TMZ Live

Ben Affleck's Daughter Makes Passionate Speech To LA County Board

On this episode of TMZ Live:

D.L. Hughley slams George Clooney on 'TMZ Live' for asking Biden to drop out, Diddy accuser's attorney claims the rapper's going to be indited 'very shortly,' Alec Baldwin's 'Rust' trial kicks off with opening statements, and Ben Affleck's daughter makes impassioned speech against mask bans in L.A. County.

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Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

D.L. Hughley slams George Clooney on 'TMZ Live' for asking Biden to drop out, Diddy accuser's attorney claims the rapper's going to be indited 'very shortly,' Alec Baldwin's 'Rust' trial kicks off with opening statements, and Ben Affleck's daughter makes impassioned speech against mask bans in L.A. County.

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(upbeat music) Welcome to TMZ Live, Harvey Levin here. There has been a seismic change in the drama over whether President Biden will run for re-election. And the seismic change is embodied in one George Clooney who says that the Joe Biden he knew is not the Joe Biden of today, and Joe Biden should not run. He said flat out we, the Democrats, cannot win with him in the race. And it is a shocking thing to come from Clooney who what three weeks ago was standing shoulder to shoulder with President Biden at a fundraiser. - A fundraiser by the way that made history, right. For the million, how much? I think it was almost $30 million that they earned that night. So why is Clooney now turning? Well, he says it's based on things he saw the night of that fundraiser as well as what we all saw at the debate. So he wrote an op-ed, an open letter in The New York Times and parts of the letter read this way. He says the Joe Biden, I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe big bleeping deal Biden of 2010. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. We're also terrified, we meaning the Democrats, also terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we've opted to ignore every warning sign. We are not going to win in November with this president. - I think it's so interesting he's saying that we opted to ignore every warning sign because the warning signs were there. And as a matter of fact, as that very fundraiser at the very end you'll recall the video President Obama grabbing Joe Biden by the hand because he was frozen and then leading him off. And then everybody was saying, oh, he was just talking to somebody in the crowd or listening to somebody. No, it's clear what was going on. But I think that underscores what Clooney was saying. - Yeah, the other thing that George Clooney mentioned in his letter was the interview with George Stephanopoulos. And he said that what we saw during that interview with Stephanopoulos just bolstered what we all felt after the debate. - Well, guess who else felt that way about the Stephanopoulos interview? George Stephanopoulos because we got a video of George on the streets of New York. He was on Fifth Avenue yesterday. I think he had maybe just come back from the gym, he was wearing gym clothes. And a pedestrian saw him and asked him about Biden running for reelection. And this is what George said. - Hey, Susan, hey, how you doing? - Good. - What do you think? Do you think Biden should step down? - You talk to him more than anybody else have lately. And he could be honest. - You don't think he can start for more years? - All right. - That's an answer. - That is an answer. By the way, George actually said to us later that he probably shouldn't have talked to the guy in the street. And George Stephanopoulos, by the way, he's really an objective journalist and there aren't that many left. - And a lot of people felt like he was gonna be biased when he sat down with the president because of his connections with the Democrats. - But he was really good. He was strong but fair. - Right. So now the question. - So now there's more hand-ringing, right? In the Democratic Party, you have big-time fundraisers like George Clooney, by the way, Michael Douglas also came out and sat back to what Clooney said, saying that he should back out. - I just got an offer saying. - I just got an offer saying. - He's got a major, major donor to the Biden campaign who said he doesn't know that Joe Biden is gonna be able to raise any significant money after what Clooney did, that Clooney's announcement is huge. So, wow. - Congress, like you said, is still behind Joe Biden. So what happens going forward for the Democrats to joining us now to discuss this? Comedian, activist, and someone who has sat down with both President Biden and Vice President Harris, DL Hughley, welcome back to TMZ Live. - Amen. You know, I sat through all that. I find a whole tone of this insulting. I really do. - Okay. - I find it insulting for a couple of reasons. First off, I wasn't debate like everybody else. I didn't cut the microphones off, but not the oxygen. But... (laughing) But