TMZ Live

Serena Williams At War With Fancy Paris Hotel

On this episode of TMZ Live: Zac Efron hospitalized after ingesting water in scary swimming pool incident, Simone Biles slammed for bowing to her competitor at 2024 Olympics, Serena Williams at war with fancy Paris hotel, and Kim Kardashian filed for a restraining order against Emma Roberts' alleged stalker.

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07 Aug 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

Zac Efron hospitalized after ingesting water in scary swimming pool incident, Simone Biles slammed for bowing to her competitor at 2024 Olympics, Serena Williams at war with fancy Paris hotel, and Kim Kardashian filed for a restraining order against Emma Roberts' alleged stalker.

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(upbeat music) - Welcome to TMZ Live Harvey Levin here. - Bobcat here. - So, we now have more information, a lot more information on what happened to Zach Efron over the weekend. What landed him in the hospital? This is a mystery that we've been working on since we broke this story. And I don't think we're gonna solve it right now, but we have details. And here are the details. What we're told is on Saturday, Zach Efron was in a swimming pool in Ibiza. And he has been away really vacationing for a month now. He's been in various countries. - At the Olympics, he's been all over the place. - Parting. So he's at this villa in Ibiza. And according to people who are connected to Zach, they tell us he jumped in the swimming pool in the villa. Somehow he landed hard on his chest and consumed a lot, it took in a lot of water. And he was in distress. There were two employees there who jumped in the pool, pulled him out and he had water in his chest in his lungs. So he was taken to the hospital, we're told, as a precautionary measure, because I guess he was having some trouble breathing. - They want to do some chest x-rays to make sure that the water was no longer in the lungs. That could be obviously really dangerous. - Right, now, they say he was only there for a couple of hours, but that he was gonna be released. This is the really weird part. But he didn't leave because there were paparazzi there. - Based on the new information that we got, I would say he was pretty lucky if his friends and the security weren't there, he could've died. I mean, he was in distress, that was a piece of information that we got and the security. - But Jamie, we were told over the weekend, it was a minor incident. - It didn't sound like minor based on their third statement to us, I mean, they had to fish him out of the water. He was in distress. - Right, right, and any time an accident happens, if it happened on land, fine, perhaps it's not all that serious, but any time you're in a pool, you have an injury and you're swallowing water, I mean, you could drown. So it never made sense Harvey, what they were saying, they were clearly trying to downplay it, this was a serious situation. - What I'm trying to figure out, I'm a swimmer, I swim every day. I don't understand how you hit that hard when you jump in the water. - Could be a belly flop instead of hitting the actual bottom of the pool? - If it's, no, because they said he hit the bottom of the pool. Jamie, that's right, he hit the bottom of the pool, they said, right? - That's right. - Yeah, because a belly flop, you wouldn't inhale the water. - Right, right, it doesn't make any sense how the accident actually happened. - I'm not disputing it, but it's just weird to me that you could hit the bottom of the pool with that kind of force that would make you take in that kind of water. But anyway, that's what they're saying. And he's okay, he posted pictures of himself working out. The next day, and he certainly looks healthy there. And then we got pictures of him arriving in Miami yesterday, today actually, he is wearing a hoodie there so you can't really see it. - And it all seems to check out Harvey, I mean, if you swallowed water, there wouldn't be any physical injuries, so you could presumably a day later go and work out without any issue. - Yeah, no, I know that's true, it's just, I mean, the odd thing is it's like, if you're in the hospital and you wanna get out, and there are cameras there, you've seen cameras a million times. - Right, walk out, show everyone you're okay, it would have put to bed a lot of the conversation that had happened because of this. Honestly, people saw that he was okay. - Yeah, I mean, listen, it's great that he's okay, it's just the way this story kind of came out in dribs and drabs, and then I'm just, I don't know, I'm just having trouble understanding how you end up hitting the bottom with such force that you intake that kind of water, so I don't know. But anyway, he's good, so I guess that's all that matters. - Hi, my name is Bri Davis, and I'm in Texas, and yeah, on behalf of all of Zach's fans, the situation is extremely confusing, but I think they're all just worried about him being okay, and I'm just glad that he's okay, and he's seemingly doing better, 'cause we all know that