TMZ Live

Britney Spears Claims She'll Never Date Again

On this episode of TMZ Live: Karen Read jury voted unanimously to acquit her on murdering her boyfriend, Elton John called out for allegedly peeing in a plastic bottle while shopping in France, Bhad Bhabie brutally abused by her ex-boyfriend Le Vaughn, and Britney Spears revealed she'll never date another man. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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09 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

Karen Read jury voted unanimously to acquit her on murdering her boyfriend, Elton John called out for allegedly peeing in a plastic bottle while shopping in France, Bhad Bhabie brutally abused by her ex-boyfriend Le Vaughn, and Britney Spears revealed she'll never date another man.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. [meowing] Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. [music] Welcome to TMZ Live, Harvey Levin here. Charles here. So if you have followed the Karen Reid murder trial in Boston where she was accused of killing her police officer boyfriend and she is basically saying these were dirty cops inside a party house that killed him, a place where she dropped him off, there is a bombshell that came out. When the judge declared a mistrial, well, it turns out that jury did agree on two of the three counts, agreed in favor of Karen Reid, agreed unanimously, so we will take you back to last week when the judge came out and said it was a week ago actually, and declared a mistrial and said that the jury was deadlocked, they could not reach a decision. But nobody ever said- That's all she said. The judge didn't, because there were three counts, second degree murder leaving the scene of an accident where there is either death or injury and vehicular manslaughter. Those are the three things. And the jury just said we can't agree, judge looked at the jury form and said, I'm declaring a mistrial. That's it. Right. What we didn't know at that moment when the judge declared the mistrial is that the jury had voted unanimously that to acquit her on the murder trial, acquit her on second degree murder, and by a 12 to zip vote also acquit her on leaving the scene of an accident where there was death or injury. Now they did, on the third count, they did deadlock and it was, were told nine to three in favor of guilt. So it sounds like the jury believed that she was reckless in allegedly hitting her boyfriend with the car, but that she didn't do it intentionally and didn't even know she did it, which is what was required if you're going to find guilty of leaving the scene of an accident. So that kind of makes sense. But now the defense is saying, we want, this is double jeopardy. So all this, so the prosecutor is saying that they are going to retry her. They said that- You said that instantly. Wait a second. They can't retry her. Before they even knew what- Right. The prosecutors didn't know, the defense didn't know at that point, and the judge never said anything. And the judge didn't say it, so they can't retry her for murder. Well, right? No. No, no. That's the point of this motion. Well, that was just why. So we should say that her team, her defense lawyers, filed a motion to dismiss the murder to charge and leaving the scene based on double jeopardy. Yeah, and it's an interesting motion because they're saying, look, they had made a decision. A unanimous decision on those other two charges, and so they want those not to be retried. They're like, she is- Double jeopardy has attached that you cannot retry on those charges, you can retry on the second one where they were nine to three in favor of guilt. I'm not so sure if the judge just looked at it and said, look, we sent back for three separate charges. They came back deadlock. They weren't able to reach a verdict on the three charges. So it's unclear if this motion will be successful, but it's certainly going to be a good shot. They needed to be unanimous on all three? It's not unclear. Because the jury had a choice of either finding her guilty of second degree or guilty of- Second degree murder or our vehicular manslaughter. The two are very different and the jury could choose one or the other. They chose to say definitely not murder, but we're deadlocked on vehicular manslaughter. I agree with you as far as it goes, but juries are called a black box for a reason because there's horse trading in the jury room. They may have said, I'm going to deadlock us here on this second charge and might change my vote if that goes against me or something like that. Because juries are just, they're supposed to have their deliberations be private and then come out with the unanimous verdict and they couldn't do it in this case. So it's unclear if that will mean that those two charges that they did come to unanimity in a straw poll will actually stick for care. I would bet a lot that they will not- They can't retry her