TMZ Live

Jack Black's Bandmate Makes Trump Joke At Concert

On this episode of TMZ Live: New TMZ video shows Trump shooter opening fire, fitness icon Richard Simmons dies at 76, '90210' star Shannen Doherty dies at 53, and Jack Black's bandmate makes insensitive Trump joke at concert.

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16 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

New TMZ video shows Trump shooter opening fire, fitness icon Richard Simmons dies at 76, '90210' star Shannen Doherty dies at 53, and Jack Black's bandmate makes insensitive Trump joke at concert.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. Welcome to TMZ Live Harvey Levin here. Charles here. Do you remember a time where there was that much news in a compressed time that we've had over the last two days? I really don't. The amount of... Yeah, from... Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin. Richard Simmons. Richard Simmons. Dr. Ruth. Shannon Daugherty. And of course he attempted assassination. This has been just an unbelievable couple of days, so TMZ obtained some shocking video. So, of the... would be assassin on the rooftop as he was firing shots at President Trump. That's Thomas Matthew Crooks, of course, on the roof of that building, firing the shots and fairly quickly thereafter, the other shots who hear are the Secret Service snipers. Returning fire and killing him. So it is one of the more shocking things that we've seen in a long time. The fact that the shooter, Thomas Crooks, was 150 yards from former President Trump in his line of sight, yet there were no Secret Service or local officials on that roof. That they in Secret Service and it's they did not sweep that building. And why that building was not part of the perimeter is another question. But even if it wasn't, why on earth was this left without any kind of protection? And by the way, if you take a look at the snipers on the roof behind President Trump, they had a line of sight, but they would have been able to see that. So how does somebody climb up on the roof or get up on the roof and get in that position? And you would think that the Secret Service snipers at least had seen him and there would be questions that would be asked over walkie-talkies like, "Who is this guy? Let's get law enforcement over there." Here is another video that you're going to hear people who are on the ground who are seeing Thomas Matthew Crooks on the roof and are trying to alert law enforcement. Yeah, someone's on top of the roof. Look. Gary is right there. Right there. See him? He's laying down. See him? Yeah. He's laying down. He's laying down. That's just incredible. That is so shocking that people who are just in the crowd noticed it and also realized there was a danger there, yet authorities were in the dark. There was a local police officer who eventually must have heard that, climbed up, and then Crook pointed the gun at him and he dropped to the ground, Crooks. But nonetheless, that was it. And you've got these people that are screaming, there's a guy up on the roof. I mean, it is stunning that this happened. So from President Trump literally dodged a bullet and it may have been that a document or a poster board that he was looking at at the time saying his life. Right. He has described this to one of his former White House position, who's now a congressman from Texas, but he described to him the fact that he was looking back at that, if you're listening to what he's saying in the speech, he's reading numbers off of that chart. And the reason, because he has his head turned, looking at it up on the screen, that's probably what saved his life. So there's a lot going on. We're about to bring somebody in who had the first interview with Trump after this shooting. And she was there just feet away from him when the bullets started ringing out. Whatever we do, I do want to say that this has really been an interesting 48 hours. That there is now talk both by Republicans and Democrats. And they're both kind of owning that both sides have created an atmosphere because, look, I'm going to say something to you. There are a lot of people, most people in the media have said, "Oh my God, we're just shocked at this. We are shocked at this. I'm not shocked at this." We actually have been sort of talking about this type of thing. I know. We've never said there's going to be an assassination attempt, but we've talked about political violence and that it felt like something that we were building toward. You and I have talked about this very thing happening, but especially in the last year that I find this not at all shocking, not at all shocking. And everybody is saying, "Oh my God, we're so shocked." Look, everybody's at fault. The media's at fault. The Republicans are at fault. The Democrats. Years ago, we were talking about civil war. So if you're talking about civil war, you can't be surprised when there's an assassination. But everybody's rewriting history now and saying, because all weekend long in the media, "Oh my God, this is shocking." No, it's not shocking. It's not, but it's interesting that both Republicans and Democrats are saying both sides need to calm it down. Yeah, we will see if that happens. Joining us right now, Selena Ziedo is a reporter for the Washington