serious, you know, things can come from diving accidents, so we're just all glad that he's okay. - Yeah, no, absolutely, that's important. - Okay, we are gonna move on, we're moving to Paris. Paris, to the Olympics, and to Simone Biles, who was, Harvey, she was blasted online by an NFL star. It all has to do with what happened after Simone Biles, she didn't win gold for one, she won a silver medal. Now, Jimnest from Brazil won the gold medal when they were on the podium, Harvey. Simone Biles bowed down to the Brazilian Jimnest, and this guy, Marlon Humphrey, who's one of the best defensive players in the NFL. He was not having it, so he goes to social media, and he really takes a shot at her. Obviously, we've got the picture of Simone there, and he writes, "This is literally disgusting, clearly very peeved by the fact that she would bow down to another athlete after she lost." - But it's, I don't get it, I mean, I don't understand what the outrage is. - I think it goes back to, and I disagree with Marlon here, look, Simone Biles, she's won two gold medals at this Olympics already, she's got more than 10 medals, she is the greatest Jimnest we've ever seen. I think a lot of people are annoyed by the participation trophies that are given out in sports. I think a lot of people want to-- - Well, a silver medal is not a-- - No, but I think a lot of people are, you know, why is Simone Biles not upset that she lost to this woman, she was so close from another gold medal, and I think that's what Marlon Humphrey's is saying. I don't agree with him, I think he's completely wrong here. - He's totally wrong. - He's totally wrong. - I understand what he's saying though. - She was outperformed, and she was, I mean, they were having fun, I mean, I don't understand. - What Tom Brady had ever done something like that, would he have lost the Super Bowl and then bow down to Eli Manning? - The difference is this, that she won, what, four gold medals this time? - No, I think she was going for a third, but she's got a bunch of-- - She's won gold medals, so it's not like the Super Bowl where there's one thing. - I mean, she's won medals, she has owned the Olympics, and now she got a silver, which is, you know, no small feat. - No, and she-- - She lost Biles. - And they were at-- - Okay, so she's on the Today Show Today, Simone. - Did she dress it? - And she talked about just everything. - Rebecca Andronci, when she won gold and you and Jordan both bowed down, and the Loose said, "Hang this image in the middle." - Yeah, that's amazing. And that, you were sending a big message then, weren't you? - Yes, and I think it's all about sportsmanship, and we don't care whether we win or lose. We're always gonna keep a good face and support our competitors, because they've worked just as hard as we have for that moment, so you have to give them their flowers, and that's exactly what me and Jordan were doing, and we were so happy for her. She deserved it, she had the best floor routine of that day and of the Olympics. - It's just a difference in kind that when Molly was talking about, you know, they, these women travel together from the time they're girls, 14, 15 years old. They travel from competition to competition together. They know each other very well, and they were talking throughout the tournament. What a good relationship, Simone Biles and Rebecca Andrege had together throughout the years. They know each other from Olympics past. Simone has beaten her over and over and over again, and the idea that there's anything wrong with acknowledging the great work that this UN woman did, who by the way, I believe it'd come back from two or three different major reconstructive surgeries, had come back from a ton. Had she not done this, it would've been something wrong with her. - Well, the only thing I don't get, because I think it's great that Simone did this, what I don't understand is the comment, "We don't care whether we win or lose." - I wish I would not-- - I said that hard. - I wish she would buy in that. I am not buying that. - Yeah, I don't even think she thinks that. I don't even think she believes. - Why did she say that? - I think she meant you show sportsmanship whether you win or lose. I don't think she meant it doesn't matter if I win or lose. - She said that. - Yeah, she was on a roll and she just kept talking and maybe she doesn't know, yeah. - Hey, my name is John from Worcester, Massachusetts, and I'm gonna let you guys know this is a very competitive industry. I believe that these girls are just trying to empower each other, praising each other because they know what she went through with their three ACL, torn ACLs, and then going back and forth with the competition that they are showing and the level that they're showing every woman out there that we're in a generation of seventh and eighth trophies and they're showing that this number one woman right here just took the throne and they're very happy for each other. So I believe it's a great time. - You know, I gotta say, I picked up when somebody asked her someone whether she was gonna participate in