TMZ Live

Biden Campaign Official: Withdrawal From Race 'Only A Matter Of Time'

On this episode of TMZ Live: A top Biden campaign official says withdrawal from race is 'only a matter of time', Diddy lists his Los Angeles mansion after being raided by feds, Travis Kelce speaks on sharing the stage with Taylor Swift, and Uncle Luke scolds Drake over Rick Ross beef.

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04 Jul 2024
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On this episode of TMZ Live:

A top Biden campaign official says withdrawal from race is 'only a matter of time', Diddy lists his Los Angeles mansion after being raided by feds, Travis Kelce speaks on sharing the stage with Taylor Swift, and Uncle Luke scolds Drake over Rick Ross beef.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. [SCREAMS] Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. [THEME MUSIC] Welcome to TMZ Live Barbula. Welcome to TMZ Live. So Joe Biden today said he is in this race. He was on a conference call, made it clear. And governors, yeah. He is in it. He is not leaving. However, I have spoken to somebody who is a major donor, who was in contact with somebody who was a top official in Joe Biden's campaign. And the way it was put to me was-- and this is the quote-- "It is only a man. It is a matter of time before Joe Biden withdraws from the race." And that the campaign official told this donor that-- and there is a relationship between the two of them. It's not just somebody who's dealing at arm's length, but told the donor that a couple of things. Number one, that the Democrats, the campaign, was really looking at Joe Biden as the person now. And now they've just shifted the focus. And they've said, "The point is not Joe Biden. The point is winning the White House." And that really does make-- which makes sense, but the problem is how late it is in the game to now try to shift away from Joe Biden. And that is-- and that is the second thing that this donor was told, which is the way it was put by the campaign official. The Democrats have screwed themselves by not having a plan B up to this point. And now they really still don't, and they are scrambling. But the notion that they never even considered this is a big deal. We're going to bring Alex Hausen from Axios in a minute. And I want to talk to him about something, because I was thinking to this last night and we did a little research about how long people have known about this and not really addressed it, but we'll get into that, and the signs were there, and clearly there were people ignoring it or just hoping it would get lost in the news cycle, and now it has all come home to roots. So as Harvey mentioned, joining us, Alex Hausen from Axios, who is their national political correspondent. And he's joining us to talk about what's happening with Biden in the race or out. Is he going to make that decision? Alex, welcome back. Alex. Hey, so great to be here. So Alex, I was excited to talk to you about this today. You've done this story, and you've covered Biden for three years now, this story that he works from 10 to four on a regular basis. And obviously, it's because the normal presidential hours are just too much for anyone you're old. But let me just go over this with you, that in February of 2023, NPR did a story. Many voters think Biden is too old for his second term. We have a Fox News story, 722, and they're actually quoting the New York Times, saying "age is an uncomfortable issue for the White House." I've got a story here from June of 2023. Literally, it's one year old, and this is from the expressing most voters think Joe Biden is too old and frail. I think that the media should be looking at itself because I think so many outlets have hidden this because we've seen speeches where he trails off. I want to know how you feel about this because you cover it. I've heard it, and I'm in Los Angeles. Certainly, the media in Washington must have heard this for a long time. I think what you're seeing right now is the mainstream media is catching up to where the public has been for a long time. You've just cited those polls, and the fact is the public has been—the public agrees on nothing right now. You can't get 80% of people on a poll to agree on any issue except for the fact that they think Joe Biden is too old. The main and a lot of reporters, not everybody, there have been really good reporters. I'm not here to single anyone out one way or another, but there were a lot of reporters on this beat that just did not cover his age in a really adversarial way. I think in part because a lot of the view was just like, "Well, can you win the election?" Yeah, it's an issue for him to beat Trump, but Trump is old too, and it was always in the context of versus Donald Trump. The reason I was always interested in it, and I think the reason why it should be interesting, is it's really not that much about Trump. Sometimes it is, but really the issue is, "Can you do the job he is running for?" There is more to being president