TMZ Live

Travis Scott Arrested In Miami Beach

Dana White compares being canceled to coming out in the 1980s, Kendrick Lamar puts on the biggest hip-hop moment in recent memory, Travis Scott gets arrested for disorderly intoxication, and Justin Timberlake has no plans for rehab after DWI arrest.

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21 Jun 2024
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Dana White compares being canceled to coming out in the 1980s, Kendrick Lamar puts on the biggest hip-hop moment in recent memory, Travis Scott gets arrested for disorderly intoxication, and Justin Timberlake has no plans for rehab after DWI arrest.

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This episode is brought to you by Snapple. Want to know another Snapple fact? The first hot air balloon passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster. [SCREAMS] Ridiculous! Check out to find ridiculously flavored Snapple near you. Welcome to TMZ Live! Harvey Levin here. Charles here. So Dana White has come out swinging like an MMA fighter on a subject that he is just went ballistic over, which is cancel culture. Yeah, he was on with Shannon Sharp on his Club Shae Shae podcast, and Shannon asked him about, if he's ever concerned about being canceled. Dana has said and done a lot of things that a lot of people have very strong opinions about, and which was the point of Shannon's question, do you ever worry about this? His answer is no, but the way he said no and the metaphor he used is what's raising some eyebrows. Do you ever worry about getting canceled, Dana? What does that mean, actually? Cancel. Cancelled by who? You know what I mean? Cancel by who? I obviously have in the UFC and in life, you have a fan base. Outside of those people in my circle that I get about, I could care less. I could care less. And I've seen people talk about, oh, well, he had you money and all that other stuff. I equate it to being gay. Think about this. In life, back in the 80s, if you came out and said you were gay, it could destroy your career. It could destroy. Which in living a life where you can't be who you really are? Correct. It's got to be a horrible thing, right? F*** that. I am who I am if you like it or you don't like it. I don't give a f***. I get it. As a gay man who lived in the 80s and had issues that he's talking about like this and had friends with issues like this, I get his point that it sucks to hide who you are. Now that doesn't mean that you can do anything you want where it starts hurting other people. But if it's expressing views or showing your true self, I get that point. I get the metaphor. I guess the reason the metaphor is rubbing some people the wrong ways because what we're saying is if you're gay and you want to be out, there shouldn't be a consequence for that. Because you're just being yourself, right? No, he's saying that's the way it was in the 80s. Exactly. And I agree with you. Dana's saying that you should be able to be who you are and if you're someone who's closeted and you want to live your life out, you should be able to do that without consequence, right? Well, no, no. He's not even saying without consequence. He's saying... No, he is saying because that sucks. Right? I mean, he said that. You imagine that. I think it's a little different. I think what he's saying is, live your life the way you are. And if people want to say, "I want everything to do with you," screw you, screw them. And you care about the people around you, but you can't worry about what everybody else thinks and how do you really are because of that. I think that's what he's saying. I agree. I think that's what he's saying. I think why it's rubbing people the wrong way is that the consequence for someone coming out can be much more severe than what consequence he might suffer for saying and being... I don't know that that's true. I think people who get canceled culture is a thing anymore. But when it was a thing, people's careers got destroyed, their relationships got destroyed. So I think there were major consequences at the peak of canceled culture. And I guess what my point is, for Dana to be... And I agree. He should be who he is. But what consequence is he going to suffer that would compare to the consequence of a gay person coming out and then being ostracized, losing their job? I agree with you. I don't think... The consequence is what you can't compare. Well, no. I think you could compare the consequence at the height of canceled culture where people looked at your belief and said, screw you, I'm going to fire you from your job. Your friends won't talk to you anymore and all that stuff. I think that there is some parallel there. The '80s were very different in the gay community with AIDS and the fact that gay people couldn't rent apartments because people were just scared. I mean, there were all sorts of things going on then that are different. But I see the analogy. I see it. I mean, look, I also think when it comes to Dana White, if there is some criticism here, I think it's because he's got strong beliefs and there's just a lot of