Butts in the Seats Podcast

The Great American Bash 2000

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

[Music] Welcome to the Butts the Seats podcast, episode number 112. Much better day this time around than it was last time. Aside from having to fight with Comcast. But, you know. Excuse me, fucking customer service and sales can go fuck themselves. I don't even want your sponsorship. No, this was the worst. We've known that they've sucked though. Yeah. Yes, this is particularly bad. But I don't even want to talk about today. Last episode, we started the show having us take a shot, even though it was not on the 10. And I almost did today because of the X-finity. Last time we did it because Nick was having a particularly bad day. Turns out, Nick's bad day was for not. Because the reason he was having a bad day was because he got denied for a job. However, he ended up getting that job. Yes, they were hiring two roles. And so they denied my one. To offer him the second. It was the same job, but it was just like categorically. And so Nick just went into the hiring portal and saw denied. It was very upset. But it ended up being fine. So no shot necessary. So yes, I will be doing a lot of the same stuff just at a new place. Yeah, and it's a good thing. It's all good. Speaking of fun times. We finally made it. It's the Grand American Bash at the beach. Nope. Shed the beach and the bell at the ball. Nope. Bad, the Grand American Bash at the ball. It's the Grand American Bash. We finally made it after all of that. What feels like the longest build that we've ever had? Which you said it wasn't the longest build, but it feels like the longest build we've ever had is finally culminating in this. What must be a great pay-per-view, right? We've waited for so long. It's gonna be a great pay-per-view. All right, Emily, I know you're gonna be terrible at this, but I want you to guess. Slamberry was our last pay-per-view. When did the Slamberry episode come out? It's August now. It came out in May. April 24th. I was gonna say April, but I felt too early. Oh, man. Yeah, so it's been a little while since the last pay-per-view. Wow. Wow, that's ridiculous. Oh, my God. But the Grand American Bash is live from Baltimore. In an arena, we were just at because we went to Raw. Well, yeah, we were at the Raw after Summer Slam, and it was quite a good show. It was a really good show. Much better than the Hershey show. Yes, and we were a lot less tired, because we weren't riding rollercoasters all day. But yeah, a lot has changed in the Baltimore arena, because there's no longer the Baltimore arena. We've talked about this. It's gone through a myriad of names, and it was the Baltimore arena. I don't have much to get into before the actual show. One thing I didn't mention from Thunder that I feel like you'll get a kick out of, so Norman, Smiley, and Ralph, you know how they're on their little misfits journey. Yeah, trying to make money. For some reason, they were in a suburban neighborhood. And there was a children's backyard wrestling federation going on. And Norman's like, "Hey, I can teach you guys some holds." They're like, "Why?" "Don't you know who I am?" "Yeah, you're Booker T, right?" Oh, oh, that's cute. But he's teaching their champion. Like, here's how you do this, and then he quick rolls up the champion. Ralph has counts the pin, and he steals the backyard title belt. Norman steals the title? Yeah. Wow. So your new backyard champion is Norman Smiley. We're not going to talk about how problematic it is that they confuse the two black guys, but whatever. Tell me if it's for a solo at that joke. It's funny, you're a solo at that joke. Yeah. Yeah. This is in the same vein as when they had Jeff Jarrett, double J, double MA, where he was tapping out kids. That is cute, though. I mean, I do like that. I like incorporating, you know, kid stuff. And then that vein, that's a good way to do it. So Emily, I think the weight's been long enough. Let's get into this show. Yeah, we have been waiting since April. It's the Great American Bash 2000. Live on June 11th, 2000, Baltimore, Maryland, the Baltimore Arena. So the Raw in 2024 did around 11,000 plus fans. How many did this show do, you think? They said that was sold out, so I'm going to assume not that many. 5,000. 7,000. Okay. However, only 4,600 paid. Classic. Classic. And Emily, I think, why not? Let's break out an old favorite. Oh no, we're doing prizes, right? Yes, we are. So last year's Great American Bash did 185,000 buys. Last month, Slambury did 65,000 buys. How many pay-free buys did the Great American Bash, 2000? I'm assuming we're going to continue going on a downward slope here and say we're doing 45,000 buys. You actually went the wrong direction. Really? This show did 85,000 buys. Interesting. Why? Goldberg, maybe? Maybe. It is still 100,000 less than last year. Yes, that's true. But it's not as horrific as 45 would have been. Don't worry, the year's not over. I think the lowest they actually hit is 50. Okay, that's fair. Just for a low bar for it. For a low, okay. So the show starts with a recap. Two weeks ago, Goldberg returned with a blurry wash down filter over all of his footage. Yeah, you were really, like, incensed by that filter. It was just a weird choice. It was, it was a choice. It was an artistic choice. You don't know, it felt lazy. It felt like, oh, this'll make it more cinematic. Yeah, it's like, oh, this is a dream. Do do do do do do, like, for the fog over it. He then got suspended and arrested on thunder. Goldberg did? Yes. Oh, okay. That's why there's cops outside of the Baltimore arena to look for Goldberg. Oh, okay. I was not following it. I just, you know, I didn't even question it. I really didn't even question it. I really just thought it was just WCW antics. Like, don't let that big guy in you. He's mad at me. I don't know. Well, he popped up and we were like, oh, hey, I know that, Kate. Yeah, we know all the views. Two thousand was that long ago. We didn't get an opening narrated package through a couple of the matches, which they later just seemed to use the snippets of, like, match by match for those matches. Yeah. We get Tony Shavani, Mark Madden, and Scott Hudson on commentary. And we start pretty quick. It's the Misfits action coming to the ring. Captain Rection tells everyone to get in line and then says that Lieutenant Loco is going to be facing the disco inferno for the Cruiserweight title. He has a mission and his mission is to keep that title. It's a very straightforward mission, but he feels the need to, like, who's the fucking guy? Lieutenant Loco. No, not Chavo. Oh, Captain Rection. Fuck that. But Captain Rection feels the need to put everybody in a line and be like, Loco. Let me make it less dumb. Hugh Morris. That is less dumb than Captain Rection. Isn't it humorous? No, but it's better than Hugh G. Rection. It is. So Chavo grabs the mic and he has a toy grenade for some reason. Why? He makes a stripes reference. We get multiple stripes references in this show. I've unfortunately never seen stripes. Yeah, it's a very dad movie. Yeah, I'm sure my dad loved it. We, I know we have it on DVD. DVD, not Blu-ray. I know we have it. It's a bummery one. Oh, but we might like it. Yeah, it's not bad. It's just... It's a dad movie. It's a timely in 2000. When did it come out? 1981. Yeah, definitely went to it. It was timely. The both the animals come out at the ring. Disco's wrestling wearing a Kobe Bryant jersey. And what is designed to look like Laker shorts, but are not Laker shorts. Oh, no. I think those are like, and one, based on my knowledge at the time of a... Okay, you know your basketball shorts. Disco tells the MIA to suck it, so they try to get into the ring. Classic. Loco head scissors disco to the floor. And the MIA just beat him down. So I guess this is a lumberjack match? No, it's not. It's just a match. It feels, it sure feels like a lumberjack match. Chavo counters a back suplex and then hits one of his own. Disco crashes to the floor. Chavo goes to dive on the filthy animals, but like only disco actually stays in position. Like everybody else fucking bales. Like, oh, that kind of sucks. In the ring disco hits his dancing Brett's rope elbow drop. And then we get Captain Rection's dad coming out to ringside. Yeah, what? Yeah, so you... This came back on thunder, but I say came back because we saw like one instance of it months ago. Oh. Basically, it's like, isn't dementia a funny concept? Oh, that's great. Well, unrelated to the character not knowing things, he does come out five minutes early. Oh, really? Oh, no. Because he hits on Tigris and then gets pushed over and is passed out. That was supposed to like play into the finish. So he just laughed at him in gorilla? Nobody stopped him? They have to be watching the show in gorilla Emily for that. That's a good point. Hoovy comes in the ring, hits a reverse neckbreaker. The ref's back is like turned for this. Okay, this makes a lot more sense now because Hoovintu is interfering poorly for a lot of this. So if he's trying to buy time and like make things make sense, I get that more now. No, this was definitely still planned. Oh, Jesus. If anything, you don't do that spot if he's there early. But yeah, so Hoovy hits a neckbreaker. Chavo dodges a people elbow. Disco hits the last dance. Corporal Cajun comes in and hits, I guess, what might be whiplash 2000 on disco. The referee finally turns around right in time to see see Corporal Cajun pulling Chavo on top of disco. And he's like, oh, that's fine. One, two, three. Sure. Yeah, so Lieutenant Loco retains the filthy animals beat down M.I.A. post-match. Then for some reason the M.I.A. then regrouped to do their post-match angle with Pops. Is his dad's name. And she goes to do her whole sexy rip the shirt routine. And Mark Madden actually had a good line here. Probably the line of the night. While this man is unconscious and everyone's like, he needs he needs CPR. And Major Guns is, you know, doing her sexy thing. Mark Madden yells, a man is dying and she's stripping. She gives the mouth mouth for a fucking while. And he eventually gets up and like tries to get up on major guns. But