than not being Donald Trump, and he is trying to be president at 86 years old, and so every single thing they are doing to try to accommodate his age was a new story in my mind, and it wasn't in everyone else's. Alex, what Harvey was just saying is that there were people who were writing stories that it was something being whispered maybe around D.C., maybe around the White House, but it seems like what didn't happen is that the media didn't put pressure on the Democratic Party, and not to say that they should need that to make a better plan, but there wasn't, they didn't hear that. You didn't hear people in the party going like, "Yeah, they weren't pushing other people. They weren't pushing other alternatives coming up with a plan." It's almost like they just said, "We're just going to rest on our laurels of having an incumbent because more often than not, the incumbent wins, and that was the gamble they were making as opposed to why weren't people in the party talking more openly about this?" I appreciate you bringing this up, because not just the media problem, it is a Democratic party problem. I mean, the fact of the matter is they basically, I don't want to use the word, but they start to the primary to make it very difficult for anyone to challenge Joe Biden. Eventually, you got a late challenger in Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips who really centered on the fact that he thought Biden's age meant that he could not beat Donald Trump and for his troubles and basically imploding his political career. He is now considered an outcast in the party for even trying. There was definitely a lot of inertia and momentum within the party and a lack of tolerance for anyone that would say, "Hey, is this the best idea?" Look, I don't know if this is a more sinister view of all of this, but I think what was really going on with a lot of media is that a lot of media, and I get the reasons, think Donald Trump is a real threat and they felt anything that looks bad for Joe Biden helps Donald Trump, which is why they ignored it, but in the end, they didn't do the Democrats or Joe Biden any favors because here we are a month away from a convention and there is no real plan B. So I'm wondering, by default, it would seem, and there are reasons as well, it would seem to me that if Biden steps down or doesn't run, it seems to me it's almost inevitable that Kamala Harris will be the nominee. What do you think? I mean, there are no good options right now, which is sort of, I think what you were saying is that the Democratic Party now is in a situation, you know, six weeks before a convention where you either, their presumptive nominee is extraordinarily wounded and it's not clear what the plan is to fix that. You have a vice president who is arguably, and my, you know, according to polling, is arguably more electable, but still is trailing Donald Trump in every sort of polls and has very high on favorability or you just leave it to an open convention, which would be chaotic and crazy and wild, but whoever ends up stumbling out of it would only have four weeks before early voting starts. So they, you know, there are only bad options. You are a Democrat who doesn't want Donald Trump to be president. So is it going to happen? Is Biden, I mean, look, you have, you're wired into the White House and I realize that there's no clear answer to this because Biden certainly hasn't said it to anybody who's talking. But if you had to bet, is Biden going to withdraw? You know, I've heard people that have said the same thing that, you know, your sources told you Harvey where it's an absolute. Some people have told me not absolute. I've talked to over a dozen people over the last 24 hours and honestly, if I was to bet, it would just be even odds. I think this is a 50-50 call and, you know, a lot of it's going to depend on how he performs the next several days and including a potential press conference next week. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is, you know, the most historically important George Stephanopoulos interview ever. Yes. Yeah. No kidding. Just thinking what's going to happen when he does that interview on Friday because that is going to, I think one that will say a lot to the country, but I think it should say something to the president himself as to whether or not this is something he can do. I would argue, Alex, that yes, I think the George Stephanopoulos interview is hugely important. I think the press conference is more important because that is really kind of fielding questions, you know, that are not in a straight line and I think that's going to really be live. Whereas the Stephanopoulos interview, I don't believe it's going to be live. No, it's not. No. It's not. A lot of reporters are chattering about that. Yeah. That's a really good point. And they're releasing it in bits and it will air in full on Sunday. So I completely agree with you. The press conference is the real show. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Oh, we love having you on. You know your stuff. So thank you, Alex. You guys are the best. Really appreciate it. Wow. Big change for Diddy coming up, maybe, well, he's hoping that there is a big change. There's going to be a big change is how much money he's going to make from here because he is getting out of LA months after the federal officials busted down his door and went in and raided his home in the homey hills here area here in LA. He is selling that mansion. And your people say this a lot like after there are raids at their house that it just feels like they've been violated so they can't go back in the house. Maybe that's part of it. But the other part of it is talking about a lot of money. Well, he's-- He's the question. He's the one real or a pipe dream. So this is in a very exclusive part of Los Angeles called Homebie Hills. He bought this for $40 million back in 2014 and our sources are telling us now he's not listing it. This is not going to be an open market listing. This is my favorite part of this. This is a pocket listing. It's a pocket listing. Or-- Well, but the pocket listing-- I know. I know. It does. Actually, pocket listings tend to be more expensive a lot of time. Right. That's called around $70 million. Everything I'm hearing is, "He ain't going to get that. He is not going to get that." This seems like an aggressive ask in a hot real estate market. We're not in the hottest real estate market. Interest rates are higher. Plus, this place has, I'm sure, equipment ripped out of walls. It's probably not in the best shape it's ever been in. Diddy, is it what we think of as a distress seller. He wants to get out of LA. He likes spending the time in Miami, although he was white water rafting in Wyoming recently. So I'm not sure you get top dollar when you have these conditions. So maybe you ask a really high price because you know that you're going to end up negotiating because they know that you've got to-- As Derek said, you're a distress seller. Yes, yes to a point. The problem is when you ask way too much, then all of a sudden nobody comes in and then you have to lower the price, which makes you look more and more desperate. So you want to come in higher than what you think you're going to get, but not so high that it turns off other buyers. And everything I'm hearing is 70 million is just a pipe dream. I'm not sure, but I would imagine he's spending a little more time talking to lawyers these days than his realtor. Oh, I mean, I agree with that. I agree with that. But look, I mean, the problem is that this house has now been featured not in real estate blogs, but on the news because of these raids. So what everybody is seeing, the visions of this house are not this beautiful house. Look at these beautiful materials, layered lawns and everything. No, what they're thinking of is battering rams, ripping out computers. That's what I was saying. Look at these beautiful areas. Charles, let me teach you a little something about real estate. This is the type of house that you put in at a low price. You get a teaser price in there for all the Diddy fans who still exist, and then you get a bidding war where they bid it up because everyone wants to take a tour group. All the Diddy fans that still exist. How many Diddy fans do you think can afford a, okay, even $30 million home? If Derek were really sophisticated, it's not Diddy fans. Right. It's out of your go. It's, it's Homebie Hills fans who want to get into Homebie Hills. Let us teach you a little bit, Derek, about real estate here. I'd love to get on a real estate team with you. We'll leave Charles out of it. We'll go take the, take the town. All right, my name is David from Los Angeles with be great. Thank you. Harvey and Charles for having me. So I'll just speak on this real quick. I'm from LA. So I feel like I have a little bit of knowledge on this. First of all, the traffic in the parking in that area, whether you're rich or not, who really wants to be in that area anyways? And other than the show that Kendrick Lamar just did, there really hasn't been a sense of community in Los Angeles. I mean, Los Angeles is one of the most narcissistic selfish places in the world. Yes, we do have the beaches and the great weather, but I don't blame Diddy for wanting to get out just for that record. Wow. Wow. Going really, I mean, you know, for the few native Los Angelenos who are here, there might be offended by what you just said. I understand what you're saying. I get it. That's a sentiment a lot of people feel about LA when they move here. It's just extra wild to get you through. It's not a community. Right. It's not like a city where... But let's not kid ourselves. That's not why he's leaving. No, that's not why he's leaving. He's leaving because of everything else that's going on. And honestly, by the way, there's a lot of spiritual talk with him right now. And regardless of how much he does end up making, you're right, he's not going to get 70 million, but it would be nice to make something because he may need to be making some