I just all of this is just just just bring it up terrible memories. Your new tag team champions, but Alex. Yeah. If you want to be nowhere to be found. Yeah. I know just how to do it. We don't get this sponsor every episode. This is a special one. It's for my three year anniversary. Yeah, you're going to want to subscribe for three years or more to NordVPN for these savings. At least yes. They save you so much money. Correct. Sean's here to tell you all about it. Buying pay per views on slash Fightful is going to enhance your pay per view buying process. Now, one subscription to NordVPN has so many different benefits. 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They are sincerely when you side up with the code Fightful, they give you a crazy deal for real. Like of all the sponsors we have, they give you a ton of money off. So if you need a VPN, if you're not familiar with VPNs, they have actual like legit incredible support. So you will be able to navigate your needs with them. But like you save a ton with the code Fightful. So we don't do a lot of affiliate links anymore. It's not the best partnerships for us in the world. But that one, holy cow, save you guys a bunch of money. So invest in Nord, they invest so much in us that even if you aren't looking for a VPN, let them know you found out about them through us. Because they're really nice. So there. There you go. There you go. So, so there. So Terrence Johnson says the more that I think about it, the Wesley heel turn actually makes sense. The way he laid it out was really was really well done. I here's here's my thing. I think that you could have easily had him in the moment last week show frustration when they were trying to do a group hug, just pushing them away and storming out. Now that wouldn't have been a match like a show ending angle last week. And I get that, but I think that right, but then right, which you could, which you probably should have done. Anyway, then this week, he could explain why he was being so angry at Trey and, uh, and Zach and their words to him could set him off and make him like attack him, like them being like blaming him for stuff or whatever, then that, at least in that moment, it would make sense. It made no sense at the moment, like kicking him in the balls, like, because like you left me two and a half years ago, just it didn't, like, you can be frustrated in the moment because you lost a match and not a chip, like super kick your friend and kick your other friend at the balls, you know, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever. This week was much better. My thing was that I don't know how TNA fans feel about this, but like, it just feels like it was the breakup of a TNA stable. Like it feels like it should have happened there, but I don't know. It does. It does. I don't know. Meet Norma says, is WWE allowed to start a show with a match or as a minimum 10 minute promo to start shows in the bylaws? It basically, basically, at least, yeah. I don't know. I haven't seen the bylaws, but I can ask Corey that apple jam tree beard says, honestly, if they want to make the CW CW debut, debut NXT, a big show, make the main event a champ versus champ, either NXT champ versus TNA champ or NXT versus North American champ. And either matches has both titles on the line. I mean, that's, that's certainly a thing they could do. That would be very interesting. I do know that if you want to get tickets to see that show live, then the promo code is NXT HBK because the man's ego is the size of Jupiter. Is it really? NXT HBK. The promo code to get tickets for the presale of the first show on CW is NXT HBK. You Pepsi fail is probably going to make the main event so it's the least probably going to be just Pepsi feel coming out and talking. I'm in Chicago? No, or the opener. It'll be the opener. It'll be the opener. And so they'll do. They'll do that. Everybody happy about that. Anniversary puns. ENR says tradition team 2000. Thank you. ENR says Keith Jubilee. Chris Pereira says it's my private party and I can cry if I want to. The ENR says nation of jubilation. Lupongi vice says go shoddy G. It's your birthday. Go shoddy G. It's your birthday. Go shoddy G. It's your birthday. Right. But it's about celebrations. Kate, anniversary puns. These are mostly not about anniversaries. It's the lowest amount of puns we've had in months. Well, that's because also people said to very nice things. They did. They did. I'm not going to quibble with these people over their wonderful puns about things that are not anniversaries as long as we're getting the money. No, it's always very appreciative. ENR says celebrations at the beginning of the show because anniversary is a narrow school. ENR says El Suare Knight. Very nice. Yeah. ENR says Robert milestone. ENR says Hooten Annie J. ENR says Bousaikou ceremony. Alpha Bill says anniversary themed bracelet. Check, please. Locked, time added band. Oh, the moon. El Sero Miedo. And anniversary of Ripley. Not going to be better than that one. Solitric Mayhem says, "commeration there." Is it commander? Command, commemoration, celebration? I don't know. Jubikethli and Yuel Elico, and Helico, and Yuel Elico. ENR says Mariachi G. Dolan. Mariachi G. Dolan. ENR says Dia de los Muertobafemi. Greg Cherry says, "Silicate good times, come on." Mercedes Sera Manet. Then now forever to leather. Leather is the traditional three-year anniversary gift. I already from Egan. Hala Balu Fez. And Bash Sabre Jr. Very nice. BSJ. ENR says Dalton Bouncy Castle. My guy, could you imagine getting to be at a bouncy castle with Dalton Castle? Oh, my God. It was so great. I miss you so much. So, okay. We're actually going to get out of here on time. Isn't that great? Meet Norma says, "Tony D sings anniversary by Tony Tony Tony. Every time it's your anniversary, we get this particular thing requested." And here we go. Tomorrow we'll