ATI Auto Business

Top 20 Auto Transport Load Boards For Car Haulers. ATI IL show 174


1h 58m
Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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how many auto transport load boards are there can there be 20 today we're going to look at all the websites car haulers search to book loads which is a lot and explore how long new carriers need to wait to haul for these companies so please ask your questions say hello make new friends and network with the best on ATI auto business what's up ecosystem welcome back to industry logistics on ATI auto business where everyone learns more about the automotive industry we're talking about car haulers booking loads delivering to well all kinds of locations so do help me wish and warm welcome to my co-host on Thursday so can you see me and hear me okay I can can you hear me all right I can see you I can hear you okay so we're talking about load boards all right and we'll try to keep the show moving I know we're gonna lock to cover and we'll cover as much as we can um this is the thumbnail of the show which my thumbnail guy still you know like we did the kind of those catchy images where I'm making gestures fingers and I don't really like it but you know like all the YouTube experts say that's the way to do it yeah whatever but the point is is that this these are some of the load boards we're gonna look at right and over the years I've obviously been making the lists and I think I think it's a movement now to know how many load boards are there and what's going on with them how to carry or stay loaded and in fact in the live chat on Tuesday night because I was saying that you can't build a business you can't grow to 20 trucks just booking loads off load boards true or false I'm sorry say that again can you build a business to 20 trucks by just booking loads off load boards do you think you can do that good can you imagine I can even I mean the wagon you know I mean we're talking nine 10 car haulers no never somebody in the live chat said that there's a company that we've actually heard of that does do that and I thought wow what are they paying their drivers oh well right there's that yeah that's how you could do it yeah yeah sorry right I mean hate to be the bar of bad news that's what ATI does sorry about that it's where everyone learns more about the automotive industry and I guess you know it can't it's just not it's not all gonna be happy talk it just can't be that doesn't even make sense auto transport Q4 2019 that was a monumental kind of moment in this search for tech and understanding load board mobile app TMS CRM Auto Quoter and along the way got to 12 load boards in 2022 and we're now we're looking at 20 full talking about hey scene all right so Tuesday night I had mark road a key which is kind of fitting for what we're doing on the load board search j and mark backseat conversation there we are talking about where are we headed where we're going really it was an awesome show and I'm gonna play it that I just launched this short I gotta share it on LinkedIn but check this out they don't really have a load board they have an available list of vehicles they want carriers to log on to intake from their available list they it's not a commercial application a load board is multiple companies posting loads that are available for the carriers not a I have an available list and I hope some carriers log on here and take the cards that I need to move off my available list that's not a load board that's an available list why didn't education I'm telling you that I and I'm gonna pause here so are you hearing what he's saying yeah okay so it's an interesting point and I really hadn't I haven't thought of it that way there's a load board and there's an available list we're gonna as we go through these top 18 I'm I told mark I'm still gonna call them load boards but I was like okay so so just to confirm that I understand this concept and you that I I love what you're saying okay central dispatch is a load board central dispatch absolutely is a load board why tell us why they have every load that's available in in the industry to ship they take listings from multiple shippers dealerships and brokers and that they're posted and available for carriers they they have loads from everybody it's it's a load board it's that is a load board okay so a load board allows other companies to post on their load board and if it's just a company with loads you can book it's an available list capiche capiche okay um know your ecosystem we always encourage that and we try to help with that and that's how we become the neutral zone um we'll talk about all companies uh fair and balanced and all that jazz hey I did you see this email new loads available is that something I sent you I think so or I don't know I think actually maybe I got it directly okay yeah is that and I'm just sharing it because you know I say like if you're sending emails why don't you just have a website or whatever and in the age of fraud you know if I didn't know better I'd be like okay well I'm not going to open emails from these guys anymore right this looks kind of freaky I'm just saying it all right fine uh hey could oh god could someone please speak english because of the criteria we look with carrier was not moxo yeah oh that was huh and that's who you're trying to book from yeah oh boy yeah that sounds like fun yeah okay all right jay that's not cool canceled um i dispatch hub teams up with highway okay so yeah I don't and I don't even do you I brought this up the other day do you know what this is i dispatch hub and highway is this a freight thing i think that's well no because highway is what um isn't that what rpm uses isn't highway isn't a hard way isn't it which one's transport hub wait a second hi dispatch hub okay highway is either or my that's a compliance that's a highway is a compliance yes it's like rms but I thought they were the same which one owns the same company if we're doing this can you imagine a driver bumping down the road on his exactly i'm trying to figure all this out it's great okay highway and rms truck stop are both carrier monitoring tools that provide different types of insights there we go that's the definition what's i dispatch hub hey come on now i got to the first one bonus question okay so here's where we're headed with some of this too is that okay so this is a load board 50,000 loads available okay got it that makes sense so what is going to happen with all this ai stuff will we need to search anymore yes and not you know we're not replacing all human beings yet but uh but we are trying to make it more efficient to find loads i mean that would be wonderful in the first you know it's uh an ai was talking ai everybody jumps off this is crazy well load notifications are a form of ai right it's computerized help to get loaded all right give you this stuff yeah all right and now and also another thing that doesn't get talked about i shared this with you you know what i'm about to play i just have to do this now look at this old dumbass shit right here picking up in florida going to california 30,000 pounds 3,000 miles for 40 200 you going way to california for a motherfucking dollar and 36 in a mile that's crazy as a motherfucker let's look at this old dumbass load see what you gonna make off of it if you was gonna run in stupid shit operating costs for this load gonna cost you fourteen hundred dollars field cost eighteen hundred look at your profit eight hundred and eight of those into the analysis gonna run across some toes you know what i'm saying i don't know how much you gonna run across but you gonna run across this guy knows his numbers low work that on the rear i wouldn't know you can't write him off i know you want to but you can't right off this guy knows what he's talking about 200 this load right here is worth at least nine thousand erm eight or five hundred for show to go way out there for that old dumbass shit let's call him and see if we can get close to the company hey how you doing hello yeah i'm doing good sir i'm i was calling about this load you had picking up in florida going to california it's still available professional voice yes sir that one is available actually it's uh i was excited can you do that oh it's too big he's running around the warehouse yes that's why y'all paying for the 200 huh he doesn't like that actually i apologize for 42 but the best i can do is like 4300 on this one oh the most they're open for saturday as well oh so the most you could do is oh that's waiting in saturday well let's take a little picture well i'll pick up it sorry what what a what a cool picture all right he gets into the pick up you can pick it up the second one tomorrow as you guys seen you can do your good time in calicornia yeah both are in calicornia for since then this is really like a total of two or like how far how far i got a drag starts talking about the distance between the pickups and the deliveries you mean to tell me you're gonna pay me four or two hundred mind to do that mind god damn it's what every carrier wants to say on the phone absolutely i don't want to do exactly this i delivered the second one like on tuesday after delivering the first uh load on monday and second one on tuesday i got you so the load of miles three thousand eight three thousand miles number when i'm in the load of miles that's right he's going in yeah like three thousand miles i'm not loading miles up to my how many miles together i ought to get it it is can him down yeah i'm checking that wasting time yeah during loading my three thousand miles oh it's positive man i don't believe that man i think you're trying to jag me man he's trying to do like nine thousand put it low nobody knows yet i'm so sorry for that who the boss is let me talk to your boss man see if you let me get it for nine thousand he knows yeah i can pay you like forty three that's actually that's not gonna be a hundred bucks i got you that's what i was trying to see man i'm two pigs two drows man that low there you can turn to a whole different load not okay speaking truth that's i ain't gonna lie to you this load right here this a stupid dumbass load man that guy is awesome i mean and he handled it really well and he let him have it without actually totally stupid now somebody's gonna say like i was totally out of line no no no no no thinking that you can continue to take advantage of people in a marketplace it's just like shady car dealers got they got that got repealed because now car buyers could see all the numbers and see what's going on that's where we're headed okay now now that we've set the tone are you ready to look at top 20 load yes all right okay what do we want to start whether you want to start with everyone just central right yes so what we'll do is i'm just going to bring up this is my working oh my work doc it's not any more impressive than it was before because i honestly don't know i think you're right i don't think we can hit 20 i want to i yet anyways i mean well crap now my internet's not working whole but there are i mean there are a lot of places there's a lot of places to get loads and then there's these email lists that's why i want them to in circle where is circle delivers doesn't circle delivers they email no they don't have a no they don't have a uh they just have a list i get an email list just an email so does an email list count as a load board no no okay great so i'm just gonna hang there's another one i know well i don't understand it though but it doesn't matter if i don't understand it but i don't understand it um if u ship isn't u ship a load board yes yeah i will go on here then all right so that's 19 and doesn't tq well have a load board hmm no i think so that's not even an available list if we get a list it's kind of like proficient an email list yeah it's not a it's not a website you can go to no not that i'm aware of no great so that's an email same thing with wholesale