TMZ Live

Eminem Scorches Alec Baldwin In New Rap

On this episode of TMZ Live: Eminem scorches Alec Baldwin in blistering new rap, Ariana Grande's brother comes to singer's defense over cannibalism claims, Gypsy Rose Blanchard shuts down paternity rumors, and Serena Williams bashes Harrison Butker at Espys.

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15 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

Eminem scorches Alec Baldwin in blistering new rap, Ariana Grande's brother comes to singer's defense over cannibalism claims, Gypsy Rose Blanchard shuts down paternity rumors, and Serena Williams bashes Harrison Butker at Espys.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. [SCREAMS] Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. [MUSIC] Welcome to TMZ Live, I'm RB Levin here, and Jason Beckerman. So, this is mind blowing, and this just happened. Alec Baldwin's manslaughter trial over the rush shooting has been abruptly dismissed because of prosecutorial misconduct. Alec Baldwin dissolved into tears as the judge dismissed this case. He was beside himself as was his wife, Hilaria. He couldn't believe that this case just ended the way it did, but we are going to tell you what happened. Jason, we are both lawyers. We rarely see what I would call here a Perry Mason moment in the courtroom. Absolutely. We've seen throughout this trial that the prosecutor has made a series of mistakes, first bringing charges against Alec Baldwin that were based on a law that was not in effect at the time the alleged crime was committed, and here what we have is the prosecution and law enforcement generally simply failed to turn over certain evidence to Alec Baldwin's defense team in the lead up to the trial, and the judge found that they couldn't properly prepare the defense. Let's get into it. So, what happened was this. We've told you, obviously you know, that there was a live bullet that Alec fired and hit Helena Hutchins, killing her. That's why he is on trial. There was evidence that another actor had a bullet in his holster that was a live bullet, so that's as far as everyone knew, and then it came out today that there was other live ammunition that the police had collected, but the police were told that they should put that ammunition in a file that wasn't the official rust file, and what happens in the pretrial motions, prosecutors have to turn over all of the evidence in the rust trial to the defense so the defense can handle the case and prepare for, and prepare defense, but all of this information about other ammunition that was apparently all over the set, it was not put in the proper file, and it was, they were told, the police were told, don't put it in the proper file, meaning hide it from the defense, that's the only reason to do it. And so today, today, the judge in the middle of the trial, they present the judge with a Manila envelope, and they open the envelope. She puts on blue surgical gloves, slices over the envelope, which is, until that point, sealed with police tape, slice it up and pulls out live ammunition in court, it's an incredibly dramatic scene, you just don't see, back to the Parramasian moment, pulls out the ammunition and asks the prosecutors, what is this, and finds out it's live ammunition, and ultimately dismisses the case on the spot with prejudice, so it cannot be refiled. It's an absolutely jaw-dropping development to happen in the middle of a trial like this, because the judge, in ruling on this motion, said, this goes to the fundamental fairness of the whole trial, handing over potentially exculpatory evidence that helps a defense team prepare for trial is critical, and the judge said there is no way to right this wrong, that was the quote, other than dismissing this case with prejudice. So Alec Baldwin breaks down into tears, hilarious Baldwin breaks down into tears, it's incredibly dramatic, incredibly rare for a case of this high profile of nature to have a dismissal on the third day of trial. Absolutely, and remember, what was on the line here was 18 months in prison, if Alec Baldwin had been convicted, and so I gotta tell you, one of the prosecutors in the case, in the middle of this hearing, resigned, literally resigned, because she said that what they, apparently, what the authorities did here was just unethical and wrong and quit. And quit, right there on the spot, it's really important to understand, I think we have to point out that it's, the judge is not saying that had Baldwin had this evidence, it would have even necessarily made a difference in the case, it possibly would have, but it wouldn't necessarily. Well, the judge is saying that the prosecutorial misconduct is so grave, that I can't let the trial go on, regardless of the factual evidence that's here. It's a remarkable, it's just such a monumental screw up, I can't even get my head around. It is, it is literally mind-blowing to this, although, you know, I will say this guys, I will say this, maybe it's not so mind-blowing, because I had been saying from the very beginning