TMZ Live

Shawn Mendes Reveals Mysterious Pregnancy Scare?

On this episode of TMZ Live: Travis Scott arrested in Paris after fighting a bodyguard and hotel security, Shawn Mendes drops a new song with lyrics about a mysterious pregnancy scare, T.I. shows grace in the wake of his mistaken identity arrest, and an Olympic star criticizes the quality of his bronze medal!

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12 Aug 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

Travis Scott arrested in Paris after fighting a bodyguard and hotel security, Shawn Mendes drops a new song with lyrics about a mysterious pregnancy scare, T.I. shows grace in the wake of his mistaken identity arrest, and an Olympic star criticizes the quality of his bronze medal!

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. [screaming] Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. [music] Welcome to TMZ Live Harvey Levin here. Charles here. So Travis Scott is in Paris, and he scored a big win, not in the Olympics yesterday, but he had one of the charges dropped in Miami, a charge that was kind of like hanging over his head for being disruptive and possibly intoxicated over a yacht dispute. You could say he had a legal win in Miami. And he had a legal loss in Paris because he got arrested. So I guess does it all balance out? Not really. Because the Paris arrest could be more serious than the public drunken is yet in Miami. This is him being hauled out of the George Sank Hotel, very fancy hotel in Paris, but hauled out after getting into a fight, see a police, not thrilled with the paparazzi around there, but Travis Scott gets hauled out of a hotel. Sorry, there are going to be photographers there. And they captured what was a detail end of a very violent encounter according to witnesses and the police between Travis and two different security guards, one of them being his personal bodyguard. And the other being a hotel security. So apparently, and we're still trying to kind of unpack this, Travis had beef with his bodyguard because he didn't like the fact that paparazzi were following him all over Paris and the bodyguard wasn't taking care of business. Right. He felt like the bodyguard was kind of slacking on the job. And I can't say for sure what the bodyguard was doing, but it is true that we've seen all week while he's at the games that Travis has been followed by a lot of paparazzi and by fans everywhere he goes, which is kind of true of any time Travis is out in public. There is Travis walking on the streets of Paris in big crowds. So look, I mean, this is the way of the world. He is famous. He knows this is going to happen. It's the Olympics. It's packed. But there was something that he didn't like about the way the bodyguard was conducting business all week and it came to a head when they got to the hotel last night and they ended up getting into first an argument and then a physical fight when one of the hotels security guards stepped in to try and break it up. According to police, Travis struck that hotel security guard and that's why they showed it, why the police showed up on the scene. And it wasn't the bodyguard that called the police, it was the hotel on behalf of the security guard who allegedly got attacked, punched, something by Travis Scott. So can we talk about, and you can see it in some of these images when the police are taking him out and also when he's in the lobby there of the hotel, Travis Scott is not the biggest guy in the world, right? He's small. We have yet to see exactly what the bodyguard and the hotel security guard look like. But they both have to be significantly bigger than Travis Scott. I would imagine that there's somewhat bigger than Travis. Well guys, we know that Travis was definitely hurt because in another video that we got, we have a video of Travis being walked to an ambulance after he got out of jail and this and he was apparently transported because during the fight, there were several vases that were shattered. So it doesn't sound like the injuries were too bad, but he was taken to a hospital to be checked for injuries. As far as the security guard that was involved in this, who was a hotel staffer, we don't know his injuries too, but I called the hotel this morning and was repeatedly asking about what type of injuries he was facing and his situation all together and they were just completely silent on it. Yeah, I would imagine that the George St. Hotel is one of those hotels that is so fancy that and they have a lot of celebrity clientele, they're not going to say much. No, they're not going to say much. I got to say something. You know who is really upset about this today? Travis Scott's lawyers in the astro world, civil cases because the way he conducts himself, you know, given the backdrop of astro world and the fact that Travis was aggressive with crowds in the past, you would think that the plaintiffs' lawyers, in this case, remember, I think there's like a billion dollars worth of alleged damages there. And you know, you would think that the lawyers for the plaintiffs are just like sharpening their knives now and saying