ATI Auto Business

Weight Loss While On The Road with B-Lean Fitness. ATI IL show 175


1h 19m
Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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How do you stay fit while traveling on the road? You need a road warrior wellness program. Today we're talking about fitness, health, exercise, wall on the road. We're going to meet with Brandon Rothrock, founder and CEO of Bealean Fitness. So please ask your questions, say hello, make new friends, and network with the best on ATI, auto business. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - What's up ecosystem? Welcome back to industry logistics on ATI, auto business on Thursdays where everyone learns more about the automotive industry. We are going to talk about fitness today. And that's not the right slide. That's from Tuesday night's show. Please do say hello in the live chat. Great, we've got, oh, and Bealean Fitness is in the live chat. So if you have a question, a comment, and let's do this, the website is, and bring that up, I'm going to share the website in the live chat. You know, I mean, come on. Let's face it. It is hard to stay fit and get some exercise in when you're traveling on the road. Eating all that fast food, and you really, where are you going to exercise that? You've seen the videos of like folks exercising in the parking lot. Are you going to do that? Are you going to run out in the parking lot and just start exercising, doing pushups and stuff and the motor oil and the exhaust? I don't think so. No. But you, you know, you see somebody doing it and you started thinking about it. And so anyways, Brandon has much more experience with this than I do, and we're going to bring him in first, but first, please help me with your warm welcome to my co-host on Thursdays. Sue, can you see me and hear me okay? I can, can you hear and see me? I can see you, I can hear you. So, so thank you so much, we had a couple weeks off, but we're back and we have Brandon, Rothrock. This is the Road Warrior Wellness Program, Bealeen Fitness, no money exchanging hands here. I agree, you know, staying healthy, it's hard to do. It is, man, how, it is so easy to get off the wagon quickly, isn't it? Oh my gosh. Yeah, it's too much fast food places. I mean, that's all there is. And that's for normal people, let alone a guy sitting in a truck 24/7. It was no extra time, right? Spent all the time on the phone book and Lowe's, it's mad. Yeah, no, it's crazy. So, I can't wait to hear what Brandon has to say. That is Brandon, Brandon Rothrock, and it's the Road Warrior Wellness Program, and you know that ATS where everyone learns more about how the automotive industry works. So if you have an auto industry comment, this is right, sometimes we do a show that's a little off track. That's why I say, like, as a media guy, like, I'm not gonna do a show about avocados and leg warmers, okay? I realize that many podcasts get to that quickly. It's actually one of the reasons why I believe in making media as opposed to just going out and getting a microphone and jumping right in. Okay, there I said it. Know your ecosystem, OEM dealer, auction logistics, remarketing, recon compliance, and tech. Tuesday night, I had the ARA, American Recovery Association, which is funny, I'll just tell you this now on Thursday. There's now another ARA, the I-A-R-A dropped the I, and now there's two ARA's. Not confusing at all. No. So anyways, the original ARA was on my show Tuesday night talking about important issues that affect repossession. Now, we know what it's like to book repo loads. It's good times. We talked about that. It's no secret. And auto repos are up because the economy and this and that, and yada, yada. So what you wanna do is go to double standards impacting repossession with American Recovery Association. And in the time codes of the show, you can see insurance, acts of God, theft and violence. Oh my gosh, when they started talking about debtors, check this out. Debtors showing up randomly, demanding their cars, trying to break stuff. Yeah. That sounds like a party. Education and training, storage, and then auto transport. And this is where like ATI serves this real unique function of bridging the gap between transportation and reposition. That was not part of my plan. It's something I learned over time, right? 'Cause how, what's it like to book a repo load? Go. A nightmare. (laughs) I don't do it. How about that? Right. Now, does it have to be a nightmare? It doesn't have to be. No, it really doesn't have to be made into a nightmare. It's been made into a nightmare. And so I've actually, I've started proposing some ideas of, you know what, hey guys, instead of, you know, when we post loads, it's Rando, whoever, right, upper grabs. Maybe with repo, don't do that. Me? I have an idea. Great. Why not set it up like Copart with an app that you can set your appointment up, and that way you can also see the condition of the car. If it runs and drives, if it has keys, that way they're set up an appointments like Copart is. They want you to set appointments anyways. They just never give you the information until it's too late, or you find out after the fact they didn't have keys run and drive because they didn't tell you that either. Okay, so how about when you, okay, I like it. So how about when you go, it's not ready auto anymore. It's no central dispatch. When you go to central dispatch and you book a load and as you see it's in op and maybe even tells you. Right. Because we've talked about that too. Right, some do. Don't just tell me in op, tell me what, you know. Yeah, tell me how keys are not. Yeah. It's a copart, IAA. Right. Missing a wheel. Yeah, missing a wheel. And then there's a link to click on, which takes me into the app where I book it. Get all the info. Yes. See, and here's another thing that we need. Well, I don't need it, but I think that repossession industry would lenders, and we're talking about lenders and auctions. These are the folks that are in pain over all this, right? Well, and think of it this way, if it was like the copart where they had the app, they would get a notification that someone made an appointment for their car if they set it up that way. So the lender knows, or whoever needs to know, you know what I mean? (audience applauds) All right, you heard it here first. I mean, that's one of the things too, is where else can this conversation happen? Right. And we're proposing solutions. You know, somebody kind of did a drive-by ding on me on LinkedIn the other day. And I said, well, okay, all right, I'm not gonna like get into, you know, a pity patty party, or whatever. But I said, you know, help me propose new solutions, and I'll help you with, you know, the gripe, okay, right? Fair. So that's great, I love it. This is really awesome stuff that we're doing with the ARA. It's the neutral zone, top 20 load boards. This got some traction. In fact, we have to find out V2 Dispatch. - Yes. - Right, what's number two. - I haven't figured out how to sign up yet. - Oh my God. (laughs) - I went through the thing, you can't click a button. I don't know. - It's a mission. - And we don't hold the other day, and I didn't, I couldn't handle it any longer. So I got a... - Wow, you run, you got hold to death. - Yeah. - Well, it's V2 Dispatch Roadrunner, something. So if you have information. - Yeah. - You have seen this load board. If you found the Chupacabra in the wild, set a trap, let us know how we can get on board. - Where'd you find it? I couldn't find it. - Good job, Sue. This looks great. Murphy Auto Transport Services has room for a carrier. - Yes, with me. - Your dispatcher, your professional. And here's how you contact Sue 417273021. You can email What does this mean, Sue? What do you mean? - I mean, I have a spot, just me personally, that I'll be dispatching for you. So yeah, if you've got availability, I've got availability for one driver. So give me a call, send me an email. - And you've got to, so what are some basic requirements? - Well, I mean, you got to be on central dispatch. I'll hook you up with super dispatch. I mean, obviously you need to have your CDL, you need to have your FM CSA, MC paperwork, all in order, your central dispatch count up. I will work with new people. Like we've been talking about for the last several months, it's a trial and tribulation here for probably the first six months of starting out because everybody has taken this sign-up thing to the next level where most of them are 90 days, six months, summer or a year, summer or two years. So it is a process and it's a little bit harder to do all of this now than it used to be also with the new central dispatch ratings. Not everybody's writing everybody and some of the brokers are based on ratings. And of course, when you're starting out, you don't have any ratings. So just keep that in mind. I mean, I'm going to make you as much money as I can and get you signed up with as many people as I can as