TMZ Live

Kim Kardashian Issues Olive Branch To Taylor Swift?

On this episode of TMZ Live: President Biden's family discusses exit plan, Adidas apologizes for Bella Hadid Olympics shoe ad after backlash, Kyle Richards removes 'wife' from social media amid marriage troubles, and an alleged ghost floats in front of house where woman died.

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22 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

President Biden's family discusses exit plan, Adidas apologizes for Bella Hadid Olympics shoe ad after backlash, Kyle Richards removes 'wife' from social media amid marriage troubles, and an alleged ghost floats in front of house where woman died.

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(upbeat music) - Welcome to TMZ Live, Harvey Levin here. So there is a new report out, we have not confirmed it, but the report is that Joe Biden's family now is talking about an exit plan. That would be hugely significant because the most important person in Joe Biden's life is his wife, Jill. - Right, and if she is actually as NBC is reporting, having these conversations with other family members getting ready for Joe to drop out of the race, that makes you think that it is something he is strongly considering. What's interesting about this is that NBC also spoke to Joe Biden's campaign manager. She was on Morning Joe and she says he's staying in the race. And by the way, to kind of back that up, I can tell you, I know somebody who spoke to Joe Biden on Wednesday, so that is two days before where we are right now, but still, on Wednesday, this person spoke to Joe Biden and it's somebody Joe Biden would not be S. And Biden said, I am in this race to stay, he was resolute. So the question, are these reports accurate that the dam has broken? It certainly has in Congress, but has the dam broken to a point where he just can't sustain this anymore? - Well, there's someone who knows that the president well, the people around him, because he wrote a book that I think the book came out last year, but the title is probably more appropriate than ever. Chris Whipple's book is called The Fight of His Life Inside Joe Biden's White House. The Fight of His Life, 'cause that's what it feels like he's in right now. So joining us right now is the author, Chris Whipple. Welcome to TMZ Live. - Good to be with you, and we are in the middle of it, aren't we? - Yeah, we really are. So the situation seems to be this, the dam has burst. Five more Republicans, five more Congress people came out today saying Biden should withdraw, we know about Nancy Pelosi, we know about Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama. - Bernie was very open. - So yet he seems at least publicly steadfast that he is going to run. You've studied him, and I think personality matters as much as anything right now. So is his personality such that he can basically dismiss all these people and say, I know better, I've done it before? - So first of all, we're in a real crisis. There's no question about it. It's got to get resolved sooner rather than later. But yeah, I think Joe Biden is, as of now, I think he is dug in. And by the way, color me skeptical about a lot of this reporting that it's not, it's not a question of if, it's when, that the family's talking about exit strategies. I think there's a lot of sketchy reporting out there. There are only a few people in his inner circle, and they're not talking right now. So Joe Biden gets his back up famously. He carries a chip on his shoulder. He's always had this feeling that he was, he has been underestimated time after time after time. So he feels he's got something to prove. - We've heard this before that he wants to prove the doubters. One of the doubters that I'm really curious to get your take on is Barack Obama, because of their history and the fact that, Barack Obama very famously had suggested to him that he shouldn't run and that let Hillary run this time. And it seems like there's bad blood there. And we've heard that Barack Obama is not speaking to him about directly, about dropping out this time. - It's a complicated kind of fraught relationship. And it's really fascinating because on the one hand, they are very close. I mean, I think we all live through that period when Barack Obama took Joe Biden under his wing and consoled him when Bo was dying of brain cancer. He literally put a blank check on Joe's desk and said, "Fill it out if you need money for Bo's treatments." They'll always have that bond. But at the same time, there's some friction there. There's some resentment. So it's a fascinating but kind of fraught relationship. - This is a tough question to ask, but Biden is not as sharp as he once was. I think that's clear. Is it problematic because of that, that getting to him and explaining it to him is gonna be more difficult because his mental state, to some extent, is compromised. He seems to drift sometimes. And this would require real focus. And maybe he does have it, but at least we've seen moments where it wasn't there. And I'm wondering if what we've seen publicly over the last, I don't know, month or two makes this even more difficult for people to get to him and kind of explain this. - I doubt