Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

August 14 Omega Learning 810AM Radio | Ronnie Allen

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14 Aug 2024
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Good day to you. This is Ronnie Allen coming to you once again from Omega Institute of Learning. Delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. You can find out about our Christian Daycare, King's Kids Daycare. Email us your prayer request. If you make Jesus a Lord of your life through these teachings or through this study, then guess what? We want you to email us. Tell somebody about it and we'll send out material to you to bless you. That's what we want to do to establish in the truths of God's Word. We're here to see a nation turned toward God. By the way, if you would like to register your children for Omega Leadership Academy, always go to our website at Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching today your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. The rebirth of America and it was copyrighted in the mid-80s, 1980s and we're going through it because it's very important that we get an understanding of where we're at and where God wants to take us. Our society is in trouble and many Christians are sticking their heads in the sand and I think it's time for us to wake up and when we wake up to the truth of God's Word, you know the Word of God applies to every area, every field of our lives and so America was founded upon the Word of God. History has shown it even though there are many people that don't want to acknowledge that. Even sometimes people that go to church don't want to acknowledge that. But God formed America for the church to give us an opportunity to freely, freely spread the gospel and every system in America God that God gave. Now man interrupted it and we've talked about that. We've talked about the educational system and we may touch on it a little bit later but I want to talk to you a little bit and let's just let's look at these things and we're going to look at the Word of God here in a moment. I'm going to give you some scripture and I want you to hear it and see it but this is kind of like a hammer on a rock. In order to break a rock, in order to break open a rock, it's going to take blows. It may take 100 blows to break open this rock but when it does, see what most people don't realize about a hammer on a rock, the moment the first strike that you hit that rock, that rock starts breaking although it doesn't look like it on the outside. It breaks, it starts cracking from the inside out and these systems have been emboldened for decades now and they have deviated from the Word of God and the Word of God is hounding it. That's what's going on in case you don't realize that we need to wake up to this reality. Particularly Christians need to wake up to it and that's who I'm referring to. You know we don't think that it has anything to do with our being saved. Jesus came to save you if America doesn't exist. That is absolutely true but God has given America to the body of Christ for the spreading of the gospel and what happens, listen carefully, what happens in elections, they have consequences. What happens in America? God designed this to set it up so that the church would be the influencing factor. I'm talking about the body of Christ, okay, the influencing factor, not somebody that's going to compromise the Word of God and when we understand these things, we'll understand where God wants to take us. Where God wants to take us is beyond anything that any of us in our lifetime has ever seen because we've been, we have so deviated over a course of time that now we accept this is normal. It's not normal. This is not the way our nation was founded and it's not the Word of God. And with that thought in mind, I want you to listen carefully as we read some things here. Is the US government, this is the question, is it the master or the servant? That's the question. And it says here up once upon a time, the people controlled the government. Perhaps the government is changing that and I would, I would say yes it has been changing it for quite some time. Listen to this as we read these things. The legitimate purpose of government since the founding of America has been to protect lives, liberty and property of its citizens. James Madison summed it up well when he said, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of each other and listen to this, all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the 10 commandments of God." That's what James Madison said, one of the founding fathers. "Our founding fathers based our system of government on the first commandment. Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Might I add, I'm saying this, that means government should not be God. They understood that man was created to serve God, not the state. Since man was created in God's image, government, they reason, should be an aid to help secure man's God endowed rights. They instituted a system of representative government with dear limits upon what government could and could not do. This was carefully and meticulously carried out to ensure individual freedom. Since the founding of our nation, the goal of institutionalized government has been to be a servant of mankind, never master of man. The framers of our Constitution advocated that people governed themselves under God's laws. Government should never have the power to deprive individual rights that the Constitution stated were endowed by their Creator. The Declaration of Independence states that governments derive their power, their just powers from the consent of the government. And whenever a form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. Today we find that government is threatening our basic freedoms. Currently more than 40 percent, now you have to understand these statistics that I'm going to give you this before I read this part. I want you to hear this. This was written in the mid 80s. Listen to this. Today we find that government is threatening our basic freedoms. Currently