it goes along, so. - Yep. If you're a, you're not worried about what size trailer? Three, four, six, eight. - Well, I have for three to fours is what I usually like to work with. - Right. - Staying on the road a long time, right? - Well, no, usually my guys to stay out for a week, I did have a guy that was staying out for a month or two at a time. I can work with you to one. That part doesn't matter to me. - And what about if I only drive in Texas? - I do not do inside state. There you go. - There you go. - Yep. - All right, cool. - Put a week out for a week at a minimum, back in, or whatever you want to stay out. That's what I usually do. - Right, and interested in, how about this one? If you're interested in developing a lane or just going where the money goes, have a problem? - I usually do where the money goes. I mean, getting a lane right now, I just can't imagine. - Oh, man. - Yeah. - The loads are bad. I mean, it's, we are in the season of bad and it was already bad, so it's even worse. - I do think it's going to do what it's always done, where it's good, bad, good, bad. Like you'll have a really great week and then you're going to have a crappy week. And then, so just keep that in mind, everyone, when you're figuring out your finances and stuff like that. It's not going to be all bad. I mean, knock on wood. I don't want to say that. I do know, like today, there's 35,000 loads on the board. That's pretty good. - Ooh, yeah. Okay, so hold on to that. So 35K, I think we're going to look at that here in a minute 'cause did you get the memo? There it is. Central Dispatch, enhanced dashboard experience in August, plus mobile app, and they're coming on ATI on Tuesday, August 20th to talk about it. - In the afternoon. - Yeah, at noon, central time. Instead of doing the evening show, we're going to talk at noon. - Sweet. - I know. In fact, this. - Yes, I sent you this. - Yeah. Now, who did you think of? What did you, who or what did you think of when you saw this? - Well, that's what I do. - Okay, right, because that's Auto Refresh Plus, right? - Yes, it's an Auto Refresh tool. That's what they're talking about. - All right, so if you don't know, if you didn't get the memo, use of unapproved automation tools or add-ons, violates the central Dispatch terms and conditions and is not supported by central Dispatch, please be aware that improvements to the product will be implemented in August. Okay, listen, this isn't just Auto Refresh Plus. - No, this is other add-on. I mean, it's auto tools of some sort. - Okay. - It is, can you get the loads faster than anybody else? And you and I both know, there is something out there that we've never figured out because there are people that use something like that. - Well, consider this. - Okay. - Okay. Is it possible that a mobile app that allows you to convert an order into a document and import it into another technology, will no longer be able to do that. Do you, are you picking up what I'm laying down? - Yeah. - Because there's a lot of technologies out there that have forever been converting central Dispatch orders to PDFs or other screen captured, boxy, texting, recognition. - So you think there's any in that too? - I'm just saying, listen, if I was them, why wouldn't I do that? This is not limited to me and you in auto refresh plus. - Well, that'd make it really, really hard. - By the way, what was the chat bot, AI bot, super bot? - Yeah. - Okay, that's gonna affect them too. This is, this could, I'm just saying, it could potentially affect everybody that is somehow, 'cause it's their data. - True. - So data wars are really ugly, because if you wanna get, if you wanna get, there you go, that's when I'm thinking and it could get interesting. ACVE Transport has a feature update. You can, I wanted to ask, have you used this? Do you know what this is? - I have not bundled the jobs yet, no. - So you can bundle jobs at ACVE, bundle jobs are all instant book jobs, go to the load board, book bundle jobs, are matched based on pickup and delivery, and they're flagged with a new yellow bundle icon. I like, I like that there's an icon, thank you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Anything. - Anything to make it different from something else, yes. - Yeah, it's helpful. Dealership's being warned about phishing scams. I talked about this Tuesday night. Okay, snoozer, but this is not a snoozer. FMCSA warns truckers about phishing email scam. Of course, of course, phishing scammers are pretending to be the FMCSA. The agency is aware that an email is being sent to registered entities by a party pretending to be the FMCSA. You know, go big or go home. - Yeah. - And requesting that care is complete forms attached to the email. Those forms ask for a social security number, USDOT, personal identification number, FMCSA, M size. They do not require that information on its forms. Carers should not fill out the forms attached to the fake email. Some cases, the phishing attempt also asks for a certificate of insurance drivers license to help protect the recipient against fraud. Right? Right, that's a great way to be a fraudster. Hey, we're trying to help protect against fraud. So here's some fraud. There is also a threat that if the recipient does not respond within a day, the individual will be fined. There's a threat, I love this one. There's a threat that if the recipient does not respond within a day, they will be fined. Doesn't that sound the way they talk? - Yes, that sounds exactly like how they talk. Smart fraud, that's smart fraud. - They're right, said it. Which is also not an FMCSA practice. At first glance, the emails appear legitimate. FMCSA said the fake emails are originating from safety at FMCSA filing and FMCSA DOT filings, man. Nothing like some of your own medicine. Now, I'm not saying anybody deserves this, but you know, when you've been scaring people for a long time, they're scared. They'll believe anything after a while. Well, that's the way we wanted it. Oh, but not now. Oh, okay. Anyways, agency said that none of these are legitimate email addresses and none of them are owned by the youth. So if you click on a suspicious link, I don't know, visit cyber security, call the FBI. I love the call the FBI. (audience applauding) Oh, yeah. I'm on the road and I just clicked on a FMCSA. Yeah, it says bend over an FMCSA. Yeah, I clicked on it. Now what, you're in the FBI? Keep driving. Okay. That went well. Bloodbath on Wall Street. I'm sorry, Nightmare on Wall Street. Did you hear about this? Well, yeah. This is Monday. Yeah. They're saying the biggest Holy Crapola, I don't know. You can see 1987, something crazy. Trillion dollar wipe out and just within. That's a good job. Wow. Anyways, I don't have anything to add. I mean, everybody already knows that, but I do see it overlapping with, you know, a lot of people are either switching jobs, losing jobs, looking for jobs. It's gone up. Have you seen that? Yes, it was like almost 4%. Yeah, 4.3% it's gone up. Man, look at that. You guys know the unemployment rate. It's just like, well, this is one edge-a-mocated show. Did you hear that Carmax laid off some home delivery drivers? Really? Mass layoffs for the rollback and home delivery driver's department. This was on Reddit 22 days ago. Somebody tipped me off. I didn't just scour. Carmana's hiring here in Springfield. Really? Last mile. Wow. So that's interesting because, it would seem that, okay, we know that a year ago, under a year ago, Vroom and then Shift exited the online use car by sell marketplace. Now Carmax has been, seems like Carmax has been doing pretty well. And I'm not saying they're going anywhere, but Carmax and, what's the other one I'm thinking of? Not Carmana. But anyways. - Carvan? - Could be drive times out there. - But what's weird is Carvan has roots in drive time. This is a really weird, you know, I'd have to do an expose. So anyways, Carvan is going to Pac-Man, everybody else's losses right now. I don't know how they, they have cajillions of dollars to spend. And they're even saying they're making money hand over fist right now, which I don't believe that either, but what if it doesn't matter? - Carmana, I could believe it. They're buying people's cars for almost nothing. - I know, but that doesn't mean they're making money. - Well, if you're Warren Buffett's kid, and you just want to go around the Monopoly board buying shit, who can? - Yeah. - Who cares if you made money? - Oh, true. - That's what losses I'm jacking up. - And if it's cancer, I don't know. I hate to say, well, I don't know if I care, actually. I think Carvan is just spending money and they don't have to worry about it. I don't know why. Just like a Rivian. Rivian posted another huge loss. You've heard of Rivian. - Yeah. - And somebody is like, oh, you need another bucket of trillions of dollars? No problem. Just, you know. - That would have been interesting. - J, you seem pretty passionate about it. All right. Welcome to Auto Transport, where you can do whatever you want. Hey, do you know you can find a couch up on the load board? Oh, I'm sorry. Not the one I was thinking. 