they do an email yep well i don't even get a wholesale list i actually how do you know about wholesale loads they're posted on central yep so i'm at 19 all right let's start at the top central dispatch um and let's do this everybody knows that central dispatch looks like we're also talking about how long it takes new carriers to get signed up um i think it's taking anywhere from two to three weeks is what i was told the last time oh really so which is better than what it was what several years ago which was taking what six eight months so now that's a good point in that we had various by broker but you had to get signed up with central before you can do anything right yeah it takes two to three weeks okay all right so yeah that's good we'll do that uh let's do this i don't want to jump too fast central dispatches number one let's check how many loads they've got right now go ahead and take the screen when you're ready okay okay and then i can also say hello to the live chat i hate it when i don't get around to that that's free i feel bad okay i want to make sure it's showing the right screen is it though two five twenty eight thousand chris let's see here yes okay so right now and i'll keep in mind this is all to all with three days no other parameters and we have twenty eight thousand seventeen which is not very good at all um and we haven't done really we used to do it every week i think the last time we check i want to say it was about thirty six thousand something like that anywhere between thirty four and thirty six anyways and if anybody can tell this week has sucked big time because it's been pretty horrible so um it's been a struggle to keep anybody loaded whether they're new or old it's been pretty bad um and i've talked to my other dispatchers and they're having the same problem now what's the next one on the list jay i want to say it isn't that normal that's the mid july blues yeah this is when well this is when things start to get real shall we say oh man and going into august it isn't any better no this is when it starts to things start going downhill from this point forward and it's never gone really uphill since january so we're just going from one dive to another dive basically and it was like this all last year too well and so let me let me i'm going to share this too as we talk about that pause on the loads for a second i'm going to take uh it'll stop yours i'm going to share this because this was in the news i wasn't going to go much further on the news but look at this layoffs there are layoffs wow this is just one company drivers yeah and this is just one company so yeah things are and i i think the i think the market's tight and it's not a surprise a year ago they economists were talking about a tightening market because of inflation right and you get your interest rates that are astronomically high just going to say that exactly i mean can here's the thing you have perfect credit and i'm still getting a nine percent so can you imagine what somebody with bad credit is gonna pay oh my god it's crazy yeah you're probably closer to the 20 percent right and so that's why i'm actually i thought i was surprised those used truck sales were up because i i have a hard time believing for everybody getting out there's another one getting in but i guess you got to do something right are you meaning for um car hauling car haulers yeah so i mean i mean let's be honest a lot of them are still watching what's on there and this is what happens they see stuff on youtube that people are saying they're making gazillions of dollars they still look at that well but if they watch that guy on tiktok so looking at you know those words right then you would love it then exactly now you're going to get a better idea of what you're really facing yeah um i just wanted to point that out do me a favor take that screen back but i'm not surprised the loads are down i'm not surprised things are tight i'm also not trying to be man i'm not trying to be negative you know jay why no i'm trying to be real this is real right right you get there are there's a million places to get kool-aid splashing there aren't many places to get real information sorry it's 2024 that's what's happened okay so central dispatch legitimate load board has loads from all different companies is isn't this where everything most loads funnel into central dispatch at some point two to three weeks to get signed up do me a favor let's go to super dispatch let's check their volume right now and make a note of this okay they are at 7104 that's pretty good for a for a down i think the last time we looked at nine thousand so they kind of i think they run between seven and nine okay so they are now if central dispatch is 100 percent top of the market so super dispatch is now around hovering around 15 to 20 percent the volume of central that's pretty good no one's ever reached to that that's pretty interesting i mean yeah would you agree that nobody's ever come this close no i don't think so either never i've never seen that's basically what a almost a third right if we go well i'm estimating i'll say almost a quarter right now it's a quarter 27 yeah but normally it's maybe a fifth but still that's impressive no one's ever gotten within a tenth no so very interesting and so to get signed up a super dispatch what's the deal there do you have to wait well you have to usually you sign up online is what i would recommend and then they ask you to send all your documents in um i'm not sure what it says when you go in there right now let's go in i'll show because i had that it was no wait time elana says okay we got aci carried away is now on the list um yeah and so actually the word from aci is that they're still they're not prepared they're not ready to do their full launch yet but they're working on it so there's the that's what you needed to know and this is what i've been saying everybody if you got something to say to the marketplace let me know i'll help you get the word out whatever uh recently what there's been an increase in for oh yeah okay yeah the fraud alert thing i know i read the normal thing crazy i think isn't that wild that they've got that on their home page now like for quite a while we were saying yeah it's been on there for a bit yeah a couple months at least made longer uh let's see also spoke with radio to dispatchers they seem to have been replaced with overseas dispatchers ooh did you know that did you know that radioto transport dispatchers have been replaced by an overseas dispatch i mean that's just an i think where did you see that uh i mean that's what elana is wrong i totally believe it because if you've ever talked to them i see this is where it gets hard this is where it gets hard we're speculating so that's not a fact but in today's marketplace seems quite possible and it's not that there's anything wrong with it but it it carriers can find it frustrating central dispatchers a lot of duplicates i've never now that's interesting bga says central dispatchers a lot of duplicates but super dispatch doesn't and it seems like it's being talked about that on super dispatch they do a pretty good job of monitoring what's on the load board what do you think of that i think they definitely do a better job than central does for sure i don't know i mean it's a big job to do all of that i mean i get it the one thing i will say to and like when somebody doesn't pay or something like that you can get in contact with them they'll work on it whereas central you must will forget it they do nothing with helping getting you paid falling against a broker bond pretty much they will tell you we're a load board that's it whereas super dispatch helps with all those situations they also i think take better care as far as monitoring whether there is insurance that is accurate and current and same thing with broker bond information for the brokers so i think they do a better job when it comes to all of that stuff for sure number three number three is assertus let's go check out assertus okay now according to mark according to mark's logic assertus would be an available list because it's only assertus loads right right that's a list he's right yeah yeah it is interesting so we're going to check okay so we want to know i have to get in every time so hang on yeah i know they've created this new password thing so which is it's only mine did yeah it's only a pain because we handle so many people i know i can imagine other than that as a safety feature i think it's fantastic it needed to happen it it does it needs to be everywhere unfortunately now assertus is also known as metroloads there will be people that are like what's assertus it's metroloads uh i'm assuming metroloads today is in the few thousand loads and then we're also going to check on how long it takes to get signed up which i think we found out was you have to go through RMIS truck stop yes you do and that's where we got hung up oh let me show you my page we lost it out there all right go ahead that's where we got and go ahead and share when you're ready sometimes i pull it back because you're talking and i want to i want to hear what you're saying um let's see here so once we got through that hang up we were on and i think most people can get on to metroloads within you know two or three days i don't think it normally takes that long to get on there oh good um i will say when you first set up and i have noticed this every single time i set up a person if you do not when you take your first load watch it because they always for some reason put you on the very first load is a check um and you can go in and change it you got to go in there and do that and i don't know why because when i sign up i always ask for the three percent ach and give them my check information the boy to check all that information but for some reason every time it gets switched there's a glitch in there but watch that when you do that because both people want their money faster and you know for obvious reasons so just watch that when you take your load because it will come up the very first time and say ach or no i won't say ach you'll say check in the mail for a certain percentage quick pay go in and switch it there's a way to go in on your account to go switch all that stuff okay um all right let's go to the load board how did we do this the last time is it search is it yeah we'll just go search the whole thing how did we that's my loads hold on we got to go to search search search search laws all right 1468 loads hmm okay so now i mean it's interesting we're only on the third and we've dropped significantly which again is why central dispatch pretty much is the load board that everybody talks about thinks about but i mean i think if you're if i i would say if you're if you're a large-sized broker you should have at least an available list i would think i would think because it's well and here's the thing i don't know especially during i mean there's certain times of the year that's hard to move loads too it's like the exact opposite right now it's not i mean as soon as i put up a load it's usually gone as fast as it comes up unless it's just a weird one or something like that so well i'll say that okay let's say you're a big company mmm and assertus has their list so i can talk about this because it makes sense yeah but i can think of other very large brokers that okay you want everything digital anyways your loads are in your system digitally right right you're contacting carriers to move those loads why wouldn't you just have a URL with your available list that you give to carriers to check your loads why wouldn't you do that i actually can't i still can't figure that out even reindeer logistics as one of those or did did yeah i don't know they're using super dispatch now so i don't know well so they're putting them on super dispatch just like many put it on central dispatch but you still have your internal list digitally that carriers can check and this leads us