people, a lot of people who love Dana White, but there's also a lot of people who dislike Dana White. So I think some of that criticism here is probably based off of that, too, in his relationship to the former president and I think that that plays as well. That's probably a part of it. That's absolutely probably a part of it. But I get it. I mean, I get the point within boundaries. I have to lay 5.8 here. I would have to agree with the comparison of being gay in the '80s because we do follow influencers for their lifestyle. So by making them confined into our norm is taking away from them. They're authentic selves. Yeah. I mean, I get it. Yeah. Well, you have a problem in the '80s. No, no, no. Because when I watched the clip this morning, I agreed with Dana. I really did that. I felt like what he was saying is not so much about cancel culture, but that he was not concerned about anybody trying to cancel him because he's just got to be who he is. And I agree with that sentiment and that should be for everyone. Now, people may disagree with the things you say and who you present yourself as. And I was just trying to understand why people are so upset and I think that's why it's rubbing some people the wrong way, is that Dana White is so successful, there's no consequence he's going to suffer. And that's why he brought up the blank you money before he said it because he knew that that would be the reaction that people would say, "What consequence are you going to suffer for saying or doing whatever you want, Dana?" But I agree with what you're saying is that he's incredibly successful and he's got such a world around him that he's going to be hard for him to do. Right. And I agree with that. At the same time, just because he has that buffer doesn't mean he can speak to it. And I think the way he speaks to it is authentic. And I think the analogy he made, I get, I mean, I get it as a gay man, I get it. All right. Okay. We are going to move on. Yes. To Travis Scott who ended up taking a little photo this morning, that would be a mug shot because he was arrested in Miami after an incident on a yacht and an incident where he got into... Can I tell you the similarity with Justin Timberlake? Glassi-eyes. Yes. Glassi-eyes. Yes. Yet another, yet enough, glassi-eyes. But Travis Scott was not driving, but he was arguing with someone on a yacht. And the argument got loud enough that, and intense enough that someone called the police. And the police were actually just, they weren't arresting Travis Scott at first. They were just escorting him away from the yacht where this argument had broken out with, I believe that they were staffers on the yacht. So he was supposed to just leave and they walked him to a car, he got into a car that was chauffeured driven, but he came back and that's where the problem came. That's right. They say he came back about five minutes later and then attempted to go back to the yacht to presumably keep on yapping, keep on arguing, maybe whatever, who knows. But they stopped him, they say. And that's when they say they cuffed him, took him to jail, they ended up booking him for disorderly intoxication and trust pass, and he posted the mugshot like he said. Travis Scott's not sweating it. After the fact he has been posting memes and just kind of like laughing it off literally, he posted a little well, and he also kind of posted like a little photoshop version of his mugshot with like headphones on. This is on brand for him, I'm sure his fans love this. And again, like Travis Scott's been in trouble with the law before, he's been arrested for inciting a riot and a lot, you know, different things, none of those charges ever stuck. By the way, you always say this, talk about rich people's problems, getting too angry over a yacht argument. Yeah, I mean, I don't know what they were arguing about, I don't think they were arguing about the size of the yacht. No, I understand that. But it's just funny that that is definitely a rich people's. And by the way, we talked about this in the morning meeting, I still don't have an answer to this. It's basically public intoxication. But they don't do breathalyzers and they don't do field sobriety tests. So how do they know you're actually intoxicated? You literally could have had one drink. You could have glass of wine. Are you then? Is it public intoxication if you start arguing? And they smell alcohol on you. But that doesn't mean you're drunk. No, I agree. I just have a problem with the intoxication part of ours. Yes. And I've been thinking about that all morning. So there. Hey, I'm Alexandria Hardin from Memphis, Tennessee. And I just feel as if with Travis being a public person, I feel like he should just apologize and, you know, cap it, push in. And also he went to social media making memes about it and everything. And I understand, I guess, how high key key and everything. But you were taken away from that situation and you brought yourself back into that situation which caused you to get arrested. So I feel like he should have just, you know, apologized, make a public statement of apology and just kept it going