that every time they see him in a public situation where he's getting in, we're going to show this to the jury. And now whether or not a judge would allow it, I don't know, but the prospect of it possibly happening raises the settlement offer. I'm trying to give Travis the benefit of the doubt here. And I don't know, we don't know what exactly transpired between him and this bodyguard that set off the whole thing, but I just, if his real complaint is just that there were too many crowds around, I just don't understand that because Travis has been very visible during the games. He is, by the way, he was sitting courtside yesterday when Team USA, when the basketball team had that huge victory and was celebrating like nobody's business, which he should. He's a fan. But when you are Travis Scott and you're doing this at the game, yeah, people are going to pay a lot more attention to you. And you're walking the streets of Paris at night in the middle of the Olympics, streets that are filled with people. By the way, you know there are cameras. When he was walking the streets, we say clearly was uncomfortable because he even stopped at one point to ask the police if they would give him an escort, if they would help him. And they said, we can't. We have jobs that we are here to do, that we are here to do security for everyone else, not for you personally. So that didn't happen. But it does show that he was uncomfortable with whatever the situation was, right, whether he should have been. That's a whole other conversation. Well, he shouldn't have be, he should have expected it. I'm sorry. He should have expected it. Hello, I am the AV show or the AV project, but you can just call me AV and I'm currently in Kansas City, Missouri. And I found this news of Travis Scott's arrest in Paris to be very disappointing and downright outrageous for a person who's shown up in Fortnite, who has McDonald's sponsorships, and who has lots of money. He just seems like a spoiled brat who needs anger management. Thank you. Back to you, Harvey. What about Charles? No, just take it. You take it, Har. You take it. Okay, we are going to move on. It's two, Taylor Swift and the terror plot in Vienna, a third suspect arrested now and the three, all three of them being teenagers who were plotting to pull off this horrific attack during the concert, which could have killed hundreds, if not thousands of people with what they were planning, bombs inside the stadium. And then also a trucklands to attack the fans who gathered outside. I mean, they were planning a cataclysmic event. Right. And as we said yesterday, the issue now going forward is the errors tour is going to continue. But while these shows in Vienna were postponed, I would imagine that at some point she, if she can, will try to make them up. But the rest of the tour is still going on. She's supposed to perform in London next week. Next week. These shows there are supposed to be a total of 500,000 people at Wembley Stadium watching her. And obviously the state of alert has been heightened so as a result of this because these three kids are, became radicalized off of a platform that a lot of young kids are going to. And this has become a huge problem in the world. Yeah. So the issue in London, if you are one of the 500,000 planning to go there, do you still go? There are some evidence that maybe people are concerned about this. If you're looking at the secondary ticket sales, prices have come down. Now some people view this as a clear sign that some people just aren't going to go. I still think the majority of fans obviously will go. It seems like there's some uneasiness. Not only are fans still going, but some fans are actually giving up their tickets to Vienna fans that didn't get to go this week. They're on Twitter saying that they have tickets, they want to give them away or they say that they were going to get more tickets and now they're actually staying away from the second handsellers because they want Vienna people to actually get the ticket. But if that's the case, then the secondary tickets should go up in value. Well actually there's, so there's a trend. The secondary tickets go down the week before the show because the venue releases more tickets the week of. So with Europe that's been happening. This whole thing about, look, I'm not challenging Swifties or their charitable nature, but you really want me to believe that there are giving up tickets. There are good Swifties out there. Hundreds of thousands of fans in London who are saying, I am not going to go to this concert that I've been buying to go to for nine months. Yeah, but not everybody. Not everybody went. Yeah, not everybody went. The people that are giving up tickets are the people that have already gone. There's people who are like, I've gone three times, I don't need this ticket. Hold on a second. I'm not saying I would be one of those people. How many times have you gone, Katie? I've gone six times. Okay. Would you give away? You've gone six times. So you should not have to go for the rest of your life. Why did, yeah, why did you go the fourth time? I mean, you've already seen