TMZ Live

Kim Kardashian Details Horrible Broken Fingers Accident

On this episode of TMZ Live: Trump rally gunman spotted on roof 20 minutes before shooting, Shannen Doherty's divorce finalized after her death, Alec Baldwin plans to sue prosecutor & sheriff over 'Rust' case, and Kim Kardashian details 'horrible' accident that left her with broken fingers.

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19 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

Trump rally gunman spotted on roof 20 minutes before shooting, Shannen Doherty's divorce finalized after her death, Alec Baldwin plans to sue prosecutor & sheriff over 'Rust' case, and Kim Kardashian details 'horrible' accident that left her with broken fingers.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. [rooster crows] Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. [upbeat music] Welcome to TMZ Live, Harvey Levin here. Charles, here. There has been a battle cry among law enforcement over the way Secret Service handled last Saturday. And now there are shocking reports that 20 minutes before Donald Trump was shot and one man was killed, two others injured, Secret Service spotted Thomas Crooks on the roof where he ended up firing. Right. We've shown you the diagram, we've shown you where the Secret Service countersnipers were positioned and we'd said all along, they clearly had to be able to see this guy. And they did 20 minutes before. Now as for why nothing happened when they saw him, well, that's the reason for the investigation. And the Secret Service has not said anything definitively yet, but there is this now report that the countersnipers there did see him. We knew that their scopes were more than powerful enough to see him and be able to see. And look, there was a line of sight here going both ways that the snipers who were behind Donald Trump had a clear view of that rug and Crooks had a clear view of Donald Trump. Here is the wrinkle, I guess, and this is what we'll have to shake out in the investigation. The Secret Service has said definitively that they believe that building and they say it actually was the way they planned it that was under the jurisdiction of local police. And there was a report out today that local police were actually in that building, but not on the roof. We do know that a local police officer did engage with Crooks moments before he opened fire. Radioed and radioed and the Secret Service heard this radio that there was a guy with a gun on the roof. And so that was transmitted over a radio that Secret Service had access to, but they didn't do anything. The question to me is what went wrong in the response to them knowing that someone was there and then hearing that radio communication. Just to recap, not only did they see him on the roof for 20 minutes talking about seeing him on the roof with a gun, but remember about an hour before that or around that same time, he had been seen near the rally grounds, like they had seen him, there was a report out saying that he had a rangefinder, meaning that's what you use to like scope how far something is. He's literally looking around in a rangefinder. The snipers are looking at him in their scope and he's looking right back at them in the rangefinder. So they're both looking at each other and then they're saying, hey, there's a guy in the ground that looks suspicious. He scatters and then there's video now that shows Thomas lurking around the grounds on the outskirts of the rally. So he's lurking around the grounds. He eventually gets him on the roof. They have eyes on him for 20 minutes and you guys are asking the right question, which is why was he allowed to get on the roof and fire a shot at Donald Trump before somebody took him out? That's what's stunning to me. But Fabian, they did have eyes on him, but they took eyes off him. They lost him. In other words, when he was at the magnetometer and they said he was a suspicious guy and they were looking at him for a period of time, they stopped looking at him. They lost him knowing that it's a suspicious guy. But why do they allow Donald Trump and other speakers onto the stage once they see him? Why wouldn't you just say, hey, hold, hold everyone off the stage? Hold everyone off the stage until we figure out who this guy is. Even if they thought he was connected to 100% and when Donald Trump got up there, when that radio call came in, yeah, it's one thing to shoot the sniper or to shoot the would be assassin, but at the very least, yank Donald Trump off the stage or push him down to the ground. That's the part of the response I don't get. How did that not happen? It's so clearly a failure in security, Secret Service. Speaking of Secret Service, the director of the Secret Service, it's a woman named Kimberly Sheedle, she was at the RNC yesterday in Milwaukee and she was getting hounded by lawmakers. I think like Marcia Blackburn and other senators were literally following her through the hallways like asking her, how could you let