it, Harvey. I think that that's more a question of, you know, it's always been difficult. I wrote a book about the White House chiefs of staff called the gatekeepers. And the toughest thing that a White House chief has to do is tell the president what he doesn't wanna hear. That's not an easy thing to do with any president and maybe tougher with Joe Biden. So I don't think it's a question of Joe not being alert enough to process the bad news. I think it takes guts to tell him bad news. - Is somebody telling him within that inner circle do you think? - Well, that's always a huge question mark. I think that Jeff Zites has been a really good White House chief, he's an organizational genius, but I think he thinks of himself as more of a kind of a process guy, a guy who makes the trains run rather than somebody who tells Joe Biden what to do. There are others in his inner circle who can do that, but we just don't know to what extent they're leveling with him. - Do you think that the president has a plan to convince people around him? And I mean the elected officials who have been speaking out to convince them that they're better off sticking with him? - I don't know that he has a plan as such. I do think, you know, I've certainly been told that there's a kind of a tightening circle around Joe Biden. There isn't quite as much outreach to the Hill, not quite as much tending to those relationships as there might have been under Ron Kline, who was, you know, an excellent White House chief with great political antenna. So that could be contributing to the fact that he doesn't seem to have a lot of friends at the moment. - Walk me through this scenario if Biden decides to withdraw. And a lot of this does I guess have to do with his relationship with Kamala Harris, which I hear is, you know, depending on who you talk to, it's either okay or not great. But if that happens and she becomes the nominee, do you see, 'cause politically, it would sure make sense to me if he would say, look, I need to take care of my health. And he actually steps down, not under the same circumstances, but the way Richard Nixon did where the vice president assumes the presidency, and then the president has that stature. Could that ever happen in the Biden world? Do you see that at all? - Certainly a possibility. I do think that if there's a plan B, it's gotta be Kamala Harris. I just don't think you can deny the nomination to sub to the first black vice president in American history and expect your most valuable essential constituency to show up and vote for you. So it's gotta be Kamala. - Chris, I was actually curious if you'd seen the interview that the president did with BET News the other day, and I felt like there was something, he started to say something, and I immediately thought, boy, that's really gonna piss off Kamala Harris. He said, when I took this job, when I was elected, I always, this was always supposed to be a transition and that I would hand it over. But, and then he trailed off. I mean, what he was essentially saying, I took it as I can't hand it off because I don't believe that Kamala can do it or that she can win. - To me, it's fascinating because one of the things I learned in reporting my book, "The Fight of His Life" inside Joe Biden's White House, is that the thing that shocked Biden more than anything else about his presidency was the lasting power of Trumpism. He thought it would be in the rear view mirror by now. He thought he had seven million vote mandate and that this guy would take a hike. He hasn't gone anywhere. Trump is as powerful as ever. And I think that Biden, that shocked Biden and I think it made him rethink the whole idea of being a bridge to the next generation. But yeah, I could see how Kamala might not, you know, consider that a compliment. - If Trump did kind of go off into the wonder and another candidate, maybe a little more palatable, closer to the center, was the Republican nominee, would Joe Biden still be doing this saying, I want a second term? - Might not be, he might have stepped away, in my opinion. I mean, it's speculation, but I really genuinely think that he's running for re-election because he's surprised that Trump is still there and he thinks he's the guy to beat him. - That's really interesting, find out. Thank you so much for joining us. This is really, really interesting. We appreciate the time. - Thanks Chris. - Thanks for having him. - All right, really interesting. - Yeah. - What you got? - My gut is he's gonna stick, he's gonna stay in. - It's my gut too. - Yeah. (upbeat music) - Well, if Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift could actually end their feud and there's someone who could actually make that happen. - You think? - If, I said if, that person should probably be up for a Nobel Peace Prize. And Ivanka Trump, maybe inadvertently, has bridged the gap a little bit, but maybe not. We'll tell you what happened. So Ivanka's daughter celebrating her 13th birthday. So Ivanka, of course, posted some images from the party, including a cake. It was a very Taylor Swift-inspired cake. Obviously 13, you know, 13 is. - That's your favorite number. - But inside the cake, strawberries. - Yeah, and that's got all sorts of Taylor Swift