Reaching Out Ministries Canada Sunday Service

August 11, 2024 - Study To Show Yourself Approved Of God (Steve Wommann)

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11 Aug 2024
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Preced on name of Jesus Not too many today, but it's okay. I guess I'd be probably preaching to radio to You know Jesus is an awesome God We're living in a day in age Where we need more of each other more of God Because we're coming into a time The devil is raging The devil is out there to steal to kill and to destroy And if we are not prepared and then we do not dig into the world of Almighty God We will be hit so it's so very Important to go into the Word of God and to study to show yourself That you are approved. Can you please put that verse up there Joe? It's first of all its first second Timothy 215 and leave it up there to show yourself that you are a proof of God Approves of what that God approves of You to show what God thinks of you and me To have to study Not because of him. It's because of us We need to know how God sees you and me That we do not need to be ashamed If you are a child of God this morning if you have turned to Jesus for salvation Always remember God thinks highly of you Because he has purchased you with the precious blood of Jesus and made you want with him There is no difference his spirit is within you. You are perfect in the eyes of God He does not see you sin even though we do sin, but Lord the Lord knows Who is behind all this our spirit has been made perfect with him because it says show yourself to be as Needen not that you don't need to be ashamed Rightly dividing the word of truth We need to realize that we are in a day and age where the Word of God is Elected where governments and despots they did tread the word of God down What do we ask Christians? We lift up the word of God because it's our only hope when we read through the to the Old Testament God reminded me this morning what in the night to to to show you something when God took the children of Israel out of Israel out of Egypt He took them through the root to the Red Sea He wasn't on that had to go through the Red Sea. There was another route because of what he did not bypass that He had a reason for that. He knows that Egyptians they worshipped to see God They figured ah that you God will be destroyed there always remember God Fights for you and for me. He took it through the Red Sea They were totally caving. There was no way out. There was no hope They cried out to Moses for help and God says holy stand back and see the salvation of God Always remember the battle is not yours the battle is the Lord It's just the one that fights for you And if you are struggling this morning that you're really safe that that that the devil is bombarding you that you're not really safe They're boring and don't believe a word he's saying. That's why it says very clearly to study the word of God What you really are you are a child of God God will fight for you no matter what he will leave Everything behind in your behalf in my behalf because he loves you because he gave his life for you and for me That's why he went to the crew across to set you totally and completely free from all Sin and iniquity what the devil had in mind to destroy you this morning Whatever he had in mind to bring us down to nothing Jesus said no way I am gonna go down and I will save him and forgive him There are sins and their iniquities and I will remember that since enter iniquities no more I will write my laws into their heart and into their minds and I will forgive him everything That is our God. That is the God we're serving. You don't have to despair You don't have to worry about it. You are forgiven before God You are a child of a king a great king and someday he is coming back to get us out of this mess Hold on. Hold on. Don't give up. Don't despair Don't listen to what the devil has said to you the word of God is very clear. What we are We are a child of God. We're born again by his spirit Jesus lives within you and before I get into this message the one I really want to show us What really God looks at us how we are. Let's rise up and ask the Lord for blessing Our dear is Heavenly Father. We thank you that you love us. We thank you for your word because it will never fail It's always there for our correction for our guidance for our uplifting Lord Jesus. Thank you You will bless this message bless my lips Lord that you will speak from me bless those that are hearing Lord God And you will bless everything that's here in Jesus name amen. You may be seated Jesus when he went through when we read through the Psalms I will start with Psalms 89 that where King David wrote it down pinned it by the power of the Holy Ghost God showed it to him even though it mentions David But there is a donor David that we have a look on Jesus the son of God the son of David We'll read in in Psalms 89 starting with verse 15 It says blessed is the people that know the joyful sound They should that know the joyful sound they shall walk all or in the light of tight countenance Those that are God's not that are born again. You will rejoice your hard rejoice Just think of what Jesus did for you on the cross to bring us out of Egypt justice In thy name shall they rejoice all the day and in righteousness shall they be exalted for thou art a glory of their strength and in thy favor our Horn shall be exalted. That's the way God sees you. We are exalted because we are in his favor That's why he safety went me. He does not see anything in you. I find no fault in him He says he is mine his washed he washed you and me to his precious blood and when the blood of Jesus Christ Washed you through the dirt is no staying there everything has been wiped away For the Lord is our defense and the holy one of Israel is our king Then thou speakest in vision to the whole to die holy one and says now he's speaking of Jesus here That's his prophecy here. He says I have laid help upon one that is mighty. I Have exalted one chosen out of the people God has chosen Jesus when he was born into this world Out of all the people of Israel because he was born at you He was but still the son of God in the spirit He choose him to do what to bring us back to our father I have found David my servant with my holy oil have I anointed him with whom my hand shall be established my arm also shall strengthen him when you walk the word when you walk the face of this word when it was Here for 33 years. Nothing can twist and him. No desperate could kill him because he tried to darn is to give it to him All truth is like until the time came when he says it's done I will let myself go now. It's time for the Gentiles and for the devil to take me because his purpose Was to die for you and for me We said with whom my hand shall be established my arm also shall strengthen him the enemy shall not Accept upon him not a son of wickedness Afflict him although he tried his darners to afflict him even though he did what he could not kill him until he said I lay my life down Nobody takes my life Even though God sacrificed his son on the cross of Calvary for you and for me for our freedom for our peace that we're Enjoying this day even the peace of the land it was because of what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary Everything was laid upon him Everything that we can imagine All the sin that will ever commit in every will commit was laid upon Jesus because when he hung on the cross He had an appointment with the devil and the enemy and he said come I will have an appointment That's where I am going to destroy you devil That's where I'm going to take authority over your sin and your authority over humankind Because it's going to finish today and he finished it and he gave his life there for us And I will be down his foes before his face