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Episode 281 - Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

This week, Cage-A-Palooza 2024 continues with the 1995 film Leaving Las Vegas. It's the movie that won Cage an Oscar. Also starring Elizabeth Shue, and directed by Paul Figgis. Cage plays Ben, a writer who's hit rock bottom, and leaves LA for Las Vegas, to drink himself to death, when he meets Sera, and they form a unique bond. So, is it as good as it's reputation? And did Cage deserve an Academy Award for his performance? What about Elizabeth Shue and her performance? Let's find out...

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1h 29m
Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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What's up? I was looking for you tonight I don't know if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend but if you have some free time I thought maybe we could get some dinner Are you serious? Alright guys, let's go. Hi everyone, I'm Scott I'm Scott Hello and welcome Welcome and hello, this is Wade You haven't seen? It's a show where we talk about movies and specifically, we talk about a movie at least one of us has never seen before I'm your host Travis, aka TVstravus This is episode number 281 and it is week 2 of Kajapalooza 2020 It's a show where we talk about movies and specifically we talk about a movie at least one of us has never seen before I'm your host Travis, aka TVstravus This is episode number 281 and I'm going to lose a 2024 This week, I have coming on the show from the botched podcast It's Phil Keating, Phil, how are you? Travis Mann, thanks for having me back It's always a pleasure and a fun time whenever we get together and I'm excited to talk about this Nicolas Cage romantic comedy ROM So our movie this week is 1995's Leaving Las Vegas This is the movie that won Nick Cage his Oscar and I'm going to be honest with you I thought it was kind of a romantic comedy ROM I knew very little about it other than it's what won Nick Cage the Oscar It's just one of those that was a blind spot for me I had heard, I heard it was really good but that was all I knew about it so I didn't know and for a long time I did conflate it a little bit with Honeymoon in Vegas because that came out what three years earlier and that was also Nick Cage Is that where he's the Elvis impersonator? That's Wild at Heart? Ok, that's Wild at Heart I think some of those blend together but I would conflate this in Honeymoon in Vegas but I knew this then I learned like this is the one where you know this was the more critically acclaimed movie but that's all I knew about it so I kind of went into it a little bit blind did read you know oh he's an alcoholic who goes to Vegas to drink himself to death and he meets Elizabeth Shoe there and that was it going into watching this movie so before I talk about what I thought of it what is your history with this movie in terms of like when did you first see it and sort of you know go from there? The first time I saw it was about 3.30 in the afternoon yesterday Travis I have no history with this movie I know that this movie is kind of like you his award winning Oscar award winning performance everybody always has it in their top five of Nicholas Cage movies and I just I never got around to it I'm not a big cage person right the Cage films that I enjoy are kind of his down on his luck off beat kind of things and full disclosure everyone this was not the original movie I picked I threw a late game audible because I feel like you know not only it's time for me to watch it but I looked through your whole episode list and you didn't watch it so I had to bring it to the table just because I knew it was going to be rough and holy moly it was rough yeah I got a few minutes into this and I was like oh this is what we're doing okay and I thought that I had an idea of what movie I was watching those first 10 to 15 minutes sort of that cold open which it was funny because I didn't even register that we were in a cold open until the credits started 20 minutes into the movie and then as the movie kept going I realized I did not know what this was going to be and I was not really prepared for the movie that I was watching at all that cold open for me was really an eye-opener and it really like it was in that first 10 minutes where I knew exactly what kind of movie we were going to get and it was kind of wrenching for me because to be honest with you it held a mirror up to my life there was a part in my life back in 2021 where that was me you know I was going through a divorce my work was on the verge of firing me and if they would have who knows but I literally was trying to drink myself to death I was severely unhappy you know I was in a new living with a new roommates and just kind of isolated myself from the entire world so like to watch him go through each quote-unquote segments of his life like oh yeah running into people at the bar when they're just trying to enjoy dinner and you are inappropriately drunk yeah I've been there before right having that meeting with my boss completely drunk yeah I also had that wandering the streets or pushing a cart in a liquor store just filling it up with whatever I could afford yeah dude like so right off the bat I was like all right bud buckle up man this is going to be a rough road for you and it was man it was really it was hard to watch but also it was kind of it was kind of good for me at the same time because like I'm not there anymore right if anybody knows me man I struggle with depression I struggle you know when I do get low and I do get low alcohol is always the first thing that I grab for because that's kind of like my mediator and it has been from like a very young age but I can look and stand now on Philip from like 2021 and like be like I don't know that guy anymore right I figured out different ways to kind of deal with my depression and I have stop gaps along the way so that I don't ever get there again right and luckily now like I have a good close circle of friends that are like we'll always check up on me if they see one hint of like hey man you might be spiraling let's let's sit down and talk about it right yeah but man it's good dude it was man like cuz like what I do like when I go low like I do full isolation right people trying to help me no I'm fine man don't worry about it even though I'm like completely dying inside so those first ten minutes are just like so that's what I looks like oh all right cool let's go and that is that is a unique perspective that you have watching this that I don't have however I can empathize and when I was watching this movie fell into the category of movies where I'm really glad that I saw this yeah I am not in a rush to watch it again never again it's never again like this might hit the pantheon of oh yeah I saw that and I'm never gonna watch that again it's gonna sit right up there next to the green mile right I don't ever need to watch the green mile again for different reasons but I never have to watch this or the green mile again yeah because like this is an amazing piece on like character where you're getting an arc without really a change in the person somehow but there's a lot going on from start to finish for him and for Elizabeth shoe I completely get why both of them were up for Oscars for this cuz she was up yeah for the Oscar for best lead actor lead actress and he won for best lead actor and holy crap they're both just I mean I've said this for a long time I think Nick Cage is a really good actor he makes choices and sometimes those choices don't work but he's always making choices but I think he brings something compelling all the time but this was him really bringing a lot to a character and a lot of realism there was like an honesty in his performance here that really hit me and I'm surprised that Elizabeth shoe didn't win and I didn't do any research so I don't know you know who beat her out for that that role but to be honest for me I thought Elizabeth shoe was the one carrying the acting between the two of them she carries all the emotion in this so real quick here was who was up for best actress in a leading role for that year so is Elizabeth this movie and I'm going to tell you who won just by these names okay Elizabeth shoe for leaving Las Vegas Meryl Streep for the bridges of Madison County Sharon Stone for casino Emma Thompson sense and sensibility and Susan Sarandon dead man walking so who do you think you have won that year probably what was it Sharon Stone and casino Sharon Stone was in casino yeah yeah I think I would either say her or obviously street because street always woods was Susan Sarandon for dead man walking damn no no joke um but boy that is like yeah those are some heavy hitters up there yeah don't match and and Elizabeth shoe staying in toe to toe with this woman because she is so good in this and it also hurt to watch Elizabeth shoe in this movie like she was probably in my top you know one of my childhood crushes oh same one of my notes was one of my notes watching this was like I