That Gym Couple

Episode 24 - Transform Your Workout Motivation

Get ready to supercharge your fitness journey with That Gym Couple on their latest podcast episode! Join Lucy and Cal as they share their expert insights and practical tips to help you stay motivated, focused, and inspired on your path to a healthier, stronger you. Don't miss out on this game-changing episode that will revolutionize the way you approach fitness and unleash your inner fitness superstar!   We would be thrilled to hear about your gym experiences! Share them with us to have them featured on the show. Send your stories to or find us on Instagram @thatgymcouplepodcast.   To work with Lucy, visit her websit We would be thrilled to hear your gym experiences! Share them with us to have them featured on the show. Send your stories to or find us on Instagram @thatgymcouplepodcast.   To collaborate with Lucy, visit her website and share your goals:   To collaborate with Callum, visit his Instagram page (@coach_caltreacher).   Find us on:

  • YouTube: That Gym Couple
  • TikTok: @Thatgymcouplepodcast   Follow us on Instagram:
  • Lucy: @Lovelucyfit_
  • Callum: @coach_caltreacher   A big thank you to everyone who tunes in to the show - your support means the world to us!

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Get ready to supercharge your fitness journey with That Gym Couple on their latest podcast episode! Join Lucy and Cal as they share their expert insights and practical tips to help you stay motivated, focused, and inspired on your path to a healthier, stronger you. Don't miss out on this game-changing episode that will revolutionize the way you approach fitness and unleash your inner fitness superstar!


We would be thrilled to hear about your gym experiences! Share them with us to have them featured on the show. Send your stories to or find us on Instagram @thatgymcouplepodcast.


To work with Lucy, visit her websit

We would be thrilled to hear your gym experiences! Share them with us to have them featured on the show. Send your stories to or find us on Instagram @thatgymcouplepodcast.


To collaborate with Lucy, visit her website and share your goals:


To collaborate with Callum, visit his Instagram page (@coach_caltreacher).


Find us on:

- YouTube: That Gym Couple

- TikTok: @Thatgymcouplepodcast


Follow us on Instagram:

- Lucy: @Lovelucyfit_

- Callum: @coach_caltreacher


A big thank you to everyone who tunes in to the show - your support means the world to us!