it. Because no one had a terror plot that stopped them from going. They could have gotten tickets just like the rest of us. No, but the point is, is that Swiftie fans are rabid and the idea that they're going to say, oh, I won't go. And he said that. He used that word. I'm not going to say, oh, I won't go. You take my ticket. I just don't believe it. There's nice. Yeah. I don't know. I, I'm not saying there aren't nice that, that they're not nice and there may be some that are doing it, but this can't be a thing. Hi. My name is Taylor. I am from Philly. I am a huge Swiftie myself, but I agree with Charles and Harvey. I personally have never been able to see her. I wouldn't give up my tickets, no matter what the situation is, huge shout out to Taylor Swift for continuing on the tour and a huge shout out to all the officials, making sure everyone is safe. But I personally agree. I would not be giving up my Taylor Swift tickets for anything. I think you are in the vast majority, by the way, interesting that Taylor hasn't said anything yet. It really is. Because she has in the past when there have been, you know, crimes, there have been a couple of tragedies of the concerts and she's talked about it. Yeah. I'm a little surprised too. And I don't know. There's got to be something behind it. Yeah. She's such an intentional person. But there's got to be something. And does have a lot of genuine concern for her fans. And she also said that. Maybe authorities told her not to. Yeah. Cardi B has had really tumultuous couple of weeks. And last weekend, apparently it got even worse because fresh off the heels of one announcing that she is pregnant and that she's getting the worst part. And that she's getting divorced. That's the worst part. Maybe. Then, last weekend, she ended up in the hospital, she says, and says that she almost lost the baby. She described in pretty stark detail here what happened when she was at home and simply slipped and fell. But when she fell, something really bad happened. Here's Cardi's explanation. I was going down the stairs and I slipped a little. I was going to fall practically. I practically fell. When I was my ass, I felt like a weird jerk. I felt like something like a pop. And I couldn't get up really. So I started screaming, "Dad, you just decided to go to ambulance because I couldn't move. So yeah, we went to the hospital. I tore a ligament in my pelvis and it's right where my baby head is at. I dilated and I was having contractions for every two minutes for a whole 24 hours. So they had to monitor me. That's interesting. She was in the hospital, offset showed up at the hospital. She says that they actually called him to let him know what was going on. And it makes sense even though they're getting divorced is his kid. And so obviously he cares and they showed up. It seems like she's okay now. Yeah. I mean she was talking about this because obviously she has not lost the baby thankfully and she is just sharing the experience of what happened. I think she's probably also explaining why there were photos of him at the hospital. I mean she's putting a lot of stress on her plate in addition to the troubles that pregnancy usually calls. She still has a rap career. I just got alert that she's headlining a festival at the end of October and the baby could be due. Well actually she didn't end the first time she was pregnant. Yeah, but when is the baby due? Well we know. Probably not. I don't know that just yet. But she's also expected to drop an album this year. So with the juggling pregnancy and her career, I can understand why it's a lot going on. And remember, she's performed while she's pregnant and she's performed like right after. I remember that. I remember that. So she doesn't slow down. But this is scary and you wonder what she didn't explain is how bad the ligament terror is and if there's going to be any continued issues going forward. Well it sounds like she's out. I mean it sounds like at least she's out of the room. I'm just wondering whether it must hurt. I'm just wondering how it may, if it will affect her performing at all. Oh that's actually, I never thought of it. That's actually a really good point. I don't know how long that takes to heal. Well she is a pro. She is a pro. She is a mega star rapper. But you got to heal. I mean she got a ligament terror in her pelvis. From what I've seen of Cardi's shows, her pelvis is involved when she's dancing and performing. Sorry. Hi, I'm Caroline from London. First of all I am so glad that she's ok, that she's recovering and the baby's all good. I really sympathize with her because it has been such a hectic past few weeks and still is. First of all she's announced her pregnancy to the public which is massive and then on top of that filing a divorce from her husband offset and now all this. I also heard that she's seeking full custody of her children and isn't folding and I just think she's a great artist, a great mother and that she's going to be doing what's best for her children. Thinking of artists going to the Taylor Swift concert next week? I wish I was though. You're the only one in London. If