on murder. They just can't- What are the terms of the bet? I like this. I would give you odds. You're not crazy enough to bet though. You're cheap enough not to bet. It's too bad. It's true. I don't want that smoke with the heart. You do not want to bet, but the moment was just filed today and I got to say it's crazy that the judge in this case didn't disclose this. Just explain to me how attorneys were both sides, the prosecution and the defense- Why didn't you poll the jury? Don't at some point say while they're in court, ask the judge for that. And if not in court, why not immediately after the judge's chambers? Well, no, you do it right. I know you do it. You want to do it in court. But in court and you say- How did it not? I want to poll the jury. I don't have an answer to that question. I do not have an answer to that. Even though I think it should have been done, they found out and better late than never. Hi, my name's Sierra Simone. I'm from Chicago, Illinois. I do agree with you all. I don't think that they're going to retry her for murder. I feel like this Karen Reed case demonstrates the potential flaws in the prosecution's evidence, which reflected the jury's unanimous acquittal on the murder charges. This mistrial vehicular manslaughter further underscores the complexity of this case. It's interesting though that they had voted more in favor of guilt in an undermanned slaughter. Well, she had damaged your car. His hair was on a piece of the car and that also means that they are throwing out this whole bit about the conspiracy, conspiracy with the other, with the dirty cops. You know, everything could be true. He could have been injured, gone in the house. They could have done something to him and then thrown him out. There's a lot, I mean, why did the cops, a lot of them destroy their cell phones? Why would they, why would they scrub their cell phones? There's a lot in this case that does not make sense. Wow. Okay. We're going to France. Yes. With Elton John, who was over there with his family and went into a sneaker store and really got pissed. Oh, this is a piss. We just had to say that. But that's what happened according to the owner of this sneaker store in Nice. Now, Elton said that he was over there with his family because his boys, his sons wanted to see Travis Scott who's playing in the area. Also he has a place near there where I think he spends his summers. So walked into that store, sugar kicks and immediately according to the store owner asked to use their restroom, said he really needed to go to the bathroom and the store owner said, sorry, we don't have a public restroom. What do you do if you're Elton John? You tell the guy you call your security and your limo to pull out a bottle and then bring the bottle in so the kid can piss on the bottle in the store. Not the kid. No, it's Elton John. No, it's Elton John. His kids are standing there. I was wondering how the kids can make the bottle overflow. It was an adult. I thought it was the kid. No, it's Elton himself. So yeah. Oh my God. So before we get to this happy photo, you see there, other things happened. According to the store owner, he says the security brought in the bottle and Elton started to relieve himself. He stepped aside from any other customers, but I'm sorry. I don't know. Can you step aside? I don't know. The store doesn't seem that big. No, it doesn't. I was looking at photos. It looks like a pretty small store. Also, he apparently has bad aim. Elton does. No, he filled up the bottle and overflowed. No, no, it wasn't. It was overflowing. It was. I know there was another report that said that when we talked to the store owner, he just said that it was more like he missed. So what are you doing in that case, you asked for a towel to either Elton himself or a security guard could actually mop up the pee on the floor and they did clean up. They were at least clean. They cleaned up according to the store owner. Okay. I'm just going to shut up because the way this was pitched in the room this morning, there was another report that was out that we were basing it off of. But once we talked to the store owner, this is what I'm just stunned. By the way, now, tell me if this is true because this was pitched as well, that the guy who was managing the store is like 23 years old, had no idea who Elton, that it was Elton John. That is correct. That's what he told us even now. You know what they? Yeah. And then for three. You know what? You know, Harvey, the guy who owns the store asks him like, what do you do for a living as they're talking? And he doesn't say I'm a musician. I'm a singer. He goes, I'm Elton John, which is, which is how I believe. This is the most believable and like, now I know this really happened because that's what Elton John would say. Totally. Well, what do you do? I'm Elton John. That's what I do. Well, it might be an expletive after that. You blank. But no, but he bought, but, but here's the