of this, that this seemed like a BS prosecution. And it felt to me like the prosecutor in this case smelled publicity, and that they were going to get a celebrity, because think about it, Alec Baldwin is an actor, and he relied on being told that this was a cold gun, a gun that didn't have live ammunition. They had already convicted, had a good year as read, the armorer, because it was her job to make sure that there wasn't live ammo in the gun. And then they went after Baldwin, they tried prosecuting under a law that wasn't even an effect when the shooting occurred, and that's just bush league basic law stuff, and they had to dismiss the case because of it, and then they go ahead and they refiled the case. I haven't thought this through, but there could be major sanctions for the prosecution team. Absolutely. And certainly for law enforcement, if they know... That could be state bar issues. State bar issues. There might even be a potential prime here if they purposefully conceal the evidence in an effort to dupe the jury and the defense into, you know, into a jury, into a verdict. I have to think through this. No, this is as serious as serious as it gets. And remember, this is intentional that according to the police officer who testified, she was specifically told to take this ammunition, apparently put it in a manila folder, and then file it under a different case number than the rust case. So they were trying to hide this information so it wouldn't go to the defense. So obviously they thought it was going to help the defense, and it didn't. Because this was the prosecutor's first witness. This was one of their chief investigators they put up on the stand to lay out their case. And on cross-examination, Alex Spyro, the attorney for Alec Baldwin, just sort of slowly disassembles their case and starts pulling it apart. And all of a sudden the evidence starts coming out. There's this other... These other bullets, this other live ammo that the defense was not aware of. But Jason, can you understand what an unforced error, because I'm not sure exactly how this evidence would have impacted the case. The case is about whether Alec Baldwin should have checked the barrel of the gun that he was handed. It's really about him as an actor who pointed the gun during the rehearsal. What did this have to do with that? Why not just stand it over? I don't think we fully understand because it didn't come out in court. But Derek, there is no version of this where the police or the prosecutors didn't think this was somehow going to help the defense. Why else would they go through these shenanigans of putting that ammo in a different case file? Why would they do that other than the fact that they feared it was going to help Alec Baldwin in his defense? They did say in defending themselves to the judge today prior to the ruling, they did say they didn't believe the evidence was exculpatory, they didn't believe it was relevant to the defense. Now, if you believe them... They didn't believe it was relevant to the defense. Put it in the right case file. Well, yes. Then you're right. Why the instructions put it in the right case file. They didn't, so they obviously thought it was going to help Alec Baldwin. Listen, there was a thing in this case early on, and I think it was on NBC Nightly News, where they allowed cameras in when the police were talking about how they were constructing the case. I have never seen that in my career, where they allow cameras in for a strategy meeting. That's the day I started thinking they're doing this to get publicity. The job of the prosecutors is to represent the interest of the state itself, the state of New Mexico in this case. Not to target people because they don't like them, and you just felt that. Alec Baldwin handled himself sort of poorly in this whole thing, right? And the immediate aftermath is coming out and doing press conferences, and he's bad mouthing law enforcement in the prosecution. But boy, did Alex Spyro do a good job? Oh my goodness. I mean, did he do a good job? Goodness. Goodness. I've been a lawyer 50 years. And I don't remember seeing anything quite like this. This truly is like Perry Mason. And the judge dismissing this case, I got to say prosecutors have a lot to answer for. Hi, my name is Zach Ross, calling from Huntington Beach, California, and I'm just really out of words for this. Just shocking that the prosecutors would do something like this, really such a subject with so much, so many eyes and so many people watching this, how they think they could try to do something like this, hoping they could get away with it. So I agree. I think there's going to be a lot of answering there and have coming up very shortly. Wow, I got to say, when you just looked at that video of Alec's wife standing up just in tears, hugging him, and not believing that something, and that's Alec Spyro, by the way, in the right. He is the hero in this case for Alec Baldwin, for sure. This is absolutely just an amazing, amazing scene. And I think prosecutors are going to have