2018 couch, six pieces. - It was also a mattress of box springs. - And so this kind of marks the, it's kind of a new. - Shouldn't even be allowed, really. - Why is it there? - I don't know. - How did somebody get that deal? - Like auto. - I mean, you can put anything on there. - You can put it, you can do whatever you want. This is auto transport. - Just ridiculous to me. - I love it when the wrestling ring motto makes sense again. Making auto transport sense again. Okay. Hey, everyone, I know that I was in the Carling business. Now I'm out of it, it's become a joke. - It's too far gone. Well, here's the thing. - Too far gone. Yeah, no. - It's always going to be. - It's always been a joke. - Well, I wasn't going to say that. I was just going to say, car hauling is always going to be there. I think for some reason, because of everything that's going on in the recession and everything else, people think like the car hauling industry is like going to go out of business. Like there's never going to be people transporting cars. And maybe that will happen when the cars drive themselves, but it's not going to happen that soon. Anyways. - Well, no, so I want to talk about that too. I agree. It's not going to happen anytime soon, but it probably will happen. - Yeah, but we're not. I mean, we're talking. - We're not there now. So, okay, so is the question, we're just going to stumble along until it's automatic. Is that what we're going to do? Because it seemed like, and this is why the 2018 six piece couch is important, is because through time, there have been companies that have said, we're going to do better 2018 six piece couch. - There you have it. - I mean, that's the thing. So it's, are we going to do better? Or are we just, do we all just get tired? And then, you know, whatever. - I, yes. - Yes. - I think so. - Honestly. - I mean, I've been doing this for 20 some years. So yeah. - I mean, just watch the show. This show is so nice. (laughing) I mean, we're giving advice, but we're also just facing reality. - Yeah. - So one hour in time. - That drives me nuts. When I see that kind of crowd on there, it's just the waste is safe. - It's terrible. I mean, but you know what? Again, this is auto transport. You can do whatever you want. - You want, yes. - You can. And I know people hate it when I say that, but it's so true. - Okay. We just don't like it when you get excited like that, Jay. Can you list real load boards, Jay? (laughing) - So instead of 20 load boards, right? This guy's saying, just give me, give me the real ones. Give me the top five. All right. Top five real load boards. All right. None of this 20 stuff. Number one load board is. - Central? - Central dispatch. How many loads? 35,000? - Yes, right now. - All right. - In the next three days. There's more than that, but that's the next three days. - All right. Who's number two real load board that you check every day? Live chat. We need you to comment on this. What do you actually check? Where do you actually get your loads? None of this Chupacabra stuff. - Well, and super, right? - Right. Super is the next one. - Okay. - Of course, all this, you have to sign up, everybody knows this. So Metro, you have to be a part of them. - Okay. Is Metro third? Is that the third? - I can't remember. Where's your board? - Well, it is. It's third on my list. How did you check Metro every day? - Yeah. Well, I used to. - Yeah. - I did. - Janice is on it all the time. - Okay, there we go. Well, if Janice is on it, it's real. - Don't think that. - All right. So you got,, - Yep. - Where else do you actually go every day? - Part of the room. - Do you really go? - You go to cars arrive? - I do. - I don't 'cause they hardly ever have any loads on it. Um, ACV? - But I mean, that's, you know what? I used to. - United room? - I used to go to cars arrive every day. It was always, all right, okay. So where are we at? ACV United Road. - ACV. - ACV, right? - Yeah. I would do ACV. Main reason I check ACV is 'cause they pay so well. - What's the ACV auction? Where do you go? What's the website? - Let me see. It's Oh my. - Yeah. - ACV - It is ACV is transport.ACV - ACV, Metroholly, look at that. And so I think Holly may be number five there, but I cut you off. You were saying? Sorry. - It is. Sorry, hold on, let me go back. - This is great. - It is transport.acv - Right, transport.ACV - Dot ACV - Okay, transport. Does it come up? It's not like a Dom Jot Jot Dom. - Well, I mean, you have to sign up so you can't access it. - Okay, but if you go there and you're not signed up, it at least looks like transport dot ACV art. Does it? Or is it like, you know? - Let me show you what it looks like. - Yeah, go ahead. - Have host tools. There we go. And we got Brandon up in a minute, cool. - This is what it looks like. - Oh, yeah, right. Okay, but that looks like you know what I'm saying. What's funny. - Why do you say it says ACV at the top? - And thank you. It should. - And you can click, it says sign up right there. - But we've seen transportation load boards where when you go there, it looks like, you know, some random scammy. Okay. All right, good. - That'll let me line up right there either. So maybe you gotta go to it. - So we got, all right. So we got central super Metro ACV Holly. Do you think that's a reasonable, real list of five? - Yeah. - Did I leave anybody off? We know Janice said cars arrive. Do we leave anybody off going once? - Stefan Fanless says car haulers are fit. True statement. - Nah, it's probably the most that, you know what I mean. - Okay. All right, awesome. Fantastic. I wish, I wish, if I could get access RPM, I would be checking that out. - Oh, I know. Yeah. - Okay. - Working. - And let's see, before we go to the break, oh, you were talking about it. So this is out fraud apocalypse. Brokers circling the wagons. I'm like, I don't get it. What does it mean? And what it means is yes, brokers are tightening their vetting process. It's getting harder to get signed up. So the whole idea that, you know, I searched, who on YouTube's making get rich car hauling videos? - Yeah. - And this is the funniest thing. You know who it is? You know who comes up? - Oh, who? - It's still Dave. Dave still, yeah, Dave still has. - I was gonna say it, but I love you. - Thank, it's not, there's not a whole bunch of new guys, 'cause it isn't, it's not even close to Drew. It's the silliest idea. - Yeah. - And the videos that car haulers are making are, oh man, here's what you don't know. So it's getting more realistic. - Yeah. - Which is cool. - Yeah. - Uh, let's see here. And oh, freight scumbags. So. - That's hilarious. So what do you, what's that do? They check 'em? - So freight scumbags, I can't decide what I think about this. I mean, I don't know. - What anyway? - All right. Well, to all fraudsters and scammers in the freight industry, we are building a website dedicated to you. Your days of causing chaos and deception are numbered, and this is, I guess, an association with freight validate freight scumbags, freight validates missions to catch scumbags like you before you commit fraud. Now, hang on a second. To catch scumbags like you before you commit fraud. So are we creating a list of potential scumbags? Is this like minority report? - 'Cause it just said from freight validate, which we've done freight validates. - I know. So I don't know if freight scumbags is a, you know, a way of advertising freight validate, or is there gonna be pictures of drivers and lists of brokers? I don't know. - Like the sheet at Walmart. - Right, exactly. Which. - If there's anything this world needs, is it's more lists of scumbags. But you know, sure. - So I'm gonna understand that they're having as much problems in freight as we're having with cars then. - Well, it's everywhere. And-- - So we need to talk to some, I'm curious how they do that. How they steal the freight. We know how they're doing the cars. - Gosh, if we could get-- - I would love to talk to somebody how they're doing that. - Yeah. - A secret surveillance video ad of-- - Or somebody who knows about it. - The guy's in his hood and he's wearing his anonymous mask. And he's got a voice changer and he's like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." - This is how we're doing that. - It was so easy and fun. I picked up a Porsche, right? I mean, maybe I'll be more-- - I'm surprised there's not YouTube videos out there. - All right, exactly. Oh my gosh. Well, one's being edited as we speak. All right, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go to commercial break, stick around right after this. We're gonna be live with Brandon Rothrock of Bealeen Fitness and his Road Warrior Wellness Program. Stick around, we'll be right back. - Are you completely stressed out from all the calls and the contracts and the verifications of loads where nobody ever answers to the phone? Call Murphy Auto Dispatch Services today. Murphy Auto Dispatch Services has over 15 years in the transport industry. We are your office while you are on the road. We book, we verify, and we bill out your loads for you. We have an excellent accounting staff and an even better dispatch team. Give us a call today at 417-273-0021, or if you want to email me, it's Murphy Auto Transport 31 at Give us a call today. - Are you looking for a dispatch service? Mike, check 123. That is the voice of Sue. She's my co-host here on Thursdays. She is a fully licensed dispatcher broker and runs a dispatch office. All right, there we go. All right, please do help me wish it very warm. Welcome to Brandon Rothrock of Bealeen Fitness Program. Brandon, do you see me and hear me okay? - I can. - All right, cool. Do you feel like you're on a TV show? - A little bit. Yeah. - A little bit. - I realize that sometimes when I talk, I'm still doing a TV show except I'm just doing something random. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's strange. - Nah. - That'll be $4.99. Well, thank you so much for my change. - Okay. - All right, so here we are. All right, so you have, what do you have? Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more about what you got? - Sure. Well, Jay and Sue, thank you so much for having me on the show. I'm honored to be here. Yeah, I guess I'll start with a little bit about myself and then of course, feeling fitness. I grew up a three-sport athlete, playing sports growing up and really just focused on basketball. And really, honestly, I despise fitness. I was kind of forced to be in the weight room. At least the high school I was at, they kind of forced their athletes to take strength and conditioning classes. And during that time, I really just despise fitness. I just wanted to play basketball. After high school, I decided to play at the next level for basketball, just the JUCO level. And actually had to red shirt my first year due to an injury. And it was about a seven or eight month hiatus where I couldn't play ball, do really anything physical. But what I could do is go to the gym and lift weight stationary. So that's kind of where the ideal sparked how to do something I felt like. And fast forward a year or two, obviously I didn't continue my career with basketball, but I did get certified to become a personal trainer and just started helping folks that way. I wanted them to experience the transformation that I made with myself, not only physically but mentally, most importantly mentally. And ended up doing that for about six months and realized that I wanted to start a business out of it. I wanted to help more people because I was limited in the gym environment. And I was also limited in what I could help them with. Most personal trainers, they helped their clients with predominantly exercise. And although that's important, you're wanting to make a, if you're wanting to lose weight and make a body transformation, it starts with nutrition. So that's kind of the idea behind starting my business and doing my own thing. And, you know, for honestly, from 2018 to 2023, we worked with anyone and everyone who wanted to get in shape. But I'd say early, or excuse me, late 2023, we were kind of at a crossroads where it's like, we've seen a lot of good success with our clients, but, you know, the question came up, who could benefit the most from our service? So that led into some reflection of prior testimonials of individuals that we worked with. A lot of research just amongst job occupations and things of that nature. And obviously the statistic of truck drivers being, you know, 70% obese is what stood out to me. And I reflected back on one of our previous success stories, which was actually from an OTR driver. It's a guy named Jonathan. He lost like 95 pounds in our program back in 2021. And this was before road warrior wellness was even a thing. So I was like, wow, if our service was helping, you know, a truck driver without us even tailoring the service 100% to their lifestyle, imagine what could happen if we did. So that thought obviously, you know, triggered some more research. And, you know, back in October of last year, my team and I formed together road warrior wellness, which is a, and specifically, it's a weight loss coaching program for truck drivers. And, you know, we're on the mission to lower trucker obesity and give them a resource that is actually viable, given their schedule and their lifestyle and all of the inherent challenges that are in their, you know, in their schedule. - Viability, good one, because, so I recently took a road trip. And when we're on a road trip, I don't know, we do recognize a little bit more about being on the road, you go to the truck stop, right? You see the McDonald's at the restroom or you're just at a random restroom and there's plenty of sodas there. Reach over, get another twizzlers, you know? - Roller dogs. - Right, roller dogs, exactly. I mean, if you were to look around documenting, there's almost no nutrition around you. - Yeah, and honestly, the most obvious challenge, like if you're thinking how level it's, it's the environment. Like, one of the easiest ways to form and break a habit is to change your environment. But truck drivers are forced to be in an environment where their movement is limited. - Right, they can control some of that, but the vast majority they can't, right? 'Cause they're not getting paid if they're not on the road, sitting down, you know, driving. And then the other challenge is obviously those truck stops, right? A lot of truck stops are being, a lot of them are having fast food, you know? I noticed that a lot of like mom and pops are going away from truck stops and they're putting a bunch of RVs and fast food, Taco Bell. So yeah, the obvious challenge is the environment and there's just so much friction with that. So although it's not impossible, you know, to get in shape and stay in shape as a driver, there's definitely a lot of challenges. - What then, well, Sue, I cut you off. Did you have something you want to say? - No, no, I completely concur with an statement 'cause I've had a lot of drivers work for me and always have this problem. - Yeah. - It's just too easy to pick up a burger. I mean, we do it as ourselves here. You know, it's five minutes away. I'll go pick up a burger instead of eating when I should be eating, you know? - Yeah, it's convenient and it's everywhere. I mean, every look like 95% of the options are unhealthy. So that in itself is what makes it so difficult. - Shoot, and they guarantee they put stuff in there that makes us crave this stuff anyway. So that's the whole thing. - Sure. - I feel hungry soon. You, so what I do when I go on a road trip is starting at home base, I make sandwiches. I make, I go, I know, it's what I do. It's my thing. I go ahead and buy turkey and ham and not the super processed, already sliced. Yeah, try to go to the deli. - Right. - Ham and turkey and like wheat bread, mustard mayonnaise and a slice of cheese. It's not the healthiest thing. It's better than a burger. Saves me money, saves me time, and it makes me feel like I'm doing something positive. - Yeah. What I'm wondering is, so then in your road warrior wellness program, how are you turning the tables on the environment? - Yeah, great question. So although we can't, currently we can't supply drivers with healthier options or send them gym equipment or equipment that they can put in their rig, we can control their environment. Can't change it, we can control it. And like I alluded to earlier, we're trying to lower trucker obesity. So we are primarily working with truck drivers who are trying to lose weight. And as a byproduct of that, improve their health. And one of the things that our slogan is lose weight your way. So whenever we partner with the driver, we literally meet them where they're starting out from and figure out what the most conducive approach is for them. Some drivers are open-minded to going all in from the get-go, cleaning up their nutrition, exercising more. But then we have others that wanna take a slower start. And it's different for every driver. So in order to make it the most effective for each driver we work with, we literally have to understand their schedule, their lifestyle, their preferences, and meet them where they're at in their journey. - Well, I have a question. - So I'm assuming this is an app that they're gonna have, you know, and they're following it, probably putting in their food that they eat every day, that kind of thing keeping track. - That's definitely included. Yeah, it's included. - For sure. - So on the app, is there a link to healthy choices when they go into a certain area? - Yeah, so let me point this out because the weight loss industry is terrible for just educating us. There's so many myths that go around and a lot of drivers just confuse, right? And you can't blame them. So we look at health as not only what you eat, but