that way. You know what? Yeah. I mean, the law has going to have a voice in this. I just remember this is two months in a row. Last month in Cannes, he got into, there was no police weren't involved. But when we got to the brawl, you got into the brawl with the A.E. Right. Sharers boyfriend. Right, right, right. Yeah. Nobody had arrested there. Nobody had arrested there. No one arrested. The French let things go. We got to protect our yachts and the yachts. The biggest concert I have heard talked about in L.A. Yeah. In decades. Well. Sorry. Slayer. Ah, as far as the city being behind it, Kendrick Lamar had a show last night, a special Juneteenth show at the forum. Look at that. And it was essentially him spiking the football after the victory over Drake. In a way, by the way, I have never heard from a concert the way this happened. I mean, and he had the entire city behind him. You know this because his huge hit, Not Like Us, which was the song that really finished the whole battle with Drake. He performed it, of course, and the crowd loved it. They loved it so much. You performed it four times. Five times. They didn't want time and then came out four more times and every time the entire crowd was with him. Just listen to a little of this and see the crowd. It's crazy. Oh, so, y'all ain't going to let nobody disrespect the West Coast, huh? Oh, y'all ain't going to let nobody imitate our legends, huh? You heard the crowd knew what was coming. They all said, "I see dead people." They all whispered it. And then they're rapping the entire song. It is, it's crazy. He stopped at one point and then just let the crowd do it. What a celebration. One of the people who's on stage with him because at a point, Kendrick brought everyone up on state, not everyone, but a lot of luminaries in LA hip hop and LA sports up on stage to celebrate with him. And see our guy right there? See our guy right behind him? There he is. Big boy was on stage for the celebration. He is joining us right now. Big boy. Welcome back to TMZ Live. What a night. Thank you. It was an incredible night, man. And he invited so many people up, you know, and the right ones, which I love. I went up there. I just invite it. I just made sure that I'm getting up there, but now the energy, all jokes aside, man, when we had a chance to lock eyes and it was like, big, you need to be up here. I went to that show, Ken and friends, I went as a spectator. I went, I love being in the audience. I wanted to be there because I knew that it was going to be historical. And to actually get up on that stage, man. I never thought I'm going to get on stage. That's not what I do. But that was a moment in time where I was like, man, I'm going outside of my norm and I have to be up there. I got to feel this energy in it. I felt it just being in the form. But being on that stage, man, to be a part of history was it was amazing, bro. Yeah. Talk about the people who came up there, man, man, just seeing black hippie together with seeing, you know, schoolboy Q, seeing, you know, Absol, seeing, you know, Kendrick on stage and Jay Rock, and then just mustard and his friends, you know what I'm saying? And I got one of my guys here right now, Roddy Rich, that's in the neighborhood, is seeing Roddy come out on that stage as well. And I know we probably don't have a Roddy camp. Roddy, jump over here. No, because it really turned into that kind of night for LA, right? I mean, Kendrick, it wasn't like just making it about himself. No, man, it was a night where Roddy, we were speaking on air. And Roddy was talking about how he had to be, and you could come over here on my mic as well, Roddy. He had to be in Paris and Roddy actually canceled Paris to be there because that's how important it was to him. What a night, huh? Come on. Always a good night when Kendrick and the homies is in the city, you know what I mean? Well, I'm curious what this means, what this means for Drake. For Drake. Yeah, I'm just wondering, because this was, I've never heard anything quite like this, where you do the same thing five times and the crowd is just going insane. What does this mean for Drake? It's like a eulogy for sure. Yeah. With the Drake thing, like, Ken and friends happen on a Wednesday night. I think that Drake is fine with his fan base on a Thursday morning. You know what I'm saying? I think what we had last night was a love for Kendrick, a love for the city, a love for the genre and it wasn't a night of Drake hate. It was a night of Kendrick love and I think that's what we pulled off. You know what I'm saying? I think that's what we pulled off, man, was just this homage to our guy and the city and not even this homecoming because he never left. You know what I'm saying? So I think that it was more of us celebrating Kendrick and so-called dancing on a Drake death or a tombstone. You know what I'm saying? Of course, we the West all day and we had a great time. You know what I'm saying? But that celebration was about us. You know what I'm saying? Roddy, I know you were on stage, you were performing with Mustard, maybe one of the best moments as far as