Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Real Play RPG Podcast

Critical Hit #753: Reunion (Part 3) (PANS01E66)

In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Real Play RPG Podcast: The boys are together again, and more clues are revealed.

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Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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Critical hit Punch Hall Nazis takes place in the early days of World War II and combines high adventure with cosmic horror. All dates, locations, and historical events are thrown out the window in order to create a fun story, so don't put too much thought into historical inaccuracies. All accents are done poorly, but with love, and no disrespect is intended. [MUSIC] It is almost two weeks since you were admitted into the medical ward there at Section M Headquarters in Kent, Carlos, and you are healing very well. In fact, you are up and able to move around. You can wear normal street clothes and explore the grounds and all of those things, so you can get moved back into your regular room. But the day that you move back into your regular room, you walk in and there are free books on the table, and a note that says, "Mr. Carlos, you'll want information on Carcosa. These are the only three texts that I could find. I have not read them because, well, I was told not to," signed Dilbert. Okay, I'll go find Sally. Sure, you go downstairs into the main War Room area. This is the main big library with the big giant table, with the map of Europe spread out across it, and as you approach Sally and Brigadier and Touton, they're all looking at the map, and you can clearly see that coming from German territory, from Germany and Poland and all the areas that they have, they've colored all of that red, and you see that there is a kind of a big cone coming right out of Germany and pointing right towards Paris, and it's getting closer, and they've got little flags positioned all in here, and that cone as it gets to Paris is very narrow, but as you get out to obviously the German border, it is spread out very wide, so this is not a parabolic curve, it is almost like a, what's the opposite of a parabolic curve? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's almost like that. It's almost like a bell shape. That is how much territory the Germans have been taking since they crossed the border into France in the last three weeks. Sally is standing there. Hey Sally, can I talk to you for a second? Oh, yes, Carlos, what is it? So I got some books about Carcosa from the library, and Dilbert told me that he's not allowed to read them, is that a security thing, or is that a like, might warp his mind kind of a thing? Well it depends on what the books are, and do you have the books with you? Sure. One of them is titled The King in Yellow, it looks to be a play, and she looks at this and says, oh no, this is a dangerous book, I don't know why anyone would have their hands on it, and she sets it aside. Then there is another one that is talking about the outer realms is the name of the book, and she's like, I don't think that this one is probably problematic at all, and then there's another one that she looks at, and it is the title called, it is called Holly and Hasduer. And she's like, I'm not really sure what this book is, but it looks to be talking about some gods, it doesn't look like a forbidden text, and she hands all three back to you. I would avoid The King in Yellow if I were you, but if you really want to take that risk, go for it. I know that I read like the first chapter, many years ago, and I had a headache for like three weeks. Yeah, I think I'm going to skip it for now. This is like the third time I've come across it, so maybe eventually if it keeps showing it out. And then the Brigadier, after he's listening to your conversation, there may be another reason why we have profited young Dilbert from accessing these books or reading these books. After the revelation that we had another spy in our midst, we are convinced that Section M is infested with German spies and considering what happened when you were in the Netherlands, we have come to the conclusion that the Germans, the black sun, know basically everything we know, and obviously they know more. So we are trying to clamp down on information. So now things are going to be more of a, you need to be have a proper clearance. And you look around and you notice that, yeah, this space is a lot more empty than what you were used to, and you did notice in the last week or so that you thought they were building new barracks, but it does look like they were building facilities outside of the main building to house people who are part of Section M, but who are under different kind of clearances. So it looks like the main building is for highest clearance only people. Okay. Yeah, that was my, that's why I was asking because I didn't know who had put the lock on these books, but it sounds like it's a combination. Yes, quite. All right. Well, I am going to go do some reading. If you guys need me, you know where I am. Yes, yes. I'm glad you're up and around you about ready to return to active duty. Yes. Oh, I think so. As you leave the front door opens and hey, look, there's Doc. Doc, you haven't seen him. In my two weeks, I know. Do I know he was injured? Yes. I do. Okay. Good. How are you feeling? Oh, I'm, I'm doing better. Thanks. Good. Oh. Sorry. Shut back. Oh. Are you been out? Yes. I went home. I, my father passed away. