TMZ Live

Jonathan Majors Says He's Heartbroken Over RDJ Jr. Marvel Casting

On this episode of TMZ Live: Jonathan Majors says he's 'heartbroken' over Robert Downey Jr.'s Marvel villain casting, Simone Biles shades former teammate after winning gold medal, Trump's interview at NABJ convention goes off the rails, and Offset's latest cheating denial sparks Cardi B pregnancy rumors.

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01 Aug 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

Jonathan Majors says he's 'heartbroken' over Robert Downey Jr.'s Marvel villain casting, Simone Biles shades former teammate after winning gold medal, Trump's interview at NABJ convention goes off the rails, and Offset's latest cheating denial sparks Cardi B pregnancy rumors.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. Welcome to TMZ Live, Harvey Levin here. So we got Jonathan Majors out. This on the heels of the announcement that Marvel is moving away from him and toward Robert Downey Jr. Right. And he is heartbroken. He's very upset about this big reveal at Comic Con last weekend with Robert Downey Jr. playing the role of Dr. Doom. The reason Jonathan is upset about this is he was supposed to be the next big villain in Marvel's event. And instead, they've gone away from his character, who's supposed to be playing a character called Kang. And in fact, he already played the character in the Ant-Man movie. But now they've moved away from Kang and they're going to Dr. Doom and Robert Downey Jr. Why is this upsetting to him? Well, here is what Jonathan had to say. He's not coming right out and saying it, but listen to how he says this. He's hinting at a double standard. Are you hurt with the new direction that like, Marvel is like going? Yeah, heartbroken. You are? Yeah, come on. Come on. Yeah, of course. I love him. I love Kang. Both Robert Downey Jr. and Ezra Miller have had like a history of trouble with like, you know, the law and getting arrested for felonies. I mean, you only had a misdemeanor. Do you feel like it's unfair that like, you're not being given the same opportunities as them? Oh, damn. I think it's, I think it's fair that Mr. Downey is being, and has been greeted with patience and curiosity and love. And that Mr. Miller's gotten the same treatment. And that they're being allowed to work their art. I didn't really get that. So, you know. I mean, why do you think that's the case though, like for them? What? Um... I don't know. Yeah. Would you want your old rollback, like your old job back as King of the Conqueror? Okay. Yeah. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. I gotta say, first of all, shout out to our camera person, Jordan. She did a great job. Excellent question. And it was framed so perfectly. And I think he really did reveal a lot there. Yeah. Like a lot. Yeah. First of all, I think that the thing that he didn't want to say, he didn't... He said it. He said it. He said it. We expected, I think, as you're watching it, as it's playing out, you think he's going to play the race card, right? That he's saying that Ezra Miller and Robert Downey Jr. got chances, got second chances. Why am I not getting the same? That's kind of what he didn't say it, but he didn't have to. I'm picking up on that as well, whether it's race card or something else. He's implying that there's a double standard here. However, I want to correct him a little bit because Robert Downey Jr. when he was going through his saga in the 90s, early 2000s, he was in fact excommunicated from Hollywood. He was on the black list, if you will. And guess what? He, over time, made a comeback. He got the Iron Man roll. And it took years for that to happen, right? Robert Downey Jr. was, in fact, blacklisted, pushed out of Hollywood amid his mess, made a comeback, took a while, but he did. Ezra Miller, it's apples and oranges. Once a different studio, it's not Marvel, it's DC. Talk to them if you're upset. And the Ezra Miller thing, when that was unfolding, his own legal saga, that movie was mostly in the can, right? So the calls at the time were, "Oh, recast him, replace him." It wasn't going to cost way too much money to do that. They had already shot most of the principal photography. So again, it's apples and oranges. But I disagree with you, Fabian. I agree with you, and Ezra. I disagree with you, and Robert Downey Jr. Robert Downey Jr. didn't get roles for a long time, not because he was canceled, because his substance abuse problem was so bad, he was unreliable in the studio. They couldn't ignore him, also. He has shown, over time, that he's fine and can do it, and he's just soared. But it wasn't the kind of cancellation that Jonathan Majors is facing. Right. And I think Jonathan Majors, the other reason, the other thing he's saying here, and he is much as said this, but there's a good reason why he said he would like the job back, it's still possible. It's still out there. Marvel has said that they are going to go back to the Kang character after Dr. Doom movies play out. I don't know how many movies they're going to have Doom as the main villain, but they do plan to go back