had such a crush on her because I loved um adventures in babysitting but for me the one was um the saint was Val Kilmer okay she was in that and I just really enjoyed that movie and I loved her in it and but it was that yeah watching her in this there's so many moments in here where she is doing ridiculous amount of acting without saying a word and there's so much emotion on her face and it's like it's just heart wrenching what's going on there's there's a lot of that period in this movie but she really does several times in it and then and then this this broke my brain for a little bit as I'm reading about the movie um the solo scenes where she's talking to somebody I had notes and I'm like man so I'm wondering who this is like who this therapist is she's talking to or who this person is she's talking to about her relationship and how like are we gonna you know is that gonna get paid off at some point I keep waiting for it and then that's how the movie ends is with her talking to this person but we never see who it is and then I read that those scenes of her talking um were from her makeup and wardrobe tests and so this is the according to the trivia so grain of salt on it but all of the solo scenes of Sarah speaking to either herself an unidentified person therapist whomever it is the film never tells us are actually Elizabeth shoes wardrobe hair and makeup tests that were shot prior to production director Mike Figgis used them in the edit because he felt they strengthened the narrative of the film against the initial wishes of the producers that interesting if that is true and I want to believe it is that's crazy because those are amazing moments it's literally like it's some of the only times in this movie where it's just pure affection of like gratitude and love without a circus happening behind it but I got to believe it because this whole movie was shot on 16 millimeter right they didn't have a big production they had a shoestring budget so you know if you any I had to believe like any footage that was shot at all was brought to the editing bay and just where can we fit this in because you know she's pouring her heart out and but that also makes sense why we never have you know the reverse angle on who this person she was talking to is yeah and in a way I like that they don't pay that off because we don't need to know who she's talking to early on I was like oh I wonder if this is gonna you know who is it and then by the end of the movie it didn't matter anymore it was just her getting this out about this relationship and what happened with her and Ben and it was amazing there's a lot of there's actually a couple things in this movie that don't have payouts or payoffs and it I don't feel bad about it right now I always hate being spoon fled anything and there's just a couple you know threads that kind of just came to a dead end and I get to make up you know my own story line of kind of what's going on on this you know be story that we have no idea that's going on about it man it's just oh man um you're referencing Yuri right I'm talking about Yuri because we also you know at first when when Cage is coming into Las Vegas and he's at the gas station and you see these guys you know across the pump from right and you got I think at some point those characters are going to have some sort of interaction right um either you know Cage and Yuri or the hitman which I'm going to guess or or Cage or anything right um and it just never kind of develops right even though you know it's like um what the heck was that movie that movie do you remember the movie from the 90 go yeah where it's like three different storylines and they tell the whole yeah so they you know somewhere out there my own head cannon you know there's a whole nother storyline that's happening in this city that doesn't ever you know sleep right man it's just it's great and I also like that they decided to show the grimest side of Las Vegas yeah I love it which is which is very early 90s 80s ask Vegas it's just like man this is a this is a hundred years away from a from Blade Runner almost about how gross and dark this city actually is yeah and it's it's funny because last week when we were doing Gone in 60 seconds which is like the other end of the spectrum in Cage movies right that's the fun popcorn summer type movie that's light-hearted and there's nothing nothing difficult about it but a JF and I talked about how it never portrayed LA as the glitzy glamorous Los Angeles it was like you know it was LA looked dull and boring and not interesting really in any way and so then you flip it around and we're watching this and it is and I I was just in Vegas a couple months ago and you know it usually when you see Las Vegas in a movie it's Oceans 11 right it's the scene the strip and the lights and all that and this is like the other side this is all the dirty grimy greasy icky parts of of it even when we're in places like the casinos the way they shot everything you barely saw the casino floors and they didn't make it a big thing it was like a lot of tight close-ups and I love the scene where he flips out playing black back well we'll get to that because I got I got a thing to reference for you it dawned on me right away so like once we start breaking this film apart man I got something good that you might agree with but excellent in my opinion just the overarching thing of leaving Las Vegas like it shows you the struggle of dependency yes and how we can get dependent on almost anything right mm-hmm what am I dependent on I'm dependent on caffeine right don't you know we can't don't talk to me unless I have my coffee right I get co-dependent with with friendships and partners right it's something that I try to actively work on but I know that there's always going to be a little bit of co-dependency on me and so like watching people deal and struggle with their own personal dependencies if it's alcohol if it's you know money if it's sex if it's gambling it was just it was very raw and when the film finally ended it it came upon me that like this is a 90s Requiem for a dream ooh right yeah this is the 90s independent Requiem where we're just going to show you you know these cliche character types acting unclear like and just watching them kind of self-destruct and you know I knew like I said right after the preamble of the the beginning I was like there's not gonna be an happy ending to this there's absolutely there's no way we're gonna get out of this and and write off into the sunset and so like when it finally ended I was like yep Erenoski really really really has a figures to thank for for getting this movie off the ground and I know Requiem was a book and so was this which also has a very dark dark history with it but yeah that was my thoughts it's just 90s Requiem for a dream yeah that's not a bad way to put it you're right and yeah at some point early on I realized we're not getting a happy ending and it's still it still hits so hard the way the way it went down the way the ending happened yeah was both I don't want to say predictable because that sounds bad but it was I could see that that's where we were heading to but it still was just a big gut punch and the way it happened the kind of with a whimper yeah and there there was a couple scenes that you know was like oh geez I know this is happening know this is gonna happen and I know this is gonna happen and sure as heck it happened and like even though I mentally prepared myself it was just like yep this is brutal this is really brutal and I knew this was gonna be brutal you use you use the word raw and I think that is the perfect word to describe what this movie is it is it is raw it does not pull any punches it doesn't hold back and it's very open and vulnerable like Ben is a vulnerable person while also shielding everything under the the alcoholism yeah there's those moments like when he's with his boss the way he says I'm sorry to him that killed me and you know him when he's talking to her and telling her like you can't ever ask me to stop drinking yep oh geez Louise and her reaction to it was yeah was the the reaction that needed to be there for this relationship to happen because she understood what was going on with him and how and but she needed him her dependency was was him and that anchor he had for her and so she was willing to do whatever you know needed to be done to keep him around which makes her kicking him out at one point so hard and you can tell and Elizabeth she just just delivers on that moment like I just can't I can't I can't sing the praises of Nicolas Cage and Elizabeth shoe enough in this movie and how they were start to finish but also that feeling the feeling of loneliness man like I felt it a lot in my life and somehow like she was able to invoke that feeling in me right even though I have a partner and I you know I have a loving circle it's just like I've been there I know how it feels and like when you're in a loneliness spiral it feels like you know you're always six feet away from reaching the cliff to pull yourself out yeah and like she got me back