A Sober Girls Guide Podcast

Izzy Van Zuilen: Moderation Vacation

Izzy knows how stressful and booze-centric vacations and airports can be. She tells us how she tried to moderate and allowed herself to drink only when she was flying. In the episode, Izzy shares her journey to becoming a sober girl which leads her to find her love for sober retreats and non-alcoholic sparkling wines. In the episode, you will learn what makes sober vacations and retreats different and how it can help you progress in your booze-free journey.

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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Izzy knows how stressful and booze-centric vacations and airports can be. She tells us how she tried to moderate and allowed herself to drink only when she was flying. In the episode, Izzy shares her journey to becoming a sober girl which leads her to find her love for sober retreats and non-alcoholic sparkling wines. In the episode, you will learn what makes sober vacations and retreats different and how it can help you progress in your booze-free journey.

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Welcome to a Sober Girl's Guide podcast, a lifestyle podcast based on sobriety and recovery. I'm your host and sober girl, Jessica Jaboe. Inspired by my own sobriety and wellness journey, I want to spread the wealth of knowledge, tune in each week for uncensored conversations about mental health, self-development, wellness and spirituality, and how they influence each guest's unique recovery journey. My goal is to educate and inspire and to let you know you are not alone on your recovery journey. Thanks so much for tuning in to a Sober Girl's Guide podcast. Let's go. Hello, hello and welcome to episode 273 of a Sober Girl's Guide podcast. I absolutely love it when our guests are just game to do anything. They are just down to clown because Izzy knows how stressful and boo-centric vacations in airports can be. She tells us how she tried to moderate and allowed herself to drink only when she was flying, so only in the airport and only in the plane. Spoiler alert, not the best, not the best idea. On this episode, Izzy shares her journey to becoming a Sober Girl, which led her to find her love for sober retreats and non-alcoholic sparkling lines. On this episode, you will learn what makes sober vacations and retreats different and how it can help you progress in your booze-free journey. This is such a fun episode, let's get into it. Izzy, what's going on? How are you? Hello. Happy Monday. Happy Monday. Happy Monday. It's time of the week again. Yay. I'm good. How are you? We're back. And I'm really excited to talk to you and talk all about your fantastic retreats that are happening in Spain, like the most beautiful, romantic place on earth. And also, I want to talk about your walks that you're doing in San Francisco. We got a lot to talk about and a lot to cover, but before we get into it, I want to kind of back it up a little bit. And I want to talk about you and your personal relationship with alcohol and what that looks like. So if you could kind of give us your, I like to call it your BS self, your before sobriety self. What did that look like? Who was Izzy? Who was Izzy's BS self? I like that. Well, it goes far back when I start my drinking career. I can tell you it was when I was about 15, I grew up in Amsterdam. I'm from Amsterdam. Born and raised there in a loving family, a little brother, parents, the whole thing, cats, like a normal family, only the only thing that was a bit different was that my mom was quite a severe alcoholic, which is quite hard, like from right from whenever I can start my memory or back she was like that's already. So yeah, that was hard, different, but at the time you just think that's normal. So, you know, you just deal with it. I had to deal with it. Exactly, so that's kind of, and my dad was very stable, but this was weird. My mom was like to start with the most amazing, wonderful human being on earth with the biggest heart, but she just had one issue, she couldn't give up alcohol, she had used horrible things happen to her. So I get it, I didn't get it back then, but now I get it, now I'm in my own journey, right? You get, you understand it better, but anyway, back to 15, yeah, when I was 50, I discovered alcohol for myself, I was like, ooh, this is fun, like in high school we always had these parties, and at some point the alcohol started coming in there, and I left it straight from the beginning. I was very shy, always, I was very ever withdrawn, you could say, and alcohol just made me go, yeah, I love this. So, also straight from the beginning it was clear that I did not