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you. It turned out to be very complicated. I, I mean, I get that complicated in our usual way. Oh. I, I have a, I have a key now. Oh, I know. We probably ought to find out what it is. Yeah. You might want to get some nerds on that. Did the, did the term nerd exist already? Yes. You might want to get some, now, like point Dexter, the TV thing, right? Some of the long hairs on that. Yeah. Some of them. 19, 1950s is the first appearance of nerd. So no, not as. Well, let's, let's go with egg head. That seems like it probably. That would probably be more on target. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get some eggheads on it. Look at that egghead kid. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Dilbert is walking by, uh, heading out the door. Uh, good luck with your reading, Mr. Carlos. Thanks, Dilbert. Um, oh, by the way, doc, if you see this book and I show him the king in yellow, don't, don't read it. It's apparently cursed or it opens something in your brain or something. We don't know yet. But I think I've read that one. Oh, well, there you go. I guess, uh, if you're okay, then that's okay. I'm feeling much better now. Oh, that's good. Dilbert is one of those, uh, uh, eggheads that you guys were talking about. Oh, okay. Hey, Dilbert. Come here. Uh, yes, sir. Uh, do you want to show him the key? Yeah. I, uh, encountered this as apparently an artifact that belonged to my late father. And I suspect, uh, given the people who were trying to get it, that it has some sort of, uh, mystical capacities. But I. This, uh, do you hand in the box? Uh, the key is in the box. That's a good question. Do I hand him the box? It cost my father's life. I think I'm probably going to show him the key in the box. Oh, that's very interesting. May I examine it? Uh, yes. And he takes the box out of your hands. He starts looking at it, turning it around. Oh, yes. The joinery indicates that this is, uh, early 1700s, maybe 1720, uh, he sniffed at it. Oh, it's been in a, in a place where there have been a lot of, uh, smoking and cigars, tobacco upper class. Uh, this has probably been in the hands of a wealthy class of people for the last, I'm guessing 200 years, uh, he turns it over and he sees the little insignia down in the corner and he looks at it and he peers at it. Well, this is a, a maker's mark, but I'm not really sure what I don't think I've seen this before. I'd have to do some research on it and then he opens up the, the box and he looks at the key. He doesn't touch it. Oh my. Um, and it's a big silver key. So if you want to imagine something that is like, oh, maybe six inches long by about four inches wide, so on one end has the big, you know, oval handle part of the key and a stem and then down on the other end, you would imagine the little boxy part of a skeleton key. Uh, so it's a, it's about, you know, six inches long by about two or three, about three or four inches wide. And he's like, oh, uh, this is the key to the dreamlands. Huh. That's interesting. Okay. Um, may I take this with me? What, what is the key to the dreamlands? Well, that's the part I don't know. I'm going to have to investigate. Well, the dreamlands is, uh, where that, remember that big yield monster? That's what, uh, that's what that girl was trying to go into because that's where her cousin went. Right? Yup. Sounds right. Yeah. Yeah. We was Evelyn Carter or whatever her name was, but it was Carter. Yeah. Yeah. Linda Carter. Um, yeah. Um, how about this? I sense that Doc is reluctant to give you this key. So how about you talk to either Pontus or Antoine or both and we can arrange a, uh, for you guys to get a handle on this for a while and, uh, investigate it. Unfortunately, because of recent incidents, I no longer have clearance to Pontus or Antoine, but, uh, hold on. And he goes to one of the side tables at the entrance of the, of the, uh, hallway there and he gets a little piece of paper and he puts it on the back of the box where the little insignia is and he gets a pencil and he does a real quick rubbing on the little insignia. And of course it makes the inverse, uh, appearance there and he goes, they should at least get me started. Okay. See, the people looking for it, I don't know if they're the ones behind the mark, but I believe they call themselves the brotherhood or the society of the silver key. Hmm. All right. And he writes that down on the piece of paper. Uh, we live in strange times. Yes. So it could be anything. Is there anything else you