there as I watched it with my girlfriend like oh man so yeah it was it was a lot yeah and the and they do have those weird side stories like Yuri so Yuri is her pimp I guess yeah so that's how I kind of understood it I thought of it as well right they from what I'm guessing from the small dialogue that they had she works for him in Los Angeles mm-hmm and then ran to the desert and he was able to track her down and continue to have that power over her and I really thought that that was going to be much more of the movie was Julian Sands as Yuri and sort of that whole end of things and it didn't you know that that ended really early in the movie way before I thought it would and not kind of the way that I thought it was going to go but that was that was interesting to me to sort of dangle because that feels like real life right that doesn't feel like a script for a movie that feels like something that literally happens where you think this is where it's going to go and then nope that whole none of that was really important it is important but it wasn't going to drive the plot of the story that were were watching unfold which yeah and the chemistry between the two the man it's like there's there's that one shot where it pans from because she's laying face down on the bed and it just dry pans up to her face and just the full-on disassociation you know almost spiking the camera of disassociation was just like again just like man it was just it was almost just like not almost it was complete jarring to me like this like I kept flashing back to like back to the future two and three and it's just like oh why are we doing this yeah it oh man and I was surprised because did Yuri and Ben have a single interaction with each other I don't think they did they had one they had one and it was in the pawn shop so Yuri was in the ball that's right with his ruby ring and he's trying to get all the money cuz so that's right best I can understand it Yuri owed money to those mobsters we saw Cage you know we see Ben run into or see the mobsters on his way into Vegas one of whom was Paul Figgas the one staring at Cage with the sunglasses on that was Paul Figgas yep which I was great but Yuri owes them money so now he's like desperate that's why I think he found Sarah and he had her you know turning tricks to get money for him but he's in the pawn shop when Ben walks in and pawns his ninety three Rolex Daytona for five hundred bucks and I looked it up and the retail value on that was well into the five figures like twenty thousand dollars used yeah I was gonna say probably about forty thousand probably forty forty something thousand these days but he's selling for five hundred bucks and he doesn't care which is which is odd right because like it seemed like he came out to Vegas with a good amount of cash right he said it was gonna take him a month to drink himself to death mm-hmm he sold his car he had a luxury motel room so I was also trying to think like why are you gonna put well okay no that's I'm sorry yeah when one of the steps of once you're finally accepting that you are here to die is just to get rid of all your possession so at that point five hundred dollars who cares right that's a that's an extra five to two to three bottles of alcohol yeah yeah that's right I forgot that whole pon scene because it only lasted about forty five seconds yeah it's not really a lot and that's that's all the interaction and at that point I'm still thinking this is gonna be a bigger thing right he's gonna somehow make some connection between like there's the the connection between Yuri and Sarah is gonna get figured out by Ben and there's gonna be something going on there and it just didn't go there and then next time we see Yuri is in that hotel room when Sarah comes back with the bunch of cash and he tells her to leave and that you won't see him again and he's I noticed too he's fully dressed but barefoot which is kind of visual thing of like the pattern of her death yeah so then when she leaves and then as she's walking out we see the mobsters come in the other direction I was like oh all right well I guess Yuri is really done and to the movies credit it doesn't matter like we know what's happening we know what the mobsters are gonna go do and and what's happening to Yuri so we don't need a scene depicting any of that which means they don't have to like spend time and budget to shoot any kind of a struggle or anything where you know have to do anything in that room we we can just infer all of that ourselves and Yuri's just out of the picture now and Sarah's on her own so Sarah now has nothing she has no she has no ties at that point but that's also light like I mean and that brings it back to the point of this movie it's just like there's always another story that like you know we'll we'll never know what we cross paths with because we all kind of run on our own our own timelines and you know it's where this movie kind of is at its best is just giving you you know two ships in the night kind of go and pass each other and that's the realism of like the struggle of this movie yeah yep so we mentioned Nick Cage and Elizabeth shoe there are a bunch of great like cameos and side characters in this there's so many like okay Julian Sands was one which he was a great actor I loved Julian Sands like he was one that was just he was always kind of interesting to me in a movie and it's really sad what ended up happening to him because I don't know if you heard or not but he went hiking in the mountains of California and disappeared disappeared and they couldn't find him for six weeks or something like that they were searching and they ended up you know he ended up being found but sadly didn't survive but he was he was a great a great character actor but right off the bat we get Steven Weber and Richard Lewis a beautiful 90s Richard Lewis oh yes oh yes and I thought and I thought we were gonna have more of him just like oh great Richard Lewis is in this movie this is gonna be you know maybe it's his you know a brother that he's you know upset with and I'm gonna have to deal no it's just here's money man leave me the heck alone yeah that's it um Valerie Galino as Terry I like her that whole scene in the bar where he's Ben is hitting on the girl yeah I I may have captured part of that when we get to clips we'll we'll discuss that but Valerie Galino is and Graham Beckle was the bartender and Graham Beckle I've seen in a lot of stuff but he's burned into my brain from LA confidential so anytime I see him I think of him as Stensland but he you know he's the bartender there I loved his interaction right because he's like trying to be the bartender it's like look dude it's it's 10 30 in the morning maybe you don't need another drink and then he's like whatever fine you do what you want I don't care like yep that was he was great Arlie Ermey has a cameo in this I almost didn't recognize him and I didn't recognize him I didn't recognize him at all it's the beer even it's so weird to see him with a beer I've never seen it normally you know even cartoon roles he's always yelling at people and I know him distinctly from his voice yes to see him kind of just sitting down with a beard and and his ring is just like okay also seeing our yeah seeing Arlie Ermey with a beard is like seeing Sam Elliott clean shaving something doesn't feel right there yeah oh man but he's in there you got French Stewart a baby French Stewart shows up so I don't think even has a line does he I so I don't know because I knew after right when I pulled up the IMTV that he was in it I couldn't put a face to it at all and I watched a lot of Third Rock from the Sun and I just couldn't figure out who he was in this movie so he was he's credited as businessman number two in the scene that introduces Yuri and Sarah in the hotel room oh he's the other one interesting yeah and I mean he's super young this is like the year after I think he did Stargate but he's not he's not French Stewart that you think of with like the squinting and sort of the caricature that he became he's just a guy in this but it was that was one of those that was kind of crazy to see Mariska Hargate okay so this one screwed me up this one this one was just like wait what no what no whoa so okay I'm gonna say this I love Law and Order SVU and like binge watchable for me if I'm folding laundry all day you bet you're sweet but I am watching back to back to back because I used to play on TNT all the time right so like days days off we would all just sit down and watch SVU and so like Olivia Benson and Mariska Hargate man there is no separation for me like they are one and the same yeah especially when you do a role for his long that long right she's been Olivia Benson for like 20 years so it's hard to think of her as something else and well we did see her as something else is a sex worker and so like to see her as a sex worker I was like in my own head it was just like obviously she's undercover like this is they need help in the Law and Order Las Vegas department so she's definitely under covered doing a case right now it