a lot to answer for. President Biden has made his view on this very clear. He is not dropping out of the race. That is what he is saying publicly, regardless of what conversations are going on behind this case. There is an asterisk. He said, "If somebody convinces me that I would lose," he actually did say that. Right. But that's as far as he went. Yeah. Well, and also he said that it would need to be God Almighty who came down. That too. And convinced him. So we'll see where that goes. But the people who have been supporting him with millions and millions records have been set for the fundraising that President Biden has done. But the people who have been pouring that money into his campaign coffers. This spigot has been turned off. Yeah. They are not happy. So, we have spoken with donors, and I can tell you, I spoke with one in particular who is a massive donor, one of the top donors in California. And the word we're getting back from everybody we've spoken with is they are not going to contribute money anymore. Because it's not so much that they don't like Biden, but that they don't think Biden can win and it becomes fool's goal. Right. Throwing money is something that is not going to have a good outcome. And by the way, and I even asked this one particular person, "Well, if it's Biden versus Trump and it's the only way of keeping Trump out of the White House, are you guys going to give money?" And he said, "No." Because we really don't think he can win. Now, some of the donors we've spoken to said that what they would do instead is pour their money into the House and Senate races, critical House and Senate races, because that is also something that is a battle coming up in this election besides the presidential part of it. So, what happens going forward for Biden? And, you know, it seems like the administration is trying to fight back against this narrative that has been going on all week that really started with George Clooney and then several other people coming out saying they just don't want him to stay in the race. They're fighting back saying stop that conversation and it should be, we should be talking about Donald Trump instead to ensure that Biden wins. What do they do going forward? Joining us to discuss that is our good friend, Douglas Huy, Doug Huy, I got very, got very proper there, Doug, Douglas, former RNC strategist, and he is joining us now, Doug, welcome back to TMZ Live. Hey, Doug. Great to be with you. So, Doug, you know, I'm finding this very interesting that the way the discussion is going is people who are still really behind Biden. Every time you ask about Biden's mental acuity or whether or talk about the polling, what they say is, "Why aren't we talking about Donald Trump?" That seems to me at least to miss the point. It doesn't miss the point for two reasons. One, we've talked about Donald Trump and still do for years now, right? Everything that we talk about, when we talk about Donald Trump, we often say that things are faked or filtered in because we're so used to all of these things and all the chaos surrounding Donald Trump. The other reason is during this time, Democrats would often complain, almost always complain, whether Republicans would say one thing in private and another thing in public, meaning publicly they didn't see Trump's tweets or they didn't want to comment on anything or I backed the nominee, privately they would say that Trump's a disaster. Now, they don't say that part as much anymore, but that's the mirror image of where we're seeing Democrats right now. Privately, I've not had a good conversation with a Democrat involved in anything political, including Democratic members of Congress, privately. Publicly, they're either backing the nominee, most of them, or they're trying to avoid questions. We've had 18 members of Congress, 17 House members, one Senator, thus far, who've come out and said Biden needs to step down. None of those are the bold-faced names that we see on cable TV all the time, and I think that tells us something as well. Last night, when President Biden had the huge flub, when introducing President Zelensky, referring to him as President Putin, there was, for obvious reasons, immediate reaction where people felt like, here we go again, how much more evidence do we need. But this morning, I heard a lot of people pointing out, trying to make the point that, you know what, Donald Trump has done this at his rallies several times, and nobody says a word about it, that seems like that's a good point to make, but nobody's looking at Donald Trump this week the way they're looking at President Biden, and is that fair? Well, Charles, I think it's a fair point and a smart tactic for the Biden campaign to use, but I can tell you, and this is sort of a Washington conversation, not the rest of the country conversation. Every time Trump gives a speech, my Twitter feed and my email and text boxes are all filled with the 47 lies that Donald Trump told in his speech. But again, voters have filtered that in, they know that that's who Donald