That Gym Couple

Episode 28 - Bouncing Back: Injury Prevention and Staying Positive

In this episode, Lucy and Cal delve into the challenges of dealing with injuries, offering insights on effective injury prevention strategies and exploring the mental hurdles of not being able to train when you're sidelined. They discuss how to stay positive and focused during recovery and share tips for getting back on track. Plus, they have a hilarious gym story from a listener that will definitely brighten your day, and address an intriguing question from another listener that sparked a fascinating discussion. Join them as they tackle these topics with humor and empathy, providing support for anyone navigating the ups and downs of their fitness journey. Tune in now to gain valuable insights and a few laughs along the way!   We would be thrilled to hear your gym experiences! Share them with us to have them featured on the show. Send your stories to or find us on Instagram @thatgymcouplepodcast.   To collaborate with Lucy, visit her website and share your goals:   To collaborate with Callum, visit his Instagram page (@coach_caltreacher).   Find us on:

  • YouTube: That Gym Couple
  • TikTok: @Thatgymcouplepodcast   Follow us on Instagram:
  • Lucy: @Lovelucyfit_
  • Callum: @coach_caltreacher   A big thank you to everyone who tunes in to the show - your support means the world to us!

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

In this episode, Lucy and Cal delve into the challenges of dealing with injuries, offering insights on effective injury prevention strategies and exploring the mental hurdles of not being able to train when you're sidelined. They discuss how to stay positive and focused during recovery and share tips for getting back on track. Plus, they have a hilarious gym story from a listener that will definitely brighten your day, and address an intriguing question from another listener that sparked a fascinating discussion. Join them as they tackle these topics with humor and empathy, providing support for anyone navigating the ups and downs of their fitness journey. Tune in now to gain valuable insights and a few laughs along the way!


We would be thrilled to hear your gym experiences! Share them with us to have them featured on the show. Send your stories to or find us on Instagram @thatgymcouplepodcast.


To collaborate with Lucy, visit her website and share your goals:


To collaborate with Callum, visit his Instagram page (@coach_caltreacher).


Find us on:

- YouTube: That Gym Couple

- TikTok: @Thatgymcouplepodcast


Follow us on Instagram:

- Lucy: @Lovelucyfit_

- Callum: @coach_caltreacher


A big thank you to everyone who tunes in to the show - your support means the world to us!

