TMZ Live

FBI Director Makes Shocking Reveal About Trump Attempted Assassin

On this episode of TMZ Podcast: Amber Rose’s never before seen brawl with Joseline Hernandez, the FBI director makes a shocking reveal about Trump’s would-be assassin, Pete Buttigieg joins the show to share Kamala’s election strategy, and Halle Berry’s salacious Catwoman anniversary post!

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Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Podcast:

Amber Rose’s never before seen brawl with Joseline Hernandez, the FBI director makes a shocking reveal about Trump’s would-be assassin, Pete Buttigieg joins the show to share Kamala’s election strategy, and Halle Berry’s salacious Catwoman anniversary post!

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(upbeat music) - Welcome to TMZ Live, Harvey Love and Carol's here. So Amber Rose, the star of the Republican National Convention. - I mean, we used to call her a reality TV star, but now she's was front and center in a huge political stage. So yes, RNC star. - So Amber Rose is in a fight, not a political fight, in a physical fight. - But it actually, the physical fight, which we're about to show you, relates to some of the criticism she's faced since the RNC. There's been a lot of discussion about Amber Rose's race and how she identifies. And that actually came up when she was, back when she was just a reality TV star, when she was on the BET show called College Hill the Celebrity Edition. She was on last year and ended up getting into a discussion about her race with Jocelyn Hernandez, which turned into a fight. You've never seen the full fight. Here is how it aired first on BET. And then we're gonna show you the video that we obtained because you're gonna see just how violent this fight got. - Stop being so sensitive 'cause you and I are very cool. So for you to play. I'm not about being sensitive, but if you're not, you're not white though, you're black. - My father is white though. - But to me, to me, your mother's, but what's not about you, it's about me. - It is about me when I feel like saying, (beep) I wanna say you can't check me on that. And if you go and check me, then check me. (dramatic music) - Okay. - I checked you, I'm checking you out. - Let's get down to the point. - Jocelyn. - Your problem is that you really don't even wanna be black. - No. - You wanna go there, let me say. There she go, cry baby, cry baby, cry baby. (dramatic music) - Respect for all the parties involved. We have chosen not to show this fight. - And Alabama State University where they shot the show, they made the decision together BET and ASU that they did not want to air it. - But you hear it. - But you hear it. - You hear it. - You hear it. - And it was, I mean, it does sound really bad. It looks even worse. Here's how it played out. Just as you saw, Amber gets up and she throws that first punch, but it goes on much longer than that. Grabbing Jocelyn's hair, punching several times. I guess there was an attempt to grab it, Amber's hair, but she doesn't have any really to speak of. - Advantage Amber. - Yeah, advantage Amber. And she ends up, I think, collectively you can say she won the fight, but did she actually win? I mean, look, this was an ongoing discussion about race. And Amber herself, has put herself in that conversation, has made the point of saying she's not black. - Right. - She doesn't identify as a black woman is what she says because she's biracial. - The whole season of this show, Amber and Jocelyn had been going on and on and on about the whole race thing. And this moment, and when they were in the classroom, the teacher, it was like an African American studies class. And Amber had just asked a question about race and Jocelyn just went off. As a person that watched this show, I was very, very, very upset that BET decided to cut the fight out because the whole time before the show even aired, the promotions, the trailers, the teasers, we knew that something was gonna be happening like this and they made it seem like we were gonna get to see it, but we didn't. And I know other fans were upset with them as well because one fan even sued them. He said that he specifically bought the subscription to BET Plus just to watch this moment because they had hyped it up so much. And then he said that BET had to know, he said that they had to know that they weren't gonna show it and they still promoted it and he bought the subscription and he was so mad that he ended up suing BET Plus. So yeah, I mean, BET, I don't know if they did this all many favors. - So there is an old adage. You're in for a penny, you're in for a pound. The fact, I don't know how you felt about it. - But the fact that they showed one point. - No, no, no, no. Well, they showed the much, but the bigger thing is that they played the audio that if you're not gonna show a fight, why are you doing the audio? It's like, ooh, I wanna do it so badly, right? - I will say, you know what I mean? - When we got this video, we did reach out to BET. They said they stand by their decision. - But do you know what I'm saying? It's like, they're playing this audio. - We had this discussion when we saw the video. I