down the path of building dedicated lanes with carriers because if a broker can help a carrier build their business it's symbiotic it helps the broker and it helps the carrier which the whole point is to serve the client right anyways uh metro logistics getting set up uh oh good we said two to three days oh let's go look at do me a favor show us RMIS truck stuff for anybody that doesn't know what that is because there will be a carrier that watches this video from beginning to end because they just got in and they want to know what are the top 20 load boards okay so this is the truck stop RMIS and share your screen when you're ready a new transport has flooded super dispatch with loads that aren't being dispatched if that's Alina and she is so right why would you do that what is that oh yeah they're already dispatched they're already dispatched or they were never any good i mean that's which and you request them on super you cannot get them to answer you at all and then of course it's the usual thing where you have to call repeatedly over and over again to get through to them and then you find out no they've been dispatched and sometimes it wasn't just a little while ago and they're still on the board two to three days later i'm still looking at some of them you've been talking about this company for so long yeah it seems like there must be something going on well here's the thing they pay well you can't complain about that okay um the only thing you can complain about is you have to verify sometimes their loads have already been picked up by somebody else they've already dispatched you and they didn't i you know i'm not a fan of that listen yeah if the driver gets there and the load is gone that is so messed up oh yeah absolutely especially after you've verified it and what sad is you shouldn't have to verify it two hours before the driver gets there no you're verifying it as soon as you get it right exactly i've never had to remember do you remember okay rpm used to do this wow when they were doing a lot of it was a carbana cars i think they were carbana cars or maybe did not rpm used to do carbana cars before carbana you know what true is a carmax no it's true carmax rpm used to it could be it could be one or i think it's carmax i think it's carmax so okay but carbana loads used to be was an i think it might have been back in the day we're talking about no they were doing twenty nineteen twenty eighteen right yes that's the company that got they had been in business for like twenty years their family had started the business and they screwed over because they didn't get paid from a big huge company and they switched all their their stuff to united road i don't was it carbana was it i think it could have been it's hard i really want to say my carmax but anyways either way back in the day probably about three four years ago that's not really back in the day but anyways when you would get a load for rpm and it was at carmax and i i'm remembering now it's carmax for sure if you didn't call an hour before you arrived and the car had been picked up by somebody else they wouldn't give you a dry run fee because their cars were constantly either getting picked up by somebody else or they're getting sold which still by the way still happens um but they're through aci now so carmax you always have to be very careful with um because they sell their cars constantly even though they're wanting to move so can you imagine if a customer went to pick up their car and it's just they didn't call an hour before they got there it's not even sold i mean listen that is so messed up you know you can argue that you're covering your bases logistically but if that is the standard that is so stupid i have never once i verified a vehicle i want to be clear about this once i had verified a vehicle as a dispatcher never did i have to call back and check repeatedly to make sure it was still there i have never done that no and that makes no sense and you can't yeah you can't explain i i can't wait to hear the rationalization on that one yeah except that was that was the rationalization was that that's our job we should be calling in our i don't know if everybody knows but to verify a car at carmax is almost nearer to impossible because you have to go to the business office absolutely inventory and that's just answer the phone i've totally been there exactly you got it you you're it that is not no that's the world we live in no wonder nothing makes sense okay let's go to uh what's number four oh a cv okay i've got a cv list is number four by the way as we go through this list it's up for debate whether we're right uh is a cv let's go to a cv i have load board list number four okay and that would be actually would be an available list it's not a load board it's an available list let's see what we got here five hundred and seventy three the damean said they're a good company but sometimes act like thugs see there is only one channel you can get away with that so funny i love hearing it um acv auctions do me a favor suit pull that up for me if you would yeah and elena likes acv most people do like acv united road aci rpm move karmax double check the loads right before you pick up wow so you got the memo that's crazy though tell me that's not crazy united road cancels without notice but acn rpm let you know it was canceled no they don't no aci does rpm doesn't i wouldn't go pick up two on a weekend and they were canceled with rpm that thursday and nobody told me so no not always true tell me this is in great feedback if you work in the corner office on the 18th floor this is great feedback you need to know this stuff acvs is bread and butter okay we're at acv um okay 573 yeah okay how long does it take to get signed up with acv six months i believe is what it is whoa why is it six months as a new carrier is that right uh yeah so okay let's go let's go through the scenario what is it what do you think six months in business means does that mean you're you're finally ready to take care of vehicles the right way i mean what does that mean how did you how does that get to sign i'm assuming to me that means that they think that yes that you've had enough experience by then loading unloading cars no damages or if you had damages they're already over and done with or you're you know something to that effect but what they don't understand sometimes is that that driver may have been working for somebody for two or three years it's not like they're really brand new and maybe their new equipment it may be their new authority but most of the guys that i've worked with are not literally brand new fresh off the press they have been doing it for somebody else they decided to go to business you know with their own authority and so i don't know if it's necessarily totally fair to ding a new authority instead of you know what i mean a new driver maybe this should go by the driver license how long have you had a CDL see there you go it's i agree with you i think a lot of guys have gone out on their own and now they're considered new because they have a new MC authority yeah they've been driving for years yeah can a driver plead that case to a company and i'll tell you what a little pause i want you to picture in your mind that guy that you really like dealing with right at that company yeah do you imagine trying to explain to him listen the guy is not new he's been driving for years well i do i do do that does it work yeah okay so that's all you got to need to do well it's all about your relationship with that company of course you know that's my thing i can only do that if i know somebody like a js transport i know people there so you know Russ is a guy i work with on a regular basis with him all the way other drivers so like Russ this guy is new but he used to work for another company he's been doing this for two three years it's not like he's really new and of course Russ trusts me i'm not gonna lie to him about it if i really thought this guy wasn't gonna do it i wouldn't even ask for the load just because of the fact of i'm not gonna ruin my relationships with these brokers that i've been dealing with for almost 20 years okay so will we get to the point where um a new carrier that's been hauling for 20 years just has a new company name can like hire an advocate yeah right oh so is that where we're headed yeah i mean i don't know i i do know that anybody new dispatch lawyer it's it's hard i mean you better figure give yourself a good six months before you're really truly in it and you know getting the load you need to get loaded with i guess is the only way to put it instead of the leftover crap that nobody else would take well not like that and well that's actually how when we started dispatching live yeah we talked about load board leftovers right i mean i made that show like five years ago right um i try not to talk like that anymore in that i mean some you know some of these a lot of the loads are not leftovers some of them are well leftovers may not be that i mean it just may be the norm let's do it that way it's not leftovers well i bet a lot of them i think are new uh damian has some interesting information and i damian i appreciate it because you're hitting right upon what what it is that we're talking about is yes we're trying to share information of how to stay loaded but we're also trying to share information about where'd you get that idea right right like and again how are you going to build a company of 20 trucks if you're just booking loads off the load board clearly it can be done there's all kinds of things that can be done but do that makes sense all right let's go to number five number five on our list is holly uh please take it away sue let's do okay and i'll put the did you say it was a holly oh okay if we agree on that i mean this is where it's it's going to get real debatable real fast number three was metro loads and you got to share your screen again because it took it away by assertus number four was the auctions number five is holly by united which is but and two okay so and let me know what you think and we're trying to get to four fifty four hundred and six loads wow wow is right man so we got this one ranked wrong but how many are how many go you know well you're like 50 miles yeah see we can't really that's the problem i mean you load a high um that's really not going to break it down i know look they even have someone here for zero dollars so you know yeah well how can that be what our zero dollar loads um let's see the question what New York to Somerville do not deliver on the road on any of the roadways anytime okay i like how much information there is that's good no it's not even a vehicle on here so i'm not really sure there might be something you have to call in on it might be one of a weird load so maybe five thousands not the number as we think of it fifty three nine four it seems like an awful lot i just went up three hundred all right oh no fifty four oh six okay yeah i don't know but some people really like i've seen it in the live chat some people really like i think last week somebody said holly is my jammer and oh this well not for Charles no Charles gives it a map eh i agree very rarely go on well that's the average and i mean that's why i think being number five i think that i think we're being nice yeah putting them at number five yeah um to get signed up oh oh rms truck stop which is part of it do do me a favor bring that up again rms truck stop this is a compliance website yes where if you're new you got it how do you get signed up with this well you're not gonna i don't think you're gonna go through here to sign up for united road you should be going through through united road you're gonna go to united road and then they have a link for truck stop okay and it's just kind of like way metro works you have to do all of their stuff first and then you follow the link um okay and i'm trying to share and the purpose of this is to vet you no i'm i'm seeing