Hello everyone and welcome back to that gym couple podcast hosted by Kyle and Lucy hope you're all well today we are bringing you another episode today's episode we're going to be talking about injury prevention training around injuries when to rest and what to do if you are injured and don't really know where to go what else are we what else are we talking about Lucy needs to be like a chime in there it's all good and then we've got a gym story and we also have a question from a listener fantastic let's jump into the episode I'm telling you this heat is messing with my face else you've like as soon as we press the cause you've just gone like man so yeah what have we been up to god since last week we went to Poland yeah we did we went on your beach rug we talked we play smash yeah we came forth yeah out of like eight or something it doesn't sound quite as impressive when you say it like that but it was tough to be fair it's oh we're like we're an invitational team so there there's basically means like we're from all different areas of the world really and they literally play together once a year it's not like they get to practice every week which all the other teams do they play with each other like every single week and there's some players who are 21 and some players who are 50 1, 57 I don't know how the opposite is but it's like such a lovely team and such a lovely group of people but you just all come together in fair play like you play very well together considering you only play together once a year yeah got a few meat pies myself you did but you also gave a few I didn't what do you mean give a few meat pies well what like I didn't miss anything I played very well considering yeah you did it does always scare me watching you slightly like even though it's beach rugby it still gets a little bit aggressive yeah of course it does it's do you know what it's more aggressive than the normal rugby I feel because there's no escape from it also the rules are a little bit I just feel like the rules aren't as maybe it's just the rest but like yeah the referee and was like they were like shoving their hands and people's faces and putting their hand around people's throats I was like you I wasn't swear then do you put your hands around my man's neck and I'll be on that pitch that beach god that would have been a sight you all five foot two no quarter not five foot two four of you come on to a pitch screaming in some Polish six foot four man's face yeah one go down well you can handle yourself but I'm just a bit protective yeah but there is something very very sexy about watching it's the shorts isn't it yeah they're very short shorts yeah mine are probably a bit assized too small now I think you just become a little bit like animalistic can you just sort of like you're just like these wolves fighting each other wolves or like lions with bulldogs yeah this is going down a weird weird path i'm gonna stop talking but no it's really good your first time in Poland as well yeah but it's weird because where we are it's like a resort so it's all it's it's like a purpose built town so it's not like your first impression i think one of the first things you said you were like it kind of makes me feel like Disneyland yeah like it's just uh well that's so far yeah yeah where we wear it specifically so far but it's because it's it is a resort it's a resort yeah that's exactly what it's so it kind of gives that vibe but the other the other parts of Poland are beautiful i really wish we did go to gudansk yeah can you say it can you say it the whole the whole time we were there Lucy was like what's the name of is it what is it come on i don't know why my brain just gudansk i keep doing it gudansk no gudansk gudansk what gudan gudan gudansk there we go gudansk but i have to really really emphasize the end so we went to gudansk no we didn't actually go to gudansk but it's beautiful there and and you know i think we're planning to go next year again so and i've had quite a few messages people saying like it's most beautiful place so i feel really guilty that we didn't go but we had our luggage and everything it's so cheap yeah it's so cheap we we took another family there like it was a big sort of family thing i think we said last week so there were people wearing their parents and their kids and things like that so but we took one of the families out for dinner and we were like let's like let's pay for it because you know why we did that because we love them and they're such a lovely family as well and um do you get the bill and it's like it's like 600 odds lottie and you're like oh my god 600 but it's like 330 pounds or something for six people yeah it's really weird and like we went out for sushi for lunch one day and it came to like 250s lottie yeah and i was like and i was like oh no wait that was like 40% yeah next to nothing so funny yeah so yeah we had a great time and luckily actually leading onto this episode no injuries from a sea dog this time no injuries last time he did get an injury actually yeah i kind of did something to my shoulder um but yeah this year positively i was literally like praying no injuries i just thought that's the last thing yeah we need in a different country you got your driving test coming up i just thought oh god it would be awful no sand in my eye either no they're very lucky although one of the lads did get sand in his eye and then came back on and then broke his hand so i literally ran over to him like quick pull this water in your eye and then yeah he broke his hand yeah bless him but yeah no injuries from that but we definitely struggle with injuries and little niggles and things like that yeah i guess it's like it's what's the word um not expected but it's a little bit inevitable i guess you know if you're going to push your body hard in whatever training you do or your sport there's always a risk of injury and i've got a little bit of an injury this week actually from running i wouldn't really go say it's an injury but i've got a little bit of an injury i'd say it's an injury yeah um so i think we thought oh that might be quite a useful topic to discuss on the forecast and and you know i've