own that stop button, it was like all the way, all the time, like in the beginning there wasn't a lot of alcohol, it was just some school parties, but then after, maybe when I was 16, 17, it was like every Friday, after school, we'd go to the bar, how do you say, unlimited, happy hours with all my friends, it was normal as well, so everybody did it, a lot of during, a lot of during, but only in the weekends, only socially, and I loved it. And this was at 15, you were going to the bars at 15? The school parties started at 15, in Amsterdam, and feels hockey as well, there were big parties with beer, yeah, it was normal in Orleans, I don't know, it was back in, it was in 1990 when I was 15, so it was a long time ago, so that was normal, everybody was smoking, to do smoking when I was 15 as well, but then, yeah, when I was 16, 17, we went to the bar, we started going to the bars, yeah, no, they served unlimited, it's like, well, I maybe it was a bit older, or I don't know, but the idea is not a thing in Holland, well, maybe now it is, but it wasn't back then, so yes, no, all the way, every weekend, loved it, so back then it was still kind of, it felt normal, and I liked it, and there were no bad things about it really, except the fact that I blacked out more and more, and I started doing some stuff that I regretted the next day, I was also kind of like in periods, like, I think it was mainly the end teens, beginning 20s, that I was kind of angry about my whole home situation, I guess, in the end, it's all, it was all a bit more teenagery, blah, blah, so I drunk a lot, and started looking out and doing stuff that I regretted the next day, and I was like, oh my god, this kind of needs to stop, and it also made me kind of a little bit depressed, the hangover is mainly, and this was like beginning 20s, I started going to therapy, and I did some kind of like, outpatients clinic, once a week, yelling neck is called, to talk about my alcohol use, I don't do a diary, when I drink, why I drink, but that was so boring, and I was like, 2022, whatever, I was like, fuck this, I'm gonna go back to drinking, so I stopped doing that, connected drinking, party, woo hoo, always like holidays, this, that, you know, it's, but I've always been like a social drinker, I've never drunk at home, I never had alcohol in the house, and I never felt the need to do that, it was purely when I was going out and holidays and things like that, so that continued during my study, university, same thing, all the way up to 2006, then I was like, oh my life is boring, I need to change things, and I moved to Spain, because I was single back then, no pets, no boyfriends, nothing, I was like, I'm going to Spain, but even then, 2006, which is 18 years ago, 18 years ago, I thought the first three months that I'm in Spain, I'm going to not drink anything, because I don't want to do anything stupid, I don't want to, so back then I was already very aware of my drinking, that it was kind of an issue, so I did that, I didn't drink for three months, yeah I thought I don't want to hang out with the wrong crew, just because of the drinking, and this and that, so I did that, it was amazing, so you were very aware, totally, you were very aware of what alcohol was doing, what it was bringing and attracting to your life, that you had to make a conscious effort when moving to a new place, no drinking, yeah, yeah, wow, yeah, like four months before I made the decision to move to Spain, I did a three month stint in a snowboard area, like in a, how do you say, ski area, to work in a hotel in the morning, and then ski all day, snowboard all day, and evening in the restaurants, and there I really found out that my drinking was crazy, it wasn't good, like people at breakfast complained to my boss, she really stinks like alcohol, I'm not so sure what's going on, so I had many chats with my boss there, he said, Izzy you really need to slow down on drinking, this and that, so it's always been an issue, back then I was 29, so you would expect a little bit more grown up behaviour, yes, I didn't, I was just completely lost, is it ages just a number, I think the sooner people realise that age is just a number, and then you really can't put any expectation on someone's age, oh, it's so freeing, and it's so such a relief, we can't expect you know everything, yeah, it's kind of weird, when you stop drinking though, don't you feel like you missed so much development in the last, I'd run for like 30 years or something, it's kind of like I stopped growing, and then now it's all happening in the last four years, it's like so much spiritual about myself, I'm learning so much, anyway really quickly to finish my youth