significance, folks. - I mean, this whole birthday post was a Taylor Swift birthday post. And look, we know Ivanka Trump and Kim Kardashian are friends. So for Kim to comment on- - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Before you get into the comment, Charlie, explain the strawberry. - Well, in the Blankspace music video for Taylor Swift's song, she cuts through a cake. And this is the cake from the music video. And also on the cake, it says boys only want- Okay, I don't want to go ahead to say it. - Boys only want love, it's Fitz torture. It's hard not to sing, it's like Jason Derula. - No, that's torture, though. - Wow, thanks. - You're welcome. - So it's all Taylor Swift. Obviously, like you guys said, the 13, Taylor Swift's favorite number. And Kim Kardashian commented on this post, even though this had bug repellent all over it, Kim still came to the cake, like a little bug, not caring about the repellent, because she commented Happy Birthday Arabella, and she liked the post, she didn't need to like it. - Okay, then friends. - But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Kim is really good friends with Ivanka, right? They went to- - Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. - They went to get together for the show and did the whole thing with really good friends. - Yeah, she's now part of the inner circle. - And so if they're really good friends, and Ivanka is having a birthday party for her daughter, Kim has to look past the Taylor stuff. - She has to like it, she's not co-signing Taylor. - Nope, nope, she did not. She could easily be like, "Oh, it didn't come up on my feet." - Oh, please. - She could easily have done that, or she didn't have to like the post. Liking it means I like everything about this post. - Not Taylor. - Oh, no, it doesn't. - No, it doesn't. - No, it doesn't. - No, don't like it's just supporting your friends. - You don't want these women to be friends. - Okay, Charlie, there's a bit of it. - These steps here. - Charlie, Charlie, suppose you're right. Suppose you're right. Taylor Swift holds grudges. And I think Kim kind of did her dirty over the whole Kanye thing with the secret recording and the editing of the audio and everything else. And Taylor has said, "I demand an apology." Kim refuses to give one, so you could like a cake. But until she apologizes, that ice will never thaw. - It's an olive branch, Harvey. This isn't olive branch, Kim is no longer with Kanye, right? This whole beef that they have, Kanye was at the center of it. She's not with him anymore, she doesn't owe him anything. And look, maybe she won't apologize. And maybe Taylor is at a point where she's okay with the idea, I'm not going to get an apology. Plus, everybody was posting at the era's tour, except for the Kardashians they didn't know. - You think so. - You think they're older? - Hold on, hold on, hold on. - Hold on, hold on. - Exactly, hold on, here's the thing. The other thing is that Taylor Swift has to even see any of this. And what makes us think that Taylor Swift is looking at an Ivanka Trump post. It's not like Taylor Swift is-- - But even if she hears about it. - I agree, but I think she's not going to hear about it and she's not going to-- - Everybody has done the story. Even if Taylor didn't catch this on her timeline or whatever, everyone's done the story in the media. It's big news this morning, Kim liked a post that had Taylor Swift written all over it. I'm sure Taylor has seen it and been like, "Oh, interesting." I'm sure Taylor's worried about her next time. - So why isn't she forgiven Jo Allyn? Because she holds Brudges, she holds Brudges. Or Jake Gyllenhaal, what about Jake Gyllenhaal? - I mean-- - And we can go on. - John Mayer, Matty Ealy. - Matty Ealy, yeah. - It's a little different when you had a bad breakup versus kind of a person that did you dirty in the past, but maybe now you forget, you forget. - Hi, this is Tolly in Indianapolis. I think the simple solution would be for Kim to apologize, but at this point, I would understand if she didn't want to apologize or if she even cared any longer, because her and Kanye haven't been together in years. I think that Taylor, on the other hand, she probably does want an apology from Kim, but I think at this point, it's time to move on. - She's not gonna move on. She's not gonna move on. She says she moved to London for a year. She was in isolation because of all of this. She ain't moving on. No, we're gonna move on. - Yes, to Edwin Castro, you know that name, because he's the guy. - Love this guy. - He won $2 billion in the Powerball a couple years ago. - And you know what, the guy gets who wins that lottery that way? He gets the girl. - He gets the girl. - You always get the girl. And Edwin Castro is now, I guess, as the kids say, Instagram official, with his model girlfriend. Now, he's not posting anything, but in fact, he's deleted all of his social media. But she is very proudly. - Oh, yeah. - 'Cause they had a big night out in Hollywood and a very exclusive club that, well, solo house. - I mean, if you're a billionaire, it's probably not all that exclusive. - I mean, like you said, Charles, that's kind of interesting because once he won the money, obviously deleted