Trump is. With Joe Biden, we've been told something for so long, and for a lot of us, it's been apparent that he's not at 100%, but we haven't seen it in the stark way that we didn't yet seen it, in the stark way we did at the debate, and even last night, where the Biden campaign, I think very smartly and very well, lowered expectations that anything other than a disaster would be seen as a double, if not a home run for Biden, but very clearly, they feel that they're in a place where they can move on, even if the machinations on Capitol Hill and in the donor community, in New York, in Washington, Los Angeles as well, still remain, and it means, as a Catholic, I'll use the term, Democrats are in perpetuity right now. So I had this nefarious idea last night that I couldn't wait to run. I couldn't wait to run by you, okay, because you are a really good strategist. So here's my idea, what if, what if, at a point over the weekend, Joe Biden decides, I can't win, and I'm going to withdraw. So if I were advising that campaign, what I would say is record your withdrawal message on LBJ, and release it on Twitter, 15 minutes before Donald Trump gives his acceptance speech at the Republican convention. If something like this were going to happen, that's precisely what it should be. But I'll tell you Harvey, the conventional wisdom in Washington, which in this case, I think is wise, is that there are two people who can convince Joe Biden of that. He's his sister Valerie Owens, Valerie Biden Owens, and then obviously Dr. Joe Biden, the First Lady. >> You don't think if Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, they go to the White House, couldn't they make that case? >> They can try and make that case, but they've also got to make the case to the First Lady. She is his most influential person in his life. That's often the case with candidates and spouses. And he are so close that she's going to be that last wall of resistance, and Democrats need to be very mindful of that. >> With the convention coming up next week, the Republican convention, what does Donald Trump really want? Does he want Joe Biden to stay in the race? Does he see that as his best path, or does he have, does he just feel like it doesn't matter who the Democrats go out there, he's going to win? He's got to be pulling for one person or another. >> He and his campaign are very clear. They love everything that's happened with Joe Biden over the past couple of weeks, and they want Biden to be the nominee. But I'll tell you, the RNC research department and those guys work hard and smart. They're not resting on their laurels right now. They're looking at everything they can about Kamala Harris, about Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, and anybody else who may be on that presidential or vice presidential line, if it's Harris or one of the other candidates. They've been already doing this, that's a hyperdrive right now. >> I heard you on another show over the last couple of days, and I believe you were saying you were talking about this, having this kind of open primary with all the people you just mentioned. I don't see it. It seems to me, if Biden withdraws, Kamala Harris automatically gets it. They cannot pass her over at this point. I just don't see it. >> I think it will be a mistake to pass Harris over, and it will know very quickly if that's going to happen or not. If that doesn't happen, then it's wide open. Obviously, Democrats want to prevent any more chaos because they've gone through two weeks of an army getting for them that's been a disaster. >> Wow. The fact that you've got this kind of clear view and you're not an advocate on either side, you're really compelling to watch. So thanks for being on. >> Thank you so much. >> It's always good talking to him, you're right. That's the thing that's always great about a conversation. >> Yeah, no, he's great. He is great. Okay, we're taking a break. And when we come back, Ben and JLo take another step that makes it very clear this marriage is over even if they're not saying it. What they've done with that Beverly Hills mansion that they're not even trying to hide it anymore, they're splitting up. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, they haven't said what's happening with their marriage. >> But we have. >> Yeah, because we know things are happening behind the scenes and we told you that they've been trying to sell the Beverly Hills mansion. >> Not just sell it. They have a realtor from the agency, a guy named Santiago who's the top realtor in LA who has quietly been trying to sell this for a month, right? They've been running it off market. >> We had no luck. >> Yeah, so now they have publicly listed that incredible mansion you saw there. And that means they're not hiding it anymore. >> Yeah, exactly. Why would everybody know? >> They need to sell the house, it's a $60 million house. They have, I believe, a $20 million mortgage on it. They took the mortgage on out after they bought it for cash. And they got to sell this thing, because it's