want me to look up? I can't think of anything, but it's better. All right. Well, I'll go back to my shed and see what I can find. Thanks. You're a real, uh, real team player. Yeah. Of course. Uh, yay team. Yay. Yay. Uh, the, the kingdom, boo, the Nazis and he's kind of walking out with his hand in the air, like a raha ha and he bumps into a gardener who is, uh, coming in and he's got a, you know, like a apple crate full of vegetables and stuff and of course he's got some, some dirty boots and, uh, a pair of, you know, brown work pants and a, um, you can see inside an inner shirt that's green. And then it looks like he's got some kind of, um, uh, not a jumper or not a sweater, but it like an inner coat with a hood. It is colored red and then he's got an outer coat, which is a, a work coat, uh, that you guys would know is like a canvas, uh, workman's coat, uh, and it's pretty dirty too. I don't know. I wanted to drop off some veggies. Oh, thank you. It's going to be in short supply very soon. Oh, okay. Wow. I'll, I'll get these to the kitchen. Oh, thank you. And he turns and he walks out the door and, um, we follow him down to the garage where he opens it up to discover bliss go, who is finally bliss go, you've got that truck up and running. Hmm. Uh, started, give it a nice pat and yeah, it sounds good. The gardener walks up to you goes, I never thought anyone would get this rust bucket running. Good job boy. Thanks. Ah, I can't wait to use it to run errands back and forth the town as long as it's of help. Yes. Thank you very much. This will be of good help. Anyway, um, it's getting late in the day. Uh, I best go home pleasant dreams. And he turns and walks out, uh, the door. Congratulations. Your task of building a truck is complete. Where are you going to say bliss go? This is the, the one guy that I met the last time. Still there. Oh, green. Yeah. He's still there. Who was playing green? Was that, uh, playing green? Okay. Go ahead. Oh man. I can't believe you got the thing running again. I thought for sure we'd have to replace the whole engine block. Uh, didn't think that was going to be the problem. There's a lot more little things that can go wrong before we have to tend to that. The gardener knew. I think a lot of people knew that you were working on, on this, you seem pretty determined to bring this, this old wreck of a truck back to life. Oh, that was more of a, uh, let's go, doesn't recognize this person and is asking about that. Oh, okay. All right. Yeah. I mean, he'd been, uh, pretty much in here, uh, dusted on, uh, you know, where it gets around. I don't remember seeing him before. Uh, so, uh, Mr. Green, uh, you would know that he is one of the regular gardeners here at the estate. Yeah. He's, uh, a regular gardener here. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, the truck can be useful for him. Then that's great. Uh, blue skull, like nervously look around for the new, his vehicle in the worst condition now. Uh, yes, there is definitely a newest vehicle in worst condition. Uh, it is a, um, old jalopy. It looks to be like an 1899 1900 steam, uh, vehicle. It is most certainly there as a collection piece and not something that was ever an active use or at least it hasn't been an active use for about 40 years. Well, that looks like a fun little toy to tackle. Well, uh, I guess have fun. Yeah. Well, enjoy your day. Yeah. Yeah. You too. Let's go head over to the next one. Okay. Um, your, your stomach is starting to get a little rumbly in your tumbly. Ah, dinner time. You head back up. Yeah. You head back up to the house and, um, uh, we will, uh, join you back in just a moment. But first Valentino, what have you been doing? We haven't seen around the grounds in the last day or so. Oh, uh, probably just kind of been. Walk in, uh, make sure, uh, everything seems all right from my recent tussle, uh, everything's healing. Okay. Make sure there's no weird pulls or pains. Nope. The doctors cleared you and checked you out and they were very impressed that you alone were able to, uh, take down three Nazi agents and save your friend. All right. All right, I may have went out for a bit of a jog. Okay. Just, uh, something to do and kind of just, uh, excuse just to kind of look around and make sure there's no other people that strike me as suspicious types. Yeah. Sure. Why don't you roll a will plus, um, will plus resilience? Do you want on this? Hey, two successes. Yeah, you are able to, um, you know, jog the grounds. Uh, you're able to go and do a couple of walks, uh, off the main proper grounds out into the fields and, uh, explore now, unfortunately, uh, or fortunately in, uh, the UK, they have this thing called, um, I forget what it's called. It's like a rambling law, meaning that, uh, people can just cross, uh, private property as part of like an open walking, uh, law, uh, so you will run in occasionally to people who are just walking, uh, across the grounds, uh, out in the outer fields and stuff as they're, they're passing through, but certainly there are some military