the M.I.A. polymer. Cool. Let's go. Jesus Christ. What a time to be alive. What a way to start a pay-per-view. This match did make me actually be able to pinpoint my issues with the lax rules in WCW. Oh, oh, this. And all this bullshit. This pinpointed. Sure, sure, sure. So the first part of this is he gets thrown out of the ring, they attack him. It's fine. Yeah. But then they do the spot where the referee is distracted so we can sneak in behind his back. The fundamentals of wrestling psychology and cheating and interference just seem to pop in and out of existence. It's like in the DNA of wrestling of like, especially tag team wrestling, which this isn't, but similar premise of like the manager's cheating. There's no point for a ref bump or refs to not be looking at stuff because it doesn't matter if they see it. So you're just wasting time and making the kind of the audience looks like feels stupid for like, oh, ref's down. It doesn't matter. You can just come in and do what you want. So why does it? Let's literally the counting of the three is the only time that like a ref bump would matter. If you have somebody down other than that interference wise, there is no consequence to a ref seeing something or not. And it makes, frankly, the baby faces look stupid most of the time because they're not just interfering and like they're getting stopped. It's like, why are you stopping them? It just breaks the the unwritten rules of wrestling where like the heels and faces barely, I mean, it matters from like a rivalry perspective, but like in terms of in-ring psychology, it doesn't matter because people are just faces doing heel shit, heels doing face shit. And like, I mean, I can put my whole coconut to that, but everyone's doing that now. And it hurts the story of a match when everybody can just cheat. Yeah, okay, yeah, that that actually does make a lot more sense, honestly, because I have been annoyed at your like frustration of, oh, well, they're lax rules, whatever. That actually does put a lot more things into perspective of your your perspective. I also forget when it is, but later in the show, Tony Tony is like, here this is the great thing about the lax rules. And it's while a baby face is getting double teamed. And I'm like, what do you mean? That's the good. That's the best part. Cool. But no, that makes sense. Like, we have these predetermined roles in wrestling and making these rules not matter kind of nullifies those predetermined roles. Immediately, it makes doing heel turns and face turns a little harder. True, but they don't really do heel and face turns. Well, I'll see you in the main event. Okay, but with all of this said, you can't give me shit anymore for not knowing who the heel and who the face is. You just can't because you just said that it's nullifying and it doesn't matter anymore. Storyline wise, it's still written in a way that's for the most part. But you can't call me out for not knowing in the ring who's the heel and who's the face. Well, you know, it's no Vader big boss man. That was hard. That was hard. To be fair, at that point, big boss man had not cooked and eaten a dog. Okay, well, I only know him in the post pepper era. The boss man era's tour backstage. Eric Bischoff in the cat chat with police. Goldberg definitely isn't showing up tonight. Definitely not. No, we would we would stop him. He's going to ruin the surprise. So we'll get the surprise actually in the main event. I guess mild supposed to call it off at one point. But apparently at one point in time, this surprise was going to be, yes, we've sold to SFX. Oh, you mentioned this company last time we talked. Yes, I didn't realize they got to that stage. They're like, we can announce that now. So they actually got that far in the sale. It's vague because it seems like someone who didn't have the authority may have been negotiating. And then people, how they thought he went now. Interesting. That will be a common theme with WSW. We then get mean gene backstage with the Mama Luke's. Hey, go away. Yeah. The five. Five. Yeah. Oh, wait. It's been a while to be able to do that. Well, Gene's just not been on nitro. But yeah, they yellow gene. Vito claims he's the hardcore champion. And he's, Gene's kind of like, well, what about John to the bull? Yeah. And he's kind of brush it off. Vito also talks about the county jail and Stugats. Did he get arrested in storyline? I don't remember. I don't think so. Well, because he was wearing a shirt that was like county jail. I think it's just mafia. Oh, OK. So they go to leave when Gene starts stirring the pot. And even Gene at the end is like, oh, I'm walking here. Hey, go away. Yeah. I come from Gene. Hey, guys. Hey. Now we get the actual main event of the show. Emily, if you order the Great American Bash, you can get a Hulkster inflatable raft. Wow. You did a little too much searching on this. I wanted to see what it looked like. And unfortunately, I have come up short because on every forum and thread and stuff from even 2001, your 2000 that I can find, it is only pictures of this thing folded up. And I've only seen like two pictures of somebody posting that this is folded up in a piece of plastic, cellophane, whatever. No one has inflated it. I haven't seen a single picture of this thing inflated. I also raised a good question when this one popped up, that we haven't actually asked before. Shouldn't you advertise this before the show? I definitely brought this up with like the mouse pad and the teddy bear and the t-shirt and everything. I've always thought that because advertising this prize during it is kind of stupid because you've already paid for it. This should be an incentive to buy the pay-per-view. Yeah, I think that is part of the issue is that they advertise it as if you buy, not since you bought. Correct. Yeah, it's not a reward. It's an incentive, the way that they speak about it. Let's go to match number two. It's the Mamaloox versus chronic. Chronic, chronic, chronic. In a number one contenders match, despite the fact that the powers would be, do not want chronic to hold the titles. They don't really seem to give a shit if Mamaloox do either. Nobody cares. They all brawl to start, and Vito is wrestling wearing the hardcore title for a while. Oh, was he didn't even catch that? Oh, yeah, it's the whole thing. Oh, shit. Well, he's also on the apron for a lot of this. Brian Clark works over John at the Bowl in the corner and stops the combination with the Yernagi. Clark then works John at the Bowl over around ringside. John at the Bowl hits a slow spin kick and then tags into Vito, but then go back to the corner. And Vito hits strikes. Clark hits a sloppy tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Adams tags in, hits a phone mouse and slam. Clark hits a choke slam on John at the Bowl, and then we get a random Vito sucks shit. I was like, oh. Yeah, you don't hear that very often, and I don't really understand where or why it happened. Fuck Vito, I guess. John at the Bowl finally gets a bit of offense, but Adams' gorilla presses John at the Bowl and drops him onto his knee. Johnny hits a DDT and Vito tags in, and they go right back to the corners. Clark just walks into the ring for a double back body drop, like, not even like a fake tag or anything. Just, oh, I'm in now. Yeah. Does it, and then just leaves. Just like, what the fuck? The rules relax. Doesn't matter. They'd be in the ring the whole time. Then we get a really scary spot in this match of Brian Adams started doing an F5. I guess Vito was not told how to take this, because he like drops him on his fucking head. Oh yeah, this was scary. This could have very easily broken his neck. Luckily, he's like up and fine in a second later, but it was like, you, the crowd was like, oh fuck. Yeah. Kind of is dead for this. Yeah. That's a lot of the show, but yeah. That was just everybody going, oh my god. So it's funny that people are so dead. The audience was so dead for this show, because the rod that we just went to in Baltimore, the exact same arena, was probably one of the loudest wrestling shows I've ever been to. Yeah. So that, this arena and this fan base can get loud. They just don't care. Try not to the bullet hits a power slam, and then takes a while to set up a diving move. Like he keeps like pulling Brian Clark around like, where do I want to hit him? Yeah. He then fucks up his jump to the top rope. So like, oh yeah. And then misses his dive by a fucking mile. So all of that show voting for nothing, for a botched jump, and then you missed by a country mile. Yeah. I mean, he was really just setting up for a killer move, because Emily, I don't know if you know this, but try not to get rid of the ball that goes on to rest. I don't, right. I know. I'm actually low due, and I don't know if you're aware of this, but I'm taking the dog. Relic is race cars spelled backwards. [LAUGHS] Why? Vito just goes to ringside at this point to go play with his belt. Chronic fucks around for a while. And then he finds out. And then eventually they like fumble around and hit the high time, because Brian Adams goes to do it. And then like, Brian Clark's on the other side of him, and Brian Adams refuses to move. Yeah, why? So Brian Clark has to like, step around him. Excuse me. No, I'm on this. [LAUGHS] This is my good side. They hit the high times for the win. This was very bad. Mm-hmm. These guys are sleepwalking with no fucking chemistry. It's incredibly boring. Like, we've joked to like, ah, you know, it's not a great match, but it's flair and sting, and they get a good match and they're asleep. I don't think these guys have a good match awake, and they were asleep. [SIGHS] It was really bad, and it did kind of set-- like, if that first match didn't set the tone for the show, this definitely did. Yeah, and like, the crowd goes to sleep here, and they don't really wake up until the end. They have a spot or two, but yeah, this is a bad side. It doesn't help you also open with two barely advertised matches, if at all. Yeah. Because we'll talk about that when we get to the Hogan and Flair matches, but this show is like laid out strangely. It is, and it really doesn't make any sense. Like, strange