ultimately, it's this. In 2020, it was black people and brown people that fired Donald Trump. They fired him. If you'll recall the election, millions more white people voted for him in the second term after all that had happened. The debacle that COVID was, the immigrate, all of that happened. They still, people signed up for more. The problem I am having is rather than having a conversation about the fate that it had packed out, 'cause if you're a straight white male in this country, you could be disappointed, but you're gonna be all right. Or if you're married to a straight white male, there's a difference between disappointment and disaster. And Trump winning is a disaster. Imagine if Joe Biden is the president, like we got a presumptive liberal, imagine running against that. I watch a man, if rape and fraud and conviction and felony convictions aren't enough. I haven't heard, you told me, talk about Stephanopoulos. I've never heard this level of concern about, those level of questions raised on anybody on the other side. So it's insulting. The things that are in state for people of color are ridiculous. And now one mention out of any of those people about the possibility of Project 2025. Who does that affect? It affect people, communities of color. The Department of Education being disbanded. Environmental rollbacks. Judicial appointments taken away. The social safety net gone. Who do you think that affects? 'Cause if you're a straight white male, you can have a different conversation. So if you can, and I hear all these, these hand wringing, the truth of the matter, if you can vote for a convicted felon, I can vote for a cadaver. If you can vote for a convicted felon, I can vote for the crip keeper. I'm voting because they are saying that it's so concerning that I can't let this happen. And watch these, it is so cowardly, it's ridiculous. - Well, but Dio, let me ask you a question about this, because I think a lot of people agree with you in the Democratic Party. I think almost everybody, that they don't want Donald Trump. But what they're fearing is that Joe Biden will lose to Donald Trump. - Then, let me just make my point. That the polls are showing a downward spiral. - That is not true. - That is not true. - Well, it is. - That is not true. - That is not true. - Every poll deal is showing that. - They're virtually where they were. They polled them virtually where they were. - No, they're not. - No, they're not, no, they're not, they're just not. And you can look at the CBS poll, look at the CNN poll. He is losing in every battleground state now. - Hold aside. - So the point I'm making is that I don't think the people who are calling for Biden to step down are in any way supporting Trump. They're doing the opposite. - They are. - They're saying the way to stop Donald Trump is to bring in somebody else who's more viable. - Let me ask you something. So Kamala Harris is beating Trump in the polls, right? Right? - They're out of the polls that, yeah. - So you get Joe Biden in, so Biden can't go on. He has Kamala in the wings. The foolishness that people are, this even Licksizer, Licksies, that Al-Licksies didn't talk about the tennis you need to repeat. It is every time people have given up the incumbency, from LBJ or even when Biden, excuse me, Trump ran against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Every party that's given up the incumbency lost, everyone. And for black people, LBJ giving up the incumbency and Nixon winning was a disaster for black people. It was a disaster for me. Look at mass incarceration and the war on drugs and how it started. So when people have these hand-wringing ideas, for you, for some people, it is a disappointment. For black people and people of color, it is a disaster. Right now, we're talking about replacing Joe Biden. But next week, Donald Trump will have the replacements by his president because he tried to kill him. So, and we're not having those conversations. So it's disingenuous from the start to me. - But if you heard CNN and MSNBC, they're all... - Well, that's the point, but there was one name. - There was calling Trump Hitler, like Hitler-like. - I'm not talking about the New York Times called for Joe Biden to step down. Never once in all of those allegations that they do the same for Donald Trump. Never one time. There is a difference, there's a definitive, I'm supposed to be concerned about a man's age. When you're not concerned about his convictions, his morality, his dialyances, the media is not being... If we were having a conversation that we're fair, but what you're doing is having a very one-sided age - It's not a conversation. - And it's ridiculous to me. - And it's black, we got into this conversation earlier this week and I know exactly what you're talking about and I'm trying to figure out why it is that it's not talked about and maybe it's... - Because his supporters are okay with it. - No, it's not even just a supporter. New York Times is not a