agree with you that if you're gonna show any of it at all, you're gonna show it. - You're even gonna allude to the fight. It's reality TV, show a fight. - And you bet. - And they kinda did. It's like, we're not, we're not gonna show the fight because we don't show a fight. - I have to play the audio. - I have to give BET their due. We reached out to them when we got this video. They said we stand by our decision not to air it, not only for our standards, but because out of respect for HBCUs. So it sounds like-- - So why did they play the audio? - Why did they cast Jocelyn Hernandez? They know she is literally known for being a fighter. She's swinging everything the time I see her, so. - Hello. - Excellent response. - I know. - Yeah. - Hi guys, this is Polar from New York. Actually, I'm 100% against violence, but I'm actually, Jocelyn is like a known and glamorized bully. So I'm actually consenting somebody actually stand up to her. - I love what you just said. - Yes. - I'm normally against violence, but in this case, sometimes a bully needs it. And if you see Jocelyn as a bully, then yes, you would be happy with that. - Okay, we gotta move on. So this is important. - Move on now to some more information now about the shooter in the Donald Trump assassination attempt and information that the FBI director on Capitol Hill today came out with. The fact that they found out that Thomas Matthew Crooks had actually googled details of the JFK assassination ahead of what happened. - Oh, and not just googled details. The particular detail aligns with what he ended up doing. - Analysis of a laptop that the investigation ties to the shooter reveals that on July 6th, he did a Google search for, quote, "How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?" That is the same day that it appears that he registered for the Butler rally. - Wow, so that was exactly one week before the rally. I'm putting you on the spot, but I feel like you probably know this. How far was Oswald from Kennedy? - He was probably, when the first shot rang out, you remember he was on the sixth floor and Kennedy's at ground level. So if you did that kind of trajectory, probably 80 yards, 100 yards, something like that. But look, here's what we know about this, and we know a lot, we're doing a documentary for Tooby that's gonna drop this Sunday on all of this that happened with the Secret Service at all. So everything that we've now heard is that this guy wasn't political so much that he was also finding out where's Biden gonna be? Where's Trump gonna be? And we've talked to people at his school and counselors who worked with him. And he wasn't a political guy. He didn't have a strong political view on either side. And to me, based on this documentary that we've been working on, it feels to me that this is a case, not so much of somebody with a political ideology that caused him to do it. It's somebody who wanted to become famous. I mean, and that's kind of the way that this thing is aligning. He was basically pretty quiet kid. There are a lot of stories out that he was arrogant and everything else. I don't think that's true. - We've spoken to more people who say that he was absolutely just quiet and-- - And quiet kid, he was polite. And actually, while he was in high school, that people liked him, it could well be, and again, we get into this in the documentary, that COVID may have been a turning point here when he went into isolation. Because before isolation, the people we spoke with, they just didn't get any sense of this. But again, they're investigating right now, so we don't know. - Hi, my name is Kimberly Bryant, and I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And clearly, something just went completely wrong somewhere for pictures to be taken. And just, it's wild, it's wild to me. It's scary, just that this assassination attempt happened to Donald Trump, but it could have happened to anyone. And not only that, but just the crowd. More people could have been killed, it's very scary. - It is very scary, and I think ultimately, what we want in these kinds of situations is motive to explain something that seems so inexplicable. And here doesn't seem we have it, except Harvey to your point, just the fame of the individual, which is, I mean, I don't even know what to make of that exactly. But we were looking all along for a political motive agenda, but just doesn't seem to exist here. And I think that's frustrating for people. - Yeah, look, a lot of times they never figure this out, but I gotta say, everything we've heard, there is just not a political bend here. (upbeat music) - Well, we've talked about the incredible rollout of Vice President Kamala Harris, and as a presidential candidate now, she is the presumed nominee for the Democratic Party. And, you know, we've talked about what does she have to do while her first few rallies have been really successful. Huge turnout, and people in the Democratic side have been very happy with the way she's presenting. What happens going forward though, because there's the excitement now, but as we get deeper into the campaign, what is the path, the strategy to actually win this? The other part of this is figuring