Hello everyone and welcome back to that Jim couple podcast hosted by cow and Lucy in today's episode We are going to be taking you through our secrets to staying motivated as well as our highs and lows from the week And some of juicy stories from some of our listeners So welcome back welcome back to episode 3 of season 2 so 3 is it for I think I think I don't even remember I think we're only a few episodes in it was still shall we dive straight in with your height and lows from this week yeah, oh God I guess I'm put on the spot. I was thinking about this the other day and I was like I don't know it's been a weird week That's only Wednesday, so I Always forget what's happened like the week goes so quickly. Yeah, it has gone quite quick But then also this week seems very slow from Monday to today. Yeah, that's true I'm gonna start with a low To bring the mood down I don't really have any now, I think Training has been a bit funny this week because you know as we spoke about last week we started running so trying to find the balance with with training and Running has been difficult and we've got some very handy advice from Your brother-in-law Who is you know, he's an endurance athlete like does triathlons? Ironman's ultra mouth and as you name it he loves it So in terms of the running side of things. He's really helped us actually get a bit of a structure in place more particularly for our running But I guess It's helped in terms of like understanding and he knows us he knows that we we like to train in the gym So he's factored that into to the sort of programming then obviously we've just slotted in Our training sessions that we think would suit those days. Yeah, it's obviously hard because he's not who said he's an endurance athlete He's not doesn't lift weights. So ideally what we really need is someone who does both does both Yeah, but that's very difficult to try and find You know because usually people come from One background or another so find another people are doing hybrid now absolutely, absolutely, of course they are and Is that what we're doing? Well, do you know what? I think it is? I mean of course. It is like the definition It's to two disciplines at the same time that you're not training You know, so you're not doing one to better the other so like say if you were doing rugby Yeah, and you were doing so arguably and I saw this somewhere else I Gonna say it wasn't speaking Arguably so I just wanted to interject very quickly arguably rugby is is the one of the earliest forms of hybrid training? Because you have to do everything. Okay, cool But what I meant by that was just that what I've actually learned because I'm learning a lot. I'm loving. Yeah, good learning all this stuff now And as we did say I think probably next week we will do a whole episode on Why we're running our plan with the runs and kind of going to put more detail with it But just just quickly on that kind of hybrid note What I'm sort of learning is that yes, so say if you're doing rugby for example and you're doing strength and conditioning Sessions in order to get better at rugby. That doesn't mean hybrid training hybrid training is like yeah You're running a race, but you're also doing something else that's completely separate. I mean my yeah And I guess this is this is where like this is yes It's a low in terms my training has been a bit off this week because I've not been able to focus on One thing like I'm used to but on the flip side of that I think it's also high because I'm really loving this new new way of looking at training the hardest thing that I've Found so far is telling myself You're gonna have to cut a day out the gym. Yeah, you know, I'm so used to doing five days in the gym and have this split down to like You know perfection. I know what I can train. I know what how I'll feel the next day your limits exactly Yeah, but now I want to get to the point where you know, I can still come to be lift 500 kilograms across squat bench and deadlift and Run a half marathon. Yeah, it's exciting. Isn't it? Yeah, cuz I think before we as we've said before I think on on Instagram that we were just so set that we were not runners and That's fine. But also as a as fitness coaches What I'm learning is I actually do want to be a bit more of a all-rounder Yeah, I'm not maybe you know lifting and running doesn't make you an all-rounder I know that but like I want to also be physically fit and not just be able to lift in the gym I want I don't want to have to walk up a flight of stairs and be out of breath at less embarrassing Yeah, I want to be able to do exactly that and even for from a from our clients perspectives you know, how often do you get people who were like hey Lucy like I'm I'm I've just started running. I've got 10k books. I want to try and supplement my Running with with the coaching that that you're offering me and yes Of course you can help and you can give them a base understanding of what you know and understand from whether it's literature or whatever however, you've learned things, but There's no first-hand experience in the same way, you know if they're just starting out and you're like, okay cool, right now You kind of have a better have a better understanding of how to structure their their their week Yeah, and by the end of this, you know when we've done our half marathon and you're able to kind of go Okay, right this really works for me This didn't work for me trial this trial that and see what works for you and go from that and that's happening more often Isn't it now more and more people are getting into running? I am getting more and more clients that want to do that and actually I think before I would have been like, yeah cool. Do your runs do your training fine, but now I'm realizing it's not quite as easy as that Especially while the weather is a bit nicer. Yeah, you know, and it's a bit warmer and less wet I mean not that much less wet but this week So people do they they're like I want to get out