supporter. They run an article asking for the sitting president to sit down because he had a bad debate or he's old, whatever you want to call it. They never did the same thing to Donald Trump. Never, we haven't had one substantive conversation from mass media about 2025, Project 225 and the evil things that they've laid out that will decimate communities of color. So when we're having a conversation that is balanced, I'll respect this notion, but I don't now. George Clooney clearly never talked about in that whole article, he didn't mention Project 2025 once. Neither the Stephanopoulos, none of them did. But you're gonna tell me how somebody's old and I gotta worry about all the things that affect my community, the people of color, because the truth of the matter there are 2020 black people and brown people fired them. People in this country did not like that and these have as a result of it. And you're having conversations that are deeply disturbing, in fact, it affects us and never wanted you bringing up any of that. And I'm talking about the mass media in general. - Obviously, there's a lot more we gotta get into. And we will get back with DL. (upbeat music) We are talking to DL Hugley about George Clooney's letter saying that President Biden needs to drop out of the race and boy DL is indignant about this. - Yeah. - Why does it sound like, and certainly Trump has made this and there are some polls that show it, that he's gaining black supporters. And it's puzzling to me. Why is that, why do you think that's happening? - I don't know. But first off, first off, this notion, every time I see him with somebody, it's somebody I've never seen or heard of. So, I don't know that he's gaining black support. If he were gaining all that black support, he wouldn't have to have so many props. He propped up a, the black people, it's like the Harlem Globetrotters or traveling with it, 'cause it's the same black people everywhere. If you've got, if you're gaining black support, you don't need to fill a black church in Detroit with white people. You don't need to do that, do you? You don't need to, so this notion, I think the whole narrative for me is disturbing because it does seem like the mass media in general has a certain slam that it's trying to propagate. We, I don't know what polls look like, but I do know this, I don't know if the polls are right or not. If you want, the quickest way to make black people tell you a lot is to ask them a question with a clipboard in your hand. So I don't know if the polls are true. I don't know, I don't know, but I do know this, it is insulting and galling to watch people again and again talk about this man's age and not about what this party wants to do to this country fundamentally. It is ridiculous. - I wanna ask you something because I'm just not connecting with you on this. Tell me that I'm-- - You wouldn't, let me just make my point and tear it apart, if you will. The people who are saying that Joe Biden's mental acuity is just not there anymore are not supporting Donald Trump, at least in the Democrat party. - Your point is that the mass media tends to be more liberal. They want to defeat Donald Trump, but they don't think Joe Biden can do it. - You don't defeat, well, okay, maybe they don't think that, but the conversations that they're having are not really the thing that will, if Joe Biden is a nominee, I don't know how you buy this back, but if we were having compensation, if as what's for in Project 2025, the Department of Education is disbanded, who does that hurt? If the social safety net is gone, who does that hurt? If environmental rollbacks are taken back, who does that hurt? If women lose the right for their bodily autonomy, who does that hurt? So I will respect people's right to have their vantage point, but for me, there's a decided difference by somebody being disappointed with the outcome of election and having their disasters result from. So if we're going to have conversations, let's have conversations, what is really a stake? The worst thing that would happen is that Joe Biden couldn't do it, a very competent, capable woman would step in and do it. So how is this a real argument? How is it a real argument? He didn't pick somebody, he didn't pick somebody based on their allegiance, or their feel to him. He picked one of the most competent senators we have. So the worst thing that would happen is what? She'd take over. This argument that you're having about this concern, that's why you have a vice president. But don't tell me all hope is lost. When the worst thing that happens, you can't do it, you have a very competent, capable woman who's already leading in the polls to take over. It's a false narrative. - But there are people who are saying in the Democratic Party, they want Kamala Harris to be the standard bearer of the party. - They got her, they got her. - They already got her. - As a standard bearer, not as the vice president. - As the actual president. - Let me tell you something. Why