story, or where are we now, oh yes, pain, 2006, so three months nothing was awesome, I met my husband after two weeks by the way, I was there to party but within two weeks, yeah he started doing the same job as me, so we became colleagues, and it was just, we stayed in the same hotel for the first three months, paid by the company, and we were on the same floor, so we would always go to breakfast together, lunch together, and within two weeks we were completely in love, and we're still happily married, so that was pretty cool, but we did drink a lot after the three months, we did party again, I loved Blackjack and Lula and all the gambling, so we went to casinos and smoke, drink all night long, for maybe two or three years, then it got pregnant by accident, and we were like, interesting, the best child ever now, beautiful 15 year old daughter, and anyway, so yeah, pregnant, stop drinking again, stop smoking, we moved to Malta, had her there, as soon as I had her, back to drinking and smoking, completely, every day after work, because I found mother was in the beginning a bit tricky, when she was still a baby, I found this very, it's very hands on and stuff, so I needed like, he's back from work, let's go out and sit on the terrace and drink and smoke, so we did that like a lot, just kept going, and then at some point I got very much more depressed from the hangovers, and I was like, I need to stop drinking, I think again, didn't though, because everybody was drinking, I found this really awesome mom group, and we were all with the babies, and all together hanging out, it was either a coffee meeting, if it was in the morning, or a cafe, a bubbles wine meeting, if it was an afternoon, it's just baby scrolling on the floor, and we were slamming the wine, so it was just crazy, but it was really really really fun, yeah it was, it's like everybody I met in my whole life, loves drinking, obviously because I attracted it, because I loved drinking, so that's naturally, I guess it happened, right? You attract what you want and feel, but then we put out there, you kind of get straight out of the universe, yeah, then we moved back to Spain in 2013, and they're same thing, partying, drinking to do, and then until all the way fast-forwarding to 2019, 4th of May, I woke up with a ginormous hangover, and the day before was like, I started it with a bottle of coffee with a friend at lunch, and I drove to pick up my daughter from school, which I never had done, so I drove half a bottle of coffee, so that's too much, you should not drink, so then I was like, oh my god, this is not good, first time ever, did I drunk with alcohol, picked her up, dropped her home, dropped her car, took an Uber, went to the beach, met other friends, more drinking, more drinking, and the husband's game as well, more drinking, with all us for dinner, then everybody recently said, oh, it's made me stand to go home now, except me and one friend, she said, no, we're going to gamble, so I went to the casino to 4 AM, smoking, drinking, gambling, 4 o'clock, day close, so we had to go home, so I literally drunk from 1 o'clock in the afternoon till 4 o'clock AM, 4 AM, and I woke up the next day, I had to crawl to the toilet, my daughter was, how old was she then, 2019, like 9, 10, 10 years old, so she saw everything, like, and I was just like, I can't, I can't, so that day I said to myself, I have to stop drinking, if I'm not gonna, but I gave myself one out, yeah, this is weird, I don't know if you read this on my Instagram or whatever, but I decided that I could drink in airplanes and airports only, so I would never, ever drink, well, because every time when I said to myself, you can never drink again, I wanted to drink badly, so when, and if I listen to my mind, and I love drinking in the airplanes and the airports, I love that, so I was like, I'm just gonna do this, I'm not on airplanes a lot, like maybe once and every two, three months, whatever, or maybe less sometimes, so I'm gonna try this, and if I drink one time outside the airplane or the airports, I'm gonna go into whatever, rehab, or I need a therapist, or whatever, I need external help, because then I clearly can't do it myself, so I happily get that for two and a half years, I've drunk on airports and airplanes a lot, that's much supposed to be. Okay, but Izzy, I have to ask, I have to ask, no, no, no, but if you were just drinking, like, this sporadically in airplanes, you know, the oxygen levels are so different, like, this glass of like, mine or champagne, did it not hit you like a ton of bricks? I was hammered every single time, I would have two drinks before going on the airplane, in the lounge, or wherever, in the