his social media, we really don't know too much about him besides the fact that he has an insane house and a ton of money. - Beautiful house. - Every once in a while, the paparazzi will get shots of him, but I looked into Peyton. So, Peyton is a-- - I did, yeah, Peyton is his girlfriend, right? - Research, yeah, Peyton. So, she's a model, but also interestingly enough, she's a poet. So, kind of an interesting combo. I haven't read any of her poetry, but the other interesting-- - Oh, that's also shocking. - But you look at her picture. - That's right. - Well, you look into her modeling portfolio. - I just haven't had time to look into the poetry, but the other thing that's interesting is, we haven't seen Edwin, you know, like any celebrity connections, which sometimes when people get a ton of money, you know, they use that to get access. Peyton, ton of celebrity access, has photos with flavor-flaved. She was at Kanye West Vulture's listening party. She's backstage with Diplo, so I don't know how much to take about that, but-- - Edwin's taken into the Hollywood world. - Like this? - That and the $2 billion. By the way, that's the photo of them in the car, that's his new Porsche. - This guy is-- - It's only two men. - Because he does winning right. I mean, there are so many of these lottery winners, you know, they'll buy their mom a house or do whatever, and then all of a sudden they go broke 'cause they've blown the money and everything else. This guy is living, immediately living like a rock star, and he bought this, he bought a house that Leo DiCaprio would love to have in the Hollywood hills. It's beautiful. - Pretty hard to blow a billion dollars. - I know, but he figured out just how to live, even though he never had a lifestyle near that. He figured it out like that. - Different. - Hat top. - Listen, a lot of people from Phoenix, Arizona, I'm gonna keep it real, bro. And when you kinda sent back the male gender 150 years with this right here, I'm not gonna lie. And if he wasn't with you, when you was flying for the tickets, he shouldn't be with you in the first place. Everybody end up getting all this money, and yeah, we gotta upgrade our lifestyle, but why is the first thing people wanna do is go get this model girlfriend and all this? Go kick it with somebody that was with you in high school, somebody you knew, somebody you worked with. - But the problem is, he was single when he wanted. So, you know, anybody who comes along, that's gonna be in it. - It's like, why does he do it? It's sort of like a dog doing, you know what? Because he can. (laughing) (upbeat music) - Big moment at the RNC in Milwaukee last night, obviously former President Trump had his acceptance speech that went, it was like a movie. I mean, the whole thing. - It literally was as long as a movie. - Well, the beginning looked like a movie. - Yes, oh gosh, with the lights. - The lights, the whole thing. And then he spoke for an hour and a half, so definitely felt like a movie. And the big finish that everyone wanted to see involved the first lady. - Can I just say, before you say that, I found it fascinating, 'cause everybody was talking about-- - That she wasn't sitting there. - Where's Melania? Where's Melania? And he shows up in the family box, and he's sitting without her. And we haven't seen him with her in a long, long time. And he leaves, and once he's gone, she comes over and sits down. - Yeah, it definitely seemed. - So it was like they didn't want to sit together. And so everybody's wondering what is-- - Well, we were wondering whether or not she was gonna actually be on stage with him, with the whole family, and she was. But, man, talk about an awkward moment when they finally came together. - It's-- - Yeah. - I mean, look at that, he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. - It's like, wow, she actually did come down. And then the kiss, it's almost like-- - She just gave him cheek. - He was like, go ahead, you can kiss him. - I thought she was trying to rip the bandage off. I mean, seriously, when you look at, look, I mean, play that again. I mean, watch it, she's leaning over at him. It's weird. - Does she get credit for kissing him here? - I say no. I mean, he definitely kissed her. - That's a weird, is she talking to him? - He's talking to her, and then he gives her the kiss on the cheek. - Yeah. - Did he ask permission? He's like, all right, well, he didn't ask permission. - I was so hoping that the microphone was gonna pick up the conversation. - Oh, yeah, oh, God, yeah. - But he did it, unfortunately. I think, yeah, I look, everyone was looking at this. Everyone was looking at this. Everyone wanted to see what they would be like. We never see Melania Trump, like you've said. This was the first time I have seen her in months, if not more, and at least she showed up for him. She held his hand. She held his hand. - Wow, that was a low bar, Mike. You're just like, yeah, that's kind of the way it was. And then people were saying last night that she is not gonna be a present first lady the way we've seen other first ladies. That's just not her thing. - No, she, I mean, she did it around the first time around. I'm sure she's going, I don't wanna do this. - That's right. - I