this happen? And it's all on video. It's crazy. Yeah, it was kind of around at one point. And I got to say, the scrutiny is warranted and the more we learn every single day of how it's shocking. This was handled. It's shocking. And frankly, it warrants her resigning. She needs to step down. It's that bad. I got to tell you, Fabian, we're doing a documentary and I just interviewed a former Secret Service agent who was part of a presidential detail and he went scorched earth on her and just said this woman should absolutely resign from this, that everything went wrong here. And also the way it's been handled since has been appalling. But if you think about it, that a lot of presidents who leave office kind of retreat into kind of a semi-private life, about Donald Trump, so this is more like handling a president. Yet, they took a building in the line of sight, 147 yards away with a direct aim at Trump and they let it go unmanned and it is unbelievable that this happened and why they didn't see him, why they didn't push Trump down, why they didn't remove him from the stage. And by the way, this guy also gets into which Secret Service agents are protecting him and the whole thing about women, he said, look, if Trump is six, three, you don't want somebody five, six protecting him because it doesn't provide adequate protection. So this guy went absolute scorched earth on the way Secret Service handled this. I'm delay 518 here and honestly, I'm looking at this situation in a couple of angles here because if you have the Secret Service and then you have the regular town's police and they're both supposed to be responsible looking after Trump, it could have been political things to where the Secret Service wanted to let the police do their job and just kind of didn't take the threat serious because he also may have looked like an unthreatening man, maybe it would have never went as far as it did. I think it could have been anyone's fault in this situation because if he was very well spotted before this all happened, he should have been stopped from the jump. So I don't think anyone here was just doing their job on the police side and the Secret Service but the Secret Service should always go ten times harder no matter what. We've really gotten into it here it is, I mean, I understand why people are going all conspiratorial here. Right. Because it's so shocking. I'm the last person to believe in conspiracy theories but this is weird. It's weird. Okay. We're going to move on. Yes. To some real shocking news from Alec Baldwin, at least I find it shocking that he is strongly considering legal action against the prosecutors there in Santa Fe County after his case was dismissed and also he's considering going after the Santa Fe sheriff, the sheriff's department for their investigation. Now you know that the reason that the case was dismissed was because of the way the misconduct of the evidence that the Santa Fe sheriff's department collected and then how it was filed at the behest of the special process. They hit it from Alec Baldwin's defense team by saying take this live ammo that was found, let's not put it in the rust file which would be available to the defense, let's just put it in a different file. And the defense didn't know anything about it until at some point right before the dismissal, apparently they found out. And when the judge looked in that envelope and saw this it was a dramatic, by the way, putting the evidence in the whole thing, I mean that is a burden, it's a moment. So now Baldwin is saying essentially I believe what he's talking about is filing a malicious prosecution lawsuit against the prosecutor and the sheriff. Yeah, it looks that way, it must be what he's talking about a malicious prosecution action. Obviously as we know Harvey can be exceptionally hard to prevail in malicious prosecution cases. In order for the to do it, he would have to show, he'd have the burden to show that not only did they conceal evidence, but that, but for the concealment of evidence, it would have undermined the original finding of probable cause to charge him in the first place. And based on what we know here, it doesn't seem that the concealment of this specific live ammo, this evidence they later disclosed, I'm not sure that that would have gotten to the point of undermining the prosecution. Let me make Alex Baldwin's case, Jason, and tell me what you think. His case is not just about that ammo. His case is number one, you charged me initially based on a law that wasn't even in effect at the time of the shooting and you know better than that and you dragged me through the mud and you ended up having to dismiss it because you knew you couldn't charge me on that law. Then they go back, charge him again and say, well now we have proof that you pulled the trigger even though the FBI damaged that weapon during the testing, which then compromised the whole process and that you've got the sheriff's department inviting NBC News in to watch strategy