was also interesting because I saw her early on and then I thought oh that's gonna be it like that's the cameo because it just felt like that and then for her to be to come back at the end of the movie yeah I didn't expect to be the woman that to be the woman that and yeah thrown out of the apartment yeah I didn't expect that either I just thought it was going to be her at the blackjack table or what was it craps they were playing craps I think yeah they're playing craps yeah I thought oh wow okay that's that's uh Mariskey hard to tell you but no you're right I didn't expect her to come back at all but as soon as I saw her back at the the the casino or the bar it was just like okay he's definitely gonna bring her home because he's upset that Sarah is out again working and Sarah's gonna come home and they're still gonna be there and just we have a wonderfully awkward moment and then oh man like obviously and that's another storyline that we don't get right is that obviously Sarah and her have some sort of history or they've they've ran into each other since they're both sex workers in in Vegas so like I just curious on like that backstory that we're never gonna get yeah this is one of those movies that has a lot of those side story backstories it's like I could watch you know a 30 minute short on that that one or a whole movie on this one and I love that because it makes the world that this that this movie exists and feel more real to have all of those intertwined pieces and these little threads here and there that you're like oh that's that's interesting what's their history because the way Mariska Hargate's character looked at Elizabeth shoe the first time when she was talking to Arlie Erme yeah you're like yep there's some history there and I figured that was gonna be it and then for her to come back and be the one that she walks in on like a whole lot of stuff Danny Houston was the one bartender Danny Houston I don't know if I know that actor so it is Angelica Houston's nephew I want to say okay and and also John Houston's grandson he was in 30 days of night he was in unfortunately X-Men Origins Wolverine see that he's been in a lot and but he you know he's somebody that I do like and it was kind of cool to see him just sort of show up real quick this is kind of early in his career but the one that threw me the most was Laurie Metcalf as the landlady yeah like I don't know why like of all of the all of the cameos in this all the small parts there's something about Laurie Metcalf and just she was great she's not being she's being funny without being funny she's really good at that but she just like I just didn't expect that and I don't know why because she was all over the place in the 90s she was in a lot of stuff well but also this is a very like almost unknown director right he didn't he had a couple films after this that I've heard of but like this wasn't like your top of the line director top of the line script right dude I'm all I can believe is like they were you know they approached these actors with the script and the actors realize like oh this is a gem this is this is something that doesn't come around that often and this is something completely different than what's being made right now you know in 90s I and so like it feels like this this feels like one of those like figures I think his his bigger his biggest movie prior to this was probably internal affairs but he feels like one of those sort of always gonna be an indie independent movie guy and this feels like one of those kind of actors movies right where like a script gets passed around and somebody who knows somebody is like oh you should check out this script and they're like yeah I want to be in that like this looks really cool like that kind of thing where it's it doesn't have broad appeal and it doesn't get you know a studio behind it a big studio behind it but the people that hear about it like yeah I want to work on that yeah and you would think that after this movie came out with with all the nominations from your Golden Globes your Academy Awards at like studios or other people would kind of start throwing bigger projects at him and he never really had anything after that that was like you know a groundbreaking staple right this is his his his his magnum opus this is his uh his his his baby and it's it's I have to believe like that's his decision I really like it no I don't want to do that I don't want all this money because I want to make the movies that I want to make I don't want to make the movies the studio wants me to make mm-hmm yeah like he did I I remember I don't think I ever saw it but I remember hearing about his movie Timecode from 2000 which dealt with um basically like four different frames in one sort of all happening at the same time it was like a weird kind of uh it was a weird like something extra going on there and I remember hearing about that movie had no idea it was the same director but you're right I I'm with you I think that him not doing those types of things were personal choice like he just he wanted to keep making his movies and it's funny because I do recognize a lot of the movie posters of his other movies because I worked at Blockbuster for so long right um this movie hotel that he did it's a horror thriller you know from 2001 and it's got Selma Hayek uh David Schwimmer Lucy Lou Bert Reynolds John Malkovich yeah nobody's ever heard of it nobody's probably is you know we we have a handful of people that actually saw it and all I remember is all his box art sitting in the the middle section of Blockbuster and being like all right those are those are some heavy hitter names on that box yeah um the last two cast members I wanted to mention because Zander Berkeley is the cynical cabbie that picks her up after her night oh my god I really wanted oh I wanted to kick him right in the throat like he is so so so good at that type of character too there's something he's like he's probably by all accounts a lovely person and I'm sure he's he's great to like chat with and hang out with and all that but he is so good at being that just cynical asshole that that says the wrong thing all the time um and he's just got that kind of smarmy face to him too and I love Zander Berkeley because of that like he's just but you're right you just want to just just drop kick him in the throat it's just like literally dude like you see she's got bruises on her face you see that her neck is cut it doesn't matter what her line of work is like it's still a human man yeah like yeah just literally if you're not comfortable taking her anywhere take her to the police station take her to the hospital take her anywhere she wants to take her to be taken to and just shut up and do your job dude and this was the point where I almost couldn't keep going in the movie the when that scene before that with the college kids is unfolding and I was like oh movie we're gonna have we're gonna have a rough time here I don't know if I like what we're doing and it thankfully cuts away yes and so it's doesn't make it any better doesn't make it any like it doesn't make it easier but at least I didn't have to it the the figures did not need to have kind of like talking about the scene with Yuri and the gangsters we didn't need that scene to know what was gonna happen we didn't need to see the scene play out to know what it was gonna be and how bad it was and I appreciate that and well yeah I mean obviously me too but like even the scene before that where they approach her as she's walking home yeah like I knew I knew right there that there was going to be a brutal brutal sex scene and I don't know you know what a brutal rape scene with these three assholes I knew for a fact and it was just like I spent that 15 minutes or 10 minutes like just mentally preparing myself and just having a like a literally a pillow to clutch and put in front of my face because it like this movie was already brutal how like and you're right man I was so thankful that like you're just like you said like the Yuri scene that like hey we're gonna show you just enough but not enough for you to have to watch this and for me Travis the more brutal part was the silent scene in the shower y'all hundred percent this is and this is what I'm talking about like I'm never going to watch this movie again Travis but I'm going to constantly think about this movie like constantly and it's probably not going to leave my brain for a good 20 years because that's how much of an impact like little scenes like that of her just crying motionless in the shower as blood goes down the drain it's just like oh sorry this is an example of this is a quote that I heard and I'm I'm going to paraphrase it because I'm probably going to get it wrong but it basically was art is meant to make the comfortable uncomfortable and the disturbed comfortable and the comfortable disturbed and this is a prime example of that because I've had some debates recently over a couple of movies that have come out you know lately that are popcorn movies that are summer movies that are kind of shut your brain off and just