L.A. performances for you. I mean, this is no place like home, you know? I feel like it was very electrifying to seeing everybody in the building, seeing cousins, aunties, you know what I mean, the homies. It was a blessing. It was your team, right? I mean, so- It's a day we never gonna forget, you know what I mean? It's a day we never gonna forget and, you know, I appreciate y'all for even, you know, up in him, you know what I mean, Kendrick, you know, that's the- he the top dog, you know what I mean? For sure. Let's go. And what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna make this more about me and Kendrick Roddy, thank you so much for over there. Man. You're playing guy over, man, and it doesn't. And I told you what y'all did, I brought him, I brought him in, like, it didn't want it to just go straight with him. Listen, we had to talk to him, you brought him over, we had to talk to him all twice. I didn't think that y'all was gonna share that much with him, you know what I'm saying? Like I'm in a position, you know, Harvey and Tyler's where I give a little bit of love but not a lot. You know what I'm saying, like- Okay, clearly. Kendrick gave up the stage. You know, I've lived here most of my life, and the one thing that the rap on LA is it's not really a community, it's not really a city, it's so spread out and there's so many different areas. But when you see something like this, it makes you feel like it really is a city that there's value that people place on people who lived here and grew up here and everything else. I haven't seen that a lot in my lifetime here, but I saw it last night when I watched what was going on. And we needed that, too. We needed that. We needed the way that it felt, I was speaking with Rodney, we were talking about how they were just all the different handshades and people didn't know what was really being represented on that stage as well and what was really represented in that audience, man. You saw from 8 to 80, you saw all shades of people, when we walked out of there, everybody felt like they won. People were high-fiving, people they didn't even know because what this energy felt like. And I asked Rodney, when we were on air today, I said, "Man, where do we go from here?" And paraphrasing, it was like, "Man, we just keep that same energy. We work with each other, we continue to respect each other." And I think that's what we saw. He said, "Yeah." And Rodney said, "Let it continue, the marathon continues, man." And I think that's what we needed. I didn't see one argument, there was no fights. It was like, even leaving out people like, "Oh yeah, you know, you leaving, there's different arenas over there. You leaving a form." You're like, "Oh yeah, go ahead. Get in front of me. Drive in front of me." Back in the day, you're like, "Man, you ain't cutting nobody off." It's just a beautiful energy, man. And I'm so glad that I was able to be not just witness it because I was humbled, you know, just witnessing. But even more humbled by being a part of that, man, and Kendrick looking at me and slapping hands and hugging and that acknowledgement as well, like, "B, you should be here." You know what I'm saying? And to be there and to be in that moment, man, it was very special for me, you know, very special. We can hear it. Yeah. We can hear it. Glad you had that moment. And thank you for being with us. Yeah. We know you got to go. Can we just get Rodney back? I mean, is that possible? You know, I'll just turn the kid right around the radio and talk. Big, big, big boy. Right already left. Oh, he's gone. He's gone. All right. All right. Well, we'll get him. You locked him out of the studio. You know, you got to be careful who you invite. You never want to bring somebody on that's more popular. Right. You know what I'm saying? And don't just know. Yeah, note to self. And I know this because I do the same thing on my radio show. You know. But thank you guys, man. I appreciate you, man. I'll be here. Thank you so much. You're the best sir. Oh, my God. What a night. What a night. What a night. That was great. We told you yesterday about Jacob Elordi and the situation he's going through with an A.I. deep fake. It appeared to show him in a pornographic situation. It was not him. Not him. But this has happened to Megan the Stallion, happened to Taylor Swift. I think the bigger issue is, and more people who are being affected by this, are non-celebrities. And in fact, it happened to someone in Texas, to a young lady in Texas, and it was such a bad situation. She actually got in touch with her senator, Ted Cruz. And he did something about it in that instance, and then it inspired him to introduce some new legislation. It's called the Take It Down Act, and Senator Cruz is joining us right now to talk about that. Senator Cruz, welcome to TMZ Live. Guys, great to be with you. Thanks for having me. Thank you so much. It's been a situation that you had with this young lady, and why you decided to introduce this legislation. Well, look, this is a growing problem that is happening all over the country, and thousands of thousands of young