and run or or you know Do something outside as opposed to just spend all my time all my summer and in the nice days in a gym where you know Yes, they're mostly air-conditioned, but they're still they're still hot and it's still boring and it's still you know, but yeah What's your low this week? I feel like we're struggling with the lows each week, which is a good thing. Yeah, that's a good thing Or maybe we should be more critical. No, I think I'd probably say I don't know if I'd say it was a low I was gonna say the same as you but I don't know if I'd see that as a low because I'm seeing it all as like Yeah, you can't do the same as me anyway. Mm-hmm. I Don't know. I don't really have a low. It's I have a low in terms of I have like a General sort of low going on in the background. Yeah With some news that we had recently which again, we're going to detail on another episode So I guess that's my low, but also I'm not saying that as a low either I'm just trying to be really positive at the moment Yeah, like there are some really scary things and and sad things going on in the background personally, but I'm just trying to be positive. Yeah, good. So Yeah, I don't know. I don't really have a low specifically other than probably my doms in my legs Oh, I was gonna say if I was gonna pick up that a low for you, it would probably be no like like doms Like I I don't know how I'm going to continue my hips are a little bit better My doms are really bad because I trained legs. Well, I did a new full-body session. Yeah But for some reason my legs are just in agony. It's like I've never gone to the gym before in my life I foam rolled today and I was in excruciating pain like can someone please explain to me? How do I train legs and also run? I don't I don't know how it's gonna work well, we'll find out and things do as as I was talking to someone who earlier today, who is a hybrid athlete like they are off to do a an Ironman in Switzerland in a couple of weeks and You know props and like that's crazy. It's the I think the cycling elevation is nuts The runs all flat, but they've got a cycle uphill a lot. So But that it looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun For someone who enjoys that kind of thing someone who is mad But he was he was like the same sort of like he was like just trying to find that that balance is is awful and until you get it You you know, yeah, it doesn't necessarily ever get easier, but it gets more enjoyable. Yeah, but and I think the tough thing Maybe tough thing. I don't know because it's tough in a way, but it's also I'm so excited by what we're doing it That I'm not even seeing it as a tough thing, but I guess the only thing is shifting our goals slightly because I still would like to lose a little bit of body fat before summer like we've literally just put the holiday for next weekend and I Don't feel 100% confident right now, but also I'm learning that To run you need to be fueled. Yeah being in a cal like intense calorie deficit and trying to become a runner It doesn't really go together. So I need to just be okay with the fact that I'm changing my goal slightly and Potentially just leave that was phase for the time being. Yeah, and your body will change from from running and the training you're doing anyway So yeah, I mean I feel like I'm holding quite a lot of water right now And I don't know if that's because I am really achy and my body is like getting used to this new running malarkey But yeah, I think those are kind of my highs and lows are all tied into one the high is that I am loving Being a student again and like learning this new skill because I do think running is a skill I I I underestimated it a lot I just thought you put your own trainers on you got for a run, but there is a lot of skill involved in running and But also amongst all that the achiness the tiredness and hungry all the time It's a high and low kind of mixed into one. I'd say so no specific high Just that I'm enjoying running. Good. Actually, I would tell a lie the the the hires that we ran a 5k on Saturday Yeah You struggled a little bit didn't you I loved it. Yeah, I don't know why I struggle I don't think I could get into my rhythm really with it That's the thing with running there, isn't it that you the one before we did you found it quite easy Yeah, I really struggled. Yeah, and then Saturday. I Already knew that I'd struggled before so I think I just had more of an open mind It was a it was a nice day. It was Saturday morning. I've gotten to my rhythm Yeah, you found your rhythm quite quickly But I was constantly I think cuz on on the first run we did we ran sort of Side by side quite a bit. Mm-hmm. So maybe because I was I was going a little bit faster Yeah, it wasn't you were way ahead of me on Saturday. Yeah, I think you were going too fast Now we've sort of got a pace Yeah, we've got a zone. We've got a zone so we'll be a bit more helpful kind of go for yeah, but anyway fantastic, so I have a Funny gym story. Oh, we're going straight in with that. I'm going straight. Yeah, go for it it's Yeah, I'm just going to quickly find it because I am unprepared Every week I was actually on it and then scrolled away If we had a producer, this would be where like all of this would just be seamless Yeah, I know sorry so Sent in by anonymous I first started lifting weights when I was about 16 This was an old boxing gym a few a few streets away from where I live So I didn't really know anyone there But I guess my few streets. They mean quite a few After finishing my set on the bench press I decided to take my weights off to not be an asshole to the next person Very respectful. Yeah, good. I like that The one thing I didn't realize was that taking off all the weights on one side would cause the bar to flip and come Crashing to the ground with a sound equivalent of someone driving a car through a wall I'm standing there completely red face as half the gym comes running into the weights area to see what's