thing. He bought Snickers. He bought Snickers. Well, I mean, I sort of, he bought a bunch of sneakers. Yeah, he bought sneakers and a post for the photo. Is that post P? That is post P. Remember, the P was the urgent thing to do when he got in the store. Like he had to go. Elton worked out and the store owner who now realizes that it was Elton John who was peeing in his store says that Elton was a great guy. They had, he's not, there are no hard feelings over the spilt urine. I was just thinking, if he didn't have the bottle, would he have peed in one of the shoes there? Well, then if he bought it, that's fine, right? You peeing at your diet? I'm Ashley Moss from Dambel, Virginia. My job was on the floor. I'm so shocked over this. I cannot believe that he did that in a public store like that. And it even said that he shook the guy's hand before he left. Well, at least he shook the hand. We don't know which hand. We don't know if it was the actual, well, anyway. President Biden continues to make it very clear to anyone who is questioning him. He is staying in this race and obviously he did the interview over the weekend with George Stephanopoulos where he said that. But now he's actually speaking to the people who are supposed to be standing behind him. And those are members of Congress. He sent a letter to the Democratic representation and said, "I'm not going anywhere. Just so you guys know, I am the best chance we have at beating Donald Trump and that's why I am staying in the race." And boy, do a lot of people disagree with that. Yeah. Well, clearly he knows that this is the conversation. He has responded to it directly, indirectly. He went on Morning Joe on MSNBC today and kept beating that drum. It's a big name, but I'm not going to care what those big names are. But the problem with that is, I'm not talking about you guys, but about the elite in the party, who they know so much more. But any of these guys don't think I should run against me, go ahead and announce the president. Challenge me at the convention. But the problem with that is, that's destructive. And the idea, presumably, at least he said, is to be Trump. So if he's asking for a dogfight at the convention, how is that helping his party? And you know, I got to tell you something, I know some stuff. We're going to bring Alex Thompson from Axios in in a minute. But I got to tell you, I just got off the phone with somebody. There was a Zoom call on Saturday morning with the co-chairs of his campaign. And they all know, I can, they all know what's up here and what's going on with him. And nobody on that call said, you should drop out of the race. He's got this three tiered circle. He's got Jill Biden in the first tier, the family in the second tier. And then his close confidants in the third tier, including all these co-chairs. And they're all insulating him from reality. And that is a huge problem that's going on right now. Well, how will the, how will that, those inner circles react to this? Can they actually have a conversation with them about it? One person who knows everything that's going on in the White House, our good friend Alex Thompson from Axios. Welcome back, Alex. What's the, what's the word now after this, he's digging in his heels in every way he can? So good to be here. And yeah, I mean, Joe Biden is basically daring members of his party to come out publicly against him. And basically is saying, you know, you've been talking to reporters anonymously, well, you really want me to drop out of the race, you're going to have to do so publicly. And if they do that, and then he stays in, stays in any way, it sort of destroys the entire party. I mean, your point about the, daring someone to challenge him at the convention is, is very apt. And the other thing that Harvey mentioned about this sort of inner circle, that was already very tight and has now just become the circling the wagons where no bad news really can come in. I mean, you can see Democrats who have quietly been feeling and saying anonymously for, for many, many months, they felt that the president was surrounded by yes men, people that didn't want it to give him bad news. He saw Representative Adam Schiff of California, just say yesterday, to advise the president to consult with people a little bit outside of his circle. People with, I think his equal distance, people with, they could see this situation rationally. And that is because there is this feeling that Joe Biden is a bit on an island here. He believes that he is either winning or tied in the polls, that his approval rating is not as low as the poll should be. And there are people around him that are, that support that worldview. And I think what you saw today on morning Joe was a completely defiant Joe Biden, a Joe Biden that is basically saying, I am not going to give this office up. I believe I am the most electable Democrat against Donald Trump and nothing else matters other than that. So Alex, I'm