The World's Best Podcast

The Acolyte: A Post-Mortem

On this episode, Mike Cole joins me for a trek into the heart of darkness… THE ACOLYTE! The latest Star Wars series from Disney+, sure was… something. In our FULL SPOILER deep-dive into the season, we cover the “good”, the bad, the really bad, the terrible, and everything in between! Enjoy and thanks for listening!

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Hey, everybody. What's going on? This is Paul Wright. And you're listening to the world's best podcast. I'm here with a great American. Some would say the greatest American. I've heard many people say he is the best American. You're going to hear some people say he isn't the best American. He's the best American. In fact, I think he's the best American of all time, possibly the greatest American in history. Mr. Michael Cole, how are you today? I'm great. How are you? I just great to be on the show. Such a patriot. That's not thinking. Thank you. I like to. I like to think that I'm a big patriot to similar to like the way Homelander is. Yeah. I haven't watched season four yet. So no spoilers, but okay, I won't. I won't. But what? Okay. I don't think this is a spoiler. And this is my show. So, and don't worry. I feel like if I say, this is my show, you're like, Oh, fuck. Okay. So like I was going to say, this is my show. So don't worry. You won't get the blowback for this. But this isn't as bad as you're going to think it is. So it's not a spoiler really to say that because as you well know, season five of the boys is the final season. Oh, I did not know that. Yeah. And they announced it before season four. Okay. So you know, going into it, that this is sort of a table setting season. Yeah. So when the shit hits the fan, you know, we really see who all these characters are. Because they're, they're setting up the big final conflict. Yeah. So, and what I loved about this is you have to be the dumbest fucking human being alive. If you don't understand the political and the real world allegory and metaphor of this show. Okay. And just because we're going to the end game of the show and who and so characters like Homelander who are stand-ins for like real world people. And there's a character in season four who is very clearly like an Alex Jones type thing. Nice. So the metaphors become more explicit just because at the core, these characters are horrible, you know? Yeah. So it becomes more extreme. So that like, so you have all the fucking mouth breathing, right wing conservative morons in this country, but wait a second. Are they making fun of us? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. That was the good guy. We stupid motherfuckers. You don't know how fucking dumb you have to be to watch this show and not get that. I don't know. It was beyond me. And then, I was like, I'm sure there were a lot of stupid people who watched the show and had that reaction. But then I saw some, um, some YouTubers even online talking about season four come woken all this shit. I'm like, wow. I'm like, I didn't think it was anyone to be really just stupid. There was evidence of it. They're right there. Yeah. Because, you know, who's is the worst? Is that guy? This is this is the gardening video about it. The critical drinker. Have you ever heard of that guy? Yeah. I've heard that I have never watched his stuff, but I've heard he's really bad. I used to love him. Yeah. Because I thought he had a really funny gimmick. And he's clearly intelligent. And he, and you know, it's just this. Yeah, there is, I think like it's just a perfect example. And you're gonna hear me sing a very different song very shortly about our pop culture thing. But I think there is a stream of misogynism and sort of mean spirit hate doesn't exist in fandom right now. Yeah. And he really became a flag bearer of that is everything, which is, Oh, look, it's another woman in this. And, you know, it's just like, all right, Jesus dude. That's all. He's singing of the fucking tune. Yeah. I wasn't surprised that he was the one I saw making a huge video. And it was that guy who I forget his full name. His name's Hassan. He's like a professional debater kind of and he goes, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He, he was doing, he did a video where he likes the boys. And he's by no means easy on the left. You know, no, no, like reacting to the critical drinkers video. Like, is this guy fucking serious? Like he just couldn't believe it. He hadn't seen season four either. Or he hadn't seen most of them. He was like, what the fuck part part of the problem, genuinely is that the word woke while it has a meaning, no longer has that meaning for such a wide variety of people on both like the left and right, like left, leftists are using it wrong. And people on the right are using it wrong. And it's become, you know, the way that like 50 years well, up until our lives, people would call everything they didn't like communist. And let's say communist has a very specific meaning. Yes. And you're just saying, this is a thing I don't like and I don't like communism. Woke is a thing I don't like. And I don't like this. And that's what it is. It's, it's not that these two things actually have anything in common except for the fact that I dislike both of them. You know, who had a very funny sort of take on what you're saying. But he never really got Trump for it. He just owned it was when Bill Burr hosts Saturday Live, opening waterlog, he's talking about how like the Me Too movement was really originally for like black rights. Yeah. And women hijacks by white women. So was woke. Woke was a term in like the thirties used by like a jazz singer being like be aware of the danger, essentially. Yeah. And white people hijacked it. Yeah. Yeah. I love when like Bill Burrows do it. That's sad. I don't know if it was that. He told a couple of controversial jokes. But one point, you can tell the crowds and clumps their bowl. And he just goes, Oh, yeah. He's great. He's great. All right. Should we get down to brass tax here, Michael? Yep. Yeah. What are we talking about today? Well, I'll let you set it up. We're talking about the masterpiece that is the acolyte. Yeah, the new Star Wars show on Disney Plus. Yeah. I think that you and I are going to have somewhat different takes on it, but I don't think it's a masterpiece just to your heads up on that. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so it was what eight episodes. I believe so. And do that awful Disney thing. I think it's the worst thing that Disney does with their shows where it's like, they'll do like 25 minute episodes. And I just think, and even, even though say 35, and there'll be like 10 minutes of credits, but I think even 35 or 30. It's like, why are you doing this? And I guess just like, what? There's a great joke. You have this great jokes, the expense of like Marvel and Disney that like only people like you and I will get in the boys and some more. This isn't spoiling the joke, but you'll probably know it when you see it. What is it like the most expensive show they've ever done or something like that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, okay, where the fuck is that? Okay. I had a so I didn't know that until the show was over. That was the most expensive thing, but I knew it was expensive because it's Star Wars, right? Yep. So I should meant I should preface this whole episode by saying that, at least for the last four episodes, maybe five episodes, I was baked out of my mind. Not, it wasn't like I need to get baked to watch the show. That wasn't why it was just that timing wise, I like, it's a good night for me to get baked. And then I would get baked and be like, Oh, the acolyte's on. I got to watch it. Yeah. So like, there was not those two things are not completely the same thought. But so I think it was the final episode. Good way to watch it. When, yeah, it was, it was probably was better because of that, by spoilers, by the way, yes, yeah, spoilers right away. If you haven't seen it, I would say it's fucking my opinion. It's it's pretty awful, not worth your time. But yeah, full spoilers, because I think Mike is going to give one right now. No, I don't think I'm going to. I mean, like, so what I was going to say is there's this shot in the, I'm pretty sure it was the final episode where, um, and I do, I do get the sisters confused, which ones, which have certain points in time. Yeah, the show doesn't do a great job of differentiating at all. The, uh, there's a shot where I think it's May coming back to get OSHA comes back in through like, she's like running from, um, soul. Okay. And in the ship, like, her ship is flying through. And there's some kind of, I don't know if it's supposed to, it looks almost like a glass or like a glass meteor storm is the meteor, meteor cloud is what cool. And I, and I literally cause I'm baked and it was really cool looking. I said, I think this is the entire budget in this shot. And Sarah was like, it does kind of, Sarah didn't like it. Like the show you this, she was like, it does kind of look like this is where they spent all the money. So I heard people saying, and I don't know if this is true. I hear people saying, the people are saying, you're this, let me tell you, people are saying, but I heard people saying, but I don't know if this is true, that it was that sound stage that was crazy expensive. Oh, that makes sense. The one that was the jungle that you kept using. Yeah. You're like, they're getting them bunnies, Boris. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know how expensive. Here's the other. Here's my, here's my other thought. If the act, the acting language coach for the guy who played soul is where they spent their whole budget, they did a great job. Yeah. Because I kept saying to Sarah and everybody that I talked to about the show, I'm like, I'm not going to spoil the show for you, but I will say this, the guy who is the only person in the cast who doesn't actually speak English in real life is the best part of the show. Yeah. That's crazy. I suspect it back because I've seen him in other shit. Yeah. Squid games, I think, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, I wonder if it's just like a Jackie Chan rush hour situation, like a first movie, Jackie Chan spoke more English than this guy. But, you know, he's more or less English than you would think. Yeah. Yeah. And everybody was reporting that what he learned, what he knows of English, he learned for the show. And he gives the best performance. I mean, I think the bad guy towards the end, I think, gives a decent performance. You too. Um, I, I think that, um, yeah, he knew only good soul. I like it. Like you like the character. Well, yeah, soul holds up. I mean, I, when I say when I liked the, the characterization, I thought he was a piece of shit, but, uh, yeah, the guy made it. Yeah. Yeah. He did really good job. Um, I liked, uh, Trinity from, I know, I can't remember her Jedi name, but from the matrix, I thought she was pretty good. And I thought the bad guy was pretty good. As far as performances, I was really underwhelmed. And I know that when a lot of times, like when we watched Obi, when everybody watched Obi-Wan, the woman that was the inquisitor, people shit on her acting, but the main, the main actress in this show, I've seen in a bunch of other stuff and she's been good and she's not good in this show. And I don't know if this is a Forrest Gump thing where she was trying to act the way the kids acted, but it didn't, and the kids were terrible. But this was like not, the acting was not there. Yeah. I, I remember when I watched the first episode, I will say this for the show. Um, and they sort of kind of went back on the whole novelty of this was, I was like, Oh, fuck. They killed Harry and Moss in the first scene. That's not cool. Yeah. Because she's the biggest name in the show. Yeah. The novelty of that was completely gone. Because, you know, there's so much flashbacks. Yeah, she appears very prominently throughout the show. Yeah. I thought, Oh, I'm not. This was like, because a couple of films and TV shows have done stuff like that. And it's, it's like, it's a move that I respect. Yeah. I remember a long time ago, I don't know if you know this. I don't know if you're a lost fan, but I was really a big lost fan. I've never seen a single episode. I would say check it out. It's one of those genre pieces of pop culture that is absolutely worth your time. Yeah. Even though I guess it's somewhat controversial, I've always, I've always wanted to revisit the whole thing, you know, since it, since it completed, but they originally, the pilot is fantastic. It's one of the best pilots I've ever seen is directed by G.J. Abrams. And the main character of this show is a guy named Jack played by Matthew Fox. And originally, they were playing with the idea of Jack being played by Michael. And like, they're going to be like, Michael star this show. And they're like, you know, going to set them up and he's so clearly the hero of the show in the first episode. And then they were going to have him be killed. There's a monster in this show. They were killed by the monster in horrific fashion, like late in the final in the first episode. And I'm like, sorry, you start for a second. Is your phone sitting on something? Because your audio keeps coming, like it gets real muffled. And then it gets in, it's not like you're shifting too much. It's weird. Is it like? Yeah, I just, I had it on something. I'm sorry. No, no, that's okay. I just, I don't want to get. All right. If that happens again, let me know. Okay. I think it probably should be better now. This sounds clean. Yep. I do have a fan on me very low. I do too. All right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I can see it. Um, uh, so are we recording in? Yeah, I didn't stop. All right. That's fine. Yeah. Uh, I might not even take this out. BTS moments. Yeah, there you go. Uh, so, uh, as I was saying, they were talking with the idea of having Michael Keaton play this character. But neither have he didn't play, play him. They're playing around the idea of setting this guy up. And, you know, telling him the first episode, he'd have to be like, oh fuck, I don't really know what to expect. Yeah. The audiences would sort of resent that. Like it would be, uh, you'd be pulling the rug out of them and out from under them. And I guess, I get that thinking. And, but I do think it's sort of a cool move in a way. Um, it's sort of a statement that you're like, okay, but we're maybe not playing about the rules a little bit. And, and I hurt, you know, that's like, I didn't have good bugs going into it. Uh, and so I was like, all right, this is true. And one, one thing I'll say about the show is it did have some cool flourishes. And I thought I liked, um, some of the fight scenes. I think there's some cool stuff with, with that. Um, I liked, uh, they finally used, they used to say, I remember a long tablet 20 years ago, I remember this before Phantom Menace came out because they would talk about Mandalorian armor. That when it would hit with a lightsaber, it would go off like it did with this guy's helmet. Yeah. Yeah. And he explained, I remember he explains how he says it's like some kind of metal. I was like, Oh, that's fucking cool. Yeah. Remember, that was like part of legends or whatever. And they, you know, obviously, they went a different way with the best car, which is what the Mandalorian armor is made out of. Yeah. Um, but that was cool. You know, that they brought that into that. I liked the very, very brief use of a whip lightsaber. Uh, just, uh, just stuff like that. Uh, but all in all, you know, the idea that kind of coming back to me watching this show was imagine if it was like no other Star Wars stuff besides the original trilogy. Yeah. And this is what you're like, oh, I can't wait. They're gonna do a Star Wars show. And this, this, how horrified would you be? You know, it's, it's so poorly made. It's so poorly thought out. It's just bad storytelling on so many levels, bad character stuff. Yeah, motivations of the characters don't make any sense. They contradict so much of the mythology, I think, in the show. Um, in a way that doesn't happen in Star Wars, you know, there's, there's, you know, although it's one of major pop culture franchises up there. You can think of interesting ways in which the mythology doesn't add up or doesn't make sense or contradict. But that's not something, for all its flaws, you really see in Star Wars until this fucking show. And it's not a huge deal for me, really, like it was for other people. But I don't know. I just, I just thought it was poorly made. I think the fault that squarely lies in the writing, the people made the show, the showrunner, what's the name? I think it's Leslie Headblend or something like that. Something like that, yeah. And, um, I started being interviewed. She had a lot of really awful takes in