you had a ticket. Would you give it to somebody? Would you give it away? Yeah. Would you give it away to someone from Vienna who didn't know? Of course. Of course I would. Oh give us a minute. No, that's not the answer we wanted. Ok. Ok we're going to move on. Yes. Carisha please. That is what I think a lot of people are saying after Young Miami finally spoke out about the allegations against Diddy who she was dating for several years. And people have wondered why she and others who have been close to Diddy haven't really said anything about the allegations against him. She addressed that on her own show. Interestingly she saved it I think wisely if you're speaking from a business standpoint. Saved it for her show Carisha please and here is what she had to say about Diddy last night on her show. Diddy when the world was celebrating him and I just feel like everybody's trying to crucify me for it. Like you was, you was hit speed, he's a half a kid, you was hit shilly but I was just celebrating when the world was celebrating him. Why were all of these allegations and lawsuits came apart like why didn't you speak? Because I can't speak on something that was in my experience and I can't speak on something that I don't know. I feel like I'm up under a mode go, I want to learn something. You know like I want to learn business, I want to learn how to, ok you got a network how can I get a network or you know you had a Sean John, how can I make her please the next Sean John. So I went to that relationship like on a like more of like I want to become a mohoo and I want to learn about up undo. To what she didn't say and I was kind of, I don't know how to decode this. When she said I didn't speak because it wasn't my experience. Is she saying that Diddy didn't abuse her so she can't speak to the allegations others are making? That's kind of how I took it. It's kind of how I took it but she never said it. You know but I think that's the only logical understanding of what she's saying. She's saying she's not going to try to interpret Cassie's truth that wasn't hers and you know she goes on about all the things that she was in you know all the relationship that she had with Diddy and why it was important to her but it didn't happen to her. Because she dated him for two years almost three. You got to imagine that the grand jury that they would want to have a conversation with that. Not necessarily. Because the way it works is they want to put a case on and if this goes with prosecutors at least want to talk to her to find out if they're not, if he doesn't follow their narrative then they're not going to call her. Hi my name is Jordan from North Carolina and I don't really know what she had to gain from this experience. I feel like women should like speak out and support each other whether they have that same experience with abuse or not especially considering that her relationship wasn't all that great with Diddy but I'm happy to hear that she's okay. All things considered. Yeah and she says she didn't experience any of that so she could be called by Diddy if this goes to trial. TI should have has every right to be furious absolutely incensed at being hauled into police station earlier this week at Atlanta's airport at Hartzfield airport. We told you about this arrest. It turned out was a. It was a mistake in a horrible case. It was a mistake in identity. The reason his lawyer Steve Sadau was able to put the kibosh on it so quickly is because the guy they were actually looking for with his real name Clifford Harris who supposedly was involved in a domestic violence incident in Baltimore was 205 pounds. The guy's 165 maybe and yet they arrested him. Right. The location, the weight, probably a birth date would also separate things. So he got out but boy you would just expect that he is pissed about this right and maybe even considering legal action. No you can't do anything there. No you can't do anything there. Well maybe that's why he had this to say what we saw him in Beverly Hills yesterday. You're considered Atlanta royalty I mean how did they not recognize you when they falsely arrested you. I mean that's just best done. They were just doing their job. I know. I mean you weren't upset by it because I mean yeah I try to get rid of emotion and deal with the facts they're here what's appear with the facts they're having your emotions in their home. I mean how do you feel about it when she heard the news all the time. I don't know man I mean sucks the same as she probably was all too flingy. At least this time and it was minor injury maximum lesson there it's all good. Lesson learned by the cops not by him yeah yeah but I like that he extended them a bit of grace they were trying to do their job they do have the same name it's mistaken identity it sounds like a major inconvenience but he's being sort of the bigger person about this and not making a bigger deal of it. I get it and maybe that's the way you should be but he was going to fly somewhere and he gets arrested he's taken to the police station he's there for two hours and they could have known this. Also I got to say Jordan's