sure you saw today that the New York Times did a story that a Parkinson's doctor visited the White House eight times in the last eight months. Now, the White House is saying he doesn't have Parkinson's, but all of this just fuels this narrative that is punctuated by Biden's own performance. So I mean, this seems so dire, yet nobody in that inner circle, including these campaign co-chairs that were on the Zoom call, nobody's telling him this. >> Yeah, and I can tell you that some former White House officials are just besides themselves with the White House reaction to this Parkinson's doctor, going to the White House. Now, the New York Post is the first person, first outlet to report this over the weekend. They reported a single meeting with the president's doctor. Now we know that he attended the White House more. Now the White House's attitude in their statements is very dismissive and has no details. Now it is true that lots of doctors, lots of specialists go to the White House compound all the time. And if there's nothing to see here, then why not actually give any details about why this doctor was here, it is part of a larger pattern with this White House when they take any questions about Joe Biden's age, Joe Biden's sort of basically senior citizen status. And they basically treat it as a trivial matter, which in the aftermath of the debate, even some former Biden aides, people that have dealt with this president for a long time, just don't understand why they are continuing to take that tact. Is there anybody or any group that would have a significant influence on him? Because people are talking about Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Akim Jeffries, and Jim Clyburn. If all of those people did a pilgrimage to the White House and sat down and said, "Look, here's the reality," would that make a difference? Because it's feeling like at this point it really wouldn't. >> I don't know, that's my honest answer. I sort of agree with your take that basically his inner circle is so united at this moment that it would be hard to penetrate it even with those voices that you just mentioned. Now, if anyone is going to break through that inner circle, if anyone is going to actually get to Joe Biden and make the case and try to convince him, and I don't even know if it's the right case. Honestly, Jim Clyburn, Nancy Pelosi, those people don't know if it's the right decision either. That's why they have been sort of standing back. They initially defended him right after the debate, then they've sort of gone quiet. Jim Clyburn was supposed to be on a high profile Sunday show just yesterday. He canceled. They are waiting and seeing. But if there's anybody that has the ability to penetrate the inner circle, it is those people you mentioned. The other people I would mention are people that are no longer in the Senate, the people that serve with him in the Senate, people like Chuck Hagel, John Kerry, Chris Dodd. Those are people who he really respects out of experience. >> Wow. What's your take? Bottom line, is he going to be the nominee or not? >> Just based on conversations on both ends, I say it's 50-50 right now. >> Still 50-50. Wow. >> Still 50-50, that means the standoff is going to continue. Okay, Alex, all right. We really appreciate you coming on. >> You guys are the best. >> Thanks, man. >> Wow. >> It's, you know, when Biden said, and I can't get this out of my head, what he was on Stephanopoulos, saying, how is he going to feel if he loses, how is he going to feel the next morning? And he said, well, I gave it my best, and that's the way I would feel. It's like, it's not about your best. It's about winning, and it's not about you, it's about the country, which you made the point about over and over and over again. You know, and I'm not even saying this as a partisan. I'm saying it because it just doesn't align with what he said for the last many years. >> Well, Travis Kelsey made the trip to see yet another Taylor Swift concert. I don't know what number this has got to be for him. But there was a surprise, at least for the fans. So in the surprise section of the show, she plays something that nobody ever knows what it's going to be. These particular songs, the fans felt, were dedicated just to Travis. And in fact, during these three songs, this mashup, she was looking at Travis in the audience, and they think, the fans think, that it drove him to tears. Here is the moment during the show in Amsterdam. >> I know it's a simple name, everything, everything is changed, all I know is you have to do. You'll be mine, I'll be yours all, all I know is yes and yes and yes. >> You guys all know that song, of course, right? That's Mary's song, oh my my. And then she also did so high school, but the line in Mary's song is, I'll be 87 and you'll be 89. >> No, she would be 89. He would be 87. >> Correct. >> Well, the number is being a reference to his jersey. >> The lyric is about when when we're 