interviews. Yeah. I'm kind of curious to see what your thoughts were. I like, I think that it had a, like, the execution was bad. But I think that the bones of it are interesting and could be pretty cool. Um, there's like a lot there. Like, I liked, you had mentioned, you texted me the night that the first episode came out, something about the fact that, and I think it's the comics that a Sith, in order to become a Sith, has to kill a Jedi without a weapon or without a lightsaber. Yeah. And erupts, like the Kyber crystal, which is something we saw in this eventually. And I'm like, oh, that's kind of cool because I thought that's what they were doing. Yeah. Um, but I, I really liked the fact that they used that to like, as an excuse to give us fighting that wasn't lightsaber fighting a decent amount. That was like very Kung Fu style. And you get a guy who, um, other than, uh, Squid games, I don't know what else he's done, but like, he was a very confident fighter, like, martial arts fighter in the show. And, um, and then you get literally, I mean, she's a good actress as well, but you get, uh, Carrie Anne Moss, who is probably more than any other white woman that like, like, famous for a Kung Fu movie. Yeah. Like, so you did, you'd like, they used that, I thought to their advantage. And that was pretty cool. Like that opening scene, like, you want that you said was really cool. Oh, they killed her on the front, like that was an amazing scene. I was like, this show is going to be awesome. Um, it doesn't live up to it, but a lot of that's just because the execution is not great pacing. They did a, uh, like I said before, an absolutely shitty job at differentiating the sisters. Um, even when it was the young girls and they were like different actresses, I was having a hard time keeping up with who is who and that and I, and I feel like we've watched twin stuff before so much where it's, you know, Eddie Murphy playing two people or whoever playing two people and you're always like, I know which one's which unless they don't want me to. And I don't think that the, that the, um, filmmakers were trying to confuse us. I think they were poorly doing that. I think they were, there may have been moments where they were trying to confuse us, but I think it was way worse than they were intending. There's a lot of stuff, right? That I will excuse if something's entertaining. Yeah. I, I, I, I will, I'm probably going to sound very contradictory in this episode to takes I've had on other things. Yeah. The people seeing us flawed because I think good example is like, I love the Zack Snyder trilogy of DC movies. Yeah, like Man of Steel, like, but it's, but specifically his director's cut of Batman v Superman and the Snyder cut of Justice League. Those are by no means masterpieces, but I really love them. I find them really entertaining. Yeah. You know, so I'll forgive the, the flaws. Yeah. But when you have a situation like sort of what you're bringing up, when we know that a fucking Jedi can tell the difference between these two people, especially when they're so fucking different, you know, and you have these two episodes where you switches, the bad one switches places with a good one. Yeah, seen this show. You're gonna be like, what the fuck? That doesn't sound right. Yeah. At least without explaining it. Like if that, if they had had that helmet or something, they, uh, something I was watching. I want to say it was, um, Jeremy Johns, uh, was kept referring to it as the Magneto helmet because it was blocking out Professor X from seeing, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah. He had some good takes on that on that show. Yeah. So like what you were saying, like when you were smoking weed, like he does a good time, no alcohol required, but he kept drinking that whole, that whole, that first go. Yeah. I thought that was funny. He's one of my, I don't always agree with him, but I always appreciate his takes because yeah, the way I look at criticism, especially, especially right now, and especially when it comes to Star Wars and genre, big fandom genre stuff is you can have the same opinion. You can land in the same grade of, of, of a show as me and I can completely disagree with your reasoning. Why? I think that like in this case, there's so many people who I will disagree with why this show sucked or why the show wasn't very good. Uh, but I still don't think this show is very good. You know what I mean? Like, you know, same thing with, uh, you know, it's just, there's a lot of people who are like, there's women in it or, you know, no, the women, having women in it wasn't the problem here. Like, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, yeah. So, I couldn't help but have this thought like, uh, when this is fucked up, but like when, you know, when he's like, oh, Kamala Harris is gonna run for, you know, president and get so many people going, oh, we got two big fucking problems here. She's a woman and she's black. This is just disgusting. His old wife gone mad. She's not gonna win the star. She's not gonna get the Star Wars fan votes. I just thought as I'm like, there's so many fucking rednecks whose brains are exploding right now. I like to tell people when it comes to, um, to bad fandoms that I am the, uh, that I am the king. I know the most about bad fandoms because I'm a Star Wars fan who grew up in the Catholic church in Boston, you know, in Massachusetts. You don't really get worse about fandoms than that group of people. Yes, absolutely. Absolute Catholic church in Boston. Oh, and sports too. Like our sports fans are the worst. Even when the teams are good, the weird. It was really like the worst. I mean, I don't know anymore, but, um, and back in the day, the Bruins fans were the most generous by far. Um, like, yeah, I remember my brother and my father for everyone's game. And, um, one guy, I forget who they were playing. Maybe like a New York team. I don't know. Like, I don't know if it's necessarily New York, but it was, uh, it was a team that was definitely like a big rival to the Bruins. And, uh, not all New York teams are necessarily the big rival to Boston teams. Like, for example, the Celtics, like, classically, their big rival were the Lakers, you know. Uh, so, um, there's this one guy who had only like a jersey for the other team. And he was being like very proud in his fandom and the other fans, not liking that one bit. And he's just getting degraded a whole time. And they were saying they told me, I wasn't at the game. I heard the story secondhand, like, they saw the guy like going to a bathroom and then they saw, look, I was looking just like a horde of angry, drunk Boston fans, like running in that direction. And then like a dozen frantic looking cops, awesome direction. And they're like, oh, no. And it was just like a gang of men just savagely beat the shit out of this guy. Like, it's like, what the fuck? You know, there's no, that's very, very Boston. No enough is the only other city they think that has any kind of claim to that. Oh, yeah. Oh, Billy, there's no fandom in all of anything worse than Philly. They famously booed and snowballs and ice balls at Santa Claus, being asleep. I like the fact that like when if Philadelphia is in a championship, you know that there's going to be cars flipped over and live on fire. And you don't know if that means that they won or they lost. I'm sure when you said that, you were thinking of this. But for anybody who doesn't know, one of the greatest moments in comedy, there was comedy festival in Philadelphia with a lot of great comedians. And it was just too, it wasn't that, the way it was described and the way I've seen it, it was almost like the tweeter center, like the great woods, really old school, Boston person, that's what you used to call it, back in the day, sort of situation, or just all day long, so much of the wrong, silly people. And then you have these in there, just the worst fucking crowd. These comedians are getting like good fucking comedians, we're getting little ripped apart by this crowd, and then Bill Burke of them. And this proceeds to lose his shit on the crowd. And does this legendary like 45 minute set, where he is just shitting savagely on the city of Philadelphia, and everything that they hold dear. And just he just like, to the point where the crowd is almost like, he almost wins the crowd over by the end. And he's going, no, fuck you. I hope y'all get cancer. If you guys haven't seen it, it's amazing. He's