payments if he's going to settle, attempt to settle any of the lawsuits. Yeah. I mean, I don't know where his, you know, where he is liquid wise, but liquidity wise, but we will see. Okay, we got to move on. Yes. To Karen Reed, a big update in that case, doesn't really have anything to do with whether or not she's going to be retried for the murder of her boyfriend who was an officer, John O'Keefe. So, you know that the mistrial was declared, but a few days before the mistrial, there was a photo taken of Karen when she was out to dinner with her lead attorney, Alan Jackson. That's him hugging her from behind someone inside the restaurant to snap the shot. And a lot of people felt like it was extremely flirtatious. Steve's spoken to someone close to Karen who says that that's not the, you're not getting the full picture, pardon the phrase, of what happened that night when they photo was taken. What we're told is that this was, they were, I mean, I know this sounds really weird because this was during jury deliberations. This wasn't after the mistrial. It was while the jury was deliberating her fate. It was taken June 27th, the jury had been in deliberations for three days at that point. And from what we're told, they were feeling good about her chances. They were feeling not only good about it, they were, the word that was used from the person I spoke to was silly. They were acting all, they were all acting silly and having fun inside the restaurant. So the lawyer, his name is Alan Jackson. And he is actually a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer and he's there working, representing her in Boston. So, you know, they got this video and everything. But we're told is 10 minutes before you saw that, inside the restaurant, his co-counsel, I forgot it. David Yannetti. David Yannetti, who was also at the dinner. So it was her legal team and some friends who were all at this dinner. Right. Isn't just the two of that. Right. And Alan Jackson also bared hugged Alan, David and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. So it was kind of the way the evening was going. So I don't know. I mean, it's like... I mean, I get... I get... It's just a snapshot. It's like a live photo. And they could have just been being silly. And they were right because it was eventually granted a mistrial. So clearly they were kind of celebrating that stuff. But Alan is married and I don't know, I mean, I would imagine he's a hell of an attorney because he's going to have a huge defense problem to present a defense at home. I would imagine he sees this video. I had imagined he's already presented his case at home because the photo was taken in June 27th. And it was all over social media on the 28th. But this is... Well, that's heard about what happened that night. How are you, Chaney, from Dallas, Texas? This is completely innocent. They were all having a good time, even though they were celebrating before the trial was over. But they were just celebrating. And I can see how some people can say this can be a little bit inappropriate due to the fact that he is her attorney. But at the end of the day, I just see it as a celebration and completely innocent. So I have a question. Would it have been better for him to just give her a nougie? I would have made for a better video. I'm kidding. You're going to win this. Waka Flaka had a big show last night in Salt Lake and had a message for the crowd that it's weird. Listen. That was very much supporting Donald Trump in the last election. So it's not weird? That's not weird. No, no, no. With the news. What you're about to hear him say on stage, that part isn't weird. I guess what I find weird about it is as an artist, if you're performing, if you're an artist in any genre, and you want to declare your politics on stage... You lose half the audience. You're losing half the audience. Well, I mean, you can obviously have your political affiliations, wherever you're going to vote for. And bring it on the stage. I don't know. Watch what happened last night in Salt Lake. I mean, well, you know, maybe the audience doesn't care and they're just like, "We're here for the music and we're not even really paying attention to that." The other part of it is, is that everybody's so dissatisfied with the way this has all rolled out with the candidates, that maybe it mutes the anger a little bit in venues like that. I'm going to tell you, when I heard the way he said that, it's almost like he is viewing it and I think maybe some people view it as like a sporting... Oh! Attition. Like a sport. Like this is my team like, "Oh, that'd be like me walking and going to any Red Sox fans and here, get out of here." That's exactly what it's become. It has become, well, unfortunately, it's feeling more like a blood sport right now with some ominous things going on. It's just more important than that. But it is another sign that, clearly, the Biden administration has a problem getting black voters back in the polls. And the polls show that. Right. The polls clearly