draining money out of their bank account. >> How do you solve a problem like a $60 million mansion? Well, there are some people in town who know, and those would be the folks at million dollar listing Los Angeles and Tracy Tudor from that show is joining us right now to talk about what Benifer can do to unload this home. Tracy, welcome to TMZ Live. >> How are you guys? >> I'm good, good. >> Tracy, I got so many questions. The first question is this. They bought the house for around 60. They are listing it for 68. This house, they've had trouble selling this house over the years. >> The previous owners. >> The previous owners. And if, you know, when you look at the mansion tax in LA, real estate commissions, and the fact that they put several million dollars in improvements in this, it seems to me they're underwater. >> Yeah, I mean, they are. They actually bought it a little closer to 61 million. So when you start to do the math on it, 68, with the mansion tax plus the additional half point, you're looking at close to 10% in fees and taxes that they're going to have to pay on it. So at 67 million, they're losing money. So the odds are against them, and they could take a $5 to $10 million loss on this. >> Wow. >> Do you see that as a sign that, as we look, we know that there's clearly trouble in paradise and it's a matter of time before they file for divorce. But the fact that they would be willing to take that kind of loss, kind of to me reads like the sellers just like, we just got to get this thing off our hands. >> Yeah, I mean, I would say so. Obviously, there may be trouble in paradise there and all the speculation that we're hearing about that is sort of daily. But as it relates to this house, if the odds were in their favor to hold on to it for another couple of years and worry about their asset later, that would be one thing. But it seems like they might be rushing to market for a reason how that relates to their marriage. I can't answer that question. Everything we're told they're getting divorced. But to me that the thing is, and I think this kind of is an interesting issue generally with divorce. So you've got these two people that want to liquidate their assets, and I believe they each put money into the house. So they want to liquidate so they can get their money back. But also they have, I believe, a $20 million mortgage. So you say they're going to lose millions of dollars. They're going to lose millions of dollars if this thing just sits. So it's almost like a fire sale, right? Exactly. And obviously because we're dealing with the transfer taxes and where this house is located falls right in the center of it. They are, I'm a freak, but that's the story of our entire season is dealing with transacting at these high levels, and you're talking about millions of dollars in taxes and fees. And that has definitely shifted the luxury market and making people like Ben and Jen in that category not want to sell. So if they are selling, odds are they're going to take a big loss and obviously they're headed for doomsville. So I know you just launched season 15. Is the mansion tax really having a major impact? Is that something that you guys are getting into in this season? Absolutely. I mean, we're obviously dealing with it. I mean, flag, Altman and myself, I'll sell in the luxury market in Los Angeles and this affects all of LA City, north of $5 million and north of $10 million. You're looking at a five and a half percent tax on top of the additional half point in other transfer tax and then commissions on top of that. So again, when you're trading a house that you maybe bought three, four years ago, you're looking at a loss, no matter how you slice it, because the market has done nothing but go down since 2022. So we're already struggling. Well and also interest rates have gone up. So I'm wondering in terms of the client base that you guys have with the interest rates where they are with the mansion tax in LA, the whole thing, are you really focusing more on people with stupid money that just don't care? Because the people who do care, even if they're millionaires, it starts to affect them. So is this a stupid money market? Well, I mean, we're still going to see big trades, right? I mean, there are people with stupid money out there that are, you know, going to put down $210 million in Malibu and be like, oops, excuse me. That's okay. But at the end of the day, you know, that's it's affecting everybody. They didn't get rich by being stupid. So you know, anyone that can afford to hold on to that asset and let it grow and hang on to it for 10 years when we're arguably in a better market is going to be able to offset this mansion tax, which is arguably not going away. So the key is find people who are divorcing, who want to sell. They have to sell. I mean, the story of my life, I love navigating those types of parties. Gotcha. Yeah. Interesting on both sides of it. If you're the seller or if you're the buyer, you walk in going, nope, I'm not paying that. Right. Right. Good time to