people, particularly teenage girls, are being targeted. In Texas, this one teenage girl, Elliston Berry is her name. She was 14 years old. She lives in Alito, Texas, which is in North Texas, just outside Fort Worth. One Monday morning, she was in ninth grade. She was getting ready for school, and suddenly her phone blew up. She started getting phone calls and texts from her friends. It turned out another teenage boy at her school had taken a picture of her, a perfectly innocent picture on social media, and had gone to an app and had used it to make a deep fake of her and made it appear that she was nude. And this teenage boy did this to several girls in the class. He then created fake Snapchat accounts and sent it to almost all her class space. And so she woke up with hearing that their naked picture is being sent to her classmates in ninth grade. And you think about how hellish it is just to be a teenager anyway, to wake up with that. Elliston went into her mom. She was in tears. She was crying. It was a horrific journey. They found the kid, and ultimately they found out who did it. He was transferred to another school, but he faced no legal penalties, no consequences. And for nine months, Snapchat did nothing. Elliston's mom, her name is Anna McAdams. She repeatedly called, tried to contact Snapchat, saying, "Look, will you take this garbage down? It's not real, it's fake, it's exploiting and abusing my daughter, and Snapchat just gave her the stiff arm." I'm wondering, because a lot of people are calling for the legislation you're talking about here. But just as a practical matter, and you've been around long enough, I think, to see this, sometimes you can legislate, but it's hard to corral the internet, and especially if it's worldwide, which it is. And there are no boundaries to it. So although, I mean, personally, what I think is this is necessary, I'm wondering how effective it's going to be given the New World Order with what we're seeing with AI and whatnot. Look, obviously, we're not going to prevent all bad conduct, and there's still going to be horrible things that happen. But what this bill is trying to do, and it's a bipartisan bill, I've introduced it with Amy Klobuchar, Democrat from Minnesota. We've got 12 senators, six Democrats, six Republicans, so we've got a broad coalition behind it. It does two things. Number one, it makes it a crime to post or share non-consensual, intimate images. And whether it is an actual image that was taken consensually, but you didn't agree to have it posted to the world, or whether it's a deep fake that was made without your knowledge entirely, it makes it a criminal offense to post it. But then secondly, and this is a really important piece on the bill, it puts a legal obligation on big tech that when the victim or victim's family says, "Hey, these pictures are a me, they're non-consensual," that the tech company has 48 hours to take it down. And that, look, I'll tell you with Elliston, for nine months, the pictures were still up on Snapchat. Her mom told me that last week, and I said, "What do you mean? They're still there right now?" She said, "Yeah, I told my staff right then," I said, "All right, get on the phone with Snapchat right now. If need be, put me on the phone with the CEO. Let's get this taken down immediately." Within the hour, they pulled it down. Now, frankly, you shouldn't have to have a sitting member of Congress make a call on your behalf. The victim should have that right written into law, that's what this bill will do. They have 48 hours, if this legislation goes down, they have 48 hours to take it down. The issue becomes that even if it's up for 48 hours, other people grab it, and then it's hard to crush it. But you're right, this is a step in the right direction. Senator, we know you've got your time is short. Before you go, I just wanted to talk to you about, I know a week from today will be the first presidential debate you've already said, clearly you are throwing your support behind Donald Trump. What do you expect to see out of this debate next week? Frankly, I think Trump's going to kick his ass. I think it's going to be... Well, we knew you were going to say that, that part we knew. Look, I think Joe Biden, unfortunately, I think his mental abilities have really, he's facing dimension, and it really is sad to see. I've known Biden for over a decade, and when I was elected 12 years ago, Joe Biden was Vice President. He swore me in. The man who's in the White House today is not remotely the same person that I knew 12 years ago. Frankly, we got to know, who has the inside track for Trump's running mate? I have no clue about my prediction, and this is actually in your wheelhouse. I think it's going to be, and it already is, a giant apprentice game where Trump's going to kind of dangle it with lots of people, and at some point he may point at someone and say you're fired, and I expect we'll learn right at or right before the convention, and I imagine there'll be some drama, a little bit like LeBron announcing whether he was going to Miami or not. I expect that kind of same sort of thing. Do