soldiers that are patrolling those areas as well that are kind of encouraging people to just move along. But it looks like from what you can tell, there is nobody actively trying to break in to the facilities. In the back of your mind though, there's something that's always calling out to you, a little booklet that you may have forgotten about in all the chaos that's happened in the last couple of weeks. Your mind keeps going back to that book. Maybe I better, uh, sit down, look it over, make sure it's not, and I've missed. How many times do you think you've gone over this book? It's hard telling it, uh, kind of, uh, blurs together. Uh, I really feel like, you know, uh, seems like I've read it enough. I should pretty well have it memorized by now, but... Yeah, this time when you sit down, you notice that there appears to be, you know, before you've just been reading the words and, and absorbing the words. Now you notice that you're starting to pay attention to how are the words written, how are they placed on the page, how are the, you know, little illustrations, um, on the page, and you now get the feeling, as you examine this, that there's something about in the text, uh, certain words seem to be more bold, or some letters seem to be a little bit more bold than others in the ink that has been written. Um, you get the impression that these words together, something, something doorway openings, still very cloudy in your head, and hard to completely decipher, but you think there's something in here up now you're certain that there is something in here on how to open up a doorway. Interesting. Uh, well, I'll, uh, find, uh, some paper and a pen and start, see if I can work that out. Okay. Uh, why don't you roll me a single D20? Okay. Uh, five. Okay, it's going to take you probably a week or so of just dedicated, dedicated study to, um, get this fully deciphered. Interesting. Alright. Well, I ain't got much else going on, and, uh, and, there's a rumbly tumbly in your tummy. Uh, I guess I can go back to this, uh, yet I'll, uh, tuck the book away in my, uh, pocket and head on to the mess. Okay. Um, Carlos, you and Doc, are you still hanging around with each other, or have you decided to get to reading your books? No, I think we would have parted ways since he probably needs to like settle back into his room. Okay. So I'll, I'll get started on, um, they told you not to read. No, the one that, um, I'll get started on the outer realms since they literally just told us about the dreamlands again. Maybe that's one of them. So. Sure. So you start reading through this and it is talking about some like, I don't know how does, how does Carlos feel about, um, talks of other dimensions and life on other planets? What are your thoughts on that, um, yeah, Dutch is like kind of all for it. Um, he's like a sci-fi and like fantasy breeder. So, you know, when they're like, you know, it's like, oh, these like alien creatures from beyond the moon, it's like, oh, it's like, he's like, sure. I'm like, uh, he's not like, oh, this is bull because he's seen so much by now that he's like, okay, well, you know, let's treat this like it's true. Um, and he's probably actually actively entertained by it because it's stuff that he's into. Okay, so as you are going through this book on the outer realms, there is some wild fantastical crazy stuff in this, in this book. They, there's talking here about, uh, ancient civilizations coming to earth millions of years ago and putting humans into a slave race and the humans revolted and took over and put these gods down, put these beings down. You see references to some kind of a creature called a yith. You see another reference to a creature called a, um, amigo. And then you see another one that is that is talking about star spawn or something like that. It's very weird. And then there's sections that talk about different places. There's a section that talks about, um, uh, the, the plateaus of Ling, which seems really weird. And then you get to a little section. It's very brief called, uh, karkosa. And it says, uh, along the shore, the cloud waves break, the twin suns sink beneath the lake, the shadows lengthen in karkosa. Engage is the night where black stars rise and strange moons circle through the skies, but stranger still is lost karkosa. Songs that the hades shall sing where the, uh, where flap the tatters of the king must die unheard in dim karkosa. Song of my soul, my voice is dead, die thou unsung as tears, unshed, shall dry and die in lost karkosa. And reading that Carlos, would you give me a will plus resilience D two? I am going to add my dauntless to, yeah, cause you've been at this for, you've been at this for at least an hour. Yeah. Okay. Uh, you said, uh, what was that? D two and resilience, a success and a complication. Yeah. Success and a complication. You fail and there's a, yeah, there is a complication because just reading this verse, you have one of the most intense pains stabbing you in the back of the eye. This is like the sudden worst headache