out who a running mate is gonna be. - There is, you've seen a pretty impressive list of possibilities for her to choose from. - By the way, there were polls taken, what a poll taken, where they polled Democrats to see who they wanted, you know who the top person was? - I haven't seen the latest poll. - It was Pete Buttigieg. - Really? - Yeah. - Wow, right. - 21%. - If, boy, if we could speak to Pete Buttigieg, that would be kind of cool. Ask and you shall receive. - Wow, you're that good, Harvey. - Joining us right now, possible VP with Kamala Harris is Pete Buttigieg, welcome back to TMZ Live, how you doing? - Good, good to be with you, thanks for having me. - It's really good having you here. I've been watching you a lot, you have been making the rounds. Let's start with this, 'cause I don't think I'm gonna get a direct answer on this. Anyway, what are the qualities that Kamala Harris should be looking at in a vice president? - See what you're doing there. - So, look, nobody knows more about how to do that than she does, right? She is the vice president. She's been through that process. And I know she'll create a process that makes sense for her and yield somebody that she wants to be on a ticket with. What I'll say is, you know, the overall strategy here is to make sure that we pull together as a Democratic team. And I've been amazed, you know, look, our party is famous for being practiced, big 10. We disagree with each other, within our family on everything. It's been amazing in the last, really in the first 24 hours to watch everybody come together in excitement. Not just determination, but I think a real excitement with a real level of warmth around her candidacy. And obviously, I'm one of millions of Democrats who feel that excitement. - Well, I thought he was gonna say, at the end that you said, I'm one of, and then millions, I was like, oh, no, no, no. I mean, you are, actually, we have a pretty good record going here this week. We have now two potential candidates, VP candidates, and neither of you, the first was Westmore. Neither of you, you know, you're far too humble to actually say that it's something you want, but if you were to be selected in that role, how would that, what would your strategy be going out on the campaign stump to win the election? - I mean, my strategy is gonna be the same no matter what. And that is to tell the world about the kind of weir the Kamala Harris is, but also just to remind the country that they already agree with her and disagree with Donald Trump on issue after issue after issue, you know, with all the personality stuff and all of the kind of things that swirl in the media, it's easy to overlook that. So let's just remember, now Donald Trump's big economic policy is tax cuts for the rich. Americans disagree with them, and they agree with Kamala Harris, who thinks that the rich ought to pay their fair share. Americans believe in a woman's right to choose. Donald Trump demolished the right to choose. One of the few promises from his campaign that he actually kept. Obviously Kamala Harris has been a defender of a woman's right to access abortion care. You can go through issue after issue guns where Donald Trump blocked even the most basic common sense gun safety measures like background checks. She's somebody who understands, partly as a former prosecutor, the importance of making sure we have some kind of common sense gun safety law to save lives. So on issue after issue after issue, and I know there's more to politics than policy, but I think we just got to remind everybody that they already agree with us on the big issues. And now that the President Biden made this really selfless and extraordinary choice to focus on his presidency and relinquish the nomination, that creates these next three months, that this short but important window for Kamala Harris and everybody who believes in her, which certainly includes me, to get out there and tell the world why. - It brings us to something that we've been talking about this morning, I really want to get your take on this, that I don't know if you saw this, but Joy Reed, made a statement that was basically said that if you're black and you are not supporting Kamala Harris, you should, you're weird, as weird was the word she used. And then there was a comment about Amber Rose and said she should see herself out. We don't want her, the comments like that, I don't know, I know how it landed on me that it basically felt like she's saying every single black person has to agree on every single issue and I just feel like that's offensive in some way because we're not monolithic, just like all gay people aren't gonna vote the same way, all black people aren't gonna vote the same way, all Jewish people aren't gonna vote the same way, all white people aren't gonna vote the same way. - Yeah, I certainly remember when I was running for President, I didn't assume or expect that, for example, because I'm gay, that everybody was gay is just gonna automatically agree with me and think I ought to be president. And one thing that I noticed and I think bears mention about Kamala Harris is even when the President of the United States gave her his backing, even when