hey we got some fan service and some bright colors and it's cool and those things I think are good to have exist because I think it's great to have that kind of escapist entertainment that you can just sit back and enjoy the ride but then there's also the flip side of it which is you know art in the sense of creating an emotional response in you not always a good one but an emotional response and I do think that it can be important at times for us to be made a little bit uncomfortable there's lines to it and everybody's got their threshold that they can they can stomach and take with that I think that's why horror a lot of people like horror movies because you want to have either the ridiculousness of it or you want to be disturbed a little bit and I think that this is a different type of disturbed but like that's not a bad thing it's not bad to feel these emotional responses in something because it can open and unlock something in you or it can help you to deal with stuff that you have done that has happened to you in the past or reflects on that so just like you it's you know don't want to watch it again but it's going to stick with you right the one movie that that did that for me I brought up in the past with people is there was a movie called the movie where the movie starts to play it's dog and it was a pseudo documentary it was it was shot documentary style where these film makers were following a serial killer he was profess self professed serial killer and they were doing a documentary on him it's fake but over the course of the movie the filmmakers start to bond with the guy a little bit and it was one of those movies where when it got when I got done with it I'm like I was watching with a couple friends of mine and all three of us had the same reaction of like well that was horrifying yeah I'm going to go home and take about four showers and I let's let's never watch that again but I still think about it it's stuck with me because it created those emotional responses this this is that type of movie monster was another one monster was Charlie was one for me for me it's and you probably have seen it you got a good repertoire of movies for me it was the movie gummo have you ever seen gummo I have once in college man that's it never need to see it and I can still see it inside my head yeah I was in college in '04 it's been 20 years and I never need to see that movie again because it replays in my brain every six months for some reason I mean but this obviously this is going to stick for completely different reasons and I'm just I'm thankful that you brought me back on here so that we could experience this together there's a couple things I want to hit on if you don't mind absolutely that opening sequence when he is in the liquor store mm-hmm how great was it to see all those old style like 90s paper label bottles those were that that was I love the nostalgia of stuff like that that was great and apparently that was a no cutting shark all these I'm sorry shitty liquors that my parents had in their oh yeah oh yeah like oh take out the good stuff tonight see rooms Vio Canadians best shitty whiskey yep but yeah it was it was great to see all those old old liquor bottles it was and apparently that was originally shot to be later in the movie and figures was like let's throw this rights at the beginning because it's a great primer and it just sets you up for who this guy is right away just straight out of the gate I love that but yeah seeing all those labels was just fantastic like I'm like up I remember seeing those I remember those were none of those are good but there but they're fantastic yep yes they are and another thing I wanted to talk to you and point out was how about the music how about the score and the music in this movie so figures did a lot of the music correct because he had no budget he had zero budget so he's like the hell with it I'll do it myself and for me it reminded me of early 70s Tom Waits right heart of a Saturday night lounge I think he was on a silent records at that point right before the whole ring dogs and switching to island records man but that loungey you know cheesy ass piano music oh man do I love it do I love that crappy music I really think that's my favorite Tom Waits era because I know is it Mr. Saturday night is the album because it's got part of a Saturday night yeah whichever one that is that is that is one that I revisit all the time like it's just it's a it's a personal favorite of mine and yeah there was so much of that music in here that style and also sting I know right and that was another one I read figures was a friend of stings and interesting I was wondering yeah I was wondering that too that's why I kind of looked this one up and apparently he was they were friends and he asked him to do a couple songs for the soundtrack but the producer didn't like sting one of them didn't and so they were like no we don't want that and so figures was like okay cool I got I got an alternate for you and he wrote he said he had written an opera in German that was about death and he was going to sing it and she was like all right fine you stay and that's another one I want that to be true because that's awesome that's such a good way to do it like oh oh let me give you the worst option and then you'll love having sting in this movie and in that music it was perfect all of it just hit those right notes in the era of it and sort of the feel we talked about that kind of the idea of this Las Vegas that isn't glitzy and glamorous and that music felt like the the the down and dirty parts of Vegas yeah in music form so yeah it's not the Don Henley song in here and I do you know what I am with the dude on this one and I know this is a PG so I'm going to or PG 13 so I'm going to take my one curse word I fucking hate the Eagles man I fucking hate the Eagles right but that Don Henley song okay you got me done you got one you got one on me which is funny because the Eagles also covered Tom White's at all 55 it was a Tom White's song they covered so yeah man it just I was really really happy with with this music and how the music also scored up perfectly to what was going on each different scene I don't normally Shazam songs during a movie but that Don Henley I was just like okay this one is a kind of a banger kind of a banger let's see who it shit it's done Henley why did it have to be Henley why it had to be Henley so you were curious what I would do to make sure is audio I got a few things some of them are a little weird some of them were just like really poignant moments the first one was right out of the gate when Cage is you know Ben is walking into the the restaurant and there's Richard Lewis and Steven Weber's character sitting there with the two actresses they're talking about whatever movie they're working on and I just for whatever reason this line from this girl just tickled me I think the nicest thing about the film actually is that we get to handle guns and I had never done that like that was what she took away from the movie yeah oh and here and at this point I'm still thinking yeah we're kind of in some sort of a light-hearted romp like it's gonna it's gonna get heavy but it's gonna be like your I was originally thinking even something like your kind of Robin Williams style drama right where it's like there's comedy involved Cage is gonna be goofy alcoholic Cage but it'll get heavy at some moments no no no that's not what we had at all it was it was a lot a lot darker than that but that moment that one made me laugh I also loved this is when he's he's hitting on the girl in the bar Terry oh man this I play oh man luckily for me like during my like dark period man that was never kind of my thing so like while I was drunk at the bar I was always just too sad to like make an ass of myself in front of somebody I was trying to take home and that was just so cringe worthy to watch I'm excited to hear it again I labeled this as flirting question mark so that's this you're so cute and I'm really good in bed to believe me you snow great and you look great your hair is great no okay it's that ending part he gets the look from her he's like no all right all right he realizes it's not working at all but then when she gets up and she tells him like maybe you need to stop drinking stop drinking and and he just responds with as she's walking out because he's got to have that last one right like this is this is the drunk in him maybe I shouldn't breathe so much Terry which means I get to have this on my soundboard now forever and that's that's one of the two sounds I hope to capture I mean you are you are one for one so far sir look cages the gift that keeps on giving with weird sounds yep like you never will get tired of those this one was this is the bar guy I was talking about earlier same same scene but this moment was when I the first realization I had of oh maybe this movie isn't what I originally thought it was gonna be and I'm in for a completely different ride because he looks at him and he says please sir me today I'll never come in here again and I was like okay