how much you eat, especially when it comes to losing weight. Like to be candid, some of our drivers go through periods of time where they're losing weight, but they're eating out two, three times a day. So I do wanna shed light on that. I mean, health is definitely quality and quantity. But we basically start the process. Like I mentioned, we get to understand what the drivers open to. Do they wanna go grocery shopping? Do they wanna eat out at least once or twice a day? And then from there, we actually pair them with one of our coaches to create a custom driver-friendly nutrition plan for them that are comprised of foods that they wanna eat and their willingness to either grocery shop or not. And then from there, we call it a flexible driver-friendly nutrition plan because you can only follow the same meal plan for several of them before you get tired of it. - All right, I'm gonna get sick of it. - Like how many days do you wanna eat chicken and broccoli? - Right, right. - Like, come on. So we set up the meal plan in a way where if they follow it, they really don't have to think about how much they're eating or whatever. It's all taken care of for them. But if they want to replace meals, we teach them how to substitute any meal on their driver-friendly meal plan so they can eat what they want. And based, 'cause another thing that our drivers tell their coaches, sometimes it's either don't eat or eat fast food. And of course, most drivers are gonna eat fast food. - Just gonna say, there's gonna be a time. We all have this. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be at Taco Bell for whatever reason. That's the only place we're going right now. That's the only place there is whatever. What can I eat at Taco Bell that won't destroy me? - They have those bowls, those protein bowls. - Protein bowl? What do you think of that? - Yeah, well, again, the biggest thing I would say kind of goes back to the goal. Like the objective, at least for our drivers, is to lose weight, so it's like, we need to make sure whatever you eat at Taco Bell, it's gonna fall within something we call a fuel range, which essentially is a range of calories. And as long as they fall within that range by the end of each day, they're golden. However, depending on the driver and where they're at in their journey, maybe they're pat, maybe they've already been consistent with knowing their calories. Maybe it's time, maybe it's a point in time where they're focusing on their protein. So it depends on the driver, but like in an ideal situation, yeah, I would definitely say trying to go for a higher protein option is gonna be the best route because not only is that going to be lower in calories inherently, it's also going to keep you fuller for longer, which then reduces the urge to snack or be hungry 30 minutes later. - How about, all right, this is great. How about like fasting and water and spreading meals out, what can you add on that? - Yes, sir, I mean, Jay, I'd love to talk about that. 'Cause I talked to a lot of my day-to-day consists of like talking to drivers, like actually on the phone. And a lot of them will tell me that they fast. And you know, the good thing about fasting is if you go the first six, eight hours during the day without eating, it does give you a much greater chance of not overeating by the end of each day, obviously. But at the same time, I've noticed that it could be a crutch because if you're not eating enough food by the end of each day, and you do that for five, seven days, what are the case, maybe you're gonna be so deprived, that's usually when you'll see binge eating occur. However, personally, I like to fast for the first four hours of the day, my body feels better. So we're not like against fasting by any means. I think it's a great tool for the right type of individual. I would just make sure that anybody who wants to fast, especially a driver, just make sure you're getting the right amount of calories in by the end of each day and just stabilizing, stabilizing the food. With water intake, I'm sure you guys have heard that you should drink a gallon a day. - The percentage of your body weight is what I always heard, too, so. - Yeah, right, and sure, that would be ideal, but what also would be more ideal is choosing an amount that you can stick with. So we take a driver who is drinking seven sodas a day, zero bottles of water, and we say, all right, driver, I think you should drink a gallon a day. And they're gonna be like, no, I should, but that's difficult. And I can't stop every hour to-- - So they have to take a bathroom break. - Yeah. - So that's, you know, course of action for a driver starting out that's not used to drinking water is starting small. Maybe one or two bottles a day, stay in the course being consistent and then building upon that until you feel like you're at an amount that is reasonable. It is reasonable, so. - I did fasting on my weight loss journey too, 'cause I've lost almost 120 pounds since-- - Oh, that's great. - 2020, yeah. And so I started out with working out and watching when I ate, and then I started fasting and working out, but I will say you have to do both. It's not like, you know what I mean? 'Cause it raises your metabolism for one. Plus when you're losing weight, like I've got so much loose skin, it's unreal because of it, you know? And so you have to work some of that off and gain your muscle back too. So I totally get it, but I like fasting. And so I usually don't eat until dinner time, most of the time. - Yeah, and that's another key, finding what works for you. I mean, that's what we help drivers do. I mean, sure, we have a proven system for them to follow, but there are nuances. And the only way we can identify those nuances is actually applying our principles and our system to the driver and then gaining experience with them and themselves. I mean, a lot of the drivers don't know what they don't know until they experience certain things. - So you had, I'm assuming you'd try to get them to do an exercise program? Is that kind of-- - If they're willing. - Yeah. - If they're willing. We can help them drop one to three pounds a week with no exercise. - Right. - That's not ideal, but what is ideal, like I said, is getting them to do something-- - It's speech their own, yeah, I mean. And a lot of times, once you start losing weight, you want to exercise 'cause you're feeling better. And I think that comes in too, so. - Absolutely, yeah. I mean, that's the whole theory behind that is, let's get you losing some weight. Let's get you feeling better, get your energy up, get your joints feeling a little bit better, and then we'll, let's just try a day. Let's just try a day of walking for 15 minutes. - One week, yeah, whatever. That's what I did, I was a walker, I always walked, so that was my biggest thing. - Yeah. And there's a lot of people will, you know, a lot of people. - Well, the drivers, yeah, and they have access to walk. I mean, they really could. - Yeah. - Even if they parked at a mall, they could walk at a mall. - Access to walk, you did. You found an exercise that you can't say, time could be the problem, but otherwise you can walk anywhere. - Sure. - Yeah. - In fact, I was gonna talk about getting hungry at night. This is one for me. - Yeah. - How do you deal with getting hungry at night and managing that properly? - Try to prevent it in the first place, by making sure you're eating enough deer in the day. That's the biggest thing. With our drivers, they crave the most when they're not eating the most deer. And when I say deer in the day, like at least, get, you know, you wanna try to prevent it by, you don't have to cram all your food in in the morning or about 12 p.m. A lot of that is contingent on your schedule, right? But eating enough deer in the day to try to mitigate that. Obviously eating more foods with higher protein is gonna help. I know you hear it a lot, but you're just eating enough during the day and eating, you know, sufficient protein, that's gonna mitigate a lot of that. - Yeah, every time I'm hungry, I drink water. And it fills me up and I'm hungry for a while. - Well, again, and it kind of goes back to figuring out what works for you. You've already proven that you know your stuff and what you've done has worked, most importantly. So you have evidence and that's another part of that. - All right, how about like, you want, you're ready to eat healthy, I like this. Somebody ready, okay, I'm ready to eat healthy. I'm ready to eat healthier, but I'm on the road all the time. I don't want to spend a bunch of money and I don't want to feel like a vegan. There I said it, what do I do? I mean, right? - Yeah, well, I mean, I would, you know, if I was actually speaking to this person, I would get to understand what they're currently eating. Like what are they actually eating, where are they eating at? And- - Fast food and soda, let's say they say fast food and soda. Perfect, well, I would just identify what fast