showing that. There is some backstopping going on by one of Joe Biden's surrogates. Yeah. The governor and Marshawn Lynch, teaming up also with Marshawn's agent who Gavin knows Doug Hendrickson, and they're all going to be talking politics. Now, why do you suppose? Well, Marshawn Lynch, certainly popular in the black community. But does that translate to Biden? This is a very complicated thing because Gavin Newsom clearly has his eye on the White House at some point. He has made it very clear publicly that he is all in for Biden. But he has designs on the White House. So maybe it's a combination. It helps. Yes. Is he trying to help himself? I would say definitely. Can it help Biden? Maybe. My wildest imagination. Imagine how it would help the president. Now, I don't know how it helps Gavin Newsom either, though. I'm confused about this podcast. I could see it being more of a harm. Look, right now, and I think this is one of the illusions that they're starting to see is when you're on cable TV, you're playing to 70-year-olds. And mostly. Right. I mean, the median age is old. But that's who votes are. But that's who votes are. 70-year-olds vote. You want to be younger people. Young people and black people both vote. And what I can tell you is seeing things like this. It's getting to be cringe because it's seeming to be like they're trying to force themselves on the black community. Well, I would also say-- hold on. But Marshawn, that makes it sound like they're using Marshawn. Maybe Marshawn wants to do this. I mean, he's clearly-- I mean, maybe not. I mean, maybe not. But again, it's the timing. Even though they said that this has been in the works for a year, they knew that this was going to be an election year coming up, and they knew that they were going to need to get the black vote. That's true. This whole narrative of the black of Biden losing the black vote hasn't just been for a couple of weeks. This has been going on for a couple of years. Black people have been very disappointed in Biden. So with Gavin Newsom eyeing the White House, who can we get for this next election year that will help us boost the black vote? Ta-da, Marshawn Lynch. Well, you're right. But if there's one word that describes how politicians try and secure votes, pandering, on all sides. Yeah, of course. Yeah. I mean, they all planned it. That's what they do. That's the way politics works. Right. So this is kind of standard fare. Fiverr Pinder for Toronto, Canada, I completely agree. I think that Joe Biden, President Biden, has done what most politicians do, made a whole bunch of promises to the black community, and then once empowered, delivered on none of them, whether it be around prison reform, police reform, I feel that Marshawn now is in a situation where, whichever side he speaks on, having that black voice there is going to be super important. Boy. This is just underscores the problems Joe Biden is having right now. Yeah. I got to say. Okay, we're taking a break. All right. When we come back, we know how Swifties feel about Travis Kelsey's debut on stage with Taylor. Well, now you're going to hear how Travis feels about it. Is it something that he really enjoyed? Was he just doing it for the show for a little lark? You will find out if he'll be back on stage when we come back. Welcome back to TMZ Live. Travis is speaking out. Travis Kelsey, that is. I mean, we're on first-name basis. I was just going to say, they're Travis Barker. Yeah. Used to be. Back in the day. Yeah. And, well, now there's Travis Kelsey still in a spotlight, and he's shared the spotlight recently with his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, getting on stage while for one of her shows over in the UK. So the question is, what do you do it again? Because the fans loved it. Was that a joke? The fans loved it, but honestly, is that a joke? What do you do it again? No, it wasn't a joke. What do you do it again? Hold on. Of course, he would do it again if she asked him to. My question is, did he really enjoy it? The day after that happened, were you really asking? Are you really asking this? Do you remember the conversation in this room? We were all going, "This is ridiculous. He is being treated like a simp." But he was like a simp. Are you kidding me? You are one of the greatest players in NFL history. I know. You have an incredible career of your own. Why are you doing this? Why football fans don't understand why he's doing it? But he's curious. I haven't even heard this clip. He is all in is what I think. Whose idea was this? Well, I initially mentioned it to Tay. I was like, how funny would it be if I just rolled out on one of the bikes? During the 1989, you know about that era. She started laughing. She was like, would you seriously be up for doing something like that? I was just like, are you what? I would love to do that. I was seeing the show enough. Might as well put me to work here. And sure enough, she found the perfect, perfect part of the show for me to come in. The only thing I told myself is do