more than 40 percent of citizens of a citizen's income is disposed on his behalf by the government at the federal, state, and local levels. Listen carefully. The economic hardship that we're now facing has escalated past this 40 percent because now they're even instituting a basic income, basic income, ensuring the government says they want to give basic income. And there is a whole group of people in Washington and around several states that want to do so. Basic universal income. That is anti-God, anti-government. The Word of God teaches differently and it's there. Listen carefully. It's there with a communistic influence. Why to do that? So that government could be God. This, listen carefully, is the anti-Christ. Listen carefully what it says. That 40% of a citizen's income is disposed on the behalf by the government at the federal state and local levels. As late as 1928, just a little over 100 years ago, federal government spending amounted to only 3% of the national income. In his book, The Sum of Good Government, U.S. Representative Phil Crane quotes Dr. Roger Freeman. Here's the quote. "By its massive entry over the past two decades into the fields of domestic public services, the national government has decisively altered the nature of the American federal system. In establishing a federal structure with the intricate system of checks and balances, the founding fathers had aimed to disperse authority so widely that no one branch or level of government and no one man could prevail over the others." Look at what has happened just through executive orders in the last four years. They conclude from history that concentration of power corrupts and sooner or later leads to abuse and tyranny. Whenever the wisdom of the age-old lesson is disregarded, its truth is brought home to the nation sooner or later with a brutal shock. American society has strayed far from its beginnings. Instead of desiring freedom from government interference, instead of looking to the government primarily as a source of protection from foreign and domestic enemies and not as the provider of services and benefits, Americans have embraced the very centralized government. The founding fathers urged them to fear and hold in check. Wow! We have allowed government to become all powerful today as we have foolishly exchanged freedom for security. Listen, the only true free, the only true security is freedom. You take freedom away and there is no security. Listen to this. Economist Milton Friedman points out the economy controls that have proliferated in the United States in the recent decades have not only restricted our freedom to use our economic resources, they've also affected our freedom of speech, press and religion. Wow! I believe that. When you take away economic freedom, you're going to affect freedom of speech, press and religion. We must awake to the fact that we have been educated to depend rather than to on dependence. Let me back that up. We have awakened to the fact that we have been educated to dependence rather than to liberty. Wow! Our whole educational system is just like that. It's more about dependence instead of freedom. Why are they so programming us to get a good job? Because a good job would bring security and not freedom. Now, don't misunderstand. A job is good, but a job can keep you just over broke as I heard one financial person put it that way. A job is just over broke. It's to keep you enslaved. We're not a slave to government for taxation and we shouldn't be. You say, "Where do you get all this stuff from the Bible?" I get this. In fact, a lot of the teachings of Jesus mentioned these things. You and I need to understand that these systems now have been inverted and broken, manipulated to educate us that you're going to be successful when you get a diploma in dependency and then you get a higher diploma after you get out of that high school with dependency again on the diploma. The fact is most higher education diplomas, over probably 50% of those people never go into the field that they've got their diploma in. And we see where we're lacking in these areas. All of this is tied together. Listen carefully as we read a little bit farther. Let me start again that paragraph. We must awake to the fact that we have been educated to dependence rather than to liberty. That we have been brainwashed by television and books to believe that it is the responsibility of government to take sources from some and bestow them upon others. Communism. Why have we done this is the question. U.S. Senator Jesse Helms provides the answer. "When you have men who no longer believe that God is in charge of human affairs, you have men attempting to take the place of God by the means of the super state. The divine providence on which our forefathers relied has been supplanted by the providence of all powerful state." I believe that this is the source of deep weakness in America because it is a transgression of the first and greatest of the Ten Commandments which is to have no other gods before me. You see without that and we don't keep God where he's supposed to be. He's the source of all freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom. He is the source of all freedom and when we deviate from that then government thinks that they are here to secure you instead of providing the security of the freedom. And they don't do that whenever there's an absence of God, there can be no good government. Are you hearing this? Let me read this quote from President Woodrow Wilson. Listen to what he says. "The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it. When we resist therefore the concentration of power, we are resisting the powers of death because concentration of power is what always precedes the destruction of human liberties." Amazing, amazing. Now, I want you to understand that many of us in America, I'm talking about Christians, have absolutely thought it doesn't matter and in reality it does matter. The word of God is true and it's true to each generation. Listen to what Jesus said. Jesus said this in John chapter number 8 in verse 