the LA Olympics in 2028. - They were gonna hold a copy, ask her. - She's gonna do it. - Oh, absolutely, coming home. - She almost said it. She said, "Yeah, it's in the United States." - You know she wants to do it. - I think she's gonna do it. - By the way, let me say this. Marlon Humphrey online has been getting absolutely skewered. - Oh, I backed all over the place. - He said it. - I'm low-key getting cooked right now. I think I'm getting cussed out in Brazil. You're not an Instagrammer. He's by the way, known as a really stand-up good guy. - That is hysterical. (upbeat music) - So Kamala Harris has now picked her running mate and it is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. I am surprise slash shocked that she did not pick Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania. - Me too, he was the favorite. If you looked at the betting odds to people saying he's the popular governor of his swing stick. - Odds schmods. - But he's the popular governor of his swing stick in the bottom line, right? - There are all sorts of reasons why I thought she was gonna pick Josh Shapiro. - The team that makes sense. - Let's bring in a guy who knows politics as well as anybody I know. And that is Alex Michelson, who is the anchor of Fox 11. The issue is, which is a political show that runs through California and just knows everything about politics. Alex, welcome back to TMZ Live. - Well, apparently I don't know everything 'cause when I was co-hosting this show with you last week, we both thought that the pick was going to be Josh Shapiro. But apparently the betting odds were wrong on this one and ultimately she chose Tim Walz. - So let me just give you my take. And apparently he's a really good guy, very popular governor. He is gonna help her in the Midwest. And that's significant. But everything else aside, to me, Josh Shapiro represents exactly what the Democrats have been talking about, which is we want young, we want fresh, we want smart and Walz is smart, but he's not young. And it, you know, Josh Shapiro has that spark. And I thought that's what Democrats were going for. So that shocks me as much as anything. How about you? - Well, Tim Walz is a lot younger than he looks. Do you know that Brad Pitt is actually older than Tim Walz? - No, he is. - Tim Walz is what? He's 60-ish. - He's 60. He's 60. He's less than a year older than Kamala Harris. - 10 years older than Josh Shapiro. - Josh Shapiro, who's 51. - Yeah. - Josh Shapiro looks more like the future. And, you know, Tim Walz, though, may be more comfortable to some people. I mean, let's talk about the appeal of Tim Walz and why she probably picked him in the end. I mean, here's a guy who not only is the governor of Minnesota, but had been a congress member, is the chair of the National Governors Association leading all of the governors. But in his past, he's a teacher, somebody who went to state college, who enlisted in the military and served for 24 years in the military. Somebody who is a hunter, who lived in rural America and knows how to speak and interact with people that, frankly, Kamala Harris hasn't spent a whole lot of time with in her life, living in Oakland and Canada and Brentwood. Tim Walz represents a different part of America, and they hope a different part of the Democratic Coalition. - Alex, there's a thought out there that Kamala Harris might have been concerned about Josh Shapiro's star power, that he could actually outshine her as the DP, and that perhaps went into her decision here, do you buy into that? That Josh Shapiro was just that good, that she didn't wanna be overshadowed. - Well, that was some of what was being thrown out there. John Federman, who is the senator from Pennsylvania, who's kind of been a rival with Josh Shapiro for many years, even though they're both Democrats in the state, probably the two most high-profile Democrats, made that argument publicly, that Josh Shapiro is ambitious, and he may be more interested in being the top guy on the ticket, be aware of him, and that Kamala Harris, you want somebody who is more loyal to you, who isn't going to outshine you. Then, of course, Republicans are putting forward the fact that he's Jewish, suggesting that Kamala Harris was afraid of pissing off what they call Pro Hamas wing, some might say the anti-Israel wing, by picking a Jewish man who has spent much of his life advocating for Israel. Kamala Harris would say, "Look, I'm married to a Jewish guy, "I'm not anti-Semitic, but it'll be interesting to hear "if and when she talks about why she did this, "Kamala Harris has not answered a single question "from any reporters about her democratic nomination "since she's been tacked in the last two weeks. "She hasn't done any press conferences. "Will her and walls be able to talk with reporters "over the next week as they travel the country "to swing states, starting with Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Joshua Pero's spot where he's going to be talking "at the rally in showcasing how important Pennsylvania is "as a swing state." - So, I don't think anybody legit is even suggesting