The Lost Art Of Listening

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14 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Men of God arise as a DBK, priest, prophet, and king. The priest in you will bring the needs of your family and community to God. The prophet declares the word of God over his family. The king and you governs over all that God has entrusted you with. Join me, Apostle Gerald Ben, as I encourage, lead, and teach men to walk in their God-given kingdom role as a priest, prophet, and king. - Hey, how are we doing today? - Thank you for joining me. I'm Gerald, one half of Gerald and Yvette Ministries, and my God, the lost art of listening. How many of y'all have struggled with this problem? Just listening. I know we hear, but do we listen? I was talking with a group of guys early this morning, and we were talking about, you know, listening, how it has literally been a lost art, you know, because we spend more time ready to respond than actually listening to what is being said. And I realize that if you're doing this in the natural, you're really doing this to God also, because God gives you some instructions, and because the instructions may be too hard or may stretch you or may bring you off to a comfort zone, you literally stop listening to God. You hear God, but you're not listening to God. And then this is what most people, you know, I used to say, oh, I ain't hearing from God. Oh, you do hear from God. You just haven't been listening to God. And God is not going to make you a liar or going to make you rebellious by constantly telling you to do something or asking you to do something or giving you instructions to do things and you don't do them because that makes you rebellious. So we're talking about the lost art of listening, like truly listening. I remember God telling me to, our main events communication was really jacked up, like horrible, like really horrible. She opened her mouth. I'm like, eh, don't talk. Don't want to hear you. Just don't talk to me. You do you. I do me. We good. Just don't talk to me. And then I got to a place where when I got delivered, I understood that the enemy has always tried to divide communication. You understand what I'm saying? Try to divide communication. And so when you're sitting there in a place where you can't communicate with a person, I don't care if it's on your job. I don't care if it's your spouse. I don't care if it's with your kids. I don't care who it is. Any type of relationship, you got to have some type of communication. But if you are so busy, ready to respond before you actually listen to a person, I had to listen to a vet. And God says, when I got delivered and I got back into my place, it was like, now I need you to, I need you to listen to her. But let me tell you something, because your flesh is going to remind you of conversations when she say, can we have a conversation? I need you to listen to the words, but I don't want you to focus on the words. I want you to focus on the heart. Listen to the heart. And when I started focusing on the heart, the way she said things and the way it was delivered, I received it differently. Now it took me up a period of time to fight my flesh because I had to get strong enough to strip myself of my old nature, of my old thinking, of my old manner, of my old way of hearing and seeing and doing things. I had to strip that. And it was a long process of doing it. But over the time period, I learned something. I learned how to get stronger. I learned how to receive God's work. Because when God was talking to me, I was ignoring him. I was acting like I was deaf and I didn't understand. But God wasn't pleased with that. I wasn't, I wasn't in, I wasn't in a place of stripping. So when, when you are walking around, let me tell you something now, when God has given you some instructions, right? You. Me. Me. He, I mean, he desires for us to actually walk this thing out. He's desiring for us to get these instructions and walk it out. Because as we're walking this out, we're truly being transformed. So there's time when the Bible says you need to renew your mind daily. And you, you know, as God to renew a right spirit within you, it's like the right attitude. You have to have the right attitude of listening, have the right attitude when you're having conversation. Because if you go into a conversation and you're, you have the wrong attitude, you're not going to hear anything. You're not hearing it. And if you know God is telling you to do something and you go into the, you go into the, the, the conversation with God and God gives you this information and gives you these instructions and they don't fit what, they don't fit your, your fleshly idea. What are you doing? Are you just ignore? Now it's, I'm going to ignore God. Now you do it. You do that enough. You become rebellious. You become calloused to, to hearing God's word. So why is God still speaking to you? Why would he want to talk to you when you're not responding? When you're not doing what he asks you to do? Why would he do that? Why, why would he do that? I'm just a question. Just why would he do that? So today he was like Gerald, I've taught you how to listen