you think he's made the decision himself yet? I genuinely don't know. I saw him last week. He came and had lunch with all the Senate Republicans, but we didn't get into that at all. He made a point. You know, they're kind of three folks who've been widely reported to be on the short list in the Senate, and so you have Tim Scott and Marco Rubio and JD Vance, and he made a point of kind of giving some love and just shout out to all three of them. But I think he's deliberately keeping his cards close to his vests, and I will say he tends to make decisions with his gut, so my guess is he has not decided yet, but I genuinely don't know. All right. Thank you so much for being with us, Senator. We appreciate it. Thank you, Senator. Appreciate it. Thanks, guys. Hey, it's Kayleigh Cuoco for Priceline, ready to go to your happy place for a happy price? Well, why didn't you say so? Just download the Priceline app right now and save up to 60% on hotels. So whether it's Cousin Kevin's Kazoo concert in Kansas City, go Kevin, or Becky's Bachelorette Bash in Bermuda, you never have to miss a trip ever again. So download the Priceline app today. Your savings are waiting. Thanks, Caroline. Welcome back to TMZ Live. Here's something we have not been able to say really much at all, a little speed bump for Taylor Swift on the Aerostore on the runway. Yes, on the runway, her private jet. So she, of course, is in the UK right now with the Aerostore and some environmental activists found out where her jet was parked. They found out which airfield it was at, and they decided to break in and make a point. Now these activists have been very active in the last week. They went to Stonehenge, and now they decided, so if you're in the UK, you hit Stonehenge. That's a huge landmark, right? And then, what's the next biggest landmark you could hit? Oh, wait, Taylor Swift's jet in the country. So let's go see if we can target her jet, and they did. Well, they kind of did. Well, so they knew where the jet, what airfield it was at, and they decided they would make a point by spraying orange paint all over the jet to protest what the jet does to climb. Right to the climate, yeah. Thing is, they hit the wrong jet, yeah. By the way, the two girls that showed up trying to make a point, obviously they're filming themselves, taking selfies, doing this, they were both arrested, and one of them has posted about Taylor Swift in the past, and she seems kind of like she's a Swiftie, but now she's obviously turning her back on Taylor. There's been a lot of discussions about Taylor flying all over, and it's bad for the environment. So it makes sense that she's kind of the target for these environmentalist protesters, but they both got arrested, and I don't know if that was worth it or not. You know who's, I think they would say they made, yes, it would have made a bigger point if they actually got to the right jet, but they also made the point in that they targeted her jet, they broke in, they recorded it, they got arrested, so it is getting the attention. Oh, it's getting, it's clearly getting attention. Right. You know who's breathing a sigh of relief right now, right? Leo DiCaprio. It's like, oh, he's off me. The big thing with Leo, and this is why I think it's so interesting, is Leo does so much for the environment, and has been focused on climate change for so long, that a lot of people say, some people say, well, because you do it, you should only fly commercial, and others say, wait a minute, give this guy a break, because he does so much that if he does this, he's still-- And I guess-- And everybody's way ahead of the game. This is the debate people say, and Leo's a different situation, because he does other things just about the environment in general, but you know that if you fly in a private jet, there's a thing you can do now where you buy environmental credits. You basically make a donation that goes toward helping climate change, to helping to fight climate change, and so that's supposed to offset your carbon emissions of your private jet. It doesn't really-- And from what I read, Taylor Swift has done that, but I guess some people will be like, that's not enough. Hi, my name is George Montour, I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. It is very clear to me that this organization is very specifically using Taylor Swift's name and likeness to garner as much media attention as they possibly can, which is exactly what's happening right now. You know, in 2023, Taylor wasn't even on the list of top 10 celebrities with the most private jet carbon emissions. And you know, in my opinion, spraying other people's private jets is only going to land the people that are doing the spray painting in handcuffs and potentially facing very serious criminal charges. So, there has to be better and more productive ways of getting your point across without having to vandalize other people's property. Okay, what we got to get to, we were talking about Kim Kardashian and her private jet, there's another issue in the Kardashian-Jenner clan, and it has to do with looks on the latest episode of the