Examiner. She was there in Butler with President Trump covering this and was three feet away from him in this section right behind the stage, between the stage and the crowd. And it was obviously a very terrifying moment for everyone there, including Selena, who had to take cover, and she is joining us now to talk about this experience. And for conversation with former President Trump, Selena Ziedo, welcome to TMZ Live. Hey, Selena. Hey, thanks so much for having me on. We appreciate it. So you spoke with Donald Trump on Sunday. What was his attitude there? Did he seem shaken? Did he seem to have the resolve that he had with his fist up in the air? Describe for us. So I was set to interview him, along with my daughter who's a photojournalist, leaving from Bedford in his plane to go to Butler, to go to Bedminster, to do the interview. Just moments before he was set to go outside, he called me off, along with my daughter and my son-in-law, to come behind the stage and say hello to him. And because I was back there, I had to go into the bumper. I normally wouldn't be in the bumper that's mostly for photojournalist. And I was in the bumper, and I was just following along with him as he goes down the stage and up to the podium, and then to his left, I made my way over there, along with my daughter, and I've been covering him forever. He does something he never does, and he turned his neck. And that's when I felt the bullets fly by. And I saw him get hit, I saw him go down, he didn't fall down, I think it's important to say that. He knelt down, and immediately surrounded by law enforcement. And I heard pop, pop, pop, and then as he's being surrounded by law enforcement, I heard several more pops, but it was clear it was a different caliber. >> It's Secret Service returning fire. >> Right, so with that in mind, he called me the next morning. Which was yesterday morning early. And he said, Selena, are you okay? Is your daughter and your son in law okay? And I'm really sorry for not doing the interview, because I wanted to. And I said, Mr. President, you just been shot, I feel like we're good. So we talked several more times, and finally I said, sir, I would love, I can tell there's something very different about you right now. I'd really love to just interview you about this, about your experience, what you thought in that moment, and what you think going forward. >> What was different? You said that his attitude was different. >> Well, he said when he was coming up after he'd been shot, that he thought it was incredibly important that it was more not about him, but it was about the country. Presidents usually understand that the presidency is about America, right? It's not about them, and he wanted to project strength. He said, fight, fight, fight, I could hear him say that. And I said, what were you thinking in that moment? He said, I just wanted people to know that the country is okay, and that I represent that. And then since then he said, he admitted to me that he believed that this was not a coincidence. This was a divine intervention, a spiritual thing, an act of God. And he believed that he needed to rise to that occasion. That is important. He said he ripped up his speech that he already had written. He said it was going to be a humdinger, those were his exact words. And he decided that he needed to rewrite the speech, and talk about unity, and bringing the country together, and that we are strong together. >> So Selena, does that mean that when he makes his speech in Milwaukee, that the tone is going to be, that the tone, not just a different tone for Donald Trump in general, than we've heard ever since he entered into politics? >> I do. I don't think that means it's not going to be robust, that is just by his, that is just his very nature. But I do believe, based on talking to him several times yesterday, that it's going to be unifying, that it needs to be respectful. He kept saying to me, I need to meet the moment, and the moment is to bring the country together. He said that to me several times. >> How are you doing, and your daughter, son-in-law, who are all there, we've seen the photo of you taking cover, just what were you thinking in that moment? As you said, you recognize that it was gunfire, but I can't imagine what you were thinking with your family there. >> So there's that mommy bear, the grizzly bear instinct. So I wanted to lay on top of my daughter and my son-in-law. I wanted to shield them. There's also that conflicting, I'm worried about the president, but I'm also a journalist. I have to cover this. I have to chronicle it. I'm a witness to history, whether I like what the history is or not, is irrelevant. So all those things, those conflicting emotions are going through me, and that's what I thought. >> Well, Selena, look, we really, really appreciate you taking the time to come on here. Thank you. >> Thank you so much. Wow. >> In that moment. >> Well, Richard Simmons passed away at the age of 76. As we said at the top of the show, right in the middle of so many things that had happened over this weekend, but I hate to say this, but it was overshadowed because it did get a lot of attention as it deserves, but it just feels like- >> It got pushed to the side. >> Right, and I just want so much more for