is the right word for it. Like, I can't think of a better word, because it does not make any sense linearly or storytelling-wise. It is. It's just a strange show. But it doesn't help any of the energy either, because the energy never changes. Speaking of energy. Backstage! Pamela Paulshock interviews DDP for his ambulance match. It's an ambulance match. And she's not misspeaking. That's-- she keeps saying it like that. I almost think you're adding an extra syllable. I think she was even more wrong. I swear she said ambulance. I think she just did ambulance. Ambulance. Yeah. I don't know. It was very wrong. It was like a three-year-old learning how to say an ambulance, but-- So DDP calls her a bimbo. Well-- It says that Mike awesome is not a career killer, when she starts to say like, wait, what do you say? It's a career killer? Nah. It's like she forgot what she was supposed to say, or I don't-- I'm not even giving that much credit. She's just bad at her job. And everyone's job seems to be-- like, seems to be to be mean to her. Where I'm like, is this going to pay off to anything, or is this just-- This interaction in particular felt like, Pamela Pumpkins was given talking points. And she did not hit them. So DDP came in and was like, I guess, I'm going to do your job for you. You're going to ask me about the career killer, right? Well, let me tell you. Like, that's how it felt to me. It felt like you're on stage with somebody, and they forgot their line, so you have to feed yourself a line. Well, speaking of career killers, they then back up the ambulance, and like, almost to run over the cameraman. Like, you're going fast. Yeah, they were-- He's in the way. He was not moving. But that was just the match number three. It's Mike Awesome versus DDP in a quote ambulance match. Ambulance. Because, actually, you know what it is? We've seen a bunch of ambulance matches on TV. This is not that. This is an ambulance match, because this is an ambulance match combined with the weird stretcher match, where the referees have to like wheel you up. Like, the opponent doesn't. Yeah, so that's a stretcher match, right? Yes, but there also still is the element of you have to be put in the ambulance. Additionally, I didn't really see a ramp or like, any way to get down from the stage once you were off the stretcher. So there is that. I guess you had to like, wheel off to the side. Yeah, I think it was just don't go up the ramp. Just go around. But to me, this is not an ambulance match. This is a stretcher match. Yeah. But I guess it's not an ambulance match, because it's an ambulance match. Mike Awesome has a different theme song on Peacock for this. Don't we know why? DDP brings out Canyon, and then just like leaves him on the stage. Canyon who looks like he is still in a vegetative state, but they've just put him in a wheelchair for some reason. He's wearing the halo still. He does have like a dead look on his face, and he's just sitting very rigidly in the wheelchair, just sitting at the top of the ramp. He's no Linda McMahon. Canyon walks the Linda could run. Canyon walks at Linda could walk even slower. And then say, open your legs. What? During that spot, she has to like tell fans, open your legs so I can, I can low blow you because you're extending. I thought you were making a sexual joke. No, no, no, she has to call the spot in the ring. Yeah, be careful with the McMahon's. But commentary is like, is it really safe for him to be up there? No, it is not. They start brawling and DDP just like punches the ref. Out of like immediately. Yeah, admittedly, I don't know why the ref's here. Going back to our weird things about the roles. What is the purpose of the ref here? And we'll get to be this even more later. What is the purpose of refs and matches like this? Fair. I think referees in these kinds of matches are more timekeepers than they are referees, like in non-K-Pape, you know, like reality. Come on the outside. Hey, yeah. They go to ringside and then into the crowd for a second in a spot we get a lot tonight. Yeah. Baitlin, lightsaber fight with chairs in the ring. I love that. DDP hits it next snap. Awesome. It hits a diving back elbow, back suplex and a jumping splash. Awesome. Then drops DDP on the ropes and sets up a table at ringside. Almost admittedly awesome. Just hits an awesome bomb through the table at ringside. Oh, okay. That's it. Table down. And this is where we know that it's now a structure match. Yeah, because they put them on the stretcher and start wheeling them out. Because the difference is with an ambulance versus a stretcher match, the wrestler that they are fighting has to put the other in the ambulance, right? Technically, that's still how this ends, but... But the referees are the ones wheeling the stretcher. Yeah. So kind of not. Yeah. We don't get to that point, because DDP slips off the stretcher before that. Yeah. Mike awesome hits a chair shot to the back and then a few to the ribs in the ring. Awesome hits a frog splash and then another. And he goes for a third with a chair on DDP, but DDP moves. We then get Kimberly running out of the ring with a lead pipe. Big air quotes. Hit CDP across the back and you can see the thing bend. You can literally see it wobble like rubber. It's a fucking pool noodle. It's a pool noodle. Miss Hancock then runs out to drag Kimberly away. Were you kind of sad for Stacy Keibler in this moment? This was the only time that she was on the show, and it's a hometown show. She's from Baltimore. Yeah, the thing is... It kind of sucks. And the thing is the other option is she's not on the show. Or she tries to wrestle. They did that stupid dance spot last episode. Why can't they do something like that again? She got more screen time then than here. Hold on, you're saying that was a good thing. No, I'm saying it was more screen time. If she's a hometown hero or whatever you want to say, give her some more screen time. This was short and sweet. Let's leave it what it is. Mike awesome then gets it bold. And he goes, what if I go for a top rope awesome bomb? And by that, I mean he is standing on the top rope and his plan is to rotate DDP up while balancing on the ropes. Bestie. Like I think they've done like the modified versions of this from like the second rope. Or like, I think they've kind of done it before, but I don't think he rotates from there. Mike awesome has never had the core strength to be able to do that. I don't know. Enough. Maybe that's DDP. Despite Dudley, probably. Okay, by Dudley, he's like 100 pound soaking wet. Sure. DDP is six foot five and like 250 pounds. DDP gets out of this by low blowing, Mike awesome. Then hits a diamond cutter and this is enough to like knock Mike awesome out. Because the EMTs take awesome up the ramp and then we get Eric Bischoff's music hitting. And he immediately goes after Canyon. So DDP tackles Eric Bischoff. Sure, save his friend. In the side of the frame, Canyon casually stands up, takes off his halo, and hits a diamond cutter on DDP through tables off the stage. The way he stood up was very Linda McMahon though. I think he stood up like corner of the frame. Yeah. Diamond cutter is obviously in the center, but. Yeah, when he got up, you're right. It was off-frame, but way he stood up. That's so quick. That's the problem. Like you don't, you barely realize what the fuck's happening and that it's happening. Yeah, that's true. I did have to catch it on the replay. Canyon then puts DDP on a stretcher and Mike awesome throws DDP into the ambulance. And wins. Eric Bischoff's music is playing from when he comes out until the match ends. Yes. Post-match, Canyon reveals a new blood shirt. The reasoning behind this, which I think we'll get in a little while, is so gross and so disgusting. This is the third show in a row where DDP has been turned on by a close friend and/or wife. Why does this like, why is this DDP's character for multiple years of his career? You know what it is, that everybody keeps finding out. He's like a sick stalker. He's keeping it on the low with the fans, but his friends are finding it out. Oh my god. Who's this Sarah? It's like you're married to Kimberly, like. Who's Sarah? Matchwise, this was disappointing. It was, it should have been better. As someone who's liked a lot of both of these guys stuff, especially recently, I was like, it's kind of nothing. I'm a Mike awesome hater and it's been said and it's been known. You love him and you love DDP, so this should have been better. Yeah. It was not. I was ready. I'm like, oh, this is like, automatically best bit, but yeah. The Canyon turn is weird bad. You saw it coming though. I saw it coming. It doesn't make it weird bad and dumb. No, that's true, but it was not unexpected. Yeah. I think DDP shows up tomorrow, but he's gone for a few months after that. I don't blame him. The commentary then recaps the swerve just to get you like caught up of like, they can start speculating and this is like a type of swerve where you really shouldn't think about it at all. Correct. Don't give it any thought. Because Tony's like, how long have they been planning this? And like, they're like, I wonder if it's slambory. If Canyon was going to attack DDP and Mike awesome, just beat him to the punch. It's like, no. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure if we go back and watch the replay, it's just like, very much not what happened. Well, it's just 2000. So you probably don't have the opportunity to watch the replay. Yeah, this penned 40 big ones for that. To go to a match, I did not know what the actual rules were going to be. It's the boot camp match. I don't think anybody knew what the rules were going to be. It is GI bro versus perfection. Sean says egg versus Booker T, shut up. Booker comes out riding a zip line to the ring. This was almost cool. I guess whoever tested it does not weigh as much as Booker T. Because Booker T, the bill dude. Yeah, he's a big guy. He was moving a little slow. Yeah, he's no big cash in terms of like how big he is. But like, he's bigger than your average crew member. Yeah, because he gets a good amount of the way. And then he has to kind of like, like scoot himself. Yeah, scoot himself. But he has managed to like stop on the top rope, like on the middle of top rope and pyro goes off. Like, it was pretty cool. That's pretty cool. Okay. He saved it. Yeah. It was a very cool entrance. Do you fear the timeliness of it was bad? Or has it been enough time? Um, I think in reality, he was low enough. I mean, it's still not great. Yeah. I don't know how much time needs the past post. I'll win it for that. But I mean, we've done worse last show. True. So I didn't, I didn't really have a problem with it. Fair. Okay. I was just curious what your thoughts were. Because it is close, like in the calendar, you know? Yeah, in about a year later. Yeah. So Booker's wearing his like, you know, camo stuff, no face paint. But Sean Stasiak also comes out in camo and is rocking the face paint. No, no top on him. Breaking his mouth is hard. It was really hard to keep track of these two in the match. He says he's gonna be the pfft. I couldn't find them. And that's gonna do it for this episode of the Bust of the Seats podcast. Next up is the June 12th nitro. Emily's gonna take this one the rest delay on her own. Nick hates it when I make camo jokes. Oh, the boot camp rules are it's last man standing. Oh, and Sean Stasiak says he's going to be the perfect soldier. The perfect Sean soldier. Shoulder. Shoulder. Perfect. Shoulder. Perfect. Nope. Yeah, that's the one to give up on. Not the other one. They brought around ringside until Booker gets beat down, getting in the ring. This is spot. They also go to a couple of times tonight. And in general, where it's the, I have worked you over outside of the ring. I throw you in the ring. You've instantly recovered. Yeah. That is a 2K 24 move where it's like, I have enough stamina. Ah, get up. Recovering. Booker regains control and sends Stasiak back to the floor. They brought her to the first row, and a woman is thrilled to be on the screen. Oh, I didn't catch her. I put her out because her husband is like, hey, there's the camera. You can look at the camera. And she just keeps dancing. Look at the screen like, yeah. Oh, yes, she was very cute. I don't know what that, that needs to be studied in the human condition. What about being on a video screen is, let me dance and look stupid. I feel like it's narcissism. Oh, there was a kid next to us at the Raw we just went to, that he had like Jey Uso signs. Yeah. And they put him up on the screen for one of the like early ones. And then he kept going after it. And I'm like, but they already got you. They're not going to. It was really cute though. He was trying, but I'm like, dude, you already got your one. They're not going to go to you again. It was very sweet though. Like that kid was so excited to be there. Yeah, he was a lot better than the transphobe, a couple of rows behind us. Yeah. Got the shot. Got the shot that shit down. That was fun. Yeah, Nick and his mom went after this transphobe. It was great. I just stared him down and he shut the fuck up. Yeah, your mom had words for him. It was really funny. Back in the ring, Booker hits a sloppy diving axe handle and somewhere around here stays the axe starts bleeding. Yeah, like for real bleeding. But he's covered in camouflage. So it is hard to see. Yeah, that I will give you. It blends into the camo. Yeah, so that wasn't even a camouflage joke. That was just color joke. Color theory joke. Oh my god. Stays the axe starts to 10 punch pop and drops Booker on the turnbuckle. Stays the axe hits a jumping back elbow, which knocks Booker down for an eight count. Did not seem like a big spot for that. Like our first count of the day was like back elbow. This match was so annoying with the count though. Yeah. Like I recognize that that is the entire point of a last man standing match is to count and keep them down for 10. The referee was going to it so quickly and so often and so loudly it was just very frustrating. I think part of the problem is that last man standing matches usually have some gravitas from the story. This just didn't have that. Yeah, there was like very little if any story going into this. Spin kick from Booker gets a five count then brought up the ramp and Booker gets suplexed on the metal portion of the ramp and like oh but he's up at eight. Stays the axe hits a diving clothes line but Booker is up at nine. Booker hits a suplex then it immediately is hit with a big clothes line. They go back into the front row for a second. Stays the axe hits a padded chair shot to the back but Booker is up at nine again. Gut wrench power bomb from Stays the axe also gets a nine count and then we get a Glargay sleeper and we get the arm drops and would you believe that Booker powers up on the third one and I'm like what? It was kind of weird to get the arm drops in a last man standing kind of match. Yeah, I mean I guess that is a don't kill him. It is its own version of being counted out I guess. Like you get three if you don't respond. Yeah, I guess that would be he went to a referee stoppage. Exactly. It's like I get the frustration with it but. Yeah, it just seemed like no frustrations relative it just seemed like a weird spot to do in this one. But yeah Booker gets up immediately. Booker hits an angle slam before that's really a thing then walks into a back elbow. Harlem sidekick and the crowd is dead. A bookend gets a bit more reaction but not much. Not much. Booker starts climbing the turnbuckle mid-count and I'm like yeah clearly it's gonna get up. Missile drop kick. Chuck Palumbo then runs out with a muscle flexor but Booker fights him off. Sesiac gets a low blow with a flexor and Booker's getting double teamed as Tony says this is what the the lax rules are all about. He also refers to it as good clean fun. Booker hits a double clothesline and a spinaroonie. Scott Hudson then remarks. We're almost 20 minutes into this war. This match goes like 13-58. And it's not over yet. Booker fights off both men. Hits a big muscle flexor shot to Sesiac's head for the 10 count and the win. I say this as a compliment. Well a backhand accomplishment. This is the best Sean Sesiac batch I think I've ever seen. You said that in the night too like you're probably not wrong and this is definitely the best match on the card so far. Yeah I enjoy this. I mean yeah I'm fine with the counting and all that. I think you could have used some bigger spots for the counts. Like I think back elbow like scoops lamb count them. I feel like they could have had a couple more interesting spots. And the other thing the freshmen see with the counting is when the person who's hit is so clearly getting up quickly. When Booker is climbing the ropes he's obviously getting up. Like don't count it. And he's getting up quickly. It's just like taking time to stand up. It's not like he's down and out. Like he's not going to make it up. He's working on standing up. When the count is actually longer that has been like remarked on from commentary teams before. I was like you get up at one. You're back up and like getting hit. So like taking your time almost lets you catch your breath for a second. Okay I guess that's fair. I didn't think about like that. But yeah I mean Booker's able to have a good match with a lot of people. Yeah he is. The ending did feel kind of rushed that it was like like Booker got hit with like a bunch of muscle flexor shots and then he hits one and that's it. Yeah I don't know. I was so over this match by the ending that I was not giving in a lot of critical thought. Yeah I did not need Chuck Pullambo here either. But who are you Chuck Pullambo? He's the event. Which is just such a bad name. He's I can't make it on the actual event. I can just interfere. We go backstage. Me and Gene asked Canyon. Why? It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Oh wait no sorry that was R and N is going to hit a DDT. Right. On a man who probably shouldn't have trusted him. Canyon says it's because Eric Bischoff visited him the most in the hospital. What? And he offered him DDP's spot. Canyon was comatose. How does he know who visited him the most? Why didn't a doctor mention how many people get? Why did he look at a guest log? He was conscious just like. Yeah like just that like barely able to move. How about his comatose? No. Gene then like throws the random footage of DDP getting out of the ambulance. And in the background we see Goldberg's monster truck. But that's not all we see. We see 12 cops looking at Goldberg's monster truck and not reacting. Classic Baltimore cops. But Canyon says he's now positively Canyon. Yet again we have somebody stealing someone else's gimmick. I'm having a thing original. At least one of these men is not coming back. Like Luger and DDP will be back. Curt Hennings not coming back. True. Let's go to match number five. It is an infamous match. Is this infamous? Yes because it is Shane Douglas versus the wall. At a tables match Shane Douglas comes out. Cut the damn music. You Baltimore pieces of shit. Sit down. You're not wrong but hey. Shane Douglas then talks about it. We might see two careers come to an end tonight. I'm like buddy you're not in those matches. Focus on your shit. But he's the franchise. He's every match. Yeah he finally pivots to his opponent tonight. The wall. And he pitches a best of five tables match. So what does a best of five tables match mean to you Nick? I'm going to give you one answer now and then in five minutes I'm going to tell you what the actual rules. Oh okay that makes sense. Because that's probably the commentary here. Because commentary is like is it five tables to win or three tables to win? Because they kept saying they're going to go through five tables. And if it's a best of five they only have to go through three tables. Shane Douglas is just very not confident in himself and knows it's going to come down to the final table. I mean probably but I was just I also would not put it past them to say the wrong thing and say the first person to put you through five tables wins the best of five match you know. Like in my head that sounds like something WCW would do. No the WCW thing would be someone puts their opponent through three tables but then the match keeps going so that technically