that Kamala Harris is anti-Semitic, but I think there are people saying that she was kowtowing to the left wing of the Democratic Party, where there is some anti-Semitism. So, speaking of that wing of the party, Walt is a progressive Democrat, and Kamala Harris has walked back a number of issues that she kind of embraced, you know, before all of this happened, you know, to come more toward the center. By picking somebody like Waltz, does it feel like it's waffling back and forth because she's walked back some of the things that he seems to be embracing? - Essentially, is firing up the Democratic base, the progressive base, some of whom maybe had a problem with Shapiro, and so maybe you're getting your people out, but it does not send a message to people that may be more moderate, that she's a more moderate candidate, and this is one of the opportunities that she has to define herself. Look, like 70, 80% of the country has no opinion of Tim Walz right now, and there's still big chunks of the country that are trying to figure out who is Kamala Harris, and by making this pick, which ultimately is more important about her than it is about him, 'cause people vote for president, they don't vote for vice president, but it sends a message to people about your priorities, and by picking somebody who's more progressive as compared to somebody who's more centrist, maybe it sends a message to people that you're more focused on progressive values. - Alex, if you were running her campaign, is this the first mistake that Kamala Harris has made, or was this not a mistake? - I think it's too early to tell, but if this race comes down on election night to Pennsylvania and say Kamala Harris loses by 0.5% of Pennsylvania, there'll be a lot of people that'll be looking back at this moment as perhaps a massive mistake when she had an opportunity to change that. - Do you think that the vice presidential pick would have mattered in Pennsylvania? If, because you would mention earlier, which is true, that people vote for president and not for vice president, but what Shapiro have made a difference in Pennsylvania, do you think? - So the statistical analysis of the vice presidential picks in their home states usually shows that it helps the candidate by between 0.5% and 1.5%. So not a huge amount, but if you think about the last election in Pennsylvania, it was like 0.5% difference. So if we're at the margins, that little bit of difference could be the difference between winning Pennsylvania and winning the election and not, which is why when I was on the set with you last week, it seemed so obvious if you have the chance to pick the most popular guy in the most important state that you would pick him, and the fact that she didn't is really stunning. - That's the way I see it too. Okeydoke, you're off to the Democratic convention, I understand. - I am, and Tim Walz will have a big opportunity to define himself that night, the biggest speech of his life, the Wednesday night of that week, and then Kamala Harris makes her speech, the Thursday night of that speech, it'll be interesting to see if this pick impacts how many potential protesters for Israel and Gaza we see outside in Chicago, that may be another reason why they picked Walz over Shapiro. - Although, you know, it's so funny, I thought of that as well. I don't think it's gonna have an impact, I think the demonstrators are gonna be there, because what they're asking for goes beyond, I think what either of them, because really, Walz and Shapiro have had almost identical views on the war. So I don't know that this even satisfies a lot of the people who planned on protesting, I don't know how you feel about it. - They have had identical views on the war, but Josh Shapiro is Jewish, and Tim Walz is not, and Josh Shapiro has been going to Israel and made that a huge part of his life for decades, and you and I both know as Jewish people that some people view that in just a different light. - They do indeed. Alex, thanks for joining us today, appreciate it. - Great to see you guys, thank you. (upbeat music) - So, Rihanna has gone back to Barbados, and she hasn't been there actually since 2019, which really surprised me. - Wow. - But boy, did she go back in spectacular fashion. - You're not kidding. - This is essentially a carnival that they hold there in July and August, and she took over Barbados, and I'm telling you, when you look at this, I mean, you don't get more spectacular looking than Rihanna right there. - Yeah, she looks amazing. So this is a 200 year tradition. It's called the crop over carnival, which is basically celebrating the end of the sugar cane season, but who cares about all that? Because Rihanna looks hot, and everyone was losing their minds, because like you said, Harvey, it's been such a long time since she was at this carnival, but I think the funniest thing here is the fact that she had said that she was giving up on abs this summer. But if you look at-- - Doesn't look that way to me. - Yeah, she looks amazing. Like if this is her worst, this is a lot of people's best, you know what I