it became clear that everyone who, anybody might have competed against her quickly said that they want her to be the nominee too and endorsed her, the first thing she came out and said wasn't, it's been given to me I'm gonna go do this now, she said that she wants to win and earn the nomination and the presidency and the way she's talked about earning it means that she doesn't assume that any, every Democrat or everybody looks like her is gonna automatically gonna be on her side, but just as importantly, it means you don't assume anybody's gonna be against you. I think we have an opportunity, yes, there's gonna be a responsibility to earn the votes of people who you might expect will be with us, but you can't just go assume that. And there's gonna be an opportunity to reach out to people who you might guess might not vote for her, but we shouldn't assume that either. - So today, Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking to Congress and Kamal Harris is not gonna be there as President of the Senate and I know they said this was a scheduling issue. A lot of people think it really isn't scheduling, there is a real tightrope that the Biden-Harris Administration is walking, there's been a lot of criticism over Israel and this is more avoidance and schedule to that you say what. - My understanding is she's gonna speak with him directly and of course I'm not pretty to that conversation, but what I know is that her values have been incredibly strong both in making sure that there is support for Israel's ability to defend itself from things like terrorist attacks and an insistence on the protection of civilian life. And I think what she has been really clear about and will continue to be is that there has to be a response in an end to the humanitarian catastrophe that's going on in Gaza and that that can and should be compatible with principled support for an ally of our country that came under attack the way that they did. - You're probably not gonna answer this, but I do have one other thing because it's just been on my mind. You are the leading candidate among Democrats right now to become the vice presidential nominee. That ticket would then be a black woman leading it in a gay man as VP. That is a seismic change from what I grew up with. And I'm wondering how you would evaluate the significance of something like that. - Well, again, I don't wanna speculate about things that would come in the future, but I'll say is my experience has been that I'm not saying it's not a thing, but I'm saying it's been extraordinary how people have looked past that. When I came out, I was in the middle of reelection in my hometown in Mike Pence's, Indiana. And I wound up getting a higher portion of the vote than the first time because the city that I was mayor I thought I did a good job. When I ran for president, part of how I won Iowa was that I wound up doing especially well in right-leaning and conservative counties. These counties that voted for Obama and then voted for Trump. And so what that tells me is whoever you are and whatever your kind of personal biography or attributes are. If you can explain to people what you have to offer and get them to believe in you and in your vision, despite all of the things that still stand in the way of fairness in this country, the truth is it's extraordinary what people can and will do. - I've been watching you and you're so strategic. And the way you're doing this is fascinating. So we really appreciate you coming on here. - Well, thanks, same here, appreciate you guys. Thanks for having me on. - Good to see you, Pete. His last answer there highlights exactly what I was saying about what Joy Reid said that don't assume, go out and tell people what it is that you are offering them and then you get their vote. - Right. - It doesn't matter. - No, it's a really. - What their background is. - It was a good answer. (upbeat music) - It is one of the most stunning pieces of video I have seen in a long time. And I love marine life. - Did you know that I was going to be a marine biologist? - I did not know that. - I actually studied it for a year in college. - And if you would have finished, anyway. - Anyway, you've probably seen the video of the two men whose boat was there off the coast of New Hampshire smokes every time I see this. - When a whale, I think it was a humpback whale came up and just took their boat down. - It capsized the boat. These guys got saved by another boat that was nearby. - They lived to tell the tale, the whale tale, and they are joining us now. Wow. - You see them, what would fall off? - I don't know if you fell or you jumped, but we'll find out right now joining us with more details on this. - Rylan Kenny and Greg Paquette. Welcome to TMZ Live Gentlemen. How you doing? Probably much better today. - Yeah, I got some still yikes on. Yeah, feeling a little more refreshed. - Yeah. - So set the scene, where are you on the boat? And set the scene from your vantage point because it must have been fishing, right? Shocking. - So we were fishing roughly two miles off the coast of New Hampshire. And we're just enjoying ourselves catching a few fish. I think Rylan was hooked up with a fish