to Kang. So the door is open, but by the time they get to it, will they consider Jonathan? I think that's possible. And maybe that's why they turn to a different villain, because they want to see how this all plays out, and maybe they go back to Jonathan. Clearly that's what he's hoping. We have not talked about this, but in a way, the prosecution lost that case against Jonathan Majors. Because the main reason they brought it, the only reason they brought it, was because of the allegation that he struck his girlfriend inside that movie. Wow, they're inside that. And the jury said not guilty on that, unanimously. What they did find him guilty for is what you saw. There's the pulling him out of the car. The way he put her back in the car. But that was never the reason they filed that case. Correct. It was just kind of an add-on. So I'm not saying that it's right, but that's not why they filed. And if it was just that, they probably would have never filed the case. And that's exactly why I think Jonathan will, in fact, get redemption in a comeback. And it's just going to take a little time. His conviction was in December, mind you. We're only in July, a little more time, if you will, quote, unquote, behind the social bars, and he will make a comeback. He just got to do his time. That's all. He'll come back. Hey, what's going on? I'm Patrick Cloud from Los Angeles, California. Look, I think you guys hit the nail on the head. I think that we're just in a cool down period. Marvel just needs to wait for all this to wash over. He was found not guilty. So I think that it must be tough to work all the way up to, you know, playing such an iconic character. We were all excited to see him as King the Conqueror. And I think that he still has a shot. I think we're all excited to see Dr. Doom, Robert Downey Jr.'s, you know, brushing off the mask. It must be tough to get replaced by Iron Man. You know, that must be, like, going all the way to the NFL as a quarterback and getting replaced by Tom Brady. And you're just like, man, I thought you were done doing that. I thought I made it. Now that you came back, by the way, there are reports Robert Downey Jr.'s getting up to $70 million. Wow. You've seen the numbers about how much he's made on all the Marvel movies. It is crazy. Wow. Okay. All right. Yes, someone else who's winning big, and that is Simone Biles. As you know, that she and the women's gymnastics team took the gold medal. It is the eighth overall medal for Simone Biles, her fifth gold, and she celebrated in a way that some people feel is Jordan Esque. We should just say for a minute, she was incredible. I was amazing. The whole team was. Yep. Absolutely. And so in her celebration, Simone decided she was going to dunk on someone who actually is a former teammate of hers. Who threw shade, a teammate, Michaela Skinner, who had some critical comments about the team before the Olympics, and it's very clear that Simone did not forget that. First, here is what Michaela said, and then we're going to show you how Simone got her revenge. Besides Simone, I feel like the talent and the depth just isn't what it used to be. Just notice like, I mean, obviously a lot of girls don't work as hard. The girls just don't have the work ethic. So that's what Michaela had to say last month, and it's very, so here's what Simone posted. Obviously, they were all celebrating. She didn't just post a photo of them, you know, with the flag and their medals. You'd expect that. Her caption says, "Lack of talent, lazy Olympic champions with the gold medal." So that was clearly, that was targeting Michaela. I would say that most people who saw that post get it. They just liked it because they saw the photo. But there is some shade there. And I wish, I wish she did. I like it. I'm here for it. I'm not. I wish she didn't do it because she's so above it. And the fact that they won, it's like why you are overlooking the fact that Simone is the clear leader of that team. And so she's got to stand up for her teaming. But the team did, they got a gold medal. They got a gold medal. Yeah. Because she doesn't want someone out there, whether even if it's a former teammate, talking smack about her. But now we're talking about that rather than that loyalty. That's loyalty. I love that, Simone. Right. The hair that Simone Biles fighting back against Internet trolls who talked about her hair, that's gotten the top line. And now this has, like, no one's even talking about it. But it's true. That's right. The people talking about her hair, that's a different thing. She could have let go. But let's do that. Who cares what she said? Because it's not just a nobody, it's an actual Olympic. Here's her answer. Here's her answer. Holding up a gold medal. That's the answer. And the whole team. I'm here for someone to, listen. Do you know how often I have to defend you? Okay. First of all, that was gratuitous. Yes, it was, and I enjoyed it. Mike, what's the development? The development is Michaela has now blocked Simone Biles on Instagram on Twitter. So this view does not look like it's over, yeah? Oh, so now we're talking about