Kardashians. Kylie Jenner breaks down talking about her looks, or more specifically about how people reacting to her looks. I'm kind of like so numb to people talking about my looks at this point. I hate even having this conversation over and over and over again because it feels like I'd so wasted my breath because I think with me, it's just never going to change, but it's just been... Just like, why do people think it's okay to talk about me? I don't, look, she has a beauty line. She puts herself out of her face with a beauty line now after crying like that. And she's on this reality show where they put themselves out for people to talk about. I mean, it's one in the same. Here's the thing, you guys, it's really hard to sit here and watch this happening because just last month she was interviewed, I believe, by the New York Times, and she spoke about how she didn't care about what people have said about her. Nothing anyone could say about her is going to affect her now, and now you have her crying on the Hulu show. It's just very weird to have her flip-flop between the two, and I get it. Everyone has a breaking point, and when people are constantly scrutinized in the social media's realm, especially celebrities, and they get like this, it's kind of hard to show that emotion if it was just a normal Joe Schmo person, but I get it. It sucks because constantly, in her comments, people are just attacking her all the time. Yeah, no, and I get that part, but at a point of all people who know how ridiculous social media is and the hatred and how everyone... Read Kardashians. All the Kardashians know that, and I sympathize, if she's reading this stuff, it's going to make her crazy. If she reads it, it's going to make her crazy, but if they know what it is, I mean... Winky mentioned the average Joe. I think the average Joe says Kylie Jenner is beautiful. She is gorgeous. There have been, remember when she was at Paris Fashion Week, the last Paris Fashion Week, not this one, because it happens every month. But there were a lot of comments about how she looks old, because she had worn less makeup, and so... And you want to see that? You want to see old? I'm back. Yeah. Come back. And not too close. This is old. This is old. She is not old. And you just... I mean, this is... It just seems like they're the family that should be, if anyone's going to be immune to it or just put up a shield and not pay attention to it, it should be them, because they use social media for their fame, fuel everything in their lives. And that's not a judgment, that they do it very just badly, better than anybody. Over the years, we have covered one or two celebrities getting arrested for DWI, D-100, 200, or drug offenses, 500, 600. Yeah, something like that. And there is a pattern that you start to see over the years. Justin Timberlake's arrest this week for DWI in New York isn't going to follow that pattern. And there's some good reasons for that. But there's some buzz online where people felt like, "Oh, Justin Timberlake's going to... He'll just check himself in a rehab, and then he'll get off Scott Free, they'll probably drop the charges." And there are people who are sort of dismissing it. Look, I don't know what's going to happen with the charges, and I don't know if he will be... I got a hunch. We think he's going to plead out, but he will. The rehab part of it isn't going to happen. No, so we're being told he is not going to be checking himself in to rehab, as you guys know, he doesn't have any prior. So a lot of times you would do this if you have a substance abuse problem, or there's been a bunch of other citations in your past. But not only that, I mean, all these stories have come out since the arrest being like, "You know, Justin has a drinking problem, he was chugging drinks at the restaurant, all this stuff." We've talked to people who just say that that isn't true, and that the fact is that this was kind of a one-off. He doesn't have a drinking problem, so no rehab for Justin Timberlake. Here's what's going to happen. Going to rehab for the first defense, they're not going to do it that reason, so that's not going to happen. What is going to happen is they will cop a plea, and he has a very good lawyer, and Ed Burke, and what the lawyers, I'm sure, is going to do is he's going to try to get it reduced to a reckless driving charge, which is what a lot of them do, or worst-case scenario for him. He pleads no contest to DWI, and he gets probation, which is what always happens in first-defender cases. So that's what's going to happen. Hi, I'm Tasia from Orange, New Jersey. I agree. I think rehab is not necessary. He had one too many drinks. Hopefully, it'll be his last. I think him getting arrested and going to jail is enough, and he'll learn from his mistakes. And the lesson is get a driver, get an Uber, get a driver, or less expensive. Okay. It is that time of the week, folks. Your favorite time? Tim is here. Where are these rejects? All right. What have you got, Tim? So, Harvey, have you gone jet skiing recently? Oh, they're all trying to make up for last week. Yeah, no, they're there. Yeah, where