we're we're going in a different direction but also the bartender's response I can eighty six you whenever the heck I want yeah yep take your drink and get out of here yeah the oh man this one got me I had a note about when he's meeting with his boss so he's got the like the scene the bar is rough it's hard to watch but then when he's meeting with his boss and his boss tells him look we got to let you go you know how you know how it can be and for him to say I'm sorry the way he said that I was just like I just wanted to give him a hug soon like it's going to be okay buddy it's just okay like and that's what it is I mean we we say for a reason that toddlers are just drunk adults right drunk adults act like toddlers man and then and that's what it was man it was like apologizing to his father for you know for for breaking a lamp or something small or dropping a glass of milk or water like I'm sorry and just his boss being like we really enjoyed working with you oh that was that was there was twice in the movie that somebody did something like that though we really enjoyed working with you like that's the I'm not mad at you I'm disappointed yeah and that was killing me and then later on when they break the table and the lady at the hotel in the desert comes up to Elizabeth with the big old smile on her face and basically tells her to screw off and don't even pay for anything we just want you gone through a smile like it would have been that is a Midwestern get the heck out of here yes and that would have it would have been less hurtful if she had yelled and screamed at her and was like no you're going to pay for all like no it was the that like killing her with kindness without it really being kind yeah but oh that was so tough man it was and letting them know like hey look I don't see you as humans yeah yeah or you are rodents that have come in from the desert and you need to go back out mm-hmm garbage possums speaking of that scene when he falls on the table we get oh my god which was great okay you're open I got the whoops yep oh and it hasn't crusted the clown like yes followed up by I'm like a prickly pear I love when he does weird half accents like when he's talking to the guy in the biker bar whose girlfriend comes up and hits on when it gets all shivorous yes he gets all shivorous and he starts doing that like pseudo English accent thing that he does I love that because it's interesting to also you know who that bartender was by the way he looked familiar but I couldn't place a name to him okay here's why he looked familiar it was Julian Lennon John Lennon son the musician yeah what yeah I know that was my reaction I don't want to turn this movie back on is it you don't have to you don't have to but it was it was Julian Lennon oh my god it is this is crazy wow I know also just like hey man like you gotta leave because we don't allow fighting but I know you got your ass kicked but you also got to leave yeah I think the quote of tonight is just oh man yeah yeah I also so when he's when he's in the pawn shop I just liked this delivery $500 for a 93 Rolex Daytona I'll do it I'll do it yeah this have you ever pawned anything I have I have I mean it's never an easy thing to do but also I've only pawned one thing in my life and I still feel guilty about it I was a down I was down and I was white in my early 20s and out one of the local churches was getting rid of their pipe not a pipe organ but a pump organ okay and like they called me up and they're like hey we know you're a musician you got a band you want this free of charge and I was like hell yeah hell yeah I want that pump go it works they're like yeah it works perfectly fine and we used it for about six months and then we were all so strapped for food and strapped for cigarettes and strapped for alcohol that we had to pawn off this poor church at Oregon of course for not the money that we should have believed we should have you know gotten for it yeah but somewhere in Lancaster Pennsylvania somebody is a proud owner of a Lutheran church pump organ via Philip D Keating well hopefully it's at least in a good home and this was a moment that was just heartbreaking but I had to capture this and it's it's this you can never never ask me stop drinking you understand and he's so sincere in that and she knows it and she understands it and that was oh that one hurt but very much so but it's also setting up the boundaries of of of their relationship right he's not going to ask her to stop working she's not going to ask him to stop drinking even though we both know at some point these crossroads will collide heavily yes and it's just like man can campaign in ship is really important it is you know you can only you can only deal with these over arcing and heavy issues for so long until you know the foundation of a relationship cracks and crumbles mhm right there's two things you should never you know start a relationship out on is lies and deception right yep that's why you know any relationship if it's professional or romantic or just you know with friends if if if you go in without being brutally honest and and having discussions like everything is just going to fall apart yeah and absolutely as soon as he said it and he said it so sincerely and and really you know straight into her eyes I said oh this this will become a crux at some point and we will we will be revisiting this mm-hmm yeah I'm on a completely different note this was just a funny line so I had to capture it how do you feel like the cling clang king of the rim ram room right that's a very key to one yes yeah that's a hundred percent of that live um I loved so one of the things and I didn't think about this till the end of it he never eats the entire movie well okay so oh let's talk about this okay okay yeah true um dude literally my staple right because any kind of calories or food that you bring in that I was going to bring in right was going to take the alcohol longer to hit my system and also soften the blow so that was just like I noticed that right off the bat right and at that point where they have dinner right and he has his chopsticks right I'm going to instead of eat the rice he's going to eat the ice cubes yeah because the ice cubes have been soaking in alcohol and it's not going to impact the the alcohol once it hits your system right yeah that that didn't get lost to me what I think they went up dinner once and had that spaghetti dinner yeah but he never actually he never he doesn't eat it yeah exactly which is just like those are little touches of realism like yeah you're dealing with an attic hell no I'm not going to eat because then it's going to kill the potency of whatever I'm going to take yeah oh I'm so glad you picked that up yeah and him picking up the ice with the chopsticks by the way that was just impressive like I don't know how many takes that took but I couldn't do that and I'm going to say it took one one take I that's my my head cannon is he got it in one because it's cage it's Nick cage he can he can just do that he's calm down he could do anything but that scene that scene in the restaurant where they're over the spaghetti had the great line of well then this is our first date or last so now I wasn't sure it was either it has a real good it's a great line it's a great line in a great moment and then for her to kind of pause for a minute and be like it's our first yeah was oh that was great let's see oh this was I got one Julian Sands line and I just I just like this delivery do not come back here I'll not see you again it was it was good and I'm like oh man he's he's exiting the movie already because we're only what 40 minutes in half a minute yeah so that I just didn't expect I can't believe you caught that detail that he wasn't wearing his shoes I completely I I missed that completely yeah I was like oh he's barefoot but he's like as she was leaving and walking down the the hall was when it registered to me that he was he was barefoot sitting there and then the other guys are coming I'm like oh he's like he's ready he knows what's happening and which was crazy this one's called drink it I'm trying to remember what this is because I could mean anything in this movie there's the new one coming along I hear you got dicky gear and a whole bit that is great man that's great I got everybody in the movie look sick this is all I have in cash please please don't drink it in here originally that was the first clip I was going to use as an intro for this episode before I found the one with him and Elizabeth shoe but I just that moment again really setting up who he is and where he is in his life and the whole idea of like this friend of his it's like here's all the money I've got on me don't drink it here and we shouldn't talk anymore like yeah we're done because it's just a quick way to figure out how low he is and again another subplot or story backstory that we don't know anything about is his whole relationship with his ex and they have a kid I have a kid right and yeah I mean I guess yeah there's there's nothing right we don't know any of this we don't even know