airplane, as many as possible, I would usually fly just between Spain and Amsterdam, short flight, two and a half, three hours, I would minimum getting two in on the flight, so I then would be four drinks, five drinks, something like that, I would be completely hammered, I would wake up, or let's arrive with a hangover, it was horrible, but I just love it, I just, I couldn't live without it for a long time, what did you love about it? What did you, I'm so confused, every kind of drink, I don't know, it was, it's weird, because in my normal day today life, which would have been like, I don't know, maybe 310 out of 300 night more, 330 days out of 360 or whatever, I would not drink, I wouldn't care, I would go weddings, parties, everything sober, like, happy, happily sober, partying, and I was like, but only because I knew that I could drink once I'd be on an airplane, I don't know, I had to have such one, I was weird, so you had this like kind of like soulless, or like, something to look forward to, yes, it's like prolonged reward, if you will, yes, wait, this episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. It's 2024, we are all stressed out, the worst thing we can do is keep all this stress bottled up, our bodies and minds turn into a pressure cooker, and that is not good for anyone. In my seven years of sobriety, I learned that I need to let it out, it only hurts me and the people around me, if I don't let my guard down and have a safe space so I can unpack my worries, therapy is a safe space I can get things off my chest, and to figure out how to work through whatever is weighing me down, I always feel so much lighter. Instead of blowing up at people or situations that do not deserve it, therapy has helped me build my self-awareness, mindfulness, and slow down and help me process what I'm actually feeling in the situation. Therapy has helped me learn positive coping skills and how to set boundaries and I know it empowers me to be the best version of myself. If you're thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try, it's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist and not to worry, you can switch therapists at any time for no additional charge. Get it off your chest, you will feel so much lighter with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month, that's better h-e-l-p dot com slash a-s-g-g. Also because I was diagnosed with MS multiple sclerosis a few years ago, and the highest accelerator to go progressive in that disease is smoking, it's the worst, and every time when I was training, I would smoke every time. If I'm hammered, I won't smoke, so I really needed to stop with that as well, and in an airplane airport, you can't smoke obviously, so that would take that away. So yeah, it was kind of like a- We hope you're not smoking on the plane. Did you read that last week or something or two weeks ago? Was a lady arrested in the UK? No, in jail. Because she brought her own alcohol and brought drunkets and then smoked cigarettes in the airplane, they took her after she got out of the airplane for months in jail. Put an example, a normal lady like us, like I don't know, a woman with the kids and a husband whatever. Yes, that could have been me man. Anyway, it wasn't me. But like what goes through your mind to like that's so premeditated, right? Like obviously you're packing your own alcohol, you're packing cigarettes on a flight. It's crazy. What? What? It's 2024, like that shit doesn't fly anymore. Well, literally does not fly anymore, does not leave the ground. Literally, literally. Last time I drunk actually was also boosted. I took in the airplane myself. Oh my god. The last time anyway, so I drunk on airplanes for the last one. Then the last time that I was drinking, the last time ever I drunk was in November 2021, so I'm over two and a half years complete this over now. But the last time I drunk, I arrived at the airport, I saw old friends from Amsterdam. I was like, oh yeah, let's have a drink. They had a coffee because they were hung over. I had a little bowl of kaffa and they left. They had another flight and I thought, quick, one more bottle of kaffa. But it took a long time because it was busy at the bar and the flight was right there and they're starting boarding. I was like, oh shit. But I also had like a big bottle of orange juice and a half drunk. So I was like, oh, perfect. I just put it in there to shake it off of me mosa, right? For on the plane. I was like, right? But you're not allowed to read your own alcohol, but I was already like, whatever. So I did that and I was sitting on the first row and it was all empty. And I was like, yes, I can drink a piece. What's your movie? I