someone wins but then the other one's standing tall because they put him through like the last table. That would be the stupid bullshit they do. That sounds like story bullshit though. I'm just saying that they don't know what words mean. In a questionable move the wall comes out with a new look. I hate it. Yeah it's not a great look. He dyed his hair. Now the wall is sporting black hair and he looks even more generic. He does not look bigger. He does not look more tough. He looks generic. Yeah he and he's just rocking like plain black pants and like a tank top like. There's nothing to this. Like some sort of like band logo or something on a tank top. Yeah it's he's not terribly interested in looking here. Big boot from the wall early on and he hits a press slam. The wall pushes Douglas off a swinging neckbreaker and then punches Douglas down but Douglas hits a high knee then rakes the eyes and hits a front falling suplex and a rolling reverse neckbreaker. It's not only a spot I see a lot. No. I see it like you see it the other way but not the way he did it. They go to ringside and brawl a little bit. Douglas goes for a suplex through the table but the wall counters and hits a choke slam through the table won nothing wall. And we know this because referee Slick Johnson goes right to the camera. It's like one nothing. Oh my god he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame in that moment because he was eating that up. The wall then hits a side suplex through another table to nothing wall. And this is where commentary finally is like oh it's first and three. Okay so which one of you is stupid like somebody in this is stupid. Is it my madam? They were all saying it because once they started saying the first like first to five they all were on board with it and then someone finally got in their ear which admittedly who backstage wasn't sure and had to wait that long to clarify. Math is not their strong suit I guess. Douglas hits a low blow in the ring and then bails up the ramp to a side area with a bunch of tables conveniently there are three stacked on top of each other and a ladder. Yeah and even more convenient they both climb the ladder. Wow why and even even more more convenient the wall's back is to the tables huh. Yeah there's a stack of like I think it's two tables vertically on top of two tables horizontally. Because there is a little platform or something I think that is another table because yeah they both climb up the ladder the wall tries for a choke slam off the ladder and think where is he going to land that will murder him right because the other thing is they're saying is the wall going to somehow choke slam Shane Douglas over his head to like behind him. Yeah like no that's not. Douglas uses brass knuckles from somewhere and the wall falls through what is initially an unclear amount of tables but Shane Douglas is music hits so I guess it was three. Yeah I guess that was enough it was a lot of tables. Even in the replay because one of them is under a cloth you don't really see it break. They do the replay a bunch the wall overshot this a little bit he could have taken that a lot more smooth and soft he kind of goes ass over to get a little bit at the end but not bad enough to where I was like oh my god it was like oh okay but so yeah Shane Douglas has won the best of five tables match he cuts a promo to camera but it's a dub theme so we don't hear any of it. No yeah he's just talking I wish I could hear it. I want somebody who's like a professional lip reader to transcribe that for me. I did not try to read lips but I'm going to do my best guess of fuck you Ric Flair I hope you retire. But he was even part of this. Made the first part of the promo. I hate the french fries so much. Post-match the wall grabs the ref and choke slams him through another table to make him look strong. Yeah this is just more infamous for best of fucking five tables match. What the fuck you know it's better than one gimmick. Five gimmicks in terms of actual matching it was fine nothing special. It was not anything special which is frustrating because this did get ECW chance at some point. Why this is not this is not more than that just because there was a table involved does not mean Shane Douglas is the first E.W. champion. I don't care because he is not that anymore. He is not in W.W. what he was in ECW. I didn't like him then I don't like him now but he's not who he was. He is the french fries and he's gross and I hate him. Outside a car arrives it's Hollywood Hogan in full Hollywood Hogan gear with with the boas. In order to make way for the Hollywood Hogan car this cop car in front in front of the gate in center frame of the screen has to like I wrote the cop car eats itself out of the way. Yeah it peels out backwards like out of nowhere. And then all of a sudden this car comes through it just was so silly. I don't get why we had to see this I think the Goldberg Ross truck might still be the background. I don't know I didn't write that it loomed but it may have but like I guess I'm getting kind of tired of always having to watch people arrive. Yeah I assume you're here yeah and like we don't really do that in 2024 we do a little bit but it's not on the shows or the pay-per-views as often they are like what those you now is they've started just doing at the beginning of like hey here's here's here's here they arrived earlier sure because also it does beg the thing of like all right what if Hogan had to open the show right honestly tweet in if that's ever come up in wrestling I think we've been asked this before but has there been an instance where somebody arrives late and it's like okay you had a match you lost sorry you lost my forfeit because I don't think that's ever happened because it's storyline. What I'm saying like in kayfabe. Oh you think has that written? Yeah I want to know if it's ever actually happened. Oh no I could see like a smaller promotion doing it. Match number six oh god I don't want to do this. It's tank Abbott versus Scott Steiner in an asylum match technically for the US title. This is quickly becoming if it's not already become my least favorite kind of match. I can't tell you a single thing about this match because it is so boring and it's so uninteresting to watch. Both men come out they start brawling before the sell even lowers and Scott Steiner starts hitting belly to belly suplexes as Dave pens are announces this is now going to be a handicap match with Rick Steiner. So now there's me three men in this tiny ass cage. The tiny thing to make it a level playing field. They beat down Scott with strikes Shakira, Madezia, Taunt, Wreck and Tank from the apron. Rick hits an elbow drop low blow and then they go they go for the um they I'm gonna hold them up you punch him but tank Abbott has a chain. Rick Steiner is like well this is my brother let's not murder him like we just want to beat him down a little bit so tanks like okay I won't use the chain and then immediately puts chain back on and in a weird spot he hits Rick Steiner who I think just because it happened so quick is like almost starting to push Scott out of the way so he gets hit but then afterwards tank Abbott like stomps Rick Steiner so like did you just mean to hit him anyway or I don't know the fact that this was like gimmick within a gimmick with a storyline match but like there's not really wrestling here and what was the point Scott locks in the style of recliner on tank and wins yeah this was so boring and it wasn't even really a wrestling match it was just like three guys in a ring and let's have some other shenanigans happen at least it was short it was short eric that is a blessing it was dumb though yes this one hurt my brain but yeah that was a title match in the parking lot a limo arrives it's Rick Flair and his family the flares this would you actually see Goldberg's truck looming yes it rolls in in the in the background just looming in the back we didn't get a very brief Hogan versus Kidman package oh my god they have nothing there's no story anymore there never really was a story well there was last time and then you mean like six weeks ago and then everybody was feuding with different people and they went oh yeah it's still a match oh my god he cares me and Jean is with Hollywood Hogan Hogan says they can stick around as long as they want aren't you about to wrestle a retirement match correct Hogan calls Kidman a flea market champion and Jean notes his new look and Hogan's like you have to reinvent yourself in this business like you're just reverting back to the end of the ocean this is my new invention brother i call it the wheel but that brings us to Kidman versus Hollywood Hogan with special guest referee Horace Hogan yay Hogan's so Jesus what is what has been the story with Horace Hogan in the past few weeks honestly i don't remember he joined the new blood by turning on Hulk on Hulk Hogan sure and then he kind of was trying to steal Tory oh yeah there's a whole like pseudo cheating thing with Tory and Kidman and Hogan they like love triangle that is i guess not a thing yes because Tory does not come out with Kidman no but she doesn't come out with Horace yes well Tory low-blowed Kidman so they're like clearly broke up so yeah match starts Hogan easily overpowers Kidman early on Kidman begs off keeps getting worked over big boot no reaction Hogan beats down Kidman at ringside Hogan chose Kidman on the mat and then gets mad when Horace tells him to stop cheating somehow the most fair referee in all this is Horace Hogan he's not actually referee he doesn't understand the rules or lacks brother Kidman finally rakes the eyes and gets him off ends Kidman is mad that Horace Hogan is actually officiating being fair Hogan low blows Kidman and then whips him with a belt repeatedly Horace Hogan who supposed to be new blood for life is fine with us sure at ringside Hogan grabs a chair but Kidman drop kicks into Hulk and then hits chair shots to the back of Hogan I think this is where the chair almost ends up in the front row oh yeah Hogan kicks out of a fair count and they brawl more around ringside Hogan hits a chair shot throws the chair back in the ring Kidman