not drop the baby. Do not drop this, do not drop Taylor on your way over this damn couch. And he was pretty successful because he didn't drop. He looked like he wasn't in distress. He did a great job. And he also said that he modeled his moves after Jim Carrey and Dumb and Dumber, which I thought was kind of funny because obviously he was like wearing the top hat and the suit and all that. But fans want him back. They want him to be a permanent child in the show. The good news is, he has to get back to his job so we don't have to see him. Really? I just feel like, really? I feel sorry for him. I feel like he's kind of being held hostage. Did you notice? Did he blink at all during that video? Did you listen to that? Did you listen to that video back? Did he blink? Did he blink? Did he blink? Because I don't know that he did. I feel like this man is being held hostage. He's the one that came up with the idea. Did you hear what his brother asked? He was like, "Who even came up with this?" Right. And he said he had disbelief about it. It should be a one-off and that's it. Tip your hat, please. Never. Stacy from California, I love that Travis was on stage with Taylor was so cute to see. I first of all, I love that he calls her Taye. I think that's adorable. Secondly, I think he's just, he loves going to her performances and not only that, now he likes participating him, I really think he's just really in love with her and it's just great to see that, you know, she's gone through a lot of heartbreak in the past and just to see her with someone that is so supportive, rooting for her, cheerleader and everything. I think even one day he's going to propose to her on stage. So I think he loves the stage, but I also think he's really in love with her. Oh my God. You just, if that happens and she may be right, there's one part of the, hold on, the part of that sound bite that you're kind of, you're just completely glossed over. There's a part where I heard him say he's kind of sick of going to these concerts. He's like, well, he said, he said, he said, I've been to enough of the shows. I didn't do enough. The shows that I know. I've seen the show enough time. I know the drill. He said, I've seen the show enough times. In other words, enough already. Okay. Enough already. Let's move on. Yes. Moving on. Speaking up in support of Morgan Wallen, Darius Rucker was doing an interview with Rolling Stone and they asked him, do you think it's time to forgive Morgan Wallen? Of course, we're referring to the incident where Morgan Wallen used the N word. He did not hurl it at anyone. He was talking to a friend. The friend isn't even black still. The way he used the word was flipping and he has said that he's learned his lesson. But Darius Rucker says that there are some people in the industry who still have not forgiven him. Do you feel that Morgan should be forgiven? Do you have thoughts on that? Yeah, I do. I do. I think Morgan's become a better person since that. I've known Morgan Wallen a lot of times since that whole that happened, Morgan's tried to really better himself and become a better person than see the world in a much better way. He's not forgiven. Morgan's still not out for CMEs and ACMs when they consider what they want, but the fact that Morgan Wallen is not out for their day of the year and those things is crazy. No one's selling more tickets than Morgan. This is one of those things though. Morgan Wallen's definitely been forgiven by his audience. He's got the top two songs at Country Radio right now, two of the top 10 albums in the country, just all formats. Obviously, the fans love him. He's gigantic. Does he need awards? This is like when the weekend complained that he had the biggest song of all time, but didn't get any Grammy nominations for it. Morgan Wallen's fine without awards. But to Darius' point that he's not even being nominated for those categories, and I get it if the CMEs or the ACMs don't want to have him up on stage because of what it might look like. You still at least nominate the guy, right? Well, I have a question about that though. Did Luke Bryan, has he won CMEs? Because he's hugely popular. I don't know that, Eric, to help me out here. I don't know. I'm sure he has, but I'm sure Luke Bryan has won a lot of awards, I'm sure. He's won Entertainer of the Year. But in terms of his music, it is bro country, and that's not necessarily embraced by a lot of people in the Academy. I don't know. I mean, if you have to choose between getting a CMA or being as big as Morgan Wallen is, you go with door number two. Hey, I'm Love Jones, representing Brooklyn, New York, and I think that the fact that Dari is a black man in America is advocating for the forgiveness of Morgan using the N word is a little insane to me. Yeah, the quality of his life has not changed. She still has number one hits. He's still selling out tours. And he'll be okay. Like Beyonce hasn't won Entertainer of the war, and she's an unproblematic gold. That's my opinion. Well, WNBA fans, actually, just