31. "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him." So he's talking to those that turn to him and believe on him. And that's what God is saying right now. This is what this program is all about. That's why we've even started it is to absolutely learn Omega Institute of Learning. We need to learn Christ. Christ needs to be the head and the source. He is the head and the source of all true freedom in whatever endeavor we go into. Whether it be political, whether it be social, whether it be economics, whether it be entertainment, education, wherever it is at, as a society and as an individual and as a family. We need to understand that you cannot have any other God before him and not have the mess we have today. And yet there are many people that go to church that don't want to hear any of this. All they think that is necessary is that I received the sacrifice that Jesus paid for me and then when I die then I'll be eternally secure in heaven. I got news for you. When Jesus went to the cross he paid a price for you so that you will ensure these freedoms that you have received to go to someone else, the next generation, those in our society. So we cannot stick our heads in the sand about this. Listen carefully what he said. He's talking to believers. Then said Jesus to the Jews which believed on him. If, and God is saying this to America, if you continue in my word, you will know you are then you are my disciples and deed. In other words, you will follow indeed because you've continued in what Jesus said. And Jesus said the greatest of all commandments is to love the Lord thy God with all the heart, mind and soul. He means that in every area of your life not just on Sunday morning. We've got to wake up to this fact that you'll love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul in that voting booth. You'll love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul at your place of employment whether you be self-employed or not. You are loving the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. And then Jesus said when you do that, when you do that, you will love your neighbor as yourself. On those two, Jesus said, hangs all the commandments. But when you leave, when we leave the Word of God at the doorstep, when we walk outside the building of what we call quote the church, then guess what happens? We go back to fallen human nature and fallen human nature does not want freedom for people. This is what fallen human nature wants to do and slave. It's demonic wisdom. Listen carefully, you'll continue in my word and then you'll be my disciples indeed and meaning there's something else that will happen if you continue in the Word and you will know the truth and that truth shall make you free. I'm going to say it another way and that truth that you know now that you've got to know because you continued in the Word will keep you free. The truth of the matter is there can be no truth without continuing in the Word of God. Our founding fathers understood that. That's why individually they were searching the scriptures and then collectively when they came together they began to allow the workings of God and influencing of the scriptures to absolutely cause them to come together. No, listen carefully, no one man could come up with this system of government. It was all God influenced and God has given this nation to the church to be influential. He did not give it so that man could have freedom to squander it on a fallen human nature because in doing so you infringe on somebody else's rights that God gave them and now government has been replacing God because we banish God out of government and this is why it's so important that you and I wake up to the reality. We're beating against a rock that has been formed and it's absolutely this rock has been squashing you and I personally and the church and God wants to break this rock open and he'll do it when you and I continue in the Word of God. Government is not a replacement for God. It's subject to God through the Word of God, through the Word of God and when Jesus said all power in heaven and earth has been given in me and Jesus said that the powers that be are from God. That's what the Word of God says the powers that be are from God. What does that mean? God instituted the lines of authority and when the lines of authority think they are God then you've superseded and you've you've absolutely rebelled against the authority that's above you because God is ultimate authority and you and I need to look to him. That's where our freedoms come from. When we are not educated in this is when we turn the blind eye to it and we allow the enemy to slowly siphon off God given freedoms. Now I want to encourage you today listen God loves you with an everlasting love. Government is not your answer. Jesus is the one that died on the cross for you and paid the price and if you will allow him to enter into your heart and let his word prevail in your life you'll know the truth and the truth will make you and keep you free. Father I thank you for anyone in the sound of my voice that doesn't know you that you drew them here today. Help them to open their heart to the truth of your Word. We give you the praise and thanksgiving for them in Jesus name. Now before we go I want to tell you about a special announcement that we have. Coming September the 1st that's a Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in the morning and then again Sunday evening at 6.30 in the evening we have some special guests that's going to be with us. Tommy and Elizabeth Odell Tommy Odell is the grandson of the late T.L. Osborne and T.L. Osborne went around the world preaching the gospel and they've been in campaigns around the world and Tommy and Elizabeth have to where they've had hundreds of thousands of people show up in those campaigns and God is going to be here to use their ministry gift and you need healing you need to be here that is September the 1st 10 a.m. in the morning and then again Sunday evening at 6.30 p.m. thank you we're looking forward to being with you soon you you [BLANK_AUDIO] [ Silence ]