sessions. So you were basically trying to get all that, because all that come into play here is really just about, oh no, no, all of it comes into play. It would, actually the third element of a claim for malicious prosecution is you must show an intent by the prosecution to actually conceal the evidence for the purpose of limiting your ability to defend yourself. So there is an element of intent there and all the points you just raised Harvey's show that the prosecutor had it out for Alec Baldwin unquestionably and you do have that element of intent. It's all going to come down to whether or not Baldwin could show, could accurately plead and convince a jury that, but for the concealment of that evidence, he never should have been charged in the first place. That's what it's going to hinge. Harvey from Boston, and it just seems like Alec Baldwin has been going through it for a long time. I mean, this whole thing has gone on for quite a while and it was just one second that changed so much for him. So we're really hoping for the best for him and maybe that this can come to an end. Yeah. The reason I found it surprising is you thought he would just, I thought he would just want to be done with this, right? I did too. I'm not sure that's going to happen, but it hasn't filed the lawsuit yet. It's safer rattling at the very least. The soap opera behind President Biden and the push by a lot of Democrats and Democratic fundraisers and now a growing number of politicians for him to drop out of the race, the plot just thickened in that soap opera because one of the people joining the chorus is former President Barack Obama and there is a whole drama formerly Bromance and now drama between himself and President Biden and the fact that Barack Obama is telling people that he thinks Biden should drop out is a very interesting turn. The person who uncovered that story, Tyler Pager from The Washington Post and he is joining us right now. Tyler, welcome to TMZ Live. Hi, Tyler. Hey. Thanks so much for having me. We so appreciate it. But I'm so fascinated by your report because of the history here that Joe Biden, it seems like Obama was tiptoeing around all of this because of all the drama back in 2015 when Obama urged Biden not to run, which created some bad blood. So the fact that he's coming out now, I think, is like a seismic change. Do you agree? Yeah, so the former President Barack Obama is still being very careful with his words and not explicitly saying Biden needs to drop out. But it is telling allies in private conversations that Biden's path to victory has greatly diminished in recent weeks as well as, you know, questioning the viability of his candidacy, his ability to win. This is the concern we've heard from many other Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Jeffries. But one of the reasons Obama is being very careful about how he phrases this, what he's saying and the specific words he uses is because of that history. As you said, Obama, you know, was very clear. He did not think Biden should run in 2016. There was, you know, a lot of debate within Biden's circle later if he could have be in Trump, then, and Obama has told friends and allies that he's very concerned about the President, his legacy, and sees his role as a sounding board and says, you know, it is Biden's decision alone whether or not he's going to drop out and has downplayed his ability to significantly influence that ultimate decision. Tyler, do you think for the reasons that you laid out in your story that Harvey just brought up that I understand why Barack Obama is not saying this to Biden's face at this point? Do you think that that's what would be needed? I mean, up to this point, even with the COVID diagnosis, you know, President Biden's still in the race, if Barack Obama were to speak to him directly, and are there people Democrats who are saying that, suggesting that to Barack Obama when he says, I'm not sure if he has this path that he can win, why wouldn't people say to him, well, you should talk to him about that? I think there are many Democrats who have pined for Obama to directly intervene and make very clear that they feel he does not have a path or the path has greatly diminished. But I think what's important here is that Biden or Obama himself is saying, look, even, you know, I can't say anything that's going to make him make this decision. I think in part, largely because of what happened in 2015, 2016, when Obama encouraged Biden not to run and was a key player in that process, I think this is a decision that Biden is going to make with a very small circle of people, some very long time close advisors and his family. And Obama is not going to be a critical player in that ultimate decision because of their history. And Obama knows that. And I think that's part of the reason he's been very careful about the words that he uses in these conversations about Biden's path forward. I want to go one step further and be a little more cynical than even