that you have ever had in your life and you cannot get it to go away. You're actually, your vision is kind of, of dimmed just a little bit and you're really having a trouble focusing, but you are now somewhat more interested in finding out about karkosa than you were before. And the other books, especially the one called King and Yellow seems much, much, much more interesting now. Uh, well, maybe I'll get into it once my headache goes away. Okay. You do need to take one fatigue. Okay. And this is going to be an ongoing, an ongoing thing until further notice. Okay. Forever. Um, even with the, the really sharp pain, uh, maybe one of the thoughts you have is maybe I'm just hungry and, uh, even though you are very interested in opening up the book King and Yellow, uh, you know, it's, it's dinner time. And so you slip the copy of King of yellow into your pocket. Okay. And you want to carry this around with you. All right, I'll go to dinner. Doc, what about you? What are you doing? Uh, I don't even remember. Do I have an official room room? Yeah. You have a room room. Probably go there to my room room and make sure that you open it up and there's a woman in there who's cleaning. Oh, uh, mmm, sorry. I didn't. We thought you were gone. We haven't seen you in a couple of weeks. I had a business that had to be taken care of, unfortunately, but I'm back. Um, okay, um, nobody seems to know where you went. I thought you went, uh, went a wall. Oh, I went to Massachusetts, which is sort of the same thing, honestly. I don't recommend it, but, um, I hope that my things are still here. I was just about ready to throw them out. But here they are. Well, thank you, uh, for waiting. I lost two weeks. So I have my stuff, a good thing to settle in. I'm not going to stop her from finishing the cleaning. I don't want to get in her way or anything. Oh, she's done after she, uh, drops all your stuff on the floor. She, she's like, uh, heads out, great, great, uh, the United Kingdom, the stories I could tell. Okay. So, yeah, I have a place I'm going to look at the place. I'm going to be like, okay, now what? Well, uh, one thing that you might be a little concerned about is she said, she thought you went AWOL and considering that nobody, literally no one knew where you went, that might be something you want to address. I suppose so, yeah, I should probably, I should probably go and find, uh, general. Sarge, uh, he's in, he's in, he's in New York. Oh, well, he's not here, then I will probably seek out the Brigadier. Do I have like a direct, uh, lined, uh, report or are we like, Sally Armitage, Sally Armitage? I'll go find Sally Armitage. Uh, she is in what, uh, everyone is calling the war room and she continues, you walk in and she is discussing matters with the Brigadier and Touton, and you can see laid out on this, uh, table, a giant map of Europe and the areas that the Nazis have occupied are all in red and there's this big bell-shaped arrow going towards Paris. Uh, Sally sees you when she walks in, oh, you are back. I am. We, uh, didn't know where you went. You disappeared. We thought maybe you were on an alcoholic bender somewhere, but no one had seen you in any of the, any of the bars. Um, we were about to write you up as, uh, renegade as a wall. Well, I'm glad I got back before you did my, my father died, and I got very sorry. Thank you. Also, I, I don't know if I've told you, but I'm sorry for the loss of your father as well. He was a good man, but yes, well, thank you. And where were you and, and what were you doing that, uh, necessitated you leaving in the middle of the night and not telling anyone? I went home to see my father and discovered that he had been murdered. Oh, my, um, is it because of. Your activities here? No, no, I think it's, well, I don't want to say that it's unrelated because there definitely is an element that I think has there, the something super natural seems to have been going on. I actually, uh, I'll show it to you later, but, uh, Dilbert was his name, Dilbert said that I am apparently now the possessor of the key to dreams. So that's something, I guess. Hmm. I don't know what that means. I, I, I'm not sure myself honestly, but he said it in a very, very convincing manner. So I think it means something, but nonetheless, uh, I'm back and I apologize and I suppose that if there's any type of reprimand that needs to be reprimanded, I will take it, but there's a sudden ringing, uh, in the room next door and she's like, ah, well, we can discuss this later right now. It is dinnertime and, uh, everyone goes in and sits at the big table that you've been at before. You know, the brigadiers there, Sally, Touton, uh, the white witch guy, uh, the four of you, uh, here comes Badger. He is, he's hobbling now, but his leg is still quite bandaged up and he sits, uh, down next to you, Carlos. Hey, uh, they dragged that bugger out of there the other day. What bugger? The one that's the Nazi. Oh, okay. The one that he wanted to murder in, in his sleeve. Yeah, yeah. I hear they're doing some