going on From that day from that day on I made sure my weights were evenly distributed So everyone has that as like a rite of passage. I think yeah You're not done that you're not doing it properly like the amount of times. You just yeah, it's I mean most most most Racks or bench press setups are designed that they're wide enough to hold it to a certain degree But depending on how much you have on one side and all it takes is just a nudge and that thing goes flying over Oh, I've seen it happen so many times and then people just sort of look around like oh shit. Who saw that? Yeah, they don't put clothes on the end. I heard it off the little what's called easy bar. Easy bar. Yeah, I like Slips off all the time. Yeah. Oh, no. Yeah, you know that reminded me when that person said about taking their weights off That reminded me of someone in our gym the other day who was doing sled push, right? Yeah, it's just a spider behind you. Oh my god Apparently that means we don't have any damp in the house though. That's good Can you get it? It's really off putting actually, you know, just leave it because it's just it's not it comes near me. Yeah, let you know Yeah, the how frustrated were we I actually went over and I said something I don't know comment below what you think about me actually saying something to this girl, but she left What was it like four plates for 20 kg plates? Which it's not easy to take off the sled push and if someone else goes on it They've then got to try and you know think we have like we have like a wide variety of members are just yeah There could be an old lady like using it older lady Or like someone young I don't know and it's just like it's really awkward to get off and I did see her once she left And I was just like are you done done there by the way, and she was like, yeah, yeah, I'm done And I was like, okay, so we'll take your weights off for you then I know I probably shouldn't have said anything but it really annoyed me and she didn't even come down to take them off So we had to go take them off anyway, she was talking to one of the PT's and he just went did you leave the weights on? I was like, yeah, she did so we took it off. Didn't we that the good citizens? We are yeah That was good someone has to show we dive into today's topic. Let's get into the topic the meat the meat and let the meat not the veg No, no like the meat and not the veg like the main part of the meal. Yeah yeah, or Okay a meat alternative if you are That way inclined. Let's get into the tofu. Let's get into the sitan Okay, so the secret Sorry, I don't mean to the secret to staying motivated with your goals whatever those goals may be running goals Lifting goals weight loss goals whatever it is how do you stay motivated? That is the question on everyone's lips. That's the question everyone wants to know it's the most frequently asked questions that I get on Social media. How do you stay motivated all the time? newsflash We don't We are not Motivated 365 days of the year like no one is we are fitness coaches. We live and breathe fitness We absolutely love it and we have days when we're not motivated. So that's one key thing to be aware of Would you like to go first with? Yeah, I just I guess I wanted to just say like there's a few reasons why people Aren't motivated and I think that's it's important to know that before you kind of dive into like how to stay motivated because you can kind of try and Understand a little bit more where you might be not necessarily going wrong, but But where things are getting hard and then leads to lack of motivation. So One of the key ones for me and this happens to me all the time is where You know if you're not making progress, I think is a massive massive motivation killer if you're turning up to the gym week in week out or you're tracking your calories and or Running or whatever it is and you don't feel like you're making any progress towards whatever your goal is It's seriously Like dampening of your spirits and you you just feel awful about it. So That's that's definitely one of them and the other one would be probably Something long lines of like not enjoying what you're doing. Yes, so if you're not able to enjoy the type of training you're doing or Certain exercises. I understand that there's always going to be exercises in people's programs. How often the clients Tell us like, you know, we asked him in the questionnaire thing It's like, you know, there are any exercises you don't want to see in your program and the the two answers that always come back are Bulgarian split squats and burpees and I'm like, okay cool. So I'm probably not going to program you burpees anyway but Bulgarian split squats People don't like them because they're hard And I understand that and the progress is they're very painful, but They have a certain place burpees have a place within a program if it fits within what you're training For so, but you know, if you have a specific muscle group that you really want to grow There's only so many exercises that can target that and there are obviously other things you can do other than a Bulgarian split squat But you're right. It's because it's hard and it's painful and people just don't want to do it No, exactly, but I completely agree if you as Callum said certain exercises Sometimes you just got a crack on and get it done If it's that you have tried weight training or you've tried running or whatever it is for weeks months, you know You've given it the time and you still dread it every single time Not because it's hard, but because you just simply don't enjoy it Probably worth thinking about trying something else because it shouldn't be something that you dread It should be something that you hopefully can eventually look forward to and actually enjoy it Maybe it's painful. Yeah, maybe it's hard, but you get some enjoyment out of it That's going to make you want to go back and to keep going And it's the same it's the same with a lot of walks of life