differently. I've, I've, I've, and I had to do some, some, some, you know, prophetic acts, you know, when, when my wife wants, we wanted to have hard conversations. I've said this before. It's like God says, listen to her heart. Me. Here's me. I'm like, okay, listen to her heart. I'm a visual person. So I'm literally like, okay, can I lay my, lay my head on your chest so I can listen to your heart? That's me. Now I don't know what you got to do, but that's me. So I'm not listening. I'm, I'm hearing the words in one ear and I'm listening to her heartbeat in another ear and when it sounded so different from the times when we were sitting and having a conversation and I was listening out of both ears and it sounded like wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. But this listening was like, ooh, I can, I hear it. It didn't sound fault finding. It didn't sound mean. It didn't sound degrading. It didn't sound like she was putting me down. I'm telling you, when you operate in a spirit of offense and you operate in things that have already caused you to have corrupt communication, then you, that's a whole another way of listening, listening from a hurt place, listening from a spirit of abuse, listening from a spirit of rejection, listening from a spirit of abandonment, all perversion, all of those things make you hear things the way your flesh wants to hear them. That's why it got the Bible says to strip off the old you. There's a lot of stripping that we have to do. And there's a lot of renewing that we have to do. That's why we have to renew our mind daily because we're steadily, we're steadily stripping off of the old thinking, getting away with throwing it away because we want a different attitude towards God. We want a different, listen, it all starts with an attitude towards God. Let's think about that. Before you start worried about, you know, your spouse or doing, what's the relationship between you and God? Are you actually, you want somebody to listen to you? But are you listening to God? How you want somebody to listen to you and you ain't listening to me? How you want somebody to give you their ear when you're not giving me your ear, Gerald? I'm like, wow, that's deep. So now I'm listening to God. It's like, okay God, what's next? What's the next move? What is it that you want me to do? What is it that, what am I missing? I'm always asking now because I'm curious about what do I, what, I don't want to miss anything. I don't spend way too long being stubborn, being rebellious, being all of this. I wait, I wait too long. And so I was sitting here today and I'm like, okay God, what is it? So he gave me some scriptures. I'm going to give you these scriptures. And I hope these scriptures minister to you. He said, the first one was Proverbs 4, 20 and 21. It says, my son, hey, that's me. Hello, thank you God. My son, attend to my word. Listen to my words and be willing to learn. Man, it is. The key thing is, are you willing? Are you willing to learn? First of all, you got to listen to his words and be willing to learn. Open your ears to my sings. Do not let them escape from your sight. How many times God then told us something and, hey, I feel like I'm going to do that God. So that, that, that, that an escape, that's gone. You weren't even willing to go through the process. You weren't willing to walk this thing out. You wasn't willing to do it. I ain't telling you something somebody to tell me. I'm telling you what I did. I wasn't willing to walk this out. I wasn't willing to learn. I have to tell myself now I'm a forever student. I'm always trying to learn. Pride and stubbornness and stiff neck and bully. All of that stuff, a stop you, rest of development. A stop you from learning. A stop you from thinking that you need to learn. Oh, you, I got this. Man, you ain't got nothing. You, you can't think like God. God is always progressive. God is always moving. When you think you got it, that's when you don't fail. That's when you getting ready to fall. When you think you got it. Because God is a progressive God. He's continuously wanting you to learn. And you got to be in that place. Because you can read a scripture one month and read a scripture again. That same scripture again. And God gives you a different. That's how that works. So when he gave the scripture to me, I was like, oh God. My son. Attend to my words. Okay, listen to my words. Listen to my words. There are more. There's not one word being spoken. It says words. Words. God is giving you words. And be willing to learn. So those words he's giving you, you literally got to learn what to do with them. Be quiet. You better learn to be quiet. Stop talking. You better learn to stop talking. Don't do that. You better learn not to do it. Don't go there. You better learn not to go there. You better learn what you need to give you the strength and give you the obedience to actually do what you supposed to do. Man, I think it was so, that used to be so hard. But the more you do it, the more I feel like I learned. I learned. It's like, I love now to learn more of God. I learn now to learn more of the attributes of God. How he does things. It just amazes me how the seasons change. It amazes me of how