i have had plenty of injuries in the past um not just from from gym training like things externally like you've got yours from running i've had injuries plenty of injuries from rugby i've had gym injuries as well in the past which they all play a different part in how you kind of approach your gym sessions then because it can be so detrimental to your goals and it's really easy to then go uh i just what's the point like i can't do what i wanted to do let's learn to adapt and overcome in that situation and it i guess it's about as well listening to your body and understanding like when it's best pressed when it's best to keep pushing but but to adapt because there will be some injuries like i had a really bad shoulder injury for a good few weeks thank god it's gone now um but i couldn't do any sort of lateral raise lateral movement was causing me issues um so i just it wasn't bad enough to just stop training like delts all together it was just certain movements so i just took those movements out i adapted the way i was doing the movement so it was more of like a front raise than a lateral raise and that didn't aggravate it and then over time it obviously healed but it's yeah it's about sort of knowing okay no i really do need to rest this or no i think i can push through and how that might impact your training later on how it might impact your body later on yeah it's learning it's learning your limitations through your own training and what your body is capable of of dealing with essentially and everyone's got a different pain threshold as well um training should be it's a fine line between pain from training and pain from over training and injuring yourself and the amount of times that you'll do an exercise let's say for instance a chest press and you know you're supposed to feel it in your chest and your triceps probably um but the amount of times i've done that and i felt like a little niggle in my shoulder and i've gone like oh no you kind of panic straight away because you're like oh that's and that's usually due to execution of the of the exercise itself or tightness in the muscles or just generally not quite managed to get the right activation yeah so there's lots of things that can go into it um we've touched on this before briefly with like a an episode on sort of over training things like that so that's a real big way that you can pick up injuries and it's so important to not um over train and not push yourself beyond what your body is capable of because you will inevitably end up with something yeah but then i also i guess the flip side of that which i have learned this week is going back too hard after a little bit of time off can also cause injury and i think i forgot about that i just thought my body was could bounce back but we had so i went to Poland on Thursday i don't think we ran Wednesday did we i think our last run was last Tuesday the week before the week before we went yeah i think so we didn't run Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday so we had six days in total without running at bearing mind we've been running three days a week my body's got really used to it now and you know the first couple of runs we were so achy weren't we and it got easier and it got easier as it does with gym training um anyway we got back on Tuesday and i was like okay cool i've missed six days of running i'm gonna go for a run tonight i also did a push session that day so i did a double session went for a 6k i think you pushed yourself a bit too hard because i was resting because my legs were still in bits from the side i hadn't like done beat drug bait you know i i hadn't done anything so in my mind i was like yeah i i need to get back to my run i probably went a little bit faster than i should have just because you weren't with me yeah and i just i was struggling i just wanted to get it done i didn't want to do it it was boiling hot but i have obviously just like twinge something or pulled a little bit of my i don't know if it's my groin or maybe in my hip flexors but it's obviously where i've been striding my body's kind of got out of the rhythm of it yeah it's just so frustrating because it feels like a setback and it is a setback because i haven't been able to run since Tuesday i'm kind of like praying that it's going to be better for sunday for our long run but now i do feel really nervous yeah yeah i feel like it's not my confidence a bit yeah and and so you know there's a number of ways you can deal with with injuries and stuff like that so um number one it's a case of sort of sitting back and reflecting on what has caused the injury uh first and foremost so you kind of have an idea of what you can try not to do next time so if you in this instance it was probably the fact that you you kind of overdid it and possibly went a little bit faster than your body was capable of going at that time um for for that sort of length and you know you even came back and you're like that was a really really hard run and it shouldn't have been because it was you know it was supposed to be an easy run um so reflecting on what has happened is massive um planning as well is huge so things like that if you know that you've had some time off um and you're just coming back into it take some time to just warm up into it slowly so whether it's running whether it's gym training you might have been away and you're not been able to train at the gym for a little while don't go in with the weights that you necessarily finish with the last time you're in the gym yeah just build up slowly to that I mean you know if you've been off for a week you should be fine um in some regard as long as you warm up properly and you you know activate the muscles correctly but for the most part just go in there with with the sort of sense of this could be a really great session this could be a really tough session so I'm gonna I'm gonna expect it to be a tough session and if it ends up being an easy session fantastic yeah and you can always start the session lighter weights and think right I'm just gonna take it easy and then if you're you know getting through the session thinking actually this feels really good yeah increase