come and, girl, I can't wait. It's anniversary anniversary. The first thing I'll do is run straight to you with your anniversary anniversary. It's our anniversary. It's our anniversary anniversary. It's our anniversary. It's our anniversary. It's our anniversary made for you and me. And I've only made plans to hold your little hand. It's our anniversary anniversary. The place is all mine because we have seen good times. It's our anniversary anniversary. Victoria will be no secret at the end of the day if you get my drift. It's our anniversary anniversary. Yeah. A small cup of tea, then you can have me. Ah. It's our anniversary. Got a goal. So, Tom LaValle wants Bron Strowman to do Sonnet 66 by Shakespeare. I love these. You don't. Tired with all the ease for restful death. I cry as to behold desert a beggar born and needy nothing trimmed in jolity and purest face unhappily for sworn and gilded honor shamefully misplaced and made virtue rudely strompatent and right perfection wrongfully disgraced and strength by limping sway disabled an art made tongue tied by authority and folly doctor like controlling skill and simple truth miscalled simplicity and captive good attending captain ill tired with all these from these would I be gone save that to die. I leave my love alone. Finally how Shakespeare was meant to be run get these anniversaries. Thank you, Ron. Meet Norma says she has a small sack of money for Kate's anniversary the linder and Alex's heartburn meds. Meet forever sometimes veggies. Jesse Ozog says to celebrate any anniversary. I can only think of John Dunne's 1611 poem the anniversary as strowman of course. It's a little long so do with it as you will. Oh my god clicking on this thing. Let's see how long it is. It is indeed very, very long. Okay. So what happens when you say we're going to get out of here at a time? Yeah. All kings and their favorites. All glory of honors, beauty's wits. The sun itself which makes time makes times as they pass is elder by a year now than it was. When thou at I first won another saw all other things to their destruction draw only our love hath no decay. This no tomorrow hath nor yesterday running it never runs from us away but truly keeps his first last everlasting day get these anniversaries. There are more stanzas which I shall not read because it is very long and Braun Strowman makes my throat hurt. Yeah, that's rough. That's what Ned from South Park did. Here we go. Chidar Kamehame says happy third anniversary Kate one of the best in the biz. Alex you are tolerated. Hitting. SGS for life. In honor of the event let's hear ghosty roads singing leather rebel by Judas Priest the modern third anniversary gift is leather. I wonder if I wonder if the ghosty roads is around. I mean it's me I'm here. Hold on. I was I was just hanging out with you. Honestly, this is the most fun I have on my tooth days. It's coming in here and reading crazy things you guys ask me to but here we go. Hero was a knight blood and thunder rusting through me to the dawn of light the sky is turning red baby like a renegade all alone I walk through fire till I crash and blaze I'm living on the air. Star of chain reaction feels the neon light stealing all the action always takes the fight leather rebel lapping in the dark baby leather rebel with a burning hard baby daddy if you will leather rebel that's right thank you. It was beautiful thank you. You're welcome. Happy you're here. I thought it was the ghost of or the dust of ghosty roads. I thought it was a message. That's a that's a different picture. Not me at all. Hold on. Uh can ghosty congratulate Kate on her anniversary. Congratulations on your anniversary Kate. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Dusty. I mean to to to make the trip from the great beyond just for me. Literally every every week I come I come here just basically to pop you and you alone. It warms my heart that you would say such a thing. Thank you so much. So that is that is that is that is what that is what we are here for to to say tappy anniversary. It's our anniversary anniversary in the words of the Tony Tony Tony's if it is you know it is our anniversary anniversary. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you sir. All right. Well I'm being called back to the great beyond now. So enjoy enjoy your anniversary anniversary. Thank you. Dusty Dusty. What happened? Nothing. Don't worry about it. Um it's my gosh. Oh it's Tom Tumble Valley. Well it's Ricky Rainbow to sing Party Hard by Andrew WK. Hello. Have you ever have you ever partied hard? Uh back with with college. With Andrew WK? Definitely not with him. No. No. He's a he's a hard partier. That's right. You know who's you know who's even hardier? Matt. I don't know why that took me out. So what? Matt and Jeff. Hardier. When it's time to party we will party hard. Hey you you work all night and when you work you just feel all right and when when things stop feeling all right all right and everything is all right because we will never listen to your rules. No we will never do as others do. No. No what we want and we get from you. Do what we like and we like what we do. Let's get a party going. Let's get a party going. No it's time to party and we'll party hard. Party hard. Let's get a party going. Let's get a party going. Where is Tom to party? We will always party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. Party hard. It's tough to say that that many times in a row. Thank you. Thank you Ricky Rainbow. Get everybody stopping by from my anniversary. I feel so loved. That's right everyone is here for you on your anniversary anniversary. But not everybody is at a stigma like you are. So it's just that you showed up. You are welcome and thank you. Keep cool Gaba goos. Here's to another three years. Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Out, out, out, out, righty ♪ ♪ Auto parts ♪ (screams)