like You know, if you don't enjoy your job And you're not say say you're not financially Depending on that that particular all you know, fair enough if you get paid a good wage But you don't enjoy it and you're like I can't find anything else that it's going to give me a similar lifestyle Understand that that might be a reason state, but that's your motivation to stay Yes, you know Whereas if you don't if you're not financially tied to it and you don't enjoy it You're probably just going to leave and find something else that you do enjoy or at least something that you find motivation to keep going for Yeah, whether it's the people the money whatever it is um It's no different with with training or sports for instance, you know, I know that if I got loosely involved in a team sport where You know, I don't know. Let's let's say we signed you up to a women's rugby team She would you'd probably enjoy aspects of it, but you would probably hate some of it as well Being out in the cold and the wet and the rain Running around in a field getting muddy and then you know, yeah, just not your cup of tea It's not for me that but if I was to be like, okay, she's not enjoying that. Let's go signing up to a tennis club Where you know, it's a summer sport Playing the summer A cute little outfit She'd love it like in a completely different way. Yeah, which is weird because when I was younger. I did all the team sports Football netball hockey loved it. That was all of them Now I can't remember what else. I'm sure there were more but like I actually did extracurricular. It wasn't even just what I was made to do in PE I was on the football team. Yeah, but then I stopped doing that because every morning my dad would come in on a sunday Like are you ready? Like it's game day and I just like oh, I don't want to go I don't want to get wet and cold. So then I just stopped. Can you stop looking at the spider? Seriously, you're stressing me out. It's just going off a little bit. No, you're stressing out because you know how I'm saying spiders Do you want to get rid of it? It's only a money spider. It's fine. I'll get rid of it Put it on my shoulder wrap it round me is that what you're supposed to do with money spider could do with some funds Where is it? I've got it. It's because there's a web. Don't get it near me Oh my god, it's dropping. It's dropping Well, no, it's gone. Oh my gosh. Where's it gone? The web just went God webs are so cool, aren't they? Oh wow, you got it. Put it outside column Well, I meant so good with spiders. What are you saying? Yeah, no, I completely agree and I guess then Moving on to Ways that you might be able to stay motivated Obviously having said that there are going to be days that you're not going to be motivated Um, I wrote a couple of things down one of which is you need this sounds a bit phony Maybe but I do think it's important that you actually believe in yourself and that you believe that you can actually do hard things because the reason people we've just gone over some of the reasons people don't stay motivated but Ultimately, it's because what you're doing is hard Most things that you set yourself to do you're going to be new to it and it's hard like we're new to running it's really hard to be a beginner again and You need to remind yourself that you can do hard things. It won't be easy But you need to get to a point where you're like, I know I can I can push past this Especially if you're thinking like if you're talking about the initial stages of motivation so motivating yourself to get something In the in the works in the first place For those who've like who started and they're struggling to stay motivated then You believed in yourself when you first started because you you thought this is something I need to do or want to do So I'm going I'm motivated enough to ask for help from a coach or a p t or I'm You know, I'm going on my own so I was able to actually take that first step in in in the that direction um, and You know that that's you believe in in yourself that you've got what it takes to to try and at least make it work Or at least start making it works 100 percent. Yeah, and I think another another thing that that really helps me is actually Setting a goal and giving yourself a date or basically putting a bit of skin in the game I wrote down smart goals in my notes smart goals. Yeah, so smart goals for people who don't know so smart is a acronym So smart is specific measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based or time measured whatever so Your goal in order to have a smart goal. It needs to be specific. So you need to have a specific goal in mind it needs to be measurable so Whether that's progress over a certain time that could be you know, if we're talking about training it could be weight it could be You know, there's in weight is in like your personal body weight. It could be weights that you lift. It could be Running distance. Absolutely um achievable. So it's got to be something that you Believe you can achieve So for us the half marathon We've looked at you know, that's our that's our goal. You know Um, it's achievable because we've got enough time to be able to do it So there's your time-based thing at the end as well, and it's got to be relevant relevant to What do you want to achieve? I guess with relevant that's kind of another point that I had is It needs to mean something to you. Yeah. It needs to be personal. Exactly. That's your intrinsic motivation. Yeah, you can't just do it Oh, um, someone I knew once or a friend said that They'd want me to do this or that like you know, like you will not get up and do it You need to because even as a coach I can Give someone a speech about being motivated and Try to get them to go and do whatever it is they need to do But ultimately you are the only person that can get up and do it So you need to be able to look in that moment that you're struggling and be like No, this is really important to me. It's really important