question was so dead on. Right because you would think in Atlanta it's hard to build but not right. Not no that that's TI that's not this guy. It just seems again it's much like the Justin Timberlake thing where everyone's like how in the world of the cop not know that's Justin Timberlake. I understand that because the cop is 22 years old. Yeah there's an age gap there. This is different. Well what if there's an age gap here. What if there was an age gap in Atlanta. I don't think it was just one person. I mean the guy is at TSA he's pulled away I mean somebody would say someone would go right let's know that's TI but then maybe other people saw it and they just thought oh TI's getting arrested. Can you imagine how bad of a look would have been if you would have said like don't you know who I am that would have been a bad look on TI so instead he just goes through the formalities of the misidentification. But I'm not saying that I'm not talking about him saying do you know who I am but you would think that there would have been somebody one of the cops would have known oh that's TI we should just check because this is a Baltimore case and this isn't making a lot of sense. How many live in it from Fort Smith Arkansas TI staying calm and being mindful of his actions and words with law enforcement reminds me of a lyric from watch what you say to me from a TI versus TI P album they can take me whenever they please that's why I move with the finesse of a king this just further shows TI is a legendary G who actually walks the walk and talks the talk wait a minute please and king don't rhyme oh my gosh let's move on before you embarrass yourself anymore to Sean Mendez and a new song about a pregnancy scare a lot of people feel like this is Sean come about well that's what a lot of people are speculating he doesn't say he doesn't say who it is here's what he says yeah well he doesn't mention a name and again I I would caution people to say that unless Sean and he hasn't done this it came out and said this is absolutely an experience I had he's writing a song it doesn't have to be something he would yeah but it seems more there we go here's a couple reasons why he is listed as a writer and co-producer on his new album and also he's had several notable relationships and most significant obviously was Camila Cabello who he's dated on and off for five years and they were recently together what in July the co-op America final he also was rumored to have had a fling with Haley Bieber but look we don't know who this is about it could be before Haley was married right before Haley was with Justin but obviously he doesn't name who the person is it's an identity unidentified woman could be a one night sand but you're right Charles at the end of the day maybe he just wrote it to write it no yeah I don't believe it okay artist his age are in their feelings and they are right now it's about artists his age yeah I think that's absolutely true all right I think it's different I mean every artist we cover I got Ariana Grande and just all of them they write songs about their lives by the way including Kanye West yeah we are by the way I wear that badge proud I know you do I know you okay we're taking a break proud boomer right here all right so when we come back gonna be joined by Colorado Governor Jared Polis who has been out stumping big for Kamala Harris and Tim Walt so we're gonna get into the campaign with him we're also going to talk to him about whether Kamala Harris is going to have a problem disassociating a couple of things from Joe Biden as the Harris Waltz campaign is rolling along around the country they have a lot of acolytes out there also stumping for them including some people who were on the short list of people being considered for Kamala Harris's running mate but didn't get selected ultimately but everyone seems to still be on the team and they're out there one of those people is the Governor of Colorado Governor Jared Polis who honestly in this election year might have our favorite quote of the entire campaign season even though he's not actually on the ticket but he is still out there you know waving the banner for Harrison Waltz and he is joining us right now Colorado Governor Jared Polis welcome back to the team Z live we're so happy you're here I want to talk about the campaign I'm old enough to not only remember this I mean I was alive and really watching this in 1968 when Lyndon Johnson withdrew I remember the date March 31st 1968 and Hubert Humphrey his vice president became the Democratic nominee and Humphrey lost the election because of Lyndon Johnson's policy on the Vietnam War so you know fast forward to now where President Biden you know whether fairly or unfairly has been blamed for inflation blame for immigration and those two issues are important to people so what I'm wondering is how does Kamala Harris avert the Hubert Humphrey problem that he had way back in the day I never would have guessed you were that old I'm just I'm still in shock like eight years before we talk look no this is a very different scenario the critique on Biden and I think there's great affection