Machiavellian here, that you mentioned the small circle around Joe Biden. There is a self-preservation issue that if Biden withdraws, they lose a job and they lose a lot of power. And so if Obama with all the history went directly to Joe Biden, that could backfire because then the small circle could say, that's the guy who told you not to run back then. And he's trying to torpedo you again so it could actually work against what Obama is trying to do, would you think? Yeah, there's some people that joke that Obama, you know, if Obama called Biden and said drop out, he would just say, okay, thanks and like end the conversation there because they have that history. I think, you know, there's, it's a much more complicated relationship than it's all just based in 2015, 2016. Obviously, Obama and Biden have met at the White House throughout the course of his presidency. Obama has been a champion of Biden. I think all of those things are important to note, but it is a very complicated relationship as well. I think the chances are at this point, this is being totally cynical. But when we heard yesterday that the COVID that he was diagnosed with COVID, that it sort of opened a door, is it a, like gives him a cover, gives him an excuse to say, I'm going to step out of the race at this point. I think the COVID diagnosis on its own would drive him out of the race. But I think we have seen many signs over the past few weeks since the Atlanta debate. Four members of Congress calling him to drop out challenges with fundraising, more polling, showing the difficult path ahead. I think a lot of it is coming to the head and the COVID diagnosis has obviously changed what he's doing. He was supposed to be out campaigning and he had to cut that short. He has a slew of travel scheduled for next week. That seems unlikely given the state of, of his health. So I think there's a lot happening right now that is sort of building to this moment. And I think the COVID diagnosis is just an unfortunate thing for Biden to be dealing with as he has sort of hunkered down and quarantined as all of these calls are rising in intensity. >> The RNC this week has been really fascinating because they always try to put their best foot forward. And there has been, it's been an effective convention in many ways. So it feels like in a way this is the window where Biden sees Trump's fortunes rising for various reasons now. And then he is being dogged by health problems and poll problems and fundraising problems. And the fact that he's kind of weak and not feeling well, it seems like this is the window. So what do you think is going to happen? Do you think he will tough it out or do you think this is the moment where it happens? >> I think it's impossible to make predictions in this case. I feel like the political fortunes of Joe Biden seem to be changing every day as more people call for him to drop out. And so it's hard to exactly predict. But it is quite an interesting split screen as you noted. I'm here in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention and the party is completely united. Everyone is in great spirit, it's very united behind Trump. And that's not what we've seen over the past several years. It's been the Democrats who have been largely united sharing this common goal of defeating Trump and the way in which the tables have turned quite remarkable. >> It really is an honor to have you on, we so appreciate it. >> Thank you so much for having me. Great to be with you. >> Really interesting. >> Yeah, I mean, it's just weird how that relationship has changed. So dramatically from, it was always presented as this bromance, which at a time it was. >> But there were things- >> Those things. >> Things below the surface. >> Shannon Daugherty was in the middle of a very bitter divorce in her final days. Actually the divorce has been going on for years. >> For years. >> And, you know, of course that she passed away on Saturday. But that day before she died, there were documents she signed to settle this, to finally settle the divorce. And from what we are told from people in her world, everyone around knew that the end was coming. >> Well, they knew she wasn't going to make it through the weekend. >> Right. >> There was a mad dash because she wanted, and there are financial reasons for the stupid. She wanted this divorce to be final before she died. So Laura Waser, her lawyer who represents every celebrity in divorce, on one side. She worked really hard to get a settlement in place, which they did on Friday, the day before she died. So the settlement was in place, and then they filed the documents hoping the judge would sign it on that day because they knew she was not going to last the weekend. Judge didn't sign it. >> And Harvey, this is critical because as you said, if you are still married when you actually pass away, it has probate implications, and that can be a very, very messy process. People want to have control over how their assets are divvied up. And by getting