the weight and that's why you know the progressive overload and tracking your workouts is so important because you're able to see obviously what you have hit in previous week's training you know what you did the last session so you know you know where your benchmark is especially if you're putting in say like an RPE um so rate of perceived exertion which basically means like on a scale of one to ten how difficult was that set how yeah how hard do you feel you work yeah so you know if you're you might hear your coach saying I'm working you know I want you to work at an RPE of eight roughly that means you've probably got about two sets left in the two reps left in the tank at the end of your set so you've got enough like you're not massively you know massively exerted all your energy it's not a one like a top set where you've just absolutely trained to failure and your last rep is like you can't possibly get anything out of it but you're training hard enough to still make progress so if your training has been locked you know what you need to look at you know roughly where you're going to be working and as you said just work start your session on a lighter weight and build up so your first two sets could just be a slow build up just to see how you're feeling and then if you get to that point where you're at the weights you were the previous time you were in the gym fantastic if you don't don't sweat it it's fine you'll probably get it the next week so question for you i just popped into my head how do you deal with the mental side of being injured let's say you've got quite a severe injury and which i'm sure you've had from rugby many a times and you know you're on the bench you're on the bench you can't do the thing you love whether that is the gym whether that is rugby whatever it is how do you deal with that um it's really difficult and i i've had some injuries that have put me out of you know rugby when i was playing or and gym sessions to be fair um the gyms not the worst thing because there's depending on the injury obviously there are still things you can do like if you've if i've hurt my leg in the past let's say it's your back if it's your back can't do i can't really do much can't really do much yeah um and that sucks of course it does love of course it does and that's your mental therapy the day to day so for me it's it's always been like right this really sucks but i've always had quite a close support group around me in the sense that i've had people to talk to and and people who kind of understand what i've been going through um when when i had rugby injuries and i was i was out and i couldn't play i was still turning up to train sessions i was still turning up to the game because i liked being in the environment and that alone really helped me it really helped me mentally kind of although i was gutting turning up and being like i wish i was doing that i want to be out there doing that as well it it wasn't i was still soaking up the atmosphere i was still involved in some aspect and and you know as the injury gets better i can i can sort of get involved a little bit more whether it's running the water on or or helping out with setting up the the training drills or something like that so in in terms of a sports setting it wasn't too bad oh it's also quite fortunate that we had on-site physiotherapists and stuff like that so i would be going there to work with them as well um to rehab injuries gym sessions can be quite difficult because obviously it's you know you're not going to turn up to a gym and just sit around on the gym floor watch the people train it will be very odd but i would try and i'd advise for for your mental health side of things do things that you you're able to do with um do things you're able to do with the advice of a medical professional who can sign it off and try and stay active as active as you can things like walking if you can um you know like cardio if you're able to do that you might be able to go on a bike if you can't run or something you might be able to go on a bike whether it's in the gym or something else you can even just do like yoga or polati swimming even you know there's there's plenty of other things you can do and you might actually find that while doing those things that you find something you really enjoy and you might continue doing it afterwards yeah i completely agree i think it's really really tough when you feel like the thing that you do every day anything that you look forward to every day is taken away from you but i think you have to remember that it's not going to be forever it might be a long road of recovery depending on what you've done but you will get back there if you're determined to do the rehab and whatever it is or just rest you it will still be there and i think instead of focusing on the things you can't do and getting all down about that focus on the things as you said you can do yeah figure out what is safe and and do that yeah and as i as i mentioned it's it's so important to seek advice for people who are qualified and know what they're talking about these sort of things even in the early signs of an injury you might be feeling that you're getting a bit of pain in your knee when you're running or your shoulder feels a bit funny when you're doing certain exercises as i said it might be a form thing you're you're running it might come down to your shoes you're wearing but it could also be that you need to just go and have a chat with someone who knows about these sort of injuries and whether that is a coach or a personal trainer or even like an osteopath or physio-therapist who's going to be able to give you some some advice and practical advice and things that you can take away and stretches or activation exercises that can really help target certain muscles or relieve tension in certain areas of your body and that happening again yeah 100 yeah and i think obviously to to remember as well that as much as you might want to try and be tough brave out keep pushing on if you make that injury worse you could be out you know for something that might set you back a week if you keep pushing on it and pushing on it and make it worse whatever