and love for Joe Biden and you saw it now by the way the minute he announced he wasn't running again his popularity numbers jumped up it wasn't so much about what he was doing it was just wondering hey does he really have the energy and the drive to lead this country for the next four years you know into his mid to late 80s and I think the American people just sort of were skeptical of that you know and and and he didn't do himself any favors in the first debate and it was a frustrating situation to be and I mean we see ourselves as a country where we need a leader who's able to look at the schedule that a vice president Harris is now doing with Tim Walz right I mean they're doing I don't know how many rallies every day all over the country and then governing also takes a lot of energy I mean you should see you know my days as governor of Colorado starting early and very often going late and you know reading and reading through stuff late in the evening I mean that's just normal and people expect that level of workload so it wasn't so much and he made an error like the Vietnam War was an error that was hung around Humphrey's neck it was much more as we like the guy he's a wonderful person but is it time to pass the torch is he really the right person with the vision and the energy to lead for the next four years and I hear what you're saying even if people felt that way about Joe Biden there are people have serious concerns about those issues that Harvey mentioned and at some point you know that the Republicans are going to lay and they already have been laying those concerns about those particular issues on Kamala Harris so how does she respond to that well you mentioned two issues we'll go with the first inflation and then immigration I mean on inflation and by the way inflation is now down of course and there was an inflationary period post-pandemic mortgage rates are starting to move down but Donald Trump's policies are more inflationary than anything that Kamala Harris is talking about for instance a 10% tariff on all imported products let's talk about what that means it's back to school time I have school age kids going to target getting their clothes 98% of clothing is is imported from other countries essentially all of it all the stuff you'd buy for your kids every single item costing 10% more that's basically 10% more inflation 10% more cost that's the policy that Donald Trump is not just talking about he's running on it right so look inflation is real we need fiscal responsibility I've long supported a balanced budget amendment nationally we need to rein in the deficits but it is coming down and and mortgage interest rates are coming down and I think we just need to continue that strong leadership on monetary policy on fiscal responsibility and avoiding tariffs that only increase inflation on immigration right another complicated issue we could we could talk about immigration for hours but obviously border security president Biden has taken steps frankly as you know president Biden and there's a bipartisan group in the Senate that had a real border security bill that would have locked down the border probably would have passed if Donald Trump hadn't come out against it so I think the buzz out there is hey does Donald Trump want there to be chaos on the border because he thinks he can ride that to the White House he got in the way of solving the issue that president Biden and Republicans and Democrats wanted to solve you know that's why I had preface it by saying fairly or unfairly because you know perception matters a lot in these elections especially presidential elections and it just seems to me that even with a debate I mean you look at the June 27th debate it wasn't about really issues that people walked away with it was more perception of the person and I'm wondering if that carries forward between Trump and Harris I think for many people who might agree with some issues Kamala Harris is saying and some issues Donald Trump is saying they may say wait a minute who do I trust to be president so I think with Kamala Harris what you have is a fresh face somebody who's smart who's on top of it who's you know put criminals behind bars who bought for consumers as a US attorney she's eloquent she's clever she's quick she's hip and I think people are just overwhelming and saying hey I like this woman I can see her as our president Donald Trump is running a grievance campaign right complaining about this and that and how angry he is I don't think that's a winning message with the American people yeah you have a really interesting initiative in Colorado about helping students can you tell everybody about it it's interesting we've got a lot in Colorado first of all we've now do free school lunch and breakfast for all kids so we no longer have to be income qualified every kid gets a healthy and nutritious lunch and we align now with kind of growing in Colorado products we also now are in our second year of universal free preschool which was a big thing that we got in big priority of mine says families about six thousand dollars a year for their four year olds and make