the settlement signed by the divorce judge after she died, it was sort of an assist from the family law judge. >> Well, we didn't say that yet. We should explain, Derek, that what happens is that once a person dies if they're in the middle of a divorce, the family law judge loses jurisdiction to do anything. It goes over to the probate court, and then all the probate court is going to do is figure out who gets what in terms of the will, or who's going to have to pay estate taxes, but you lose the ability to get divorced so she died married. This could have gotten very, very messy and very sticky, but the judge seems like did her a solid here, right? >> Cute. >> And I've not seen this. >> Yeah. >> I've not seen this. On Monday, the two days after she died, the judge signed the divorce documents, the settlement, and made it official. And it was done posthumously. >> Yeah, no, I'd never seen anything like this. And what's interesting is the terms of the settlement, which do reflect Shannon's last wishes, are now laid out in this settlement agreement that is enforceable, so it's good for her and what she wanted it. She got the Malibu residence, she got a Salvador Dali painting, and so forth. So now that's baked in, rather than having to settle all that in probate court, which can get really, really messy. >> The one thing that we will see, although I don't think it's going to happen, is that I wonder if he would actually go in and try to challenge this, but since he agreed, well, I know. >> Well, the optics of that would be terrible. >> This guy. >> Would it be awful? >> Who knows what's going to happen, but he did sign off on the settlement, and I just never seen anything like this, but it's what Shannon wanted. And in a way, this really honors her because she wanted this done at the finish line. >> Now, there was another very problematic relationship that Shannon had for years before her death, and that was with Alyssa Milano, her former charmed co-star. It seems she put that to rest as well before she passed. She had actually recorded a podcast with Holly Marie Combs, Holly Marie Combs, her former another charmed co-star, has a podcast, and Shannon went on there. Now, they recorded this last week, I believe. It didn't actually come out until the 14th, the day after Shannon's death on Sunday. And this is what she had to say about Alyssa Milano. I will say that Laurie Rong, who played Phoebe in the beginning, or for the presentation, was really great. She was a great actress. And Laurie and Alyssa are very, very, very different people. So Laurie's performance was different than Alyssa's. Laurie was a lot like Holly and I in the sense of very grounded in drama. But when Alyssa came in, it provided like a levity that I think the show ended up meeting. And she came in and she did a great job. And yeah, just brought like a slightly different flavor to the show. Hi, my name is Nicole Commodore and I'm from Chicago, Illinois. I feel really bad for Shannon Doherty. I feel awful for her. The issue with her husband, I was a long fall, a cancer battle in battle with him, and he should be ashamed of himself. I've honestly never seen that either. And thanks to Alyssa Milano, that's great that she really said nice things, even though they really didn't like the show. They're on the set of Charmed, but sad case all around, her wrist and piece, Shannon. Boy, health is the most important thing in the world. All those other things. All the other things come and go, health is what's important. Welcome back to TMZ Live. Kim Kardashian got really, really, really gory. Now, you remember, this is months ago, again, this is how their reality show works. You see things on the show that you saw in real life, months ago, months ago. There was a point where Kim went out someplace and she had this huge cast on her finger and we were like, "What happened?" And they wouldn't say, they just said, "Oh, she had hurt her finger," and they didn't want to say because they wanted to keep it with the reality. Exactly. Well, here we are. It is now time for the big reveal. Okay, hold on. So we're going to show you what happened to her finger, but this is really gory. So we're going to show it to you. You can turn away. We'll only show it for a second and then we'll blur it. So if you're ready, we're going to kind of start with it blurred. Okay. So let's start with it real. Okay. No, you want people to watch the clip because no, I'm going to count three. And so you can turn away if you want, but as soon as I get to three, you're going to see it unblurred. What does it show me? Okay. One. Two. Three. Okay. That's it. That's it. Okay. Now we'll blur it. It's not that bad. Okay. I mean, but the story behind it. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to show you what happened to her. I'm going to stop it with my hand. I pulled it really hard and then Saint ran in with chips. And I'm like, "It's ain't starting at night. No chips." And then it went boom. And I was like, "I thought I literally looked at my hand." And I fell to the ground. And I just like grabbed the table and got on my knees because I just saw all this blood. And it was like my bone sticking out a little bit. And I just was like, "Get me help." Oh, that looks great. Do you think that looks great? I do. I just want to make sure that I will not need this amputated. You will not. One hundred percent. Okay. Doctor on a central casting. Exactly what I have. I saw the clip. I go like, "Why do the doctors on their show all look like they've kept off the soap opera?" Come on. My doctors look like that. Yeah. I go like, "Oh, they're going over weight out of that." I mean, she said it was worse than childbirth. And I've never birthed the child. I can't imagine it's a good feeling. It is a terrible, it's an awful looking injury. That looks like one of the most painful things that I've ever seen. Can I tell you the more painful thing? Go back to that last shot, Reagan, that you just showed. He's got peroxide. Yeah. The peroxide doesn't sting. It doesn't sting. There's a part she actually says to him, "Is this going to hurt?" And he says, "No, that's the great thing about peroxide." I thought that really stings. No, that's alcohol. Rubbing alcohol would definitely hurt. Which is why he sees some peroxide. Okay, I get it. Hey, Ryan Bailey, Los Angeles. This has got to be Kim's worst nightmare. Her body and her face are parts of the reason she's been able to become the billionaire she is. So, I imagine she saw her career flash before her eyes. And we already know Kim's pain threshold is really high since she's had to deal with Kanye for so long. So, of course, she was able to remain calm, cool, and collected. Plus, Kim is so good at business, you know she will find a way to monetize this in some way, like she'll invent titanium claws or something. She said that if your nail didn't grow back that she would come up with. I still can't get over the doctor thing. Is he a doctor? He was on the show. But he plays one on TV. Okay, we're going to move on. Yes, to Britney Spears, who is not taking Ozzy Osbourne's criticism quietly. In fact, clapping back directly at Ozzy and his whole family, really. So, we told you that Ozzy, on the latest Osbourne's podcast, he doesn't like her dancing. Just stop with the dancing every day. Well, Britney did see that, and I think by no accident, posted a new dancing video. But she also had this to say about the Osbourne's family. It starts with a brazen defense of Kate Beckinsale. Why Kate Beckinsale? Okay, just... All right, I adore Kate Beckinsale, especially because she's... All over London. I realized how incredibly cruel people were talking about her IG saying she needs more age-appropriate content. I'm going to do a photoshoot with Kate. Oh, I get it. Now I get it. He's getting an ally here. Because Britney has gotten the same thing. Right. She says, "I'm going to do a photoshoot with Kate and tell the Osbourne family who was the most boring family known to mankind to kindly bleep off." Which is what Ozzy said about her dancing. Yes. Now I get it because Kate... It feels like Kate was attacked. And so... Because Kate's what? 40-ish and 50. Oh, is she 50? Is she really? I think she is. Wow. Wow. She looks amazing. Okay. Yeah, she's 50 and she's crushing it. But exactly what you guys kind of said. You know, Britney is turning to Kate because she needs an ally. She can resonate with everything that Kate has been going through. I mean, look, was it on my bingo card that all three of these people were going to be in the same story? No. But here we are and we're pushing forward. However, a lot of people online, of course, are, like, siding with Britney because, first of all, Ozzy Osbourne, this was just, like, unwarranted. Well, of course the Britney fans are all siding with Britney. But even his family in the video where he said this, even the family on the podcast was, like, they feel for Britney. Like, they didn't agree with what Ozzy was saying because also Britney's dancing on social media. People watching Britney on social media, I get it. It's funny. You might laugh. But it's also harmless unless you throw it in knives. So that's a different story. But she's just twirling. Like, is that so bad? You're right. It's harmless. It's just, I'm going to be, I'm going to make an admission. I don't know. I'm having a super hard time caring. I'm Alexa. I'm in Los Angeles. And honestly, I just think if you're not, if your first concern isn't for her well-being, what's going on? But we've been laughing at him and his family on TV for years. He knows what it's like to be critiqued constantly. But his concern over this and the dancing is ridiculous. Clearly, she's just going through it all the time. But we love her and we support her, but also, like, yeah, we need to figure out what's going on with her. Well, we know what's going on with her. Right. And to me, that's the part about, it's not, and Charlie's right, the videos are