it is you could be out for months so just get this day get the right help rest it and then go back and make sure you prevent it happening from again yeah absolutely have you had any have you had any sort of injuries that have put you out of training and stuff for a prolonged period of time? Touch would no not not massive injuries i struggle generally like my back has always been bad like my whole life my back has been quite bad so sometimes my back will just go and it used to go a lot and it would put me out for a week or so but that was sounds awful but it was mainly from barbell rdls i mean apparently i'm hyper mobile so i have to be very careful my connective tissue isn't as strong or something but again i just i figured out what caused it and i adapted yeah i'm not so good at doing that the stretches and stuff that i should do but i have been told if i you know if i strengthen my core that will help which is good you start doing pilates yeah which is fantastic yeah so thank god no not yet but just little niggles sometimes can be you've had you've had a bit of a knee problem for the last sort of year but actually it's not young i heard you just ever since i was just overloading my quads yeah and that's the same issue with me like i had you know patella tendinitis which you know some people would call runners knee or something like that it's very similar and essentially it's you know overuse of that that tendon that tendon can't keep up with the strain that your muscles are putting through it so um would you serve the straight in there because my goal was to grow my quads so this is this is what i was going to go on to so for me i've had i've broken bones i've you know i've been in cast and stuff like that i had a quad contusion which is essentially a dead leg i got tackled just right on the quad and rugby my whole leg went dead so i was um and it was dead why does that happen like the nerve so it's basically so it's like um it's a bruise essentially so it's like a blunt force trauma to to the muscle and so good morning if you don't want to hear that no it's not it's not that bad but basically what happens when we when we get a bruise to what normally would happen in that situation is there's like a sheath that goes over the muscle it's called the muscle sheath that breaks and the blood that builds up into the muscle can come out and that's what causes a bruise so that's where your bruise is on your arm right now which you just seem to pick up why do girls do that they just seem to bruise randomly not from calomium shut i promise is the one on my elbow gone no it's still there doesn't hurt i bruise like a peach just really really like i'll just like cut that she woke up in the morning she was like well where did this bruise come from and i was like i don't know does that you remember me hitting my arm in the last couple of days no not clue it can be something that doesn't even hurt though and then i just get a bruise but essentially that's what that is so that the blood is coming out through under the skin i mean there's certain different types of bruise and stuff like that but that's kind of what uh contusion is so with a dead leg like that it basically doesn't the the sheath doesn't break so all the the blood kind of gets stuck in the muscle which just kind of makes it dead like it just doesn't really work it can't did you get it checked out and they said it will come back it's just gonna take i to be fair i didn't even go to get it checked out i i just knew it was something like that but what was really weird so for about a week i couldn't walk on my like i just couldn't walk i was limping everywhere and unfortunately for me i lived in the top floor of this block of flats and there was no lift so at i literally was crawling up the stairs i got crutches wouldn't it may i just effort um i don't know why men like that and yeah so i was like it was awful but what was really interesting so i got hit on the outside on my leg and the after about a week the bruising started appearing on the inside so that's because it was where the blood was it was escaping it just appeared on that side it was really weird like really weird it's so funny because i would have been like i'm dying and paralyzed take me to hospital it was like a massive bruise on the inside of my leg and i was like where the hell is like like huge all the way down so you were like yeah where's that coming from and then like obviously it would just where the blood had escaped through to the other side um but yeah it was that was that was already tough anyway they were really tough because obviously i wasn't able to do anything in terms of training those body parts the worst injury i've had is from my knee so where where this patellar tendinitis caused me so many issues that it was it was a nightmare like it was every every day it would be a different feeling like some days i feel absolutely fine and i go into the gym and i'd be like oh i feel amazing and i do a leg day and it'll be absolutely fine then you know a few days later or even the next day or the day after that like i'd obviously like feel it a little bit my knee would be a little bit sore and then i'd try and i just like some days i just couldn't train legs it was leg day and i turned up and i was like i just cannot do the exercises that i did last week my knee just doesn't feel like it's strong enough to do that so i had to adapt my training a lot and it was very difficult as you said especially if you're trying to target a muscle group to to grow and you can't train that muscle group there are exercises that i was able to do to still train it but there was a lot of them that i just couldn't and thank god now like actually it's okay and i think we were both really worried when we started running about our knees um but i've massively dropped back the volume yeah because of that and i do feel weaker and i in the gym and i do feel like i've lost some of those gains and you know i'll when i shift my focus back to that in the winter which i will yeah i've just learned that potentially i can't have a fully quad focused day yeah it has to be kind of split but it's as you say it's so frustrating