going to the show, he's going and he'll get to like the, he'll be like, going, starting the next life. And let's keep going. It was just classic. And I remember hearing like, I've seen it, and I've also heard other comedians talk about it, I've heard Bill Burke talk about it. And I remember Bob Saggot talking about it. And he was like, and he was good friends with Bill Burke. And he sees Bill come off today, but serious after that. And he's like, ahh, I don't know, he's a lot of fuckers. And Bob Saggot was like, no, that was amazing. Like, and Bill was like, just so angry that he just didn't matter. A game changing moment, like for him, it could put, which is so great, because that's so genuine. Like, yeah, because it wasn't coming from a place like, oh, I'm going to turn this around on them. No, it was just him being angry, Bill Burke, just turning around the city of Philadelphia. If we haven't watched this, the classic of comedy, and you need to see it, but that's the topic there a little bit. But was that what you were thinking of? I had not heard of that. That's awesome. You didn't know that? No. Wow. No, you gotta see that. That's cool. Oh, he just like, he's making fun of all their, I mean, he knows a lot about sports, and he's getting like, detailed. What? Yeah. Really good stuff. Like, he's talking about how stupid they are, because their hero is a fictional character, because they have the Rocky statue. The maids is amazing. He is, he is savagely in the most awful ways, just brutally redming apart the city of Philadelphia for like a full set. And they are there, and is the most hostile fucking crowd. You can imagine coming out there to you. Yeah. It is beautiful. I love him, and I love when he, like, he is so great, and in a way that other people aren't about, like, especially right now in the podcast, you know, universe where he'll go on someone's podcast, like Joe Rogan at one point, and he's like, we're not fucking doctors. Why are we? Or he did it to Bill Maher, like a month or two ago, and because Bill Maher has become insufferable. I used to like him. I used to like him too. He is insufferable. It's perfect word for that guy. He is so conceited and arrogant. Oh, he's attached from me out. Like, you know, he thinks he's a man of the people. And it's like, you could not be lots of a man of the person. And then Bill Burns sitting there and being like, the fuck are you talking about, Bill, even you just solved the crisis in the Middle East? You were just just here on a podcast and you just solved the crisis in the Middle East. Why can't they figure it out? You figured it out. Yeah, you're like a fucking, he's like, look at God with me. Fantasy for what? Yes. Exactly. They can you play professionally? And Bill, he's like, no, no, that's not. And I loved how, um, because like a few weeks after something, I didn't watch this whole episode, but I had seen some of this video on it. And Bill Maher had on Rainn Wilson. Yeah. From the office. And it was just really hostile. Because Bill was a dick, which he is. He's just a dick. Yeah. And uh, Rainn Wilson was giving like the very genuine answers to things that were personal and Bill's like shitting on them because he's just an asshole. Yeah. But it was so genius about what Bill Burr did. Was he played up like his own, he's mocking Bill for being this. The persona. Yeah. Like, oh, you're so smart, Bill. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. And, uh, and, but he was, he was like, this sort of self-deprecating way he was shitting on at the same time. So it was like, it was actually pretty funny where Bill Maher is, you can tell it started to deliberately using these like, really obscure words like later. And he thought he was just doing it to just set Bill Burr off. And it was, it was great. Yeah. Bill Maher sucks. I liked when Bill Maher said, uh, when Bill Burr said something about Cambridge and Bill Maher was like, I forget exactly how it played out. And he goes, Cambridge and like, like, he knew it sounded familiar, but he couldn't figure out why. And Bill Burr is like, yeah, you know, where Harvard is. And he goes, yes, Cambridge is always a great place for me to perform. They always, they're always smart enough to appreciate. And he's like, sure, Bill. Yeah, he's just fucking asshole. I remember, you know, we'll get off this, but when he really started to lose me was, uh, and he was always this way, you would really see how out of touch he was whenever he would talk about things that were in pop culture. And it would just be like the worst take in the world. You'd be like, yeah, this is not his lane. Like she should not be doing this because it wouldn't land. It'd be really stupid. I remember he mocked, because this is like way before the culture were written out. I remember he was like, sharing on, he's like, oh, we live in a culture where people then carry Potter books or literature. And Batman movies are contemplative, uh, philosophy of crime in America. Like you're talking about the dark night and like, Peter Harry Potter books. Well, I remember like Stephen King wrote an article about how, oh, like when people talk about great literature, like Charles Dickens, like they'll be talking about the Harry Potter series and the dark night, like one of the greatest films ever made. The guy, you know, you're, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And this is before we're like, yeah, I totally agree with his, where like, I think a lot of that guy's genuine disdain and all that shit has come from where he's just like, I think he just thinks America is a really fucking stupid. And I would tend to agree with that. But that, that had managed, manifested itself in 2008. Anyway, uh, but I just, I think to, to get back on topic, I think the way the acolyte really, uh, I think the thing where it really just shit the bed and drove off the cliff and just the crux of the problem with the show was everything about making her sister and his kids and how the Jedi went about that. And like that whole sort of being the central thing about the show. He was fucked and flawed in so many ways. He said, from a standpoint, from a character standpoint, it informed everything that was happening. I don't think they explained it well enough either. Yeah, like I don't understand why the virgins was such a problem. Like, because, because, you know, like, and, and it was, it was poorly, like again, poorly executed. They didn't explain to us as an audience why it was a big deal. Sol says at one point, she says, why didn't you go to the Jedi council and tell them he goes without your sister, they would never have believed me. But like, we know, we as an audience know, Anakin is a virgins and he's not, we don't know that there's like another Anakin out there. Like, we were pretty confident there isn't. So like, what, without an ex, you could make us believe that you have to explain it. All these things could have been, could have worked, but you didn't work. You didn't make it work. You know what I mean? Yeah, like, you know how you were saying, okay, I will like, I would dislike something, but then I'll have completely different reasons for disliking it. I think you heard a lot of people saying, oh, there should not be second virgins before us because it takes away from Anakin and all this shit and hell. Like, a lot of stuff that was happening. Oh, the Jedi had never encountered a sith, you know, until the sense of Venice before a thousand years. Like, I don't really care about that. You know, I think by that there was like, this incident that kind of flew other, flew on that one's radar and everybody died or went to the dark side. Yeah. Well, there's, I sent you like a, uh, an Instagram reel, like an hour ago. I don't know if you got to just see, I'm sorry. No, no, it's fine. But the, there's, it's a, it's a podcast to white guys doing a podcast about pop culture. And it's a clip from the show. And the guy says that he thinks that, uh, that they, that the Jedi, like, he thinks in the scene in Phantom Menace when they talk about, you think this boy is a virgins and he goes, Mace Windu doesn't look surprised by that information. He gives the side eye look to Yoda, like, yeah, like, they've had a conversation about this before. Yeah. Uh, yeah. That's actually, I like that take because yeah, you can make an argument that Yoda knew about this. Well, yeah, especially based on that ending. Yeah. Yeah. I liked that a lot. And these windows, definitely the