87 and 89 are ages. But yes, they see the reference. >> You think football number and 89 is the year she was born, and of course, the 1989 album. >> What is going on? >> An a rod went to JLo's concerts over and over, they gave him such crap. >> Yep, they did, but he never broke into tears and I honestly, I mean, I guess I see why they think he was crying, but he could have been wiping sweat out of his eyes. >> Or it could be performative. >> I'm gonna agree with Harvey, I do think this is all performative, but as far as the songs go, which I'm just gonna read my notes here, it was a mashup of a bunch of romance songs that she does, and Mary's song was released before she was with him. So high school was a part of the mashup song, which everyone speculates to be about Travis. But then she had another song about him that was written before Travis. So it's a very, very far fetched thing to say that all of those songs were about him. >> That's what you say, Nikki, but the Swifties believe that they may even be engaged. >> Yeah, and the Swifties have also speculated that she may be pregnant. There's a bunch of Swiftie rumors going around, but you know what, all we know is that Taylor was there with Travis. Travis has been going to her shows back in Europe. He's been going back and forth between the US and Europe, going to a bunch of her shows. Any day now, he'll go back to his job. >> Willy? >> Willy? >> Is he a football player? Oh, I forgot, he's a football player. >> Andy Reid might want to get out on the phone and make sure his guy is actually gonna show up for camp, because I haven't heard this guy even whisper about football. >> I mean, the podcast is like, it's all about Taylor traveling around the world and going to see the shows, and I'm all for them. >> I'm all for them. >> I'm all for love. >> Yes, definitely. >> My name's Nick, I'm from Knoxville, Tennessee, and you know, I think I agree with you guys. It's really sweet that these over a decade old songs, you know, the numbers match up with the current thing. But for all the people saying this is like the invisible string theory, I've got to ask, where have all these invisible strings been for her past 15 relationships? I didn't hear about invisible strings with Maddie Healy last year. People look for these deeper meanings with Taylor Swift, but it's only when it's something they support. I'm happy for them both, but when she's dating another celebrity next year, are we gonna hear all about these 15-year-old invisible strings that we're guiding them the whole time as well? >> How dare you, sir? Are you suggesting that Travis and Taylor would break up? >> I could see it as a possibility, you know, shockingly. >> By the way, it's okay. >> I kind of cosign in everything you said it except the two words deeper meaning. I'm sorry about that. We're gonna move on. >> Yes, moving on to Drake and his return to the public really went to a big event over the week and he went to Michael Rubin's annual white party on the fourth and it's all the huge names who were there, as you'd expect. But Drake really since the battle with Kendrick hasn't been going to events like this. So this was a first for him and from what we're told, inside the party, he didn't seem reserved in any way. He moved about through, he interacted with lots of people here, he was chatting with Druski. >> So did Michael Rubin kind of sanitize this for him? >> Well, I mean, it definitely was a Drake-friendly crowd. As far as other rappers there, there were people who he's tight with, Quavo, Lil Wayne, who actually performed, Travis Scott. They played the biggest song in the summer, which is not like us. >> I mean, the decision not to play it is kind of like a big deal because the Billboard Hot 100 just came out, the new numbers are in, not like us is at number three. It's three months in and it's still burning up the charts. So it's the hottest song, but yeah, to Harvey's point about it being sanitized, yeah, you're not playing the hottest rap song in the country and it's the biggest party, yeah, it doesn't go hand-in-hand. >> So from what we're told, and I spoke to a few people who were there, up until 2 a.m. And the party did go later than that. They did not play it. So if it was played- >> They did not play that song. >> They didn't play it. >> No. >> They did not play it after two. There is no way. >> I mean, listen, if Drake had left, and I don't know what I'm trying to do, Drake leaves and then Michael Rubin's like, "Hey, everyone goes, is he gone? Is he gone?" >> He's gone on now. >> [LAUGH] >> But nobody, there was no attempt to embarrass him and it was a good night for Drake, as good a night as you can have after that loss to Kendrick. [MUSIC] >> Welcome back to TMZ Live, Bad Baby and the father of her daughter are not on good terms. And in fact, there may be something criminal going on at her home that actually went on last week. According to some videos that she posted and