because it normally plays up when you start lifting heavier and heavier and that's how you grow by lifting heavier it's also it's also something you have to take into consideration with things like the weather and the temperature so in the winter obviously it's colder it's going to be harder on your joints in the summer when it's warm your joints are warmer so they they generally don't feel these sort of issues as much as they would it's why when people say you know you hear like there's like an old man and he sat there and he's like oh it's going to rain tonight and someone's like why and he's like i can feel it in my hip it's just a joint and it's you know you you get aches and pains and stuff when the weather changes maybe it's her wrists i think she broke her wrist when she was younger yeah i don't know if she gets it anymore but she used to always do the same thing that it just always stiffened up when it was same in my wrist where i broke it my knee feels the same a little bit as well sometimes if it's if the weather like it changes suddenly i do notice it a little bit more so it's really interesting the human body's crazy in that respect and everyone's different as i said everyone's going to have different um a different way that they can deal with injuries based on their own uh pain tolerance and and things that they can actually manage themselves but i've never really yes i've had frustrating sessions and periods where i've not been able to do things but it's never really hit me that hard that i've been like uh screw this like do you know why that is because you've got the biggest quads ever and you don't need to grow them no we're not just talking about my quads and and thank you for that lovely compliments um but like to someone i'm gonna clip i'm gonna clip that and just put that like as a pinned pins post on my i mean i'm not taking away from any of your you know you are entitled to because it's all relative isn't it to your own body but like for me it's like it is really frustrating because i feel like i can never grow my legs the way i want to grow them because i always get to the point where i start feeling those those nickels and then i've got a drop back and what's what's interesting now is there's so much more um medical help in that regards i mean i don't know how much you know about peptides and stuff like that but i did biology hun there um you know there's these peptides that can massively help with joint joint issues it's not just peptides like CBD oil and stuff like that it's come a long way to the point where people are using it as a preventative treatment or even a a treatment to an actual injury for things like that i mean look at DP like DP is a perfect example of that like or deep freeze i think it's the opposite so yeah but go be careful with some of that because that's just putting a plaster over it yes of course but some of it is it's as i said it's kind of like it's not necessarily preventative in that regards it's giving your body the like if you really struggle to i don't know if you've got like a knee problem for instance and you it's cold weather you're not able to warm it up properly something that would warm that area even like a knee sleeve like it's squatting in the gym it's extra support and it's keeping that joint warm so actually the blood is able to flow into it a lot easier which makes it a little bit more lubricated i guess and prevents prevents injuries in that regard yeah yeah well anyway i hope that no one gets injured or if you are injured i hope you're doing okay yeah there's light at the end of the tunnel there is hopefully you get better yeah ready to move on to a listeners message yeah so i've got a story have you yeah i've got a message okay do you want to go first or slow go first i'll just kind of get it up um it's uh yeah it did make me laugh it seems to be all like a very similar sort of like it seemed to be all in a similar sort of vein at the moment but yeah so you ready it was a busy Tuesday morning at the gym and i was in the zone on the treadmill headphones in feeling the rhythm of my workout playlist it's always the same as what i mean it's always someone on the their headphones in as i settled into my stride i couldn't help but notice the new guy who just walked in he was full of enthusiasm wearing a brand new workout gear and a determined expression i love how like did he tell story time he approached the weightlifting area scanning the options like a kid in a candy store after a moment of contemplation he decided to tackle the bench press he carefully set out the bench loaded with what seemed like an ambitious amount of weight for a first timer and lay down to start his steps first note the first timer you know i guess you know maybe if they were a regular as well and they'd never seen them before and they were like little more gym as well like it might just really small close-knit community but here's where things got interesting just as he was adjusting his grip on the bar his phone slipped out his pocket and somehow managed to slip perfectly into the gap between the bench and the barbell rack he didn't notice at first and began his lift with gusto is this possible in author i know this is they're really funny um about halfway through his second rep he heard his phone start ringing he this completely threw him off and as he tried to look to his side without letting go of the bar he began a slightly panicked one-handed bench press what the bar started wobbling dangerously he attempted to push it back up while checking who was calling him seeing this unfolding a couple of us nearby rushed over to help re-wrap the bar and he managed to extract himself from under it his face a mix of embarrassment and relief he picked up his phone and muttered just to tell him tell the marketer we had a good laugh we had a good laugh he and he she officially thanked us for the assist lesson learned always to cue your phone before tackling heavyweights he laughed it off and switched to dumbbells which seemed a bit safer for the day and that's how we made a new friend at the gym who earned who earned the nickname phone guy so funny just a telemarketer just