negotiate. Right. Tracy, thanks so much for being with us. We're seeing more of season 15 on Bravo, of course, on Wednesday night. And say hi to your partners for us. I will. Thanks, Ray. All right. Appreciate it. See ya. Wow. I know people just go like, oh, they're so rich. It doesn't matter, but man. Oh, it matters. It matters. It's taking a $10 million loss. It matters. It matters. Ariana Grande has, I would think, really got to be regretting, making what she's probably thought was just in simple comments when she was on the podcast where she talked about she wanted to have dinner with and not just celebrate Jeffrey Dahmer just to, she wanted to understand what serial killers alike and everybody just torched her for that. Well, there was the torching and then came the internet doing what the internet does, in particular, TikTok, where there is now a conspiracy theory that she is a wild conspiracy theory. Well, here is just one of the, I don't know how many thousands of posts, talking about Ariana Grande and making this wild allegation of which there is absolutely no basis, but here is the allegation. And then we're going to tell you how someone in her family is defending Ariana against this. I think only one that was today, years old, when they found out that Ariana Grande sold a home back like in 2017, 2013 stuff that where the police found human remains and evidence of cannibalism in there. Media did a great job at hiding that. Boy, the media did a great job of hiding that one. Yes, you are the only one who is today, years old when you found that out because nobody else thinks that, well, that's not true. There are a lot of people who are on TikTok now, do you think that it is true? Like we said. Frankie Grande, her brother, has now jumped to her defense as if she needs a defense. Yes, he says, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, wow, this might be the most creative and lowest you all have ever gone, reaching new depths daily. Listen, I know my sister's been eating the girls up for years, but this is a bit extreme besides she's vegan. That's, I like that. I like that. This is what Frankie does. He defends Ariana when things like this happen. But as far as like the human remains thing, apparently this is like something that goes on on TikTok all the time where they say like they name a random celebrity offer no proof and say like human remains were found at one of the mold homes that they used to have sold. Apparently this happens all the time and I mean, just very, very bizarre story. Boy, listen, you know. Don't believe what you say. Hold on a second. Well, you defended Ariana very, very vociferously. Yeah. Well, you said you would want to actually sit down. I would, I would absolutely and it's not to enjoy a dinner. I would just like to have a venue to sit down and understand a serial killer. I am fascinated. Devin, start running the property records. I was just going to say we're running the property records. You used to live. When it's a mattress. How many couple of addresses? I'm perfect. Yeah, we'll see. Check out a spalding and by the way, by the way, here in Hollywood, that actually might, you should not, well, that's, you know, it's really funny. Ariana is probably thinking, God, just get, let's get back to the donuts. Oh, no. She's probably not thinking that. You had to bring that up. Nice to meet y'all. My name is Andrew Townsend currently in Washington DC. First thing I want to say, y'all know she vegan, right? Clearly vegans ain't eating no human flesh. Well, maybe that's why she turned vegan. Right. Yeah. Maybe this was, maybe it was like, I'm so sick of neck that I, why did you pick neck? I don't know. Go on. Sorry. Sorry. Go on. When was the last time we seen her eat any type of meat? If you look online, we ain't seeing her eat nothing more than fresh beans and rice. And donuts. Okay. This ain't nothing but a bad rumor. But like her brother said, she been eating the girls up for years. Like there ain't no more evidence than this girl on TikTok trying to tell y'all not to buy her tickets so she could get them herself. That's what I think. Okay. So let's watch that one. So check this out. Yes. Gypsy Rose, as you know, Gypsy Rose Blanchard said she's pregnant. I believe she said she's 11 weeks pregnant. Yep. Well, a lot of people doing math and it ain't adding up for them. Yes. Some people think that Ken Erker, her ex-fiance now girlfriend and baby daddy, according to her, she says that he is the father. But a lot of people think it is her estranged husband, Ryan. So she went on GMA this morning and talked about that, the fact that some fans think that Ken is not the dad. You're about to get a lot of information right now. More than you probably want. It was mid-March when I left Ryan. So this is absolutely 100% Ken's baby. There was never any question of paternity. How do you think your ex is going to react to this, especially given that you're going through a divorce proceeding still? I'm hoping that he is okay emotionally and I wish him the best emotionally. But