Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Jesse Agler On Padres 5-1 Road Trip, Beating Pittsburgh, And More!

The voice of the San Diego Padres, Jesse Agler, makes his weekly visit with Ben & Woods! Listen here as Jesse alerts the guys of a gripe that the Miami Marlins coaching staff has with them, the Padres 5-1 road trip, last night's win, and of course we give him this week's "Incorporator" assignment!

Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
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With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation. Download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. Nothing is more important than getting a good night's sleep. And when you don't get the rest you need, your whole day is thrown off. That's why it's so important to choose the right mattress. Sleeping on a purple mattress is truly a unique experience. Because purple mattresses are made with a gel flex grid. The gel flex grid is an innovative material that moves with your body to relieve pressure in areas like knees and hips. And support in others like your back. It feels soft where you want it and supports where you need it. Purple mattresses instantly adapt when you move. You don't sink in and get stuck like with memory foam. And thanks to over 1,400 air chambers in the gel flex grid, you will sleep cooler on a purple mattress. Purple has a wide variety of mattresses from the original purple mattress to the Restore Hybrid Collection. It combines gel flex grid with coils and the Rejuvenate Lux collection, the height of luxury with over 112,000 to five star reviews to prove it. Visit to find the perfect purple for you and enter code podcast 10 to get 10% off. I'd imagine for a play-by-play broadcaster though. Nothing makes your job better or easier or more fun than exciting close games because then you don't have to vamp for four innings in a blowout and try to come up with things to talk about. You just call the game and everybody's into it on the edge of their seat and we're joined right now by Jesse Agler here on 97-3, the fan. What a week. I mean, I think we said that last week, but here we go again. What a week, Jesse. A lot of fun, a lot of craziness. But you know what, guys? Before we talk baseball, bone to pick. Oh, let's go. Oh, I think I know where this is going. You know, reputations are important. And, you know, you being associated with me, being associated with you, that's a two-way street. You know, like people, people, and this is a great thing, you know, they think of 97-3, the fan. San Diego's number one sports station. They think about Ben and Woods. They think about Jesse. They think about Tony and Ello, everybody else, right? So, I'm in the Marlin clubhouse the other day. And I'm trying to talk to a couple of the Marlin players who are from San Diego because I like to meet the San Diego guys around the league, get to know them a little bit, "Hey, who'd you grow up liking?" You know, all that kind of stuff. And I'm standing there. Now, here's something to know about Major League Clubhouses. Generally speaking, managers do not spend very much time in the players part of the clubhouse. It's sort of the players area. Managers are usually in their offices. You know, they might fly by every once in a while. But most Major League managers spend very, very, very little time in the players part of the clubhouse. So, I'm in there before the first game in Miami. I'm trying to meet Kyle Stowers, right? And talk to him. And as I take a step towards his locker, I am grabbed from behind by the very muscular manager of the Miami Marlins, Skip Schumacher. And he goes, "Hey!" And I'm like, "Hey Skip, what's up?" And he goes, "Your boys," meaning you. And he points to his shirt, which apparently at one point was a pen and wood P-shirt that he was wearing. And it had been totally washed away. The letters had fallen off. And I said, "Boy Skip, you must really wear that shirt out." And he goes, "I've watched it twice." And I said, "No." I don't want to necessarily take responsibility for this, but I will pass it along to the boys. And yeah, let me take a step. It's like on and down. And I hear about that the entire weekend. On and zids is what the shirt says because the lettering was washed away now in our defense. I don't have a screen printing room at home where I'm personally putting my heart and soul merchandise into these. Here's what I've learned in life and in business. You are responsible for your... You're right. We don't get to blame the distributor. We don't get to play, you know, with a little company that you guys use to print these things out. No, no, no. You're responsible. You're in it. Literally. We've already replaced it. We have Polly is sending Skip a whole new eight shirts. How sweet of that angel to be wearing that shirt anyway. I love it. Well, when you text that to me, I was mortified. I was absolutely mortified. I have the same shirt. I've had it for like three years. Can you wash yours? I've washed it more than twice. I just got him. I'm like, "What are you using?" He's industrial laundry. Maybe that's what it is. Also, perhaps his muscles have stretched his shirt out so much. I don't know if you're going to forget that. Yeah, fat doesn't have the same effect on thought. It's sinew here. All of our logos are intact. No, it was awesome, man. I know how... I've actually talked to Manny's wife about how nuts it gets for them when they go back down to them. When they go back down to Miami because he's from there. Everyone's like, "I need tickets. I want batting practice. I need you to hit me ground balls. I want you to teach me how to feel ground balls." He's pretty under the gun. How about for you when you're down in Miami? So I've kind of, in a antisocial way, taken control of the situation. I mean, I just... I don't do anything anymore. You know, for the first few years back, I really did feel like I had a responsibility to different friends and family. And you know, you wear yourself out. And you know, this trip, I didn't talk to anybody. I didn't text anybody back. I didn't call anybody back. I was hotel, ballpark, ballpark hotel. That was the entire three days. You know, also, it's August. And it's baseball season. And August and baseball season beat jerks off. And I just didn't have