what kind of of script writer he is right yeah or if he is a once popular wonderful script writer right we don't know anything you have to believe that he's got some great script out there because he has enough royalties to own a house in LA and own his own car and get into these fancy restaurants with these bigger known actors that it seemed to be but yeah we don't get anything right no we don't all right last one and this was the final part of the movie and this one just it's the honesty and the vulnerability of their relationship in these lines from Sarah talking about Ben just really hit me I think the thing is we both realize that we didn't have that much time and I accepted him through who he was and I didn't expect him to change and I think he felt that for me too. And it's that last part I didn't expect him to change like so many times in movies especially Hollywood movies it's you know I'm going to fix this person I'm going to help them to I'm going to change them or they're going to change for me or whatever it is and this was a relationship where she knew who he was when she met him and never expected that he was actually going to to be anything different and it wasn't yeah that's like that's real you can't go into relationships thinking that you're ever going to be able to fix or change somebody you can hope that they put in the work and they want to change and become a better person but you can be that support for them support yeah yeah but you're never going to be able to change somebody you know you know and that was that was the thing throughout this movie that it just felt real because it felt like a relationship built on oh these are actually two real humans not not two-dimensional characters that are going to go through an arc and be someone different on the other end they're the same person all the way through it but things happen to them and changes do happen and I absolutely like that was amazing about the movie I still don't ever want to see it again but it was amazing about the movie that one scene that we were talking about where okay so let's just there's one more scene I want to talk about where they decide to go out gambling right yes this is a big turning point for me in their relationship because at that point she's only kind of seen him really inebriated privately mm-hmm but now we're going out to the casino floor right and there's two different alcoholics here man you have your at-home alcoholic that is bumbly and stumbling and kind of crappy but once he gets into the public eye he kind of transforms into this whole different monster and yeah you can really see it by the physical touch that he has on Sarah which was just really jarring for me because I'm sure she's been in those situations before with either Yuri or other clients right just way to aggressively rough and it was for me it was just like oh geez please like it was hard for me to watch that but then then that scene at the table the blackjack table yep beautifully shot by the way up in the balcony like it's a security guard watching the floor right yeah and then the waitress coming over and saying something and this happened multiple times I don't know if you caught this but this was a beautiful touch that any time that Benjamin was completely intoxicated everything was muffled around him which happens it's happened to me multiple times where everything is kind of like you're so focused on one thing that like everything else is muted around you so I noticed like every time he was completely intoxicated the muting of the sound around him amplified and so once he knocks the table over right and throws everything around and the security guards are rushing into grab him that scene when he's reaching out and trying to get to Sarah and Sarah's trying to pull the cops off that reminded me so much of Sean Penn in Mystic River it did when yeah when when the cops are trying to hold Sean Penn back about his daughter and everything yeah and it was just like holy moly that movie still man Mr. River A+ but yeah that just raw emotion of just like I get the heck away from me get me out of this place but also I'm completely a neighboring and I'm not going to remember a gosh darn thing until I'm reminded the next morning when I wake up with that sensation of shame that was a real trap do you know what you please I was just going to say and then you know to have the scene after that where he wakes up feels that goes into the room with her to lay down on the bed and is like I don't know what happened I remember this and this but then what happened after that and she kind of tells him and like they're having that really heartwarming moment and it again subverts the expectation of where that scene is going to go because then he goes he says something and that that kind of hits her and turns away from him and that's when he's like I'll go get some breakfast and he heads out you know in the morning and we oh we did get and I because I had to write this down in a note we got the trope of the bag of groceries with the baguette sticking out of it you can't have a bag of groceries in a movie without a loaf of bread sticking out of the top of it which is also funny because he's no who's who's who's going to eat it he's eating this movie no no it's eating do you know did you read about how Nicholas Cage got ready for this role by filming himself drunk he went to Ireland on a two-week bender had his friends film him so that he can get his mannerisms and his speech down which is just like for me man that'd be very hard to watch it would be it would be hard to watch but also like in terms of acting research such a good way to do it because one of the things in acting that's always really tough is to do a thing either be really good at something and attempt to make it look like you don't know how to do it right like an athlete trying to look unathletic or musician trying to look like they don't know how to play something but the other one is being drunk or being intoxicated in some way it's almost always done to a cartoonish level and here it is but it's like realistically cartoonish like this that which I think makes it that much harder like much more you know difficult to watch is because as you know we've all if you drink you've been at some point at least once sloppy drunk like that and you know that's what it's like so that was an interesting way to do it but I'm with you that would have been hard to hard way to do that because I've seen video I have I have seen video of myself that I have no memory of it happening because I was a blackout drunk and it's a very very weird experience yep I've got a bunch of those Travis but yeah fish yeah very very interesting and Elizabeth shoe kind of went the opposite direction where she went down to Vegas and talked to a bunch of the sex workers and kind of familiar self with with a lot of the the ladies down there and I think really helped her get into that headspace of like it's do or die out here and like you got to survive and do exactly what you can to to hope you wake up the next morning yeah yeah this I am so glad that I that I have checked this box and gotten this movie off that list of like movies I need to see especially as a fan of Nick Cage and doing these August Nick Cage celebrations every year but now I've done it and I don't have to watch it again it will however stick with me I'm with you it's gonna stick with me and it'll stick with me for different reasons than it will for you know but like I'm so glad that that you brought this one up and we called that audible and went this route because it's something this is the kind of movie that I think I kind of needed to see I sort of I needed a little bit of like a not so much a palate cleanse but sort of a reset because I've been I've been watching some more like popcorny fluffy entertainment lately I needed something kind of to punch me in the face and sort of reset my me a little bit and get one of those like just visceral emotional reactions out of me while watching a movie and unbeknown to you I am completely dry right now for Dragon Con I take I'm taking the entire month of August off right so like it was even wilder for me to sit down and watch this completely sober and also I'm kind of really happy I sat down to watch this completely sober because it just it would be so easy that when this movie got difficult to grab like a vodka seltzer or just like grab a beer right oh jeez this is heavy let me just grab a beer to kind of numb this out and I'm glad I didn't because every part of this movie was important there was not a single scene that was wasted and like like I've been saying all night man it's it's gonna it's a movie I'm never gonna forget I'm happy that we called the Audible because the other movie we were gonna bring is a little bit more of a comedy film right oh it's a little zane not zany but like one of those like dark comedies or a dramedy or whatnot not this man this was let me clockwork orange you sit down for two hours you're not gonna enjoy it but you'll gosh down think about it once you're done watching it yep