mean? - Is that the actual army protecting Rihanna? - Yeah, so it looks like the Barbados military was there, kind of like protecting her, because as you can see, it is quite a scene. Like Rihanna going back to Barbados is like the queen just walking in the middle of like, I don't know, London, just like hanging out, you know? So of course she had to have like some security around her. - What do you think like recruitment today is like at the-- - Yeah, no kidding, the army. - No, the thing is though, she hasn't been there for like five years, so it's like, we have to wait another five years. She has got, I gotta tell you, of all the people we cover, she's got one of the best lives of any celebrity-- - Amazing, so I'm gonna be a pop star, biggest pop star in the world. I wanna start Fenty, the beauty line, multi-billion dollar company, it's incredible. - I mean, and she's-- - You can't miss. - And she's so chill and so happy all the time. - There's like nobody that doesn't like her. - It's pretty spic-- - It is. - I gotta say, it is, of all the people we cover, she is top of the heap in terms of just happy life. And successful, I mean, she's just incredible. - Look across the board. - She's incredible. - Well, I'll tell you what, Rihanna is looking fantastic. Her post-baby body is incredible. We all wanted her to go out and raise her family, but now seeing her like this-- (beep) Give me that, and I love you. I love you, I love you, girl. - That's what I was trying not to say the whole time. - My side is exactly. - I wanna grab my papers and my song. All right, let's move on to Pitbull. This is something that I have never seen before. Look, naming rights and stadiums being named after companies, that's been done for a long time now. I have never seen a stadium named after a celebrity. That is, until now though, Harvey, because Florida International University, F-I-U, really popular school in Florida, is now going to be known as Pitbull Stadium, Harvey. It's-- - For a price. - For, if not a cheap price either. $1.2 million a year is what it's going to cause Pitbull to have his name up there on the stadium. - I think for five years. I think he pays for five years. Hey, that's not a-- - No, it's not too bad. - That's not too bad. - That's a lot of money. But then it stays. - Right, and look, he does have to do a couple of things. He's got a purer and an athletic event. He's got to shake some hands, you know, kiss some babies. But bottom line is, the school's in Miami. He's really popular there. - He owns a man. - Ever seen anything like this. - The be on this stage is just to motivate everybody out there and let you know that if you put your mind to it and you got creative minds around you, you can get anything done. And that's why I say when someone tell you skies the limit, you say, "Nah, partner, this foot puts on a moon." So you keep it moving, you keep it pushing. So with that said, now we're in FIU and we talking about Pitbull Stadium. (laughing) Woo! - In the morning meeting, I was actually thinking this was a weird flex and it's like, look at how much money I have. But as I look further into it, this is going to hugely impact FIU. You know, football runs a lot of colleges out there, financially, and they only had 75% capacity in a lot of their games last year. I think because of this, it's going to be a huge party. People are going to want to check it out. Pitbull Stadium, you know, all the songs and everything that he's going to bring to the football game experience, it's going to have huge impact on the entire campus. - I think exponentially, this will definitely pay off. - Yeah, totally. - And he does so much for South Florida. I did an episode of Objectified with him and we're actually there in a classroom where he started a school for underprivileged kids there. - Wow. - And the school is unbelievable. It is unbelievable what he created there. And these kids are going to college, they're getting jobs, and he is all in. This is not just Pitbull lending his name. I mean, he is really devoted an enormous amount of time and money to this. So he just does great things in South Florida. Congratulations, well deserved. Okay, we got to take a break when we come back. Serena Williams is none too pleased about being denied at a very fancy restaurant in Paris and there's an insinuation there. I think as to what may have happened, this restaurant is now going public and saying why it is that Serena couldn't get a table. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back to TMZ live Harvey and Babcock here. So Serena Williams is in Paris. She has been all over the Olympics. She went to a very fancy restaurant the other night at the Peninsula Hotel in Paris. And there is a rooftop bar there. And next to the rooftop bar is a very fancy Michelin star restaurant. That's it. Don't ask me to. We're hoping you weren't going to ask me. - God knows I'm not going to ask you. So she goes there with her kids and there are empty tables that she sees. And she wants to sit on the rooftop and she is denied. And they said, no, we're fully booked. And she's looking at this saying, wait a minute, I'm looking at all these empty tables. So she goes online and she says, yikes. I've been denied access to rooftop to eat in an empty restaurant of nicer places but never with my kids, always a first. So I guess she's raising kind of an issue. Why was Serena Williams denied when there were all these empty tables there? - It makes it sound like they just don't want her and what's the reason? - So she put that online and the restaurant decided rather than going to her directly, they would just post a reply. - Wow, so they say, dear Mrs. Williams, please accept our deepest apologies for the disappointment you encountered tonight. Unfortunately, our rooftop bar was indeed fully booked and the only unoccupied tables you saw belong to our Gourmet Restaurant, which Harvey might say, which was fully reserved. - Here's what I'm guessing. She must have shown up early 'cause she's with her kids. - This place has only opened three hours a night, Harv. That's it, the fancy restaurant. I looked at the hour, so it's a very small window. - It wasn't open at the time she showed up. - And it wasn't open, right. They essentially do like one seating for the entire night and this is a place you need to make a reservation like a month in advance. - So she shows up, she sees the tables, I'm sure she's there early, but they said that they were fully committed and especially during the Olympics, you would assume that- - Good luck getting a reservation. - Right. - I get where Serena is coming from because haven't you gone to a restaurant before where they say, sorry, everything's booked but then you see wide open tables, like that's annoying for anyone. But Harv, to your point, the restaurant had no choice but to respond on Twitter for millions of people because Serena blasted them, it became a PR crisis so their hands were tied and then they had to apologize publicly. - I mean, I think they did have to do that because she put it out there. And look, she didn't say what she thought was behind it but a lot of people were speculating online that this might be racial. And we've also seen, by the way, I don't know if you remember in Paris, this was, gosh, this was eight, nine, 10 years ago when Oprah Winfrey was trying to get into her maze and they wouldn't let her in and that became a big thing so I am sure that the Peninsula Hotel is thinking we do not want to be part of that and that's why they responded publicly. - What's up everyone? It's Queen and yes, it is 2024 and I would hate to have to make this issue a race or discrimination thing but for it to be the Olympics, empty tables, anybody will kind of just be like, okay, what is going on? I truly believe it's the restaurant trying to save face and I think the response was pretty poor. - So women, so they're just saying we were fully booked. I mean, and it's a very popular restaurant and Paris is full with people so there probably were a bunch of reservations, don't you think? - Personally, I do believe there should have been reservations. I don't feel like there should be a reason for there to be any empty seats, you know? - They were closed, the restaurant didn't open until later. I think she was there early 'cause of her kids. - Right, they're open from seven to 10 p.m. - Anyway, a lot of people said that she should have just gotten a table and kick somebody else out because she's Serena Williams. I don't believe that. - Watch the other show, we got into a whole argument about that, okay. So Kim Kardashian and Emma Roberts have something in common and it's not just that they are working on the Ryan Murphy show about women lawyers, women divorce lawyers together. They both share an alleged stalker and Kim has gone to court now and it is really frightening what she says happened. So back in May, there was a guy who broke in to Emma Roberts house when she wasn't there. And this is so weird. The guy gets on her landline and calls Emma's cell phone. I don't know how he got Emma's cell phone number. - From her house? - Calls from her house. She doesn't pick up but she sees it's the landline. She figures it's a family member. She calls back and the guy answers and says, "Will you give me permission to stay here?" And she's, "No, I didn't." And ultimately, she gets a restraining order. But she called Kim up and said, "Look, I wanna give you a heads up." This guy was mentioning how he wants to get to you and your kids. So you gotta be heads up on this. And sure enough, the guy shows up at Kris Jenner's house and is looking for Kim and he has turned away and says he's a longtime manager. So then he shows up at her Malibu house, which is super private. The address isn't out there at all. And somehow, you know, he has Emma Roberts cell phone. He's got her address and he shows up at the Malibu house and says, "I'm gonna jump the fence and go in there." - And guys, Kim makes it very clear her lawyers in her documents that, you know, this is causing emotional distress on her behalf, which makes total sense 'cause we have not, this is not the first time we've covered Kim having a