this? No. I've been blocked. But I think she's laughing because she's like, guess what? She knows that they can tell you when you keep rolled medals. But when you keep responding, you're not over it. When you keep responding, you're not over it. Okay, and if she's not, enough women have broken up with you that you shouldn't understand that. Wow! That was gratuitous. That was gratuitous, and it paid back for what you just said. Absolutely gratuitous. Absolutely. Wow. It's not true also. Hey, guys. My name is Drew. I'm in Atlanta. And honestly, Simone is an incredible gymnast. And with this being her fifth gold medal and three-star Olympics, I definitely believe that, you know, she's up there on the Mount Rushmore of Women's Gymnastics. So for her to be responding back and forth to all the internet trolls and other people in the comments and so whatnot, I definitely think that she is above it because, like you guys said, you know, she needs to just hold that gold medal. And that's pretty much does all the talking she needs to do. So hopefully she stays healthy and we'll see her get another gold in the 2028 Olympics. And that'll cut everything out. Yeah. Yes. Uh-huh. Okay. Offset found himself in, what's our favorite thing? Sticky glue. Found himself in the sticky glue again. Sticky glue. Because of a photo of him with a woman at a casino. And this ended up on a social media blog. And immediately everyone came for Offset. Here he is again. He's cheating on Cardi again. She's got to drop him, blah, blah, blah. But when he responded to his response, just created a second rumor. Exactly. Create a second story about Cardi being pregnant. So here is his response. People really need to do the research. I'm at a public place gambling at a casino where they married eight month pregnant woman. Blank. Uh-huh. What the, is the W.T. something. Uh, I let, I would look like being outside publicly cheating. So he's a married eight month pregnant woman part. So we're thinking, who is that married eight month pregnant woman? Is that, in other words, why would I be out cheating when there's a, I have a married eight month. Right. Is he saying that Cardi is an eight month pregnant woman? Or is he saying the woman in the casino is an eight month pregnant woman? It would be weird for him to refer to Cardi as a married woman. Right. When he's her husband. It is weird, but it didn't stop the rumors. Right. Uh, immediately people were like, oh, this is it. It's confirmation. Cardi is pregnant. She's eight months pregnant. This has been a rumor that's been going around, um, well, people misinterpreted this. A lot of people, in fact there were radio shows this morning that they were all like, oh, there it is. There it is. She's pregnant. Uh, we spoke to a rep for Cardi who told us, people got this all wrong. What offset actually meant was the woman that he was photographed with is a friend who is pregnant, eight months pregnant. Um, and she, and she's not married while she was married, her husband. Her husband has passed away. Um, but she is pregnant with his child. And she's now spoken out with the, with the, by the way, pregnant with her dead husband's child. Right. Not, not offset. Right. Yeah, exactly. Uh, don't want to start that again. Right. Uh, this is what she had to say about it. S.M.H. That man wasn't with me. I was already there with my husband's sister and brother, and I'm seven months pregnant. So you got the, you got one month, one on the run. Uh, y'all really have to stop with this type of behavior. So, I think he's kind of put that to rest. Much love to offset, but you know, this could have been all prevented if he just would have wrote it right. You know, I got to play grammar police here, you know, I mean, grammar matters, you know, a comma here or there, uh, uh, it's going to be a big difference. Listen, kids. Listen, kids. Could have made a big difference. But I got to tell you this, this percolated, very early in the morning, like very early in the morning. Notice the bags. Yeah. It was going around. Because it did lead to yet another question, which we did ask because basically what Cardi's rep was saying to us was, no, offset was not confirming she's pregnant. But they didn't say whether Cardi actually is pregnant. So we asked that question, uh, and we were told she is not pregnant by the rep. So that's their attempt to squash that rumor as well. You're welcome. Hi, this is Sarah and Sony from Mechanicsville, Virginia. This was such a nothing thing that created such a hot mess. Everyone's question from the very beginning was, why are you there with your alleged ex-girlfriend? And then he came out with something about someone being pregnant. What an awkward way to start a pregnancy rumor. None of us were asking that. Why were you there? And it looks like they were both there with other people and they bumped into each other. A photo was taken, it got taken out of proportion, which does happen when you are a celebrity. But it was just, I feel bad for Cardi at the end of the day. That's what happens when you're in a sticky glue. I like that sticky glue thing. Okay. Shout out for