and plague them that hate him Imagine but my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him and in my name shall his horn be exalted I will set his hand also in the sea and his right hand in the rivers He shall cry unto me Thou art my father my god and the rock of my salvation And he always mentioned that even that the crowd my god my god why he has start forsaken me Even though he had to go through this he says I will also make him my firstborn He's talking about Jesus higher than the kings of the earth My mercy will I keep for him forever more And my covenant shall stand fast with him when god makes a covenant he will never break it When he tells you when i've told you that you harry's child when he told you that you are born again He meant it. He just didn't say a word. He just didn't meant words. He means it and he will never take it back He said you are mine. You are mine forever. He doesn't change No will he alter the thing that is known out of his mouth He will keep it for you because he's the one that is able to keep you from falling His seed now he's talking about us here We are he see that the offspring where Jesus saved us he said his seed Also, will I make to endure forever? Who keeps you who keeps you with me when it comes to our salvation? It's Jesus We don't have the power within us to do it because Jesus did it because he loves you He is your keeper of your soul because he's the one that died for you And he's gonna turn you just entrust him don't make any Don't make a mistake. You can trust him and he will keep you Don't worry. Sometimes you will despair. All you have to say Lord help Because his promises are true and amen in him. There is no altar today. There is no fault in it His seed also will I make to endure forever and his throne as the days of heaven Now if his children that's how God operates with us his children now His children forsake my law and walk and walk not in my judgments If they break my statues and keep not my commandments Then I will visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail If you fall into sin if you fall into temptations that you fall into some some sort of Something that went out of the way God does not hate you He loves you the same way as he did when he saved you he will never alter that You always will be loved. He will correct you You are a child you as your as parents when your children don't do right. You will correct them That's the way God our father does he will correct you and he will bring you back to where you're supposed to be Always remember he will chastise you sometimes it hurts. I've been through this. Don't you kid yourself? But God is very merciful. He does that because he wants to be particker of his righteousness My covenant will I not break nor alter a thing that is known out of my lips Once have I sworn by my holiness. I will not lie unto David His seed shall endure forever and his throne as the sound before him What is his seed? What is what is he talking about when he's calling a seed? The spirit of the living god when you were born again is the seed and I will prove that in the word of god Once that seed is within you once the spirit of the living god is in with you You cannot sin and if that we will turn to first John three nine and I'll show you the scripture there What god means by this first first zone Three nine that says who so ever is born of god does not commit sin For his seed remains in him and he cannot sin because of what because he is born of god Even though sure we make mistakes even though we fall into sin There's nothing what is talking about your spirit man cannot sin against god because it's perfect. It's one with god You will make mistakes. I make mistakes. That's not what it's talking about You are passed from death onto life Jesus saved you and his spirit is within you. That's where his seed became one in you That's when you become born again and then you cannot sin you are his forever and he will not change it Let's turn to Romans four Romans four in verse six seven eight where Paul where Paul the apostle stood the power of the holy goes He says now to him that work it is to reward not reckon of grace but the death And if you're trying to earn this if you're trying to earn that salvation and you you you cannot there is no way You cannot earn it. It's a gift that god has given you and me But to him that work and not for the racket, but believe it on him that justified the ungodly I think i'll be whatever it doesn't matter On god his faith has counted for righteousness Even as david also described it the blessing is of the man onto whom god imputed righteous is without works Saying blessed are they who's who naked whose whose inequities are forgiven and whose sins are covered Blessed is the man to whom the lord will not impute sin Could you imagine when god sees you he snows that we are but flesh he does not see your sin You are totally righteous before you. I always remember i was thinking and i i kind of questioned all when when Abraham all the mistakes he made He never made excuse me never mentioned it in the word of god where god says are you a sinner The reason why he never mentions it Abraham repented and god did not see that sin anymore. It's not recorded and when there is no sin There is no record of it. That's the way god sees you and me you are perfect in the eyes of god god has forgiven you everything when god looks at you he sees jesus He sees jesus and that's it because we have put on christ that's where the word the word christian comes from It's the word christ you are a christ one you got to remember when god does something when he does something he does it for real He doesn't play around he means it with all his heart and that's the way we are And there's another enclosing let's turn to romans eight very precious verse verses one and nine it says there is therefore now no condemnation If god says you are not condemned you have passed from that onto life There is no condemnation in you nobody can then contain condemn you before god because why There is no condemnation to them which are in where in church In the colony in religion oh Those that are in christ jesus who walk who walk not after the flesh But after the spirit and what he's saying those who walk that after the spirit after the those that are born again Once you're born again, you are not in the flesh anymore You are born again by his spirit and that's as true as true as the word of god can bring it You are not condemned god does not condemn you cause on the cross He took care of that condemnation that always was on us He took it out of weight nearly to his cross and said you and me totally and completely free But to in verses nine it says but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit If so he that he if so be that the spirit of god dwelling you Now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his he is talking to the child of god here He's talking those that are born again once you are in jesus You are in the spirit you are born again You are his child there is no condemnation and that never will there you will stand before god pure And holy because of what he did on the cross of calvary Young people always remember when you will stand before your god You will not stand you will stand by yourself Your parents will not be there to say this was a good child. No, it's only you and god That's why when you're young and tender search out the scriptures go into the word of god Seek the lord why he can be found because there a time will come when it will be harder But now is the time now is the accepted time to awake out of sleep Is to turn to jesus for salvation because he's coming back soon And he loves you and me and he will keep you and me because it's the only one that can keep us No one else can so thank you and may the lord bless you and make your blessing