sure that every kid gets a strong start and now I'm working with all the governors through the national governors association of which I'm chairing for the next year to really look at how we can better look at our outcomes successful in education we call it let's get ready it's a bipartisan initiative to make sure kids are leaving high school with the skills they need to succeed if they're going on to college let's make sure they don't need remedial skill if they're not when media classes if they're not going on to college you need more than a high school diploma right so what certificate or skill do you have that allows you to get a good job and we're really finding a lot of interest from both Republican and Democratic governors and being a part of this that's a great idea you know they should also do they should make mandatory teaching people financial responsibility because kids always get in trouble in their 20s and that's such a useful tool maybe not a preschool level not in preschool but the high school level but high school think of it think about including that the literacy is so important for a good a good outcome in life right just not to get mired in credit card debt you know you're you know they target you when you're 21, 22, 23 they target people they want to get you in you got to avoid it you got to build credit so you can get a mortgage someday all of that so important I have one last question before we go not about politics but something very important especially to people in your state it's curious favorite ski resort oh you know I get a lot of trouble if i read it but i'll say that i personally ski uh veil uh more often in our kids love skiing and we're up there uh i don't know but it's not a lot we're probably five six days last year so hope to hope to top that this year all right well that's more than i got in in colorado last year so that was super super controversial you are bold there you go we so appreciate the like governor thank you thank you he is such a straight talker yeah i gotta say he's and it's and it's working in Colorado and it shows they're warm to it in Colorado absolutely well the olympics about to wrap up this weekend and some of the olympians uh the ones who are lucky enough or skilled enough to win a medal are finding out those medals aren't all that durable uh because check out what nyja houston like how shiny and bright it looks really beautiful i want to uh sweet uh speed skating a skateboarding champ won a bronze in paris and was nice enough to each and let some of his friends wear it and so they wore it over the weekend and this is what he said happened and showed what happened just a couple of days later all right so these olympic medals look great when they're brand new but after letting it sit on my skin with some sweat for a little bit and then letting my friends wear it over the weekend they're apparently not as high quality as you would think i mean look at that thing wow took a just a couple of days it's like does it just like raise it just paint it on i mean it looks like it looks like a bit later yeah and then it comes off it's just crazy yeah how embarrassing is this for the olympics yeah you're right it's it's exactly been 10 days now he went on the 29th and and it's it's already looking like crap uh here's here's something interesting actually a story that we haven't yet put up but we are going to the olympics are aware of this they've obviously heard about this and they are going to uh look into this at the very least and if it does need repairs which it seemingly does they are going to take care of this they don't want people's medals looking like does that mean they fix that one or give maneuver i don't know that's a good question i mean look these things are you know a gold medal is obviously not solid gold that would cost so so much money so these are just you know medal plated and i don't know i think he needs a new one i mean but even if he gets a new one how are they made that that happens let's put a fresh layer of paint on it but how is that happening there's someone in a shop with like a sharp i don't know you spend that kind of you spend that kind of time and effort for years and you get something that just falls apart most important race of their lives competition of these athletes lying i'm sorry come on still the medal though by the way um i want to just talk about something real quick so the closing ceremonies are on sunday and uh we broke a story about a week ago so what we were told is this that the plan is for tom cruise to repel down the stadium wall onto the field it is a dangerous thing to do and when we broke the story they still weren't sure if they were going to have tom do it who he wants to do it or if they'll use a stunt double to do it but whatever they do they're going to then roll a five-minute tape a video and it'll be tom cruise going over the hollywood sign because that's where the 2028 olympics are going to be over the hollywood sign in the olympic flag and he's going to parachute down this was shot back in march on a saturday morning and somehow the olympics got away with this where