was completely happy with myself. It was 10 in the morning. And then like minutes, this guy sits down a pilot of duty next to me, like on the first row. And I was like, oh my god, no. No, why? Why next to me? I was like, oh, he hope he doesn't smell it. So I was really sneaky drinking. That was the last drink I ever had. Then I felt so sad. Next day, I was like, that was really low. Anyway, he did it. So why was that? Why was that the last drink? When did you decide to like completely change? Yeah, that's so four days later, I flew back and I was going to my champagne bar next to them. I always have one or two glasses of champagne. And I was like, I don't want to. I don't want to. I was so fed up with the hangovers on landing. The fact that I had to go rent, go with the taxi to the airports instead of bringing my car because I wanted to drink. So I needed to, I can't land and drive home. So I needed all that stuff. And I was just like, I'll just go Starbucks for coffee. So I had a coffee. And I never had the urge. It was just out of my system. I was, I felt so bad again, hung over the next the last time, you know, that I came with the pilot and the mimosa and all that. I was, I feel so crap when I landed and when I came home and I was like, so I don't know. I was just, I was over it. Never drunk again. Wow. I mean, that also seems like a lot of preparation. It's like you just said, you couldn't, right, but you couldn't like drive yourself to the airport. You couldn't drive your car to the airport because, you know, you couldn't drive home because you've been drinking. Yeah. And I would pay so much money because it was an hour drive to the airport. You know how much it actually is. Crazy money. So I can have my five glasses off. Just to drink. Yeah. Yeah. Just to spend like another couple hundred dollars on five drinks in the airport because we know the airport is busy. Exactly. Exactly. Holy cow. Your daughter must have a kick ass college. Your daughter must have a kick ass college fund now with all the money that you're saving. Exactly. Millions. Yes. Millions. Wow. Okay. So it must have started my sober. Completely. So what happened after that? Did you consciously were like, okay, this is my choice. This is like what I'm doing now. How did you like switch gears into like creating retreats and building your Instagram and building all this content around being sober? Yeah. That started in 2019 when I stopped on the 4th of May when I stopped drinking. Okay. That's when I started like, oh my gosh, I'm going to do it. I'm going to completely have a sober life. Well, with the exception of airports. I'm going to do a blog about it. I'm going to yell off the rooftops how fun it is. And nobody needs to drink and blah blah blah. Which is a bit why I was still drinking in those couple of occasions, I guess. But I completely gave it all my, I might start on the Instagram accounts posted loads about non-alcoholic drinks that just started back then in 2019, like Liars game and Nazi in a few of the old ones. And I was completely, all I was doing was focusing on non-alcoholic stuff about free events. I visited like a flu to New York to England to attend to all these like fun sober things. And I don't know, I just throw my, throw my whole life from sobriety. I love how scents have the power to evoke memories and transport you back in time. Like instead of sitting at your desk, you are whisked back to laying on the beach during your favorite vacation. Ocea's Andaria algae body oil smells like a vacation in a bottle. With all natural uplifting notes of mango, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, and cypress, not only does it smell incredible, but this body oil is clinically proven to instantly improve skin elasticity and deeply moisturize, leaving skin silky and soft. It's giving post vacation glow like you just returned from a tropical getaway. And right now you can get 10% off your first order with our code ASGG at My skin has never looked better. Ocea's Andaria algae body oil gives me the instant firming hydration and a full body glow I've been looking for. And let's be honest, I love getting premium skincare products at such an incredible value. Get healthy glowing skin for summer with clean vegan skin and body care from Ocea. Get 10% off your first order site wide with code ASGG at You'll get free samples with every order and free shipping on orders over $60. Head to and use code ASGG for 10% off. And wow, yeah, I don't know, I just in the lockdown started of course, looked almost in 2020, wasn't it? Yes, right. So that was nice, because I forget. Yeah, I'm quickly doing we forget. So that was eight months of not drinking without any