basketball fans, sports fans, in general, have been talking so much about Caitlin Clark, and Angel Reese, and the rivalry, and the rivalry. And it's really part of what has brought the WNBA to its most popular level ever. Totally. Well, those two arch enemies are going to be playing on the same team for the first time, because, and this has also never happened before, two rookies have made the all-star team. From WNBA. In the WNBA. Yes, they've never had more than one rookie make it. So they're both going to be playing together, because the format for the all-star game this year in the WNBA is the WNBA all-stars who did not make the Olympic team are playing against the Olympic team. And Angel and Caitlin both. How interesting that is. So now they get in play together. Yeah. And boy, we know there's no love loss between them. We've seen the way they go at each other on the court. Oh, I have a totally good take with you. Just what Caitlin had to say about it first. A lot of people are going to enjoy singing to his team. Because there's been so much to talk about the two of you, but what's not going to be like to actually, you know, you guys want against each other in some really big matches. Now you're going to be on the same team. Yeah, it'll be like, I don't think I've ever been her teammate before with even the USA basketball or anything like that. So I know people are going to be really excited about it, but I hope it doesn't take away from everybody else. I'm just going to obviously soak in the experience because you're like, you never know if you're ever going to be able to get back there, and it'll be fun for all of us. So you want my take on this? Yeah, and then I'll give you mine. Okay. My take on this is these two may have a public rivalry, but they're both really smart and they're very savvy in terms of PR, and I think they love this. And I think that this elevates both of them in a weird sort of way, and they'll go back to the rivalry. They're almost like the WWE in terms of just, they're great players obviously, but there's a performative aspect that was angel during, when she found out about it, her press conference, she got a little emotional about it, but she's looking for, yeah, I agree with you. I think they both know that it's going to be more of a spotlight on them, they're going to enjoy that. Yeah. But they're also really both fierce competitors, and they're going to want to win. So what if they beat the Olympic, what does that do to the Olympic? It's what they'll be focused on, but I want to say something about what I heard Caitlyn saying, and I know I'm going to hear it from Caitlyn Clark fans. First of all, she barely smiled when the question was being asked, and she never said, I'm looking forward to being her teammate. I'm looking forward to playing with her. Because she can't. She's a great competitor. This is a performative. I want to be on, it's going to be great to be on the same team. Never said that. I also don't think Angel said that she's looking forward to playing with her either. They can't say that because they got to keep the rivalry going. That's why this is so interesting. Guys, the game, the most interesting part about this game is it's played on July 20th, which is only nine days before the US Women's National team actually has to compete in the Olympics. And if you recall, well, Caitlyn Clark and Angel Reese were felt like they were snubbed for the Olympic team. So, I'm not saying that if something happens in one of the US Women's National team plays for these two to get out. Oh, oh. Edward. Edward. Edward. I'm just saying that. Are you suggesting a time of harding? I'm not. Are you suggesting a time of harding? I'm not. Are you suggesting a time of harding? I'm not saying that. I'm just probably the next person. I'm just saying. Wow. That is. But the other thing is if they beat the Olympic team, doesn't that just derail the Olympic team? They're not going to beat the Olympic team. They're not going to beat the Olympic team. It's not going to happen. We don't have to have that discussion. Oh, really? Yeah, they're not going to beat. What do I know? With these two being two of the most talented and biggest names in women's basketball right now, like a lot of other people, I'm really excited to see them play together. And the media has portrayed this ongoing rivalry between the two of them, which has divided a lot of people and brought a lot of negativity to the sport. So hopefully seeing them play on the same team will bring some new WNBA fans together and allow us all to support the league as a whole, especially since they're going up against the U.S. Olympic team. You know who wouldn't like what you just said? Two people. Angel Reese and Caitlyn Clark, by the way, they benefit from this rivalry. They do. They definitely do. And I hate to share this information with you because I don't want to hear the end of it. In 2021, they did this format. Oh, and who won? The Olympic team loss. You see? More fallout now from the Rick Ross attack