they left you? No, I have not gone recently. I've gone recently, Tim. Okay. I have not. Okay. Well, I may have something for you you may like, so it is called a sea racer. It is kind of like a motorcycle on the water. Ooh, that's cool. It's fully electric. Charles, what are my chances of survival on that? Oh, boy. Oh, you can go faster slowly. Just let us know. You want it. Just let us know when you're going slow on it. We can make arrangements next, Tim. All right, so usually when you try to do a bike trick, you only have to worry about yourself and landing and timing on it. Oh, yeah, this is another one. This is another good one. Check this out. This is a bike trick, but a bunch of people. Oh my gosh. This is crazy. This is crazy. Oh, death. What is going on? They're going into cedars. Right, so everyone lands perfectly, but I don't know how you time this up and get it going up. That is easy. But it's pretty impressive to say the least. Wow. Last one. All right, so a lot of people to take down a tree, they tie a rope to their truck and then you accelerate the truck and you pull off the tree. This is not going to go in theory. So check this out. The guy, he ties up the rope here and starts to pull away and the full bow. No. What are your moments in physics? You're supposed to tie it up to the frame, not the bed. Yeah, that's a fun. You took off the bed kind of ripped off there, so. Okay, entertaining, Tim. Thank you. All right, Tim. Thanks, Tim. Well, they are making up for bed. Boy. They left man in last week. No, did they have... Queen is the latest artist or group to sell their music catalog. And this is something that we've seen happening a lot with huge artists who've sold their catalogs and made... For a lot of money. Bruce Springsteen got 500 million. 500 million. Michael Jackson was 600 million, but that was also quite a while ago. That was an early catalog sale. Well, Queen blew them out of the water. Yeah. By the way, we should say the Michael Jackson was half his catalog that was sold. The Queen just sold their... You said they were setting a record? Yes. 1.22 billion dollars. That's crazy. And says a lot about the longevity of their hits, because there are other acts that have more hits just in raw numbers. But these are anthems that are stay around and will stay around. For decades, which is what someone is banking on. Right. This 1.2 billion is an incredible sum of money, but this is probably the smartest catalog if you're going to buy one to spend that money on. Because Queen appeals to every generation, every demographic, and there's so much opportunity in that catalog for movies, commercials, all kinds of licensing, plus the streams keep coming in, the sales keep coming in. This is a smart catalog to bet on. Hey, I'm Megan from Alabama. I think ultimately this is a smart move. While Sony, it may seem like a lot of money, but I feel like it's a good investment. I mean, people from all over the world listen to Queen even still today. Their hits like We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions and Each New Generation brings up new fans. I know even my 11 and 12 year olds will have Queen. So I think it's definitely a smart move and they'll continue to rock us for years to come. Yeah. I think so too. I think so too. They're so amazing. What else do you guys want to talk about? Hey, guys. It's Coco Louis coming to you live from Washington, D.C. and I'm chimeing in on the Dana White story. So I understand the sentiments exactly. And I think that people are just so focused on what not to do that they're not really living in their truth or living life the way that they would like to. So I think we really should just focus on living. I think that's what Dana's saying. One more. Hey, it's Carrington from Houston, Texas. And I want to talk about Travis Scott, a new mugshot just drops, but Travis doesn't seem too worried. I think it's going to be a hot boy summer. He says that the concert's in six days, so let's go watch the concert. Carrington, I've never heard it before. A mugshot drop. Drop the new mugshot. That's awesome. You're going to see that on the website soon. We're definitely going to write it that way. It's really funny. The separate lives of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez continue. In fact, geographically and mileage-wise, it's gotten as separate as it's been really. Aside from him moving into his own house, now they're worlds apart. She's in Italy. We showed you, she's over there with friends, hanging out, having a good time. Post-etano? Ben is still here in LA and was out having a little father-son time with Samuel. Took him for a motorcycle ride. I haven't seen Ben in a motorcycle in a long time. Yeah, I can't remember. This must be a new bike. You think? You think? Maybe. I don't know. It's big enough for two people. I'm bike-averse. Yes. Definitely. But if I went on that, see you later, everybody. The bike was too much for you, so don't anything with actual combustion motor? Oh my god. That would not be good. Oh, it looks like he's enjoying himself. We will see you tomorrow. (upbeat music)