problem, like because of the traveling around it and all that. So, but yeah, in the during the lockdown, I had I made lots of contacts on Instagram and super nice chats with everybody and like, you know, to relate to so many people. Some people met in real life by then. But then I was like, it would be so nice to create something that does, that has, that offers a nice space where people can come together, but in a relaxed manner, not like a party or because it's super fun, but it's three hours, it's usually small, so you don't get very, you know, so I thought it might be nice to do a little bit longer. So I then they were treating kind of came up, the idea to organize my own retreats, because I was like, that would be nice to go to, but it didn't really exist yet. Well, there was one lady in the UK that's already did it. And I was like, yes, I want to do that. So I drove around to southern Spain, looked at like 12 villas, picked the best house, nice chef and all the things. And yes, started doing that in 21. Whereabouts in Spain, is it in the south of Spain? Tell us about what the retreat looks like, like what you can expect when you go to one area. It's always in the southern part of Malaga and Malaga area. So it's always sunny and warm, you fly into Malaga, and then you take over to the beautiful house that I'm renting. And then it will just be days filled with, it's only for ladies. Okay. Have to be sober, both no direction of alcohol, no nothing. It's not like you have to be sober for a certain amount, but you can also be sober curious and really interested in alcohol free lifestyle, as long as you arrive completely sober. And then usually it's between like eight and 10 ladies, like a house with eight to 10 bedrooms, everybody has private room, beautiful foods. There's always a yoga person, kind of just massages and daily yoga classes. And then we do just fun stuff, like for the next time I ordered a petal tennis class, like a clinic, you know, so you learn how to do that. Okay. Petal boards, the beach house that I rented this year and last year and next year is right on the beach. So there will be petal boards, so you can go into the sea whenever you want. And then there's walks, and we go into Malaga City, a little bus, and we do like a little tour there. It's just like fun stuff, like a fun holiday, but then just without alcohol, that's kind of the idea where everybody can come next. And it's nice to be around, yeah, it's nice to be around like minded people where that's not even like a topic that comes up. Like you don't even have to, it's just an unspoken rule. Yes, it's not tall, it's not fresh enough. Yeah, yeah, exactly, because there's no seduction at all around you. And there's always a pool and nice cocktails around the pool, but just non-alcoholic. So it's also definitely not a detox trip for drinkers. Absolutely not. It's purely focused on like-minded women that want to explore like an apple-free lifestyle and just like celebrate how fun it is. And yeah, it's so awesome. Thank you. Yeah, so there's not only talking about, well, it always comes up anyway. Like many conversations go in the beginning, it's like chit chat, and then it goes about everybody stills their story, and then off-leaders those were chats about why we drink, why we stop to do. Yes, it's just interesting. It's really nice. And I can imagine, you know, being on a trip like this, how long is it? How many days are you? Usually I have different ones. Up to now, I usually use twice a year, and then one is like three nights or four nights, and one is like six or seven nights. Okay, so you get like a good amount of time with the people you're with. So I can imagine the conversations go deeper than just surfacing, you know, conversations. You actually really get to meet people and bond and form real connections. Yes, yes. We also have like, we chat, we have not, I don't like the word circles at all. I have something against them, but you sit just somewhere around the pool, whatever, in your chat, and then there's like maybe a topic or whatever. And because even if you start with a topic, then the talks really start flowing, you know what I mean? There's a sound healing which is beautiful, and yeah, there's just spiritual stuff going on. Yes, it's nice. That sounds lovely. And just to be away and in Spain and beautiful weather and by the beach. Oh, yeah. Tropical little hot. What more could you want? Right? Yes, that's what I thought. That sounds great. So when are your trips happening? When is like the next one? Well, last month, where my last two and next June 25 are my next two retreats. Both of them, between the 7th and 15th of June, it's all happening. So