he brought me from a mighty long way. How he brought me from the mud, from the pics of hell, and put me where I am. God, are you serious? You love me that much. And he's always been, he loves all of us, he created us in his image and likeness. He sent this only begotten son to pay the price for our sins. So he's saying son and daughters, attend to my words. Are you attending to his words? Are you listening to his words? And are you willing to learn? Are you willing to learn? He says, open your ears. Open your ears. Just say, God, my lord, my father, my ears are open. Talk to me. Speak to me. I'm willing to learn. I'm listening for your words. Help me. Help me. If you don't know how to learn, ask him. God, help me to learn. Help me to learn your word. Help me to learn and dissect your word. Help me to dig into your word. Come on, y'all. Don't play with this. He says, do not let them escape from your sight. Don't let that go. Don't miss it because your body don't like it because your flesh hates it. So you just disregard it. Nope. Let's go. Let's listen for his words. And let's be willing to learn. And in the meantime, just keep your ears open to his voice. The problem is, our ears are open to the wrong thing. They're open to a dog, to negative talking. They're opening to things that'll cause you to stumble and fall. Things that'll cause your flesh to get stronger. And you trying to make the spirit man weak. Are we serious right now? That's the wrong. That's opposite. So the other scripture was, I'm going to make sure I get you scriptures because somebody said, hey, he don't ever get no scriptures. I do get you scriptures. You just have to find them. You know what I'm saying? Because I talk scriptures all the time. And so in between it, I drop nuggets. I drop scriptures. And so if you understand scriptures, you'll catch it. But in the meantime and in between time, because somebody said they, you know, they want scriptures and so I'm going to give you. I just gave you proverbs for 20 and 21 that was out of the amplify. And now I'm going to give you James one in 19 out of the amplify. It says, understand this, my beloved. Are you beloved? Because it says, understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear. Be a cheerful thought. Be careful thought listener. Thought listener. Are you a listener? Are you careful? First of all, are you quick to hear or are you quick to speak? Are you quick to listen or are you quick to speak? Because it says, let everyone be quick to hear. Slow to speak. Speak of carefully choosing words and slow to anger. Patient reflective forgiving sound the way y'all at with that. Your patient reflective forgiving. Slow to anger now. Y'all getting mad real fast. Say slow to anger. You know why? Because you're quick to speak and not quick to hear. You're doing it backwards. So you're not even hearing. So when you're not hearing because you want somebody to hear you, you're not hearing the other person. So you spend more time trying to out talk them. Over talk them. Talk louder than them. And then you don't get any other person looking at you like, I'm done talking to you. I don't even want to talk. I'm done talking. You don't even allow me to talk. I can't get my point across. I can't get my opinion across. I'm just done. If you've ever been in that place, check your hearing. Check if you're quick to hear and slow to speak. And see if it's backwards. If you're quick to speak and slow to hear. See which one you're operating in. Because that's how we got to get this fixed. Okay? We got to get this fixed. The art of listening should not be lost. Because we got two ears to hear. We got two ears too. God gave us blessed us with two. And sometimes we don't use neither one. That sucks. I bet God's enough of it like, are you serious? I created you and gave you two ears. So that you should be willing to listen. You should be willing to listen. But you open in your mouth so they're all going fast. You want to be, you want to out talk somebody. Like for real? Let's work on, let's work on the art of listening. I'm telling you, if you start listening to people, you'll actually catch a lot of gyms that people have inside of them. And so if you have been that person that I've been like quick to speak, just as God for forgiving me, man, listen, forgive me. I repent when I don't be listening to my wife. Okay, that was on me. I thought I was listening, but I wasn't. I was just hearing. And that hearing was going in one ear and out the other ear. So now I got to start listening. Because when I listen, I actually follow through with what I'm supposed to do. But when I'm only hearing, it's just almost like a momentary thing. It don't last long. By the time I walk out of the room, I forgot. And so some of the times I have to, she'll say, "Bae, can you put that in your phone?" Well, I just said, "Can you put that in your phone?" Because if I'm doing multitasking, I'm not good at multitasking and actually having a conversation. I ain't good at that. Not yet. I'm not there yet. So I'm transparent. I'm not there yet. And I try to act like I am with my wife. I'm like, "I gotta go. Finish the conversation." She's like, "Look at me." And she's just a help me. There she is. So she doesn't push the issue. She doesn't make me feel bad. She's like, "Yeah, I can hear in my mind. Yeah, he's not going to get that one, right?" We'll be doing that one again. And, lo and behold, we're, "Bae, did you do such and such?" Oh, snap. I was supposed to do that. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And then I'll be like, "Yeah, you told me to put that in my phone, right?" I'm like, "Yeah, but you probably didn't, right?" It's okay. I mean, she's just so nice with that. It's like, and she's probably sitting there like, "You got to be kidding, dude." But she put this look on her face like, "It's okay, babe. We'll do it. We'll be okay." We'll be okay. Yeah, I'm like, in my mind, I'm like, "I don't jack that up again. Just flat out prideful that I would meet personally. Me. I'm like, if she asks you to do it, she knows you. She knows. She knows me. So when she tells me to write something down, I should be writing it down. Babe, I'm sorry. I'll repent. See, I'm having my transparent moment because she does that. And I'm like, I'm trying, it hears me. I'm like, I'm growing, so I don't need to do all of that. Bro, you ain't there yet. What about that part where you say you want to learn? You're willing to learn. What about that part? Gerald, are you willing to learn what you need to do? Are you willing to learn that you don't have this yet? Are you willing to learn that? When I don't do it, I'm showing something different. I'm literally showing something different. And if I'm doing it with my wife, then I got to be doing it with God. I don't play around with this. If I'm doing something in the natural, I know I got to be disappointed. God or doing this to God too. So you can't tell me that, oh, oh, I'm just doing it with my spouse. I'm doing it with this person. I promise you, you're doing it with God too. Because if you can do it to the person, you can do it to God. Don't get that twisted. Don't fool yourself that you don't. Don't fool yourself. Because now you be witching yourself. Now you just, I can like, you don't get it. This is not that today. This is not that today. So I have my moments. I do. I have my moments where I got to pay more attention to what she's saying. She studies me. So she knows me. Just like God knows me. God knows what you need. God knows what you need. And when he's telling you to do this and do this and do that and pay attention. It says, my son attend. Listen to my words. When God is speaking, give him both of your ears. Not only you, listen, don't just give him your ears, give him your ears and your heart. Because as a man, think it so is he. As you say to you, that should be getting into your heart. That giving you, that you're willing to learn. So when God is giving you some, God is giving you some instructions and you haven't done them, then that shows God you ain't willing to learn. Because every time God gives you something, he's trying to help you to grow. He's trying to help you to mature. He's trying to get you into a progressive place. And that's what God does. He ain't trying to keep you stagnant. He ain't trying to keep you in the first grade. He ain't trying to keep you in elementary. He's trying to make you grow. He said, that's why you can't sit on milk all day long. At some point in some time, you got to eat some meat. But are you listening? Are you willing to learn? But if you ain't listening, how are you going to learn? People are sitting in classroom and this was me. I sit in classroom and I learn differently. You know what I'm saying? You can sit there and talk all day. But if I ain't paying attention and you don't lost me in the first five minutes, I ain't learning. I'm not learning. You're going to have to give me some visual. You're going to have to get me, let me do some hands-on type of stuff that I can do it. So when God has given me some instructions, he understands that I need to write it out. He understands that I need to move around and actually do prophetic acts. He knows that when he says, I need you to listen to your wife. I need you to listen to your wife heart. Listen, hey, me, prophetic act, put my head on her chest. Let her speak into this ear. I hear her heartbeat. I hear something different. I feel something different. I respond to something different. So if you sitting there and you and God knows how you respond, God ain't going to give you something and you can't respond to it because you don't know how to respond to it. No, you got to be willing to learn. You got to be willing to learn his word. You're willing to learn how to forgive 70 times seven. How to be slow to speak. Quick to hear, but slow to speak. You got to be willing to learn that. Are you willing to learn it? I'm just saying, God, work on me. I think if it was just working on me. I think times that I haven't listened. Y'all, I just repented to my wife. I just apologize. So y'all don't get it. This, this here is therapeutic to me. I just got my deliverance. I don't know about y'all. This is, this is how I get my deliverance. He makes me get on here and I have these moments and it is like, woo deliverance one on one. Repent. Repent. And I'm learning. I'm going to be a