stalker. She's had a handful of stalkers over the years. And she really lays it out in the documents of how this is once again, causing her distress. She points out that that house in Malibu that he showed up to last month is not really publicized. It's hard to find in the fact that he made it there and was on the exterior of the property and her security found him there is very concerning to her. - Yeah, I mean. - That's frightening, right. One that he was able, he gets inside the house, he has the phone number. I mean, he, I don't know, that's scary. - It's really scary. - The other thing is it's so weird that he showed up at Kris's house. And somehow people, because Kris has had a problem with that, Khloe has had a problem with Kendall, had a huge problem with the guy scaled the wall. And this is a gated community. So, everybody thinks you're impervious to this when you're in a gated community, not so. - Hi, this is Yaya from the DMV area. Hi, TMZ. So, you know, bless her heart because this is ridiculous and this is when you know that mental health matters. Because there's no other reason, there's nothing else you can tag that with and other than this person is definitely disturbed having to have done this before and going to this measure of trying to reach out to her. So, her first concern, I'm sure, is her kids. You know, like, what's gonna happen here? So, Khloe's to her for, you know, doing the right thing by getting the law involved. - Yeah, for sure. Hope it stops him. (upbeat music) - The Olympics did not go great for Colin Jost. - It was a disaster for Colin Jost. - Colin Jost, who was actually commenting on the surfing competitions for NBC. - He was in Tahiti. - He was in Tahiti. He, Harvey, was literally injured more than the athletes were. - It's totally true. - So, not only does he cut his foot on a reef and it gets infected with a staff infection, he gets an ear infection, Harvey. He had all of these different ailments. It got so bad that they actually had to send him home. Like, Colin, you're not covering the Olympics anymore. You gotta get out of here. - So, he talked about this a couple of days ago and he made fun of it, but he's gotta be hurting. - I woke up this morning and discovered that I had added ear infection to my growing list of ailments. So, I'm now on three different medications. In addition, four, four, if you count Pina Coladas. And I'm trying my new goal by the time I leave here is to have as many infections as there are Olympic events. - So, apparently, he had to actually make sure to keep walking around the sand because apparently there were ants that were crawling into his wounds. And it's like, what an absolute disaster. You know, his PR person or manager reached out to him and was like, hey, do you wanna go to Tahiti to cover the Olympics? - And he's probably like, this is a dream job and it, what a disaster. - Disaster. So, he was replaced by an Australian weatherman. - Yeah, Luke Brodenham is the guy's name. So, Luke taps in, pin chits for Colin Joe. - I would be a little bit afraid. - I know, it's dangerous. - The good news for Colin is, if he recovers, anyway, he is gonna be the new host of a pop culture version of Jeopardy, which is a big deal. That show is a juggernaut. - And I would imagine that show is probably a lot safer, right? Trivia, yeah. - You would think. - Although, you know, walking down from that podium could be treacherous, but I gotta tell you, you're so right. What athlete got injured more than Colin Joe's? - No, no, no, no. - No one, no one. - Yeah, this Colin Joe situation is kinda crazy. It seems this man can't win. From him, I just go to the big wigs at NBC and tell him, let me sit this one out in IR, prayers to him, but it's looking kinda rough for him. Shout out to everybody and prayers involved in Togate. I hope he gets better. He can't win. - No, it's a big deal to cover the Olympics. - Although the foot looks real nasty. It's a big deal to cover the Olympics. - Just real quick. So the courts have released the police report in the Justin Timberlake case, and it reinforces what we told you, which is that he failed numerous field sobriety tests. His eyes were glassy. He was off-balance when they were asking him to walk around. He was distracted. He smelled of alcohol, all the things we told you. Now, even though he refused to take a breathalyzer so they don't know exactly how much he drank, he says it was one martini. I gotta tell you, this is an uphill climb for him. And the win would be if his lawyer can get this reduced to a reckless driving case. So he doesn't have a DWI in his record. But that's gonna be tough, because even without the breathalyzer, there's a lot of observations the two cops made that are gonna create some difficulty for him, not to mention the fact that he blew a stop sign and was weaving in his lane. - But don't you think, Harvey, that the fact that he didn't do the breathalyzer? I know a lot of people hear this that if you refuse to do the breathalyzer, usually you can sometimes get off because there isn't that hard proof. It's just observations, right? So