it's open registration. Perfect. That sounds great. And then tell me about your walks that you're doing. Yes. You live in San Francisco. Yes. Last year, I moved to San Francisco exactly a year ago in July 2023. And live here in here in February, I decided it would be nice to organize walks. Again, for women only that don't make alcohol or so curious, because I live in a marina, which is a really nice area with nice walks where the Golden Gate Bridge and where I walk myself all the time. And now I have a little puppy, so I walk even more. But I thought, if I do it like every Friday, and then I open it up for anybody that wants to join. And it's really fun because I met some awesome ladies and they meet each other and have a little WhatsApp group. So it's just obviously it's free. I mean, we're just walking, we always walking and to a coffee shop, and then we walk back and then we do a plunge in the Colsey. Well, forever. Nobody needs to do that. It's optional. But yeah, so it's really nice to get invigorating and invigorating. Oh, it's the best. You also don't want to drive. I think everyone I do. Yeah. I just moved to Austin and I just started doing a walks every Wednesday evening. We meet at Dear Dry Drinkery which is like a non-alcoholic bottle shop. Yeah. Yeah, it's awesome. So actually Grace, who was on my podcast, like what? A month ago, like very, very recently, we just really hit it off from my podcast and we're like, wait, you're literally 10 minutes away from me. Why don't we do something? Like, why don't we hang out? And I'm like, let's do a sober girl walk. And she's like, yes. Because I think I'm also Izzy and I don't know if you've noticed this, but the non-alcoholic industry is a tough industry. Right? They're all small businesses. They're all really trying to just survive at this point. And sometimes I feel that people can be intimidated by going into maybe non-alcoholic bottle shops. They're just like a little bit shy. They don't really know what to look for or what they're doing. So my whole goal with the walks was to like kind of break the barriers, go for a fun like sober girl walk, try a new non-alcoholic beverage and like come into the store and see all the brands, like actually get to feel and touch the bottles and just like try something new that you wouldn't maybe, maybe you've driven by the store or maybe you've seen these products on Instagram or something like that, but you haven't maybe made it a priority or you haven't gone on your way to try them. Because they're all small businesses. Right? Like they're all really trying to survive again at this point. Absolutely. That's really good. Yeah. Now I went to one of my walks. I also went to our local boost free bottle shop, the new bar. I don't know if you heard from that there in LA and it's just a new bar. Yeah, we did a first one there. Have fun. Yes. Oh, awesome. I love these girls. This is a great idea during the evening. Just a little, you know, like a little hump day, like something to get you through your week. Yeah, really fun. It's fun and easy. Yeah, but it's like great to get people together, right? And I think we could all use a little movement. Especially at the end of our day, just a little light walk. Yeah. And then like meet some new people. Yeah, so far. Which I'm from a youth experience. Yeah, and you're in walking. People talk easier, don't they? Instead of like sitting in this box. It's like really hard sometimes when you just sit and then you can't move around. And when you walk, you can talk to everybody a little bit and it's just nice. Yeah, totally. And it doesn't feel like an interview. No, exactly. You're not just like with one person. Yeah, totally. It makes it a little bit more easier, a little more approachable and like kind of more like an icebreaker, you know, if you're walking, you're talking, you're back at the store, you're mixing, you're mingling. Yeah, that's so fun. I love all of it. I win it one time. Yeah. And you met Paige, right? Oh, it's great. You met Paige? Yeah, yeah, I love her. She's so fun. Yeah. I met Paige. She actually was just on the podcast too. There's just so many, such a great community of people here. Yeah, and not like Austin is just very active. It's definitely a city of of doers, right? They just love to try anything. Yeah. A lot of stuff. Some bar, of course, Chris Marshall. Yeah, cool. Yeah, we got it all. I didn't even know like all of the stuff even existed here. And I'm like, great. This is perfect. I moved from Vancouver, Canada. Oh, you're Canada. You're Canadian. Canadian. I didn't even know that you were there. I was right above you. I was living right above you. Oh, it's so close. So