forever student of God. I'm a forever student of his word. I don't want to get caught in a rest of the development place stuck in, in, in one cycle, stuck at one place, prideful, entitled. I don't have to do that. All right. You don't have to, but I'm sure you should want to because if not, your situation is not going to look the same. It's not going to get any better. Matter of fact, your ears are going to, you, you are become deaf to what God is talking to you about. Because you ain't going to pay attention to it. You ain't going to do it. So let's get back to the art of listening. First of all, I'm going to need you to listen to God. That right there gives you the ability to actually listen to your spouse. Listen to other people and practice. Stop talking so much, man. Stop trying to over talk people. Stop trying to loud talk people. Trying to get your point across man. Listen, everybody has an opportunity to speak. That's why a soft answer turns away wrath. Have a person, have you ever been around a person and a person is yelling and all of a sudden, you just start talking real soft, like real soft? And they looking at you like, what? Now they're not yelling anymore. They trying to hear what you're saying. Soft answer turns away that wrath that was getting ready to happen. I'm just saying. Quick to hear. You're right. I'm sorry. Quick to hear. Slow to speak. But are you backwards? Are you the one that's quick to speak and slow to hear? Because you just reverse description. I need you to not be so quick to open your mouth. But I need you to be quick to hear. Just like quick to hear who God is talking. What God is saying, be quick to hear and slow to speak. Slow to anger. Patient, reflective and forgiving. Say that again. Patient, reflective and forgiving. If you got a problem with any of those, go ahead and talk with God. Get that right with God. You got to get that right with me. Get that right with God. Because I understand patience, I understand reflected and I understand forgiveness. But you can do it because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. So if you actually listening to God, God gives you his word that gets into your spirit that actually gives you strength. Listen, this is what I call the weight room. Spiritual weight room, spiritual muscles, get into his word and allow the word. The heavier that word is, the more strength you get. So the word that God puts on you that stretches you, that weighs you, that crushes you, that it makes you stronger. Do you understand that? It makes you stronger. It makes you spirit stronger. It makes you the renewed spirit in you stronger. Your mind gets stronger. You're not so weak. You're not so feeble. You're not so tired. You're not so fatigued by the enemy trying to hit you with wave after wave after wave after wave after wave after wave and you can't breathe. Let's do this thing differently today. I'm right on time. We're going to do this today differently. All right, let's go back, let's go ahead and repent to God and tell him I'm sorry for not listening. I'm sorry for not being a great listener. I'm sorry, but I'm willing. I'm willing to listen to your word. I'm willing to learn. I'm willing. I'm willing. Just be willing. It's continuous thing. I'm going to do it today or this week and I ain't going to do it again. Don't let the devil fool you. You just lost on yourself. How long do I have to do it? Why do you want to put a limit to it? You should say if I have to be a willing learner for the rest of my life, be okay with that. Are you okay with being a Christian the rest of your life? You can't be okay with being a student all of your life. Why you can't be okay with being a forgiver all your life? Why you can't be okay with just listening to what God say all your life? What's wrong with that? If you want to get blessed, I want blessings all my life. I want favor all my life. I bet you want that, don't you? But you don't want to learn his word all your life. You don't want to have to go through something. As long as you live, you're going to have to go through something. Because God is a progressive God. It's glory, it's level to level and glory to glory. What part of going through something? Listen, no, I don't like it either. But I've come to my conclusion that I'm okay with it. Why? Because he equips me to win in every situation. Day by day, situation by situation, I get better. Every time I get on here, I get deliverance. This is therapy to me. I keep telling you all that. This is therapy to me. You just happen to be in my therapy session. Thank you for joining me for my therapy session. Because I'm speaking to myself. I'm in a mirror speaking to myself. I see your words, but I see myself. So I'm speaking to myself. Be okay with learning, y'all, please. Listen, this is to be okay with learning. Don't be prideful. Don't be arrogant. Don't be talking about, I know all this. I got this. Okay. You do? That's great. Hey, that's cool. You got this. You straight. It's okay. You good. All right. Well, that ain't talking to you. I ain't talking to you. You got it. You good. I'm good. You good then. You don't need to learn. You straight. Go ahead. You do you. You do you. But don't