right now, I have not even had a moment to stop and think about anybody else except for am I taking my prenatals in the morning? Am I drinking enough water? Like I have so much to focus on, making sure that I'm healthy for this baby. And if people were still questioning if Ken is the father or not, she went in-depth you guys with a TMI sex timeline. So she did like a TikTok. She said on March 23rd, she left Ryan, April 17th, she had her period, April 27, 28, 29 and 30th. She made love with Ken and only Ken, May 4th conceived the baby and May 24th, there was a positive pregnancy test. And if you do the math, you know, if you count 40 weeks from the date that she said that she allegedly conceived, it does kind of add up that the baby would be due at the end of January, which she says is the case. By the way, Charlie, you actually found out something that is really interesting about Louisiana law and that when the child is born, the presumptive father is the husband. Even though, and I'm sure the attorney will show this, that Ken is the father, they say it will. A presumptive, Ryan, the presumption can be rebutted. And Ryan's name will actually be on the birth certificate as the father and then they'll have to go through the process to get that changed. Joe Larson here from Cleveland, Ohio. So first of all, we're basing everything off of what Gypsy's saying. Okay. And that's definitely, there's definitely some discrepancies in the timeline that she's provided. I think that it ends up being the father of Ken that maybe they might have had a little side romance when she was with Ryan. Also, I don't understand this because she's 11 weeks pregnant. And last time I checked, you can get a paternity test that 11 weeks. What did you check last? I should go Harvey. Oh really? All right. Well, I hope it turned out the way you wanted it to turn out. Where's Morrie when you need it? Well the SPs went down last night here in Hollywood and boy did they have the perfect host. Serena Williams making her debut as SPs host and she was fantastic. Yeah. Fantastic. Yes. Serena Williams is going to host something big. Yeah. On a regular basis. She is a natural addict. She's so good. And boy did she use her time and that mic, very, well I'm wondering if this was something she wanted to do if the writers did it or if it was both. It was probably both. But she decided to address Harrison Butker, the Kansas City Chiefs kicker who got in hot water a few, what, a couple months ago when he made a commencement speech and basically said that women, no matter what you accomplish in life, the only thing that will matter to you is raising kids and being a homemaker. He said that among many other things. Yes, exactly. So Serena Williams decided to address Mr. Butker who was there and here's what she said. So go ahead and enjoy women's sports like you would any other sports because they are sports. Except you, Harrison Butker, we don't need you. At all, like ever. Ooh, yeah. She never cut. Obviously Serena had some help there from Venus and Quinta Brunson and they never cut to him. Yeah, that was interesting. Maybe they were like cutting to him would have been too much because they got to juggle these things. ESPN is like, yes, we want to make fun of them but we also need to cover these people. They also had to know when the season is coming too. Yes. They absolutely did. They were kind of dying to know what his reaction was too. I would have, obviously I think we all would have loved to see his face when the, I was going to call it a joke. I guess it's not really a joke. But when Serena made the comment, look, I think what he said obviously not to relitting it. They're traditional religious beliefs and a lot of people who are religious out there, I think they believe what Harrison Butker believes and he's a religious guy and that's how he lives his life. I understand people being upset with him still and not liking him and I'm sure a lot of people agreed with what she did. Especially in an auditorium filled with athlete women who are doing much more than, and a lot of them just like Serena are raising a family as well but they're doing more than that. Of course. I think that's why you heard that reaction. So you know where Serena is from, right? Of course, Compton. Yep. And so they're from Compton without tipping your hat to Kendrick Lamar. Absolutely. And she did it in a pretty awesome way. Yeah. If I've learned anything this year is that none of us, not a single one of us, not even me, should ever pick a fight with Kendrick Lamar. They make your hometown not like you. The next time Drake sits courtside at a Raptors game, they're going to force Gumpin, sites tikin, they not like us, they not like us, they not like us. She is so good. The complicated layer here is that she dated him, she once dated him in 2014, the two of them dated. Yeah. But listen, you got to Drake or your hometown. She's going with her hometown. She's going with her hometown. Hi, Don Joseph from West Hollywood here and I absolutely love what Serena said