would you right now make a president in this culture lesson, a lame duck? It's stupid. Why would you make him a lame duck? - Because he would lose to Trump. - You know what? Here's what I'll say to you. I'm bored with all of his handwriting. What it is, is the fight we have. If he stays, then I gotta find a way and people gotta find a way to win. If he doesn't, we still gotta find a way to win. Stop having this argument with me. I'm not talking about you in general, but the people, if the worst that can happen is that Kamala Harris takes over. The worst that can happen. The worst. You don't have to give him the power of the incumbency in this. And if you're going to have a conversation about how old he is, have a conversation about how old they want to take this country back to. Never wants to have, I heard this conversation in any substance that matters for anybody. And my people and communities of color, everything's like steak for us. And I have these conversations about George Clooney. Yeah, he's not the man he was in "Oceans 11." That wasn't what he was talking about. (laughing) This is crazy to me. I'm so tired of cowardly people who just don't understand, who just don't get it. And if they do get it, name me a time when somebody gave up the incumbency and won. Won. And as a result of that, what happened? When Nixon took over, look what happened up like people as a result of that. Look at mass incarceration and the war on drugs. Look at what happened to us. So these conversations you have, while they're very entertaining, are deadly serious to communities of color. And you have an obligation as a member of the media to make just as sure you understand, the people understand what the stakes are. Well, that's why we had you on today. That's why we have you here, man. That's not my job. It's my job. Well, you just did it. (laughing) Don't tell me, next time I hear about how old he is, you know what? He's not as old as the abortion bans that Arizona wants to enforce. He's not as old as the abortion bans Ohio wants to enforce. He's not as old as rolling back, having us go back to the 1900s. It's a ridiculous notion. It's ridiculous to me. Well, we like George Clooney. But I don't listen. No, listen. You were doing, oh, so it's 14. I was just 14. Okay, I'm gonna listen to you. Right. Tell me if we can win or not. Right. That's ridiculous. All right, D.L. Thank you, man. We so appreciate having you on today. Likewise, man. Honestly. And you look dope in your T-shirt. You look dope in your T-shirt, baby. (laughing) Thank you, sir. I don't give a damn if boy is wicking at Bernie's. I love that movie. I love cocoon. I love the American stuff. (laughing) All right, D.L. Thank you so much, D.L. All right, baby. I love you all, man. I appreciate it. Thank you. What's up? Thank you. Wow. That is the point that I, we're hearing a lot of things from, but the Democratic Party, and we say this about all groups. They're not monolithic, and the Democratic Party isn't either. So, and by the way, I made a mention of Michael Douglas saying when he was on the view that he backs what Clooney said. Right. At the end of that conversation, Whoopi basically kind of made the same point that D.L. said, look, until someone shows me he can't do the job, I'm right with Biden. But I don't- But she said- But again, I don't- But no, let's not. We don't have that argument anymore. We did it for ten minutes. One point. He maybe can do the job, and he's done the job. You know, it's a kitty win, and that's the issue. Got it. (upbeat music) Well, I think you actually put it perfectly when you said that Diddy was waving a red flag in front of a bowl, with his recent post showing himself on his private jet, and also his whitewater rafting trip last week. One of the people who was quite incensed about this and spoke out, told us how she was feeling and also how her client was feeling, is Ariel Mitchell Kidd, the attorney for Adria English, who filed the lawsuit last week against Diddy, accusing him of sex trafficking her at several of his white parties back in the day. Joining us right now to talk about what lies ahead for Diddy, and especially as it relates to her client, is attorney Ariel Mitchell Kidd. Ariel, welcome to TMZ Live. Hey Ariel. - Thank you. Hi guys, nice to see you. It's good seeing you. I'm really interested in this, because just from my perspective, the whole thing is kind of transparent. That it's sort of like somebody saying what me worry, when there really is something to worry about. But you took it differently than I did, because to me it's just so obvious, but you're really angry about this. I wanna understand from your perspective, how you took that in. - It just seems like in addition to what he did that we saw with the planes and the white water rafting, him removing all of his Instagram posts, including the apology video, it just really gives a big slap in the face and that he is not remorseful for any of his actions. He could care less