listen. Don't be calling God. I'm telling my oh my God. Why do I have to do this? Because you stop listening. You stop being willing to learn. You just said I got it. Okay. And you stuck in that same place. How bad do you want to grow? How bad do you want to mature? How bad? I'm just saying. So are you willing? Like willing. Are you, Gerald, willing to learn? Lord, I'm willing. I'm open. Hey, I'm your favorite student. I'm here. Listen, I come here. Hey, hey, I just want to learn. Show me in your word. Teach me in your word. Let your word come to life in my life. Let your word be a light upon my path. Let your word do miraculous things in me. Let your word transform me. Let your word renew my mind. Let your word renew a right spirit within me. Let your word, let your voice comfort me. Let your voice guide me. Let your voice transform me. Let your voice open my eyes so I can see the hope of my calling. Let your voice be into my ears that the stranger's voice I will not hear. Yes. Now I want to scream right now. I'm okay with learning. I thank God for waking up today to be able to learn something different. To be able to know, okay, Gerald, I need you to be a better listener. I'm going into a season of better listening. I get why I need it. I see that. I'm sitting here talking to you. I told you all this is my therapy session because God just showed me. I need you to be able to listen to the instructions that I'm getting ready to give you because I'm getting ready to put you into a place where you really don't understand and don't know the decisions that you're going to have to make. You leaning on me and you're going to learn how to maneuver in these places. You're going to learn to be able to sit in a room with people that don't even look like you. Sit in a room with people and you open your mouth and things are going to be said that will baffle them because I'm a learner and I'm a listener and I'm like Holy Spirit. I'm going to need you to bring everything that I need up in this conversation in this meeting because I'm talking about multi-million dollar deals. I ain't just talking about just something. I understand where God has been moving me when he's talking about business. When he's talking about investments, when he's talking about shifting your mind to something different, Gerald, you're not going to think he's breaking a poverty spirit off of me. He's breaking a place of lack and not enough. He's bringing me into a place that if I listen and if I learn that he will put me in places and do things that I couldn't do on my own and I know I couldn't do it on my own and I'll give him all the honor and all the glory for allowing me and allowing my family to be in this particular place because I know it is he that gives me the power to get wealth and I'm just saying something right now. I'm saying something right now. I already told y'all welcome to my therapist session because this is therapeutic to me. God just showed me some things in this listening. Why he wants me to listen. Why he needs for me to listen. Why I need to always be in a place to be willing to learn because there's things I just don't know. I don't know, but my God is all knowing. My God is all knowing. My God is omnipresent. You hear what I'm saying? So I'm good with that. I listen to my God, I listen to my Father. There's things that I know I don't know, I will know because he'll give him to me because I'm willing to learn. I'm willing to listen. I'm willing to be into that place and I ain't about to out talk God. I'm not about to out talk God. So God, Father, thank you. Thank you for this word. Thank you for renewing my mind. Thank you for showing me something different. Thank you for allowing me to be willing to learn this. You're willing to be my teacher. So I thank you for teaching me. You know the way I learn. So thank you for teaching me. Thank you for teaching me in a way that I get it. And here's the best thing. Thank you for allowing me to have a wife that is a teacher. Y'all don't know what I just said. That's how God, listen, when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. And he finds favor in his sights. Listen, I found a good thing in Yvette Benton because the teaching of knowing thing that is on her life, it helps me to grow. That's why the enemy didn't want us to communicate. That's why the enemy didn't want us to understand each other. That's why the enemy wanted me to hate when she's trying to teach me something or show me something or help me to learn something. He wanted me to hate that. He wanted me to think that that was bad. Why? Because he knew that if I, if she was able to talk to me and to get, and to help me to learn that what I was getting ready to walk into, what I was getting ready to spiritually see was going to be so dynamic that he couldn't stop it. And now where we are now, it's like bam, bam, bam. I'm like, I love when my wife teaches. I love the teaching of knowing thing on her life. I love the prophetic anointing that is on her life to be able to teach. When she starts teaching, I see something differently. I feel something differently. When she goes to praying, she goes into a place and taps into her teaching anointing, she hops