it okay so the purpose is to vet you rms is a company that vets you on behalf of the broker right which makes sense it's actually good i does a third party right professional service that makes and they monitor your insurance if your insurance gets canceled or something happens they're gonna get the notification now i wonder which we've never talked about this i wonder if they also monitor the safety ratings and stuff like that so i'm thinking that they do and i would think what's the point if you work in security right you're looking at different points of data right right yeah your insurance your safety rating your what double brokering notices or whatever other fraud whatever yeah you pay on time or do your you know basic things you know you have your license you don't have any outstanding you know anything issues yeah so yeah that's my understanding of what this is and this is is this the biggest third party compliance company that we know of rms highway is one is also highway is the other one right okay and i think that maybe truck stop was originally by itself and then they combined so they may have been technically i do and then three i don't know you know what i think i think truck stop is such a big company now that they acquired rms okay okay so it's truck stop i have yeah um it's like random McNally's atlas or you know whatever they say right so and i also think that's what frayed validate is frayed validate is another third party there's actually another one carrier sure there was one that we had on the show a while back and it was also like check out transporters and i know you did all of it can't remember that one the drivers like if people wanted to hire drivers it was for that as well so i i think we talked about because i think Charles wanted that information because he was looking for a driver yeah well i think there will be more and more of those companies too so and there may be more we just don't know about it so oh yeah i'm sure that's true too all right so let's go to number six looks like you can get signed up pretty fast and we're going to check their loads which is and it's two different things i don't think everybody understands that but is a load board mottway is the broker you want to get signed up with okay man this is difficult every time and i don't know why why isn't it by mottway that's what i would anyways all right well because i i didn't we go through this one time and i think we find out it's not just them that lists cars on here so thank you so is a load board not an available list can we verify that there are other loads on others i think that's what we i thought so or was it you're looking at something else maybe hold on let me say i can't i don't know maybe not because i'm looking at all the loads right now hold on there's 3,000 and 27 loads by the way um let me go look uh no you know what i think maybe it's another load board we're thinking about they're well that's weird thanks Mike i think this is all mottway well it stands to yeah i mean so there's going to be somebody new like what are you guys talking about what is this mottway stuff you're talking about there's a broker called mottway there's a technology company called they're owned by the exact same private equity firm so are they sister companies and it doesn't matter other than it's hard to understand we know that metro loads is an available list at a service right it's not a question it's not like metro loads and a service act like they're sister companies no right it's clear but with in mottway it's not clear we still don't really know the marketplace doesn't know it doesn't matter which they and sue think but the marketplace doesn't know and most people if they're new are not going to know that either well and i think that maybe that's the point maybe anybody new doesn't need to know that mottway loads are on well they do if they want to sign up for it so are you saying to get signed up with you got to go through mottway yeah you have to do both you have to sign up for as a load board but you first have to sign up pretty much with mottway to get approved how does this work let's say you go to do they send you to mottway or do they sign you up using mottway hmm you know i don't know we just we know that we got to go to mottway first and do it first really and then you get you know you're um no you sign up with the load board separately and then they after you get signed up with mottway then they have to make it accessible the load board is accessible to you then that's what i just did with one of my new guys so i signed up with mottway got him all signed up and hooked up we signed up on the load board but they would not let us actually get loads until they got the approval from mottway okay there i but i go to if i if i if i pull up yeah it looks like i sign up through right right that's the load that's different well only because like i said i know it's mottway so you have to sign up with mottway first i mean you can get you can sign up and get a username and password for this load board you just cannot get any loads until you're approved by mottway to be able to access the actual loads like literally we had it all done and we still were not being able to get on this load board and i had to get on there and chat with one of the guys there and say we still can't get the loads and he said hold on i see you're approved let me turn you back on and we were turned on within like pipes. hey we got an answer on the zero dollar loads they have yet to be verified by the broker. oh okay so what if they get verified by the broker and you book it but you didn't call an hour out and it's gone okay that's not funny but well what is going on why wouldn't you still have to call to find out what it really can you imagine if it if a dealer or a shipper or a consignor is watching this thinking what isn't what are you guys talking about well how can i how come a carrier can't just book a load and then like go get it bring it to me what what's with all the rigamarole or brew whatever it doesn't make any sense it's really weird okay i did this i thought we were just going to do a list of load boards but this is getting weird can you get signed up with ship dot cars mottway now or is there a waiting period no you can do it immediately the only difference with mottway that i've had be different is they have VIP loads that we've talked about before you cannot usually do VIP loads so do they still are they still doing the VIP i haven't done one in a long time but yes i'm fairly certain yes they're still doing the VIP loads okay what's a VIP load you take VIP load is obviously what it sounds like very important person they do not let you haul unless you've done a few loads regular loads with them to make sure they liked what you did and did what you're supposed to do anyways and VIP loads they never give you the phone numbers for pickup or delivery and they want to talk to the customer so you have to talk to to a mottway rep like two hours out and you have to give them a pretty accurate time of what time you're picking up what time you're delivering so that's usually how VIP load works so and here's what happens i understand the concept but the way it works in practice is laborious yes i get it VIP they're so important and they're paying so much allegedly that we're going to do extra work to make sure they feel real good about this right it's right mint on mint on the pillow and red carpet and housewives and all that jazz i get it i get it it's great marketing but but and Sarah we're going to be some people that haul cars that you don't want talking to this VIP right right i get it right but here i am trying to pick up a VIP load my carrier speaks well i think i speak well we're ready to go we're on time and the person i'm communicating with seems like more of a pain than anybody else involved in the transaction yes and i'm trying to tell them what we're trying to do we're just trying to communicate let him know and it's not going easy why is it so difficult and my driver is like can i just call him and tell him he's like i'm there right can i just call well no we got to go through the VIP and all this stuff and i realize nobody wants to hear this in the 18th floor and people running around and it's making a big deal but this thing's weird it's not great no i don't know why well and and the thing about it too is a lot of times these are residents so we want to discuss with them whether we can get into a certain heritage that's it it's the resident isn't it yes yes every time yes it's few and far between that a VIP is not a residence either a pickup or a delivery one of the two it's usually both and and and so here's one for you maybe this one makes sense as we move into an ai future are you going to add additional people that need to be on the phone yeah no that makes no sense that's what's happened you're adding more people that need to be on the phone for what yeah why why do you need to add more people on the phone and what happens is then the carrier who's sitting at the gate in 30 minutes has gone by and he's thinking am i sitting here and i can't call him because they're making so much money off me that's what they start wondering well yeah you you would wouldn't you yeah i would yeah and they call me and they're like wait a minute what are we getting paid and now i have to have a discussion about what we're getting paid on this load while we're waiting and they're sitting in the gate and we're losing time though i've been through too many and i've said said to the person i'm talking to you know this this vi do you think this vip load is going well or does it seem like we're wasting time yeah anyways which click okay uh no that was a joke i added the click okay we have run buggy at number seven please share your screen when you're ready big fellas here are still remone my thanks everybody charles and charles i owe you a i'm sorry charles charles sent me a message i haven't replied i've got a few emails that i haven't replied to yet i apologize um charles the answer is you know it's hard to actually figure out it is very hard to figure out um obviously that's then kind of the next level but so i'll get back to you at some point i'm sorry about that uh run buggy so is do we see a total loads wow i haven't seen i will say i haven't seen the run buggy loadboard in a while it is at five hundred and sixteen okay that's why it's number seven right because it doesn't have it doesn't yeah i mean we went from i don't know if you remember when we were on the show we were talking about it a while back someone had said there was something like 12,000 loads or yeah so 9,000 loads and i was just like i couldn't figure out where they were seeing it if i was totally missing something someone needed to show me where because i would love for to be that many loads i'm pretty sure everybody would well i yeah oh hey good question silver mint besides a cv who else has a self-dispatching loadboard now it used to be radioto and cars arrive but radioto is now part of central dispatch batch and cars arrive doesn't seem to have a lot of new loads no we don't be gase says oh it's hard to register so i have 30 days written down to get signed up here is that right for cars arrived for uh rb for run buggy yeah it's 30 days 30 days yeah he he got my one guy well he's working on it and we're almost signed up so i mean that is interesting we've now we've gone from we went from several tens of thousands of loads down to under 10,000 down to few thousand down to now we're in the hundreds and we're not even at loadboard number 10 and this is where it really gets thin yeah oh we want uh million abraham wants to know about factoring i we do i do have a video about factoring i'll try to find the link for that we're going to try and stick on loadboards because we're already at one o'clock and we need to keep going through this thing okay send me an email and i couldn't tell you the one i work with it's only when