dt's Hogan on the chair but man that uh that bump did not work for him brother no there's like a two foot gap in between his head and that fucking chair oh well yeah come on it's it's Hogan like he's never going to take a bump like that oh yeah he'll be so tight brother I know where to go oh my god god I can like feel my my will to live like vanishing out of my body Kidman hits a diving splash and then gets mad at Horace for not quick counting and I'm like oh man I would have loved to have seen Kidman botch a shooting star press on Hogan he hasn't done she's your presence so long would Hogan have brought out Eric Bischoff to fire Kidman on the spot if he had fucked it up and like heard him oh he'd heard him yes yes we're holding the match my creative control says the finish of this match is Billy Kidman is actually fired get the fuck out William Kidman clubs the back of Hogan until he powers up and hits an honest to god 10 punch spot he actually hits all 10 strikes holy shit haven't seen that in a minute ever ever see yeah we went back to like Wrestlemania 5 and he's still doing the fucking biting and I'm like the fuck back to ringside Jesus Christ Hogan gets pushed shoulder first in the ring post this does not phase him as he immediately hip tosses Billy Kidman through the announce table Tory Wilson then comes out for some reason she gets on the apron gives Hogan brass nucks Kidman knocks Hogan into her and then uses the nucks on Hogan but only gets it too Kidman hits Horace with the brass nucks so Tory comes in low blows Kidman she's turned on him again again we've already done this Hogan then hits a brass knuckle shot and pins Kidman Hogan then hides the evidence after like a fucking heel but again why'd you have to hide it if it's fine yeah now that you pointed out you're right you are right but Horace raises hoax hand and they hug and oh I guess they're fine again yeah so they're fine again Tory is with Horace no I know she's just a free agent now I'm pretty sure by the expay review she's with one or two people I kind of forget but I'm pretty sure she moves on to different people because I want to say Horace is done before the next pay per view like our last appearance and then I think after the pay per period he's yeah he's fully gone but yeah this story made no sense in hindsight oh yeah it all fizzled and none of it really mattered it didn't help they kept asking will Billy Kidman be hoke Hogan stepping stone to the world title it's like don't call him the stepping stone yeah this already feels like a formality don't fucking add to that don't actually imply that you're going to walk all over this man but yeah hoke Hogan has a title shot at the july pay per view wow what's that one called again all right that one will finally be bashed the beach 2000 great American bash at the beach at the bell of the ball backstage eric bischoff is stressed on the phone with somebody we never know who this is so we don't get to find out who this but the only clue that I have is he said it's in michigan who's from michigan no Montana how about this in michigan no he pretty sure he said Montana well who's from Montana broccolized here oh no eric bischoff's from Montana but tell me who's what he's talking to his mom i don't know man um security comes in is like everything's under control it's like no it's not it's very clearly not Baltimore city cap let's move on to match number eight father versus son flier versus flier flier it's david flier versus rick flier and we get a video package for this and then pamela paul shock just taunting david flier to his fucking face i don't understand this woman convince ruse i was like this isn't a fairy tale go find a pixie what okay and then we got excited we got so excited and it's a little shorter but rick flier is here with me who gee are we in Baltimore Maryland tonight it's it's short and it's clipped but we still get it yes he cuts up fired up flier promo because baltimore is flier country that is very much like nwa oh okay i was gonna say like but this is not north carolina what do you mean no no just the general like old school nwa territory okay rick's family is escorted to ringside uh david comes out putting on a nitro uk torscher like what the fuck was he wearing in the backstage promo i don't remember i did not i did not make any note of it we did set the time to blade in this match at six minutes i was so convinced no blade there was no blood i think they're not supposed to probably not but it's rick flier the fact that hogan didn't i was like i don't know rick plays the crowd to start and like is simply out wrestling david until david just hits punches and chops in the corner and rick screws up his turnbuckle spot but david throws rick around their inside and it hits his suplex back in the ring and there's never really like a oh something happened so like put david on a level playing field they are just like presenting david as a level playing field yeah which makes this a way more interesting match honestly it doesn't it came out of nowhere you're right but this makes it more interesting get a glargay sleeper to rick when he gets out with the back suplex rick then rips david's shirt open and chops him in the corner always chops rick drags david to ringside to chop him a bit more david distracts the ref so ruso can hit a bat shot and then he handcuffs rick flier referee is charles robinson by the way yes wilnidge so we got all the flares david chops rick and then locks in the figure four ruso helps pull from the outside and this figure four like you can you can make david look as good as you want in the ring and you can try to make him look he's on a level playing field with rick this figure four will tell you everything you need to know people were complaining about how long vince ruso lasted in the figure four jesus this is one of two very long figure four spots we get somehow a longer one later but it's also not really a figure four like this is a very weak figure four it's played up to be like a strong figure four because ruso is pulling on david to make it stronger or tighter or what have you he's pulling off david oh okay but it yeah it it didn't feel like it was big i don't know that being said i'm enjoying this match very much so far rick reversed the pressure and breaks the hold david then mounts rick flare to hit punches but like won't get off so charles robinson like forcibly pulls david off a rick read flare then uses this distraction to come from the crowd and go after ruso ruso pushes him over fairly hard so re comes over and low blows the ever-loving fuck out of vince ruso good for him i don't know if reed was taught how to do that properly i think he just kicked him in the balls he steals the handcuff keys charles robinson then uncuffs rick as david goes after his brother rick chops david hits a back body drop as charlotte flare who has has the handcuffs and goes to handcuff vince ruso as he calls her a bitch you don't even know who you're talking to that's the 16 time women's champion right there not yet but yeah soon whoa this was so cool i love seeing charlotte flare in this moment like she she's still very young you know she's obviously still ashley flare but like it's so cool it's so cool to see the the beginnings of her it's still wild that like at this time she had like no plans of going into wrestling no because why would she i was i'm assuming that what happened is this whole storyline was pitched and some producer or writer came to the other the girls and they're like do you guys have any interest in being part of this and the oldest one what's her name megan yeah she's like fuck no i don't give a shit and ashley's like yeah right whatever like i don't think she was like fully in it but she's like yeah okay i'll play i don't think megan gives a shit about any of this i think rick just says this is what you're doing i don't know i don't think so david flare then also like kind of screws up the turnbuckle spot and then gets closed line to the floor vertical suplex to david and he begs off david pokes rick in the eye and then goes up top but is thrown off the top rope in a very rick spot knee drop and punches rick starts working over the legs for a second then locks in the figure four and david gives up rick flare has won does not have to retire oh yeah we lost over that uh hulk hogan would have had to have retired that was never gonna happen this was never gonna happen this actually had more legs that rick might have lost but he wasn't gonna retire obviously we know this retirement matches are fucking full of lies and slander and stupidity but this is a lot of endowatch essentially having two retirement matches on this card meant nothing yeah no one retired well rick then brings russo into the ring rips his shirt and chops russo as the family kind of comes in to celebrate post match russo grabs a mic and calls rick a piece of shit it says tomorrow he's gonna retire rick flare so we're just gonna do this again we're just gonna keep going yeah this was a fairly fun match i like this one a lot yeah yeah rick flare managed to pull half decent match out of his son so props to him yeah exactly and like incorporating the rest of the family with the storyline that was going on it kind of created a good culmination of the storyline yeah it made sense for the family to get involved and have the nice kind of moment speaking of nice moments it's time for our match number nine it's the human torch match finally so this match has been again pumped up for weeks like someone's gonna get lit on fire there's gonna be a human on fire in the ring it's gonna be huge everything's gonna be fire there's fire everywhere we've called the baltimore city police department they're here they're on site they're ready to put out a fire let's get some flames yeah we get a video package for this bizarre match vampiro comes out with a gas cannon a blow torch and he lights up like a little it's like a tiki torch like a thing yeah a little like small thing that is the only way you can let somebody on fire in this match apparently we had a segment during this build where the entire ring was ablaze oh it was the ropes the ropes were on fire