food places and then take the time to look at the menu and look at their options to see which options are healthier. Now, what is defined as healthier? Well, definitely the amount. I mean, I would definitely focus on the amount, but also, you know, grilled versus fried is better. You know, fruit over fries. But again, I do want to make this statement. It's not like you can't have the fries and it's like, it's not like you can't have the fried food. - You can have the fries? - Absolutely, I'm going to have the fries. If I go to a fast food place. (laughing) - You got a hash browns with my breakfast sandwich? - Yeah. - Right? - And the trick is not overdoing it because it is actually very easy to over consume if you're purely eating unhealthy, right? So yeah, I would take a look at the menu, try to find, you know, lower calorie, options, items, higher protein, grilled over fried. But just, you know, bear in mind, you don't have to go all in with it and just purely cut out the fries forever and cut out the fried foods forever. - I actually try to cut out fries. Like, I, a long time ago realized, I'm like, why has fries come with everything? It's like the day you realize that, you know, what is it? Corn, soy corn, whatever that corn thing is, that's in everything. But cutting out soda, cutting out fries, the thing is, I like to get a salad or a baked potato. The salad's never enough. I could eat a giant side salad. It's never big enough for me. What do you do, right? - Yeah, easiest thing is to add more, you know, food into, you know, to provide more satiation. So definitely protein. I mean, proteins are easy. Adding protein into a salad is super, super easy. But I would have more with that meal. I mean, have a salad, but, you know, not to belabor the point, but it goes back to like eating the appropriate amount of food during the day and stabilizing that. 'Cause personally, I've noticed with myself, and of course our drivers, whenever there's up and down, whenever they have 500 calories one day, then 1,500, then 2,500. Of course, that's gonna make their weight fluctuations, but most importantly, it's going to fluctuate their appetite, right? They're gonna crave more some days and they're just gonna get all out of whack. - 'Cause this is sea moderation. - Yeah, absolutely. - And, you know, I'm sure someone's saying this, yeah, I can't drink that much water and pee 20 times a day. - Right. - Yeah. - It is a pain in the butt. - It is. - Yeah. - I don't drink much water. - I can give another tip around that because, I mean, that's, yeah, I have to go to the bathroom a lot during the day due to drinking an ample amount of water, but what we do with our drivers is we tom their water intake when they're gonna be parked, right? So we'll have them load up, right, before they're about to stop, maybe have them load up on water in the morning before they start their day, because that's, I mean, that's gonna be the easiest way to help them get more water in it. - Right, you can do the, okay, you can do that. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. So, yeah, Sue. - Question. So when I was doing this too, I noticed as you're doing portion control, 'cause that's a huge part of this. You don't get as hungry as you used to as you're going along. So your portion control should go down anyways. - Right, I mean, that's why it's worked for me. I don't, I eat way less than I used to. - Yeah, yeah, I mean. - And I'm hungry. I mean, I'm not hungry. I mean, I'm full about the time I'm done, but I eat like a quarter of my plate and take the rest home, and everybody else is like goin' out eatin' on food, and they're like, you're already full, and I'm like, yeah, man, I'm done, I mean, so. And I think that is part of the weight loss journey too, isn't it, 'cause that's the whole purpose of what you're doing. - Definitely, there's a little quote, I guess you could say that comes to mind, but whatever you apply to your body consistently, your body adapts. - Right, okay, all right. - And that's what you're experiencing now, 'cause your body has adapted so well to what you've done. It just makes the journey so much easier. - Yeah, it does. - So one thing we-- - First part is trying, man. (laughs) - Those first few months are horrible. - Yeah, like we had a lady, OTR driver, she's early sixties. She came into our program very discouraged, feeling very hopeless. She has Hashimoto's Disease, Stylroid issues, her doctor told her, basically, I don't know what to do for you. And she's very, very down, but she, you know, kudos to her, she gave us a shot. Gave us a shot, you know, within a week, she posted in our trucker Facebook group where we have all of our members, making a video saying that she saw a number on the scale that she hadn't seen in two or three years and was just crying, honestly. And she actually recently made another video, and I'll bring this home, but she was saying how she just hit another low and she made a video talking to our, we call them our Bealean Road Warriors, the drivers that work with us, and she was telling our road warriors how you gotta just, you gotta be patient. Like, I guess, she was saying I get so frustrated sometimes with that number on the scale, but I have my coach to lean on, which is a huge part of our service. And my coach talks through things with me. And she was just saying, like, it's so worth it. You're definitely gonna have some frustrations, some peaks and valleys, but like, just stick with it, you know? - I was just thinking about how, if I was driving down the road and I wanted to learn more about being healthy, listening to this podcast audio, I would probably find motivating. There's many ideas in here, drinking water, watching your calorie count, eating more nutritious, being more consistent, trying to get some walking in, drink water at more opportune times, 'cause you know that that's gonna be a challenge 'cause you're driving all day. I think this is great. I'm gonna ask you, I think I'm gonna ask you a bonus question, which is what happens when you drink a few beers at night? What is it doing to your body, to your calories and your weight? - Do you know? - It's doing a lot. The first thing you're doing is you're setting yourself up to being a caloric surplus pretty easily, not only from the calories in the beer, but what that beer will probably turn into is probably gonna turn into you craving something afterwards in certain cases. I mean, it's definitely gonna affect the sleep, which affects recovery, which you need ample recovery to lose adequate weight. It's gonna affect the metabolism. It's gonna do many bad things, but again, we're not a component, we don't promote drivers to drink alcohol, but we definitely don't have them, we definitely don't say they have to cut it out, like they have to cut it out completely. We try to educate them on, obviously all the negative benefits, so that they will realize, hey, this is what I'm getting myself into it if I have a drink, right? But yes, we definitely encourage drivers whenever they're on home time and they're spending some time with family, definitely to, if you basically, if they have it to go about it in a certain way, so that they don't set theirself back immensely after having it, right? So there's definitely a good and bad way to go about it, but of course, we do a good job of just educating drivers on the negative repercussions of alcohol in general, but definitely over-consumption. - Well, that's what, I'm a realist, and what I'm kind of talking about is you get home, it's not Monday night, you're chugging a keg, you got home, it's Saturday night, you're with your family, you have a few beers, and you're doing this every weekend. Friday, Saturday, maybe Sunday, every weekend. I know I cut out beer pretty much for the most part several years ago. And, 'cause I realize, I didn't know that, man, these things are loaded with calories, this is how you're, this is the last thing you're doing before you go to sleep, that's crazy. - Yeah. - It's going to contribute to, it's gonna lead you down the path to obesity. So, I found that, you know, those, like smearing off ice, you know, those kind of foofy soda water. - Yeah. - Okay, you don't want to get caught drinking that, but that actually is a better option than several just straight up loggers. Anyways, I'm just saying it because it's interesting as you start to look at calorie count, that seems to be the first step. When you finally look at those little numbers up on the menu board, and you start thinking about that, the number one meal with a soda was over half your calorie count for the day, right? That's kind of eye-opening. - Absolutely. Yeah, and here's, I'll say there's two sides to this, at least that we educate our drivers all in, which is you can have that, you know, you can have a soda. And I'm speaking about like drivers just starting out, 'cause we don't like to make huge changes, but we tell them, hey, at the end of the day, if you stay