anything to give anybody. And I feel badly about that. I will raise my hand up and say, "I am a terrible friend." And I will apologize for that to, you know, my loved ones back in South Florida. But like, I just don't have it. And right now, my energy is focused on this team. And the two little people who were up at three o'clock this morning in my house. And that's it. Like, that's all I have. Like, there's no extra energy. So, you know, bad friend, you know, not as bit of a friend as many as to his people because when I went back, there was nothing outside of the ballpark that took place socializing lives. Now, I saw some people there, you know, that work in media or around, you know, the ballpark I've known for a long time. So I caught up with them. But I mean, there was nothing outside of that. Self-care is massively, massively important, Jesse. And you guys, I thought about you when I was in Hawaii, and I told the fellas this, we did the, you know, the six-hour trip over to Hawaii. I'm, you know, I ran. I'm 49 years old, but I got off the plane and my ass was hurting from sitting. My back was hurting. My knees were hurt. And I go, these guys, not you, but you, you and the players. But like, these guys do this all the time. And then they got to go and they got to get their body ready. Then they got to get their mind right. I will never think enough credit is given out to the players, you guys, the managers, the coaches, for the grind of that season, the grind. I did one six-hour flight and I got up and was like, oh my God, dude. I needed a hot tub, anacol tub. I mean, it's, it's pretty nuts and that you guys do that all the time. It's, it's, it's to me, the thing that may, one of the things that makes baseball so special is it grind is the only word you can use, right? I mean, it's just unlike anything else in sports. And, and I've had the opportunity to travel with an NFL team. I've had the opportunity to travel with an NHL team. And there's just nothing like this because of this schedule, because of the number of the games. You know, you're, you're never home for more than a week and a half. And then, you know, you're on the road, usually for about a week, maybe 10 days sometimes. And it's just ping pong back and forth, back and forth. And particularly with this newer schedule, the last two years now, you know, we're going east even more because you're playing, you know, half the American League teams on the road every year. So there's, you know, even more longer travel, fewer trips to Arizona, Colorado, L.A. and Phoenix, you know, or San Francisco, more trips, you know, to places in the central and the east. So it's, it's even more so now. And look, it's part of the deal. Every team does it. Some teams, more than others, obviously the Mariners are kind of off on their own island up there in the Pacific Northwest. But, I mean, it's not easy on anybody. And as you said, the players have a physical component to it. It is just remarkable that they get ready. And it's part of why guys like Manny takes so much pride in playing almost every day. There is a real thing to that because it is near impossible, you know, on this schedule to go out and do that. And so if you kind of set your mind to saying, hey, I'm trying to play X number or start, you know, X number of games in a year, like there is a real pride that should be taken with that. Because as you said, you know, it's not just your butt hurts after getting off the plane. It's like, how many different time zones did we do? You know, where are we? Like, I can't tell you how many times of season I will wake up in a hotel. And it takes me a good like 30 seconds to be like, all right, where are we? And it's not because I was drinking the night before. It's just because like you really don't know where you are half the time. It's crazy, man. It's a wild thing it is. Worried about letting someone else pick out the perfect avocado for your perfect and press them on the third date guacamole? Well, good thing Instacart shoppers are as picky as you are. They find ripe avocados like it's their guac on the line. They are milk expiration date detectives. They bag eggs like the 12 precious pieces of cargo they are. So let Instacart shoppers overthink your groceries so that you can overthink what you'll wear on that third date. Download the Instacart app to get free delivery on your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional term supply. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently with offline maps and on trail navigation. Download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. Nothing is more important than getting a good night's sleep. And when you don't get the rest you need, your whole day is thrown off. That's why it's so important to choose the right mattress. Sleeping on a purple mattress is truly a unique experience because purple mattresses are made with a gel flex grid. The gel flex grid is an innovative material that moves with your body to relieve pressure in areas like knees and hips and support in others like your back. It feels soft where you want it and supports where you need it. Purple mattresses instantly adapt when you move. You don't sink in and get stuck like with memory foam. And thanks to over 1,400 air chambers in the gel flex grid, you will sleep cooler on a purple mattress. Purple has a wide variety of mattresses from the original purple mattress to the restore hybrid collection that combines gel flex grid with coils and the rejuvenate lux collection, the height of luxury with over 112,000 to 5 star reviews to prove it. Visit to find the perfect purple for you and enter code podcast 10 to get 10% off. Jesse Ackler, voice of the pond race is with us. Jackson Merrill certainly making your job fun. Out of the blue, the game winning clinching catch with two outs in the ninth inning. What were you thinking? We heard your call, but what were you thinking as the ball left the bat? Did he have a chance at it? I was thinking he's got to play this on a hop to keep the runner from coming around from first base. But now the move dies, reaches down and he made the catch. Off the bat, I thought yap. And you know, you have so many thoughts so quickly, what you're doing this. And then the second I kind of looked up, it just, he had the, this is going to sound weird, but