at the time. And so he's focusing on that. And I just hear him yell from the back of the boat. Whoa, or something like that. And I look back and the whale's head is crashing down on top of the engine. So essentially the front of the boat goes up in the air. I mean, you can see that in the video. And then next thing you know, I see the back of the boat sinking. It's taking on water. And I'm like, oh no, we are going down. We're not getting out of this. - So, Rylan, you actually had a fish on the line at the moment? - Yeah, so if you see me, 'cause I know you asked a question about, you know, the person that jumper fell off the boat. So that was actually me. So I was closest to the whale at the time. Probably about three, three and a half feet from the head. So as Greg mentioned, I saw the mouth open up as it was catching bait and then close. And when it fell down, it went a crunch on the engine. And at that point, I had a fishing rod in my hand and you can kind of see it in the video. And I was basically like, the first, maybe a second, I was just like, wow, is this really happening? And then after that, I was like, okay, fight or flight mode. I'm not fighting my way at this. I gotta get that guy out there. - You know, I gotta say, Rylan, you're really lucky because if you look at the top of the boat, it seemed like it had come over. It would have just nailed you. - Oh, exactly. So what I did was, as I was fishing, you can see me, I, you slow it down. I threw my rod in the water 'cause I was like, you know, how kick with this fish, right? And then, you know, I took a couple steps up and stepped on the side of the boat and just kind of flew into the water to kind of get away from the boat 'cause I knew it could have potentially fell on me. And then I swam away. So it was probably a matter of a couple feet from that, from me hitting that boat. - Wow. Greg, did you think for a moment like, wow, how big is that fish you got when you felt the boat going up? - You had time to take a selfie. - Here's what is just baffling to me. I haven't seen anything quite like this with a humpback whale. And I, look, I know you're not a marine biologist and Charles is, maybe he can help, but does it appear to you that this was a whale being aggressive, playful? And if it was aggressive, and you're in the water, I'm thinking, you must have thought you were too. - Most of that, do you? - Well, okay, you can explain to him, gentlemen. Go ahead. - I don't know. I mean, that's what I'm asking. - No, the whale wasn't being aggressive. I didn't get that impression at all. I mean, we've been around whales a number of times for years while fishing. You know, we've been in their proximity quite a bit. This one was just actively feeding over a huge bait school. And I think he just came up, if you see him come up, his mouth is open. He's getting a mouthful of fish. He just landed in the wrong spot, and that was it. There was no aggressive nature. - The whale was probably embarrassed. We went back to his friends like, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just did that." He's just trying to feed. Come back whales don't have teeth like that. So they couldn't, they don't attack humans ever. They just eat fish. - Well, it's not even the scoops up a lot of water. It was like a fish. In fact, the whale was probably the same reason that you guys were there, right? There were a lot of fish. And that's why you guys went. That's why the whale went. - Yeah, what we were trying to do is we try to stay away from that, the center of the biomass of the bait. So you can see the water color change a little bit, and it's a little bit lighter where we are. That's actually the outside of where the bait is centralized. So that's what we thought was a safer spot to basically fish. But fortunately, it wasn't. 'Cause you can see the whale comes out. I think the whale came up kind of towards the edge to the center of it, and then when it reached, it went right down, obviously on the back of it. - Was the boat insured? - The boat is insured. - All right, I have a feeling there's gonna be an insurance company doing an ad sometime soon. - They're telling whoever you're insurance company. - Another whale story from the insurance. You can get like a progressive ad off of this thing, guys. You can make some serious money off of this. You should think about that. - He's already drawing up the script for you, there you go. - We didn't thought about that angle. - There you go, you're well anglers. - There you go, all right. - Whoa, very glad that you guys are living in Elvatail. And it is a whale of one, as I'm sure you've heard a lot over the last 24 hours. Thanks so much for being with us, guys. - Thanks, guys. - You guys really appreciate it. - Wow, that is crazy. That anything else you wanna know about humpback whales? - No, that's about it. - You sure? (upbeat music) - Welcome back to TMZ Live, the Tupac murder case just got way more salacious because now Diddy's name has been brought up by prosecutors. How does Diddy play into this? Well, people have been following the case of Kefi D, he is the man who was arrested and has been charged with Tupac's murder. He's in jail, he's trying