interrogation on him. I'm sure they aren't. I hope it's, I hope it's painful. Yeah, I don't know. Um, I guess we're pretty far off the record here, so it could be, but from what I hear, the British tend to treat their POWs fairly well unless there's spies. I guess that's true. And then, uh, you know, the servants come in and they are putting out food for everybody and Touton seems very happy and pleased and everybody is, uh, digging in and enjoying their meals. Is there anything anybody would like to talk about at this time? I'll just like generally ask what everybody's working on. See if we can go around the table. Oh, sure. Um, let's go. What are you working on? Uh, you got the truck that I was working on fixed earlier today and, uh, see here that thing had a number of problems, but she's up and running perfectly fine now. So that'll be helpful. Uh, and then I found a, uh, and rattle off like whatever the old car is. Yeah. That is when you mentioned, when you mentioned that Touton is like, Oh, Jenny, you're gonna get it running again. That, that's the plan. Oh, I did enjoy that call when I was a child. It ran on water, you know, you threw some coal or wood in the back and fired that thing up and it was powered by steam. Uh, oh, that should be a fun project for you, let's go. I just want to make sure everything's working correctly at this point. Yes. Yes. Ah, very good. Very good. He seems really tickled by the fact that his steam powered automobile may be working again. What about you, Valentino? Oh, uh, hey, when the winded dock get back. Oh, about an hour ago. Wow. Ah, well, I guess I've been, uh, looking back over the book, I think I found a something in it. Oh, this is the brief. Yeah. Seems to be, uh, another spell written between the spells, uh, about opening the path or something. I'm, I'm working on it, uh, Sally looks at you and she's like, good job. I know you could do it. Well, I suppose that still remains to be seen, but yeah, I'm working on it. Very good. Very good. Uh, well, we are, and this is Sally continuing to talk, we are, um, since the incident and of course everybody at the table, maybe not you, doc, uh, know what the incident is, but she is like, um, since the incident, we've been more concerned about security here, obviously, and we are more concerned about what we're noticing the Nazis doing as they make their march towards, towards Paris. Uh, obviously these worm creatures that you encountered at the flute factory, um, are part of this push, but we're getting word from our source on the inside that the black sun are also accompanying the Nazis and they are going into every church, every synagogue, every library, every museum and they are cleaning out every artifact that might have some kind of a mystical ability or property. I've been on that tour. There's a lot of those. Uh, yes, indeed. And so we are very concerned why they are gathering up so much now and what they plan to do with it. So we've been kind of busy with that over the last, uh, couple of days and the Brigadier is like quite quite, um, it is unfortunate badger that you are not in the condition to lead an assault, but it is something that we need to consider. And then the, uh, the guy, the white witch guy, uh, he kind of speaks up, I've been interrogating the prisoner is a very hard nut to crack, but I'm sure with a little bit more pressure that I shall be able to get the information we seek. It will be a few more days. Fantastic. Yes. Yes. Very good. Anything else. Uh, is that Sarah? Is that, or who's the, who's the white witch guy? Oh, that is, yeah, I forget what his name is off the top of my head because that's on another note somewhere. But yeah, he is the, um, let's see, I have one guy as skinny cloak tall guy, that is comma leather. Okay. So that's Sarah. Yeah. Sarah. Yeah. Yeah. Sam Sarah. Well, he does not have wings. So his first name is sand. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I, uh, I've been con, convalescing, but the right words, how are, how are you, how are you coming along? Are you back into shape? Yeah. Well, I was mostly doing fine, but I think, uh, in my eagerness, I kind of gave myself a headache, getting into, uh, some literature, but I should be fine. It kind of looks at you. Are you sure you're okay? Did you read that book? I didn't read that book. I read the other book, um, but, uh, it had a reference and I don't know if I can talk about it. Now, I just, I think you can clear it in general. Yeah. Okay. So this whole room is like all high clearance people. Okay. I, uh, found a poem about Carcosa. Oh, uh, it was very lyrical and descriptive. And I think there's probably a lot of references in there to, um, its place, but also its history and possibly to the artifacts, um, but it's not, it's not direct. It's not as, uh, direct into the point as the, uh, luminaries rhymes were, hmm. Does it seem to be a place that is here or is it really describing another world or plane? Or what are we? I mean, it, it came from a book called the outer realms. So I, my