i would work with actually so i only use jd factors now cars arrive we have at number 13 but this is a self-dispatch right so let me see yeah how many loads i don't i don't there's not that many to be honest with you something happened to cars arrive well i think it's most car global sold well but those are a decal loads i don't know when car global sold it's auctions to carvana it changed the whole business model i mean you know kind of i mean if that's all the loads are that's kind of crazy you know i mean it doesn't say like what if you just count these right here there's not that many by the way 67 hello did you know that car global which owns cars arrive has rebranded as open lane which is one of their uh properties anyways well yeah because if you get it was always cars arrive open lane releases that we always got that's right so open lane i don't know i think that we have i think there's something we don't know i i think that they're going to rebrand this load board as open lane that's what i would make sense that's what i would do if but you know that doesn't matter i don't know what here we go all right let's see how many we got 29 units that says show in one of 29 units now that's what i delivered okay that's not it either i don't know how you get to all of whatever loads they have because i'm feel certain that this cannot be all they have lina are you on tell me if you can figure that out jay i'm going to have her look at that because i'm not really sure and i'm looking for so we did a show with jd factors yeah we did it with Howard yeah there we go i found the link to the show i'm going to share the link to this show uh learn more about factoring and the link there you go it's in the live chat so you can put that in your uh save for later or you can watch it now that'd be nice oh yeah put the link yep there it is and anybody if you know some folks in here have additional information and yeah that's what the community is all about so great question thanks so much and i just for one of the reasons i talk about cars arrive like this is that when i was dispatching back in the days of your i loved using cars arrive i made a lot of money off cars arrive because we could self dispatch day or night and there was some good paying loads yeah they used to pay really really well i don't know what happened to this site but again i think whatever you know doesn't matter um and radioto was another one man radioto kept us loaded i was so thankful for radioto yeah but now it's part of central dispatch and it's just not the same thing right no it's totally different on how you get the loads and everything else and yeah i agree they were the only two out there that you could self dispatch four way back i mean that was it so i will say this i'm hoping the new central dispatch can do that we'll do more because they're moving into the mobile app i think they're going to move into more self dispatch as well so uh that's my hope but that is why ready auto is not on our top 20 list which it's been a few minutes since i shared it i just took the screen sharing it again um let's see here no what am i doing central super metro acv get your phone out and screenshot this um run buggy auto sled is next auto sled 120 days wait we're going to get to auto haul exchange car shipio dispatch center rpm cars arrive carpool carried away still moving all right so auto sled please show me this is where i got the idea of the family feud game board show me auto sled okay 125 and do me a favor and share it because i took it again oh whoops number eight auto sled very how many it's only 125 okay well i i think that they're also making updates they've been making updates to their mobile app they've been pretty aggressive with talking dealers and sharing that info and here's here's a sidebar context this market the tech auto transport tech marketplace has gotten way more competitive than it used to be yes everybody has an app for every any more if you have a thousand loads you're doing pretty good now so okay which one we're looking at next um hey how long does it take to get signed up with auto sled 120 days i think it's 120 days is that on our i think i put that on there so 120 days and um not a ton of loads so i don't know do you i'm just going to ask you since we're on the phone here art do you go to auto do you check auto sled no all right do you check run buggy no right do you check ship dock cars i will check that probably more frequently just because they have more loads on and that's why they're number six do you check holly hmm only if i'm in a certain area that i know they usually have loads if that makes you check acv yes do you check metro yes and no yes i'm not exactly yes but more often than and that's why again central super metro acv holly ship dot cars that's one through six and as we progressed it was still a yes but it gets to maybe number seven no number eight no number nine this is the one i want to ask you auto-hauler exchange are you checking auto-hauler exchange um no i don't let's see i don't think they have a whole lot on there and they usually list on central and i i don't know if i've seen their load board in a while so can you bring it up yeah let me see if i can get it all right cool let's see okay alayna checks auto sled thank you alayna so there's only here we go right and auto sled see acv says the same thing that the good loads go fast yes why you want to be more than just checking the available list yes because you want to have a relationship and it's the same thing with um backlog cars as well they put them on super dispatch before they hit the load board so you need to be looking wait a minute just backlog cars have a load board no they use super dispatch man they don't even have an internal list well yeah cars arrive you want to go by that but no no i mean backlog cars are totally separate then cars arrive do they do they send emails no no so they just have loads from backlog cars they post on super dispatch yes okay dang it i thought i had one okay and that goes for everybody in the live chat i really want to know of a company that has a load board or an available list that i didn't mention yeah because we need two more we need actually we need one more because we got u-ship oh okay we need one more Elena says i never check out a whole exchange not enough loads well that's honest feedback okay i like the way the load board looks this looks good am i wrong no do we have more do i do we need it maybe they just oh look and there's a new version available oh and you need to check your voicemail that's a joke um uh hey soon did you message me about cars arrive okay so cars arrive has 677 loads available right now is that right okay i asked her to look it up because i knew she could figure it out thanks Elena thank you very much my phone my car is on my open lane thank you will i agree with you open lane owns back lock car so here's the question will if open lane owns back lock cars why do they post their loads on super dispatch and not cars arrived or do they no they don't go on cars arrive at all so why do they i they're still i think they still consider themselves a separate company in fact when it's on super dispatch now it doesn't even say back lock cars let me see what it says it says something else on it does that mean that somebody likes the super technology better than all right i'll stop maybe yeah maybe i mean and would that be a stretch of the imagination no it would not buy golly no okay there i said it so if you're on the 18th floor and you feel chapped you're not alone and everybody's having a problem with this assertive stuff being on super late by the way because it's not it's rcg and it's guardian because they both got bought out okay so guardian is now listed as assertus and i think we saw memo yes and also and then you got rcg that's listing them under assertus as well and how you tell which one switch the 224 number is guardian the 916 number is your california that's rcg now that's the problem though nobody understand if you haven't been doing this it's like we've been doing this you wouldn't know all this stuff on here so it's kind of confusing how this works now do you have to know how to decipher load ids i mean do you know kind of oh yeah well and i'll tell you why yeah rcg stuff is usually co-parter ia um okay or repo or repo okay yeah i definitely want to know that yeah and that by looking at that number you usually can tell that's what they're going to be so you have an idea and then your guardian 224 number is usually always the big vans and stuff like that that's usually what you're going to see is big stuff with them where do they pick up dealers and auctions yeah dealers and auctions and they're usually all over the place yeah there was like six out of kansas city going to st louis a couple days ago three fifty piece they were thirty five hundred vans high time okay so i would want to know that too yeah yeah so it's stuff you know but it doesn't tell you that the vehicle and in op and all that stuff sometimes sometimes sometimes um what i also the thing about it is is when you go to super dispatch and you see assertus you're thinking that's the metro assertus you know that you're getting a load from correct it's really not and that's that's why you kind of need to know how do i get that load most people will see a service and they're going to go get on the metro load board and think they're grabbing that load there you're not you're calling that number do they like does it say assertus rcg assertus guardian assertus metro no it just gives you a phone number to the side and says call this number and that's how you need to figure it out to decipher it from a company perspective i suppose i wouldn't want to have multiple brands but i think from a carrier perspective it'd be helpful to have an insight into i you know i would think i don't know why it's so separated like that i don't know why wouldn't all be on just a metro board well merging all that stuff takes time maybe that's why and they just want to make sure their loads keep still getting yeah i mean you know you can't change all the horses in midstream at the same time you know or they float down the river say it's a parable this is what it says for backlots it says open lane dba backlots ink i see that yeah okay that's what it says on there all right interesting well it'll be fascinating to see what happens with cars arrive network load board technology available list stuff it's going to either get better or it's going to go away because it can't stay the same it's just right seems it's it's in limbo allegedly okay um that was really interesting so what we did then is we were talking about what we were talking about well we were talking about autohuller exchange we started then talking about that let's go to number 10 car shipio can we log in i don't think so because the only time you can log in usually is when you have a load let me see because i don't have an actual account and the car shipio you know has been around a while um and so i think you know if you're if you're a carrier and you're if you're a carrier and you're in car shipio you know how to navigate okay here we go we're loading car shipio oh let's go to all yeah great car shipio has a marketplace which i don't know if well i think it would be a load board marketplace because this is a load board posted by different companies yeah cool do we have it do we know how many loads um look at nine loads with 16 vehicles um is that it thank you your load your personal load board maybe it's by area maybe there's a search filter happening um yeah that's again that's all that's trying new nope uh it's hard to say active what about what if you go up to marketplace go to market yeah click on that yeah click on marketplace yeah nope oh you got to get signed up for you yeah okay so if anybody out there oh wait hold on oh here we go there went anyways all right thank you car shipio yeah cool all right cool oh look