mean, she was reluctant the first time. - No. - So we should say one thing. That usually the highlight of any convention is when the president accepts the nomination. - Right, the candidate. - In fact, the candidate. Last night, if Trump was the star, he got a run for his money. - Yeah, and he might've just, maybe he went too big with the people he invited. Because when you invite Hulk Hogan, you know you're gonna get a show. And he kind of stole a spotlight with his time on stage. - He was the Hulkster. - What happened last week when they took a shot at my hero? (crowd cheering) And they tried to kill the next president of the United States. Oh, no, was enough. And I said, let Trumpomania run wild, brother. Let Trumpomania roll again. Let Trumpomania make America great again. - Boy, that's actually the loudest applause of the night, even during Trump's speech. - Did you realize that was the loudest to your evil body? - This is a guy who might be the most polarizing person to ever exist in Donald Trump. He was speaking for the first time since nearly being assassinated. And you've got, like most people talking about Hulk Hogan today. By the way, the Trump campaign has sent out emails. They are selling that tank top there. - Oh, is that right? - Yeah, you've got to make it like that. - Well, here's the thing about the tank top. That wasn't by accident. - Well, also, he's having a little trouble doing what he used to do there. - Yeah, he's like 70 now. (both laughing) - Yeah, you're laughing now. Would you tell him that to his face? - Absolutely not. - Hi, Jonathan from Shenandoah. I kind of think that what Malenia did to Donald Trump was really embarrassing. It's like, he leaned in for a kiss. She weaved in it. And it doesn't really look like she gave him a kiss. It looked like she kind of whispered something in his ear or whatever it was. It wasn't good and definitely couldn't be Luffy. But yeah, that's actually pretty crazy. - Yeah, it was felt awkward for sure. Okay, we are going to take a break. When we come back, Adidas jumping into the Olympics with an ad that is so tone deaf and they are getting blown up for it, involving Bella Hadid. When we come back, we will show you the ad that they put out with her and why it was probably the dumbest thing they've done since I don't know, getting in bed with Kanye West. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Welcome back to TMZ Live, you know, in the tease I mentioned Kanye West. And Adidas is still recovering from that whole fallout with Kanye West. You know that they lost a lot of money after they parted ways with Kanye, but this is not the move they needed to make. They decided to do a retro shoe. With the Olympics coming up, they wanted to do something marketing back to the 1972 Olympics. - The Munich Olympics. - Right, and they were hired at the Munich Olympics, right? - Well, we'll get to that in a moment. - But they hired, as you saw Bella Hadid, makes sense, right? You get a very popular model, one who's also very popular in social media, so that way you get more bang for your buck. - And I'm gonna disagree with, we'll get to that in a second. It's part of this. It is so part of this. You know, go ahead. - No, go ahead, I'm sorry that you were offended that I decided to tell the story that way. - No, I'm not offended, but I'm just saying it's so-- - No, but you have to, okay, go ahead. - No, and you go ahead. - Go to the history lesson first. You see, normally the way we like to do things is we tell you what's new, and then we give you the older stuff. But we want to do it a little differently today. - It's tied together, see we're having a little argument here. - Yeah, no, no. - It's like, this is where the Israeli athletes were murdered. We're slaughtered. - Palestinian, and our wrists, during the Munich games, kidnapped 13 athletes. - I'm held them hostage. - And so my point is, that's what you think of, when you think of the Munich Olympics, right? I think. I mean, it overshadows-- - I think you and I do. - There is no question that the most indelible part of the 1972 Olympics was the abduction and murder of 11 Israeli athletes. That is the takeaway message. And for Adidas to run this campaign and not know that Bella Hadid's views on the Palestine-Israel conflict, to me, doesn't pass the spell. - Oh, I think you're so wrong. I think you're so wrong. - Does not pass the spell test. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - And they won in this controversy. - No, no, no, no, there's no way they wanted it. - No, they couldn't want-- there's no way they would want that particular controversy. I don't know. Okay, okay, okay. - There are so many mamas to select. - Okay, mamas to select and they selected a Hadid who has been outspoken on these issues last time. - Let me give you my take. The marketing department. I feel so strongly about this. I think what happened is the marketing department at Adidas said, let's pay homage to the 72 Olympics. Now, we know what happened there where the Israelis were murdered. So what we need to do is get on both sides of the issue so we're not offending one side because if we look pro-Israeli, we're gonna piss off all the other people. So let's bring both sides in