no they they always a video it was part of the video package we didn't get that oh did that not actually happen no that was just a video package cool photo we've seen that shot multiple times honestly i thought that it wouldn't shock me if that wasn't even for this match if they just had that footage because i don't think we get a vampiro do with that shot just sting i really we've seen that shot so many times in those video packages i really thought that that happened and i just no we get a trash can in the ring trash can in the fire i know that wrestling in general has the capabilities to have the turnbuckles have fire in them came well i know that happens inferno matches inferno matches yeah have each side with flames mm-hmm yeah this is not we know there's a capability of this why in a human torch match where the whole thing is fire why would we not do this because it has to have a torch there can also be a torch but no you also don't have to have a torch the whole point is that the human is a torch they don't understand world the human torch and fantastic forward does not come around with a uh tiki torch all uh charlotte'sville you know it they're on fire stings music hits and he's on top of the of the turner tron as i've heard it called the what because it's totally a titan tron because it's titan towers oh i didn't know that but uh stings on top of the tron and raises the torch up there and it's like you want to light me on fire you got to come up here so we're making the fire even more difficult to acquire stingman repels down the side i'm gonna scream as sting is repelling down vampiro is mad and yells at mark madden for some reason i mean do you need a reason once sting gets the ring match starts vampiro hits a spin kick early but sting gets a power slam and a face buster vampiro gets his boot up on a stinger splash and then dodges his second attempt and vampiro then pours gasoline on sting and sting being covered in gas for chooses to retreat towards the torch sure and commentary is like oh oh my god it stinks oh man smells like gas in here oh my god i don't think that was gasoline i think that was water sting low blows vampiro and they brawl on the stage they start climbing the truss and vampiro knocks sting off while they're climbing for about 10 feet up through a crash pad yeah so he's fine but there's like no reaction for the spot it just happened so quickly oh oh and he's up oh it's fine yeah it really like takes away some of the gravitas of that whole moment i think it doesn't help that you're about to go way up top so you're literally like promising something else is going to happen and then doing a lesser version true then both climb up to the top and um if this match didn't already jump the shark i think this is where it really does what with the thunder and the lightning yeah what they do flickering lighting and some thunder sounds okay rainforest cafe i see you and then they both keep disappearing from view and i'm like all right what do you what do you setting up here yeah it's like eventually we get a very very very wide camera shot wider than any of the other shots you were doing before yeah that's so weird but vampiro has the torch and all of a sudden he sets um someone who looks like sting on fire and that person who looks like sting falls very professionally off of this super tall truss into a crash pad yes he jumps we should say because he does commentary he does actually point out that he jumps like shut the fuck up don't point that out we're supposed to believe that he fell but yeah so sting has fallen off the top of the tron uh vampiro wins because he set him on fire and commentary does the a tragedy has happened voice scott hudson to get in his fucking money's worth because he is pissed and like disgusted about like get the camera off him don't like celebrate this man why are we seeing replays and it's like that is true yeah why is he replaced because you paid a lot of money for this spot because this was the whole point we knew this was going to happen it was a human torch match it was always soul that some person be on fire so the thing that they did though is usually in these kinds of like you use a stunt stunt double or something they'll cut away and they'll cut back to the whomever on a on a stretcher or whatever and it is the original person they cover this person in fire extinguisher powder smoke so densely that we never see a inch of this person's skin face hair anything we don't know this we don't know what gender what race we know nothing about this double to we just know they're covered in his literally being structured out and they're still spraying him there is not like there's no reason at that point yeah fires out it was insane the amount of i think they went through like multiple fire extinguishers worth of smoke on this guy this poor man he was like inhaling smoke probably couldn't breathe but yes it's Scott Hudson it's a straw Mark Madden is mesmerized and Tony Shavani is fucking over it he's like shoot piss yeah he's like leading back in his chair arms folded like what the fuck is my job why am i here what am i doing with my life how do i get out of this well speaking of getting out of this Pamela pumpkins is with eric bischoff and he's calling off the big surprise no big surprise everyone's done no big surprise what was the surprise going to be right the sales off is that who he was on the phone with the sale was actively falling through Pamela pumpkins read the room but it's michael buffer time what i've got michael buffer so long since april 24th it is kevin ash versus jeff jared for the debbie subtitle emily what is the story going to this match there really isn't one jeff jared keeps losing the world title is the story some guy has the title and he doesn't want to have like and then kevin ash killed everybody in the new blood yeah some guy has something that kevin ash once and then kevin ash got it so the guy they took it from once it backed that's the story well no kevin ash gave it away to rek flare and then he won it back and then kevin ash went oh no i want that who cares who cares to put over how unimportant jeff jared is mark madden talks over his michael buffer intro the entire michael buffer is so expensive and you're going to talk over this man that would be enough to fire mark madden if there's not already michael puffer also doesn't have accurate information because jared is a four-time champ and he calls him a three-time champ whatever they can't even keep track of who the fuck yeah they they don't even know who's got the title earnest miller then comes out of the ramp pre-match she's rocking a trench coat i kind of spotted the referee shirt under his jacket before that i suppose get very mad when the cat is just here i just don't like seeing the cat well since this is this is a really big show they have celebrity guests the special guest bell ringer is konan wow special guest timekeeper is ray misterio what special best belt keeper is disco and ferno starting to see a pattern the special guest rig announcer is hoovy the juice pardon um tonus why did this point out oh buffer already did the the ring reduction so we don't really need him well he just wanted to be included then there's the enforcer and referee it's the cap awesome i'm really glad you're here to play guys jeff jared has a massive elbow pad on him and i'm like more often than not that's from a fucking staff infection oh really oh you said that yeah famously the big elbow pads out of nowhere are staff infection interesting i don't really understand staff infections now they do i but i know um i know they're a big deal i know they're bad yeah i like the two ones i could think of verse steve austin and john cena and um if you ever want to not eat for a couple days listen to steve austin talk about his staff and affection and uh him trying to drain it ew nash overpowers jared early but gets distracted by the heels just getting on the apron jared hits punches in the corner but nash comes back with knees and they then go back to the corner something happens that everyone starts looking towards the ramp but then like nothing happens yeah even kim and ash like what the fuck but like nothing of consequence we get a framed up elbow and they go to the floor nash gets pushed into the ring post and uh nash drops jared on the announce table and they go into the crowd what's a count out who cares especially when the heel champion can retain his belt by a count out true the heel champion who is in favor with the higher ups hmm interesting but they didn't even start they didn't even count they didn't even try to count yes the one good bit of this is that uh kevin nash grabs a guy's beer sips it and gives it back with the guy oh my god that was wonderful nash hits a padded chair shot the jeff jared back at ringside ray hits nash in the knee with a chair and then in the ring jeff jared uses the chair more on the knee jared keeps working on the leg and tries for a figure four but gets pushed off nash is still down so jared stays in the leg including a single leg boston crab nash gets the ropes to break the hold and jared tries to wake the crowd up to little success yeah you're not waking these people up we're sleepy we're done more plotting the action and jeff jared locks in the figure four for a fucking while nash almost turns jeff jared over but can't he eventually gets in the ropes and despite being in the figure four for that long he hits the ropes immediately is up doesn't sell it at all no why would he once he's up he's hit with a ringbell by konan for only a two nash starts to come back including a side slam the jared taking out ray Mysterio mostly at the knee his injured knee his injured knee the very knee konan who's also injured and a bell shot the jeff jared yeah we have never actually fully clarified if konan and ray are cleared to be in the ring wrestling ah this isn't wrestling this is just interfering hey i just going for no attacks micky jay so nash tries to take him out at ringside but who he hits nash with a chair which just like knocks him out nash kicks out of the eventual pin and then takes out all the filthy animals jeff jared hits a