then deleted, but they were up long enough that people were able to capture this. >> Well, also the injury is just horrific. >> Yeah, and she also posted photos showing her injuries now. According to the surveillance video, this would have happened on June 30th at her home here in LA. In the post, which again, she's deleted, she also said in the caption that they had been broken up since May, and that this video we're seeing there is an argument they were having about custody of their daughter. She is alleging that he wanted custody of the daughter, want to take the daughter. >> And so obviously this has to do with their child, but it's far, I mean, obviously the video is very jarring, we've reached out to cops. So far they say that it doesn't look like there was any police report filed. We've tried her team and people close to her and everyone's been pretty silent, but I'd have to imagine, even though she may not have filed a report, obviously this video is making the rounds and I mean cops. >> Look at her eye. >> And the photo is just horrendous, like you would imagine cops might have to look into this because as far as I know, I believe they live in Encino. So she wasn't clear where the security footage is from, but I think it's got it to go at. >> Which is LAPD, so far we haven't heard anything, and usually cops won't respond based on video. You need an actual complaint, and as far as we can tell, they have not done it yet. We don't know who else was home, if anyone else was home at the time, but that might be someone who would report it if clearly at this point it seems Danielle, or bad baby, Danielle Bregoli, has not filed a police report for this. But we saw, there were, she says in the post that they broke up in May, but it was, I think earlier this year, maybe March when we got this video of them in a very intense argument while they're at dinner. >> Right. >> And it actually ended up leading to a fight with some people. >> Full out brawl, and we said at the time it was very concerning, because obviously they have a newborn, and it's only, I think they're kids, only like four months old. So that's a whole different situation. We were told at the time they were arguing about people filming them, but I mean, who knows? >> I just gotta say, given the injury and the video, this guy's gonna, could be looking at major felony, if she ends up filing a police report on this thing. >> Hi, my name is Diva from Miami, Florida, and when I saw the footage, I was absolutely shocked and disgusted. And I just thought that there were a beautiful couple, and regardless of how people may feel about her, nobody deserves this at all. I don't think she was wrong for speaking out, but now that the footage is deleted, I pray that she's getting, she's somewhere safe and getting the resources and the support that she needs, because this is big. >> It is. >> By the way, we've also been trying to get in touch with Levan, see if he has any reaction to as any response to this video, obviously he is the person that a lot of people wanna hear from now, just to get, find out what is going on between them. >> Okay, we're gonna move on. >> Yes, moving on now to a first, a new beauty queen, has been crowned the world's first Miss AI, yes, a pageant where all of the contestants were created by artificial intelligence. >> Not real, not real, but they could be, eventually. Well, here is the winner, and I have to say, I'm a little surprised, but the winner was created, her name, I hate, it sounds weird to say that, Kenza Layley, and she was created by a tech exec in Morocco. And look, they even had an acceptance speech video that she made, which is ridiculous. >> Why is that ridiculous? >> It's ridiculous, why do you have an acceptance speech or someone? She's not real. >> Not a lot. >> It's not real. >> This is not only ridiculous, it's creepy because now looking at this, it looks very real, and it makes you wonder, is this gonna become our world? Because if I watch this, I think she's real, but now we have competitions where they're having to create these AI people, it kinda makes you wonder about the future. >> Check this out, so yeah, that's not real. >> Like, $20,000 went to the winner. So that's animated, I mean, that's obviously not real, however, animated, however, there are robots now, where they're making proper hands and legs. And there is this new thing, I'm telling you this for a reason, there's this new thing where they can create lifelike skin. And if they put that skin over the robot, I'm telling you, people are gonna end up having relationships with these robots, and the whole world's gonna change. >> By the way, the skin thing that I'm talking about, we actually get into this on a new show that TMZ Studios has just produced that begins airing today, strange and suspicious, and it's all of the weird things from true crime like Riley Strain, to UFOs, to unexplained phenomenon. How is it, for example, that