and then we'll please everybody. I know that sounds nuts because the pleases nobody. - Right. - But I know it that you think that that was-- - I think that's actually what happened. - That was their attention. - Yeah, did hire her, right. - For a reason. - It was intentional then to choose Bela Hadid for her views. It was an intentional view. - That's what I mean. - Maybe test the win or have both sides of the issue. - It's not testing the win. It's having both sides. - I gotta tell you something. And I know what you're saying about the 72 Olympics. I agree, Derek clearly agrees. I'm gonna tell you guys, and I just know this from when we posted the story and the conversation in our newsroom, there is a whole generation of people who don't think of the 72 Olympics as that. They don't, they just don't know it. They don't know the story. - But enough do. I know what you're saying. - And enough do. - But enough do that it percolates. - I wish back on that there was a movie by Steven Spielberg about this called Munich. The whole movie is about this abduction that current generations have seen. I think people know more than you think. - As to people around you. - That's what I went through yesterday. - But you're right. But what I'm saying is it percolates. Enough people know that it becomes an issue. And I think they knew it wasn't gonna become an issue. And stupidly, I think, they thought, oh, we'll just put both sides in this thing together. - And that will answer all the criticism. - So I think that's, I think they picked her for that reason. - It didn't. And they have now had to issue an apology for the ad because the backlash was immediate, because there were enough people, like you said, who did absolutely know it. I just, I don't know, there's, they didn't offer really an explanation as for why they did it. They just apologize. - What do you think of my theory? - It holds some water. - I think the theory sounds pretty good, Harvey, actually. - I will admit, it sounds like they did it intentionally to have both sides in a backfire. - Well, you don't have to admit it like, move. - I mean, it's very grudging. I don't like to admit these things. - Hi, I'm Lukasha, Orlando, Florida. And I would like to say Adidas, they did take accountability and they took actions by submitting an apology. - Yeah, but it was stupid. But, but the marketing department goes, so everyone's talking about her ad. - Yeah, maybe, but that's the way they're gonna try to explain it to the boss. - That's right. - I'm going to get called in. Hey, look how many impressions we got. Look how many impressions we got. - All right. - Okay, we're moving on. - All right, Kyle Richards and a big change on her social media, something that is not there anymore under her description of herself, wife. She has removed that. - Why pray tell? - Well, it is interesting that it was noted, it used to say mom wife actor, that wife thing really should have been a strange wife for several months now, because we know that she and Kyle, sorry, that Kyle and Mauricio have been separated since late last summer. - Oh, they're getting divorced. - And we know that they're getting divorced. He's moved out and moved on to answer your question as to why this would happen now. Well, we showed you that Mauricio is over in Micanos with a companion. - These photos were taken today. We've spoken to people that saw them. They were hanging out in a private cabana together. They were all over each other. We were told they were kissing. They were holding hands at one point. At another point, they were standing closer to the ocean and they were actually taking selfies together. That's actually what you see in these photos. So in the photo where they're not looking at the camera. - Are they at a hotel or resort? - Yeah, they're at a beach club. Apparently it's one of the most private exclusive beach clubs there, it's called Scorpios. - But there are other people out. - Yes, clearly he's not hiding this. - He's not hiding this. - No. - I mean, they're not hiding this, which is weird because Kyle seems to be reacting to the photos, but Mauricio isn't hiding. - Are we sure that she just took wife off or is it that someone just noticed it, someone went and looked after these photos came out? - No, she definitely took it off. We've been comparisons from the day before and then-- - Oh, the day before, okay, correct. - She didn't take it off her Twitter, but who's using Twitter these days, really? The other thing that I have to say here, and we've talked about this guys, is they have been separated from our understanding for so long now. And clearly, I think the Kyle removing wife from her bio is a little bit of her trying to send a message of maybe she might be irritated, but how can she be irritated when clearly they're done? - Clearly this is the final straw for Kyle Richards, and I feel like these days changing your relationship status on your social media profile might as well be an official of divorce filing. - I mean, it's all legal, I did the same thing. - You're on, it's all legal, look at my Instagram. - Yeah, eventually that's what's gonna happen. You're on, we're not an Instagram, we don't follow each other, oh, divorce granted. (upbeat