far. Yeah. Totally. So, okay, Izzy, I have one more question. I have a fun little game for you because on your Instagram, I see that you are like the bubbles queen, like you love like non-alcoholic, champagne's, non-alcoholic. Is there Kavas or like kind of Kava adjacent products? Yeah. So, I want to play like a fun, cheeky little game with you. Okay. Bring it on. Bring it on. Okay. It's a f*ck Mary kill. Is it a chest? No, it's it's f*ck Mary kill. So, I'm going to give you three products and you have to choose which one you want to f*ck. Oh my god. I love that. Mary and kill. Right? Yes. Okay. Oh my god. This is so exciting. Okay. So, here we go. Yes. Okay. So, prima pave, free, odd bird. Oh my god. Great selection. First of all, free, absolutely kill. I mean, it's horrendous. Sugary crap. There's nothing good about it. Hello. I have two bottles right here, but just, I don't know why I bought them. Sometimes I go to shops and I say, what do you, I go in every shop there is? Do you sell alcohol free drinks just to plant little seeds everywhere? And then you usually, they say, no, I said, I'm sure you should really get some. And if they say yes, then I kind of have to buy something. So, I bought them just to like support the shop. But anyway, so free, kill. Yeah. Prima pave. Oh my god. I love prima pave. Absolutely. So good. Mary. Yes. Mary. Mary prima pave. Because they're delicious. And also like very classy. And yes. And cats fuck on birds. They're good. Yeah. They're really good. They're so funny. I know it's good. A one night stand or like, just like a side. Yes. I would be a one night stand. Yes. And prima pave for a life. They're so good. Yeah, for life. Can I show you something really interesting? Yeah. This one. Hold on. I put it closer. This one is what you got there. It's called zenronimo. It's brand new. It comes all the way from Austria or Switzerland or something. And it's just came in shops here. And I tried their red wine. They have red wine and bubbles. And the red wine. Oh my god. You will never taste anything more like red wine or better tasting than that. I swear to God, it's not really. But it's really good. I don't have it here otherwise, I would show you. But it's so good. So if you're into red wine, zenronimo. Okay. And this one I haven't read yet. So I'm going to test it. A red wine is almost impossible to find. Yeah. I gave up actually. I gave up. But somebody gifted that bottle to me. It was like, oh, another red wine. Whatever. It's probably said, so good. You're going to fall. Really? Yes. You're going to fall in your chair. And what's the brand again? Zenronimo. You're right. Okay. First of all, whenever you say something with an accent, sounds just like 5,000 times better than like a white normal Canadian accent. It's like zero zero. And then Nemo behind it. Zero Nemo. Zero Nemo. Zero Nemo. Zero Nemo. Say it in American. Say it in American. Ocean Beach. Tell me. If I may say this, I don't know. I think they're going to want to sell it in America, I think, at the moment. But yes. Okay. So we have to go try their red wine. Yeah. For chisels. Okay. Perfect. Now, is it where can people find you on the worldwide? On the worldwide one? My blog. My blog is Okay. With an F and Instagram, I'm sobertopia. Perfect. And there they can get information about your retreats to Spain, to sign up, and all that good stuff, right? Yes. Yes. And on my blog, I have loads of resources. Like I have a page with like over 50 different non-alcoholic bubbles with a little review on them. I have loads of blogs that I wrote with all kinds of resources, like really nice big Instagram accounts, where you can find really good information like yours. And all kinds of lists, like quidlets, like resources go there. Izzy will hook you up. Just got the 411. Izzy, thank you so much for sharing your time and your experience and knowledge with us. This has been so fantastic. And I think we all need beautiful sober girl trip to Spain. Yes. Come, come, come. How hilarious is Izzy? She is a good time and I can only imagine how fun it would be to go away with her on one of her sober retreats. As always, thank you so much for listening. Please make sure to rate, subscribe, leave your feedback about the podcast. We love to hear your comments and suggestions. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at a sober girls guide and head to a sobergirls guide dot com. We got your back at any stage of your booze free journey from our sober girl social club from our blogs with tips and tricks. We got you covered at any stage of your booze free journey. Head to a sobergirls guide dot com now. Thank you so much for listening and have a great day. you [ Silence ]