don't you think that he could possibly get off because he was never breathalyzed? - No, because there are two things going on. One is that you can drive with a .08 or higher. But the second thing is, even if you have a half a glass of wine, if you drive impaired as a result of it, they can nail you for it. And he admitted that he had a martini and that they've got all this evidence that he blew the stop sign, that he was weaving, that he flunked the field sobriety test, he smelled of alcohol, his eyes were glass. - Just looking at him. - So this is gonna be a rough one for him. (upbeat music) Janet Jackson is going to do a residency in Las Vegas at the Hotel Casino that I gotta tell you is just head and shoulders, it seems, above everybody else. She's gonna be at the Zorz World. She's in the final stages of negotiation, but everything we see and we've heard, it looks like this is going to happen. Probably sometime in December, the goal is for her to do New Year's Eve, which is a big deal. But look, Janet Jackson, Kerry Underwood is still doing a residency there now, huge star, Celine Dion, we broke the story. Sometime in December or early 2025, she is going to have a residency. - It sounds like they could be actually going simultaneously. - It's, well they do that, and they do that, and it's, but Janet Jackson. - I think this is actually a launch pad for a new Janet Jackson album. It's actually been 10 years since she's dropped one, but she's been on tour plenty of times. We know this residency is not gonna be that long, so she's probably gonna drop some new music pretty soon. - That's a really good point. - Are you surprised that she's going straight from touring, she's been all over the country and then goes right into a residency? - Well, not just that. She was going to do a residency in London, but she's decided to pass on that because Resorts World is giving her a better contract. - Right, lucrative. - More money, so no, she's all in. And God, just the idea that Celine Dion, Kerry Underwood, Janet Jackson, you don't get better than that. - No. (buzzer) - I'm Sissy from the beautiful state of New Hampshire. Janet Jackson has an amazing catalog of music, and that alone is gonna keep people coming out to see her forever. She's still very much valid in the music industry, and will soon be on stage at Vegas to prove her worth. She's worked very hard to get to where she's at now. She gets to call the shots. Congratulations to you, Janet, and good luck on the tour. - Okay, real quick. What's your favorite Janet Jackson song? - I got too many to name one. (buzzer) - Are you not, are you, are you not? - You're just right? I don't know. - You're just? - I don't know. - You don't love Janet Jackson? - I like, you know, I do. - I do. - Have you done for me lately, is definitely great. - That's my new trend. - There was a debate on the other show that if she was past her prime, and anyone cared about this anymore, keep in care about this. - Janet Jackson is awesome. - There'd be a sellout every night. - She is awesome. - No question. - What else you guys want to talk about? (buzzer) - Hi, my name's Kristina. I'm from Copa, Lumbisi, Canada, and I'm gonna be talking about Zach Efron, and his incident in the pool. You know, that must've been really scary. It can be super dangerous when something like that happens, and I'm glad that he had someone close by at a render aid. It highlights the importance of water safety. So yeah, I'm just really glad that he's okay, and he's back to doing his everyday things. - You're right, it really does highlight that, that swimming alone can be dicey. One more. - Hi there, Brian from Florida. I'm commenting on this mobile story. It's really wild that an athlete, professional athlete, would have problems with basic sportsmanship. It pretty much shows why he's not on Team USA. (laughs) - I think he regrets saying it. - The way he's getting beat up online. - Yeah, he is getting skewered. (upbeat music) You remember the simple life? - I do. - Big hit for Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie. So why not do it again? Which they are doing, it's going to be a reboot, and they are shooting right now. There was a scene back in 2003, where they were cashiers at a Sonic's restaurant. So we have pictures of them actually in Duarte, California, where they recreated the scene. They are now married with kids. - I'm so fascinated to watch this show. It was obviously, it was a huge hit at the time and helped launch both of their careers. But now their moms, a lot of time has passed, two decades. - I will say this. - That's Nicole, by the way. - In the hot dog suit. I will say this, that we've covered lots and lots of celebrities. - Yeah? - I'm trying to think of two people who haven't changed that much in the way they look for 20 and 20 years. - You told me that was from 2005, I'd say, yeah. - I know. They look, they look both of them. - They've matured a lot, they still look as young as ever. - It's pretty amazing. What's the secret? We'll see you tomorrow. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)