to get out on bail. And prosecutors wanna make the case that he should not be let out. There's a recording, if you've been following this case closely, there's a recording that has been out on the internet, it is a conversation between Kefi D and Las Vegas Metro Police from years ago. And they're talking about the murder of Tupac. And on this recording, Kefi D makes an allegation that Diddy offered to pay them $1 million to kill Tupac. And now prosecutors are bringing that recording up as evidence to say, do not let this guy out of jail. - Because they're suggesting he's a contract killer, but the real interesting thing about this is, do prosecutors believe that Diddy made that offer? Because the offer, if they believe it, that offer would be a crime? - So, I'll weigh in on this. We should just mention, I think Charles alluded to this from the beginning, this interview that Kefi D did with Vegas PD back in the day, it's from 2009. In this audio recording of this interview where Kefi D claims, yeah, Puffy was offering a million dollars, he wanted Tupac's head, blah, blah, blah, by the way, Kefi D says Puffy allegedly never paid that money, so I don't know if there's anything there. But the bigger point is, this allegation has been out there in the ether for a while, investigators and law enforcement has been aware of this allegation for a while, it's 2024, nothing has ever come of this allegation in terms of charging Diddy, arresting Diddy. He's dealing with other legal woes right now unrelated to this, obviously. To Harvey's point though, I think that they don't think it's actually true. I mean, look, Kefi D has said a lot about the Tupac murder case over the years, he's done lots of interviews. - He wrote a book. - I was just trying to say, people who want to buy into conspiracy theories certainly believe that, especially with considering the beef back then, et cetera, but in terms of something official, look, it's 2024, he did this interview in '09, and they've been aware of this Diddy tie for years and years and years. Guess what, the guy's never been charged for it. - But here's the problem with that. If it's not true, and if he just made it up, that does not make the case to deny him bail, that the only way to deny him bail, no, no, no, no, hold on, let me just make my point, that what they're insinuating is Kefi D was willing to be a contract killer. If the premise of that, that there was never a contract and he was just blustering, then they've lost their case to say because of that, you should deny him bail. - So you're saying that in order for this to work, they have to also believe it? - Believe it. - No, they just have to say, your honor, you have this guy who is speaking to police and by his own admission is saying that he would be a contract killer. - And the judge says, and the type of person you want to let out on the street. - And the judge says, wait a minute, are you saying that you're co-signing, that he believed that? Or is it the time? - And then I say, your honor, that it's not what's it. - But it is an issue. - The matter that we're discussing is whether or not Mr. Davis should be allowed out on bail. - Making a, making up stories does not deny you bail. - I think one of the biggest interesting parts are that Kefi initially denied everything he's been saying about these interviews, but now that he's admitting that the whole ditty thing is true. So he spun a lot of tales from his interviews and his testimonies and now here we are. - Yeah, at this point, it's hard to know what Kefi D actually believes himself because he's told so many different purposes. - This hearing is gonna be fascinating to see because the defense is gonna, I wanna hear if the defense says, your honor, he was just making that crap up. I mean, he has done that before because then they're gonna have to, the rubber's gonna beat the road. - My name's Taylor from Seattle, Washington. And as mentioned before, I just think that since there has been a lot of speculation over the years in Diddy's involvement, it's important to remember that these are just theories while some may believe that he have played a role, but without concrete evidence, it's difficult to know the truth. If they've taken this long to investigate Kefi D, right? There was 2009 when they spoke to him. If you were gonna go through all of that to finally arrest him and try him, why wouldn't you also be doing this same exact thing for the guy you believed paid him? - So if they didn't believe it, then the issue is then why are you using that to deny him bail? I'm telling you, you can't have it both ways. - All right, so your prediction is that Kefi D is gonna get out of it. - I have no idea. - He's gonna get out on bail. - No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that you can't have it both ways this way. And that's what they're asking for. We're gonna move on. - Yes. - There's more police action. - Indeed, at a location, we have seen the police many, many times, the home of Kim Zolciak and Croi Biermann. They're having an issue with their dog. They have a cane corso. - Even the dogs involved now with police. - Stone, look at Stone. The police say he's guilty of terrorizing