to tell him i actually died for a telemarketer yeah well just telemarketer that's hilarious that's a good story thank you yeah i appreciate that okay question time so the question i have this week from a listener again thank you so much for sending it in how has social media influenced the fitness industry and what should people be aware of when following online fitness trends we could do a whole episode on that it's a very very good question i feel like we maybe should do a whole episode on that because i think it would be quite interesting i mean but we've we've touched on that on previous episodes yeah we've talked about like myths in the fitness industry we've talked about negativity on social media yeah um how it's checked we have we have also discussed how it's changed the fitness industry yeah because of social media so definitely check out some of our previous episodes you know read the description because it will tell you a little bit about what the episodes about um we've definitely touched on this but i guess in a nutshell do you have something you could i think for the the second bit like how is it yeah how is it influenced we've definitely spoken about before i mean in brief um i think positively and negatively i think it's opened a lot a lot of people up to the fitness industry having it so prominent on social absolutely and being able to see different aspects of it you know aspects of health and fitness yeah it's it's not just a one thing there's so many ways you can be active and stay fit but i think it's also created a um sort of false impression of what fitness is and i think that's the negative side of it and i think it creates that sort of you know there's so many issues with social media anyway but um people get hyper fixated on certain things and they feel that because this person does it this way that's the correct way of doing it because they've got more followings than this person yeah but and that's but that's the thing isn't it it's like it's become it's everyone is a fitness influencer these days and then you start comparing yourself to that person that you don't have their bum or their legs or their arms or whatever it is and that can really knock knock you down yeah that wasn't a thing before you just got on with what you were doing and that was that but there's two sides to it there's so many positives but there is also negatives to come with everything and to the second part and what should people will you wear up and following online finished trends um i think the biggest one is is just be careful you know if you're if it's a if it's a certain exercise or something like that and you're not comfortable doing it yet maybe you don't necessarily try it to the extent that it would be a trend because i feel like you could end up having an injury you could get hurt you could get hurt from it you could have any trend really i'm not saying all trends are not not good but like when i hear that i think of things like detox teas and fat diets that rule over tick tock you know those girls that are like i took this for seven days and i love it much wait it's like i took this fat lost pill yeah like don't fall for those things if it doesn't feel quite right it's probably because it's not always maybe get advice before you do something like that take everything that is posted on social media in terms of fitness specifically with a pinch of salt that's my first piece of advice i think because the trends that people put out there a lot of them are it's like i can understand they can be fun trends and stuff like that people get involved in and um they're not all inherently bad but there are a lot that are as you said it's just kind of their money making we're at 48 minutes maybe you can pass that that's right we haven't we're on 33 minutes no we'll just carry on we'll just do without the video there are parts that are obviously um yeah it's it's fads and and businesses just trying to make money from people yeah i think you need to be able to filter out the bs and find fitness accounts that you trust you know i have like i only follow accounts that i i respect them i know that they know what they're talking about and you should do the same like don't just do something because someone said that you should research it like do your own reading on it see if it's going to be right for you and for your goals and speak to other people about it don't just do something it could be dangerous that you don't just listen to a random stranger on the internet especially those who you know as you said anyone can create a social media account and be a fitness influencer um and there will be some people out there who are way more qualified but don't have the reach that these people do yeah just because they look a certain way or act a certain way does not necessarily mean they know what they're talking about or they can help you um and a lot of people use it as a quick easy way of making money which is a real shame because it's not it's not fair you know it's there are it can be dangerous it can be dangerous yeah not done properly not just fitness trends but all all trends like you know kids trying they're doing like putting bags over their heads and stuff people die doing silly trends so you really do need to be careful and i do just think doing your own research is really really important and obviously we're always here to help filter through the bs absolutely your daily dose of bs filtering yeah daily maybe not daily weekly weekly dose yeah well i think that brings us to the end of the episode i hope you've enjoyed this week thank you for your gym stories and your messages on c we appreciate it so much we love to have you guys getting involved um so as always just send us a dm at that gym for the podcast if you want to share anything with us and follow us yeah on did you just say no i don't sorry i just thought you said that for a second yeah follow us on social media so um at that gym couple podcast on instagram we've got a facebook page as well and tick tock um and youtube yeah thank you so much listening and we will catch you in the next episode let us know what you thought in the comments below ciao you