Kel. We're going to move. We're going to move on. Yeah. So moving on to Kamala Harris, Stumping Down in Georgia, which of course you know is a absolute battleground state, a very important state in this selection. So she was down there and brought some support, some very important support, some people that really got the crowd going down in Atlanta that would be Meghan the Stallion and Cuevo both joining her on stage. Now, you know, this is not the kind of thing you typically see at a political rally. You mean twerking? Yeah. You don't usually see twerking, but hey, the crowd was into it. It's a new day. Cuevo did not twerk. But he had some words of encouragement for the Democratic presidential candidate. And this is, this is what you got to do to get people fired up, right? Well, now there's a new reason why people want to go to Kamala Harris events. It's because they want to see a concert too. I mean, Meghan the Stallion performed four songs through a show that's pretty good I have to say. I thought you'd maybe do one or two, but the point is is now when Kamala is going on tour across the country, part of the draw is going to be which celebrity is going to come out, which musician is going to come out. It's a good way to find a show. I mean, I think it's just another big draw for Kamala, and definitely something Trump needs to be concerned about. You have to get them in the church before you actually give them your sermon. So if having... Well, she would have, she would have filled the crowd at this, the stadium anyway. I mean, but it's... Sure. It doesn't hurt. But that, you know, you know, Meghan, by the way, do you notice Meghan's outfit? More reserved than she normally wears? I really noticed that. What is that? Shout out to the pantsuit, right? It's... Oh, I know it's hard. It's hard of that. You're right. It's her take on the pantsuit. You're absolutely right. And you never thought of that. What did Katie call the other pantsuit, pantsuit nation? Passuit nation. There was such a thing. You might think that this is more of a conservative suit, but conservatives were actually very upset about Meghan's whole performance saying that she was twerking, and it was kind of just poor behavior, not what you want to show at an event like this, but clearly there are a lot of people who loved it. Margaret Rose, Brooklyn, New York, and I just wanted to say, let's go, Meghan, like, not only is she a beautiful, educated, black woman, she's doing her black job, and if she got to save democracy, one, she'd live at a time. A-T-L, right, is known as, you know, the whole trip club and dancers. So is she not paying homage to Atlanta, which is also being patriotic? So that's it. You should work on the campaign. That was good. By the way, speaking of, you made a reference to black jobs. The guy who said that, Donald Trump is right now being grilled in Chicago at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention, chose to go, and it is fiery right from the bat. We're going to have that for you in just a few minutes, so stick around. You got to see that. We just got this video in. Well, President Biden and hopeful future president Harris have some things that they want to change about the Supreme Court, which is a pretty huge task ahead of them. But they want to make some changes because they fear that the court is heading in the wrong direction. The things have gotten far too political and that the court is now really entering the realm of policy. Some of the things that they are proposing are term limits. They want to make it 18 years. They're also saying that they don't want any presidential immunity for crimes and several other things. And obviously, there are ethics issues that they want to address. And obviously, this is something that they've got to get done. If Biden wants to be part of this, there's got to get done pretty quickly here. So is this a good move? Is this really just about politics or is it time to overhaul the court? What's happening to us right now is our favorite legal expert, Erwin Chimerinsky, who is not just our favorite, but I have been around a long time. The most knowledgeable, even better reason to bring in the dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law, Erwin Chimerinsky. Welcome back to TMZ Live. Thank you for the kind words. It's always wonderful to be with you. Erwin, what do you think about this decision by Harris and Biden? To me at least, it seemed like this is just about politics and sour grapes because they feel that the court is too conservative now and they disagree with a lot of the rulings that have come out of the court in the last couple of years. I think these are desirable proposals, but there's no chance of their happening in the foreseeable future. 