about how many people come forward. And I think he thinks he's invincible, and it's upsetting, but also invigorating for me and my client to make sure that we do everything in our power to make sure that he pays whether it be criminally, whether it be civilly in a monetary jury trial award. We're gonna make sure that he is going to face the repercussions of his actions. - There are a few people who are actually supporting Diddy still. And their view of this, and I think maybe even Diddy's view is I'm innocent until proven guilty. And yes, there are allegations against me. There are no criminal charges against him at this point. And some people feel like why should he stop living his life until that comes to pass, until he is found guilty of something or there are even charges against him. - It's about having respect and remorse and actually taking a step back to think about the harm you have caused others. And honestly, more than anything, I see this as him checking off bucket item lists 'cause he knows what's coming down. He knows it's only a matter of time, the clock is ticking, the walls are closing in, and sooner or later he'll be behind bars. - Speaking of that, where are you and your client with respect to the federal investigation? Have they approached you? Have they gotten a download from your client? Has your client been asked to appear before the grand jury or even appeared already? - So at this time, I can't go into details about that situation. There will be a time where we can talk about that very shortly. I do not want to impede the federal government or anything that they're doing or to halt or prevent anything that they're doing by preliminarily saying anything or doing anything. We are just trying to do everything we need to do in terms of our civil lawsuit. And we are right now diving into the possibilities of in three different places, which were the places my client was trafficked. In New York City, in the Hamptons and in Miami, Florida, filing police reports individually with those agencies as well. - Can I just pick up on something you said? - Very shortly. - You said very shortly. - Yes, I was saying the same thing. I'm just gonna go like, I understand what you're saying that you don't want to interfere with what the feds are doing, but you understand when you say very shortly, there's something coming down. - Right. - Sure, yes, can be perceived anyway. It might be a couple of weeks, it might be a couple of months. But I know that there is a finish line that we kind of came in at the end of and something will be happening sooner rather than later. - But you mentioned filing police reports 'cause I've read the lawsuit that you filed on behalf of Adria and it didn't make any mention of while she laid out all of the allegations at the white parties over several years, there was no mention of whether or not she had gone to police. Is that something that she had not done before and that you're now going to file police reports? - Yes, we have to make sure that we can do certain things in terms of timeliness of sexual limitations and making sure we have everything to give to the police for a criminal report and a filing. So as we all know, the civil litigation versus criminal litigation is very different spheres. So in civil law, we can move forward, we have a lower bar, but in criminal law, we want to make sure that we have everything we can to give the police all the tools that they need to investigate these things. As we all know, this is a delayed report. This is something that happened almost 20 years ago. So there are certain things we want to make sure we had. My client for several months was seeking counsel, did not have an attorney and did not know what to do and how to approach it. So now me and the legal team that I have, me and my partner, Steve Metcalf, are just right now going through the appropriate channels so that we can appropriately file the police reports and the appropriate jurisdictions that she was trafficked in. - Okay, well, this was fascinating. Ariel, we thank you so much for jumping on. Appreciate talking to you. - Thank you guys, I appreciate you for having me. - All right, that was very interesting. - Very interesting. - Very, very, very interesting. (upbeat music) - Welcome back to TMZ Live. Alec Baldwin's getting his day in court. Literally his trial started today in Santa Fe and this is of course over the accidental shooting on the set of Rust. He has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Could face 18 months if convicted. - Yeah, so there's high stakes here. You can see that Alec had some supporters, his brother Steven, as well as his wife, Hilaria there in court for this first day and opening statements, you're about to hear from the special prosecutor Johnson for the state and Alec Spyro is Alec Baldwin's attorney and they both laid out their case and what they think are the things that the jurors should be focusing on as testimony gets ready to start. - When someone plays