to Harrison. I think it was only a matter of time before he had to face the music and I think there was no better way of doing it than in a room full of his peers. Yeah. I really wish someone had a special video on him reacting. You want to see it. Come on ESPN. You know they have it. You know what he did? You should just post it. You know what I think he did? I think he just smiled. He would have to. The entire auditorium was laughing because he also knew it was going to come. He had to. He had to. Pat Sejak is not pulling a Tom Brady, which is what a lot of people thought this week when they heard ABC made the announcement that Pat Sejak, you know the guy who just retired a few weeks ago, was going to be hosting Celebrity Wheel of Fortune in the fall. Not so fast. Yeah. This is sort of like he's grandfathered into this. Well, it's not even so much grandfathered. I mean he made a deal. Yeah, it was already on his deal. And the deal we're told is that he will do this coming season of Celebrity Wheel, just the prime time, just the prime time, and then Ryan Seacrest, who will take over the day job beginning in September, will also take over the celebrity version after that year. So basically this fall, you get Ryan on the syndicated one, you get Pat in the prime time, and then next year it's going to be all Ryan. So Pat is still retiring, it's just slightly sort of delayed. This isn't even like the Tom Brady thing though. This is more like, in the worst case for Ryan, it's like a Jay Leno thing. Everyone Jay Leno left the tonight show, kind of like Ryan took it, and then after a season, Conan didn't do that well. He brought Jay Leno back. If Ryan's numbers aren't great, they might be like, you know what, Pat, you're really good on a celebrity. Why don't you just come on back? That his numbers are going to be fine. That show, Ryan, one thing Ryan's never had a problem with his numbers, yeah. And Pat's not going to leave his retirement in Hawaii, that's sure. Nope, nope, nope. Right. I'm Brittany Cherry in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I'm super excited for Celebrity Wheel of Fortune. I think that this is going to be an opportunity for endless celebrities to come out and be a part of history, and what celebrity doesn't want to be a part of history. And for Pat Stagak, I mean, after he's done fulfilling his contract, he can go have some beers in Hawaii. I think he's going to be having beers before. The normal gig is only working like five days a week. So this one, this is like unbelievable. Probably knock it out all in one day. Unbelievable. What else do you guys want to talk about? Hi, my name is Gary from Arlington, Virginia. In regards to Alec Baldwin in that particular case, it's really weird because they have unexamined rounds that have been brought into, so it makes a confusion from a standpoint of it has evidence been leaked or withheld, and I think it adds all into the mysterious nature of this particular case, and this is a very strange scenario all around. It is a weird case. I got to say. Yeah. One more. I'm from San Francisco and I'm talking about the Travis Kelsey with the karaoke, and as bad as I karaoke was, I feel personally inspired because I know later on today I'm going to go to that karaoke bar. Probably be half a beer deep and I try to sing at the top of my lungs like that because a Travis Kelsey can go number one in that competition. Probably not me, but I'm definitely going to try that, so I'm looking forward to the inspiration he's doing off the field. More power to you. Such an inspiring performance, Travis. Well, it's finally happening. The wedding that has been going on for months and months and months, there were pre-ceremonies, they had Rihanna perform, they had Justin Bieber perform. It's nuts. And now Anant and Radika are getting married over in India. This is the guy his father is worth like $160 billion. $60 billion. So, of course, look who's there to celebrate the wedding with them. Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian. Mike Tyson. Tyson was there. John Cena was there. What I'm thinking is they made her just gotten paid to show up at the wedding on the guest. Are you suggesting that Anant and Radika are not best friends with all of these people? I don't know it for a fact, but I'm thinking my, it's a weird thing that Mike's been spending time over there before. I haven't either. If it's true, paying guests to show up at the wedding is like, it's like, I mean, I'm going to do that for my funeral. Actually, you might need to. I mean, need to. But you listen. Set aside. No. Set aside some money. Check this out. They have a, they're serving 125 dishes at this wedding. How long is the ceremony going to go? I don't know. It's how do you have 125 courses? This is nuts, boy. Very small portion. Can you imagine? Very small portion. Can you imagine the bride says, look, I'm getting cold feet. That would be. You just love loving. Okay. Have a good weekend. We'll see you Monday. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)