Richard Simmons, who we've covered, obviously, you know, for a very long time. >> And it's not even so, and it's not just covering him. He was a huge force for an untold thousands, thousands who got desperately needed help from this guy, people who are really struggling, people who are suicidal, people who have given up hope, and he always would welcome them, all of them, with open arms and did so much good for people. >> What I find so sad, and we're going to get into some new details about what happened at his home before he was found by his housekeeper, but the thing about what you just said about all the people that he helped, what's really sad about this for me is that just recently in the last year, he's been more active on social media, he's posted things where he's still trying to help people, and he was doing it, obviously it wasn't out in public anymore, but he was still reaching out to people and trying to be that beacon for them just through social media. And in fact, even he recently had posted an audio message where he left this message for his fans. >> Hey everybody, it's Richard, happy May 6th, 2024. Thank you so much for reading my messages. Roses are red, violets are blue, do you know how much I love you. Have a beautiful day, bye for now. >> So I want to tell you something, I spoke with somebody who's an old friend of mine, who is very close to Richard, and talked to him a lot, and spoke with him last week right before his birthday. And my friend said he was really depressed and was talking about that he, you know, growing old, how hard it was on him, obviously knowing his birthday was coming up, right. And then he called him the day before Richard died on Friday, and he has his private number, and Richard always answers because as you know, he's always at home and did not answer the phone. And he found it really kind of unusual based on his, his, just the habit. >> I imagine that your friend was calling to wish him a happy birthday. Which we've learned really played into what happened at Richard's home on Friday evening, because he had fallen, he'd gone to the bathroom at some point on Friday evening, and felt busy when he had a fall, his housekeeper, who was, lives there in the house with him, went in and actually helped him up. And what we're told is that she wanted him to get medical attention, said why don't we go see a doctor or go to the emergency room or something, which, by the way, for Richard, I was thinking about this, has to be quite a thing because we know that he would wear disguises. >> Well remember, we have video of him actually coming back from Cedar Sinai, which is near his house. >> Right. >> And he was being shielded, so he did not want to be seen. >> He would be a whole, you know, a whole thing to go to the doctor. What we're told is he said to the housekeeper, maybe we'll do it on Saturday. I just want to be at home tonight because, you know, he was thinking about his birthday. >> After that, the housekeeper came in a little before 10 a.m. and found him on the bed on the floor, Saturday, on the bed, on the floor, next to the bed, deceased, called fire, called cops, and he was pronounced at the scene. Now, what I've talked to you from sources are that there were no injuries from the fall. He didn't have any bumps or bruises. He wasn't bleeding. >> Nothing obvious signs of anything. So they're doing an autopsy just to make sure, you know, our LAPD, our HD came out just to make sure there was nothing foul-playing, nothing suspicious. And the autopsy will be what tells it at the end of the day. >> Well, it could be, it sounds like this could be one of two things. Either he fell because of some underlying problem or the fall itself. >> You don't necessarily, for example- >> You can't see it. >> Right. Sometimes if you hit your head, it can cause all sorts of significant problems, which is why a lot of people go to the emergency room. So we don't know if one or the other is what ultimately caused his death, but it sounds like it was one or the other. >> Josh Pray from Florida. I do want to say that Richard Simmons was a beacon of positivity, me being the 39 year old man. You being young and hearing his infomercials, hearing his commercials, motivating and encouraging people. Richard Simmons was definitely the type of human that it could be five a.m. And he could make you want to wake up and do 1,500 crunches and 3,000 sit-ups and 50,000 jumping jacks. And he's one of the individuals that will be going too soon, no matter which age that he would have passed away. We all would have felt that he was going too soon, so my heart goes out to his friends and his family and his loved ones. Richard Simmons is definitely going too soon, but I'm thankful that I got to experience the positivity that you brought. >> As did millions. >> Yeah. >> Okay, we are going to move to something that is mind-blowing for me as a lawyer. >> Yeah, and that is the fact that Alec Baldwin's trial ended abruptly on Friday. And when the judge came in and dismissed the whole case, you see Alec Baldwin burst into tears. There was a celebration, what we're told, this was immediately after they left the courthouse, but Alec and his family, you know, Hilario was there, his brother Steven was there. And also their whole lead