make believe with a real gun in a real life workplace and while playing make believe with that gun violates the cardinal rules of firearm safety, people's lives are endangered and someone could be killed. - The defendant didn't do a gun safety check with that inexperienced armorer. He pointed the gun at another human being, caught the hammer and pulled that trigger. - This was a non-speakable tragedy but Alec Baldwin committed no crime. He was an actor acting. On this set there was a real bullet, something that should never be on a movie set, something which has nothing to do with making a movie and you will hear no evidence, not one word, that Alec Baldwin had anything to do with that real bullet being brought onto that set. This was anything other than foreseeable and they must prove beyond any and all reasonable doubt that this was foreseeable. - Here is the flaw in the prosecution's case I think. You notice the special prosecutor said that there was an inexperienced armorer there. Well that's true but the problem is that's on the producers of the movie and even though Alec Baldwin was a producer, the judges ruled that there can be no evidence before the jury that he was a producer or any of his duties as a producer. So as far as an actor is concerned, I'm assuming the producer got a decent armorer and I'm relying on the armorer and by the way, the armorer has already been convicted. - Right, I mean voluntary manslaughter. - I think this is a huge problem for us. - It was strange to bring up for the prosecutor to bring that up because you're admitting that it should be of the responsibility of the armorer. - I think this opening statement she wrote was written before the judges ruling and she didn't rejigger it enough. - Honestly. - Weird. - Well I'll tell you what she highlighted in her opening statement though, was that Alec Baldwin cocked that hammer and pulled the trigger which you remember. Alec Baldwin said during his interview that he never pulled the trigger. I think Alec Baldwin committed a fatal flaw for his own case by insisting that he didn't pull that trigger because it wouldn't really matter. He could have said I pulled it because I didn't believe and I thought it was safe. But he made it an issue and when they're able to prove the FBI testing that he did pull that trigger, he's already tried to run away from that. The FBI damaged the gun so the defense is gonna say that even though you say you had to pull the trigger, you damaged the gun so your test isn't real. And secondly, if there was a dummy bullet in there, even if you pulled the trigger, nothing's gonna happen and that's their point. - I mean Derek, you gotta say it like when Alec Spiro, I thought that was well said in the opening statements that they put it onto the jury that this is about a bullet, a live bullet being on the set. - That's the whole point. - Which shouldn't have been there. - That's the point. I mean isn't that the, that's the main, if there's no live bullet on the set. - Elena Hutchins would be a live bullet. - That's a huge part of this case and that's why Hannah Gutierrez Reid was convicted. However, there's also evidence that this was during blocking of a scene, did he need to pull that trigger? There's gonna be a lot of evidence ado. - Again, again. - This trial is gonna make Alec Baldwin look arrogant and bad. - All the trigger is gonna be bullet. Who cares? I mean, nobody's gonna get hurt, right? - No one is saying he had any intent to hurt anyone. We're saying he acted recklessly by pointing that gun in her direction and pulling the trigger during the blocking of a scene. I think that could make him look very bad. It was unnecessary and it was reckless. - In my estimate. - That's their best argument. I don't think it's gonna fly. Well, that's why we have trials. We'll see what happens. I'm just telling you what I think. - speaking Monique, Los Angeles, California, I think that the opening statements from the defense were very strong and I think that Alec being tried only as an actor and not as a producer is very helpful. So I personally think that Alec is gonna be found not guilty because of just those things. And a couple of more things. - You and I are in alignment here. (laughing) - You picked the wrong team, unfortunately. - Oh boy, this guy. - We are gonna move on. - Yes, to someone breaking into politics in Ben Affleck's family and that would be his daughter. We shouldn't say he's breaking into politics, but Violet did make a very passionate speech at the LA's County Board of Supervisors meeting about, it has to do, goes back to the pandemic, but she's talking about life after the pandemic and what she thinks is the proper regulation in LA County. Here was a little bit of her speech. - Hi, Violet Affleck, Los Angeles resident. First time voter, I'm 18. I contracted a post-trial condition in 2019. I'm okay now, but I saw firsthand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses. The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the