at that it is oh sure yeah you see how many we got you got 36 plus pages yeah i'm gonna change it to 100 okay 100 loads per page so you should be at i don't know oh good so nine ten nine pages all right so we're about a thousand loads yeah oh yeah what did we say auto-hauler exchange was did we say that yes it was like six maybe not even 52 25 loads yeah all right so i'm just gonna say under a hundred let's see i don't think i have car shipio about a thousand that's good okay well so wait well hey so and you can look these are the people listing the loads on there auction direct i know i already did that because that's height but auction direct is also now owned by montway right so okay so you know if you're not approved by montway you're not going to haul for auction direct now that is fascinating everything goes through them wow so let's see who else is on here we've got okay Elena says i never use car shipio unless a load was dispatched to me through them yeah which is like auction direct it looks like there's auction direct page there's a lot of loads here Elena so i will say most of these you're going to find on central i don't know this gets us back into why many people just rely on central because many load boards filter back into right now i don't know if these loads filter in there but i know that many do i can well i mean i could go look up and see right now well we'll do that another time i appreciate that i mean that's awesome there's so much to this and that's where like if you're brand new you're like you're an hour in you're like i had no idea there's there's there's so much there's so much to this that's why i never understand like those get rich quick videos that are five minutes long yeah i guess they're five minutes long so that you don't know much and that way you still think you'll get rich then that's why yeah they don't give you the real deal that makes money it doesn't take long to say show me the money yeah there you go okay car shipio was number 10 number 11 by the way how long does it take to get signed up with car shipio i i've never been signed up so we don't know and oh auto-hall exchange how long does it take to get signed up do we know um i don't well see i don't know if there's a rule i did not ask them about that because uh danny had already been in business for almost five years so it didn't really matter for him all right we want to know that and car shipio how long does it take to get signed up do we know i don't because none of my guys are signed up with them okay you have to pay so i we don't pay for the account all right okay number 11 dispatch center me and mark talked about this a little it is true it is a subscription based however full disclosure uh well let me ask you this can you see super dispatches load board if you don't pay for an account yes okay can you use super dispatch for free if you're a driver and you have a dispatcher in the office but yeah because you don't have to do what we do you could do it all from your app if you wanted to but the dispatch would have to log into the driver's app yeah right yeah yeah yeah the dispatcher if the dispatcher uses a tms and the driver uses the mobile app and they're using it together is it free no okay there we go fifty five dollars okay and that's what we're talking about because yeah if the dispatcher logs do you log into your driver's mobile app when you're doing there we go yeah okay i'm only saying that to level the playing field dispatch center also is is a subscription based service because you're getting many features can we go to dispatch center and i'm in a gas my guess is nobody checks dispatch center please no i'm not signed up with them because i don't have a subscription and you're not signed up yeah mark also has a lot of other great technology yes i'm saying some things on mark's behalf because his company is a little bit different he's not a mega broker with the available list he's a technology guy he has his auto-quoter he has the crm the tms the mobile app a load board and it's just a different it's a different type of company but he does have oh look he's got 2,500 loads that's pretty interesting i'm able to get in here for one of my drivers cool so dispatch center has 2,500 loads that's actually i didn't know it was that high that's pretty cool are you saying that on my screen and i'm not saying it or yeah i've go lower left new loads oh i gotcha okay cool i also like the way his tech looks um and i think it gets maybe gets a little and he has the same thing like where you push the button to request the load too which self-dispatch my gosh we could do a whole show about self-dispatching load boards oh my gosh we're gonna do that thing not all self-dispatching is the same though even on super dispatch if it's not set up as an instant book you can't instant book you have to wait for them to approve it and some of those people will never answer you so hey suit but hey suit that means it'll be a long show what's new jay oh we always get tired about something totally um hey how do we do we don't know how long it takes to get signed up with dispatch center i would say it's kind of the same process you get your stuff in there get it all to them and it's probably 24 or 48 hours i would imagine exactly if that right yeah and that's kind of the assumption okay yeah um rpm number 12 rpm i dumped it i can't actually we don't know how to look at it and here's the funny part you want to hear this is great yeah okay so i'm now back on rpm okay you're back only found out i've sent email after email okay asking am i back on am i done and nobody answers me so i'm getting a text from somebody from rpm for the last two days going hey you need any loads i'm like sure got a driver stuck here what do you got and he's something that's just one car for like i don't know 75 dollars it wasn't enough i'm like no that doesn't work for me i said do you do know you're talking to so-and-so the name of my transporter and he's like yeah i said so i guess that means i'm set back up and he's like yeah showed your active on here and i'm like what great thank you nobody would respond to me and let me know and then i said to him so when do i get access to the rpm board guess what i got back crickets no comment zero nothing do so i don't get it right i don't either we should ask Jen Jen can get on well no she can't because um the it was um it was once the space and he went out of out of business he went moved Iowa so i okay don't you go to rp you go to right yeah that's what you did yeah and then you signed up we did all that stuff and then okay so that's how you get signed up yeah but we have not seen the available list of loads no and i said it that way because it's only their loads right right rpm doesn't list loads by other companies right no it will just be their loads only which would be greatly helpful one because of the non answering of the phones but two here i got a problem yesterday i was asking this rpm rep yesterday and i said to him too i said can you be my rep now because my rep no longer is employed there and i can't get anybody answered the bells and he said sure anyways and um i had also when talking about this i was showing him that there were four loads listed out of western rovar console going i can't remember which Tulsa they were paying our rages okay and to him said 450 450 just two regular pickup trucks it's only going like 230 miles 450 piece okay anybody's gonna jump on that right then there was two other ones listed the exact same cars for only three hundred dollars a piece and in ops so just so y'all know these were all the same vehicles they were listed twice two listed as running drives for way more money two listed is in ops for way less one guess which ones were accurate obviously the in ops for less money but i don't like i sent him the picture and i said i don't understand why this keeps happening because this isn't the first time i see this all the time and he said he would get in touch with whoever puts the loads on the load board but if we had a load board for them that we could go in and access and i don't know how their load board works if it actually as you push a button get the load or you still got a call to get the load i mean i don't know to me it wouldn't make sense unless you could push the button take the load though so just me yeah i i really like it when i see somebody else confused like i feel most of the time yeah it's like you know we were talking about how i got started in this business and i'm like 20 years ago just sitting there and just trying to figure this out i'm still figuring it out and never goes away this is why like shows like black mirror i don't really watch black mirror i've seen like one of them i'd ever seen it and it's like twilight zone thank you twilight zone oh thank god for the twilight zone yeah at least we all understand twilight zone yes and this is twilight zone like yeah how are you a global logistics company and we can't look at your available list of loads right because we think you have one yeah and you call people say asking if they can move your car yeah what yeah how and i think i think they have a lot of cars i really do they have to they have all kinds of contracts they have a room full of people with equipment monitors yes we've seen it yeah so why the twilight zone it doesn't make sense you've had them on the show i know and they want to pin them down on that you know i mean well but i mean i remember way back like maybe year or two them being on the show and they were in their offices and they was a packed place i mean i know yes so i understand not then but now everybody has their own load boards when they're that big we'll just move on i don't know twilight zone number 14 carpool logistics can we see it man i'm still not a member of it and hold on no wait that's not true and by the way carpool logistics they didn't get back to me we're going to know more in q4 they're still building as well okay cool yeah which speaking of building carried away as number 15 they're still building as well and it makes sense there's a lot to do that's why anybody with a load board that we can look at i mean i want to see it and i'm i'm impressed by if you have a functioning load board with loads on it that can be booked well i'm impressed right there this is a lot of work it's you know right it's the easiest thing to pull off i get it all right somebody tell me how many load boards elina tell us how many loads are on here it doesn't i'm not counting these just so right now can you but are you okay do me a favor share your screen get you're seeing it oh yeah i'm in i i know i keep taking it away but i can't tell you how many you're on here all right so we're looking at carpool logistics all right well it lives yes and i mean if i go through these i'm not i guess and say there's a few hundred on here wouldn't you think to me this is relatively new i didn't even know that carpool had a load board until i think this has only happened i really want to say in the last year okay yeah that makes sense because i've always called to get loads before and i know jana started getting them off the load board because they do a lot of florida stuff um like i want to say six eight months ago for her guy down on floor so what's v two huh what's v two south says v two should be in the top five v two oh yeah who's v two i don't know um okay so carpool logistics is number 14 and uh we don't know how many loads do we know anything about getting signed up well it's i don't think there's a time uh you can get signed up we've done it for my one guy a couple times now and it's still not showing signed up so you do have to keep calling over and over it whoa whoa whoa hold the phone roadrunner v two is roadrunner well it's not a load board you request loads there okay wait a second we talked about this well first off did i get on here for you guys yeah please i just take your screen away so please share it okay i didn't did i know is