music) - Wow, we've got a lot of money to follow today. This is, I don't wanna say that this was perfect timing for us to have Damon on, because we always have Mon once a week to follow the money, but what happened with this global outage is it's just causing-- - And it's worldwide chaos. - It's frightening, look at this line, this morning. - You have the, you have the major airlines all stopping everything, full ground stop, banks are not open, and the banks can't work, you can't go to your ATM. - It's affected all sorts of, and it's one update. - A Microsoft update, one update. - But an update from the company that got corrupted. - But the company that was supposed to be keeping all of these networks safe, they were in the process of doing that, they put in an update, and it ends up bombing tanks, everything. - Wow. - World, what a mess. So, there are things that are happening that could affect your money, if you are not careful, so our buddy Damon John is here to follow the money on this global catastrophe. Damon, what say you? Uh-oh. - What are you eating? What are you eating? - That is a lot more jerky, I'm living off the land because I am officially a prepper now because of things like this. - You do have sort of a Mad Maxi kind of look there with the Scars and the Macs backpacking. - I'm ready to live off the land. - So, this shows us how connected we are, whether it's a boat in Maryland, hit the bridge, whether it's a boat gets stuck in the canal, or whether it is an update. I don't believe it's an update, this is a top cybersecurity company, they're never gonna say that they were hacked, but look at the effect. I see right now, 23,000 flights globally were delayed, but with almost 3,000 in America and 1,200 canceled, that's all before 9 AM. The banking system was down, telecommunication. So, we're in it, and by the way, for all the travelers out there, buying the administration to pass the law that if your fight was canceled for any reason, you have the right to a full refund just so you're aware of that. But this shows, and Robert on my show is one of the top 10 cybersecurity experts in the world, this shows how you have to be prepared for situations like this because they're going to be disruptions. And right now, we don't know how severe the disruptions are. We're told that things are back online, but what about hospitals and or various things that depend on this technology for life-saving equipment and barriers? I think I don't know what that is, but so many industries were affected. This is where people have to be prepared and understand that you may need to be disrupted for a week, two days, but what are you doing that time because we are super dependent? - One of the side effects of this outage today, the fact that the banks, I mean, you could look at it and say, "Oh, you can't use your ATM," but what we've heard now that scammers are using this as an opportunity to reach out to people and they can use the outage as a cover, right? For a story and say, "Oh, you have to give us whatever information 'cause we're trying to get back online." - That's really true. - I do think you have to make sure that you touch on a very, very valid point. You should never give away your security any information online, but with the fact of AI, I can actually imitate or clone my voice and call my mother and say, "Ma, I'm really in a jam right here. I need money." So I don't care if you have $5 or $5 billion in a bank. You should have code words and or names. Like if my family calls and I say, and they be like, "How do I know it's you?" Give me the code, I go, "I hate Kevin O'Leary." Okay, there you go. That's the code, we know that it's actually you. You should actually have codes like we all have done without children. Hey, if somebody comes to pick you up, say the code. That's important because especially our elders and various other people, they won't be up to speed with all of this disruption, but if you do certain things like that, and I'm sure there's plenty of books out there that say simple things to protect your family in cases like codes and other things like that, and we have to be very conscious. This is just another example on how connected we are and how vulnerable we are at any given moment. - And that's what I was thinking about last thing, is that when I grew up and when I was an adult, there were no cell phones, there was no internet, and I feel looking back now. - Grandpa moment. - It's not a grandpa moment. I feel that I was way more self-sufficient than I am now being tied to electronics that I have no control over, and now look at them and say they're so vulnerable, it can up end my life. So in a way, I'm starting to think you're better. I'm really starting to think maybe you conduct your life in a way where you're no longer as dependent when you see this kind of vulnerability, seriously. - I'd be very honest, I still have a hard line on one of my phones, and I didn't do that consciously because I'm a prepper, I just, I thought it was funny and I never got rid of it, and that sucker still works. I still write a lot of stuff down on paper and I put it in the safe so that in the event I can't get to my phone or I take snapshot of it. I take old credit cards and