the neighborhood. This happened actually back in June. We just got though the body cam footage of the officers showing up to talk to Croi about this. Kim, I don't think Kim was even home at the point. - No, she wasn't. - But they talked to Croi about the fact that they had gotten a call from neighbors who came face to face with a dog. They say the dog's been running around the neighborhood and they were terrified that the dog was gonna attack. It didn't actually bite anyone, but here is their conversation with Croi, who you can tell is kind of fed up with run-ins with the police at his home. - We're gonna call for loose goals. - Okay. - They were like aggressive to like neighbors, something like that. - They do it every day. All day, every day. With that animal control. They have 10 plus times on us. - Okay. - We're in the public eye. We're going to a very nasty divorce. Community does not like us. - The city ordinance says that an animal has to be confined to your property. - I'm being fined for my dog being on private property. - It's within the city, it has to be confined to your property, inside. - This is my property. - What do you mean? - This is my property, because I pay HOA dues, so I have a right to have this property. - The way the law's interrelated is if your dog is confined to your lawyer. - Well, that, like I said, that is, I agree. If you don't, we are gonna probably come to agreement today. - So, I mean, the interaction, it goes on a while. You could tell he's obviously kind of like holding his tongue, doesn't want to exactly say how annoyed he is that they're there about this dog. So, essentially, he told cops that his gate was broken. That's how the dog got out, massive dog. Essentially, that morning, it had two incidents. It lunged at a woman who was walking with her friend who actually had to jump into-- - Allegedly, sir. Allegedly. - Allegedly, and this woman, this woman told cops she had to jump into a random person's car who was driving by 'cause she was scared. And then another guy said the dog ran at him and his dog and that he's been carrying pepper spray because he's scared walking around the neighborhood 'cause he's such a menace. - Having done people's court for 157 years, I can tell you that according to the law, the leash law and, you know, confining animals, you need a fence and the fence needs to secure the dog. And if it's not securing the dog, you're violating the law exactly. - What if you can't afford to fix your gate? They're having money issues? - Then leave the dog inside and take 'em out on a leash. But that's the law. - All right. Listen, we've got new litigants coming into the court right now. Let's go see. - I'll go into the crowd and ask their opinion during the break. (upbeat music) - It does not sound like Prince Harry's feud with his brother and his father is any closer to being mended. And it's not gonna end partially, he says, because of his Prince Harry's battle with the tabloids. And you may think, why does it matter that he is, you know that he actually sued one of the British tabloids last year and won. And he is continuing to fight against the British media as far as privacy law is concerned. So he did that actual legal battles, the subject of a documentary that ITV is doing in the UK. And he actually sat down with ITV to talk about this battle and actually blamed it for the ongoing feud. And it sounds like it's part of the reason why they're not mending fences yet. - To what extent do you think that your determination to fight the tabloids destroyed the relationship with your family? - I think there's, yeah, that's certainly a central piece to it, but it's a hard question to answer because anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press. - What do you think of their decision not to fight in the way that you have? - I think everything that's played out has shown people what the truth of the matter is. For me, the mission continues. But it has, yes, it's caused as you say, part of a rift. - Well, that's interesting. - Totally makes sense. You know why? Do you remember what he said in the Netflix documentary? He called out the royal family in general for using the press as their PR machine, right? And so he said, they give them stories what he accused, what he and Meghan accused them of. He said, they'll give them stories to make themselves look good and they will throw someone else, in this case, Meghan, to the wolves and say, fine, do whatever stories you want, negative stories about Meghan, as long as you're gonna do this whatever story to make me look good. - But then on the other hand, he does say like they should join me in this fight against the media getting too involved in our lives and obviously like what you guys mentioned, this whole thing is stemming from the lawsuit that he won, which basically a judge found that his phone was hacked for media outlets to get information about him. But what's interesting about that is he never said the stories weren't true, he just doesn't like, it seems like he just doesn't like how they went about it. Obviously, he should never hack someone's phone. But so it's kind of confusing because he's saying-- - I think he's