it your testimony that i knew about v two yes we've talked about it we i don't call it v two because it's not i don't take it as a load board it's where you request a load okay is not wrong is there a you is it a website is there a url no it's hold on i'm gonna get to it i'm gonna get you have to call like magic v of it's a floating dude in a room and you call v two hello v two i'd like to get a load road run now okay they have more loads than most of the load boards what no it can someone share the url how do you get a hold of v two well well you can show me v two all right i'm getting to it hold on i was shouting into the sky because i i think v two lives in the ether i don't know how do you get to v two who knows about v two what is going on i've only ever gone there's less a load that makes sense where do you go to it right here you call a request online this did show do me a favorite sugar screen i'm dying to see what you're looking at yeah it's this because logistics is all about being able to do something and can you see my screen no not yet try it again okay okay here we go all right so okay and here's the thing if you know anything about road runner you're gonna know most of their loads aren't any good what is that link that's where you request the load v two oh that's what that didn't work ampersand that's where you go it has a lot of loads how do people know about v two i've not seen v two pass along obviously there's a long time check out v two pass along don't tell laina let me try to do this again not working today folks this is twilight zone what is going on you can click and request i never go there i call them i yeah i will request it the same way but they never respond to you okay v two logistics dot com that's a website now we're getting somewhere v two logistics dot com whoa go to v two logistics dot com will you i'm not familiar with this if i've ever seen it it's one time this is great man so you know what you do is just click on their link for the load i'm so happy we got there v two okay laina okay did you pull up do me a favor go back to the website i did okay if if this URL exists which it apparently does this counts this is a load board uh maybe well what else does it do like i'm telling you right now i've never gone to a load board to request the load from roadrunner it is literally a link where you click on it like the one you do for there's another company that uses something similar to it starts with an F and i can't remember their name anyways um but you don't get loads at v two i've never gotten a load of v two but i go to v two what do you do there do you click on that link that will not work today okay but that link leads you to a load doesn't that link leave you to a load it's supposed to yes that's where you left the load and nothing's working now so i give up well it's the internet yes must be i'm going to blame it on storms it's not all i will be two logistics gives us 20 all right so um here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna say before you count it is 20 i'm doing research because i'm telling you right now okay it's not well and i'm i'm fine with that i mean that that's like saying you ship you know has an all you can eat buffet i don't know my point is that you ship and v two logistics both count as load boards as of now and then less i mean these guys in the live i want to get all kinds of loads there i mean something's going on and that's actually what i wanted to know i wanted to know where else do carriers get loaded that we're not aware of that haven't been on my list because that's the whole point of this list is where can carriers go to try to get loaded right okay so and just i went to v two logistics okay and i'm on here and you saw that too there's no you have to have a username or password you can't just get on there okay but you have to have a username and password for many of the places right but there's no way to even request it well it's just a page okay but when you get access to the page you can allegedly book loads i guess but i did i mean i like i said i've always been busted with the link well apparently alena and bga have the password so we need them to know so alena is it all roadrunner because she knows she feels the same thing about roadrunner that i do but not you mean super happy no don't get me wrong if you give one that's a good load they pay well but it's usually the load it doesn't work out or the load isn't ready and they tell you they're going to call you back it's the loads available yeah but that's that's out of transport that's the one thing that forget about it crap out of me well and it's never going to change nobody cares it's never going to change never going to change it isn't i i'm i'm baffled that you have to call a location an hour before you get there that is so jacked up i mean let's let's talk about that for a second at the average carrier how how long how many hours does an average carrier spend on the road before they get to a location four five hours whatever i don't know three six okay let's say it's five so a carrier's driven four hours and they're one hour away and they need to call to make sure that load is there yeah and if it's not no big deal yeah tell that to the guy that just drove four hours exactly and it wasn't just the four hours of driving it was the dispatch nonsense that went on yesterday and all the fuel and all the mains and everything other lost loads yeah i mean are you kidding nope i get it it's freaking nuts man uh if you use v2 they pay within two to five days cool yes because you're calling them use their loadboard you get paid in five days yeah it's a look okay cool i love it i love it v2 logistics dot com gets us to 20 that is awesome really so everybody knows load runner was the one we had to help people get paid from because they weren't paying anybody either i will see and these are additional comments and they apply as well yes but we do have 20 load boards and that was with the help of the community if there's a 21 a 22 i want to know about it you know i don't if you if you're just getting emails do me favor knock on the door say hey do you guys have a given available list of your l and that's another thing you can help us out if if if we're if there's a company where you're getting loads or you think should be showcased and we're not talking about it like here circle logistics yeah little what do we know about circle logistics they have an email they have an email so they have loads nationwide yes all right they usually do in bigger trucks and like the big vans and stuff okay but a lot of guys like hauling those oh yeah yeah because they usually do repacks yeah okay so they don't have a loadboard no they send out emails they send out emails and each blokes i don't know if you want to call them divisions have their own emails of loads so like there's a lady down in lorado if you want the lorado loads you got to get hooked up with her through circle and she'll send you the load list our day maria is usually my kansas city lady so it's kind of like you kind of have to know some of this stuff to get to where you need to go do they are they looking for new carriers um i'm sure they don't have a rule about that so here's what i want to say so anybody you talk to this goes for camera one anybody you talk to whether you're su or elena or bga or sal whoever you are if you talk to a company we're not trying to make a show we're trying to help learn more about your company and how to connect you with more carriers yeah okay and i would think that that's fine if you're not interested that's fine i get it watch i don't get it but you don't have to make a show you can make a phone call you can have a meaning but we really want to know more about these companies because when you go to central dispatch this is how this all got started when you go to central dispatch and you look at all these companies and you start talking to them you start asking yourself who are all these companies right and how is there a way to get loads before they get posted on the load board and everybody else's calling right right that's one of the questions like uh wholesale express they don't have an available list no does that surprise you yes i don't have a lot of cars they've had a lot of cars for years yes i don't know they would be what i consider one of the bigger companies out there and the longer-lasting companies out there do they send out emails nope only if they're they make phone calls yeah they'll do phone calls and then make they'll send an email on it like a tough one like if they get it when they cannot get moved all right so here's my question then if they make phone calls what is it that they're looking at that lets them know pencil in the ear that they need to make a phone call i'm pretty sure they're looking at is it a sticky note that got passed yeah who knows it's it's a computer screen right okay if it's on a computer screen they go in i'm kidding they're going in is what i would assume and looking at past loads of people had done that was similar to that load that they can't get moved usually that's how i would tell you they're bigger in that i don't know some of the random calls i know i've gotten i had no driver anywhere near there so i don't know where they got their info other than just dialing for dollars well no i don't mean that they know the drivers there i'm saying they're looking at past loads we may have done in the past and seeing if we might be in that area oh my gosh breaking news what what phillips says wholesale was bought by mottway what i did not i don't know i don't know please don't say that no i love wholesale okay i that's okay no the wholesale is not bought but yeah okay i don't think that's true i get a lot of news and i don't think that that's true okay so we're going to go with no that's not true but i don't see lina agrees with me we all wish wholesale had a load but i appreciate the heads up in that you know i'll look for that now i'll definitely look for that now but i don't think it's true um okay number we need to finish this up number 16 one two three load board is there any way to look at it do you have access to one two three load board wait as we get in the bottom five here it gets really dicey let's bring that back up what again this is just a worksheet working list because this isn't official yet um i mean it's pretty close yeah i mean it's it this is to pay to be on one two three load board yeah but there are other paid load boards that's not a restriction yeah i mean i just can't access it yeah well one two three load board does have cars this is it does because it's saying parade on here i know but they do have cars we just don't i don't know any does anybody use right a light is it what's one two three load board news news breaking news this just in one two three load board has cars you can do it i don't know anybody they use is it randomness of um i think i think what i think has happened is some freight haulers that also haul cars along with their conditioners and right are hauling using one two three load board because they can get freight and cars on one two three load board the problem is here in the auto transport community a lot of people don't know about it and i'm still trying to get one two three load board to do a show to talk more about it and again not to do a show but to promote the company the service the load board how to get signed up because if if you've ever picked up a phone not ever but if you're currently picking up phones to find carriers to move loads you should talk to people okay so one two three load board we can't see it we don't know how many loads we don't know how long to get signed up um and did i put that into i don't even think i put that in the live chat uh let's see here number okay number 15 oh did i skip carried away i think i got carried away and i skipped it huh okay um let's go look at carried away please it's not completely set up yet okay so we