type of guy who, he was the guy in the council who like knew dark shit. Yeah. Ready to, you know, even down for the Jedi. Yeah. Like, he, you know, I'm gonna go kill this guy because he's just too fucking dangerous. Yeah. 100% right. Like when it goes after Palpatine. And there's that moment where, you know, like, it doesn't play as much because you just know anything's going to the dark side, you know, he's gonna kill, I've just put up quotation fingers, kill him and do because, you know, I think he could, I think he could very easily bring him back. Samuel Jackson wants that, but yeah, they cut Darth Maul in half. He lost one of his hands and fell off the building. That's what happened to make something, and he got electrocuted a little bit. I think he's, I think he's fine. But, but, you know, he's gonna, he's about to kill Palpatine, you know, like, and Anakin's like, no, like, we got to arrest him, you know, which is technically true. Yeah. And then he's like, no, I need him. And, you know, kills him because he thinks he can, you know, bring, you know, Saint Adney or whatever. But, you know, like, that wasn't a noble thing he was about to do, you know, you know, kill this man who is defenseless. I wouldn't say defenseless, but, you know, but you get what I'm saying, just because, I think that is a good, that is kind of a cool idea that there's like, you can throw a lie from that look, and that's the, that was just shit that no one else knew about, you know, and these just two guys who are the most, just knew the most, were like, you know, you know, yeah, it was really nice window in Yoda, but like the guys. I don't know. I love the prequels. It's unabashed, you know. Yeah, I need to rewatch them again, but I, my last few years, I loved them. Oh, you know, another thing I will, I want to say that, like, is a good example of how just everything, the problem of the show was how everything that happened with the girls and the Jedi in their coven that was, and how it affected characters made no sense. That was a big one, because it was, it was why everyone behaved the way they did. Yeah, that really made no sense. Sorry. Well, no, I want to get rid of that, but let me, let me just, for a minute, take on like, Taunin from Game of Thrones. Yeah, we killed himself over this, we drew this poison. Like, what, what did you do? Do you know? Yeah. And yeah, what were you going to say? I think that there's a, what I think that they were going for is, and I texted you, like, the night that the show ended, I think. And I said, it, I think I, without trying to give you spoilers, because I don't think you'd watch the finale yet, I said, it's, it's Jedi Town, Jake, or something like that, because it was, it was very clearly, like, they're making this into a, and I, I'm sure there's other noir, noirs that maybe the plot would fit more perfectly, but like, it feel, it felt very much like, let's make Chinatown with the Jedi. And like, there, you know, there's the twists and stuff that are similar to that. But in order, you know, if you, if you had like a, somebody who really understood the genre of noir and filled in a lot of, like, because the coven idea is a really cool idea. Like every, there's so many things that you're like, this is a really cool idea, not done well. Yeah. And I, and, and obviously you just said you're a prequel fan, and I'm a prequel fan. So we will forgive bad acting. We will forgive bad dialogue. We, this was, there was more bad here than that. And that is, I think, the differences in what you're saying. I don't, I don't mean to interrupt you, but important point. So the strength of the prequels is in its storytelling, you know, and that's what is not here. Oh, yeah. George knew exactly how everything was supposed to play out. And we, even if we didn't love the clunkiness of that dialogue, there's no point in which you watch the prequels and you're like, I don't get it. What? Yeah. And I think that this was like, I'm trying to make a mystery and I'm trying to leave things shrouded in mystery. And you can do that in certain ways, but you ultimately, the audience has to understand what's going on, at least by the end. Yeah, it has to be well told, because then it's I think I think it was so poorly executed that I forgot that. Yeah. It did sell itself as a mystery. Yeah. So things that should have felt like revelations. Yes. We're just. Exactly. The key, the key to a good mystery is you're giving us the information all along and you don't, and we don't know you're giving us the information. They didn't. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like, oh, the piece is now, like, it's kind of like looking at one of those 3D eye puzzles and yeah, far enough distance, you're like, the image makes sense now. This doesn't do that. Yeah, there, there, I mean, there's bits and pieces, but the whole image is not clear afterwards. Yeah, I feel like like the Darth Plagueis moment was supposed to kind of feel like that a little bit like, oh, shit. And I wasn't even sure what I was looking at. I was, like I said, I was high out of my fucking mind. And, and they just showed a little bit of his face. And I, and I said to Sarah and Logan, I'm like, it's General Grievous. And then the next day I'm watching, I think I forget which, which take on it. I was watching and they were like Darth Plagueis was it, you know, we think Darth Plague was, it was, it was Jeremy John, John's. And he was like, it looked like a Munn or whatever his species is supposed to be. And I was like, when was Darth Plagueis in the episode when? And I like was Googling. And I finally, and I've Googled Darth Plagueis and Googled Munn. And I was like, Oh, the thing in the cave was supposed to be him. I thought the thing in the cave was, was, you know, General Grievous. So yeah, that's just my ignorance. But yeah, I was like, what is that? Like, I wonder if I'm like, I just wondered if he would pop up. And like, is that supposed to be someone? You know, and like, that was the only person I could think of that would make sense was was Plagueis. Yeah. So I wasn't like, Oh, ahead of you on that one. Let me ask you this question. Because the end of that, that end of that season very much sets up for season two. If, if do you want to see a season two of this? No, no, because it's like, by the end of it, I mean, it was like, I never, it was never sure to watch it. I'll, you know, unlike some other people, I know who just gave up on it. You know, I always enjoyed watching it. Yeah. It was short. It was a Star Wars thing. Yeah. But I just think it, not so much out of the show itself. Do I not want to see a season two? Not because of anything about the show itself. But I think just Star Wars is a franchise. You can't handle fucking other really bad piece of television or something like that. And again, you know how, like I said, I would forgive a lot. Like, I mostly really enjoy the Star Wars television stuff. Like, I really like to soak up. I really enjoyed the Book of Build with that. I think that Manda Morrison season three is like unfairly shit on. Yeah. I think, yeah, it's not as good as the first two, but I still think it's pretty fucking good. Yeah. So, you know, and then there's Andor, which I didn't really enjoy, but you know, I get why people love it and say it's great. And, you know, it just wasn't the only thing that's come out that I've really, really, really disliked was Obi-Wan. Like, I fucking hated Obi-Wan. But, and this, I would say hated this. It's genuinely worse than Obi-Wan. Yeah. But it just didn't offend me in the way Obi-Wan did. For that reason, I would say I don't want to see you season two. My thought, and this is a, maybe this is a before Disney bought it kind of solution that I'm thinking here. But Star Wars more than any other franchise has been able in the past to take something that you kind of were like, that doesn't work. That I don't like that. That I sometimes it's like, I was bad as I hate that and make it better and make you like, you know, people did not like Ahsoka, the character as during the Clone Wars movie. And now she's one of the most beloved characters in this franchise. They've done, I think that the Clone Wars adds this level, the Clone Wars TV show adds this level that flushes out the prequels in a way that like the prequels were, I always enjoyed. But now with that, that is a companion piece. I'm like, this is genuinely great. Yeah. And they've been able to do that. Now, I'm hoping that