like the body language of a guy who's going to get there. Like the way the strides were going, and we're lucky because we have an unbelievable view, you know, from where we sit at Petco. So like really, really good look at, you know, the whole landscape and sort of where the ball is, where he is and able to track it. And he just from the first moment that I looked from the batter's box out to the outfield in my brain, I was like, oh, he's got a shot to get there. And it was obviously an extraordinary play. You know, he's, he's something else right now. I mean, you know, it's going to become redundant at some point. And, you know, we're all saying it, it seems like every single day. But, you know, I loved what, I don't know if it was Pro for a Bogart. Somebody was quoted the other day in the paper of like, it's not that he wants to win. It's that he hates to lose. And there's a difference there. And I think all of us as fans, what could you ever love more than a key player? A very talented player who hates losing. That's it. We want wins. We want championships. Like, and to have a guy, you know, kind of emerging to play a significant of a role as he has, it doesn't just want to win because they all want to win. They're the most competitive people on the planet. But they're one of the guys who is also one of the most competitive people on the planet can turn and say, it's a little bit different even with him. I mean, that tells you an awful lot about, you know, who he is and what he's brought to this team. No doubt. I mean, there's so many, so much credit that needs to go out to so many people, Jesse. I mean, you could do a whole show of, well, Kyle Higashyoko, we're nowhere without him. We're no where without. I mean, on and on, Tyler Wade has been involved in some crazy, but I mean, truly it is. When Mike Schultz says, you know, 26 guys, he truly means it. I mean, we went back over that last series when I got back in town and I went, no, everybody, except for the two guys that didn't start on the mound, Waldron and whoever it was. Everybody else contributed some way. It is how you have to win. There's just so much credit that needs to be given out for you when you watch this team. You know, Jackson Merrill aside, who have you looked to in the last couple of weeks and said, man, what a way to step up game changer type scene. I mean, as you said, it's been everybody at one point or another. And that's the whole point, right? I mean, that's the kind of roster you need to get through the grind, to get through the marathon. You know, is the kind of roster where you have a Donovan Solano, who can be five for 10 as a pinch hitter and hit a two run homer to, you know, to put them back in a game the other night in Miami, who would have pinched a walk off single, you know, earlier this year. You know, a guy like David Peralta and another guy like Bryce Johnson, like they're not necessarily going to set the world on fire, but they're going to give you more than enough in right field while one of the most talented guys in baseball, you know, is shelved with an injury in right field. You know, the starting pitching, the relief pitching, guys like Brian Hoeing. I was going to say Brian Hoeing. I mean, yeah. Like that first game in Pittsburgh, the rain delay game where we're cease only got to throw the one inning. You know, Hoeing comes out. He provides the length. They still ended up needing to use, I think, four or five more relievers after that. And then the next night was that utterly bonkers game. Same thing. I think King went five and they had to use like five or six relievers after that. Not that long ago had the Padres been in a position where they got one inning out of their starter on Tuesday, five innings out of their starter on Wednesday and had to use that number of relievers. They would have been sunk for a week afterwards. Like how many times did we see that earlier this year? But now after the deadline, the depth that they put together in the bullpen, they went on a winning streak. That was part of a big winning streak. That is not supposed to happen. Teams are not supposed to keep winning and winning and winning and winning after games like that and situations like that. That speaks to A, the depth of talent on this team and B, the sort of, you know, tremendous ability that Mike Rubin, the able to bend for its half of navigating, you know, those kinds of waters and being able to like strategically make it work when really it shouldn't work. Like you shouldn't be able to have that kind of success coming out of games like that. But I mean, again, it's a really, really good team. It's a really, really deep team. You know, what matters now is maybe a little bit different than what matters in October and not to get ahead of myself, but it sure feels like they're built for both. And there's something very exciting about that. But we have Woods here for the first time for a song lyric incorporating and sounded like kind of settled in last week really nicely. I like this. With Bob, you'll be with Tony tonight, our new incorporating, where Jesse has to work song lyrics into the broadcast tonight. It's also my favorite because he doesn't even like music. So that's the best part. So this one actually just came up organically today because we were playing Take On Woods and this was our two second song. We thought this would be perfect for Jesse. So Paul, if you would. If you fall, I will catch you. I'll be waiting. Time after time. If you fall, I will catch you. I'll be waiting. Time after time. A little bit of a little leading there, leading the witness, but you do it. You do it what you want. It's fun because there's like a few different ways. Oh, yeah. I thought that was a good one. Absolutely. It's going to be tremendous. Thank you, sir. Appreciate you very much. Alright, Jesse. Tonight, 640, 540 Ecowater SoCal pre-game show with Sam Levin. Have a good one, Jesse. You too, guys. Thanks, buddy. Jesse Echler, voice of the pod, raise him. The Incorporator. Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd Wallet's experts will set future you up for success. With dependable, fact-based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or load for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. 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