yeah and that's the beauty that's the beauty of film in general but Nicolas Cage too like he can do something like vampires kiss right which is just silly bonkers funny like in a dark way but it's that zany funny thing and then do this not that long after I mean it's only is this there's a six-year gap but that's not that long in his career like he makes and and this was this was that movie and apparently he did this one because he had not a great experience making trapped in paradise or either not a great experience making it or just kind of the it being a bit of a bomb and he sort of wanted to reset himself and do something different and because I feel like he would do that in cycles right because right after this is when we hit Nick Cage action star era he comes from leaving Las Vegas into the rock con air face-off snake eyes right those those movies kind of all in a row that's what he would have landed the Superman role too right yeah I'm doing that same era a big block that rock rock block as I'll call it there you go pun intended and it feels like in 98 or whatever is when he did eight millimeter and that was almost like him being like you know what hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna switch things up I'm doing action stuff let me do something else weird and dark and different kind of because he had done like guarding tests and trapped in paradise and those movies leading up to doing this so it's almost like he needed sort of a system reset in his career but that's one of the things I like about him is that he doesn't shy away from projects yeah there's times where it's like sure he you know he had to pay for some houses he's got to do some movies yeah he's yeah but he never phones it in he's always bringing something with him whatever whether or not it works is completely at your discretion but he's always doing something like he's bringing it with him true but also like with this movie like you can see how important a good script is yeah you can you can Rod on Nicolas Cage all you want but like when he has a beautiful script oh yeah he delivers right and so yeah people say he's cheesy you were a little you know out there but like I want to see those movies that you think that about and show me the script writer or show me the script let me see the script because he's more than talented to be the best you know actor in the film this script is beautiful I mean look at a little oh good little upset that when they were playing craps he didn't roll snake eyes right nobody did yell snake eyes I know well I was so angry like there was such a good cross promotion for a movie you didn't film yet to roll a snake eyes yeah anyway but like to your point a good script something like and again another movie where he apparently had a rough time making it because they shot it in February in New York at night but bringing out the dead is a great script and he's he's really good in that and it's a very good movie so just because he does stuff like you know the wicker man or season of the witch and he kind of goes way over the top in those again he's still at least doing something and he's not just showing up to collect a paycheck he's going to collect his paycheck but he's at least going to give you something while he's doing it so that's one of the things I've always loved about him but I but I just love his he's he's an honest actor JF mentioned that last week like he's he's just he's him he's always Nick Cage and he's going to do something and and his desire to do different things as well so yep and you can't say that about a lot of actors you know a lot of them don't want to take the risk in it and and yeah I'll always give Cage a chance and even on his crappy movies man and trust me man I like some of his like city of angels Travis oh yeah I love that movie and I know it's not great it's not but if you think about it in terms of my my head cannon on that is they shot that movie like it was supposed to be a horror movie oh my head cannon is that they shot the music video for the Google dogs song and they just scripted the movie around that okay that works but like go back and watch that movie sometimes and look at some of the shot compositions and tell me that's not framed and shot like it's supposed to be a weird thriller slash horror movie interesting I haven't watched it since about 98 99 so maybe I will revisit that yeah check just think about that when you rewatch it sometime because that one it definitely looks like that but look it cages the gift that keeps on giving that's why I do this every year and it's a it's a whole lot of fun I'm so glad to get you back on here it's been too long and it's always a pleasure having you around Phil it's you're great and it was so much fun to talk about this now you and I are going to be talking again in a few weeks because we're going to be a dragon con dragon con dragon con is coming up it's going to be my first year there but you've been doing it for a while and you're bringing botched right so yeah this will be my seventh year at dragon con and yeah I am part of botched a D&D podcast season eight is coming to an end and if you're not familiar with what we are we are a D&D SCP podcast yes those things can go together but not well so we will be live at botched our live show kicking off season nine is Sunday night at 10 p.m. in the crystal ballroom if you are going to dragon con find one of the botched members if you are familiar with dragon con something that is really big is called badges or ribbons they go right under your badge each member of botched will be having a ribbon on them so if you want to botched ribbon find one of us and you can also like Travis said find me back on wait you haven't seen the dragon con edition which I'll just leave at that for the moment yeah we'll we'll it's going to be an epic conversation that's all I can say I'm looking forward to it right and you'll just have to you'll have to either go to dragon con or have to hear the show afterwards to find out what we talk about and how it goes but I can't wait a preamble for all you listeners I can wait me and Travis have been arguing about this for about four months now yup that the movie we will be watching I told him well first I told a lot of people no I will never watch that and then within 24 hours Travis like hey I kind of want to watch this with you and I was like you're the only person that I would do this for you understand that right he's like oh yes I very much understand what I'm doing said gosh darn it okay so that will be streamed live Travis it will be on the DC digital media track on twitch so once those schedules are announced just check out digital media and you'll see our lovely faces and if you're at dragon con you can come and be in the room with us will be it'll be Friday at 830 in I think it's ballroom six I think is what it is yeah scallory is six is the basement basement of the Hilton yep come come down with the basement dwellers and and hang out with us that's Friday at 830 during dragon con but Phil thank you so much for being here this was great pleasure man oh oh yeah what a romp of a film it's always fun to hang out with you and I look forward to giving you a big old hug and hit drag con man same same here if you enjoy this show and you want to catch it live on our normal times Sunday nights 8 p.m. Eastern you can catch it at find me on all the social assist TV Stravus I also have YouTube live stream that goes at the same time as well so you can check it out there and then the show comes out on you can find the links for where to get it in any pod catcher you can find merchandise links I've got my silly logo on stuff I have a wonderful Zardaz t-shirt that I can't wait I'm bringing one of those for Drew who was on that episode with me we watched Zardaz so you don't have to was our that was our tagline for that episode I'm like Drew I'm making you a shirt and I'm bringing it so you can find that and also the patreon for the show if you want to if you want to keep the not only the lights on here but me being able to do things like DragonCon that's because of my patrons that's so check those out TV but until next now next week Kajapalooza is rolling on and I have Jonathan Bush is coming back and we are going to talk about what was the movie we chose the Sorcerer's Apprentice we're going to go other end of the spectrum now we're going to go away from Nick Cage and drama we're going to go to some 2010 John Turtletop directed fantasy stuff I kind of I never saw this one and I'm kind of excited to watch it because it just looks ridiculous and I love that silly silly kind of stuff so I can't wait that's what's coming up next week is Kajapalooza 2024 rolls on but until then Phil once again thank you and I can't wait to see in a couple weeks man love you buddy love you and love all of you remember to enjoy your movies and let's be excellent to each other this is you haven't seen [Music] working what do you mean working I'm working I'm walking just wait one second [Music] [Music] [Music] Simon Club hopes you have enjoyed this Rover [BLANK_AUDIO]