harmless, but it's because I know that it's a manifestation of what she's going through. But she's also isolated and, look, what she's doing there, she's always alone. You know, this is her way of getting into a reminder of it. And that's why sometimes it's uncomfortable to see it. But she's right. The dancing itself. The dancing's innocent. But there's kind of an overlay here that's a little more ominous than that. Joe Jonas, about to drop a, his first single from his upcoming album, the album comes out in a few months. And the title is interesting, the album is called Music for People Who Believe in Love. Of course, he is... That's interesting, because he's in the throes of divorce. Throws of a divorce, but he says that he's been doing a lot of therapy, I think, because of the divorce. And you're going to hear about that on the music. This is what he said to us. We got him out in New York yesterday and talked about his new project. So I got to ask you about the album, right? I know you went through a lot. Do you feel like the album was your form of therapy? Or did you even really go to therapy for everything that she's been going through? Therapy's great. And yes, the album is very therapy-digging. I'll be like it. Yeah, I got it. This song's out. This song's out. The first single. It's an upbeat sort of... You know, it's kind of interesting. It's kind of true. The Sophie Turner, the woman he is divorcing, is super close to Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift writes songs about her breakups and the emotion that it wells up as a result. So he's kind of doing what Taylor did. He's kind of taking a page out of Taylor Swift. I mean, a lot of people, though, at least online, are hating on it a little bit because no one wants to hear songs about therapy and lyrics about... Wasn't that... Well, Taylor... Isn't the opening lyric, Devin, something about pull yourself together, Joe. You're bringing the room down, something like that? I haven't personally heard the song, Charles. But at the end of the day, any Jonas Brothers or any of them individually, people just care about a good beat and a fun summer jam and no one's looking too much into the lyrics. We're not like... People who are fans of theirs aren't like as crazy as Taylor Swift fans. I love how Devin's saying, you know, "I haven't heard the song. Devin, I was at your desk this morning when you were playing it and you said, "I kind of like this. I'm not eight now." So this is no longer a safe space. Good to know. Exactly. Not a safe space. Absolutely. Absolutely. When was it a safe space? You know what I think the problem is? I probably shouldn't even be coming and I've aged out on it. I think the problem is cake by the ocean, that that's kind of what he's known for. And this is the opposite of cake by the ocean. And I think... You haven't even heard the song. What if it's the same exact beat as cake by the ocean? Do you have it in my wrong? I personally love cake by the ocean. So I hope it's not like that. I'm Charlie Buckley from the United Kingdom. I'm really excited to hear the album because we all know he's been for a lot. He said that this album is incredibly personal for him to create this album. And express his emotions and feelings for it to us. I just think it's a really great idea. Yeah. Well, we'll hear it. Absolutely. Okay. It's that time of the week, folks. Your favorite time. Tim is here with his rejects. All right. What's going on? So we can all agree golf is very hard. So when people try to play golf, they try to find tricks. That's right. It's Kelsey. Exactly. So people try to try tricks and hacks. Well I think this guy found a hack to be good at golf. So he does not use a golf stick. That seems illegal. He uses a hockey stick and he hits it from the tee box and guides it. No, he did not. No, he did not. Oh my God. How many yards is that? What are we talking about? I mean it's probably 100 yards or so. That's pretty amazing. I got it very impressive. That's amazing. Yeah. So pretty cool. Yeah, that's good. I like that one. Try that one. Yeah, I'm sure they'll love that at the top. All right. So come with the hockey stick. Exactly. Do you have to juggle anything before? Yeah, of course. Of course. But have you tried to juggle anything with your elbow? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely not. But check this out. This is pretty impressive. This bartender basically juggles a bottle with his elbow up and down. We sped it up here because he goes on for a while. He ends up doing 108 I guess elbow bumps slash juggles with the bottle there. So does that count as juggling? Don't you have to? I don't know what they can. But pretty impressive. That's pretty impressive. That's impressive. The bottle did not. Well done. Okay. I was entertained. Last one. All right. You guys will like this. So if you want to get launched into the water, use a human rocket launcher, I guess. This is gone. So these guys are having fun. They want to go in the lake here and they pull a string and they get launched into the water. No, it doesn't. It sure does. I think it's fun when you're up at the top of the... No way. Yeah. Nothing has happened. This is a good 50 feet in the air. I know. But as long as you land with your feet down. It's okay. It's just fun. So, there you go. We love to launch in one of those. You know, 10,000 entertaining. Thank you. Well done, Tim. I appreciate it. Thank you. I like that one. Nobody got hurt. I like it. I really thought someone was getting hurt. I know. Me too. All right. Back to TMZ Live, got rid of the dead weight and Michael has stepped in. I mean, Harvey had to go... That was instantly become younger and more handsome. You said it. I didn't. Harvey will probably see this at some point. You'll have to explain. We're going to go over to Italy where we told you about Johnny Depp and Will Smith hanging out, continuing their bromance. Well, the reason they were there was to join a celebration for Andrea Bocelli. He's 30 years in music celebration and Johnny was on stage with him for a very special performance. Amazing. I mean, he's obviously been the part of Johnny as the biggest movie franchise in the world, Charles. That's got to be so thrilling for him. People don't think of him as the musician, but he's been doing it for a long time. I think he's a talented musician by all accounts. And guys, what's really cool about this is they actually were able to incorporate an older soundtrack or a musical sound that Jeff Beck had played years ago into this performance. So while Johnny and Andrea are performing last night, Jeff is technically there because they pulled a track from one of his past performances before he had died and actually incorporated it into the show last night. That's a pretty awesome idea. That's a pretty awesome idea. And obviously Jeff Beck and Johnny Depp were very close, performed together. So nice, nice tribute. Really cool. Yeah. Star started the event too. Hi. So, I'm from Ireland, and I talked that performance was absolutely beautiful. It was a great tribute to Jeff, and I can imagine the atmosphere in Italy was just amazing. Yeah. And as you said, Will Smith was there in the audience. He did not play an instrument. No. Did he? I was waiting to see if he was going to get on stage and rap it with Andrea Lee. That would have been something. Yeah. Didn't happen. What else you guys want to talk about? Hey, this is Victor from Booi, Maryland, and talking about the Trump situation. You know, I just think it's amazing how the crowd saw the shooter before Secret Service. Something is definitely off. These guys are way, men and women, way too professional for this. There's, you know, I've worked with alongside them at sporting and entertainment events, and they're just too thorough, too professional. Something's off. It is. It's such a good point that we see any time that the Secret Service is going into an event, like a day before, if not days before, sweeping the whole area, looking at every single detail, and it's just weird how this guy was there for 20 minutes. They're too talented. They're too competent for this to have happen. One more. Hi. It's Timo LeBlanc, holding him from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where we do not use hockey sticks to play golf. But anyway, I wanted to talk about the all of when a case dismissal, I mean, there is so much wrong why they didn't cross-reference the fact that there was evidence from the earlier case so that the defense had access to it, I don't know. And then when the special prosecutor resigns hours before the judgment's going to come down, I mean, or the dismissal beyond me. Yeah. Something's officially there, and that's why Alec Baldwin is at least threatening that he's going to file this lawsuit. Right. Well, normally when we see Diplo, it's a rather adult. Right. It's a raging party. A huge party with lots of adults consuming all sorts of substances, which actually looks like fun sometimes. But he's also a dad, and he's enjoying some of that time with two of his kids up in Montana. Just the boys out there having some fun. Nice. Beautiful out there. Oh my gosh. There's a little cliff dive in there. Maybe something in Montana underrated. Whoo. I know that it's not possible. Is Montana underrated, I think? I think it is underrated. I think it was before Yellowstone, and now maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. People love it now. Yeah. And a little too much if you listen to the locals. If this kid's doing, check this out. Doing a little. Oh, he's doing. Wakeboarding. Wakeboarding. What's he catching? Oh, don't tell me that's a beer. Yeah, you can take Diplo out of the party. There's always got to be. He's got to be just a little bit of party. Yeah. And I'm sure he's telling the kids, "Now put on trap number three. "I said, 'Don't be a beer.'" Looks like fun. I'm jealous. All right, we will see you tomorrow. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)