in Vancouver. We showed you how right after his show there, some Drake fans, people who are upset about the things Rick had been saying about Drake months ago, jumped him and his security, huge brawl broke out, and when that video was posted on social media, Drake actually liked the post. A move that caught the eye of one legend, another rap legend. That would be Uncle Luke from Two Life Crew. Well, he has some words for Drake, and he's trying to play Peacemaker here. I'm angry. Wow. Wow. Who laughed back there at that? Trapped laughed. Don't laugh at that. Oh my gosh, me so angry. Anyway, here's what Uncle Luke had to say to Drake. When you, Mr. Drake, like the post, you just inserted yourself into violence toward Mr. Ross and his crew. Now, let me just say this as a broker, a piece for Tupac and Biggie. I seen how to **** it in, man. When people go to put their hands on people, this is not the time to joke. This ain't no ****ing joke, bro. This is not the time to joke, man. Don't do it. Don't do it. Well, I mean, Uncle Luke is correct. Rap beef, you know, continues to be instigated and will continue to fester. But, you know, a lot of people are pointing out that he's been a hypocrite in this case. Drake did nothing to Rick Ross in this 2024 rap beef. Rick Ross created a song. He instigated the situation in Vancouver, and, you know, he learned the consequences. Well, yes, I could see where you say that, but there is something to Drake sort of dancing on the grave, as it were. It just seems untoward, like, just let it go, man. Well, he still has beef with, you know, other guys, including Kendrick Lamar, and he hasn't really been, you know, instigating those situations. But in the case of Rick Ross, who, you know, stepped into the lions then and, you know, teens everybody with the light, not like us track, you know, if it is what it is. Can I tell you something so funny that Drent just said that when I was at KCBS, I had a show called Harvey and the Lions then. Oh, my God. And I, and we did the two live crew song. Yes. I was one of you. You met Uncle Luke. I did too, right? Yes. That's so funny. Fools are cool, folks. He's so angry. My name is John from Western Massachusetts. And I just wanted to say, you know, it's 2024 and there's artists out there. There's celebrities out there, the A-list celebrities are in the same room. We all have full access to these guys. So Rick Ross had the security in his background, but the fact that you're disrespecting the number one artist in the world in his own country, we have people to step ten toes on what they believe in and what they want to do to back up their favorite artists. So everyone needs to watch out, you know, it's a whole new world out there. Yes, it is. And take it very, very seriously. Okay. What else you guys want to talk about? What's going on, guys? I'm Sergio de Luigi from Brooklyn, New York. I'm talking about Biden. I think that President Joe Biden should definitely withdraw from the presidential race. See, he's up there in the age and I think he has realized that he can't compete with the energetic, younger and stronger Trump. See, in my opinion, this election has become more of an entertainment and popularity contest instead of something substantial. This particular election is extremely important for the future of our country and the world we live in. Who do you think should take his place? I think Trump is definitely someone who is capable to lead this country into the strong and successful country that it is and that it will be with Trump's administration. Okay. That's an answer. All right. One more. Romero's Scottsdale, Arizona, it would appear the rain of the bad boy era is coming to an end. For any time a person is in legal woes and they begin liquidating their assets, in my opinion, that's a sign they were advised by their fiduciary that this relinquishment is to pay for all his legal ramifications. Diddy. Hey for presentation. That was a good presentation, I gotta say. Hey, Lindsey Lohan is celebrating her birthday. She is a ripe young 38, which 38, believe me, to us is not old. But when we remember the fact that we were covering Lindsey when she was. When she was 20, 21, actually when she was in her 19, yeah, I guess she's made 38, it's really off. I gotta say this, as somebody who has followed her career through TMZ over the years, she's been in the office. She was actually in one of our morning meetings to watch what happened with her because look, she ascended like crazy and then crashed and she had so many problems and everybody counted her out and she had legal problems and substance abuse problems and just boyfriend problems and her family problems. She has resurrected herself in her personal life, in her professional life. She is stable and happy. Making a lot of movies now. I gotta say, Friday they greenlit. And they greenlit. Friday too. I mean, happy birthday, Lindsey Lohan. This is a great story. Really great story. Have a great 4th, everybody. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)