into her apostolic anointing, she taps into her prophetic anointing, and all of a sudden that stuff starts mixing up. And then you getting something that's just powerful. So ever, if you ever got into her, one of her webinars, that's the formula that you're getting that God stirs up inside of her and that she just releases it. And that's why she can go for so long and so many hours of just teaching and teaching and pouring and pouring and speaking and speaking. And it's like, oh, wow. So if you've ever caught me just looking at my wife and I'm like, what is going on? That's what I see. So I'm embracing that place in my wife. I'm embracing this season of learning. I'm embracing this season of listening to God and I'm willing to learn. I don't know everything, but I'm willing to learn. If God puts a person in my life and tells me, I need you to pay attention to them. That means he's what he's asking me to listen asking me to learn something I ain't got to learn it and be a PhD in it But I got to learn it enough that I can comprehend it that I can actually walk this thing out when I walk out of the room You better catch what I'm saying. I'm trying to learn your I'm not trying to take over your lane I'm just trying to learn your lane. I'm just trying to get the information that God wants to me to have out of your lane That's all that's it. I'm that's it. That's it. That's it. I I got my own lane to stay in So I'm gonna need you to if you haven't been a consistent in your your listening I'm gonna need you to go to proverbs for 20 and 21 and then read James 1 and 19 We're gonna read it out of the King James all day long You can read it out of amplify and blind casting NIV all message You can read out of whatever you feel like you need to read it out of that you get an understanding because this is what We want you to do is have an understanding of what God word says. It says my son Attend to my word. I mean listen lesson Listen to my words not word the words and Be willing to learn open your ears to my sings Do not let them escape from your sight Keep your eyes on the word keep your eyes on God keep your eyes keep your eyes keep your eyes on James 1 and 19 understand this my beloved Brother and brothers and sisters let everyone be quick to hear slow to speak Mmm and slow to anger Can we work with some patience? Reflective and forgiving Let's work on some of that stuff today. All right I pray that this thing stretches you father God. I just thank you father for Helping us to be better listeners father We repent for the times that we haven't listened the times that that we've been prideful The times that we have been arrogant that we think that we know everything father forgive us now in the name of Jesus and father I thank you father for removing the deaf and dumb spirit father God that makes us feel like you're not speaking again father You don't want us to be rebellious, but father. We just thank you right now that we're attentive to your words We're attentive to your your your sayings father God And we are willing to learn we are willing to be learners life learners father God in the name of Jesus Father, we will not let your word escape our sight father. We will truly be quick quick to listen quick to hear and Slow to speak father. We forget forgive us for over speaking over. Oh, you know a being loud over over talking you forgive us I Thank you for being patient with us. I Thank you That we're being renewed right now that we're having a renewed spirit We got a new attitude towards you father This is the day father That we make a a true change a true shift From our old to our new all old residue is being stripped as we speak I decree it and I declare and I say that it is so in Jesus name amen Thank you once again for joining me on driveway motivation. I'm Jared won't have a journal in the vet Y'all be blessed. Y'all have a wonderful day. All right Well, thank you for joining me today on the priest profiting King podcast I hope this message has inspired you to understand and walk in your biblical world of a PPK in your family and community men if you need strategies to help you navigate through hard places in your life join me Monday and Wednesday at 8 a.m. For PPK podcast the making of a kingdom man where men from all over the world come to talk strategies with the word of God being our foundation You can go to our website PPK global org for more information if you need accountability training and mentoring check out our king's army Training men to walk in their divine position as heads of the family God's way Listen, don't forget to subscribe to the podcast of your favorite platform. So you never miss an episode I would love to hear from you. So please leave me a review and send me your thoughts and questions You can also follow me on Facebook PPK priest profiting king I gee PPK global Spotify Apple music for more updates and information I will be back next week with more insight into the recipe of a kingdom man until then remember day by day Situation by situation. We have to get better. I pray you continue to be blessing your journey as a priest profiting king. See you next week You You You (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]