team, Alec Spyro, they went to the El Dorado Hotel near the courthouse and had a little celebration for this finally being over. The judge, this won't be retried. The judge dismissed it with prejudice, meaning I got to say, I just want to say something. This is shocking, the misconduct on the part of the prosecution in this case. Honestly, this was a BS case from the get-go, but the idea that prosecutors would know that there is ammunition, which is relevant to this case. It is the centerpiece of this case, that they found ammunition- >> Live ammunition. >> Live ammunition, but felt clearly that it might benefit Alec's defense. So what they did was they told the police officer to not put it in the rust file, which would be available to the defense and put it in a completely separate file. Alec Spyro found out about this clearly and they, and sank the prosecutor's case. But I got to say, I think these prosecutors, or some of them, are in for some serious sanctions. Jessica Michelle from Houston, Texas, I totally 100% agree. The law is the law and it has to be followed point blank period. If everybody deserves a failed trial, so the fact that he didn't get a failed trial, the dismissal is definitely warranted. And of course, yeah, let's celebrate moving on from this. It's super tragic coming from an actor that this isn't 100% his fault. Anyway, so yes, let's celebrate moving on with life like this was tragic for his family and the person who passed away. So yes, I would definitely celebrate as well. Let's move on. Let's get on with our life. >> Yep, yep. Well, it's over. [MUSIC] >> Well, we are learning more and more about Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old who took the shots at Donald Trump and then was killed by secret service snipers. This again, he was just 20 years old. So a lot of the people who are speaking out about him are friends of his, people who knew him in high school, and they are showing us more about what he was like. We actually have obtained a video here that was, it's a video you're going to hear Thomas actually speaking in this where he is joking around with friends. Again, they are in high school. I'm not sure this was 10th grade actually, so very young and joking around about it seems like they're talking about how they would present themselves on social media. >> First foot four, I go to Stanford University, I have a 10-inch penis. >> Okay, 10th graders. >> So sophomore humor, it's just the juxtaposition of a kid who is just making dumb jokes, then ending up here. >> Yeah. >> It is just remarkable. The other thing that's interesting about him is while he was in high school, he tried to get into the rifle club, and he was rejected because he was a terrible shot. And that's really interesting. He could not hit the target, in fact, he was like 20 feet from the target as he was shooting. That may actually have voted well for President Trump. >> But people are describing him as an outcast that the words were weird interactions with some of his classmates. >> They weren't specific about that. >> Yeah, but we are starting to get a little bit of a portrait of who this kid was. As you said, the rifle team didn't accept him because he was a bad shot, but they also mentioned that he would say off things, and there was some reference to it being uncomfortable because you're dealing with rifles. Even in a shooting scenario on a team, it may not have only been that he was a bad shot, but that also he was saying things that were making people uncomfortable, and you're starting to get a view of this kid and what he dealt with in high school and how it may have contributed to his actions. >> Some people on social media who are describing, there's a video we're about to show you where they're describing it as he was bullied in school and haunted. That may be, this one seems more like taunting to me, but this is a video of him, again, in high school with classmates poking fun. Everyone's laughing there and it seems like it's written, but- >> But you hear somebody and it sounds like it's him saying stop, stop. And so, I mean, again, this seems like such a minor thing, but these are the things that authorities are looking at right now. It's really interesting, this always happens with incidents like this, where the authorities try and deconstruct things, figure out what motivated somebody. Charles and I just were having a talk during the break, that I'm wondering, is this a case of suicide by cop? Because he knew how do you know that you're going to take position on the roof of a building. He had clear line of sight of the former President Trump, but also, he would have seen the snipers. They had clear line of sight. I had imagined he's probably up there wondering how are they've not seen me at this point. Again, only 150 yards away. >> Well, there was a police officer who did see him and he pointed the gun at the officer, and then the police officer dropped to the ground. But he had to know that there was no way he was going to get off that roof when he was doing this. He had to know that. So we don't know what the motivation is, he is a registered Republican. He did donate to a Democratic cause. But there's nothing that's come out that shows that he has this kind of guttural dislike for Donald Trump. We