Hey You Good Devotional

Walking By is Better Not walking at all

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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I'm on my way to meet you We better talk, you know All these tries and tribulations got me tired of the new ass And I heard that I can come new and bury up my flesh It was a way, gave me from death Got our need, you know I'm all walking by the flesh That's when I feel you I told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone No that I'm someone No, I'm a child of God I want to go the golly way Close to your love again I give my heart again, Jesus I want to go the golly way Close to your love again I give my heart again, Jesus I know you know me well I feel invisible until you tell me all right here I can't go plans with you to meet When saying you break your heart Sometimes I go little for once You give not all you are I wonder if you're believe for me God, just tell me what you mean for me It's all holdin' there instead of me That I'm acting just for clarity Even though you told me already That told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Told me I'm someone Not in I'm someone No I'm a child of God (music) (music) (music) (music) Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning This morning our scripture says So I say walk by the Spirit And you will not gratify the desires of the flesh Have you ever noticed that whenever we get instructions in the Bible There's some kind of action attached to God's will There, this is another moment in Galatians When we are told to walk by the Spirit And if you know anything about the book of Galatians This is right where we are introduced to the fruits of the Spirit Many times we skip right to the fruits of the Spirit Forgetting that we must have a relationship with the Holy Spirit In order to walk with her Now this isn't just some feminism talk coming out But many scholars have given the Holy Spirit a name in Sophia But we'll have to get to that another day in Bible study But walking by is a prepositional phrase that means near to Or next to or over through Alongside of, in proximity of Walking by the Spirit doesn't mean that you walk in perfection But that we make sure that we are close to the Holy Spirit as often as possible So that when we don't look for instant gratification of our desires But that we allow God to walk alongside of us So that we can get a desire That is not only from our heart But is also pleasing unto God So the question is Are you walking by the Spirit? I don't know about you but when I get dressed to go for my walk outside I make sure my workout outfit is matching and I look somewhat decent But I also realize that when I'm walking I'm focused on the mission of getting to my destination Therefore if my hair is wrapped or in a bonnet or maybe I got on Mitch Matt's socks And I definitely don't always have on makeup So walking is an activity that I don't have to feel fully put together But I just have to move So as we begin our day, remember to walk by the Spirit When moments attempt to take you off course today especially while we're fasting Walk by the Spirit When people attempt to challenge the fruits when which you bear from the Spirit Walk by the Spirit And when life makes you feel like walking sometimes it's impossible Just move and keep walking by the Spirit And see how easy it is to produce the fruits that is closer to you When you are and when we are closer to the Holy Spirit Let us pray God we thank you for this morning Waking us up seeing the sunshine God breathing the air of which you have given us the breath to breathe God we just wake up this morning saying thank you Now God as we move about our day remind us and keep us close to you So we're asking that the Holy Spirit walks with us Even though we are walking by that we are listening to the love and the joy and the peace That the fruits of the Spirit bring We're still asking the Holy Spirit that there are times and we need you to walk by us That we need you to be in close proximity to us That we need you near us so that when we want to make decisions That when wise decisions need to be made When wisdom needs to happen in our lives That God you are still close to us That we don't feel alone in this battle we don't feel alone in these times But that God we know that you are somewhere close So Holy Spirit we're asking you to continually walk by us As we continue to recognize that you are walking with us Then God we recognize that children are going back to school this week So we're asking that you cover them That you touch each child who's going into a new school A new classroom who has to experience something new We're asking that you got to go Go into those places touch the teachers who have to navigate Not only academic instruction but behavioral modifications That have to deal with their own personal issues at the same time God so we're asking that you enter in their hearts and minds And guide them throughout this process Then Lord you know that we're praying not only for the We're praying for the Waim and family We're praying for those who are experiencing losses Those who are looking who are still in grief from past losses God we're asking you that you touch them That you be the comforter of which you said that you are And that you go by their homes and their families homes And you stop by those places Then God we know you are Jehovah-Raphim So those who need healing God we're asking you to step into those bodies That need to be healed God move mightily in those places And those spaces God go into the hospital rooms Into the nursing rooms into the in-home cares And also as well to each and every one of us who have issues That we don't speak about out loud God But things that we know that you are working on Then God we actually be a Jehovah-Gyrum The God who provides God There are some of us who need you to provide mightily As a church we need you to provide mightily Then God not just financially God to provide wisdom Provide knowledge God Provide ways in which we can have the courage And be courageous to talk about Jesus Christ to other people God we are just asking you right now to move To move as we keep walking As we keep walking to meet the people in the kingdom As we keep walking to go to our jobs As we keep walking knowing that you are with us God we are just asking that you continually cover us And send your angels of protection around us So God we thank you for another day to praise you We thank you for another day to worship you And God as we continue to go on We just continue to give you all the glory and the honor For this day that you have given us to be great So God we thank you we praise you and we lift you up For this in your son Jesus name we pray Amen Amen Amen Amen Everyone have a wonderful day day.