to me that I lose that way It's really important to me that I complete that run and That kind of then leads on to Having a goal at the end of it. You don't always have to but I am definitely the type of person that needs to have something Keeping me accountable to it. So a few years ago. I did a fat loss phase But it got really really tough and it was like, okay, let's put something in place to keep me more accountable So I did a photo shoot once that was booked. I was like right heads in the game same with the half marathon Yeah, so, you know You look at um for instance There's a young girl. She's just got engaged and she's got she's planning her wedding She's got a date set for her wedding. She's thinking I want to be able to I want to look amazing in my wedding dress. So She's got her It you know her goal is to lose say two stone in and she's got I mean give me a give me a timeframe here like What's two stone and kilograms? My brain only works. Let's say 10 kilograms. Let's say she wants to lose 10 kg Okay, let's say she's got six months six months eight months. Let's go eight months She's got eight months to the wedding. She wants to lose 10 kilograms um How do you measure that? So so if you're looking at a smart goal So the specific goal is she wants to do is 10 kilograms for her wedding Um, how do you measure that? Well, you measure that in kilograms weekly check-ins Uh, you could do daily check-ins if you wanted to I wouldn't advise it, but it would You know because it fluctuates too much day today, but at least you get a ball park So you can check in weekly by weekly however you want to do it, but the idea is you measure it by stepping on the scales and seeing the weight Is it achievable? Yes, that's achievable. I'd say you know with the right with the right tools in place and the right Structure program. Absolutely It's relevant to what she wants to do And it's relevant to how she wants to be you know in Eight months time when she gets married exactly. Yeah, and the timeframe is again like it's She's got a date. She's got a date set You know as long as she knows, okay I'm doing this this this this and this on these days Whether it's a check-in once a week or however much is It that's that's your smart girl. Yeah, and that You saying, you know, she knows she's got to do this that and that that's another thing having a really clear path of how you're going to get to that Goal that can also keep you motivated so you know whether you've got a coach or you've just planned it out yourself If it's all a bit of a mess and it's chaotic the most typically the more stressful and the Less organized things that we have to do we avoid doing if you want to make it Well, I personally think if you make it as easy as yourself for yourself as possible You know, so you meal prep, you know if meal prep if nutrition is the one thing you really struggled to like stay on top of Make it easy for yourself. Just have a plan in place and as you said with a time Yeah, timeframe and a reasonable one, you know, don't some people work better under a Smaller timeframe under a bit more pressure, you know, I I think I do I think you do as well, but at the same time The the progress you're going to make, you know, I could be like, okay, cool. We're going we're going away next end of next week I've got a week and a half to Getting shape You know as best I can Realistically, I know that the the results I'm going to get aren't going to be Amazing because I've got a week and a half I've got a week and a half, but if I'd have known that like, you know, we're going away at the end of August I've got such a bigger timeframe that I know that I got okay This is what I'm doing this week. This is what I'm doing this week. This is what I'm doing this week I've planned it all out. So so in my head, I know it's a lot easier. It's bite size. It's it's Sort of purpose or on a smaller scale, I guess Yeah, I think that's really important actually to try and decipher sort of what sort of person you are Do you work better under pressure or do you not because with some people end of August? They might lose interest in a month, but I'm like that as well and I I'm very much like Yeah, I've got loads of time and then before you know it, you've got four weeks and you're going oh crap or less, but you've also got to be understanding of the timeframe it takes to make progress and What is reasonable in terms of the progress you can make? So yes, I could give myself next to no calories a week or a day. That's it You're not going to be doing it in a healthy way, are you? I'm not doing it in a healthy way and is that sustainable or am I more likely to then binge when it comes out? Yeah, so true, but before that, you know And just absolutely kind of ruin my my chance of getting to where I wanted to be the other on the flip side of that as well Sorry just before you have a go at me for not. No, no, I'm not I just have a question. I want to ask you and I don't want to forget Ask me now and I'll come back to this Well, and I think this my question probably a good way to round it out. Okay. Okay. Cool. Come back to it then um I guess my last point on this was It's so important to have not only a plan in place but balance and balance in terms of Look, it's it's coming up to the summer like if someone's got a goal in mind, you know, if they're listening to this if you listen to this and you you're like Oh, this has actually motivated me to do this and this and this and you've got holiday books. Let's say late August like us or or September even and You've got a plan to go somewhere you want to want to get into Really good shape for your holiday or or whatever it is you Also need to understand that throughout the summer there's obviously going to be a lot of social events people are doing a lot of things People have parties people have barbecues people have Drinks that things, you know, there's festivals. There's there's all sorts of things going on So you've got to