just haven't seen it. >> But I will say that those videos that we showed you and the reason that everyone tries to deconstruct this, profilers will go back and study all of this just to learn from it and they'll piece things together to try and figure out frankly what they have rarely really figured out. >> Right. >> I'm Judson, and I'm from Tucson, Arizona. And there's a lot of unanswered questions, especially because this guy, he's so young. He's just 20 years old. And when you think about it, what 20-year-old, when I was 20, I couldn't even imagine wanting to assassinate the president. So there's still a lot of unanswered questions about his motive, and those questions definitely need to be answered soon. >> Yeah, and the Secret Service has got questions that they need to answer as well about this. This is bizarre. We are going to take a break. >> Well, speaking of questions, Jack Black and his partner, Tenacious D, getting a lot of backlash for something that happened on stage during their performance down in Australia. This was after the assassination attempt. We're going to hear what Kyle Gas had to say that is absolutely shocking. You'll hear when we come back. Welcome back to TMZ Live. Jack Black, for those who don't know, has a very popular and successful rock group, Tenacious D. He and his partner, Kyle Gas, were performing over the weekend in Australia. And this was hours after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, but their reaction was interesting. So I guess it's Kyle's birthday, and Jack, you're going to see in this video, brings him out of cake while they're on stage. And with candles in it for him to make a wish and blow out the candles, watch what happened. [MUSIC] >> Trying to see what Jack's reaction was there, because it's hard to see. >> Yeah, it's hard to see, but you know, even the media was saying, oh, maybe we need to tone down the rhetoric some, and this. >> That is the exact opposite. >> Wow, wow, wow, that he said that. >> Yeah, there is, as you'd expect. >> But that's why I'm saying- >> A lot of backlash. >> And that's why I said to you earlier, I'm not shocked at all that this happened. >> Right. >> Because that sentiment is exactly what has been just percolating. >> So just want to note something, we're hearing from sources close to Jack that he didn't know Kyle was going to say that, and more importantly doesn't co-sign the message, he does not condone violence in any way. So there's Jack Black distancing himself from that, but also worth noting that Jack Black is a Biden supporter. He was recently at I think a fundraising event, like maybe a month or so ago, where he got on stage, went viral, and he made it clear he would be voting for Joe Biden in the election. So maybe Jack, he said we're hearing that he doesn't necessarily give it the call for violence. >> Yeah, we know Jack Black is a Democrat, so. >> Yeah, which is fine. >> Which is totally fine, and Kyle Gas clearly not a sport of Trump, but when you take it to that level, that's- >> You don't do it. >> Right. >> But the crowd, did you notice that the crowd was cheering? >> I couldn't tell if they were- >> Play it one more time, listen to the crowd. [MUSIC] >> They're really applauding it, yeah, wow. >> Ultimately, no matter if this was silly to some people, somebody did lose their life, and a family is in mourning. Our former president nearly lost his life as well, and his secret service did not support him in the way that they should have, they did not guide him in the way that they should have, and they completely disregarded the regular secret service protocol that would be in place. And I don't think that that's something to laugh about, or to make jokes about, because to neighboring countries at this point, we really are a laughing stock, and that's something that should be concerning to the American people as a whole. >> You are right, yeah. Okay, we are gonna move on. >> Yes, to another one of those really big, sad events this weekend, Shannon Daugherty passing- >> God, this weekend. >> Yeah, just kept coming, kept coming. She was 53 years old, she died in Malibu, she of course had been battling cancer for several years, she was up to last year having surgeries, still dealing with this. We got some photos, these are actually from what we have been able to figure out here. The last photos of her in public was last month, out having lunch with some friends, and seemingly doing okay, but again, it was a month ago, a lot can change, especially with the aggressive cancer that she's been battling. >> Yeah, super, obviously super, super sad, I mean, I feel like everyone knows someone who's affected by cancer in one way or another. But the interesting thing about Shannon is she really immersed herself in that podcast she was doing, and I guess she had talked recently about how she would get obviously really depressed because of the cancer and health issues, and she said like immersing herself in the podcast would really distract her from that and kept the creative juices going and we got a lot of insight into what she was going through through that pod. >> Yeah, she was going through a lot for a long time, and it is really sad. By the way, really accomplished career when you think about Little House in the Prairie and