within your principles and parameters, primarily, you know, that fuel range I mentioned, you can have that. But pay attention to how you fill after you have it, right? So it's like, we kind of give them what they want and say, hey, you can still lose the weight doing it this way, but pay attention to how you fill to that fast food place. Let's replace that soda with, you know, maybe an iced tea or something, right? But then again, sweet tea has a lot of calories. But you kind of get the point, just wing them down a little bit. But also show them a way to do it, if that's what they're set on, in a way that's not going to just, you know, take away their results. - Awesome stuff. Thank you, Brandon. Thanks for joining us today. I thought it was a lot of great information. I know that it's been said in the live chat that car haulers are fit. You know, on average car haulers may be more fit than the average freight driver. That is possible. - Yeah. - But regardless, when you, I know it, when you're traveling and you're on the road, you can't help, but what? Eat less healthy, maybe eat more. - Yeah, definitely. - And exercise less. So thanks for doing what you do, Brandon. Really appreciate it. - Absolutely. Yeah, Jay and Sue, thank you again for having me on the show. - All right, it was fun. All right, I'm going to let you go and I'll put you back in the waiting room and then have a great day, Brandon. Thank you so much. - Thank you, Brandon. - All right, thanks guys. Have a good one. - Thank you. That was cool. - Yeah, I'm going to go check out this website. - I like talking about diet and exercise 'cause it usually motivates me and sometimes I just need that little extra motivation. - Yeah. - And also, okay, so this past weekend, Kimberly and I, we had Mexican food, Saturday and Sunday. I'm telling you, I way over eight. - Yeah. - Right? - Yeah. - It was fun. - In your resume? - Yeah, I mean, pretty much. Yeah, by Monday morning, I was like, man, I'm glad it's Monday, I'm glad, you know, got it would break that routine. And that's another thing. Like, isn't that what we all do on a four day holiday? We end up overeating. - Vacation period, everybody knows. That's what we're there to do. - There are too many federal holidays for me to overeat. I can't think of a holiday where I didn't overeat. - Right. Well, I'll say the year of COVID on November, because I had COVID didn't eat anything, so there you go. - Oh, there you go. So it takes COVID to properly die. - No overeating. - During a holiday. If that's you, check out I think we talked about the fraud stuff and, oh, we're at the end here. I just, I guess I wanted to show this again, that I know, if you are, if you're watching live or on demand and you made it this far on the show, Murphy Auto Transport Services, Sue has room for a carrier. - Yes, I do. - And this is kind of a neat opportunity. - Yes, 'cause I don't hardly ever take home. - What I'm trying to say, exactly. I don't want to say, I don't want it to sound like I'm spinning some yarn, but I know when I was dispatching, there were a couple of guys that were like, please, dispatch me, please, please. And I was like, oh, I can't. I mean, I can only, one of the reasons why what I do is quality is 'cause I only work with so many drivers. - Right. - Yeah. - And that's, honestly, that's the only way you can do it. There's just too much parts and pieces. When you're doing this, and if you have X amount of drivers, which I always tell you, four to five for one person, is a lot, and that's three car haulers. If you have something bigger, that's less than that. But you spend a lot of time, not just getting loads, verifying loads, checking their accounting, talking to your driver. And we were talking, it's an eight to 10 hour day minimum. Sometimes it's more. Sometimes it's on the weekends, so. - It's a relationship. - Yes, it is. - I use that word sparingly now because it is overused, but it is a relationship and you do develop. And that's where we've talked about replays. - And you have to get along with them. - And if you don't get along and you find yourself disagreeing, man, this thing's not gonna last. - No, it's not. You must go stop right then and either you hand them off to another dispatcher, you just have that. Again, do it, so. I mean, not everybody's personality is gonna get along with somebody else. - So, I hope, keep us posted. Let us know what happens. We will. - We will. - We will keep promoting it. I need to talk to hopefully next week's guest, though somebody I wanna bring on next Thursday. So I need to organize that. And then, oh, this is pretty cool, ClearPath TMS. - Yeah. - We've talked about ClearPath TMS. - Yeah, sorry, College Park. - Carvana is built on ClearPath TMS. - Yes. - ClearPath TMS is gonna make some appearances on ATI. - Awesome. - So Aaron will be here on Thursday in two weeks. - Okay. - Then he's gonna be on a Tuesday night show in September. We're gonna be learning more about ClearPath TMS. And Aaron is a pretty smart guy. So, this is gonna be pretty cool. So, here's the homework. In three weeks, I want to do self-dispatching load boards. - Okay. - Somebody had said, right? Okay, great, you got the top 20. Which ones can I self-dispatch? - Okay, yeah. - So that's our next, and maybe then we'll also do five real load boards. I don't know. Let's see here. I think that's pretty much it. - Yeah. - All right, you want to do my $10. - Oh yeah, take it away. $10 chicken nugget story. - So I dispatched a load to a company. It was a couple of vehicles out in New York, going to New Jersey. And it was like $1,000. And they asked me, they'd picked up the load. They're about to drop the load. And they're like, can you pay us $10,000 and $10? I'm like, what are you talking about, right? Who asked for $10 more? First off, you already picked up the car. So what the hell is going on? And I just was like, whatever, I'm not even going to answer this. 'Cause at this point, I'm kind of pissed off, right? So Janice, did you call them? And Janice called them or texted them and asked them, "What the hell is going on?" - Well, they were having a competition in their office whoever got the first $10 off of one of their drivers won the competition. (laughs) And I was like, okay, we'll do it. (laughs) All right, darn, that's not the craziest shit. I mean, I guess it makes entertainment that's why you're off this, isn't it? - Sounds just like dispatching. (audience applauds) - 'Cause it is. - Cowboy dispatching. - Right, wow, that is crazy. - It is, it's a great story. No, where do the chicken nuggets come in? - Well, because every time we've ever talked about $10 more, we were like, that's just chicken nuggets. - Oh, those are chicken nuggets. - So that was first thing I said to Janice, is that what you did? - I like the chicken nugget challenge. - Yeah, you know. - I smell branding, the chicken nugget challenge. (audience applauds) Take the chicken nugget challenge. Only on ATI, yeah, that's awesome, man, I love it. Well, good one. All right, well, we got a full show here. Hey, what was Janice contributing on, what were we asking you before, Janice, like a month ago? What was, what was it, a phrase in the day? What was, what were we asking you? - You were supposed to be doing a thaw of the day. - Oh, the thaw of the day. - Oh, the thaw of the day. - Yeah, so we are-- - All right, Janice, thaw of the day, thaw of the day. - All right, all right, all right, all right, how about this? What's the, what's the crappiest load you've had to deal with so far this week? - For this week? - Yeah. Probably. - It could be last week. - No, it wasn't working. - How about crappiest load in July? That sounds like a T-shirt. - Right, it's hard to think, right? 'Cause your brain is, your brain's like mushy. - They've all been-- - Yeah, there's nothing that's outstandingly crappy. It's just been crap. - Did you, okay, it's August. The low board sucked. - Yeah, well, okay, I'm trying to get a two pack that's going from Atlanta down to Florida and they're only paying $401. - And they won't go with them for us. - $200 per car. - Yeah. - From Atlanta to Florida. - We're at Orlando. - Orlando, sorry. - Tampa, that's the worst Tampa. - Yeah, I've seen that. Tampa, right. It's not worth $200 to Jacksonville. It's not worth $200 to-- - Yeah. - What's that city just across the border? I mean, that sucks. - Yeah, it's just, it's awful. - They won't come, what kind of location is it? Pick up and deliver, look at this. - It's, it's a, I-A. - Right? Oh boy. - Yeah, it's gonna work. - Yeah. - You know, there's no metal working in that car, right? - Yeah. - $200 a car. What's it delivering to? Can you get that info? Do we know? - No. - Yeah. - Who cares? - This is business. - Yeah. - A business. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. Yeah, write a business. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It looks like that's $401. - Wow. - That sounds like a chicken nugget challenge. - Yeah. - One nugget. - Wow. - That's wild. - That's wild. - Now why are you looking at that? You need to fill up a chicken. - She's trying to get him home from Atlanta to Atlanta. - Oh God. - Going home is the hardest. - Yeah. - 'Cause you're trapped. - Yeah. - I think they know that. - Yes. - Right? - Well, they won't go up. - I don't know if they-- - They answer the phone. - 'Cause they don't know your company. - Are you going home? - They don't know. - But when you give them your company name and you're out of Batonport, Florida. - Oh my God. - I'm saying as Florida to Florida and out of Florida is crap. - Awful. - I mean, this is the way it is. - You know what? You just tipped it up. I bet brokers know that one. - Maybe they propped one. - They both do know that. - 'Cause they say, what's your company name? They pull you up. They see that you're headed home. - Oh, well, yeah. That too. - No. - We got one. - I'm gonna talk 'em to me. - It's like Ghostbusters. We got one. - Yeah. - You know what happened to me the other day? Tell me this is not crazy. We took a load out of Nashville, Copark going, I can't remember. Anyways, it was Savannah, Georgia. It was supposed to be for $375, said $375 on Central, sends it over for $265 and tells us that it did not say that. - I'm sorry, I'm not blind. I know how to read. - I got a screenshot button. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. - Wouldn't give us the money. - All right, nobody cares. Okay, so now that we're good. This brings us back to, so with the scumbag freight and all that stuff, you know, the complaint is, who needs to clean this up? It's just ticked. Film is gonna clean it up. Like you said, anybody can do whatever they want. - The load board goes, not my problem. - No. - The FMCSA says call the FBI. - Not my problem. Yeah. We don't care how much you're making. Yeah. - I don't see a solution coming. And so here's what's happened. So now the number two load board, I think has tried to say, I'm treading lightly here 'cause I don't want it. Man, this is why scumbag brokers. I can't imagine how that's going to proceed without a legal issue. - Right. - But anyways, the number two load board, I believe has tried to hang on to virtuous business. But as they've grown, they have found out whatever business finds out, which is can't police everything. - No. - And why are we trying to police everything? If we can't police everything, you know, we've been biting off more than we can chew. So the complaint came in on LinkedIn. That number two load board isn't doing any better than the number one load board, and they said they would. The question is, do they have to? - Well, technically no, if we want to go by that. I mean, I'm curious as to what the problem is that they're having. - The problem was that, okay, you're having brokers. - Mm-hmm. - Scam fraud, right? - Okay. - BS dispatching. Changing the prices BS dispatching. - Right, right. - Okay, that means, do we put them on, do we have their faces on the internet and listen, you know? - Yeah. - I don't know, I don't think so, but you know, whatever. So that's BS dispatching, who says you guys can't do that? - Right. - I have a story for you. - Oh, there we go. - Oh, we got her. Do it. - Last photo. I got a podcast for my driver and it was COD. The guy did it, it bounced the check. So my driver, we have been trying to get paid. - Wow. - For this past year, he finally did the WhatsApp and he goes, I know where you live, is this your wife, you give me my money. The guy paid right away. - Wow. - Hey, that's what they call visual anti-justice. - Yeah. - Well, it seems he didn't have a broker bond, so he couldn't follow against a broker bond. So. - The guy didn't care anyways. - No. - Nope. - So he's lucky he got paid. - Yeah. - He is lucky. Wow. Boy, I wonder if he's available to be a guest next week. (laughing) - Hi, Mr. WhatsApp guy. (laughing) - Wow. Great story, good job. All right, that's the end of the show. That was perfect. - Wait, one more. - Oh, oh. - So I've been looking at the Bealeen fitness. - Yeah. - It's really cool. It reminds me, see, when I was losing weight, I used new. And to me, this would be better because newm doesn't really, I mean, you have your own person and all this stuff, but I never really talked anyway. This seems cooler. So I would try it. - I liked what he was saying. Yeah, I liked going to talk. - I liked having your personal coach kind of thing. - And he's got, this is a good website. This makes you think about where you're at. - Yep. - On your journey. - And you got other people in similar situations. - Right. - Telling you things to do that they're coming across while they're on this journey too. And you have people you can talk to. If that always helps, I'm gonna tell you right now, when you have other people that are going through this and you can speak to them, or they're even post, if you looked down there, like people were putting on testimonials and stuff. That's awesome. - It's really interesting in that this category of business, there's almost nobody. - No. I've never seen anything like this for truck drivers, have you? - So I know of a couple, at least one other program. - Okay. - But how many people need assistance? - Thousands, it's thousands, tens of thousands. And that's what I'd say is that I mean, almost everybody reaches a point in their life where they realize, guy, I gotta do something. - Yeah. - And as he said, who needs the most help in 2023 looked at trucking? I think he said 77% are obese. That's not that hard to believe. - No, it's not. - Go to any truck stop. - Yeah. - Any, go to any random truck stop at any random time, and you will see at least one obese trucker. - Well, if it's 77%, - No, it was, I'm trying to, I'm being nice. Hang out at the fuel island, anywhere, any time. And you will see. And they don't, you know, there's gonna be a percentage of those guys that aren't happy with it either. And they like to make a change. Shoot, he should probably advertise at the gas pump at the fuel island. - Yes. - Honestly. - Hang out at the fuel island. - Yeah, dude. - Yeah. - That, I mean. - You're welcome, Brandon. - And I know it costs money to do this. - Yes. - Some people are gonna say, I don't wanna pay money to lose weight. But sometimes you need that. - Well. - You go in. - That's right. When we look, sorry, but what? - It's just too easy to say you're gonna do it, and nobody's sitting behind you making you do it. And almost, I know they're not really sitting behind you, but you know that person's looking at you. So you gotta do the right thing, at least somebody's sitting there. You know what I'm saying? And that's how I always looked at it. Newton wasn't as personalized as what this sounds like, but I knew there was a person watching what I was doing and entering in every day. What a eight, stuff like that. So I was watching what I was doing. You know what I mean? So I think it would be great for anybody. - You know, I was watching like, you know, see in the feed, I think it was Jennifer Garner getting ready for the next Marvel superhero movie. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - And she's working out like crazy. - Yeah. - And you know, these folks all have trainers, right? And it's the same thing here, is that if you wanna get serious, think of, that's a small investment. - I agree. - And it's not a continuous investment either. - Yeah, right. - You know what I mean? - Exactly. - Maybe you're too, but-- - Fly, Bernie, fly. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, once you lose the weight you've learned how to do what you need to do. - Yeah. - In developing a routine. - That takes, what is it, two weeks? To, what does it call it? It takes two weeks to create a-- - Create a new habit? - Yeah. - I think I've heard three. - As a three sound, that was two, but yeah. - But you can create a new habit by developing routines, being disciplined, and also don't overdo it on day one. - I bet that's something that happens all the time. - Yeah, he's right. Don't not eat all day long, and then I'll send him the next day. - It's day one. It's salad all day, and I'm gonna run five miles. Day two-- - And then tomorrow, I mean, a whole ton of cake. (laughing) - What's wrong with that? - Yeah. - I get it. - Oh, man, totally. All right, well, that was really cool. It's cool that worked out. And you know how a, I got contacted through like a, I don't know, a podcast, a service or something. - Yeah. - Hey, I see that you're in this trekking space. Do you wanna talk to Brandon? I was like, yeah, that actually, yeah, that makes sense. - Yeah, it really does. - It's not avocados and sweaters. So, all right, what do we say, office? - Goodbye, Sue. - Goodbye, Sue. Thanks everybody in the live chat. Thank you so much, Sue. Thank you, Janice. Thank you, Brandon, and we'll see you next Thursday. - All right, see you. - See you guys. - See you, bye. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]