18-year term limits would be a very good thing from 1787 when the Constitution was written until 1970, the average tenure of Supreme Court justice was 15 years. For those who have been appointed since 1970, the average tenure has been 26 years. Clarence Thomas was 43 years old when he was confirmed in 1991. If he stays on the court until he's 90, the age justice Stevens died, retired from the court. He'll be a justice for 47 years, but I think term limits would take a constitutional amendment. It's always been understood that a justice has the position for life, and I think to change that would require approval of two-thirds of both House of Congress and three-quarters of the states. Likewise, overturning the Supreme Court's decision with regard to absolute immunity from the president from criminal prosecution would be very desirable, but to take a constitutional amendment, and it's just not going to happen. Look, I don't agree with a lot of what the Supreme Court is doing right now, but people are acting like it's the first time the Supreme Court has made social policy. That has happened during my entire lifetime from Brown versus Board of Education to the Miranda decision. One of the great justices of the US Supreme Court, Benjamin Cardoza, when he was on the New York highest court, he created product sliability. When you look at privacy, it's not even in the Constitution, but the Supreme Court created the right of privacy and then put Roe versus Wade under it. To say that, all of a sudden, they're doing social justice their way, it's been going on forever. I totally agree with you, throughout American history, the Supreme Court has taken the very broad language of the Constitution and applied and interpreted it. From the 1890s to 1936, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional over 200 laws protecting workers and consumers because of very pro-business conservative court. You mentioned the Warren court and how it ended, thankfully, segregation in this country. There's nothing new about the Supreme Court making what we call social policy. We need a Supreme Court to enforce the law, but I also think it's completely appropriate to criticize its decision. For example, I think it's decision in Trump versus the United States, giving a president absolute immunity to almost anything in office is among the worst Supreme Court decisions in recent memory. Let's just hypothetically say there were term limits. That doesn't really get you around the problem because it just depends on who's in office then. When someone's term is up, then the court is still going to be, the appointees are still going to be based on whoever's in office. It's more of a gamble then. When someone's term is going to come up, do voters then start counting down? Well, Clarence Thomas is going to be up this election, so why want to vote for X or Y? You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't take the politics out of it. Nothing will take the politics out of it, nor should we. The most long-lasting effect of any presidency is who the person puts under the United States Supreme Court. But I think 18-year non-renewal term limits, if ever they could happen, would exactly address the problem you identified. Too much now depends on the accident history for when vacancies occur. Richard Nixon got to pick four justices in his first two years as president. Jimmy Carter got to pick no justices in his four years as president. Donald Trump picked three justices in four years. The prior three Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama served to combine 20 years in the White House but picked only four justices. 18-year non-renewal terms with a vacancy every two years would let every president have an equal influence over the composition of the court. And if it made Supreme Court nominations more of an issue in presidential elections, that would be a good thing, not a bad thing. Irwin and I have known each other for many, many decades. And I knew Irwin when he was in his 30s, and there was talk about putting Irwin on the court of appeals or even the Supreme Court, I mean, he's that good. So what I'm wondering, Irwin, is that right now they're looking for younger justices. But if you have term limits, you could go for older justices. So now that you're older, are you asking for term limits so that you would end up on the Supreme Court because they would now appoint people who were older because it wouldn't make a difference? >> I actually think that term limits by encouraging appointment of people with more experience would be a good thing. And I think appointing people in their 50s or 60s for 18 years is probably better than appointing people in their late 40s. Maybe you're right, Harvey, it is. But as we've got an older, I have more respect for the experience that comes with age. >> Hey, we love having you on, Irwin, that was really interesting. Thank you so much. >> Truly my pleasure. Thank you. >> All right, thanks. >> He's the best guy. >> Yeah. >> He is just the best. >> All right, when we come back, what's that old legal show used to do, Harvey and the Lions' Den? Well, today it is Donald Trump, arguably in the Lions' Den, at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention, and he is getting grilled about things he's said about the black community. His response, you're going to see it when we come back, I'll tell you at least one response drew huge laughter in the room. This is not playing well, at least to this