assumption is that it's, um, it's not here. It does talk about like aliens and the cosmos and things like that, not necessarily in reference to Carcosa. So I mean, it could be here and just like hidden in some way or it could be like, I don't know, on the moon, like, these guys are pretty out there and they talk about passageways and portals and things like that. So again, not directly in reference to Carcosa, but there's some other stuff here. It's pretty interesting, um, that is, um, good information to have, even if it's just little bits and pieces, um, be sure to write that down if you can, uh, just a description don't write the actual verse, please and, and, uh, get it over to us and we can, we can feed it into our, our, our brain trust. Okay. Did you find anything else? Uh, no, I haven't had a chance to look at anything else. Uh, I was warned against this book and I pull out the king in yellow. I don't. That is a book that is very dangerous. Yeah. Otherwise you have it in your possession. I, it, here, do you want it? No. Okay. Yeah. That's my concern is that I keep running into this book and I actually don't remember putting it in my pocket earlier. So there's that. Uh, Sally says, perhaps, um, I should just take it off of your, your hands and, uh, stored away. Sure. And yeah. Okay. Uh, go ahead. Yeah. Go ahead and enroll a wheel plus resilience D two, please. Okay. Uh, so we've established that if I use a tab, like my talent, then the next, uh, die cost to momentum. Mm hmm. Yep. Okay. Uh, we'll never mind then. I'll just try to do it. We'll do it live. There's two successes. Yeah. Um, you don't see any real reason not to give it to her. So you handed across the table to her and everybody is very quiet and as you pass it under the lit chandelier, the, the lights dimmed down just a little bit. And then they, they come back up and everybody kind of looks around at each other as Sally takes the book and tucks it into a pocket of hers. How many, how many of you thought that that was some kind of a mystical thing that just happened now? Yeah. I dudged literally didn't notice it. He was working too hard to like push away all the things I would like, whatever, it's not a big deal. She shouldn't take it. You shouldn't take it. You shouldn't give it to her. I didn't need it. Mm hmm. Anyone else? Certainly. Certainly. Certainly Touton and the Brigadier kind of look up and then look at each other. Uh, let's go zeding. Please. Okay. Let's really unaware. Okay. Well, you, yeah, anybody who thought that there may have been any kind of a mystical element to it, that's followed up by a little bit of, of the China starting to shake just a little bit. And then you hear the sound of an air raid siren going off and you start to hear the sounds of planes approaching. And Touton is like we're being bombed, everybody to the shelter and the lights go out and curtains are drawn tight and everyone makes it down into the basement for a few hours as planes fly over and begin bombing, uh, Kent, Dover, the countryside. Occasionally you can hear a big gun being fired down at Dover, which is not too far away. That's far enough away, but not super far away to where you can hear the echoes of a loud cannon being fired back. And it's going to be a few hours that you guys are down in the basement. There's no official fallout shelter here. It's just the wine cellar area of, uh, of the estate. There are all sorts of people here. Dilbert is here. Pontus and Antoine are here. The doctor is here. Everybody around the table was there. And Dilbert and some other soldiers are brought in as well as a few other, uh, what you guys refer to as egg heads are also brought in. Uh, this seems to be the bulk of the bulk of the people on the grounds are all now huddled in this very massive wine cellar beneath the, the Touton estate. Oh, man, those sirens and explosions are in doing wonders for my headache. No, they are not. Oh, wine. Yeah. There you go. You find, uh, you find a, you find a, you find a vintage and you just grab it off and you pull the cork and start drinking and you can kind of see as you start to drink that Touton is a little bit visual, visibly shaken. That was a 200 year old bottle of wine. And it is fantastic to the war effort, uh, to the war effort. And he also pulls out. I'll pass it around. Yeah. So they instantly go over to a cupboard and pull out glasses and take the, the bottle, uh, from Touton and they start pouring glasses for everybody that's down there. And over you here, uh, you hear one, uh, person way in the back, three cheers for Touton. And everyone's like, hit the parade and they do that. And everybody drinks their wine as the countryside is bombed while we're down here. This is the Brigadier, uh, talking to you, Carlos, um, uh, doc, bug eater and Valentino. Um, we're thinking we need to get on that train, uh, obviously Badger and his commandos are not able to do it, but you think you might be able to? Which train? It's the train that the Nazis have, uh, with all the artifacts. Oh. Uh, yeah, let's