understand that there's there's going to be a balance between having that social life and Reaching your goals. Yeah, and we both preach this to our to our clients. We are all about Making sure that your life is balanced in a way that is sustainable And that you are making progress towards your goals because without that I you know, I know people who are You know, if they've got a goal in mind, they're like, that's all I'm doing. That's that's all I'm focusing on You know, we spoke about last week. Yeah, of course you can take meal prepped food to To someone's house or or to you know, wherever you're going to eat because you want to stay on your got on track and everything like that But you're still balancing that you'll still make making progress towards your goals and having a balanced social life and being able to enjoy things so If you were to cut everything out, you would not stay motivated. You would Be miserable. Yeah, you you're much more likely not stay motivated. Obviously, some people can do it and some people find it very easy to do that But um, I think on the grand scheme most people Want to have that balance that they can actually keep things going and and still have some form of a life that they live before without having to sacrifice So much. Yeah, and I think that sort of comes back to our point of do something that you enjoy and that's not just The discipline itself. It's like the whole process try to enjoy the whole process um and Often you will find as well And most my clients find is that after a few weeks of doing the thing that you're doing You start to get a little bit better at it Then you start to enjoy it a bit more your confidence starts to build with whatever it is You start to see the changes in your body and your your mindset as well because you know, we don't just say this stuff for fun Moving your body eating better is so good for you mentally. It's so good for you physically like it's it's why we it's why we do it It's it's why we keep going back. It's not because it makes us miserable. It's because it makes us feel great so The more you get into it the more benefits you will feel from it the more motivated you will be to continue with it If it made you feel like shit, obviously you're not going to carry on with it, but it doesn't that's why people do it It makes you feel great. So that should be a great motivator in itself really Yeah, absolutely Okay, so just to finish on this question literally just popped into my head What do people do then once they've once that date has come around so they've they've then done the photo shoot they've Gone on the holiday that they were working towards to look and feel grateful They've done the half marathon. What next? How do you stay motivated after that? I think I think that depends on what you What your mindset is and and How you felt going forward throughout the process obviously if you if you are just motivated to Let's say you've got a photo shoot and You've you've gone through the whole process. You've you're looking absolutely diced like you look incredible You've done your photo shoot, but that whole process you absolutely hated And the only motivation there was the fact that you had this photo shoot And so you didn't want to let yourself down. You didn't want to let down people who organized blah blah blah um Then perhaps I mean my advice in that case would be Find something else. I mean find a new goal. It's always going to be find a new goal That's the only way you're going to stay motivated because you know, you might be like, okay, cool Well, actually, I've done a photo shoot now Um, I didn't enjoy the process, but I really enjoyed the photo shoot side of things What's the next level of photos like the next level after photo shoot? But if you want to stay in that sort of that bubble of of bodybuilding, I guess in that regards um And you've got there and you've had your shots and you're like, I look I look great Maybe maybe the next step is thinking about stepping on stage you know for us For like other other events things like that like so for the half marathon that we're doing for instance If we run the half marathon and we've we've achieved it and we're like, oh cool that we've done that like tick that off the list What's the next step? I guess we don't know until we do it. Do we like we might want to then do A marathon, you know, an iron man, whatever like a trouble with life, isn't it? Absolutely always chasing the next best thing so my my advice would be while you are going through the process Constantly think about the next step anyway don't see the the holiday or the photo shoot or the race or the whatever it is the competition as the end goal because There's always another step. There's always something more you can do afterwards or this always something you can progress on to to To continue that journey. Yeah, and it doesn't have to be the same thing You know, we might do we might do the half marathon. I might actually hate you might love it So you might go I'm gonna do another one. I've booked another one for next year or whatever Fantastic and I want to get a better time than I got on this one or I might come out of it and go That was awful. That was the worst experience. You know, I really hated it, but What I have enjoyed is the fact that I've got leaner. I've got fitter and What could I do then to to continue that side of things like evolve the goal maybe and also Yeah, just just on from that. I guess it doesn't always necessarily have to be a bigger better Goal, it doesn't have to be a longer distance. It doesn't have to be the next thing It could be you just want to take some time to Sit at maintenance. Yeah, you just want to focus on mobility like I still a girl on the back of a fat loss phase um Most people then come out of it and they're like, how do you know what? I enjoy how lean I look now, but I feel like I just lost all my strength So you and you'll know that as you as you're training through