nobody realized it was tom cruise that was parachuting and someone parachuting over the hollywood sign is not a common sight not a common sight i think not a common sight i would have seen it in a city this size now there were paparazzi that got him long after he landed because they were still shooting something but nobody knew that he had actually parachuted down and then he's going to give the olympic flag to one of the athletes who then runs around the city and gives you to another athlete and gives you to another athlete so it's going to be a really cool video the stadium yep it's going to be really cool i'm window from arizona and that seems like a dangerous thing for him to have to do uh i really hope they do get a stunt double because it's one thing parachuting with experts it's another going down like that well that's already been shot yeah that's been done the big thing is and i think telling down the wall i think tom would tell you he is an expert in all of those things tom cruise wanted this tom cruises the one who approached the olympics and said i want to do this so it's going to be pretty awesome Justin Bieber when we first got to know Justin Bieber we would see him in malls a lot right and there would be fans chasing after him would i remember that kid remember when he wanted at one of those uh he wanted a boat control helicopter yeah scooter said no and he threw a little tantrum and all i think yep yep well beavers still going to malls actually this is uh actually in breville this is a hotel very fancy one at the walled off wall door storia but he still got confronted by a bunch of young teenagers it's a much different reaction now because Justin Bieber is um a man of a certain age now and he's about to be a father uh so listen to how he confronted the kids uh who were following him around the hotel you think this is funny you think this is funny your kids get out of here i i get it it's funny obviously to see Justin Bieber in this light but we're told at least that i guess it was a little uh serious just because he was meeting haley for lunch she's obviously super pregnant he's expecting his first child pretty much any day now and i guess these eight kids had kind of been harassing him following him filming him and he basically just had had enough and that's uh why he told them off we were told the kids were there uh for uh a bar mitzvah so they were all hanging out in lobby and all of a sudden well you gotta imagine you're all at a bar mitzvah sudden suddenly someone goes i gave it away suddenly someone says Justin Bieber's hanging out in love they're gonna come out and they're gonna come out oh he did go full grant rate and then this is funny that is hysterical good for him now hi it's katie can spice barbie visiting family in texas listen this is hilarious Justin Bieber and he's experienced some hormones you know haley's pregnant the teenagers got wild and out all i can say is this is a laughable moment guys be careful i'm gonna say just one more time i just love watching him shoot the kids away that is the best part is him going you you think this is funny you think this is funny oh my god oh they grow up so fast what else you guys have been talking about hi this is hosei in camp of florida and i got to tell you guys i'm really surprised to try this guy get into a fight in parrots especially when you have a bodyguard and security around you it just doesn't make sense you know i know travis isn't the best role model and here's the bud seeing him get into a physical altercation is concerning you know it makes me worry about that whole kardashian curse myth that you know we all hear about don't blame it we can't blast kardashian for this one kardashian and you said how could he get into a fight when he's got bodyguards well he fought the body they fought the body that's how that's how it happened uh one more hey guys it's Leslie and arkansas i want to talk about these taylor tickets there's no way somebody is giving away their taylor swift or free or free scared or there's something more sinister which i hope not going on but if i were taylor i'd be like my life and my fan's life is more important maybe we should like pause for a second yeah you nailed it orlando bloom has clearly conquered his fear of heights i'm flying and flying something he talked about on his show the edge we know this because he went skydiving with a very interesting pilot at the essentials at the controls and by the way and her son niko this is a helicopter they're skydiving with orlando bloom yeah normally you don't see people skydiving i've never seen anybody do this i don't know what height they were at it's very high this helicopter is thousands of feet in the air you can see it and also that looks scarier than crap that's going to be interesting i want niko must have done this before but if you're his mom she's our piloting she seems unconcerned i know first time they're jumping out of the airport see you later son okay folks this is a literal helicopter mom a literal oh there you go well see oh have a good weekend yeah watch the closing ceremony watch time crux gonna be fun