audience. Welcome back to TMZ Live. There is a big campaign stop in Chicago today for Donald Trump. He is appearing at the National Association of Black Journalists, and it has caused a firestorm even before he entered the ballroom where he is doing a Q&A session. As we speak right now, it is still going, but it is not going well for him. It was not a good start, so Rachel Scott from ABC News is one of the three, as you saw there on that flyer, one of the three journalists who was hosting this Q&A session. And she right off the bat asked the former president about some of the things he said about black people in the past, and the way he's referred to black people, the way he's treated black journalists, very heavy question for him, his response did not go over well with the crowd. I want to start by addressing the elephant in the room, sir. A lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama, saying that they were not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congresswomen the color who were American citizens to go back to where they came from. You have used words like animal and rabbit to describe black district attorneys. You've attacked black journalists calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are, quote, stupid and racist. You've had dinner with the white supremacists at your Mar-a-Lago resort. So my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that? Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question. So it's such a horrible manner, a first question. You don't even say, "Hello, how are you? Are you with ABC?" Because I think they're a fake news network, a terrible network. And from there, it continues. It continues. I ain't basically, at least at the outset of this, he's playing his greatest hits. I got same responses. I got a forward question for you. Why do you do that? Why do you go? So here's where I went. Like I said, before this even started, there was a big controversy about this because there were a lot of people in the organization who were upset about this. It wasn't announced until Monday night, late Monday night. And on Tuesday, people started saying they weren't going to attend the conference. They disagreed with him being there for a lot of the reasons that Rachel Scott laid out there in her question. And the other part of it is that the fact that Kamala Harris is not appearing at this convention. And that upset a lot of people because if you have both candidates there, then you understand why Donald Trump is being invited. It was a little bit bungled because I think they then said, "Well, she said I'd do it virtually." And they said, "No." And they said, "No, we want you to be here in person." This was the report from April Ryan, she said that April Ryan was the Grio. She said that they wanted Kamala Harris to be there in person. She said, "I can only do it remotely." And they said, "We don't want remote." And then they changed their mind. And then when Trump thing blew up and their faces and all the members were upset, they said, "No, no, please do it remotely." But she had moved on at that point. So they announced this morning that they are the organization, the NABJ is in talks with Kamala Harris' camp to do a Q&A session in September. So we'll see how that plays out. But this is, it's just wild. So in terms of why Donald Trump would do this, right, there's two ways he's going to fight this race. One is on the issues. And the second is on... When do you say you mean campaign? Campaign, right. One is on the issues and he's got some things he can talk about there, right? I think he's more aligned with the country when it comes to things like the border and some other issues. The other is to fight the culture war that has really been fought since, I think, 2008, maybe even before that. And that's what he's doing here. And so his assertion, his response to the journalists when asked the question to, "I think a lot of people that comes off as dismissive or rude or whatever it is. But I think to his core voters, this is exactly the kind of person that they like." And I think he gets a lot of support from those most rabid fans, most rabid followers, and he does things like challenges and things, left-wing, left-worlds. But Jason, he's already got them, right? I guess why go speak in front of, sorry to cut you off, but why go speak to a room full of black journalists who have all the reason Rachel Scott asked those questions, that's exactly why everyone was pissed that he was showing up. So if you're not going to respond to that, why go? The people that are pissed that he's showing up are also already determined who they're going to vote for. Those people are not in play either. He believes, rightly or wrongly, that there's a center of the country, that majority of the country that he believes sides with him on these cultural issues. And he believes that the way to win this election is through that kind of feistiness. And for the idea that he's going to go and Trump at the fact that he showed up and Kamala Harris wasn't there and she cowered from it and he's the one that showed up and took the hard questions that