billing statements and I still keep one or two of them in the safe so that I have that number filed away. So I'm going, oh wait a minute, I can't go to mine to find my accounts. Here is a hard receipt of the number. So a lot of these things don't have to cost you any money. It just has to cost you a little bit of time and energy to think about what do we do with the things that we have in our lives. Now, you can go as far in the prepper world as saying, well, you're going to need Bitcoin and crypto because when the banks are down, you got to be able to trade with people. I can't even get into that. You'll go down a rabbit hole, that's fine. But as of right now, you're talking hard, you're talking to basics. You know, an old satellite phone is going to work. You know, but an old hard line is still going to work. They're not going to break. They're not going to bust down the hard lines. They're going to interrupt what they can in the cloud like you've seen just what happened today. Absolutely. Wow. All right, thanks, Damon. All right, we got some video in that I don't have an explanation, but I will say that I've watched it multiple times this morning trying to figure out what it could possibly be. So maybe you can help us out. This is ring camera footage from a home south of LA in the Long Beach area. See on the left side there? Something drifts in. Now, kind of seems like an old Casper, the ghost kind of image, right? But there's a light above it. I'm not talking about the big starlight thing there. That's just a street light. But below that, there's another light that's like floating. So I don't know if they're connected. You see the light right there. Move toward the light, huh? Yeah. Go toward the light. Go toward the light. Please go toward the light. The story here is that the house that it's happening in front of is why people in the neighborhood think this might be a ghost. Somebody died there. That's right. A woman who was living at that house, which by the way, we've confirmed. We know the address of that house. We looked up the address of that house. And there was, in fact, a woman who recently died this year, at the beginning of this year, who was listed as an owner of that address. We're hearing she might have passed from cancer. But the angle that you guys have up on the screen there, if people go to the website, they can actually see if you look here, it's zoomed in. You see this apparition floating above the truck, and it like hovers, and it goes left and right. Like, something is, in fact, moving there. And I don't know if you guys are spiritual people. I don't know if you guys actually believe in ghosts, or soul, or whatever. But Long Beach is known to be a haunted area. It is famously the location of the Queen Mary. All right, hold on, no. Maybe. Maybe Ian's right. All of Long Beach is not all of Long Beach, but they're all of Long Beach's haunted. Hold on, there are all of those. You think all those goodies can stay on the ship? They travel outside the ship. The Queen Mary is a big thing with all of her acting like Long Beach is a huge city. I understand. You guys are going to say the entire city is haunted because of the whole city. We didn't say the whole city. But there are reports. Oh, my God. There are reports. There are reports of all of Long Beach. Okay. It happened to me. All I know is if you want to go look at the video for yourself and get an up close look, go to the site, you can see the clip, and you'll see exactly what we're talking about. There is, in fact, something moving in that video. There is. It's unexplainable. And by the way, if you want to even see more of these weird phenomenon, we have a new show, TMZ Studios. It's a new show called Strange and Suspicious. It is on selected markets around the country, including LA, New York, Miami, Troy, Phoenix, Minneapolis, Seattle, and others. You can check your local listings, but it's Strange and Suspicious Monday through Friday. Hey, I'm Mike. I'm from Ohio. I just wanted to say that I believe in ghosts, and I am definitely down to watch a TMZ celebrity ghost hunting show. You guys got to do that. That'd be awesome. I like that. Do we just get a Strange and Suspicious spinoff already? Thank you for that. Thank you. We did. Boy, Andrea Bachelli really knows how to throw a party. He's got a ton of celebrities over in Italy for his 30 years of music celebration. We showed you already. We knew that Will Smith and Johnny Depp were going to be there. And Johnny played. Yeah. Johnny was on stage. Will was on stage. He didn't perform music, but he was on stage for part of the ceremony. Ed did play for us, I didn't expect. Now, there was a moment off stage where Ed and Will got to have a share a little time, and Ed turns out he's a big, big fan of the Fresh Prince. That is fantastic. My first ever Finnegan player. That's crazy. So his as Fresh or Prince? His as Prince. He has a friend. But it's in the same font, and Ed is a friend that says Fresh. A friend has Fresh, so when they're together, they put their arms together like this. Not my thing, but his thing. Not my thing either. Don't even think about it. Let's leave Monday. Have a good weekend. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)