not even worrying himself about that. - Yeah, but the racity of it doesn't matter to him. - But he's blaming the tabloids for creating this rift, right? But at the same time, the stories aren't necessarily untrue. So it's kind of his own doing if he fills a certain way about his father or a certain way about his brother, which by the way, you can say the tabloids created a rift, but he also went on Oprah, let's not forget, and basically said the royal family was racist, which he later said, I never said that. The media said that, but then it's like if you go back and watch the interview, so it's very confusing. I feel like he has zero accountability. (static) - Hi, I'm Leela Pup from Tucson, Arizona. And I think it's a shame that the brothers can't come together and unite on this situation and this problem, because especially because of their mother and what they went through with the paparazzi. - Yeah, by the way, he does talk about Diana and the documentary as well, and invoked her name to say-- - And those are fair points. - She would join me in this fight. (upbeat music) If you are a euphoria fan, you are pretty happy at the news that they are going to actually shoot season three. This is the HBO show, Zendaya is the big name, but it's also other stars have come out of it. Sydney Sweeney, Jacob Elordi. - There are a lot of big stars coming out of this. - Yeah, it's actually a really good show, a very dark show, but good one. What was the hold up, everyone? It's been, what, a couple of years since the season two ended? Well, there's a story now that it is really about Zendaya and the creator and director Sam Levinson that they were going back and forth. And we've spoken to people involved here. This all seems pretty accurate. They were not getting along for two reasons. One, she was off doing some other movies, but also Sam Levinson was working on another show. And they had very strong feelings about each other. - And like you mentioned, Charles, he was working on a show called The Idol. It absolutely flopped, it started the weekend. And then Zendaya was also doing a lot of different movies. We know she was in Dune too, she was in Challengers. So now that that's all been a sad, they're apparently working very well together. Season three is supposed to be good, but it's interesting because these two initially were really close to each other, then they have this massive hiccup. So it's good to hear that they're back on us. So everything's fine right now, right? Okay, until they get on set in January, then we'll see what happens. - Hey y'all, my name is Candy from Dallas. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a huge euphoria fan, but I know that there's millions of people that are that have been waiting for this show to come back for what, three years now? I know everybody's a big roof fan. I was only a fan of the makeup, but I'm glad that the show is coming back. And everybody can get their fix with Rue and all that good stuff. And I'm glad they finally, you know, got a common ground. - What else do you guys want to talk about? - I'm back from Los Angeles, and I want to talk about Amber Heard, 'cause I know we've heard about this Amber Heard and Jocelyn fight for a while. And now that we're actually seeing it. - I think you, Amber Rose. - Amber Rose. - Amber Rose. - But if you have some footage of Amber Heard, Jocelyn fighting, we'd be interested. - Especially if there's a dog involved. - Yes, Amber Rose. But now actually seeing the fight, I get why BET cut it out, but I have a hot take. And I think that the timing of the leaked footage kind of relates to her supporting the RNC. And I think the timing of it is maybe to make her look bad. - Yeah, interesting, you might well be right. You might well be right. One more. - This is Sylvia from Dallas. And with all the things that have come out after the attempted assassination against former President Trump, it's just shocking that this was able to happen. But all we can be grateful for is the fact that more people weren't killed and more people weren't hurt during this. - Make no mistake about it, especially based on this documentary we're doing. This was a fiasco. This was a fiasco from the Secret Service. I'm telling you. (upbeat music) - This combines two things that we're both very interested in. You're rescuing animals? - Yes. - Me, Halle Berry. (laughing) - My particular Halle Berry topless. Because she's celebrating the 20th anniversary of Catwoman, as it turns out, one of her favorite movies. Though, as I remembered, it was pretty much panned when it came out. - I believe so. - But she is celebrating it. She had two rescue kiddies. And that's about it, then her mask. But she was topless at now. - She's gonna hear from J.D. Vans. - Oh, Catwoman. - Yeah, Cat Lady. - Except that she has daughter. - She does have kids. - Yeah, so. - But that didn't stop him with Pete Buttigieg. - Yes. - It didn't stop him there. - Oh, there's a whole other issue there. Anyway, happy birthday to Catwoman, Halle Berry. Keep celebrating all your movies this way. - And she is wearing way better than the movie. - Yes. - So congratulations, Halle. - And we'll see you tomorrow. (upbeat music)