end of sharper relief. It hits communities of color, disabled people, elderly people, trans people, women, and anyone in a public facing essential job, the hardest. To confront the long COVID crisis, item and mask availability, air filtration, and far UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in County medical facilities. - I know we've said this before. I see Jennifer Garner when I see her talk. - No, I totally see Jennifer Garner. - Jennifer Garner. - I'm a little bit surprised here. I thought that in medical facilities, certainly hospice, that they do have mask mandates, or it may be self-imposed. - But what she's asking for is to keep those mandates going forward. And you know, like kind of like she said, like she has a condition herself that made her realize why these mandates are so important. - What I also like is just, I love seeing young people who really feel a civic and that she joined, she made the point, I'm 18 for time voting and I wanna get involved. - I love that. - Which is great. - I love that. (upbeat music) - Welcome back to MIA, the British rapper who had a huge, huge hit with the paper planes back in the day. She is back now with something besides music, still making music, but she's jumped into the street wear industry with a twist. - Yes, with a very, very interesting twist that I know is gonna interest a lot of people because she's making street wear that is also blocking 5G signals. There's been a lot of discussion about the harm that some people say that 5G signals can do to your body, to your brain. The other side of this is that some people think that this is a conspiracy theory and there isn't any actual scientific data to back this up, but there are enough people that believe it that MIA's come out with this line, it's called Omni and she is joining us right now to talk about it. MIA, welcome back to TMZ Live. Been far too long since we've seen you, how you doing? - Doing it, 2024. Yeah, doing some interesting things with street wear and we wanted to bring people protection. - So how does that work? I mean, I'm really fascinated by this. So how would a garment protect you from 5G? What kind of garments are we talking about and how does it work? - It's not necessarily just 5G, it's EMF shielding, which is end radiation and any sort of, I don't know, when you have such rapid development in technology and tech and the requirement for installing in short amounts of space or small amount of space where technology is very dense, it's very useful to have clothes that block EMF radiation. And even if you're on your laptop, like eight hours a day, working in offices or something, it's just, it's effective against that as well. - So we work in front of computers, in front of cameras, TVs, TV monitors all day, that's the kind of radiation that you're saying that this material can protect you from? - Yeah, so I made it because my son, he is always on springs, he's always doing stuff and he's also going to school in LA. And to me, I wanted to bring like street wear to his generation and also like people that genuinely care about this stuff. A lot of the medical industry and nurses have already been like investing in this brand. And it really does, it helps with radiation levels when you put your laptop on your lap and you're working. And yeah. - Or if you put your phone in your lap. - Yeah, but is there a similarity between the fabric that you use on the clothes and say when you get like an MRI or an X-ray where they put that, the shield over you, is the fabric the same or is it similar to that? - fabric is the same as the one they use in like war zones where, you know, if you want to not be detected by satellites or solar cams or whatever, you know, and heat them or cameras and things. This is like that, it kind of makes you-- - Invisible, like it's like stealth wear. - Yeah. - I like that. I noticed in some of the video there that they roll up a phone, take a phone and roll it up and it looked like it was underwear. So is the idea that, and not that you would use your underwear in this way, but it will block the 5G signal while the phone is in that material. - Underwear in that way. That's what's cool about this brand is that every item of our clothing, you could wear it. And if you go to bed at night, you can literally use that t-shirt to wrap your phone and it cuts or signal or Wi-Fi or everything. You can even wrap your internet router in it when you sleep, you know, and it cuts out all the radiation while you're sleeping. - So when work calls and you don't-- - I'm just thinking that. - You're like, oh, I'm sorry, my phone was underneath my laundry. - I could get out and hear it. - I could get off Lunesta and still not have to work it. - I love this. I know that's not the idea of why you're-- - I was kidding. - But it is very interesting. - It's really fascinating. So is this available now? - I think it's an interesting concept because in the modern times, everyone wants to, it's