charmed in 90210, she had hit after hit. >> Yeah, she really did, and obviously a lot of her former cast mates were speaking out over the weekend, and she very famously had a, well, the word that Alyssa Milano called used was complicated relationship after their time together on charmed. And there have been a lot of stories that they both talked about in recent years about that. Alyssa over the weekend, her reaction was that obviously she sent condolences, but admitted that it was a difficult relationship. I don't know that they ever doesn't seem like they had really patched things up, which is sad, but yeah, a loss of a very young person who was very accomplished. >> I mean, it's just kind of crazy because obviously she was diagnosed in 2015, and it's like, it's been almost 10 years that she's kind of fought this disease and fought obviously really hard. It's crazy, like you see those photos of her just last month, you know, with her friends walking around, and it's just, it's just, I think just shocking because she's been fighting for so long that you never think that, you know, this is ultimately going to be what ends up happening. She's going to, you know, she can beat this, but sometimes it just depends on the kind of cancer. >> Shannon was a beautiful soul who fought her cancer battle with dignity, and she fought hard until the day that she passed away. It does break my heart. She said she wasn't ready to die a few months ago. She stated she still had plans and work to do, so that is heartbreaking, but I'll always remember her from 90210, but may she rest in peace. >> Jeremy Hammers speaking up for himself now, saying it is, it's time, like I want to make a comeback, I am ready to start acting again. He was on club random with, with Bill Mar and talked about not only wanting the comeback, but talked about what got him to this place and the investigation that dragged on for so long, the LAPD investigation into the allegations that, including some allegations that he was accountable, but he talked about that, and it's clear he has some ill feelings toward law enforcement as regards to this investigation. >> There was an investigation by the LAPD that lasted for two and a half years. So I was under the sort of Damocles, legally speaking, for two and a half years. They went through phones, emails, eyewitness report, like they investigated me for two and a half years in a time where if they could have nailed someone like me, it would have been such a boon for the LAPD. >> I could not agree more. >> And the newspapers. >> Yeah. >> And after two and a half years, they came to the conclusion that there is no evidence any crime had been committed. >> So I will say about this, because we were looking and following the case during that investigation. And one of the things we knew was that almost a year before the case was ultimately dismissed, we got from LAPD sources and prosecutorial sources that they weren't going to file charges against him. So they had made that decision a year before they ultimately dropped it. >> And so if they had already made that decision, we were always wondering where- >> Well, we kept calling and say, when is something going to happen? Because they're going to be a resolution and they were hedging. And so there are a lot of people on his team who think this was just because the climate was such that they didn't want to dismiss this, reject it, because they were afraid of the blowback. And so it was, I mean, he's right, it was a two and a half year investigation. >> Right, and it's essentially Harvey, it's essentially, I mean, at least where we are right now, it's ruined his career. The guy is, I just looked at his IMDb, does not have a literal project listed on there since 2022. >> No, no, he's had a scarlet letter on his head for this. >> I think, and maybe trying to address that and to make people feel comfortable, we also talked about a psych evaluation he underwent. >> There was a full psychological evaluation that I had to go through in the Cayman Islands because of the custody battle. So I had to subject myself for a multi-month full psychological evaluation. And the report at the end of that was glowing. >> I mean, by the way, they're like, he's got issues, not when people are saying. >> Yeah, I mean, it seems to me like he wants people in Hollywood to feel comfortable and give him a shot. >> There's a practical thing behind this, a lot of people think, oh, because he's part of the Hammer family, that he's rolling in dough, he's not, he's struggling financially, and has been. It's not like the spigot goes on with money once his grandfather dies, because that's not what happened. So he kind of needs work, which is why he was doing the time share stuff at Cayman Islands. >> Do you think this will be enough to bring him back into the Hollywood fold? >> I don't know. Some of it is timing, and I have no doubt that there are people in Hollywood who would give him a chance, but they're always worried about, right, the blowback on them. So they're sort of weighing when is it okay, when will it be okay? >> Yeah, Hollywood is a weird place that way, yeah. >> My name is Joe Perez, I'm from Miami, Florida. In my opinion, if you're going through an investigation, you first have to follow all those procedures