do it. We've done more difficult things. Well, we don't know that yet. This is definitely behind enemy lines. So this will be very difficult. So would you rather us do that than go after, say, the peace in Romania? I think if we understand why the Nazis are trying to gather all of this material now, it might help us and give us a little bit more preparation for the Romanian and the Russian artifacts. Okay. It might give us some insight as to what the black son are thinking. Yep. I'm all for it. Good. Good. Well, we will drop some plans here hopefully before, uh, the next day and see about getting you on your way and sure enough, um, uh, the Brigadier seems very happy. You see Sally smile and not at you guys and about an hour later of after drinking plenty of wine. And I mean, plenty of wine. There's probably 50 people down in here and, uh, you can see, uh, first Talton seems very, um, uh, cooperative and willing to share, you know, a bottle of wine, but he didn't realize a bottle of wine does not, uh, does not service 50 people and by the time. And Dutch, Dutch will definitely make sure that like the servants get, oh yeah, that everybody's getting it. Yeah. Yeah. And by the time that the all clear whistle is, is blown, uh, there's a good 20 bottles of wine, 30 bottles of wine that have been consumed among 50 people. And he is maybe not as as thrilled as the last time. And he kind of looks a little despondent as everyone is leaving the wine cellar. And he's like, it was a collection my family had been working on for decades. Ah, ah, well, I guess I'm just going to sleep this one off. Yes. Yes. Uh, we probably all ought to go to bed and everyone goes out. The servants go out. The grounds people go out to see if there's any damage to the building. The soldiers go off to their quarters. The eggheads go off to their quarters and all of you go up into your bedrooms. And as you fall asleep, you are once again plagued by horrible, horrible nightmares. Just some of the worst stuff that for those of you that have been here on, on site for the last two weeks, these dreams have just been ongoing, almost relentless nonstop. Uh, Carlos, you once again are dreaming of this big looming shadow that is trying to, um, you know, break up any, any good that you were doing, anytime that you're being awarded or recognized for the good that you're doing, this giant shadow shows up, uh, to, to scare everyone away and break up the fun, uh, Valentino, you continue to have dreams about, uh, now someone is coming and taking your loved ones away from you. Uh, Doc, it's been a couple of weeks, but all you dream about is a very elderly, uh, version of the lawyer, taking care of a very old and, and decrepit cat. Uh, and then we get to young Bliscoe, uh, oh, Bliscoe, you're running and you're running and you're running across the fields and it's these beautiful grasslands and sure enough, after a few moments, you hear, get away, get away, oh, please get away, chew. And another one, hold steady, hold steady, get away. Uh, head towards the voices, sure enough, you head toward the voices and as you crest a, a small hill, looking down, you see ghouls surrounding the man that you know as Winston Churchill and, uh, the other man is Touton and around them are ghouls. And then from a far outer circle, um, you see a bunch of figures in, in red robes with red hoods and they are chanting, uh, something around there. And both Touton and Churchill are, are doing as good a job as they can of keeping the ghouls away, but you can tell that the ghouls are getting closer and closer and closer with each passing moment. And as you're standing there looking down at the, uh, at the events below you, you hear somebody right over your left shoulder. Well, this is really different, Mr. Bliscoe. What's going on? Yeah. And it's Dilbert standing there and that's where we're going to, as you wake up. Critical hit Punch Hall Nazis is a production of major spoilers entertainment and was produced and edited by me, Steven Schleicher. If you'd like to get a behind the scenes making of this episode, be sure to check out the GM Roundtable Octum Cthulhu edition at our Patreon page, Each week I discuss my plans for the upcoming game session and Dr. Brad Will is there to share his reactions and advice on how to be a better game master. I will warn you though, there are spoilers galore in every installment of the GM Roundtable Octum Cthulhu edition. So, if you don't like spoilers and don't want to know what I am planning next, don't listen to these episodes. Though, I will say, if you do listen, you'll be able to see how and where the players throw a wrench into my plans and you're also going to have greater insight into the world that's being built into this campaign. Finally, we want you to record yourself doing your best on Critical Hit and send it to us at and your voice will join the growing chorus of fans in upcoming episodes as well. Thank you again for listening this week and here's hoping all of your dice rolls are critical hits.