all about being really naked and not having much clothes on. And like, that's what we're used to in the music world. Or that's what we use as women. So it is weird bringing us through every brand where you're like, no, cover yourself. This is for protection. And you know, it's about like being protected against unseeable things. So we know that it is interesting, but it's also interesting coming at the time, it's coming out where people are very naked right now. - All right, that's true. - You know. - It's available on Really fascinating. We love seeing you again. We haven't seen you in so long. - Paper it. - We can't make this another 15 years 'cause I'm not gonna live that long. So come back soon. - I'll be back. - All right, we will, it's a date. We'll talk to you soon, all right? Take care, am I? - Thanks to my eight. - Thank you. - It's really interesting. - We're sure the best of luck with that. That's an interesting concept. - It's fascinating. (upbeat music) - Celebrity Family Feud really is very entertaining. The latest competition was Megan Bestallion up against Neo. - Can I just stop for a second? - I just love Steve Harvey suit. - That is kind of, I know it's a little fabulous. - Yeah, well Megan Bestallion was in the final round and she got a very interesting, look, the producers know what they're doing. There's a reason they put this question out there but you'll see how it worked out for Megan. - Name something that might be curvy. - Me. (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - Well, the judges always have some leeway here on whether or not-- - Well, the boy did they ever. They basically made it to anybody and she got 48 points off of it. - So the answer, what they said, most people, she got 48 points but the answer was a body. Yeah, they kind of stretched it if you will, yeah. - How much fun was it in the writing and research room when they knew Megan Bestallion was gonna be the celebrity guest? Like, what questions do we ask? Name something curvy. What do you do with feet? Like, you know that's what they were coming up with. - And they did, and they did a feat as well. They did a feat question, which is kind of edgy for family feud, but yeah. - I'm surprised they didn't do things that could be wet. - Yeah, exactly. (laughing) - Alexis from Brooklyn and I think this is hilarious. I'm so glad to see Megan in a happier light. I think she deserves it and it was a nice laugh and it's a moment that perfectly align her two years. - That might be the best outfit ever in the history of family feud. I'm not talking about Steve Harvey's either. (laughing) What else you guys wanna talk about? That's funny. - My name is Joy Daley from New York City and I think George Clooney and George Stephanopoulos are being extremely ages by saying that Joe Biden is too old. And then why are people acting like, you know, Kamala Harris doesn't exist. You know, the Bryce President's job is to take over if the President cannot manage for the next four years. So people need to just acknowledge her and know that it's too late for us to switch our presidential candidate, okay? - I guess it's not too late. It can be done if it hasn't been done before, but it can be done. - Anything can happen. - If it happens, if you're really following this, Kamala Harris will get the nomination if Joe Biden steps down. That's very clear at this point. And it's not about age. Nobody, George Clooney, stepping down is the problem. It's not about age, it's about mental acuity. So there's a difference. One more. - Hi, my name is Ashton Raleigh James and I'm a modern entrepreneur from the DMV. And me personally, I feel that Alec Baldwin should be giving some leeway considering that the production team is responsible for the props and things like that. So I do hope that he'll have a fair child. - We may know next week. (upbeat music) - Well, Matthew McConaughey is not saying all right, all right, all right today. 'Cause it's not. I mean, that's what he normally looks like, but after he had a run in with a B. - Oh, this is what he looks like. God, that must be painful. - He's still smiling though. His caption on the photo was B. Swell. - Oh, where did he get stung in the eyelid? - I don't know if he actually got stung in the eye or if that's just where the reaction-- - No, it couldn't be in the face. - If it was in the eye, even in the face. It wouldn't be in the face. - Can we go that? - I don't know. - No, I'll tell you. - I'm sorry, Dr. Levin, tell me exactly where it was. - Because he got stung just by looking at that photo. - Ew, no, the eyelid. - The eyelid. - The eyelid. - You don't. - I know that. - And telling you it's the eyelid. - It could have been stung in a cheek. - It'd be stung in the cheek, why is the eye show shutting and the cheeks not swole? - Well, let me explain to you how the body's tissues react sometimes to allergens, okay? - One of us graduated from college. We'll see you tomorrow. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)