that are met by law enforcement, and then after, it does do a psychological toll on you, and you probably must have to pass that test as well. And then after that, and you feel confident enough, you could come back to whatever field you're in. >> Yeah, we will see if that happens. Unclear. Unclear. [MUSIC] >> What's the movie, what's the line, I just can't quit you? >> I just can't quit you. >> That's a Brokeback Mountain, right? >> Brokeback Mountain. >> Or I'll never leave you, Jack, or I'll never leave you, Sean, in this case. >> Or you had me a goodbye, hello, goodbye, hello, hello. >> Take your pick with Sean Mendez and Camilla Cabello, because we know for a fact that they broke up once, they got back together, they broke up a second time, and now after this weekend in Miami, looks like they're going for the third run from your mistakes. They were sitting next to each other in a box at the Copa America final that went down in Miami at Hard Rock Stadium. >> Not a chance meeting, because it was impossible to get a seat. >> Right, and they're in a private suite, so clearly, this was something they arranged and seemed friendly, not a lot of PDA that we saw. >> I'm telling you. >> But if you break up twice, guys, guys, you don't know, please. Because it's meant to be, and it just takes a while before they both- >> But a third breakup, Charles, they have broken up so many times. >> Well, hold on. >> You're assuming that there's going to be a third breakup? Also, we don't know that they're really back together, but- >> Any more than one breakup, it is doomed. And remember, actually, the first time they broke up, they had said it was because of scheduling, like, schedule conflicts, which we all know is just like the PR thing to say, but then they got back together, and then they broke up again. And the last time they broke up was almost exactly a year ago, so there is some time in between, but the time in between can be very damaging. I don't think there's any way that this relationship is going to actually, like, last the test of time. >> J-Lo's got nothing on them. >> Thought you believed in love, Charlie. >> I guess not. >> You and Harvey. >> Sorry, I'm out. >> Hey, what's up, TMZ? It's Brandon Lance Garnsey from Sherman Oaks, California. And listen, I grew up watching Sean Mendes and Fifth Harmony at the time going on tour together. So we saw the electric chemistry of them all the way back then. But now flash forward to present day, and they've dated broken up, dated broken up, like 10,000 times, maybe three times, but it feels like 10,000 times. But if Camila's recent album, C-X-O-X-O, the lyrics are heavily about Sean Mendes, heavily speculated at least. So clearly, she's still very much hung up on him. >> You know a lot more than we do, that's for sure. >> [LAUGH] >> What else you guys want to talk about? >> The trail from Atlanta, this is the Donald Trump situation. I think nobody deserves this. I think despite political views, personal issues, I'm happy that he's okay. And people shouldn't think that this is staged or this is all fake. But then the people that realize are getting attacked during this. So I just pray that he's safe and that nothing else happens during this election season. >> Yeah, just the volume needs to go down, man. >> Yeah, one more. >> Hey, you guys, this Eddie from Michigan. I'm calling to speak about the Richard Simmons death. It's so unfortunate, you know, cuz he was our first planet fitness, right? He was our first inspiration to weight loss and exercise and living a good healthy life and he was just flamboyant and he was gonna be missed. He was definitely an inspiration of all of our lives. >> There's a margarine on my mind. If you can name the margarine, you get a TMZ T-shirt. >> Because of- >> I know. >> Gosh, I don't know. >> Empirial margarine. >> Empirial, the crown. >> Nobody even remembers imperial, but what? >> I do. [MUSIC] >> Well, Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco have been very open about their romance. And this weekend they decided they actually wanted to have a little interaction with the fans. They went on TikTok, they did a thing called Who's Most Likely. I just learned that that's a thing. >> [LAUGH] >> Oh, form me, please. But they are basically getting a bunch of questions from fans and here's the answer in one, one in particular I think fans will be very interested. >> Who's most likely to couples edition? Who's most likely to fall asleep during a movie? Who eats the most? Who's the first to apologize during an argument? Who spends more money? Who takes longer to get ready in the morning? Who snores the loudest? Who is more romantic? Who cleans the house? Who likes to be the big spoon? Who said I love you first? Who's most likely to forget that it's Valentine's Day? >> She said it. >> Yeah. >> How's Selena? >> I don't think that's shocking, is it? >> That's a little shocking. >> Did she said it first? >> So I have a question. >> I mean, he's definitely very smitten with her. >> Okay, who said it first? Travis or Taylor? >> Oh gosh, come on. >> Who said it first? Come on. >> It's definitely Taylor. >> It's definitely Taylor. >> 100% Taylor. >> 100%. >> No percent Taylor. >> Taylor. >> Travis. >> Taylor. >> Travis Infinity. See you tomorrow. (upbeat music)