they're good. Like, I liked Ahsoka season one. I'm hoping Ahsoka season two really hits harder than season one because I thought it didn't fully, it's nothing didn't land, but it just never had that moment of like, holy fucking shit for me. Yeah, yeah. I'm hoping, and there's, you know, if they do more Boba Fett, like Boba Fett kind of got that for me in season two of the Mandalorian more than he did in his own show that like, because I liked the Boba Fett show, but I, that, you and I talked about it a couple of years ago when it happened, but that Robert Rodriguez episode where Boba Fett shows up without his armor and Rhett's house. And it's like, this is the guy that everyone's been talking about for 40 years. Yeah. And he's finally lived up to the hype of that. Yeah. And so like, I think that that's something that Star Wars can be really good at. And one of my big complaints, and I've said this to you before about Disney's time is that they haven't done that. Rose Tico, if you had done more with Rose being, I mean, the third movie's an abomination, and I understand that. But if you had done more with her, you could have made us like Rose. Rose is like the, the, if you take out racism and sexism out of, out of the equation for Rose, the character was a little like, immature or whiny sounding. Like that's an easy, first of all, Luke in the first movie. And again, in all three movies, you know, like that's not, these are not complaints that aren't Star Wars complaints. Yeah. So we could easily revive these things and make these things better. And that's what Star Wars should be doing is saying, Hey, I know you didn't love that. We're going to make it better, but what we're not going to do is turn tail and run on it. And they, that's a great point. The prop, and I think you're 100% right about everything you're saying. The problem with that is, there's too many things right now. Well, no, no, not even that. It's like, you take this show specifically, what you would need to do is you would need to, because it's going to be the same people doing, you know, and these creators have shown they fundamentally, they, though, it's just, they cannot tell that's kind of stored. Yeah. Don't, maybe they do make, you know, people do bad shit and they give whiff and they come back and they do something great. Yeah. And like I said, I've read interviews with these creators and these writers, and they don't seem like intelligent people who have a deep understanding of the Star Wars mythology or even have much respect for it. Yeah. So, I don't know what else they, what, what else she's done other than this. So like, I'm looking her up right now, but. She did a show that was pretty well regarded that I didn't watch. I mean, he was like Russian dolls or something like that. She was an executive producer on Russian dolls. Oh, she did single drunk female, which Sarah and I loved. She's done a decent amount of stuff. She's not somebody I want to see come back and do anything. Yeah. Yeah. But they mean they can change showrunners if they were to. I mean, I would give it if they were to change showrunners, I would give another shot and I would, and I would totally get behind your argument. Yeah. But, you know, if they were doing another season with the current creators, I wouldn't have any hope that they would, that we would have what you're describing, you know, the sort of redemption for the story or the characters in it. I do want to say, um, I did a one, one thing, one other thing I really like. Uh, I remember we're all kind of like, uh, you really get to see the Wookiee Jedi. I didn't really like the Wookiee Jedi fight, you know, short. Yeah. You know, because it showed you how difficult it would be to fight a fucking Wookiee because, you know, there's having trouble like taking like the simple blows. Yeah. From the life saver of, I thought that was cool. You know, that was. And the movement style is so much different on the like, it's almost, I know we talked about earlier and you don't play Fortnite, but when he jumps and stuff, it's not the way like a normal person jumps. It's the way a Fortnite person jumps. But that's because he's a seven foot tall guy. Yeah. It was, I thought that was cool. I even thought a lot of the fight scenes were had potential. Yeah. Were there, there were some good stuff. Yeah. Um, when, uh, what's his name, uh, the guy they never name, I guess. Darth Abs is what Jeremy John's kept going. Oh, no. He's called Darth Thirstrap. Yes, Darth Thirstrap. Yeah. Yeah. When he's fighting the Jedi jungle, like, you're like, oh, it looks cool, but you can't do a lot of it. And, uh, yeah, it's just too dark. Like there, there, that's another digital, digital videography or cinematography problem that they have yet to figure out. Well, well, no, there are even some people, yes, but the reason, even some shots where it, you know, you get the fight through trees. Yeah. Like, that's kind of stupid. But, um, I like, this is a Jeremy John's thing, um, because I love the same thing when I was watching the episode. It was, yeah, what episode this is, when I go to the jungle and it's that green woman with the fucking lightsaber whip, her fucking limp, dick, little padawan she had with her. And she's like, uh, she's like, tell me what you see here. And he's like, uh, well, looks like a powerful force user slot these Jedi. Um, you know, there's a big fight. They all get killed. Um, okay, clearly, uh, master soul went crazy and killed everybody. I like that. I don't, and Jeremy John, the way you're, John said it was funny. It was like making it like this ridiculous jump. Um, but I don't think it was that ridiculous thing to say. That scene, that scene felt to me, you've seen the princess bride. Yes. It felt to me like, I okay in powder. I bet my life on it right after we've been told that I okay in powder is odorless. Like, that's what that scene felt like to me. Like, yeah, I mean, I mean, obviously, he's not right, but like, yeah, but yeah, it was, I could see like, I mean, I was waiting for him to be like, Oh, uh, what happened? The animals must have killed these Jedi, you know, I'm not, that's the show it's going to do. Okay, at least they realize this is like, these people killed by light severs. Yeah. Well, and there's that, there's that cockiness of like, well, nobody could possibly have been powerful enough to kill a Jedi other than a Jedi. Well, I think the guy says, like a powerful Jedi is fallen. Yeah, correct. Uh, that is why I thought of it. That now that you say that, that's why I thought of princess bride, because a giant was a giant was beaten and I have getting powder. Like every time he's one step behind him, he knows exactly what happened based on like zero evidence. He wasn't Jedi. I think, um, our first trap, as they called him. Yeah. Like someone else said this too. They also did a really good job that guy. He's look, they really hid how rip he works. Yep. Yeah. He looks skinny as shit. Yeah. When he's in the shop and yeah, he looks like this skinny little guy that would be thrown around, you know, had to hide one thing because they did not, I mean, I think he's a good actor, but I, I don't, I immediately I was like, well, that's the guy. Well, yeah, because I look actually give them this. I'll give them this. You go, that's the guy is just like, who else is it? I think he does a good job of selling that these two very different people. Yeah. Um, and I think the show did as best as they possibly could to hide that this guy was this character. Yeah. There's just no one else. So yeah, he just didn't know anything about it. It would have been really funny if it had been cheating or, uh, or Janet. Yeah. Dark Janet. Yeah. I was like, who the fuck for a while, I was going, who is Daphne Keenan this? I was like, it's like, what the fuck? I'm like, is she the masterful, the green woman? I'm like, what is going on? The albino. Yeah. Yeah. She's almost got spikes in her head. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like the way she died. You know, the fucking, that was, the delivery that was brutal and awesome. Like, it was like, I was like, oh, okay. That, that, that episode, I was like, Oh, shit, it's turned around. So yeah, there's a lot of moments where there was a lot of moments where I was like, Oh, I think this is like that first episode the first part of that first episode, I was like, okay, you got me. And then at the beginning of the witch, the first witch's episode, I was like, okay, this is kind of cool because it's more high fantasy than it is, uh, than Star Wars typically gets, right? It felt very, you say so. The beginning, not the whole episode. Yeah. Like what the meat, the scoring is way more Lord of the Rings than Star Wars. And, and there's like castle walls and it didn't feel like Star Wars. It felt like a different thing. Yeah. I was like, okay, I'm down for this to, you know, what is, what suits go on. The kids are terrible. And, and I, and I kind of liked that, that in that second episode when it kind of flashes back to that, I was like, Oh, they're, they're, uh, rosh, rosh, I'm on this. But if you're going to rush them on it, rush them on it, right? Do, do it in the same episode. Yeah. And, and usually like the reason why rosh, I'm on works with four or a lot of other things I've seen work with three or four is because with two, you get to just get like, well, this is my version, this is your version with four, you can have like either an, an impartial person who still has a little bit of a bias just in general, or a different perspective in general. It kind of allows you to like flesh it out differently. But having them, you know, one in one and there's an episode or two in between doesn't work. Great. So yeah, I've seen that, you know, funny, I've seen that done the rosh, I'm on thing in many movies and shows that I realized that that was a movie. Oh, yeah. For a long time. Yeah. I thought that was just like, you know, the storytelling devices that will have a certain name. Yeah. And I'm like, okay, that's just named that. I always knew what that was said, you know, just basically, for anybody who doesn't know, it's you're telling the same events from the perspective of different characters. And that can vastly alter the perception of what happened. Yeah. Would you agree? That's the way you tried that. Yeah. And if you've watched enough media, you've seen it somewhere. Yeah. The other big common one, which I'm going to forget, is it courage under fire? Is that Denzel and Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Nick Ryan? Yeah, yeah. That's a Rashomon like story arc. And it's a, it can be a really good way of explaining something where either not only are the events ambiguous to some extent, but also maybe the morality of something is in this situation. If you had pulled it off correctly, this is a great example of something that could be done with it. It's just they didn't do it right. They didn't do well. Like, because I know that I think that you're probably going to have a different take on the Jedi part for me. But like, I think that making the Jedi look a little corrupt works because I have always kind of felt like there was this weirdness to the Jedi order from what we've seen of them where I'm like, no, I don't trust the Jedi. Like, I think Yoda's probably a pretty good dude. I think Obi-Wan seems to, but there's a lot of secrecy. There's a lot of binary thinking that doesn't really seem to work with like the real world, even the Star Wars version of the real world. Yeah. So like, I thought this was, they had the potential in that way as well. And then when you introduced that Rashomon structure of, well, here are force users who are different than the Jedi who are not trying to interact with the Jedi. They're trying like, they're not like, they're not the people who create the conflict here. Soul being like basically like a bad cop is, I will, I'm going to go to another thought in a moment, but soul is like, yeah. But I was going to say, because I just thought of something that I another real that I saw, which is, I feel like I sent it to YouTube, but they're like that moment when soul kills the mother, they were like, it's Ferguson Star Wars is what they were doing. Like, they're literally like, it's a cop killing a black woman, because he's worried about what she could do when she has done nothing yet. Like, yeah, I guess. Yeah. I'm actually, I'm actually with you on this. Um, yeah, there, I mean, you can't watch the prequel trilogy without realizing that I think this is being 10. You know, it's also a story about, yeah, the fall of Anakin, but it's also about the failure of the Jedi. And, you know, they, it is very flawed the way they think in the way they view the world. And, yeah, and, and, and the death of any hope for them, you know, yeah, quite on Jim. And his, and yeah, I mean, I totally see the Jedi doing what they do in this show. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Which is sort of just being in this planet and, uh, it's been a big complaint that I've heard from people is that like, we don't want to see the Jedi as bad guys. And I'm like, well, no, they are. You can't eat. It's just. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can't, they have some really ridiculous ways of doing things. And they are just wrong. They don't have a lot of ways. And I think you kind of were misinterpreting some pretty fundamental parts of Star Wars. If you think the Jedi are just like flocks, you know, okay. So having said that, and I agree, I completely agree. One person that sounds like doesn't agree is George Lucas. Interesting. Because I heard an interview with Ahmed Best, Reese in the, I think he said this after the acolyte started coming out, which feels like it's undercutting a little bit. But he said he had a conversation with George, uh, a few weeks ago, a few months ago for the 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace coming out, they had talked. And he said that George explained to him then that the people, the thing that people haven't been getting since he gave up Star Wars is that the light, the light is good and the dark is bad. And they're, and bringing balance to the forest means ending the dark so that the light can be good. And he's like, it's, he's like, it's perfectly like good and evil, black and white. And I'm like, um, well, it's things where I think George Lucas is wrong. Well, that pretty much, I don't, that contradicts shit George Lucas has said though. Yeah. Well, I also, I also don't think that he really knew that Leia and Luke were gonna be brother and sister when he made them kiss. I think you just, yeah, but that's not George Lucas all the best, you know, like I kind of like, because I've heard George Lucas say enough what his intentions were with the prequel trilogy. Yeah, that I, you know, I don't know, I find that dubious. But yeah, I get that. Yeah. Um, yeah, I mean, uh, I, yeah, I do want to reiterate, uh, once again, that one of the, you know, I was like, Oh, wow, it's Tom, name is Thomas, you know, that that one guy. Yeah. And, uh, the fact that he just kills himself was just really made as clean, no sense. I, I think that they did. Oh, it was weird having, okay, I think the episode order was also a part of the problem here too. So the episode when they show Tom in which was episode two or three, right? Two two and he's got all the old makeup on to make him look old, but it's Tom. And it took me a minute to realize who it was. But I'm like, that's a young guy. That's a super young guy. And then to not show even a moment of flashback in that episode, we're just like, Oh, you just cast a young guy to play an old guy. And then you go finally either episode three or four, whenever it was that they do the flashback episode to not that many years earlier, either was it 16? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. And all of a sudden, he's like a young padawan or he looks like he's like 20. Yeah. Thing like it's the most. Right. But old him doesn't look 36. I'm saying like 50. So you like, you just didn't do that well, you know what I mean? Like they didn't do that execution well. And because you had us wait a week to figure that even it was that was the intent. It was like, that didn't hit hard enough for me. I heard somebody say like, are they supposed to have us think that maybe when they go to his mind? Because he's the only one who sort of mind read but for switches. Like that maybe just like fuck with him so much that maybe that's why he killed himself. You're sorry, you know, and you're like, what did he do? He didn't do it. None of them really did anything that's like, Oh, worth killing themselves over. Yeah, it was very ambiguous situation. They certainly didn't handle it well. But I've seen the Jedi do worse. Yeah. And I think that the sorry was when she taught when he when when and I forget then the woman's carrying Moss's character's name. I generally have no fucking idea what her name is. Other than soul and may, I don't really know any of them. I think I could kind of maybe pull out of the air. Most of the character names in that. Okay. But not her. No. But when she at that at the last episode or the second last episode when when she says we go back to the council and we tell, you know, basically do the cover up and he's like, and she's his master and she's like, okay, that's what I thought he was sorry for. But I think the mind rape is why he's been sitting in a force cube floating above the ground for decades or whatever with his foul of silence. Like he got, yeah. And then she finally shows up and he's like, oh, I, this adds a layer of, oh, like, we thought you were dead. And I, we fucked you yet again, basically. Like, yeah, I'll take this. I'll take this. You know, I want out of the situation. My only, you know, not many Jedi's we've ordered really, yeah, again, it's like, yeah, that's again, I don't find that I'm at best thing because you're just seeing, yeah, you know, this we've seen stuff that has been George Lucas stamp of approval. There's just come on. Like, there's no way. Yeah, that's what he thinks. Like, you know, I just think, um, yeah, that's, I'm just thinking of like, of Sokka. Well, that's technically after George was left though. Yeah, thinking about her old situation when she's framed for murder. And just like, all right. Okay. Just throw in the fucking dungeon. Yeah, trial, nothing. I get the feeling that, especially before Disney took over though, that Filoni ran everything. Yeah, me too. By him. And she, and he was definitely his Lucas's apprentice, his heir parent, the acolyte. And, you know, that's a killer line like that, Mike. I think that's a good, that just gets a good way to end our, our take. Yeah, a breakdown of this. Excellent, uh, entry in the, a greater Star Wars pantheon of stories. Great. Yeah, this is really something special, wasn't it? This conversation or the show? This conversation was wonderful. Yes, absolutely. Uh, the show, uh, the special for all the writers. Well, here's the deal. If they do a season two, we'll do another episode, whether it's good or bad. Yeah, absolutely. We will. Absolutely. Um, I look forward to kind of apologizing for it a year or three from now. I think actually, uh, I, I'll be very surprised that you was season two. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's true. I think with the amount that they're cutting back on shit and they were talking about canceling the show before it aired, like there was like talk about that. I remember our surprise came out like, Oh, shit, this is still happening. Yeah, you know, at one point, I thought they work in like a year ago. I thought they were like, uh, this is falling apart or something, but yeah, yeah, I remember they showed a, um, image I saw in a magazine, uh, oh, like, oh, like at least a year ago, if not more of the actress who plays ocean, may, yeah, a mandala stenberg or something. Yeah. And she's in this full Padme Amidala episode two get up. Yeah. Like white, you know, that full white number she wears, the little key that just gets smaller, smaller throughout the movie. Yeah. Um, and I'm like, yeah, we never see her like in remotely anything like that. I'm like, this must maybe they had some changes here. I don't know. Or maybe they just had her in that for that photo issue. That's why I want to see season two. Uh, actually, actually, I'll be honest, the real reason I want to season season two is is in addition to I want to see a hardcore scene of them. Oh my God, I'm sorry. I totally forgot to mention this. There's a moment in the season finale where OSHA and may are face to face and the tension is definitely lesbian tension. Yeah. And I'm like, are they going to have her kiss herself? And like, I have no problem with there being lesbian stuff in a, uh, in a Star Wars show. I have zero problem. Um, I would probably just go go watch it by myself. Yeah. But like, but more incest, that like level of, I was just like, what in the fuck is about to happen? And then nothing does happen. But it had that like, linger, just like, and I get it sometimes in movies, people like, I've never talked this close to anybody's face. Unless I'm about to fight them or I'm about to kiss them. And actually, I remember I did a short film with a friend of mine who at the time was straight, but turned out to yay. I don't, maybe he was set something up the time and he wasn't famous. But, uh, I was, he was, he had a short film he made. I don't really even find the thumb line somewhere. Uh, of me and Tim Cuffs, uh, where I play this like lunatic, who, uh, is like hiring at like a business. And Tim is the, is the guy I'm hiring. And at some point, we take like, hardcore drugs and like, the montage was, you know, crazy shit together. And at one point, there's a scene of us doing that. We come like really close together. And like, we're about to make out. And, uh, and Tim could not do it. Like, he was like, he just kept, it was just, you know, it was like that. Just really just about like, oh, these guys are going to hook up. And, uh, like, I was, I was, I had no problem doing it, but he just kept laughing his ass off. I think probably because of me, I'm just like, yeah, okay. But yeah, I, you know, I know exactly, uh, what you're talking about. And I think you probably know about that. Did you know about that? Have you ever seen that? You've, you've told me about it. What's the name of the short film? I don't remember. I don't remember. Well, I know that you didn't use your real name in it. Use your, I think, Ray Jones. Ray Jones. My stage name. I forgot about that. That's been my stage name for a long time. Ray Jones. I stopped doing that because because I came up, like, I became a public figure. Yeah. I became an influencer. They came to a very big time podcaster. And I, you know, I needed my real name out there. So I put Ray Jones to rest because the world needs to see the real poll right. Yeah. I'm trying to find it. Uh, what was the name of the director or do it? No, it's not on the podcast. Well, um, we could stop recording and then you could tell me if you wanted to tell me. Yeah. I'll tell you after. Uh, I want to wrap it up and then. Sure. Yeah. Up if you like. Um, Mike, I do want you to promote what you're doing. Let everybody know where they can find your stuff. Could you guys do us a great content right now? Thank you. Yes. Uh, right now we have talking about the big stuff, which comes out every Friday. You can find that anywhere you find podcasts, uh, YouTube. Um, we have, like, a video version of it or, um, we have a Patreon version, but, uh, I, at this point would recommend that you just go check out some of the free versions and, uh, see what you like. Um, we also started doing an Instagram TikTok series called exit interviews. Uh, it's, which is just, it's what it sounds like. It's, it's people quitting their jobs, like short sketches of people quitting their jobs. Uh, it's catharsis and it's a bit, uh, we try to be funny with it and, uh, and then I have another project we're working on that we haven't announced officially yet, but I'm hoping that next I'm hoping to come back on the podcast when we're ready to go with that, which would be September-ish. You know what it is, but the audience, I haven't told the general public yet. I'm very excited. Yeah. So I want, I want to break that story for me, the guy. Yeah. As always, it was a pleasure to do this with you. It was very, very fun. Yeah. I'll be back for all future Acolyte episodes when, when six seasons in a movie. Yeah. There we go. There we go. Um, guys, as always, if you want to let's look at my bullshit, uh, you go to my website, which is, uh, world's best media, You know, find the podcast, uh, the world's best podcast. Like Mike said, really, anyway, you get podcasts, uh, I'm on Instagram, uh, @ax or Twitter, as they call it, and Facebook. Mostly, like, I do a lot of, uh, @ax these days and, uh, Instagram. I don't put that much on Facebook anymore, but, uh, yeah, I, um, I've, uh, some of my art, uh, finally, uh, that I've never really shared before. But that's on Instagram now. Anyway, uh, yeah. So, anyway, Mike, this was a great time. I'm glad we did this. And, uh, yeah, I hope everybody enjoyed it. And, uh, this is a perfect time for me. Uh, do you want to see anything else before we go? Nope. All right, guys. Thank you for listening and may the Force be with you.