it. You're training your the weights you're lifting it will get Harder the training will get more difficult the cardio gets up to and you're eating less food So when you get to the point where you're then finished and you're going back onto maintenance Maintenance calories we mean so your base or metabolic rate um you can then go Well, maybe like my strength's coming back actually I want to what I was lifting You know, I was hip thrusting say 120 kg last time before when I was like before on my fat loss phase Throughout that I managed to stick it around the same sort of weight But then it started dipping off because I was getting it was getting harder and harder I'm going to try and go for 140 this time Yeah, and you'll probably find that that's an easier more attainable goal and you can push towards a Strength gain or a muscle gain phase And you might want to do that with multiple lifts like pick a few lifts that you really want to improve in and Start setting yourself some strength targets and then you'll probably go down that rabbit hole a little bit and then be like, oh I love this. I generally think this that's how this all this hybrid training came into permission because there was a lot of people who were very strong in the gym or very good at running and You know when you've excelled in one sort of Sort of aspect or one discipline You know, let's say you're really strong in the gym. You're Able to deadlift bench press Squat like a really decent number and you've gone. Okay, so I feel really strong But I'm not fit. I'm not fit and I don't look great So then you go and okay, what can I do then so oh, maybe I'll start like maybe I'll get fit And through that process they started realizing they like running or cycling or swimming whatever it is And then but they're like but now I'm losing my strength and I don't feel as strong when I do go in the gym So now they're trying to merge the two and that's where it's that's where it's come about Well, maybe and also maybe this was like the sweet spot that we were missing for a while Yeah, I'm sure there were people doing it for ages, but it's massive on social media now and maybe that is the sort of What's the word creme de la creme? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're strong and we're fit Yeah, I don't know if it's possible yet. I think it is. I've seen people do it I don't feel strong and fit just yet because I feel really fatigued But maybe we will get there and that will be a really nice sweet spot for us to Be kind of sitting in yeah, I hope so I think I was just like I know we've gone on for a while But I just think before I was so happy just kind of sitting in my comfort zone lifting weights doing the stairmaster You know, but now I feel really like No, actually it's nice. I'm doing something different. I'm pushing myself and running is Just so different and what I'm what I am a little bit worried about is now When we get to the point where the running is is easier and we're running longer distances and it's you said one then that was good not no positive positive And Then we go back into the gym to try you know and actually You do in your I don't know like let's say three sets of Eight to ten reps and you're going this is a bit boring. I know this is a bit This this isn't enough at the moment. So that's when you're training need to adapt then And you need to like it's constantly changing constantly changing And I think that's how you stay motivated on on all these things And I think we both needed a change That we got a bit stagnant and we needed to mix things up and this is definitely shaking things up I can't wait to see where it goes. I know me too Cool. Well, thanks for listening. Yes. Thank you so much. Hope you've enjoyed this episode. Nice spot to wrap up I really enjoyed chatting with you today. Thank you. Do you know what enjoy chatting to me most days? No, I do I just um Do you know what it's just sometimes we film and it's that we've both just done a real long day at work We've got a rearrange our living room set it all up cause you know, I mean, it's just no I love you guys anyone that listens love you so much, but I would I I'm in my prime in like the mid-morning Yeah, I just had my coffee if we could go out to a recording studio have our coffee. I'd look forward to it Yeah, I think I think like how we structured this It's good because we've got these ideas and we've got time to kind of write notes It's not really on the fly like it has been in the past where we've been like, okay, what are we talking about? Okay, this right. Let's go Like we've got a little bit of time to go cool. This is the subject Let's let's come together and and try and figure out What the best way to get this message across it, you know, how can we best help people Um within this specific subject area, but I think I think we've nailed it today and and I'm in that Yeah, please let us let us know what you think I mean, we might be absolutely wrong and you might completely disagree But I think we had some good points Yeah, and I think if there is anything specific you'd really like to know about or learn more about or just hear our opinion on obviously Let us know drop us a DM. Um I think that's what they do. It's not drop us a DM. Yeah. Yeah on on wherever you listen to this you can find us on Uh Instagram is probably the most Yeah, it's probably where we'll find it. Um, but yeah, we hope you have an amazing week We will be back next week and then the week after that we will be in portugal I think we do a portugal episode. We say this every time though, and it just doesn't work. We're doing it. We're doing it No, babe, we're not because I'm not bringing the mics. I've got we're doing it. We are doing it We're doing it. We're doing it. Don't hold us to that because we might not we're doing it But we will be doing some amazing runs of portugal. So tune in. Yeah, follow those on our socials See you in the next episode. Ciao. See You You You (upbeat music)