can't let you really can't get on again yeah um another way you can do it is on your phone so and i think the other day they said it was down and they were working on it they're trying to get it to make it accessible to everybody or something and i know also they they got back to me they said they're still working on it too so i understand that okay let's go to carve on it this one is this one is confusing so you have to be signed up obviously and it's e-path e-path manager wherever it goes but is it yeah it's it's not it's e-pay manager is it clear path oh it's clear path that's right by the way check this out this is really cool man uh erin at clear path will be um sharing new information on ati starting in august we're going to learn more about clear path i think we're going to learn more about armana this is going to get this is going to be cool so i'm excited about that there is ready limited loads okay show me uh do me a favorite sugar screen i want to see it there is radio logistics also been there owned by cocks they're on central also i don't know if they yeah so ready used to have its own self-dispatching load board but now they're part of central dispatch yes they're owned by cocks on a boat of and we'll find out i think we're going to learn more about that in august okay there we go all right oh cool we're looking at it wow okay that's new information yo it's great you get that once you get signed up and everything and then we'll be using the master which is i'm totally cool with that because you know being signed up it makes sense that you need to be signed up before you can do x and i think carvana is 90 days unless they've changed that but it was 90 days so and you put 90 days awesome man awesome and this looks better than it used to look are you seeing that too right yeah i mean this this is way easier than what it used to look way better yeah and that's why i like clear path technology and i'm excited to see this this is awesome this is an advancement how many loads do we have 75 but i'm looking at these loads and a lot of them are not going very far well carvana moves so this is what makes carvana and this is why they're number 17 they have their own trucks they're going to be doing a lot of their own moves this is the you know the available list of stuff that whatever reason your balance so i mean you know it is what it is but at least it's a place where they are trying to get things moved and i would also assume that carvana has built you've got their in-house employee car hall network and then you've got third party lane development i would assume so i would love to talk to somebody in operations at carvana so hopefully we can do that all right cool that's great let's go to number 18 reindeer so i don't think i don't think you can check reindeer no i cannot um there was a time that i could yeah and i honestly like i said they're putting them on super dispatch now so well they are but they are but they do have it in both but they do have their yes and that's the thing again if you're a broker and you've been in business for years you i would think would have listen if you're able to look at a computer screen and make a phone call to a carrier then that load is digitally somewhere can you aggregate all those digital instances to a location where carriers can access and see those digital instances rather than needing to make a phone call to everybody individually is that so crazy sure it is okay 18 was number reindeer a u-ship number 19 u-ship i can't access that anymore either but does anybody have access to u-ship i haven't been there in a long time well we don't have to remember when we got hacked and it was bidding on all these cars then hacking yeah so i don't use it but does anybody use u-ship oh alayna checked reindeer over a hundred thanks alayna man alayna is all over it thank you alayna that's really um u-ship to just everybody knows is not just car carriers i mean they ship everything like table lamps pinball machines for dogs i mean yeah everything yeah but they do ship cars yeah they do okay well then it is it's a bidding place it's a place for you to bid so the average yoke can go on there and put on there that they need their car moved from point a to point b then the carriers are supposed to get on there and bid and they your potential should all be on there and stuff like that of course you have to be signed up with them i don't mind that's a different type of in fact it's probably better that it's a different version of a load board right like you just said that can i guess i mean it's a marketplace it's a different type it's a different mall right i i've never had any luck with it i don't use it i don't know who use it i don't i honestly don't even at least if you were doing other stuff i could see like the weird crap like the pinball machines and the haybills and the you know weird crap i could see putting that stuff on there it would seem the average person they can't do well it would seem to me like okay if i buy something on ebay right and it's a vehicle a boat a couch or a you know caterpillar then maybe ebay sends me to u ship like i don't know why that relationship doesn't exist or does it i don't know no i know because that's what i would have done with u ship yeah that you're right they would have been perfect for that right absolutely why is u ship a standalone ship anything see what happens yeah that should be their new model ship anything see what happens crazy all right all right six years ago they used to have a u-ship tv show reality show right it was hilarious it was and it wasn't positive no it was not stored at all shipping wars shipping wars did not make me want to go use no this place no it not make you want to do any of this which has probably made me go i'm glad we haul cars exactly totally however the drivers bidding against each other yes that was fun that seemed real that was real life yeah that was yeah yeah um man shipping wars that's really funny okay and finally v2 logistics dot com rounds us out at number 20 now v2 logistics dot com will not stay number 20 um it will move up we just need to know we need to get we need to get i guess you need to get a driver signed up with them yeah Elena send me a username password if yeah Elena help us get signed up in fact you know what i don't even use Alexa anymore i now use Elena Elena help us get signed up with v2 logistics dot com we'll do jay i love you Elena Elena is the new logistics what Alexa it is awesome man wow i actually see some branding on this thing she's our easy button there you go Elena the logistics Alexa Elena i would try to find a way to see if you can you know see if you can do something with that creatively to brand yourself that's awesome um okay that was top 20 load boards we did it we also for the most part covered how long it takes to get signed up let's keep honing this list number one is to get signed up with v2 logistics beyond that i'm not too worried about it we'll know more about carried away in carpool in the future cars arrive might drop further in the list because yeah i almost i think cars arrive is headed to the bottom five yeah yeah um rpm can we get an answer yeah that would be fantastic that would be awesome i think we need to learn more about car shipio yeah that was a lot of loads we need to we need to get somebody active on car shipio i'd also like to see somebody active on auto-hauler exchange in that you know i mean they've been on the show and this and that but i also you know i don't it's not like i call i don't call everybody to get all these answers direct because part of what's happening is this is a marketplace and you know this is what what what do carriers think and see what a dispatchers know that's part of what's happening here so we're talking as a collective rather than you know but but not mean if we need to contact folks direct we will but um i also think that i know that listen i know this too i know that everybody's scrolling you know i'll say this here's what i do know everybody's scrolling linked in even on a holiday because that thing is full of happy holiday happy whatever day it is happy donut day happy squirrel day happy night day and people are like and like crazy so i know they're watching so if everybody's obsessed with what's happening on social media then we're making a show that is getting out there and i think i think many folks have a hard time understanding what exactly to do with it because it's not all happy happy it's just what actually people are talking about like that driver making that phone call man think of that driver making that phone call made this show holy cats it'd be way darker yeah okay all right yeah i know elana that was a great platform i mean i really did move a lot of cars i self-dispatched a lot of good paying cars on that uh platform back in the day we're almost at two hours i'm really proud that we got to 20 and um so let's keep it going anybody that's sending emails anybody that's making phone calls we want to know more about you helping you get those loads to carriers that's what we're trying to do here so great job sue great gant great job gang thanks everybody for saying hello in the live chat certainly appreciate you you got anybody in the office sue no janice is at the hospital she okay she remember she fell last week and bussered the oven yeah well it's never gone down it's just as big as it was in their friendship of blood caught or maybe she actually has a hairline fracture so she's getting another MRI done right now oh crap so well we wish her the best i will tell her yeah please do so hey breaking news roadrunner has about 2,000 loads posted all the time i smell v2 logistics making it to definitely the top 10 maybe the top five v2 might displace holly well yeah goodbye yeah whoa all right cool we also have self-dispatched self-dispatching load boards coming in the near future so please do let us know what load boards do you use to self-dispatch and i'm just saying let's let's do a speed rhyme right now super dispatch what do you use for what dispatching is that what load boards can you use to self-dispatch today super dispatch metro loads yes ACV yes holly yes ship dock cars yes run buggy yes auto sled yeah auto haul our exchange yep do you see how that number is way bigger oh god oh my gosh yeah it's crazy it used to be like two yeah right it used to be rat and cars cars are the ride yep that was it yep wow things have changed amazing in fact most of them you can self can you imagine that's got to be one of the things going on at central is they're like oh my god everybody else self-dispatches well and seeing and you get ready loads through central now self-dispatching as well oh you already can yeah so that's probably why there so when you click on a ready load on central it takes you to the rat load board kind of no not to the rat load board to uh i don't i'm not accessible to it so i couldn't tell you can't say it okay no i see Janice is but she's not here anyways um but yeah it goes through central and you click the load get the load and all that stuff but i will say i know she has problems when she's got to cancel stuff it's not as like you could for rat you could push the button i'm not sure if she's able to do that or if that was just the first couple weeks when it first came out because i know she was having problems then if there is a ready logistics load board in our self-dispatching load board available list inside central that would be 21 by the way okay good point so we want to find out more about that all right we got some homework to do that was an amazing show i can't believe we just did that two hours 20 load boards in two hours yeah that's nuts wow good job good job everybody that was awesome i'd say pat yourself on the back but it's always weird when you hear that yeah and on that note all right what do we say office good bye soon good bye everybody in life thank you so much great show good job everybody take care bye