she would never take, he's never answered. But you didn't really take the questions, if you don't answer them then you're not taking the question. No, no, but you're using the opportunity to be in front of a microphone and say whatever it is you want to say, which is why people were pissed that they invited him because they said, look, I get it if you want to try and grill him, but he's not going to respond and so far, he isn't. Listen, I'm with you up until that point. A lot of politicians don't answer questions. This is true. Hi, Latisha from Dallas and as a black woman, this really made me mad. Yes, I know who I'm already going to vote for. But why would you go there and then be insulting to this woman? You want more black voters because that's why you're there. And then you disrespect the black woman that's asked you the question and said, oh, I don't remember that and you're being rude and blah, blah, blah, whoa, it's me. We don't like it. But we the people, we the black women and I can speak for a few of us, we didn't like that. Just real quickly. There is a video that just surfaced from the Trump assassination attempt from a totally different vantage point from behind Donald Trump. What is shocking about this, if you saw that circle, that is the shooter. And the shooter is moving along the roof back and forth. And this is a full three minutes before he fired shots. I think the reason this is significant, we didn't know he was traversing the roof. You thought he was just laying in one spot. In one spot, because that's all we saw. It makes it all the more questionable. How the shark shooters, the counter snipers didn't at least see him be for three minutes as he's going back and forth. Because look at their position behind the stage, they're at a higher position. So they can see easily. And one thing, maybe you could try to make, and I think it's a lame excuse, that he was laying in one position and blended in with the rooftop. But that's not what happened. Now we see this video. He was moving back and forth. Moving back and forth. So you don't even have that excuse. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. Wow. [Music] Richard Simmons. And the beat with- Some people are yet to Richard Simmons. We should say Donald Trump. Oh. Yeah. Really. Yes. Grand opening, grand closing. That panel that he was speaking with in Chicago at the NABJ, was supposed to go an hour, past the 35 minutes, and then the former president said, gotta go, and left. There was applause. We don't know if it was. We don't know the sentiment, but there was applause. Yes. Okay. Moving on to Richard. Yes. To Richard Simmons and the ongoing feud, even though he is passed, but the ongoing feud with Paulie Shore about this Richard Simmons bio-pick he wants to do. And now Richard's staff and Richard's brother speaking out about some things that Paulie recently said to Entertainment Tonight, where he basically intimated, "I don't eat all that opposition that Richard supposedly had to my movie. I don't even know if it was really him posting that stuff on social media." Well, here is how Richard's camp is responding. First from his staff, they said Paulie Shore recently made comments to Entertainment Tonight concerning his attempts to proceed with an unauthorized movie about Richard. You've seen here on Richard's account what he had to say about the bio-pick. And then from his Richard's brother, Lenny, he says, "Dickey absolutely wrote his own posts." He worked on them a week in advance going over and over them to get the right message. Point being what you saw Richard saying about not wanting this movie to go forward is authentic. Yeah. There was some confusion because, you know, Richard, like you guys said, was very vocal on Facebook about not wanting this bio-pick to go forward. And Paulie Shore kept pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing. And then eventually, Richard had said on his Facebook, "Good luck." So Paulie took that as, "Oh, well, now I got the green light." But the staff kind of clarified that on social media saying, "No, no, no, just because he said good luck didn't mean that he was taking back his original statement, which was he doesn't want this to go forward and he's not supportive of it. And I just don't know if you're Paulie Shore, how do you go forward? Because presumably the people that are really going to, that you want to show up to come see the movie are Richard Simmons fans. And if you're Richard Simmons fan and you know he never wanted this to come to fruition, how are you going to support it? Yeah. I mean, it's problematic for sure. Yeah. But it wouldn't be the first unauthorized biographies. It happens. Yeah. Can I just tell you one thing before we move on? Our photo, Mel, just texted me. She said, "This is terrible. The temple you went to as a kid is becoming an old folks' home." I thought there was just actual news you were getting to. It just made me feel really old. I just wanted to say it. You see, from California, I believe Paulie Shore needs to allow this family time to grieve. They lost Richard not even a month ago and he's pushing