stroke but takes ages to pin nash so nash kicks out nash stops a diving guitar shot with a choke slam the cat who's not the ref goes to count the three but after two oh oh he has something in his eye so this is where i think when kevin nash is down he flips off the cat i think that's this is where it was there was a point where ever when kevin nash was laid out in the ring and the cat was doing something bullshitting on the side of the ring and he just like very lazily throws up the finger yeah it wouldn't be here but he's pretty good work over it was somewhere with the cat being stupid so the cat has no plans to count a three so kevin nash jackknives the cat then he gets them out jackknives to jeff jared rick steiner then attacks charles robinson trying to get into the ring it's chaos it's become chaos i didn't even see them come out tank abbot and scott steiner just seen fighting on the ramp yeah why are you here something it's not your time the filthy animals actually get nash down finally and then the goberg monster shark pulls into the arena he's very clearly not driving this killed me because it's been looming in the background of shots for weeks now oh we definitely saw that goldberg's driving this truck we've definitely seen him get out of the truck right so this truck is being driven into the arena very carefully by a man that is so obviously not goldberg additionally logistically remember that shot that area we saw like all the cops where hogan came in that is the entrance to the loading dock which leads into that spot so they have to go through yes did this truck just run over a bunch of cops maybe is there a mass murder going on outside like all this friend joe the cop and he worked it out joe yeah from the finger poke night you remember joe oh my god he got my best bit yeah but we don't see goldberg until he's halfway down the ramp it's like it's implied we couldn't even see him get i used to he did but i think you can't look cool get out of a monster like that so let's not try also his music hits somewhere around here goldberg gets in the ring all the filthy animals bail kevin ash and jeff jared or get into their feet goldberg's in the corner ready to spear and nash just keeps pointing at jeff jared weirdly spear him do it yeah because by wouldn't you yeah but goldberg smiles at kevin ash and hits the spear on kevin nash waves yep it's the mother of all swerves goldberg is now a heal jeff jared pins kevin nash eric bischoff and russo come out of the ring as we get goldberg sucks chance which might have been piped in i'm not sure yeah because it's kind of came out of nowhere we've never heard of goldberg because even like tony shavani's like do you hear what they're chanting yeah we've never gotten a goldberg sucks chant before goldberg hugs eric bischoff invincer or so we get some trash being thrown in the ring mark madden is flip-flopping between being like he knew what the surprise was the whole time and it is like oh but was this the surprise we'll never know yeah i it was that's the big but i got called off me swarven kevin ash oh my god it's all big old swerve everything swarven somebody call the police because we got some drunk drivers of the way they're swarven but uh yeah let's make the one saving grace of the show i heal you fucking idiots oh you never saw a coming bro now all we have is booger tea to hang our hat on pretty much we love him i i'm so yeah with uh come people leave it in the upcoming weeks it's gonna be he's our hero he's interesting yeah thoughts on this actual match and then thoughts on the hill turn it was dumb like the the match itself was fine i get stylist not meant to go 17 minutes no and like it was fine there was nothing special about it and then it devolved into chaos and then there was the truck and the truck was amazing but then it just all got fucked i don't know it was it this was not something that i felt the need to watch yeah i mean we kind of talked a bit of the past weeks but we've got to make kevin ash look strong you fucking it's still going like holy shit why do we need to keep making looks wrong he's strong we know this it is known and then yeah thoughts on uh turning go bird heal nothing right after he comes back not a thing surprises me anymore this doesn't even this doesn't even make me angry i'm just waiting for this all to be done you know what this feels like this feels like when they did the like during the invasion when they did the old stone cold where it's like oh the guy you really like is back and he's back to being the way you like him and then like a week later it's like no he's a heel yeah fuck you and uh yeah this leaves a really sour taste at the end of a bad show after a bad long build why would you keep watching yeah honestly like sincerely why would you keep watching what is there coming up on monday night that you need to tune in for and i actually picked into the the raw on monday it's like the raw is a big heels get to come up and show so it's like it's a nice feel-good show for wwf wow so yeah why would you watch nitro yeah go watch the bad guys get stomped to shit on raw don't keep watching them win over here yeah they do shane invents against the Dudley boys in a tables match oh man that sounds great i don't know what we're looking forward to on nitro but i don't have the highest of hopes no but Emily that is the last pay-per-view we have before bashed the beach 2000 finally finally to get there finally october 18th the episode will be out of it but we have some episodes before then but even before that we have to go into best bit worst bit and mvp oh my god i can see us matching on all three we'll see oh i don't know because i've struggled with all three of these i don't have an mvp right now okay so why don't you start them what's your best bet best bit i think is flare flare okay i said okay agreed yeah i think that is the best bit i considered giving another match my best bit but i realized what i actually wanted to do was give booker my mvp okay yeah getting a good shane zak match that it takes talent and just booker t is just he's good he made the entrance work and he pulled it off where it actually looked cool at the end yes that is true and he still looked big and strong so are you going booker as well i think i'll do it yeah i agree and then emily what is your worst bit so i'm struggling with it i don't forever though think that this is a whole show is the worst bit no to me the worst match is the human torch match yeah the golberg heel turn has to be in the conversation because of what it means for the company i get okay when you put it like that sure if the golberg turn didn't like surprise me so it didn't elicit enough of a reaction for me to even think of it as a worst bit i will take the human torch though yeah i think i'm gonna go with the golberg heel turn because i think come monday the human torch match you can just forget about the golberg heel turn is an active stab wound fair however the way they booked the human torch match the whole lead up you shouldn't be able to forget about it on monday yeah that should have been massive admittedly we should say props to the stunt guy for doing that safely and you know and i didn't hear that they didn't go terribly so true but that's gonna do it for the great american bash thank god it has been a long time coming emily from here to bash the beach it's four nitros and that's it wow and i'll give you a little treat vince ruso does not write three of the episodes wow who does i think it's just a committee whoa okay because ruso kind of like soft quits for a little bit good fuck them okay that's exciting that's something i know the young dragons and three count will wrestle three count probably not next week because next week is the one he does right so three counts so long so Emily we have to slog through one more and ruso nitro and then we get some fun ones and then we're back to ruso all right so there is a reprieve there i'll take it but until we get on the road to bash the beach you can listen to all the back catalog including the road to the last bash of the beach last year was that the one they wrestled in the water no that was in march babe really wow that was that's the wall brother that's the wall was where they wrestled yeah it's safe show with the seven layer taco dip yeah i'll never forget that yeah that's spring breakout oh spring breakout i knew it was something around water yeah bash these last year was not okay important it is one of our most popular episodes though so okay hey i love i love me some taco dip brother no i'm bash the beach not jesus christ all right we can listen to all of that everywhere podcasts are found except for sound cloud if you want any issues anywhere let me know because i tried hosting us through spotify and kind of decided against it so we're back in the same spot where we just kind of revert it so it should be fine but let me know if you run into anywhere yeah even 112 episodes in we're still hitting some technical bombs and you know that's just who we are and we finally got an actual copyright strike on youtube real creators but you can also follow us on social media at butts in the pie set for facebook where's the butts this needs podcast and over on our patreon we have 18 bonus episodes over there including bash the beach 94 and our continuation of tna's move to monday nights that has been really fun to watch not the new monday night wars they're moved to monday nights but watching tna over there has been a lot of fun so if you want to pop in and see what we're doing over there there's a lot of tna coming up and we might have something different coming up soon too but i think let's wrap this up and let me final thoughts before we hit our out of here i'm so excited to actually be able to watch all the stuff around bash the beach you can't even understand you're so good to be let down i don't care i just need to know i need to be done i don't care i must know but until we get a passion of each and bitsies too the episode after bitsies too we haven't even talked about bitsies too halfway but until then i'm nick i am emily thanks for listening to the bust the seats podcast [BLANK_AUDIO]