children can recount past lives in really weird ways? So we get into all of this. >> Got a whole new cast. >> Brand new cast, we have an archeologist, mathematician, that guy, former LAPD cop. She is a former, she's a current private investigator. We have podcasters in true crime. It's a great cast, they're really interesting. It's on selected stations. Monday through Friday, it's in LA, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, San Francisco, DC, Phoenix, Seattle, Orlando, Milwaukee, and Austin. >> You can check your local listings, but it's a really fun show. >> I am Suzanne Roxanne, I'm in New Mexico. And I agree about the AI beauty contest that it's a bit strange. All of artificial intelligence gets me thinking how as a woman, we always see woman after woman with these unrealistic beauty standards all across the media. There are unattainable unrealistic beauty standards for women, but now we are competing with actual, unreal beauty, computer generated beauty that's being rewarded with cash, with a crown. >> Yeah. >> Do I think this is empowering for women? Show me an AI person that can clean my house and I'll tell you. >> A robot that's coming. >> Or that's coming. >> Or that's coming. >> Britney Spears moving on from the landscaper, Gardner, who had been her boyfriend for some time now. Paul Salise, the guy who was with her that fateful night a few months ago, when they were at the Chateau Marmont, and she ended up recalled. She ended up actually about to go into an ambulance, although she refused. >> Yeah. >> But Britney says they're done and-- >> Remember, they were fighting like crazy that night. So she laid it all out and said that she just didn't, I don't know, I mean, she says I'm single as you know what, you can't use that word. >> She's saying she's single and she is putting Paul on blast because she did this cryptic quote basically saying that she is single, she'll never date another man again. And then she also posted a photo, a paparazzi photo of her and Paul where they appear to be ducking away from the paparazzi flashes. And she said, isn't it so interesting that he was going 90 miles per hour when there was only one pap, but then all of a sudden when the pap came up on the side of me, he rolled down the window. So she's making it seem like he wanted this attention. >> Or he made a deal with the paparazzi. >> Exactly, but she seems totally done with it because she's putting him on blast. She said that she's single. But I think a lot of people saw this coming, as you guys know, she started dating Paul briefly after her and Sam had split. People thought it was kind of weird, there's like reports, he's got like nine kids and he has like a criminal background. >> He actually does. >> Yeah, he's a felon. >> I think it's best that Brittany just stays single for a bit and just kind of like unwinds and takes in like the divorce and you know, just be free, be herself. >> They're in lies the problem. >> Right. >> They're in lies the problem. >> Yeah. >> Hi, I'm Caitlin Marshall. I have to say Brittany's social media posts are indicative of the idea that the age of celebrity becomes famous is the age they psychologically remain. Remember Brittany catapulted to start them at 16 and I'd say her social media behavior and activity, you know, the pointed stories like this one to Paul and the photo seeming to seek attention from exes, maybe even her family is similar behavior to that of a 16 year old rebelling finding freedom or how a 16 year old might handle a breakup on social media. You know, I'm a lifelong avid Brittany supporter and fan, so I truly want her happy and healthy with a partner who has her best interests at heart, but I think it's time to be done with Paul and something I think. >> And I agree with you that a lot of celebrities, their growth gets stunted when they become famous. >> Middle-headed layer. >> Middle-headed layer. >> Is the big deal here. >> Right. >> Okay. Every week we put polls up on the website. We want to see how you feel about stories that we posted during the past week we did it this time over the 4th of July weekend. Here are the results. >> Oh boy. Biden should withdraw. Absolutely. >> So hold on. >> No way. >> Before we showed the results, it was about 72% that said he should, so let's see what our poll shows. Look at that. >> Hell. >> See, I'm telling you it would relax, yeah. >> All right. >> Okay. Next. >> Interesting. >> If Biden withdraws, who should replace him? Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom? Wow, it's close. Look at that. >> Yeah. That's neck and neck. >> Who has a better chance of beating Trump? >> Biden or Harris? >> They're gonna say, "Hair." >> Oh, wow. >> That's a dead heat. >> But I'm really surprised at that. >> Yeah. What else he's saying, "He'll perform again with Taylor." >> I love it. >> Or enough already, Travis. >> The second one. >> They always go negative. They always go negative. >> Yes. >> Yes. >> Okay. >> OJ mentioned in the BET in memoriam segment, appalling, or he deserves it, he was a great football player. >> He's being appalling. >> Thank you. >> Okay. >> Prince Harry getting ESPN's Pat Tillman Award. He deserves it, does a lot for vets, or nope, he's way too divisive. >> I hope it's the first, but it's not gonna be, but it's not gonna be. I knew it. >> Yeah. >> He did better than I thought he would. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. He's done a lot of good. >> It's the question a lot of people have been asking about Diddy. Can he ever, at any point, make a comeback? I think we can all agree it's too soon, right now. I still think the images of the Cassie video are still too fresh in the public's mind. >> Those will be difficult to ever, right, to race. But over the weekend, it did seem that he is starting to maybe think about how he would make a comeback because he returned to Instagram. You remember, a few weeks ago, he had scrubbed everything off his Instagram, and he still has not put up a post, but what he did do over the weekend posted an Instagram story of himself boarding a private jet, which in and of itself is kind of interesting. [BLEEP] >> What up? >> Yo. How you doin'? >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no place at home. >> I gotta say that this could be completely overshadowed if and when the Fed's in died up. >> Absolutely. >> Yeah. This is to me as Diddy's attempt to slowly reintroduce himself into normalcy, right? He used to post on social media all the time. He pulled those posts down. This is his first foray back into it, first posting he's trying to tiptoe back into normalcy. See how he's perceived. But to your point, Harvey, as soon as the Fed's in died, if they in died, that's all behind them. We're now fully in the criminal trial stuff. >> Hello, guys. It's Queen from Orlando, Florida. What I would say about Diddy is that I definitely think he's enjoying his last few days of freedom. But I just feel like it's not a good time for him right now to be promoting himself, having his luxury's lifestyle, especially after how that video with Cassie came out. It's just not a good time for him to be promoting that he's still out there getting money. I don't think that this is just, he needs to clean up his image and that's not it. >> Yeah, I don't know that getting in a private jet is necessarily the great play for this. >> Yeah, it's not the look. >> It's not the look that the public wants this. The public wants. >> If you are going to have a. >> Exactly. >> You want contrition. >> Yeah, that's not it. >> What else you guys want to talk about? >> Hi guys, it's Candice and Foxborough regarding the care and read case. This is one of those cases I literally have no idea. Like I can't even imagine what actually happened. I do not envy the jurors whatsoever, I would not want to be one of them. >> I think it'd be a fascinating case to be a juror on. If you're going to be a juror, I mean, you want to do like a car accident case or you want to do this case, this case is fascinating. One more. >> Hello, my name is Ani Katya-Madi and this is in regards to Elton John Ping in the bottle. I have to continuously ask myself, why do we allow celebrities to do things that if I or any normal person went into a store and did, they would have had the police called on them and banned permanently. So I don't know why we're constantly shocked when we hear stories of what celebrities are doing because we allow them to keep doing it. >> I mean, that is a very good point. The store owner who didn't recognize that it was Elton at the moment, he said that he just noticed that, look, he had people who brought stuff to him. So he was like, well, he must be somebody famous. >> Right. >> But he was okay with it in the end. >> It's like that Jim Croce song, "Peanut Bottle." [MUSIC] >> I think Margot Robbie might be pregnant. >> You do? >> Yeah. I think so. >> Why do you think? >> Well, because this is how she and her husband, Tom Ackerley were out and about this weekend, a very deliberate mid-riff, bearing top. >> Is it, did she just fold it up under, or is it, I don't know. >> It's a cropped, apparently it's a thing. I heard this in the morning meeting, then it's a thing now, pregnant women wearing cropped hops. But they announced it over the weekend that, through a raps, that she's having a baby. That's interesting, just because she is on such a roll. But she can still produce and do what I want. >> Which is what she wants to do, and of course, yeah, so good for them. Congratulations. >> Congratulations, by the way. >> This is, by the way, the way that everyone announces it now, it's the Rihanna thing. >> Well, no, no, no. You still shouldn't say anything. >> Right. >> Because if you leave your top down, and then you're leaving it, it gets into a gray area. >> Do not say anything. >> If you do not say anything, crop top beware, we'll see you tomorrow. [MUSIC]