for this family. I mean, for this movie to be made. And now he's attacking the family and saying that Richard didn't write his own post. I think this is really distasteful. And I believe he's just trying to make money off of Richard's life and death. And I applaud Richard's family for standing up to him and saying no, setting boundaries and not allowing him to move forward with this movie. Yeah. Yeah. Can I just one other point? And this is on point. Not about your temple. I feel bad for Richard because his life really needed to be celebrated. He did so much good. And it just got overshadowed because it was hours before the shooting with Trump. And his life would have really been celebrated. Celebrated. And that part is really sad. Really sad time, I guess. Broke a big story here on Tuesday and I actually was Monday night when we found out that Angelina and Brad, 20-year-old son, Pax, had rammed into the back of a car that was waiting at a light on a very busy street here in L.A. in rush hour. He was riding his e-bike and did not have a helmet on. Apparently, didn't see this car or who knows if he was distracted, but rammed right into the back of the car. What we've now discovered is that witnesses on the scene thought that he was dead because he was unconscious for a long time on the scene. So we talked to some witnesses and they just provided a little bit more color in how serious this accident really was. I guess he was literally out cold for several minutes. Obviously, he didn't have a helmet on and he eventually did regain consciousness when the paramedics arrived. But the people there, when they initially saw him and the accident thought he might have been dead, which is insane. He was taken to a hospital, apparently they were treating him because they thought he had a brain bleed. I haven't confirmed whether that turned out to be the fact. He also had hip pain. And as of yesterday, Charles, he was actually still in the hospital. I don't know if he's got out yet. I know we were told Angelina is there with him. Obviously, him and Brad's relationship has been pretty strange for a while. There's been reports that he's worried about him and has been trying to reach him, but I don't think they have any communication. Yeah, they don't. Yeah, they haven't. Boy, I got to tell you, for anybody watching this who has an e-bike, I'm here to tell you, literally here to tell you, where a helmet? I mean, not only did you go through, but we have seen so many people who have had injuries, but you know what? Now they think about it going back. You might know Simon was before you, right? Simon was after me. Was after you. Yeah. And he had sent Simon to help. And what she did not wear. Which he didn't wear. Simon had the accident. Nina Dobrev was earlier this year. She had a bad accident on one of these. They're really, really dangerous. And if you're going to, if you're going to do it, wear a helmet, I'm telling you. Hi, Wade from Sacramento. First off, I want to send healing, positive thoughts to Paxton's family. When you're writing something as near to a motorcycle as these e-bikes are, you've got to practice safety. I mean, they're not like the banana seed and Schwinn's of the bikes that I had when I was a kid. You know, you've got to practice that safety. Okay. What else you guys want to talk about? Oh, we're talking about Simone Biles. I am just absolutely in love with who this woman is. She makes gymnastics look fun. I believe that when she finishes doing gymnastics that she should just have a whole island dedicated to her, I was listening to her. I love her. All right. I was island. We got a bite. I'm sorry. Okay. Who's your who you? I have a feeling there. I have a feeling that's you. What do you mean? Yeah. Who's? I told you it was her. I told you it was her. All right. Okay. Well, see you at the convention. See you. One more. My name is Derek Lachlan from the Bay Area. This is Jonathan Major's story, man, and we can't compare another situation to another and how other people's outcome came. Jonathan Major is a good actor. He'll get back in the big screen. I'm ready. I think you will too, actually. Yeah. I think you will too. So Bella Hadid has a cowboy for a boyfriend. We've told you about. They actually have their both living down in Texas. Yep. In Fort Worth. Well, she got a little time on a horse herself. And I did not know, I know that she's an equestrian. But she is good. But this is not just show horse riding. No. I believe they call this a cutting horse because you're cutting off the-- I did not know that. --of the livestock. It's way of corralling the livestock. But she's like super impressive. Yeah. I wonder if she's thinking about, you know, competing. I just love that she's this big high fashion model and she's doing this. But this is what she's doing for fun. And I love that she's living in Fort Worth. Yeah. I remember when we broke fat out. It's really interesting. Yeah. And she's, you know, with a cowboy. With a cowboy and not reading about the 1972 Olympics. Right. Right. Okay, we will see you tomorrow. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)